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General  Index 

Division  of  Archives  and  History 

Senior  Historian 




15— D64-2000 


Regents  of  the  University 

(with  years  when  terms  expire) 

1968  Edgar  W.  Couper,  A.B.,  LL.D.,  L.H.D.,  Chancellor  -    -    -  Binghamton 
1967  Thad  L.  Collum,  C.E.,  V ice-Chancellor  -------  Syracuse 

1978  Alexander  J.  Allan,  Jr.,  LL.D.,  Litt.D.  -    - Troy 

1973  Charles  W.  Millard,  Jr.,  A.B.,  LL.D. Buffalo 

1970  Everett  J.  Penny,  B.C.S.,  D.C.S.  -    -    - White  Plains 

1972  Carl  H.  Pforzheimer,  Jr.,  A.B.,  M.B.A.,  D.C.S.  -    -    -    -  Purchase 

1975  Edward  M.  M.  Warburg,  B.S,  L.H.D.  -    - New  York 

1971  J.  Carlton  Corwith,  B.S.    -----------  Water  Mill 

1969  Joseph  W.  McGovern,  A.B.,  LL.B.,  L.H.D.,  LL.D.  -    -    -  New  York 
1977  Joseph  T.  King,  A.B.,  LL.B. Queens 

1974  Joseph  C.  Indelicato,  M.D.      ---- Brooklyn 

1976  Mrs.  Helen  B.  Power,  A.B.,  LittD.  --- Rochester 

1979  Francis  W.  McGinley,  B.S.,  LL.B. Glens  Falls 

1966  George  LX  Weinstein,  LL.B. _.._  Hempstead 

1980  Max  J.  Rubin,  LL.B.,  L.H.D. New  York 

President  of  the  University  and  Commissioner  of  Education 

James  E.  Allen,  Jr. 

Deputy  Commissioner  of  Education 
Ewald  B.  Nyquist 

Associate  Commissioner  for  Cultural  Education 
Hugh  M.  Flick 

OCT  2  8 1966     f  >^ 

^S/ry  OF  to»s| 


v   K 



Volume  XIV 


Preface    iv 

General  Index  i 

Errata  (Addenda)    645 

•  v '    »  .<"   1  1 

General  Index 


The  13  volumes  of  the  Sir  William  Johnson  Papers  are  a  rich 
storehouse  of  historical  data  for  the  period  of  the  18th  century 
(1738- 1 774)  which  they  cover.  Unfortunately,  the  circumstances 
of  their  publication,  some  in  mutilated  form,  and  in  three  chrono- 
logical series,  have  been  a  barrier  to  their  general  use.  There  have 
been  repeated  demands  for  an  index,  which  hopefully  may  now 
be  satisfied. 

The  appearance  of  this  Index  marks  the  completion  of  a 
publishing  venture  which  has  spanned  more  than  a  century.  The 
first  Johnson  manuscripts  were  acquired  by  New  York  State  in 
1800  (see  "History  of  the  Manuscripts,"  I:xiii).  By  1866,  26 
volumes  of  manuscripts  formed  the  basis  of  the  collection  of  the 
New  York  State  Library.  In  1849-50,  a  number  of  these  docu- 
ments were  published  in  volumes  II  and  IV  of  the  Documentary 
History  of  the  State  of  New  York,  edited  by  E.  B.  O'Callaghan. 
Further  official  letters  and  documents  of  Johnson  were  published 
in  volumes  VI,  VII,  VIII,  and  X  of  Documents  Relative  to 
the  Colonial  History  of  the  State  of  New  York,  also  edited  by 
O'Callaghan.  The  first  State  Historian,  appointed  in  1895,  began 
editing  the  documents  for  publication.  He  had  these  in  galley 
proof  in  1907,  when  his  successor  stopped  the  project,  on  the 
grounds  that  the  editing  did  not  meet  scholarly  standards.  Before 
the  work  was  resumed,  the  Capitol  fire  of  191 1  had  seriously 
damaged  or  destroyed  many  of  the  manuscripts,  and  publication 
was  further  delayed. 

The  first  volume  of  the  Sir  William  Johnson  Papers  appeared 
in  1 92 1.  By  the  time  volume  VIII  appeared  in  1933,  enough  new 
material  was  found  in  other  libraries  to  justify  a  new  series,  begun 
with  volume  IX  in  1939.  Many  of  the  gaps  due  to  loss  by  fire 
could  now  be  filled  with  copies  from  other  major  collections,  and 

volumes  X,  XI,  and  XII  were  planned.  While  these  were  being 
edited  and  published  (1951-57),  a  sufficient  number  of  important 
Johnson  papers  were  discovered  to  justify  the  publication  of  a 
supplementary  volume,  XIII,  in  1962. 

Now,  with  the  publication  of  the  index,  the  series  which  is  the 
fruit  of  the  labors  of  many  dedicated  scholars,  and  thousands  of 
hours  of  painstaking  labor,  comes  to  a  close. 

Users  of  the  Johnson  Papers  need  to  be  cautioned,  however, 
that  this  series  and  its  index  do  not  cover  the  many  Johnson 
documents  which  were  published  in  the  Documentary  History 
or  in  Documents  Relative  to  the  Colonial  History;  it  was  the 
policy  of  the  editors  from  the  beginning  not  to  reprint  these 
papers.  Many  are  listed  in  Day's  Calendar  of  Sir  William  John- 
son Manuscripts  (1909),  and  are  noted  in  the  first  chronological 
series.  They  are  also  included  in  the  Chronological  List  in 
Volume  XIII. 

As  far  as  possible  this  is  a  topical,  or  subject,  index  and 
seeks  to  classify  references  in  their  most  useable  form.  Some 
arbitrary  decisions  had  to  be  made  in  choosing  among  multiple 
spellings  of  Indian  names,  and  in  limiting  cross-references.  A 
great  effort  was  made  properly  to  identify  persons  and  places 
where  references  were  general  or  vague,  and  here  some  errors 
may  have  crept  in,  as  they  have  in  the  general  editing.  Yet,  the 
wisdom  of  the  course  followed,  we  hope  may  be  proved  in  the 
use  which  is  made  of  the  index,  and,  for  this,  we  trust  it  will  be 
found  adequate. 

The  laborious  and  monumental  task  of  the  indexer  was  per- 
formed by  Mrs.  Roberta  Blache,  to  whom  the  editor  wishes  to 
pay  high  tribute  for  her  skill,  industry,  and  patience.  He  is  con- 
fident that  many  will  echo  his  thanks  for  her  accomplishment. 

Milton  W.  Hamilton 
Senior  Historian,  Division 
of   Archives   and   History 




Aaghrogo  (Onondaga),  10:182;  13:178 
Aanansseraquedera  (Delaware  chief),  10:896 
Aaron  (Caghnawaga  sachem),  1:56 
Aaron  (Canodadiro — Mohawk),  10:180;  13:173 
Aaron  (Mohawk  sachem) : 

on  Canadian  scalping  trip  (1756),  9:488-89 

at  Detroit  Congress  (1761),  13:256,  264 

Detroit  mission  (1760),  10:149,151 

Detroit  post  to  Fort  Pitt  (1763),  10:606;  11:11 

on  Detroit  smiths(1762),  3:915;  10:560-61 

on  French  attack  threats  (1748-49),  1:200;  9:55 

Gladwin  on  behavior  (1764)  of,  11:192 

on  Iroquois  involvement  in  Western  uprisings  (1763),  4:213;  10:870,  871-72 

Kayaderosseras  settlers  and,  11:359-61;  12:538 

Maisonville  and,  5:686 

meeting  request  (1761),  10:240 

on  Montreal  expedition  (1760),  10:180;  13:173 

Niagara  expedition  (1755)  recruitment,  1:777 

at  Oswego  Iroquois  Congress  (1759),  13:146 

presents  (1755-56),  2:568,  576,  633 

(1759),  3:155,  157,  159,  160,  161,  165 

on  Shawnee-Delaware  conference  (1763),  4:255;  10:939 

on  threat  of  general  Indian  War  (1763),  4:213 

Tionnonderoge  dispute,  8:955,  965 

Wilkins  and,  4:192,  219;  10:907,  918 
Aaron,  Sarah,  5:154 

Abbadie  de  Saint  Germain,  Eugene  d',  4:403ra,  761,  765;  11:517 
Abbe,  Ezekiel,  13:54 
Abbet  (Abbit),  ,7:976 

Abbetts  (Indian),  11:349 
Abbeville,  Nicolas  Sanson  d',  l:268n 
Abbott,  (artist),  13:ra 

Abbott,  Edward,  lieut.  (Royal  Artillery)  : 

Brehm  and,  4:836;  10:765;  11:923 

Chippewa  conference  (1769),  6:716 

commissary  application   (1767),  5:545 

Detroit  courts  of  enquiry  (1765),  4:673,  676 

Indian  council  on  Pond  murder  (1773),  8:788 

marriage  (1765),  4:733 

Quebec  visit  (1773),  13:623 
Abbott,  James,  5:485 

fraud  trial,  5:469,  817;  12:216-17,  290 
Abbott,  Richard,  1:219 
Abeel,  Mrs.  ,  1:207,  260;  9:37 

Abeel,  David,  1:241,  247,  252;  7:469 
Abeel,  Garret,  3:596 
Abeel,  John,  1:167;  9:588,  690;  13:73 

arrest  (1756),  9:398 

Beaubassin  and,  9:51 


Abeel,  John,  biographical  note,  13:229n 
Couagne  and,  9:557 

on  French  attack  by  Oswego  (1757),  2:704;  9:687,  697 
Indian  expenses,  2:643;  9:21 
Iroquois  recruitment,  9:534 

land  holdings  (Teuthendocta),  3:732,  749;  6:40,  11:865;  12:828-29 
liquor  trade  of,  2:326,  388 
Onondaga  complaint   (1761)   against,  13:229 

Senecas  and,  2:499,  665-66,  668-71,  683;  4:281;  9:327,  584,  5S5-86,  602,620 
wife  mistreated  by,  13:321-22 
Abeel,  Mrs.  John,  13:229n,  321-22 
Abeka  Indians,  9:573;  12:56 
Abel  (Eiver  Indian),  3:151 
Abell,  John,  see  Abeel,  John 
Abenakis  (St.  Francis)  Indians,  1:284 

Aughquisasne  intrusion    (See  Aughquisasne  Indians,  Abenaki  dispute) 

bell  for,  4:874 


Canadian  Indian   (Johnson  Hall,  July-Aug.,  1770),  12:839-47 

Claus  (1773),  13:619,  717 

Fort  Johnson  meeting  (March  1762),  10:409-15,  431 

Fort  Stanwix  Congress  (1768)  and,  12:665 

at  German  Flats  Congress  (1770),  7:818-19,  893-94,  897-98 

Isle  a  la  Motte  (Sept.  1766),  12:173-74 

Johnson  Hall  (July,  1768),  12:569-71,  579-80,  646 

Missisauga  (Johnson  Hall,  July,  1770),  12:830-35 
deputation  to  Johnson  (1765),  4:782 
expenses  (1770-74)   in  behalf  of,  12:867;  13:707,  708,  710,  711,  713,  714, 

715,  717,  720,  721 
French  sympathies,  2:397;  9:140;  10:422,  425 
Gill  and, '13:619,  717 
land  claims,  4:811;  5:635,  707 

Canadian  grants,  4:308,  318 

Metcalf  and,  8:840;  12:1027;  13:617 
location  of,  4:242 
Loups  d'Orange    (Stockbridgo  Indians)    and  3:281-82,  350,   353,  359,  360, 

402-403,  623,  660,  664,  830;   10:308,  346-47,  409,  410-11,  413,  431,  448 
Montreal  capture  and,  3:751;  10:186,  187 
New  England  soldier  among,  3:377 

priest  for,  4:811;  5:707;  7:531;  10:415;  12:571,  580,  845,  846 
Roubaud  and,  3:279n,  281-82,  332,  346,  350,  353,  356,  402;  5:707;  10:415 

resettlement  proposal  (1761),  3:555-56 
saw  mill  of,  12:173 
smith  for,  10:194 

Spanish-French  threats  of  attack  (1768),  12:622 
Villiers  message   (1763),  10:819-21 
warrior  faction  against  chiefs  (1773),  13:619-20 
Western  Indian  message  (1763),  3:273n;  4:180;  10:792 
white  boy  (Jonathan)  fostered  by,  10:165,  166,  167 
See  also  Onagonque  Indians 
Abercrombie,  James,  capt,.,  maj.  (son  of  Abercromby),  2:747;  4:254;  10:863n 

Oswego  cattle  supplies  (1756),  2:521;  13:87 
Abercromby,  James,  maj.  gen. : 

at  Albany  Council  of  War  (July,  1756),  9:487 

American  arrival  (1756),  2:482,  483-84 

arms  shortages   (1758)  and,  9:889,    891-92,  895,  900-901;  13:109 

autograph,   2:xiii 

as  commander  in  chief,  2:800;  3:34n;  9:399,  483-84,  887-96 

Couagne  and,  2:746-47,  748-49;  9:915-16 

Easton  Council   (1758)   and,  2:812-13,  814-15,  824-30,  838-39,  896:   3:1-2 

9:954-55,  967,  969;  10:2 


Sir  William  Johnson  Papers 

Fort   Edward   command,   2:849,   852,   867,   871,   872,  9:543,  550,   614,   640 

Fort  Frontenac  capture  (1758)  and,  10:1,  3,  4,  5 

Fort  Hunter  garrison  and,  2:722-73 

French  threats    (1758)    and,  2:849-50;   9:874-75,  877,  878,  917-18,  920-21, 

930-31;   10:3-7,  9,  10,  15,  21-22,  26,  27-29,  40,  41-42 
German  Flats  destruction  (1757),  2:758-60 
German  Flats  trade  (1758),  2:892;  9:919,  922;  10:67,  71 
on  German-Indian  relations  (1757),  9:679,  684 
Indian   recruitment  and,   2:506-508,   509,   743-44;   9:889,   891-92,   894-95, 

917,    920,    922,    936-40,    944-45;     10:6-7,    8,    9-10,    11-13,    14-15,    17, 
22-23,  29-30,  31,  41,  42,  54,  316 

Mohawk  war  parties  (1758)  and,  9:907-908,  916 
Iroquois  French  alliance  rumors   (1758)   and,  10:3-8,  28-29,  53-55,  316 
Iroquois  Neutrality  decision  (Onondaga  Council,  1758),  2:821-22,  839-40, 

866,  867;  9:901-906 
Jere  murder  news,  13:89 
liquor  confiscation  order  (1758),  2:841 
major-general  commission,  2:450 
Mohawk  River  defense     (1757-58),    2:739-41,    768-69;    9:670-73,    675-77; 

13:101-104,  109 
Ohio  French  threat  (1757)  and,  9:593-94,  614 
portrait,  10:2 
on  provincials  and  British  regulars,  9:484-85 

Quebec  expedition  plans  (1758)  and,  2:887 

ranger   company  and,  2:763,   837,   840,   886;    9:486-87,  494,   906-907,   920, 
922;  13:101-102,  103-104 

regiment  of,  2:683 

return  to  England,  3:636;  10:85 

Rogers  endorsement  (1770)  by,  7:732 

Shawnee-Delaware  uprisings  (1756),  2:499-501 

Ticonderoga  attack   (1758),  l:548n;  8:1068;   10:54 

Iroquois  addrejss  after  retreat,  2:886;  9:941  -42,  952-53,  965;   10:67,  71 
Lake  George  summons,  2:843-45,  849-50,  851-55,  866-70,  871,  872,  886; 

9:922,  936-40;  10:6,  8,  9-10,  11,  14-15,  17,  21,  22-23,  29-30,  31,  42 
map,  2:872;  9:962 

warrants  for  Johnson,  2:779,  837,  867,  888;  3:5;  9:889,  892,  907,  969-70: 
10:2,  10,  14,  15,  16 

Wraxall  and,  2:741;  9:853;  13:99 
Abraham  (slave),  7:231,  232 
Abraham  (Canajoharie),  3:157,  160;  9:461,  468;  10:626 

on  Montreal  expedition  (1760),  10:181;  13:175 
Abraham  (Delaware),  3:771 

Seymour  execution  witness,  12:271;  13:418 
Abraham  (Asserego — Mahican  sachem),  9:791;  11:62,  66 

on  land  frauds,  10:853-54;  11:361 
Abraham  (Eaidone — Mahican),  10:183;  13:177 
Abraham  (Mohawk  chief,  brother  of  Hendriek): 

Boston  journey  (1751),  1:357,  358 

on  Crown  Point  (1755)  expedition,  1:882;  2:126,  127 

death  (1757)  of,  9:589,  593,  594,  595,  600,  603,  620,  621,  626,  628,  650 

at  Fort  Johnson  Iroquois  Congress  (1756),  9:354,  392-93 

Ilartwick  and,  2:417 

In.lian  expenses,  2:568,  573,  604,  621,  638;  9:18,  24,  52,  53,  651 

at  Iroquois  Council  (1755),  1:628,  630;  9:176-79 

land  deed  (1751)  to  Johnson, 13:15-19 

Logstown  conference  (1753)  refusal,  13:23-24 

on  military  relations  with   fiulians,  9:617 

as  minister  to  the  Iroquois,  9:52,  53-54 

Mohawk  French  intrigues  (1755)  and,  1:489-90 

on  Mohawk  garrison,  9:498 


Abraham   (Mohawk  chief,  brother  of  Hendrick),  Nickas  and,  9:62 

Susquehanna  Purchase  signature,  1:405 
Abraham  (son  of  Hans,  Mohawk),  8:965 
Abraham  Tayorheasere  (Little  Abraham,  Mohawk  sachem  and  chief)  . 

boundary  line  proposal  (1765)  and,  11:766-67 

on  Canajoharie-Klock  dispute  (1766),  12:167-68 

Catawba  message  (1758),  9:960 

Cherokee-Iroquois  peace  (1767),  12:394 

condolence  for  the  Bunt's  sister,  10:501 

condolence  for  Kanodock,  10:901 

at  Fort  Johnson  conferences  (1761),  10:223-25,  236,  241 

at  Fort  Johnson  Iroquois  meeting  (1762),  3:694-95,  704-705,  714 

Fort  Stanwix  Congress  (1768)  and,  12:504-507,  516,  626,  628 

French  capture  of  Fort  William  Henry  (1757),  9:819-21 

at  Harris  Ferry-Lancaster  Congress  (1757),  9:736-37,  745-48,  749-50,  753. 
57,  761-62,  782 

horse  stolen  from,  6:99-100 

at  Johnson  Hall  Iroquois  conference  (March  1763),  10:626 

Johnson  Hall  Iroquois  Congress  (Sept.  1763),  10:800-801,  845 

on  Kayaderosseras,  4:584;  11:359-61,  379-80,  381,  554-55;   12:126-27,  260, 
settlement  negotiations  (1768),  12:530-43,  566-67,  572-78 

on  Lawyer  patent  division  (1767),  12:304-305 

Lydius  recruitment  (1755)  for  Shirley,  1:786 

on  Mohawk  Eiver  threat  of  Indian  attack  (1764),  11:24,  25 

on  Montreal  expedition    (1760),  10:180;  13:174 

at  Niagara  Congress  (1764),  11:295 

Oswego  Iroquois  Congress  (1759),  13:139,  140 

presents,  3:154,  159 

Schoharie  Indian  land  complaints  and,  5:528 

on  soldier  abuse  of  Indians  (1758),  13:104-107 

Stockbridge  Indian  agreement  (1768),  12:603-604 

Tionnonderoge  dispute,  8:955,  965-68 

war  party  (1757),  9:795 

war  party  (1759),  10:99 

on  Western  Indian  threats  of  uprising  (1767),  12:363 

on  Wyoming  settlement,  4:67 
Abraham  (Narragansett),  4:155 

Abraham  (Tekekedorea — Onondaga),  10:182;  13:178 
Abraham,  Betty,  4:159 

Abridgement  of  the  Indian  Affairs  (Wraxall),  cited,  2:762ra 
Abridgement  of  the  New  Yorlc  Indian  Records  (Wraxall),  l:467n 
Abthorpe  and  Byard,  1:770 
Acadia,  see  Nova  Scotia 

Acadian  Indians,  3:555;  see  also  Nova  Scotia,  Indians  of 
Acadian  Eiver,  3:554-55 
Achonnere  (Wyandotte),  10:202 
Achsinnessink  (Sinsink),  4:288;  11:85,  91,  94n 
Ackard,  William,  3:90 
Ackerman,  John,  sergeant: 

as  trader  at  Oswego,  1:124,  235,  290,  350-51 
Ackeson  (Acheson,  Eckerson),  Thomas,  capt.,  5:142,  456-57,  557 

accounts,  3:170;  4:373;  13:516 

justice  appointment  list  (1770),  12:783,  811 

recruitment  (1764),  4:363 

Schohary  patent,  7:337-38;  11:974-75 
Acquawga  Indians,  see  Oquagas 
Adaarious  (Onondaga),  11:478 
Adageghtinge,  see  Charlotte  River 
Adair,  Dr.  James,  2:758;  6:531,  682 

book  dedicated  to  Johnson,  6:752 

Sir  William  Johnson  Papers 

"Origin  of  Ye  American  Indians,"  6:723,  7:253 
Adam  (Mohawk),  4:311 j  10:180;  13:173 
Adam  (Oquaga),  8:1049;  9:391,  703,  712,  714 

condolence  for  Christopher  Johnson,  10:771 

Fort  Johnson  conference  (May,  1762),  10:442,  443,  444 

at  Fort  Stanwix  Congress  (1768):  12:628 

Fort  William  Henry  capture  (1757),  9:817-19 

Harper  land  purchase  offers  and,  12:260,  346 

Johnson  Hall  conference  (Sept.  1762),  10:518 

Johnson  Hall  conference    (February,  1764),  11:37-38,  38-41,  49-50 

protests  (1766)  against  frontier  murders,  12:95,  137-38 
Adam  (Susquehanna  Indian),  9:349 
Adam  (Onowarandio— Tuscarora),  10:182;  13:176 
Adam  Akoyote  Son  (Onderohokte— Oneida),  10:182;  13:176 
Adams,  ,  2:137,  475 

Adams,  (Lake  George  wagoner),  9:228,  229 

Adams,  Hans,  11:488 

Adams,  John,  Ousterhout  trespass  suit  bond  (1770),  13:496-97 
Adams,  Eobert,  trader,  4:417 
Adams,  Samuel,  1:857;  7:753 
Adams,  T.,  2:x,  xi,  xii;  13 :x 
Adams,  Thomas,  7:661;  8:527 
Adariaghta  (Huron  chief),  13:254 
Adarundungas  (Chugnut  Indian),  12:628 
Adawadeanies,  2:664 
Adcondonga,  2:688,  700 

Addison,  capt.,  Oswegatchie  command  (1769),  12:755 

Addongat  (Odongot,  Seneca  chief),  12:389,  628 

Ademare   (Adhemar),  ,  in  Bradstreet  accounts,  6:435-36;   11:590 

Adems,  Dunlap,  8:412-13 
Adems,   Eobert,   1:131,   245;    2:492;    3:179;    5:294,   331,   339,   340,   408,   475; 

6:331;  8:985;  12:996 


1768,  12:648;  13:532-37 

1769,  7:275-76,  297;  12:760;  13:538-50 

1770,  7:844-48;  12:803,  856,  857,  870;  13:550-66 

1771,  12:901,  926;  13:567-85 

1772,  12:948,  1002;  13:585-603 

1773,  13:604-16 

1774,  8:1094; 12:1121 
ammunition  order  (1767),  12:288 
Argin  and,  8:611 

Bradstreet  and,  7:537,  634 

In  Campbell  account  (1756-65),  13:335,  336,  337,  372 

Campbell  boatload  of  provisions  (May,  1770),  12:820 

Canajoharie-Oneida  land  deed  witness  (1751),  13:17 

carrot  seed  delivery,  8:1002 

Cartwright  and,  7:1030 

Chew  (Joseph)  and,  6:460;  7:1147 

Claus  and,  3:355 

creditors  of,  4:212;  5:87;  6:501-502 

Darlington  and,  4:845 

on  death  of  Claus  daughtor,8:909-10 

Duyckinck  bill,  7:751 

English  imports  (1770)  and,  7:755,  768,  798,  971 

Flood  (Thomas)  and,  6:350 

Fonda  boatload  of  corn  (1769),  12:742 

Fort  Stanwix  Congress  provisions,  6:311-12,  313;  12:555 

Indentured  servants  procured   (1766)   from  Wade,  5:175,  176,  191    192 

Inglis  and,  7:761,  766 

Johnson  portraits  and,  2:x;  13:xiii 

Johnson  will  and,  12:1072,  1074-75,  1076 


Adems,  Robert,  land  purchases: 

Denniston  lands  (Bayard  tract),  7:465-66;  12:794,  795,  986 
indenture  deed  (1771),  8:266-70 

Oriskany  patent  (Oneida  lands),  12:753,  811-12,  824,  960;  13:531 
Schoharie-Mohawk  village  vacancy  (1770),  12:836,  855,  875 
Mayfield  settlement  and,  8:1051 
memorandum  of  stores  (1768),  6:510-11 

at  Mohawk  conferences  (Guy  Park,  May  1768),  12:504,  515 
money  sent  by,  7:204,  205,  210,  211,  219-20,  225,   236-37,  244,  340,   760, 
767-68,  794,  799,  801,  972,  982,  983,  1032;   8:157-58 
Gage  Indian  Affairs  payments    (1766),  5:368;   12:159,   180,  206,  213, 
218,  220 
Monier  and,  8:1069 

Mortier  and,  5:796;  6:505,  506,  533;  7:603,  604,  711,  757-58,  847;  8:505 
oath  of  allegiance,  8:656 
Oswego  attack  threats  (1756)  and,  9:342-43 
Oswego  Congress  (1766)  provisions,  12:112-14 
in  Phyn  and  Ellice  accounts  (1768),  13:480,  481 
potash  affairs,  6:639;  7:59,  395-96;  12:1072 

purchases  for  Johnson,  7:205,  220,  223-224,  229,  233,239,777-78,783;  8:73, 
114-15,  157,  165 

accounts  daybook  (1768-73),  13:532-616 
Eoberts  and,  8:135,  631 
Ross  on,  1:327,  328 
salary,  2:613 
tailor's  bill,  7:743 

Tryon  County  elections  (1772)  and,  12:1014 
Wallace  account,  8:605 

Wetherhead  and,  6:286,  314-15,  747,  1014,  1025 
Adems,  Mrs.  Robert,  1:930-31;  2:x 
Adems,  Thomas,  12:787,  811-12,  819 
Adems,  Dr.  William,  8:709,  1051;  12:1087 
accounts  (1773)  for  medicines,  8:845-47 
biographical  note,  12:1062n 
witness  to  Johnson  will,  12:1062-63,  1075,  1076 
Adenair  and  Rosseaux,  Bradstreet  arms  supply  (1764),  12:733 
Adighwadooni  (Aughquisasne  Indian),  7:109-11 
Adigo  Creek,  8:236,  301,  396 

Charlotte  River   (Adageghtinge)   patent  and,  12:787,  788,  818,  875.  958 

deed,  8:414,  543,  592 
purchase  offers  on,  8:422-23;  12:826 

chief's  death  (1769),  7:130 
Claus  meetings,  8:214n;  13:467,  622-23 
distrust  of  the  English,  3:394-95 
flag  for,  13:712 
Fox  hostilities  (1773),  13:622 
French  attack  on  Fort  Edward,  2:677,  691 
French  sympathies  (1751),  9:85 
Hurons  and,  13:624 
location  (1763),  3:240rc;  4:242 
(1773),  13:623 
Ottawas  and,  9:533 
prisoners  of,  3:404 
recruitment  (1764),  4:426 
Skequanecks  and,  12:175 
smallpox  epidemic  (1756),  9:412 
trade,  4:540;  12:174-75 

liquor  trade  protests,  12:347,  972 

Sir  William  Johnson  Papers 

on  travel  restrictions,  4:516 

Western  Indian  message  (1763),  3:273n;  4:180;  10:792 
Adiushkanoran  (Onondaga),  12:628 
Adjonquay,  2:490 
Adjuketa  Kiver,  10:866,  891 
Adolphus,  Isaac,  8:950,  1023,  1072 
Adonissaiy,  10:972 
Adrianople,  7:945 
Adundais  (Mohawk),  10:181 
Adungat  (Indian),  10:893 
Ad'yadarony  (Caghnawaga),  13:165-66 
Adynghkannorum  (Huron  chief),  12:169 
Adyughkanoorum  (The  Priest — Oneida),  11:109,  110 
Affarandungas  (Onondaga),  3:165 
Africa,  3:24;  11:223 
Agar,  ,  6:683-84 


Albany  harvest  (1755),  1:809-10,  819 

barley,  4:870;  7:501,  1014;  8:476,  478;  11:562;  13:210 
New  Jersey,  7:866,  904 

buckwheat,  13:182,  210 

Caghnawaga,  7:130-31;  10:373;  12:688,  738,  1026 

Canadian,  2:786;  3:403,  413,  416;  8:840,  866 

Canajoharie,  9:393,  547;  11:783-84,  813,  985,  986;  12:345 

carrot  seed,  8:744,  912,  984,  1002;  12:1040 

at  Castle  Cumberland,  3:266,  355;  10:282;  13:209 

Cayuga,  12:1094 

Chenussio,  4:496,  498 

Cherokee,  3:517 

cotton,  4:888;  5:321 

Creek,  2:811 

Delaware  and  Shawnee,  2:468,  847,  877;  4:370,  3S9,  405;  11:132,  159 

drainage,  13:188,  193 

Dutch  methods,  8:182-83;  13:194,  196 

fertilizer,  13:210 

flax,  1:312;  5:14,  321,  441;  11:562 

French,  5:322-23;  11:725-26;  12:255 

grafting,  6:169,  730;  7:1133;  8:13-14,  48 

harvest  failure  (1759-60),  3:197,  201;  10:109 

harvest  failure  (1761),  3:582,  594 

harvest  failure  (1765),  4:777,  801 

harvest  failure  (1770),  7:797-98 

hay  harvest,  7:59,  611,  789;  8:527;  13:662 

hay  prices  (1761),  13:205 

hedgerows,  13:3 

hemp,  4:103-104,  724,  787,  856,  862,  866,  888;  5:14,  321;  8:183;  11:4,  562, 
622;  12:751 

hops,  4:888;  8:183 

Huron,  3:496,  501,  549;  13:626,  627 

Illinois,  4:887-88;  5:321,  326;  6:195-96;  12:255 

Indian  conference  time  and,  9:185-86 

Indian  raids  and,  1:909;  2:468,  811 

indigo,  1:48;  3:626;  4:888;  5:321;  9:816 

industrial  growth  and,  5:11 

Johnson  Hall  crop  and  tool  inventory  (1774),  13:659-62,  665 

"King's  gardens,"  5:699 

labor  costs  (1764),  11:4 

Mahican,  9:791-92 

medicinal  herbs,  5:760;  6:30-31;  12:446-47,  610-11 

Mohawk,  3:218;  4:657;  7:202 

Mohegan,  11:257,  258,  416,  417-18,  419,  423 

mowing  charges,  7:867,  901 


Agriculture,  Narragansett,  12:350 

Oneida,  4:734;  9:591,  629,  965;  10:68,  72;  12:736 

onions,  wild,  13:209 

Onondaga,  12:286 

orchard  planting  (1738),  13:2,  3 

Ottawa,  4:447 

Pennsylvanian  methods,  8:183;  13:181,  182,  183-84,  194 

plowing,  6:780;  8:1122;  13:209,  661,  665 

scythes,  13:544,  575,  594 

Seneca,  3:252-53;  7:682;  11:813 

settler  removal  (1767)  and,  12:380 

slave  labor  (1753),  9:121 

spades,  13:591,  608 

timothy  grass,  13:188 

tool  prices  (1770),  12:857 

Tuscarora,  11:188;  12:275,  362,  625,  735 

vegetable  seeds,  5:35,  70,  111 

wind  mills,  13:661 

worm  infestation,  7:789,  803;  12:1111;  13:191 

Wyandotte,  4:403 

See  also  Food;  Gardening;  and  see  staple  colonial  crops,  i.e.,  Corn;  Oats; 
Peas;  Potatoes;  Tobacco;  Wheat 
Aghsaweatha  (Oneida),  11:29,  31 
Aghstaghregck  (Huron),  3:699 
Aghswaghtagarat,  11:82,  84 
Aghtaghquesere  (Caghnawaga),  7:954;  13:618 
Aghtaquiesera  (Oneida),  10:82;  12:346 
Aguiota  (Oneida  chief) : 

death  of,  10:75,  80 

Fort  Johnson  invitation  (1757),  9:618-19 

on  Frensh  fort  at  Geneseo,  13:100 

on  Iroquois  loyalty,  9:623,  695 

medal  bequest,  11:160-61 

Oquaga  message  (1757)  by,  9:682 

on  Oswego  loss  (1756),  9:518-19 

presents  (1757),  9:621 

son  of,  6:761;  9:619,  645 
Agunughguara  (Oneida),  9:635,  637 
Ahrendorf,  Frederick,  8:1210 
Aiguillon,  Due  d',  8:50 
Aijarecy  Indians,  11:302 
Ainse,  Joseph  Louis  (Hans) : 

imprisonment  on  Bostwick  accusation,  6:466-67,  512,  673-76    755-  12  612- 
15,  651 

Bostwick  deposition  against,  6:525-28,  554 
defense  of,  6:547;  12:615-16 

Rogers  plot  (1768)  and,  12:439,  442,  449,  450-51,  479-80 

salary,  8:874;  12:641,  733 
Aiosh  (Aioth),  Pierre,  5:248 
Aix,  He  d',  2:887 

Aix-la-Chapelle,  Treaty  of,  l:119n,  240rc,  436,  441,  779n 
Aker,  Adam,  12:736 
Akousy  (Saki  chief),  11:302,  305 
Akowawbomye  (Ottawa  chief),  11:277 
Alabama  Indians,  4:674 
Alamasa  River,  battle  of,  8:161-62 
Alavar  River,  13:244.  See  also  Otter  Creek 

Abenaki  conference  (1761),  3:360 

Abercromby  meeting  (1758)  with  Johnson  in,  10:53 

Amherst-Johnson  meeting  (1763),  10:884,  888,  890,  905-906,  910,  911-12 

Assembly  representatives  (1752-1759),  l:362?i 


Sir  William  Johnson  Papers 

Assembly  members: 

1761,  3:324,  325,  578-80,  608-609,  621-22;  13:204 

1763,  4:272 
Bishop  of  America,  residence  in,  4:342,  381,  448;   5:395,  407,  440,  472; 

billeting  of  British  soldiers  in,  2:495,  498 
boat  building  in,  1:458,  488,  542,  557,  563,  585,  611,  689,  692,  759,  839-40; 


Caghnawaga  ambush  of  Mohawks,  1:146-51 

Caghnawaga-Canasadega    conference    with    Croghan    (1761),    10:302-305, 

307,  445-49 
Caghnawaga  meeting  (1762),  3:623,  630;  10:382 
Caghnawaga  trade,  3:376,  381,  387,  395 
Canadian  informer  in,  1:662 

Canajoharie  claim  inquiry  (1762),  3:925,  934,  947,  948;  4:50-61 
Canajoharie  suit  against  Klock  (1763),  4:3;  10:724,  756-57 
Cartwright  house  in  7:489 
Catawba  visit  (1753),  1:386 

censures  of  Johnson  (1770),  7:586-87,  627,  634-35,  641 
Chenussio  traders  in  (1763),  4:228,  229,  232-33;  10-916,  930 
church  pasture  affair,  3:377 
churches  of,  l:6n,  14,  45n,  334n,  645n 

Marsh  burial,  11:249 

Presbyterian,  8:97,  99 

Saint  Peter's,  3:888;    4:501n,  636;   6:13,  28;  7:250,  265,  281-82,  812; 
8:350-54,  636,  787.  928n;  12:104,  1024n 
clerkships,   3:290n,  592,  596;  4:34rc,  88,  605,  635,  643,  767,  825;  5:418; 

6:786;  7:1110;  11:528-30,  532-34,  557;  13:13,  179,  180,  301n 

Marsh  deputation  of  duties  to  Silvester  (1764),  4:432;  13:331,  332 
Clifton  Park  land  allotments  (1769),  13:482-85 

Colden  map  of  surrounding  patents,  3:297-98;  5:422,  429;  12:215,  216 
Committee  of  Correspondence  in,  7:251?i;  8:1203 
common  council  records  (1764),  4:569 
Conestoga  Indians  and,  4:327,  343,  346 
Congress  of  1754,  1:237,  263n,  404,  421,  451n;  2:211w 
Corporation  appointments  (1754),  1:418-19 
Corporation  interest  in  Barclay  glebe,  3:590,  610 
Couagne  and  LaForce  escape  (1757)  from,  2:747-49;  9:830-31 
county  division,  6:780,  786;  7:19-21,  43-44,  59-61,  100-101,  203,  594,  1110, 

1113,   1126,   1136,   1154;    8:*,   237,   263,   300,   311,   316,   357,  372,   503; 
12:905,  906,  932-33,  934,  939 

petitions  concerning,  7:42,  60,  61,  88,  155,  204,  302-303  995-96,  1025; 
8:328-29,  330-35,  359-60,  369,  370,  383,  385,  1042-43 

see  also  Tryon  county 
court  session  (June,  1771),  8:156 
Crown  Point  distance  from,  1:813,  892 
Crown  Point   expedition   (1755)    and,   1:469,  472,  488,  502-504,  510,  557, 

677,  777,  830,  846,  885;  2:10-11,  31,  50,  97,  157-58,  178,  198-99,  207,  210 
226,  339;  9:241,  261,  273-74,  301,  303 

Council  of  Provincial  Officers  at,  2:304-305,  308,  313,  314.  319    324 
335-37,  340-41;  9:243-44;  13:70-71,  72 

impressment  of  wagons  and  drivers,  2:42-43,  76,  79,  107-108    178    502- 
13:46,  69 

Lake  George  battle  and,  2:25w 

removal  of  sick  to,  9:311-12 
(See  also  Albany,  boatbuilding  in,  supra) 
Customs  House,  4:791 
Delaware  prisoners  in,  4:352;  11:103,  105 
Dieskau  and,  2:43-45,  46,  63,  74;  13:47-50 
Dutch  in,  2:702;  3:328-29,  341,  365,  408,  887-88;  10:387;  13:201,  203,  209, 



Albany,  Eel  Place,  1:203;  2:647 

1747,  13:8 

1748,  1:127 

1750,  1:294;  9:56,  58 

1752,  1:358-59,  362-63,  380;  9:86-87,  88,  89,  90,  92 

1758,  3:15 

1761,  3:385 

1768,  6:123,  127 

1769,  6:574,  575,  585-86 

1770,  7:1048 

"Fire  Place"  removal  from,  1:854-55 

Fort  Hunter  mission  and,  4:17,  47 

fortification  allotments,  1:920;  9:163 

Fort  Ontario  repairs  (1752),  9:97 

French  Indians  at,  1:509,  543,  550,  565,  568,  584,  595-96,  624,  646,  650. 

696;  2:52,  76,  90;  9:153 
French  prisoners  (1755)  in,  2:40,  41 

(1757),  2:747-49 
French  threats  of  attack: 

1746,  1:54-56 

1748,  1:131-32,  136 

1755,  1:767;  2:8 

1757,  2:710;  9:659,  663-64,  666,  668,  681,  832,  862 

1758,  2:787,  791,  888;  9:932 
French  travelers  in,  1:215-16,  247 
German  settlers  in,  1:239;  9:146-47,  166 
Governors'  meeting  (1751),  1:339 
governor's  visit  (1771),  8:139,  192 
guard,  2:888;  4:67-68,  77 

Hardy  in,  2:68,  77,  79,  92,  99-100 

impressment  (1761)  of  horses  and  sleighs,  3:350 

Indian  abuses  (1763),  4:43-44 

Indian  Affairs  Commissioners,  see  Indian  Affairs  Commission 

Indian  attack  threat: 

(1763),  10:888-89 

(1767),  12:388 
Indian  Council  at  (1755),  2:92-94,  99,  125-28,  131 
Indian  council  fire  at,  10:359 
Indian  murdered  (1757)  in,  9:676,  686 
Indian  prisoner  return  (1765)  to,  4:739-40,  775 
Indian  visit  (1747),  1:94-95 
Iroquois  Council: 

(1751),  1:339-44;  9:83-84 

(1754),  9:130,  143-44,  155;  10:845-46 

(1756),  9:531-32 

(1762),  3:661 
Iroquois  land  claims,  10:972 
jail,  1:231-32;  4:300,  303,  314,  329,  333,  356,  431 

Canestio  prisoners  in,  11-822 

Chippewa  murderers  of  Sinclair  servant   (1767)    in,  12:336,   337,  364; 

escape  of  prisoners  (1765),  4:885 

debtors  in,  5:27,  174-75;  8:134,  244,  376-77,  378,  381,  735-36 

"incendiaries"  in,  11:201 

Indians  (1757)  in,  9:590,  622,  632,  642,  685,  686,  723;  13:95 

jailer    appointment     (1774),    8:1025,    1027,    1028,    1031,    1038,    1039, 

1040-41,  1081  '  ' 

Jessup  land  grant   (1771),  8:4-5,  131,  198,  227-28  311-12,  364,  367,  382, 

393-94,  397,  451-52,  474,  507,  676-77,  682,  982-83 
Johnson  house  purchases  in,  1:240;  2:761-  3:985;  9:36:  10-117-20- 

12:1066-67  ' 


Sir  William  Johnson  Papers 

Johnson  as  Justice  of  the  Peace,  1:27;  7:869;  10:467,  565,  572,  610-11 

Johnson  offered  shelter  (1745)  in,  1:42 

Johnson  patent  petition  (1761),  10:248-249 

Johnson  request  for  Gage  meeting  (1766)  in,  12:104-105,  110-11 

Johnson  visit  (1770),  7:741 

Johnson  (Guy)  land  grants,  11:121-22 

Johnson  (John)  family  captive  (1776)  in,  13:732 

Johnson  (Warren)  view  of  in  1760,  13:184,  211 

judicial  appointments: 

(1757),  2:732,  735 

(1761),  3:385 

(1762),   3:608-609,   617,   621-22,   624-25,   647-48,   651-52,   653,   655,   659, 
666,  749,  750 

(1770),  12:781,  783-85,  792-93,  795-96,  824-25 
Kalm  in,  1:304-306 
Klock  trial  in,  4:3;  6:743-44 
Lake  George  battle  alert,  9:293 
land  indenture  to  Eobert  Adems   (1771),  8:266-70 
land  patents  sold  for  quit-rent,  8:429,  543-44 
land  settlement  conditions,  4:724 
legal  procedures  (1756)  in,  2:476 
liquor  sales  in,  1:812-13;   2:496-98,  562,  646;   3:450,  943;   9:531,  545-46; 

10:387,  478 

legislation  on  public  houses,  4:633;  5:556 
Livingston  Indian  councils  in,  12:552 
Lydius  trial  (1762),  10:467 
McMickel  murder  (1759),  10:962 
Mahican  conference  (1762),  10:386-88 
Mahican  land  claims,  10:387-88,  603-604;  11:361;  12:481 
map,  3:515;  13:102 
Masonic  Lodge,  5:95;  12:103,  11471 
Maybe  attempt  to  trick  Canajoharies  in,  11:555-56 
mayors  of,  l:185n,  329n;  4:569,  584;  5:64-65;  9:70-71;  13:12-13 
mayor's  right  to  issue  trade  passes,  5:492 
Mohawk  land  claims  and,  4:4-5,  239,  465,  747;  8:410-11,  567-69,  685-86, 

702-703,  714,  721;  9:153,  159;  10:225,  604;  11:767;  12:541-42 

Common  Council  claims  and  offers  (1773-74),  8:936-37,  943,  949,  955-65, 
976-77,  979-80,  981-82,  990-99,  1053-56,  1087 

Common    Council    protest    against    Assembly    bill    (1773-74),  8:937n, 

Johnson  Hall  meeting  with  Mohawks   (1773),  8:936-37,  943,  949,  954- 
68,  976-77,  979-80,  981-82 

Johnson  Hall  meeting  of  Mohawks  (1774),  8:1095,  1105-1107,  1120-21 

Mohawk  status  as  a  "nation"  in,  8:958,  960,  967,  996,  1036-37,  1054-55 

speech  of  Abraham  to  the  Corporation,  8:965-68 
Mohawk  River  survey  (1761)  and,  3:297,  312,  418 
money  lodged  (1767)  for  Johnson  at,  12:308 
mortgage  records,  7:1033 

naturalization  application  of  26  inhabitants  (1761),  3:357 
naturalization  certificates  (1771),  7:1080-90,  1113-15,  1138-39 
neutrality  efforts  in  King  George's  War,  1:86-88 
New  York  sloopage  (1761),  13:211 
Ohio  Indian  visit  (1765),  11:784 
Oneidas  murdered  in,  10:292,  312 
Oswego  cattle  supplies  (1756),  13:87 
Oswego   fall  and,  2:555w 

petition  for  soldiers'  aid  in  harvesting  (1755),  1:809-10,  819 
port  collector,  4:716;  11:691 
postal  robbery   (1763),  10:613n,  614 
post  office: 

complaints  (1765),  4:852;  11:878-79,  940 




complaints  (1766),  5:29,  32,  35,  36-37;  13:384-85 

complaints  (1772),  8:405,  419,  462-63 

delivery  regulations  (1772),  12:960-61 

Johnson  accounts,  5:552;  6:765-66;  7:30,  647-48,  687-88;  8:176-77,  204, 

riders  for,  8:539 

Shuckburgh  and,  5:645 

Stamp  Act  rioters  (1766)  and,  5:5,36 

Van  Schaack  as  postmaster  in  1757,  13:94 
prisoner  exchanges  with  French  at,  1:241-42,  283,  285,  338-39 
recruitment  (1763)  in,  10:717 
Road  Bill,  1771,  7:1126 
road  conditions  (1760-61),  13:185,  208,  211 
road  to  Crown  Point,  map,  1:897;  2:740 
road  to  Lake  George,  9:277 
road  to  Oswego,  9:486,  494-95 
scalpings  (1755),  9:201 
Schaghticoke  Indian  land  claims,  4:4-5;  8:686;   10:603-604,  608-609;   13: 

Schuyler   (Philip)   monument,  photograph,  8:370 
scouts  near,  1:109,  170 
sheriff's  appointments: 

(1749),  9:51-52,  58 

(1752),  9:98-99 

(1761),  3:385,  389-90,  399n,  404,  408;  6:575n;  10:275-76,  310,  335,  570 

(1762),  3:864,  901,  907,  951-52 

(1763),  4:198-99,  205 

(1765),  4:716 

(1770),  12:847-48 
Shirley  meeting  (1755)  with  Johnson  in,  9:193 
smallpox  epidemic  (1770),  7:874 
Sons  of  Liberty  in,  12:282-83 
Stamp  Act  riots,  5:5-6,  34,  36,  62 
stockades,  2:244 

Stockbridge  Indian  land  claims  and,  12:271-73 
Stockbridge  Indian  meeting  (1763),  10:930-32 
storehouse,  2:779;  3:594,  905,  978,  985;  4:188,  204,  325,  342,  379,  392,  427, 

618,  668;  7:319;  10:15,  50-51;  12:207,  214;  13:104 
stores : 

Fort  Stanwix  Congress   (176S)   and,  6:432,  445-46,  447,  449,  569;   12: 
416,  672  '         '         '  ' 

Glen  (Cornelius)  application  (1767),  12:325 

Indian  blankets,  9:459 

Oswego  relief  and,  9:434 

rent,  4:562;  12:640 

wagon  shortage  (1768),  6:148-49 
surrogate  court  (1761),  3:299-300 
surveyors  of  Indian  lands,  3:307,  313 
taxation  of  merchants,  3:129 

(1758),  9:911,  919,  929 

(1759),  10:125 

(1760),  10:191 

(1762),  3:623 

(1763),  10:844 

Canadian,  10:257,  260,  283 

Chenundadey  (1757),  13:100-101 

New  York  Assembly  administration   (1769)   of,  12:686-87 

non-importation  agreement  (1770)  and,  12:849 

silver  arm-band  fraud  (1770),  12:860,  862 
traders'  complaint  (1767)  against  Jehu  Hay,  12:289-90 
traders'  petition  (1767),  5:495-96 


Sir  William  Johnson  Papers 

troop  levy  (April,  1758)  by  Johnson,  13:108-10 

Wemp  suit,  8:740-41,  745-46,  787 

winter  weather  (1769-72),  6:587;  7:1123;  8:675; 12:884 
Albany  River  (Hudson  Eiver  at  Albany),  2:647;  12:531-32;  13:184,  187 
Albany  Snow  (vessel),  8:610,  625,  770,  808 
Albemarle,  George  Keppel,  third  Earl  of,  7:629?i 

Cuban  expedition,  3:681,  682,  894,  928 

Havana  trade  regulation,  3:902,  923 

Martinique  and,  3:681;  10:459 
Albergathy,  d',  2:21,  24 

Albot,  Joseph,  3:177 
Albrant,  Hannis,  7:352 
Albrant,  John,  3:357 
Albraut,  Johannis,  12:819 
Alcide  (vessel),  1:686,  692-93;  2:61,  88,  218 
Aleyweyuncta  (Mingo),  4:505 
Alempigan,  13:448 

Alexander  (political  writer),  7:1147-48 

Alexander,  James,  1:367-68 

on  Albany  election  of  1752,  9:88n,  89,  90 

Iroquois  Council  (1751),  1:339-344 

New  Jersey  visit  (1752),  9:87 

Susquehanna  Purchase  and,  9:131 
Alexander,  Suky,  3:324;  4:10 
Alexander,   William   (later  known  as   the  Earl  of   Stirling),   1:363;   9:233; 


on  Albany  French  trade  (1755),  1:543 

boats  for  Crown  Point  expedition  (1755),  1:557 

butler  of,  4:328 

Canajoharie  land  claims,  3:745,  934;  4:116;  10:565 

Council  of  Provincial  Officers  and,  2:305,  308,  319,  324;  9:312-13 

Crown  Point  expedition  (1755)  arms,  1:519,  736;  2:476 

Dieskau  and,  2:205 

at  Fort  George  Council  meeting  on  Susquehanna  Purchase  (1755),  1:454 

gardener  of,  3:919;  4:48,  49 

Indian  Affairs  and,  2:400-401 

at  Kayaderosseras  hearing,  4:683 

Klock  and,  3:584 

lawyer  recommended  by,  8:742-43 

Niagara  expedition  (1755)  recruitment,  1:534,  755,  777,  786,  804,  841 

in  Oriskany  patent,  12:697 

Orme  and,  1:895 

portrait,  1:777 

tent  for,  1:609 
Alexander,  John,  and  Company,  4:195 

Croghan  accounts,  4:687,  716,  830;  11:636,  694 
Alexandria  (Va.)  Council: 

Johnson's  authority  and,  1:476,  501,  613,  616,  645,  826,  850,  855;  9:174-75 

Johnson's  expenses  at,  2:566 

Minutes,  1:465,  492,  521,  599,  612;  9:168 

Pownall  exclusion  from,  13:59 
Alexowitz,  prince  of  Russia,  3:564 

Claus  meeting   (1771),  8:214n 

liquor  trade,  12:347 

location,  3:240n;  4:242;  5:650n 

at  Niagara  Congress  (1764),  4:481; 11:278-81 

recruitment  (1764),  4:426 

Eoyal  Proclamation  on  Colonial  government  (1763)  and,  10:985 

Stockbridge  Indians  and,  3:623 




Western  Indian  message   (1763),  3:273?i 

See  also  Skaghquanoghrono  Indians 
Allan,  Thomas,  6:242,  244,  247 
Allegany  County,  New  York,  ll:515?i 
Allegheny  Indians,  3:33%,  759,  846;  9:779 
Allegheny  Mountains,  11:793;  13:193 

English  ambush  of  Delawares  (1764),  4:390 

Iroquois  war  path,  5:560,  10:605 

Mason-  Dixon  line  and,  5:429,  469,  556;  12:310 

Ohio  Company  land  grant  (1770),  7:591 

Pennsylvania  Iroquois  land  release  (1757-58),  2:684,  755;  10:46,  47  ;  12:405 
Allegheny  River,  3:33n;  7:591;  8:882;  10:539 
Allements,  10:822 

Allen,  ,  goods  ordered  from,  8:881 

Allen,  (Newkirk  companion),  3:932,  935,  941-42;  10:564w,  568-69 

Allen,  Elizabeth,  7:352 
Allen,  John  (son  of  William  Allen),  12:595 

Izard  and,  4:775,  780,  811;  11:802,  830 
Allen,  Eiehard,  4:43-44,  107;  10:661 
Allen,  William  (Chief  Justice)  : 

affidavit  on  Delaware  Philadelphia  Treaty  of  1737,  3:804,  813,  840,  841 

Croghan  on,  4:340,  420,  421,  465 

Easton  Treaty  (1762)  proceedings  and,  10:566-67 
Quaker  reports,  13:279 

Election  of  1764  and,  4:564 

Fort  Allen  and,  10:533n 

Port  Stanwix  Congress  and,  6:325;  12:392 

trade  loss  indemnities  asked  at,  6:477-78;  12:594-95 

Francis  recommended  as  Deputy,  12:276-77 

Czard  and,  4:767,  832 

Penn   (Thomas)   political  aid   (1764)   to  Johnson,  11:126-27 

Pennsylvania  condolence  present  for  frontier  outrages  (1768),  6:104,  107 

Pennsylvania-Maryland  boundary  and,  5:525,  545,  646;  6:2-3 

Philadelphia  trader  memorial  (1763),  4:268 

Quaker  schemes  (1768)  against  Johnson,  6:237-38 

warrant  against  Stump,  12:425 
Allen,  William,  Jr.,  8:1139,  1147,  1153 
Allen,  William,  trader,  2:577,  585;  3:157 
Allen,  Fort,  2:802,  814;  9:734;  10:533 
Allicocke,  Joseph,  7:172,  230n 
Alliday  (Mohawk  woman),  2:575 
Allimingey,  Pennsylvania,  3:767,  839 
Allison,  Patrick,  4:632;  11:565,  614 
Allman,  Thomas,  1:381 
Allsopp,  George,  5:181,  342;  6:8 
Almon  (British  bookseller),  7:839 

Alricks,  Harm's,  5:435n 
Alsop : 

Darlington  (Margaret)  and,  7:628 
Alsop,  John,  7:521 
Alsop,  Richard,  3:148 
Alstine,  Cornelius,  8:655 
Alston,  John  (Catawba),  8:563;  12:965 
Alt,  Johannis,  13:554 

imprisonment  for  debt  (1766),  5:27,  35,  175,  196 

named  in  Johnson  patents,  3:634;  6:771;  10:248;  12:819 

naturalization  of,  3:357;  7:352 
Altamaha  River,  10:979 
Amadagia  (Onondaga),  11:709 
Amagansett,  8:863 

Amboy,  New  Jersey,  4:327,  343,  346;  7:731 
Amelia  (ship),  5:599,  602,  603,  706,  12:334 


Sir  William  Johnson  Papers 

Ames,  James,  3:919 

Amherst   (Jeffery,  first  Lord?)  "The  Cautious  Commander,"  portrait,  4:340 
Amherst,  Sir  Jeffery,  maj.  gen.,  l:548n,  670w,  856»;  2:S5n;  5:122ji;   10:607; 

Abercrombie,  Jr.  and,  10:863n 

Albany  sheriff  appointment  and,  3:952;  10:276,  310,  335 
Albemarle  and,  3:928 

appointment  as  commander  in  chief  (1758),  3:12-15,  34n;  10:85 
autograph,  3:xvii 

Belle  Isle  and  Pondieherry  victory  reports,  13:245 
Canadian  Indians  and,  3:196,  273n,  354,  553,   664-65,  670,  678;    10:281, 

Canajoharie  Council  (1759)  and,  3:27-312 
Canajoharie  school  and,  10:219 
Canestio  murders  and,  3:932-33,  941-42,  961,  978,  983;  4:64;  10:611,  613, 

614-15,  623-25,  628-29,  632,  633,  634,  648-49,  653,  679,  681-82,  751 
Canestio  expedition  and,  4:421 
Carolina  Indian  return  (1762),  10:351 
Catholic  religious  liberties  and,  10:281,  415;  13:165 
Cessation  of  Arms  (1763)  and,  10:617,  659 
on  Cherokees,  3:516-17,  550,  573,  581,  593 
Clapham  murder  (1762)  and,  10:520-21,  544,  690 
Claus  commission  and,  3:363,  371,  379,  548,  753,  830,   862;   10:191,  259, 

261-62,  474 
Claus  draft  on  Johnson,  for  Williamoz,  10:315 
correspondence  with  Pitt,   (See  Pitt,  William,  Amherst  letters) 
Croghan  claim  (1766),  for  non-payment,  5:78,  94,  145-46 
and  Croghan  debt  to  Denny,  10:255,  257,  306 
Croghan  resignation,  4:208,  209;  10:823-27,  858-59,  882 
Crown  Point  encampment  and,  3:389 
Crown  Point  fortification  (1759),  13:140,  150,  151 
deserters  (1760)  and,  10:194 
on  Detroit  capture,  3:315-19,  343-44 
Detroit  expedition  (Monckton),  10:163 
Detroit   Indian   siege    (1763)    and,   4:138-39,   150-52,   167,   186-87,   212-13; 

10:716-17,  719,  723,  761 

Michilimackinac  capture,  10:788 

Niagara  attacks,  4:148-49,  212-13;  10:860-61,  867,  868-69 

Presque  Isle  attack,  10:733 

reprisals,  4:149,  151,  152,  166-67,  172,  183,  186-87,  193,  194,  195,  201, 
202,  204,  210-11,  212,  363;  10:766,  813,  830,  831,  835-38,  856-57, 
880,  905,  911;  13:325% 

Venango  attack,  4:165 
Easton  Council  (1761)  and,  3:205,  522,  523,  526 
Egremont  and,  4:201 

English  declaration  of  war  on  Spain  (1762),  10:420-21,  428,  434,  440,  451 
Erie  vessels  and,  10:274,  285,  293 
Eyre  and,  3:375;  4:432 
financial  policies,  10:89,  96,  155,  196-98 

arms  disbursement  (1759)  and,  3:16,  18,  19,  21;  10:102-103,  107,  109, 
111,  508-509,  548-49,  597-98 

arms  disbursement  (1760),  3:197,  199,  202,  206,  225,  227,  238;  10:187-88 

arms  disbursement  (1761),  3:331,  345,  388,  513,  515,  520,  571,  581-82, 
594,  600;  10:245,  246,  257-58,  275,  284,  286-87,  291,  331;  13:270 

arms  disbursement  (1762),  3:663,  758,  823,  890,  905,  965,  986-87 

arms  disbursement  (1763),  4:63,  188,  189,  209;  10:624,  750-51,  858 

Indian  Affairs  personnel  retrenchment  (1760),  3:277-78 

Indian  Affairs  personnel  retrenchment  (1761),  3:277-78,  304,  329, 
331-32,  350,  352-54,  375;  10:232 

Indian  Affairs  personnel  retrenchment  (1762),  3:606,  611,  622,  627, 
717-18,  730,  741,  742,  858,  876-77,  914,  978-79;  10:475,  489,  560 



Amherst,  Sir  Jeffery,  maj.  gen., 

present  disbursement  (1760),  3:197,  199,  201,  218,  219,  236,  252-53, 
256,  263 

present  disbursement  (1761),  3:354,  515,  553,  593,  594,  597-98;  10:92, 
117,  138,  189,  244-46,  255,  257-58,  262,  277-79,  284,  286-87,  288-89, 
290,  291,  306,  307,  348 

present  disbursement  (1762),  3:599-601,  645,  675,  733,  734,  741,  744, 
758;  10:354-55,  427,  535,  548-49 

present  disbursement  (1763),  4:6,  219;  10:612-13,  615,  625,  649,  652, 
654,  658-59,  717,  857-58,  880;  11:127 

voucher  forms,  11:976 
Forbes  and,  10:91,  103-104,  108 
Fort  Stanwix  bridge  repair  (1763),  13:302 

Fort  Schuyler  and,  3:831,  835,  836,  857,  859;  10:482-83,  488-89 
Frank  murder  and,  3:434,  435,  504,  506;  10:292,  297,  312 
frontier  defense  requisitions   (1763),  10:883,  888,  910,  912-13,  938,  986; 

fur  purchases,  10:314;  13:258 
Furey  and,  4:217 
George  II,  death,  10:207-208 

German  Flats  alarm  (1762)  and,  3:854,  856-57,  859;  10:477-78,  479,  496 
German  Flats  Iroquois  Conference  (1763)  and,  10:748-51,  753,  754-59,  761 
Gladwin  instructions  (1761),  3:414;  10:293-96 
glass  commemorating  victories  of,  3:387 
Gordon  (Lord  Adam)  political  scheme  and,  12:317,  712 
Harris  sale  of  European  goods  (1761),  10:235 
Illinois  French  trade  (1762),  3:935,  941,  961 
Indian  Affairs  Secretaryship  candidates  (1762),  3:581,  606,  611,  627,  635, 

717-18,  730,  792-93,  958-59,  989;  10:352,  355-56,  433-36,  438;  13:179 
on    Indian    services    against    French,    3:192-93,   198-99,    204-207,    237-38, 

346-47,  442-43,  446,  452 
On  Indian  services  against  hostile  nations,  4:151,  181,  209;  10:209,  761, 

777,  826-27,  856-57,  879,  883,  991 
Iroquois-French  intrigue  (1760-62),  3:670,  678,  920;  4:800;  10:380-81,  384- 

86,  392-93,  394,  399-400,  405,  406-407,  421-25;  11:869 
Iroquois  threats   (1761)    of  uprising,  3:421,  505,  510-13,  514-16,  519-22, 

662-63,  792;  10:316-17,  321-22,  331,  382,  404-405,  471-72 
Iroquois  threats   (1763)   of  uprising,  4:95-100,  138,  14S-52,  164,  165,  166- 

67,  169,  171-73;  10:679-84,  857-58,  877-81 
Jesuit  grants,  7:576n,  897 
Johnson's  Albany  meeting   (1763)   with,  10:884,  888,   890,  905-906,  910, 

Johnson's  English  preferment  and,  3:304-306 
Johnson's  receipt   of  Amherst's   correspondence   and  intelligence    (June, 

1761),  listed,  10:298-99,  300 
on  Johnson's  salary  as  Colonel,  3:183,  184,  185,  196,  199,  201,  305-306,  350 
Johnson's  Schenectady  meeting  (1760)  with,  10:147,  149-50.  IBS 
Johnson  (Guy)  request  for  change  of  service,  3:886-87,  895 
Johnson  (John)  commission  (1762),  3:685,  725;  10:401 
Johnson  (Warren)  visit  (1761),  3:387;  13:211 
Johnson  Hall  guards  (1763)  and,  10:868,  913-14 
Jonathan  and,  10:165,  166,  171 
Klock  affair  and,  3:618-20;  4:193,  196 
knighting  of,  3:580,  595 
Knox  and,  6:733 
La  Corne  St.  Luc  and,  8:561 
Lake  Champlain  victory  (1759),  10:130 
land  holdings,  7:191 

Lottridge  commission  application  (1762)  and,  3:971 
Louisiana  command,  3:669,  682 
Martinique  reduction  and,  10:428,  459 
medal  for  Johnson,  3:378;  10:258 
on  Michilimackinac  conference  (1762),  3:645 


Sir  William  Johnson  Papers 

Missisauga  treaties  and,  3:131-32,  136-37,  142,  143,  251 

on  Mohawk  country  defense,  3:17;  4: 231-32  ;  10:78 

Mohawk  land  claims  and,  10:756-57 

Mohawk  visitors  (1759),  10:125,  127,  128;  13:152 

Montreal  expedition  (1760),  3:237rc,  260,  283;  8:1068;  10:179,  180-85,  218, 

251-54,  258,  317,  504;  13:144 

campaign  orders,  3:192,  199,  203,  228-29,  242 

Canadian  Indian  speech  to  Johnson,  13:163-66 

Indian  provision  list,  10:176-77 

Isle  Royale  treaty,  3:272-73;  10:177?i;  11:353-54 

journey,  13:169-71 

medals  for  Indian  troops,  3:317-18,  346,  378,  386,  441,  442-43,  445; 
10:218,  251,54,  258,  264;  13:218,  220,  222 
Montreal  capitulation,  3:309;  11:609»;  13:171,  189,  190 
Montreal  leaves,  3:576,  577 
Niagara  campaign  (1759),  3:19,  21,  37-47,  78,  107 

Niagara  garrisoning,  13:118,  158 

Oswego  correspondence,  13:121,  131,  138,  139,  140,  146 

Prideaux  death  and,  3:78,  106,  107,  110,  119,  120,  124;  13:116,  123 

recruitment,  10:85-86,  89-90,  96,  170 

victory,  3:108,  HOn,  118-20,  124-25,  126-27 
Niagara  Carrying  Place  trade  permits,  3:387;  5:515,  728,  928;  10:265,  270; 

Niagara  Detroit  Congress  (1761)  and,  3:429rc,  520,  521,  522,  524,  558,  597; 

10:277-79,  290-92,  297,  306;  13:231,  245,  255,  271 

instructions,   3:421-23,   514-15;    10:284-85,   286-87,   288-89,  295-96,  299- 
300,  307;  13:215 

proceedings,   3:559-60,   561,   570-71,   580  81,   593,   599;    10:330-31,   334, 
343,  347-48,  353-54,  460 
Niagara  journey  boatmen  (1760),  10:161,  164,  166-67 
Niagara  relief  (1760),  10:157,  159,  160,  162 
Ohio  fortification,  4:49 
Oswegatchie  attack  plans   (1759)  and,  3:19,  20-21,  141-43;  13:23-24,  123, 

126,  136-37,  139,  144-45,  146,  151 
on  Oswego  trade,  3:251-52,  253-56,  257,  261-63;  10:156 
outpost  maintenance  and,  11:6;  12:36 
pani  return  (1761),  3:361;  10:269 
Paris  Peace  Treaty  (1763)  and,  4:104;  10:663,  670 
Philadelphia  conference  on  Indian  Affairs   (1759),  10:108 
Philadelphia  merchants  and,  4:265,  268 
portrait,  3:129;  4:138,  192,  210,  238,  398 
on  prisoners  among  Indians,  3:693;   10:178,  187,  188,  285,  287,  289,  326, 

343,  351,  353,  362,  453,  459,  460,  563,  568-69 
Quebec  and,  3:128,  229,  243-45,  247-48,  259-60;  10:160,  163,  171-73; 

13:123,  136,  146,  154 
resignation  as  Commander  in  Chief,  4:613,  626;  11:500,  517 
return  to  England,  3:361,  547;  4:222,  233,  237-38,  254-55,  260,  263,  284, 

297;  10:925,  926,  934,  937;   11:138,  193;   13:271 

public  and  political  reception,  4:320,  336,  339,  340,  341,  342,  362,  364, 
394,  398, 464;  5:769;  13:330 
Roberts  and,  8:133 

Rogers  and,  3:246-47,  248,  250,  260.  262,  315-16,  330;  7:732 
Roubaud  and,  3:279n,  280,  554;   10:186-87,  188 
St.  Johns  expedition  (1759),  3:12S,  145;  13:131 
St.  John's  expedition  (1762).  3:894,  897-98,  910,  912 

Shawnees  and,  3:670;  7:610;  10:432,  434-35,  452,  458,  460,  543-44,  688-89 
Susquehanna  purchase  and,  3:302,   700-91,  884-85,  891,   904;   4:19    70    75, 

76,  84,  106,  122,  135;  10:213,  215,  230-31,  232,  266-267,  471-72,  473-74, 

478,  554,  567,  656,  671,  672 
at  Ticonderoga,  3:120 
on   trade  regulation,   3:515,   536     588,   594,   728,   742,   905,   928,   941,   942, 

979;  4:24,  172;  10:103-104,  125,  128,  257,  260,  321,  323,  382,  865 



Amherst,  Sir  Jeffery,  rnaj.  gen., 

liquor,  3:597-98,  601,  620,  621,  624,  665,  686,  700,  703,  711,  721-22,  792, 
793,  943,  962,  976;  4:134,  135,  192;  10:383,  388,  447,  478,  483,  489, 
491,  496,  683;  13:281 
Vaudreuil  exclusive  grant  at  Green  Bay  and,  12:6 
Virginia  governorship,  6:338,  570n,  578 
Virginia  murders  (1763)  and,  4:180,  189 

warrants  to  Johnson  (1759),  3:182,  183,  184-85,  186;  10:89,  96,  109,  111, 

1760,  3:197,  199,  200,  201,  261,  266,  277;  10:195-98 

1761,  3:331-32,  345,  347,  582,  593;   10:243,  277-78,  285,  286,  290,  293, 
297,  306,  308,  348 

1762,  3:601,  607,  821,  824,  870,  884,  913,  963,  978,  985;   10:471,  472, 
496    508    557n 

1763,  4:13-14,  22,  26-27,  32-33,  70,  150,  209,  217,  221;  10:654-55,  660-61, 
662-63,  670,  688,  882,  883,  912,  924 

1764,  4:423,  439 

Waters  instructions  (1761),  10:293-96 

Yates  and,  3:385 
Amherst,  William,  col.,  3:228rc,  290 

return  to  England,  4:254,  398 

Saint  John's  expedition  and,  3:880,  897,  898,  910,  912,  959 
Amiel,  John,  ensign,  5:817;  12:216-17 
Aminabeaujeu  (Chippewa  chief),  7:716 
Amory,  John,  1:220,  251 
Amos  (Mohawk),  12:531 
Amsterdam,  Holland,  1:347 
Ana  (Mohawk),  3:610 
Anada  (Oneida  sachem),  1:135 
Anaiasa  (Huron  chief),  3:483,  488,  496-97 
Anakanko  Indians,  see  Onagonque  Indians 
Ananinqua  (Mingo),  4:505;  11:330 

Ananquiere  (Pottawatomie?),  Wabash  Indian  message  (1765),  11:982 
Anaquadecka  (Seneca),  12:288 
Anaroongo  (Onondaga  sachem),  10:236-37 
Anawaka  (Oneida  chief),  11:512 

death  (1772)  of,  8:405;  12:946 
Andee  Kouiasse  (Chippewa  chief),  4:804,  807 
Anderson  ,3:70 

Anderson,  sgt.,  4:396 

Anderson,  Capt.,  1:194 
Anderson,  David,  2:305-306 
Anderson,  George,  11:488 
Anderson,  John,  4:572,  608;  5:493 
Anderson,  Thomas,  7:455 

Anderson,  William  (Delaware  chief),  5:666;  10:685 
Anderton,  John  6:254 
Anderton,  Francis,  6:258 
Andras,  Jacob,  5:721 
Andrew  (Huron),  11:646 

Delaware-Shawnee  punishment  expeditions  and,  4:628,  664;  11:604   625 

on  Western  Indian  threats  of  uprising,  7:29;  13-438-39 
Andrews,  Collin,  4:617;  13:234,  267 

Campbell  draft,  7:871,  984-85 

Couagne  and,  3:671;  4:247 

on  Lake  Erie  shipwreck,  4:200;  10:812-13 

liquor  trade,  3:719,  720-21;  8:363 
Andrews,  Francis,  7:868 
Andrews,  James,  8:139 
Andrews,  Job,  1:857 
Andrews,  Lewis,  8:1026,  1033,  1149-50 
Andrews,  Robert,  1:857;  4:540 
Andrews,  Samuel,  7:170 


Sir  William  Johnson  Tapers 

Andrews  (Androws),  Bev.  William,  8:ix,  1,  59 

academy,  8:x,  279,  307,  320 

brother* Colin  and,  7:871 

draft  on  Mortier,  7:355,  556 

Glen  and,  8:678 

Inglis  and,  7:359,  966 

Johnson  draft,  7:335 

Johnstown  mission  and,  8:522,  549,  887 

letters  of  recommendation,  7:239-40,  247-49,  253,  256,  272 

Schenectady  ministry,  7:291,  300-301,  390,  393,  567,  588,  693,  811-12,  906, 
1160;  8':182,  863,  928;  12:1078-79 

on  Trinity  College  supply  of  missionaries,  7:291,  296,  301 
Aneus  (Anigut,  Sadahanwonota — Tuscarora),  10:945 
Angell,  Samuel,  capt.,  1:867 

at  Peirce  court  of  enquiry,  9:257 

scouting  orders,  2:190,  253,  268;  9:290,  296 
Angra,  13:213 

Anias  (Chenundady),  9:652,  656,  780 
Anias  (Mohawk),  9:489 
Animals : 

bear,  13:186 

buffalo,  13:205 

fox,  13:204 

hare,  3:187,  188 

monkey,  1:379,  380;  4:845 

panther,  13:198 

pig  (See  Cattle,  swine) 

snakes,  12:447;  13:191-92,  206 

squirrel,  13:206 

turtle,  13:213 

wolves,  13:186,  201,  203-204,  205,  262 

See  also  Birds;  Cattle;  Dogs;  Fur;  Horses;  Meat;  Sheep 
Ann,  Fort,  7:638n 
Anna  Catherine  (prisoner),  11:487 
Annaharissa  (Onondaga  chief),  12:670 
Annapolis,  Maryland: 

Braddock  in*,  1:459,  462,  650 

Council  on  Schanadarigroene  migration,  9:341-42 

Cresap  (Thomas)  in,  8:1179 

Delaware  raids  near,  2:468 

Nanticoke  land  sales,  6:172-73 
Annapolis  Boyal,  Canada: 

expedition  against  (1710)  1:9» 

French  plans  to  retake  (1755),  1:849 

Indians  of,  5:577 

siege  of  (1746),  1:63,  66,  67 
Annatawassee,  1:207 
Anne,  queen  of  England: 

Albany  Indian  mission,  7:507 

Dellius  patent,  10:311 

Mohegan  Connecticut  claims  and,  4:457-58,   H'.l;   11:257,  260,  416,  419-20, 
423,  430 
Annesley,  Dr.  William,  5:381,  518-19;  13:399 
Annett,  Joseph,  5:345 
Annibal,  Cornelius,  2:306 
Annodagah,  sec  Onondaga 

Annogongue  Indians,  see  Onagonque  Indians 
Annual  "Register,  5:490;  6:7::.'5,  779;  7:172 
Anourisli:>  (Canasadega),  10:94 
Anson.  George,  Lord,  1:116;  2:532;  3:659 

Cosby  tract  and,  4:204-205 
Antecomp,  Grace,  4:155 
Antelope  (vessel),  1:31,  37,  57,  181,  195,  220,  251 



Antell,  ,  7:897 

Anthon  (Antoine,  Antony),  Dr.  George  Christian,  5:205;  12:3;  13:256 

Croghan  expedition  (1765)  and,  4:798;  11:853,  872,  958 

Fort  Pitt  appointment  (1761),  3:300,  346 
Anthony  (Canajoharie): 

plan  to  kill  Johnson  (1757),  2:715;  9:773,  774,  776 
Anthony  ("native  New  York  Indian"),  land  deed  (1754)  to  George  II, 

Anthony,  Charles,  4:154;  5:154;  11:432 
Anthony,  Elisabeth,  5:154 
Anthony,  Ephraim,  5:153 
Anthony,  Hannah,  5:154 
Anthony,  Jeams,  5:153 
Anthony,  John,  4:159;  5:153 
Anthony,  Joseph,  5:154 
Anthony,  Margaret,  4:155;  11:433 
Anthony,  Marey,  4:160 
Anthony,  Patience,  5:153 
Anthony,  Sarah,  4:155;  5:154;  11:433 
Anthony,  Stephen,  5:153 
Anthony,  Toby,  5:154 

Anthony's  Nose,  3:299;  8:1190;  11:250;  12:1069 
Anticosti  Island,  10:978.  979 
Antigua,  3:635.  749;  12:70 
Antil,  (Colden  friend),  8:528 

Antill  (Antle),  ,  Canadian  visit  (1766),  5:231,  429,  474 

Antill,  John,  12:981 

Antoine,  Dr.  George,  see  Anthon,  Dr.  George  Christian 
Antonagan  Eiver,  7:790;  8:124 

Antony  (Orughiyagareghre — Canajoharie),  10:181;  13:176 
Antony  (Sorihowane — Canajoharie),  10:181;  13:175 
Antwerp,  Lewis,  1:840 

Anugh  Kary  Tawy  (Tionenkekorowy),  9:747 
Anughuanqua  (Oneida  chief),  10:44 
Apalichicola  Eiver,  10:978,  979 
Aper,  Abigail,  4:155 
Aperigo,  ,  9:796 

Apes,  Mary,  4:160 
Apockys,  4:526;  11:349 
Appalachian  Mountains: 

Delaware-Shawnee  uprisings  (1755),  2:368 

as  French-English  boundary,  1:445,  552;  9:570 

Pennsylvania-Iroquois  land  deed  release   (1758),  10:45,  47 
Apple,  Hannis,  2:575;  3:357 
Apple  Door,  Devonshire,  13:214 
Appy,  John: 

French  attack  threats  (1758),  2:845n,  867-68;  9:930-31 

Eoubaud  letter  translation  (1761),  3:332 

salaries  of  Indian  soldiers  and,  9:590,  633 

Williamoz  payment  (1761)  by  Claus,  3:548 

Wood  correspondence,  2:851w,  852ra,  854n,  855?i,  866-70 
Appy,  Mrs  John,  see  Banyar,  Elizabeth  Mortier  Appy  (Mrs.  Goldsbrow1) 
Apthorpe,  Charles  W.,  4:612;  8:289,  296 

Johnson  (Warren)  American  visit  (1746),  1:53,  59   67 

postal  appointments  (1769),  7:287 

Wappinger  hearing,  5:506 
Aquadjood  (French  Indian),  1:357 
Aquiota,  1:405 

Aquirandongwas  (Caghnawaga),  7:956;  13:633 
Araghiadecka  (Canajoharie  sachem)  see  Brant,  Nicholas 
Arajungas  (Seneca  chief),  11:157 
Arbo,  John,  6:69 


Sir  William  Johnson  Papers 

Arbre  Oroche,  Michigan,  6:275n;  12:491n,  S39n 
Arbre  Croehe  Indians,  see  Ottawas 
Archer,  George,  5:616-17 
Archer,  John,  5:616-17 
Archer,  Thomas,  5:616-17 
Archibald,  1:358 

Arent  (Kanundaghkirha — Canajoharie),  10:181;  13:175 
Argenson,  Count  d',  2:25ft 

Argin,  Thomas,  8:610-11 
Argyle,  Duke  of,  7:1078 

Argyle,  New  York,  7:596 
Arhonenther  (Onondaga  sachem),  1:365 
Aria  (Mohawk),  3:151;  8:685,  958-59,  960;  9:653 
Chenundadies  and,  10:147 

on  Montreal  expedition  (1760),  10: ISO;  13:173 
Ariawacka  (Oneida),  11:29,  31 
Arighwadaga  (Chehussio  chief),  11:321,  325 
Arkansas  (Archangas),  10:822 

Arkansas  (Arcanzas)  Indians,  6:392;  8:661,  11:497 
Croghan  message  (1766),  13:412 
Pontiac  message  (1766),  12:228 
Arkansas  River,  8:889 
Arkson,  Garrett,  1:219 
Armagh,  Ireland,  5:434 

for  Abercromby  Lake  George  expedition  (1758),  10:6-7,  8,  10,  15 

in  Adems  accounts,  13:542,  543,  545,  546,  548,  555,  556,  557,  558,  559,  561, 

Albany  orders  (1758),  2:779 
Albany  orders  (1766),  12:114,  207,  214 
bayonets,  13:196 

Bradstreet  burial  (1764)  of  cannon  and  ammunition,  11:493 
Bradstreet  order  of  fusils,  6:64-65 
in  Butler  accounts  (1761-71),  13:508 

Campbell  orders,  5:515;  7:27,  28,  52;  13:340,  345,  351,  364 
Canadian  liquor  traders  (1772)  and,  12:972-73 
Canadian  stores  (1760-61),  10:168,  333-34 
for  Canajoharie  fort,  9:416,  428 
for  Canestio  attack  (1764),  4:325 

brass,  8:460 
Fort  Edward,  9:553 
Fort  Johnson,  13:82-83 
French  (1759),  13:142 
Great  Carrying  Place,  9:434 
Indian  warfare  and,  11:206 
at  Niagara  (1759),  13:124,  158,  159 
Schenectady,  10:148,  923 
in  Cape  Breton  expedition,  1:32 
in  Cartagena  expedition,  1:11,  12 

Crown  Point  artillery  and  ordnance  (1755),  1:476-82,  488,  515,  518-20 
538,  577-78,  604,  653-54,  664,  674,  710-11,  746-47,  759,  761,  762-63,  770, 
789,  822,  825,  828,  889;  2:65,  79,  85,  99,  117-20,  130,  131-32;  9:206 
Albany  stores,  1:503-504,  510,  525,  542,  557,  600,  6.S1-N2,  ess  688,  799- 
802,  836-37,  894;  2:67,  71,  101,  119-20,  149-50,  21  I,  215,  229,  551; 
9:269-70,  304 
deficiency  list  (1755),  9:263 

Eyre's  artillery  list  of  stores  (August),  1:820,  821;  9:221-22 
Fort  Edward,  2:144,  154,  239,  258,  321;  9:. ".07 
Fort  Frederick,  1  :;">.'>  1 

French,  1:509,  678-79,  695-96,  891-92;  2:60,  62,  96,  119,  399 
of  French  deserters,  2:253,  257-58 




'  gun-carriages,  1:510,  577-78,  580,  587,  593-94,  600,  608,  611,  613,  619, 
647,  652,   655,  670,  674,  680,  686,  691,   724,  759,  830,  839;   2:116; 
management  in  anticipated  siege,  2:328-32 
management  at  Battle  of  Lake  George,  9:229-30 
Massachusetts,    1:478,   571-75,   608,   610-11,   617-18,   623n,   661-62,   689, 

690-91,  696,  707-709,  858,  872,  885 
New  York  City,  1:443-45,  563,  676,  680,  682-84,  685,  686-89,  759;  2:79 
Whiting  ammunition  return,  9:287 
cutlasses,  2:585,  589,  629 

cutler  qualifications  (Samuel  Edge),  12:980-82 
Delaware,  2:681,  4:495,  498;  11:244 

disbursement  to  Indians,  1:52,  72,  78,  81,  82-83,  84,  92,  95,  97,  107,  110, 
134,  281;   2:293,   298;   9 :15-30passim,  346,  347,  352,  440,  470,  563-64, 
645,  646 
(1757),  2:720-21,  725;  9:490,  507,  510,  588,  605,  611,  619,  620,  649,  651, 

652,  653,  657,  779,  780,  781,  789,  810,  829-30,  869 
(1758),  2:807;  3:14;  9:889,  891-92,  895,  927-28,  933,  942 
(1759),  3:16,  18,  19,  21,  39,  41,  44,  46;  10:102-103,  107,  109,  111,  50S- 

509,  548-49,  597-98 
(1760),  3:197,  199,  202,  206,  225,  227,  233,  235,  238;   10:143-44,  170, 

187-88,  194 
(1761),  3:331,  345,  356,  388,  466,  493,  513,  515,  520    571,  581-82,  594, 
600;  10:221,  222,  223,  238,  239,  240,  245,  246,  256*,  257-58,  275,  279, 
284,  286-87,  291,  326-29,  331,  332-33,  698-99;  13:236,  237,  240,  259, 
263,  268,  270 
(1762).  3:662-63,  708,  712,  758,  823,  890,  905,  964,  965,  986-87;  10:370, 
371,  427,  473,  492,  508-509,  515,  519,  535,  548-49,  597,  701,  704,  705, 
706,  707,  709,  710 
(1763),  4:62,  63,  101,  136,  188,  189,  200,  204,  209,  234,  257;  10:624, 

657-58,  684,  713,  714,  750,  755,  858,  899,  932,  934,  956-57,  988-89 
(1764),  4:287,  331,  371,  378,  379,  469;  11:167-68,  477,  495,  771,  780 
(1765),  4:638,  874;  11:596,  708,  709-10,  821,  870 
(1766),  5:96,  248,  249,  250,  251,  252-53,  254,  255;  12:49,  67,  200,  240; 

13:382,  401-404 
(1767),  5:671,  672,  718;  12:258,  259,  287,  288,  345,  362,  371,  388 
(1768),  6:366-94passim,  524,  540;  12:482,  498-99    500,  662,  670,  671 
(1769),  6:656-66passim;  7:15,  973-Slpasst'm;  12:799 
(1770),  7:780,    782,   783;    12:803,    834,    850,   852,    864,    867,    868,    869 
(1771-73),  12:900;  13:630,  713,  717 
disbursement : 

French,  4:282,  295,  404,  585,  607,  628,  801;  5:723;  9:578-79,  630,  691; 
11:167-68,  246,  404,  475,  482,  504,  696-97,  870 
English  imports,  1:141,  456,  464;  2:899-90;  9:434;  10:102,  108 
fire-arrows,  1:101-102;  10:734;  11:9 
Fort  Johnson  shortage  (1756-57),  9-829;  13:82-85 
Fort  William  Augustus  (1760),  10:176-77 

at  Detroit  (1760),  10:145,  168 
for  German  Flats  attack  (1758),  9:915,  930 
Indian  trade  (1764),  11:219,  228 
at  Niagara  (1759),  10:122-23 
at  Oswegatchie,  3:134-35;  9:915 
against  Oswego,  2:691n 
Oawego  plunder  (1757),  9:606,  630 
at  Ticonderoga  (1757),  2:718,  790 
gift  of  pistols  from  John  Lewis  Gage,  5:817-18 
gun  loaned  to  Otoangaut  (Seneca  chief),  7:1045 

Duncan  order  (1767),  5:515 
Holland,  8:1053,  1078 


Sir  William  Johnson  Papers 

Montreal  proclamation  (1763)  on,  4:286 

Phyn  order  (1766),  5:41 

prices  (1761),  13:233,  270 

shipments,  3:377;  7:933,  1039,  1041,  1123-24;   8:1053 

shortage  rumors  (1757),  9:628 

storage  charges  (1771),  7:1124;  8:47,  56 
gunsmith's  account  (1767-68),  12:483-86 
gunsmith's  account  (1770),  7:1004-13 
against  Indian  raids,  1:53,  148,  149;  2:443-44 
Indian  trade  regulation,  3:884;  7:315,  405;  10:354-355;  11:730,  731,  738; 


prohibition  (1764),  4:237,  316,  400,  490,  617;  11:16,  20,  168,  234,  266, 
Johnson's  brass  gun  from  Sir  Peter  Warren,  3:825 
Johnson  Hall  ammunition  order  (1765),  11:593 

Johnson  Hall  inventory  (1774),  13:648-49,  657,  658,  661,  662,  663,  664 
knives  (See  Instruments,  knives) 
on  Martinique  expedition,  3:625-26 
Michilimackinac  Indian  trade  (1766),  12:199 
Michilimackinae  requirements  (1767),  in  Eogers  plan,  13:449 
Mohawk  Eiver  defense,  3:853;  4:170,  178,  188;   9:536,  543,  551-52,  666, 

872,  876;  10:6-7,  8,  10,  15 
New  York  scarcities,  2:466,  482;  7:912;  10:912-13 
Niagara  cargoes  (1768),  12:650 
Niagara  expedition   (1759),  3:39,  41,  44,  46,  62-63,  79,  96,  107-108,   112, 

116,  122,  139-40;  13:116,  120 
Oswego  boat  convoy,  9:429,  434,  444 
for  Oswego  garrison,  1:25-26,  29;  9:422,  431 
outpost  occupation  (1761),  3:524,  525;  13:250,  253 
pattereroes  (pedreros),  2:538n;  10:762,  763 
Philadelphia  (1760),  13:181.  200 

in  Phyn  and  Ellice  accounts  (1767-68),  13:469,  470,  472,  476 
poison  bullets,  13:206 

(1755-56),  2:506-646pa.s.s/m 

(1758-59),  3:151,  156,  158,  167,  168,  174,  177 

(1761),  3:302,  531-35 

(1762), 10:391 

(1763),  10:750,  755,  769, 830 

(1764),  4:559;  11:36 

(1770),  7:021,  623,  625,  837,  838,  844,  858,  860,  888-89,  973-81passm. 
Quaker  supplies  of,  2:777 
rifle  "true  or  exact,"  ordered,  12:968 
Rogers  supply  for  alleged  treason  plot  (1768),  12:440 
for  Roubaud,' 3:637-38 

sale  of  French  plunder  (1758),  9:889-90,  891,  900 
Seneca,  1:765;  11:16,  20 
settlers  (1763),  10:718 
Sioux,  10:711 
soldiers'  purchase  of,  2:734-35;  4:170,  178,  185,  237,  261,  301;  13:109 

penalties  for  default,  10:1  L3 
swords,  2:422;  13:196,  652 
tariffs  on,  4:560,  566 
theft  of,  9:281;  12:940,  967;  13:713 

Van  Ill's  shipment   (1771),  8:61,  68,  83,  87,  103,  L07,  L38,  117,  L65 
Wade  and  Keiuser  orders  (1770),  7:824,  825 
Warren  estate  claim,  13:28,  29,  32 
Armstrong,  Bigoe,  col.,  13:623n 
Armstrong,  George  (bookkeeper),  1:294 
Armstrong,  George,  col.: 

foxhounds  of,  4:27;  12:2-3 



Armstrong,  George,  Col., 

shipwreck  (1764),  4:341,  383 
Armstrong,  James,  5:825;  9:728,  732 
Armstrong,  John,  5:230 
Armstrong,  John,  capt.  (Indian),  5:666 
Armstrong,  John,  col.: 

Carlisle  survey  (1762),  3:875ft 
Kittaning  destruction,  5:616;  10:964ft 
Eevolution  and,  7:108ft 
Armstrong,  Thomas,  1:127-28,  150,  181,  270 

letter  of  recommendation  for  his  brother,  1:294-95 
Armstrong,  Pennsylvania,  forts  at,  2:522 

8th  regiment,  13:623ft 

16th  regiment,  7:554,  569,  671-72 

17th  regiment,  2:801n,;  11:119 

21st  Eegiment,  8:50 

22nd  regiment,  2:801ft;  11:199,  223;  13:102 

26th  regiment,  7:1079 

27th  regiment,  2:801ft 

34th  regiment,  11:928 

35th  regiment,  2:425,  464ft,  801ft 

40th  regiment,  3:517ft 

42nd  regiment  (See  Army,  Eoyal  Highlanders,  infra) 

44th  regiment: 

Braddock  expedition  (1755),  1:783,  791,  793,  826-27;  8:1067 

Caghnawaga  abuse  (1761),  3:376-77,  380,  383 

Detroit  relief  (1763),  10:788 

Niagara  expedition  (1759)  and,  3:49,  50,  53,  55,  57-105passim;  8:1068 

orders  (1761),  3:403 
46th  regiment,  2:801ft;  3:384,  403;  8:1026,  1149-50 

Cuban  expedition  (1762),  3:990ft 

in  Niagara  expedition  (1759),  3-A9-105passim;  10:128-29,  130-31 

Niagara  relief  (1763),  10:803,  817 
51st  (Pepperel's)  regiment,  1:435,  436,  445-47,  448,  512ft,  538,  548ft,  566, 

598,  642,  779ft;  2:393ft,  495ft 
55th  regiment,  2:801ft 

60th  regiment  (See  Army,  Eoyal  Americans,  infra) 
78th  regiment,  3:403;  4:102 

80th  (Gage's),  regiment,  3:375,  404ft,  474,  524ft,  525;  10:816,  817-18 
Albany  militia: 

adjutant  general,  2:734,  809;  4:178,  186,  230;  6:180;  7:12ft,  88,  153 

cavalry,  4:178,  185,  230,  542-43,  547;  5:11;  12:384,  766,  790,  810 

boundaries  (1768),  6:179-80 

company  returns,  1:154,  246;  3:878,  933;  5:556,  606,  848-49;  6:39,  241, 
781;  9:402-403,  782,  867;  10:110;  13:96-97 

detachment  (winter,  1755-56)  for  Lake  George  relief,  13:69,  79 

detachment  levied  (April,  1758)  by  Johnson,  13:108-10 

detachment   (1757)  for  Webb  support  at  Fort  Edward,  2:728-29,  730, 

detachment    (1756)    for   Webb   support   at   German  Flats,   2:464,   548, 
555,  884;  9:449-50,  512,  515,  517 

district  map,  6:39 

division  proposal  (1748),  9:11-14 

emergency  directions  (1755),  2:323 

emergency  directions  (1758),  9:873,  877,  897 

first  battallion  status  of,  13:11 

governor's  visit  (1771),  8:139 

guard  orders  (1748),  1:144-46,  152 

guard  orders  (1758),  2:888 

Johnson's  commission  as  colonel,  1:150,  154,  166-67;  2:808;   9:11-14; 

Marshall  company,  1:195-96,  218-19,  909;  2:471-72 


Sir  William  Johnson  Papers 

Matthews's  company  at  Lake  George,  1:566,  666;  2:357,  405,  882n 

Mohawk  protection,  (1746),  1:54 

Mohawk  Eiver  Indian  threat  (1763)  and,  4:178 

muster  (1738),  1:2 

officers,  1:127,  165,  189,  439,  591;  2:713?*,  734,  882n;  3:551w,  606,  909- 

10,  949;  4:4,  7,  285,  289,  297;  7:453-57;  10:760 
recruitment  orders  (1762),  3:671-72,  683-85 
reorganization    (1767-71),   5:540,    542,   556;    6:15-16,    75,   221;    7:203; 

8:101,  12:318-20,  807-808,  810-11,  905-906 
reorganized  regiment,  first  battalion  officers   (1770),  7:453-55 
reorganized  regiment,  second  battalion  officers  (1770),  7:455n,  456-57 
review  (1764),  11:237,  251 
Schenectady  guards  (1763),  10:758,  917-18 

Schenectady  regiment  and   (See  Army   (Colonial  Militia)   Schenectady) 
billeting  of  soldiers,  2:495,  498,  761,  810;   5:534,  540,  545,  598,  600,  704, 
853;  12:343 

Blues,  7:1078 

Bradstreet's  regiment,  2:309;  7:587?i 

British  regulars  proposed  junction  with  colonials,  9:484-85 

Burgoyne's  regiment,  7:540 

burial  methods  (1760),  13:185 

Canadian  regiment  (1764),  4:381,  395,  402,  406 

cantonment  of  forces  in  North  America,  1765,  map,  11:958 

cantonment  of  forces  in  North  America,  1766,  map,  12:38 

in  Cape  Breton  expedition,  1:52,  56,  57-58 

Carolina  Independents,  2:541-52 

carpenter  duties,  2:63,  117,  135,  152,  178,  180-81;  9:264,  265 

in  Cartagena  expedition,  1:12-14 

chaplains,  7:4;  9:482,  490,  491;  10:273 

Chauncey's  companies,  2:89,  198,  211,  259;  9:263 

Cherry  Valley  company,  10:949,  957,  975 

McKean's  volunteers  stationed  at,  4:297,  298,  342,  347;  11:79-80 
Claverack  regiment: 

company  returns  (1769),  7:262;  12:766,  780 

company  returns  (1770),  7:643 

company  returns  (1772),  8:522 

Dunmore  confirmation  of  Van  Eensselaer  colonelcy,  8:181,  529,  535-36, 
549-50;  12:905-906 

Kinderhook  petitions  against  inclusion  in,  6:678-80;  7:23-24,  302-303, 
368-09,  385,  393-94,  421-22,  446;  8:101-102 

officer  recommendations  (1769),  6:642,  700-701;  7:24,  101,  116-18,  266- 
67,  326,  360,  393-94;  8:100-102 

officer  recommendations  (1770),  7:510-13,  533,  535,  642-43,  679;  12:772, 
780,  789,  807,  808,  810 

township  boundaries  and,  7:266-67 
colonial  dissatisfaction  with  regulars   (1770),  7:528;   12:773 
colonial  military  quotas,  1:515,  522,  606,  665,  674,  687n,  689,  693,  893; 

2:312,  336,  430;  3:310;  10:112-14,  938,  954;  13:210 

(1764),  4:364,  382,  390,  395,  399,  402,  434,  439,  483 
colonial  militia  contrasted   (by  Johnson)   with  regulars,  2:420-21 
colonization  and  military  government,  5:277,  321,  322,  325-27,  330 
commission  assignment: 

Amherst  and,  3:119,  122-23,  127,  131;  10:115,  116-17,  120,  139,  154,  191 

Banyar  on,  1:423,  42  \:\:>,  439;  3:285-86,  287-88,  296,  397,  606,  949,  983; 
4:1,  7,  30;  7:356;   12:788-89,  790-91,  809,  810-11,  905-906 

Clinton  and,  13:8 

Colden  on  (See  Colden,  Cadwallader,  militia  appointments) 

on   Crown   Point   expedition   vacancies    (1755),  2:38,  40,  49,   103-104, 
137,  151,  163-65,  198,  252,  271,  358,  386,  405,  406 

Cuban  expedition,  3:960 

dedimus  potestatem  (appointment  powers),  12:771-72,  781-82,  809 




DeLancey  and,  2:732,  734,  818;  9:140-41;  13:96-97 

Dunmore  and,  8:84-85,  95-96,  100-102,  529,  535;  12:905 

Dutch  and,  2:781-82 

Glen,  Jr.,  on,  4:257,  266;  9:873-74 

Loudoun  and,  2:485,  9:555 

Monckton  on,  3:863;  10:569-70 

Moore  on  (See  Moore,  Sir  Henry,  on  militia  appointments) 

Provincial  (1756),  2:439 

Eensselaerswyck  and,  6:670,  679,  702-703;  7:24,  101,  116-18,  266-67, 
302-303,  326,  360,  393-94;  8:100-102 

Shirley  and,  9:555;  13:41 

Tryon  on,  8:448-49,  456,  458,  459-60,  549,  550,  571,  1102 

Van  der  Heyden  on,  4:236,  237 
commission  purchase,  1:330;  2:165 

Claus  captaincy,  see  Claus,  Daniel 

Darcy's,  3:889,'  898 

Gorham's,  7:91 

Haldimand  sale  to  John  Johnson,  10:400-401 

Johnson  (Guy)  company,  3:912,  959,  977,  981 

lieutenant-colonels'  fees,  3:949 

Lottridge  and,  3:970-71 

McLeod,  5:849-50 

Prevost,  5:89,  106-107,  189,  191 

prohibition  (1767)  of,  12:249-50 

Roberts,  5:81,  94;  7:926-27 

Rutherford,  10:259,  269 

Schlosser  company,  3:899,  906,  951,  981;  10:580 

Shuckburgh's,  4:9 
Connecticut,  1:613,  622,  655,  657,  666,  671,  713,  717,  894;   2:41,  50,  99, 

107,  254-55,  264,  274,  279,  284,  312-13,  326,  357 

Lyman's  regiment,  1:723,  730-32,  857,  887-88;  2:8,  89,  135,  211,  217, 
274;  9:237;  13:54 

Montreal  expedition  (1760),  10:170 

New  York  enlistments  (1755),  1:129,  665,  876;  2:7,  39,  40,  89,  301, 
307,  358 

road  work,  9:249 

(1764),  4:423,  426,  427,  433,  434,  435,  436-37;   11:168,  175,  192,  194, 
Continental  Congress  (1775)  and,  8:1207-1214 

court  martial  (See  Legal  procedure,  court  martial  and  courts  of  inquiry) 
Coxsackie  regiment: 

Albany  militia  division  and,  7:448,  449,  451;  12:319 

company  returns,  8:522 

officers  recommended  (1770),  7:467-69,  673,  719-20 
deserters : 

court  martial  of,  1:139,  787;  2:305-306;  4:314,  439;  5:765;  13:51-53 

in  Crown  Point  expedition  (1755),  1:566,  678,  713,  716,  776,  781,  787, 
816,  857,  872-73,  890;  2:10,  78,  161,  180,  217,  218,  284,  288,  530-31; 
9:254;  13:62,  66,  205 

Fort  Edward  (1757),  2:731-32,  739 

Fort  Ontario  (1752),  9:90 

Fort  William  (1747),  1:89-90 

from  Gage  Light  Infantry  (1761),  13:232,  233 

as  incendiaries,  4:329;  5:590 

Indian  refuge  (1762-64),  3:700,  792;  4:314,  319,  331,  367,  374,  377, 
387,  438,  485,  496,  500,  512;  10:522,  547,  578;  11:154,  156,  196,  217, 
241,  285,  287,  291-92,  293,  312,  318;  13:280-81 

in  King  George's  War,  1:76,  105,  111,  129,  139,  166,  179 

Montreal  expedition  (1760),  10:194 

New  Jersey  (1761),  10:210 

New  York  rate  of  desertion  (1772),  8:532 

Niagara  campaign  (1759),  3:76,  176 


Sir  William  Johnson  Papers 

Niagara  journey  (1764)  capture  of,  11:251 

Oswego  relief  and,  9:413,  414,  421,  430 

Sherlock  case,  4:492,  495,  49S;  10:684;  11:319,  812 

voluntary  return,  4:333;  8:1026,  1033,  1149-50 
Detroit  Militia,  6:437,  509-10,  536;  12:606,  673 
Deyger's  company,  2:690 

desertion  and,  8:1026,  1033,  1149-50 

discharge  requests,  1:350-51,  718;  2:56,  64,  66,  208,  244-45,  886-87,  895; 

dismissal  of  troops,  1:119,  121 

of  invalids,  2:56,  174,  175,  177,  180,  235;  9:275,  277,  279,  282 

payment   (1738)  and,  1:3 

substitute  hiring,  8:628,  731 

abusive  language,  1:717,  870 

Articles  of  War  on,  1:783,  816;  3:97;  4:185,  231,  261-62;  5:697 

banishment,  5:765 

of  boatmen,  3:106 

cleanliness,  3:59,  100,  103 

court  martial  and  (See  Legal  procedure,  court  martial  and  courts  of 

for  cruelty,  3:376-77 

desertion  suspicion,  1:713,  716 

discharge  as,  7:311 

for  drunkennesss,  2:396 

exercise  and  sobriety  in,  1:658,  666 

failure  to  respond  to  company  orders,  2:457 

for  failure  to  shoot  on  order,  9:547 

fines  for  avoidance  of  duty,  4:221;  11:380-81 

for  firing  without  orders,  1:817,  818,  857,  877;  3:51,  79 

of  Fort  Edward  sick,  2:56,  275 

hostilities  against  British  regulars,  1:413 

Johnson's  orders  for  maintaining,  at  Indian  Conference  (1755),  1:667-68 

Lake  George  camp  special  problems  of,  2:6-8,  10,  49,  74,  117,  134,  137, 
150,  152,  164,  180-82,  192,  194,  217,  221,  238,  240,  242-43,  256,  261-62. 
273;  13:63-64 

on  march,  1:817 

obedience  and  subordination   in,  1:731-32,  802-803,  818;  2:7,  10 

of  officers,  1:61;  2:6,  7,  8,  10;  3:62,  64-65,  80-81;  4:185 

panic  and,  1:791,  823-24 

quarreling,  1:870;   2:6 

of  sentries,  1:870,  877;  3:88-89 

smoking  near  gunpowder,  1:817 

for  spreading  rumors,  2:108,  110 

theft,  3:100,  101,  102 

whipping,  2:306;  3:88;  5:765;  10:329;  13:54-55,  234 
drummer  scarcity    (1754),  1:422 
Dutchess  Company,  1:651;  8:595;  9:873;  13:69,  79 
employment  of  soldiers  by  officers,  6:5  IX 

engineers,  1:689-90   (See  also  individual   names,  e.g.,  Eyre,  William) 
food  rations  per  diem,  10:72;   12:267 
Era  in  |  iton  regiment,  1:52 
garrisoning  of  [ndian    forts  with   regulars,  2:204,  271,  309,  310.    180,  551, 

559;   3:11,   16-17;   9:161  62,  517,  535,  545,  546-48,  550,  600-601 
Gaylord's  company,  2:357,  358,  406 
Gibraltar  regiments,  1:52 
Grant's  company,  2:357 
Gravs,  7:1078 
grenadiers,  3:50-105pos*tm;  4:178,  185,  230,  237,  255,  261,  262-63,  543  II: 

5:11,  395,  8:533-34;  10:42,  923-24,  940;  12:810-11;  13:190 




Guadelupo  transports  (1761),  13:211 

Hansen  (Hendrick)   company,  3:285-86,  287-88 

Hansen   (John  K-.)   volunteer  company,  4:286,  301,  316,  363 

harvesting  duty  in  Albany,  1:809-10,  819 

Hessian  regiments,  2:450 

Hobbey's  company,  2:357 

Indian  forces  (See  specific  tribes) 

Indian  reinforcement  of  regulars,  2:506-508,  510 

Iniskillin  regiment,  3:47,  220 

Johnson  (John)  regiment,  7:262;  12:791 

Johnson's  appointment  as  brigadier  general,  6:x;   12:828 

Johnson's   appointment  as  major   general,   1:468-72,   501-502,   522-23,   525, 

536-37,  626,  631,  637,  808,  815;  2:x;  3:898-99,  953-54;  5:21 

commission  (1770)  from  Colden,  12:828,  835 

Shirley  instructions,  1:472-75;  2:396-97 
Johnson's  guard  on  Niagara  journey   (1764),  4:445-46,  453;   11:13 
Johnson's  hints  for  a  commanding  officer,  1:539-40 
Johnson  orders   (1748),  photograph,  1:145 
Johnson's  orders  following  German  Flats  alarm    (1762),  3:834,   852,  853, 

854-56,  859 
Johnson's  orders  to  Second  Battalion   (1754),  1:404 
Kinderhook  regiment : 

address  on  Johnson's  death,  8:1187;   13:638-39 

Claverack  inclusion  attempt,  7:266-67,  302-303,  368-69,  385,  393-94,  446; 

company  returns    (1769),  7:262 

company  returns  (1772),  8:522,  549-50 

company  returns  (1774),  8:1003-1004 

division  proposals  (1772),  8:449-50,  455,  462,  550 

officers  recommended  (1770),  7:369,  385,  418-19,  421-23,  432,  445-47, 
448,  449-50,  451-52,  459-60,  467,  533,  605-606,  672-73,  674-75,  677-78, 
709;  12:789,  807 

Eensselaerswyck  boundaries  and,  7:267,  302-303,  329,  380,  447,  448,  640; 
8:84-85,  100-102 
Kingston  company  cavalry,  12:810 

Lake  George  (Nov.,  1755)  aid  from  regulars,  2:296;  13:69 
land  grants  for  military  service   (1763),  10:981-82;   11:20,  73-74,  97,  104, 

116-17,  120-22,  346 
Light  Dragoons,  6:222 
Light   Horse  companies,   4:178,   185,   230,   251,   261,   262-63,   542-43,   547; 

5:11,  329-30 
Light  Infantry  companies,  4:139;  5:329-30;  10:42 

Gage  command,  10:788,  803;  13:228,  232,  233,  248,  249,  250,  252,  253, 
259,  329 

Niagara  expedition  (1759),  3:52,  53,  54,  55,  61,  87,  88,  91,  93,  97 
liquor  sale  to  soldiers,  1:102-103,  787,  857 
Livingston  Manor  regiment,  7:262;  12:319 
Loyal  American  Regiment,  l:224n-25n 
Lunenburgh  proposed  regiment,  7:579-80 
Maryland  volunteers,  11:540,  569 
Massachusetts : 

Bagley's  regiment,  2:63,  89,  151,  164-65,  211;  9:324-25 

Gilbert's  regiment,  2:89,  200,  202;  9:325 

Montreal  expedition  (1760),  10:170 

Pomeroy  regiment,  2:164-65;  9:279,  280-81,  324,  326;  13:55-56 

Ruggles'  regiment,  l:856?i,  868;  2:1,  94-95,  121,  165,  253,  284;  9:209, 
234,  235,  242 

Titcomb's  regiment,  1:778,  779?i,  779-80,  787,  816-19,  828-30,  870,  878, 
887;  2:103-104;  9:230,  233,  235,  236 

Whitcomb's  regiment,  2:50,  89,  308;  9:324;  13:51-53 

Willard's  regiment,  1:884-85;  2:167,  211,  248 


Sir  William  Johnson  Papers 

Williams's  regiment,  1:723,  730,  779-80,  788,  829,  867,  877;  2:103-104, 
106   198*  9 #229   230-31   233   236 
Mohawk  River  defense  (1756)',  9:449-50,  512,  515,  517,  528-29,  532,  535-36, 
543,  550 
(1757),  9:636,  637-38,  660-64,  666-67,  670,  671,  676,  681,  783,  809-10, 

812,  829 
(1758),  9:867,  872,  873,  877-79,  885,  917,  920-21,  933;   10:26,  29,  40, 

(1762)   10:477-78,  479 
(1763),  4:171,   173,  175,   177-79,  182,  187-8S,  201,  215-16,  221,  231-32, 

235;  10:758,  761,  772 
Mohawk  River  defense  alert    (1764)    against  Chenussio  attack,  11:107, 
110-11,  112,  114 
Morgan's  regiment,  10:459 

1:787,  865-69;  2:6-7,  180,  217,  218,  241;  6:302;  9:280 
Mutiny  Act,  5:272 
New  Canaan  and  New  Lebanon  regiment  proposed  (1770),  7:413-14,  446-47, 

449,  459,  460 
New  England  troops,  1:73,  75-76,  79,  173,  435,  437n;  2:56,  196,  729;  9:210 
(See  also  specific  colonies,  supra  and  infra,  e.g.,  Army,  Massachusetts) 

New   Hampshire,   1:592,   678,    838,   842,   877,   882,   888;    2:6,    61,   65,   84, 

89,  123,  150,  196,  255-56,  279;  9:1S0,  206,  231-32,  238,  241-42,  273-74, 


Blanchard  command,  1:607,  684,  691-92,  844-45,  851,  852,  858,  859, 
871-72,  879,  884;  2:14,  107,  109,  141,  167,  170,  272;  3:996;  9:224, 
228-29,  247;  13:51-53 

Fort  Edward  garrison  (1756),  9:553 

Oswego  relief   (1759),  3:123;   13:123 
New  Jersey  troops,  2:309;  9:671;  10:170;  11:168,  175,  812 
New  York  Independent  Companies,  l:712n;  3:897 

degeneration  of,  5:850 
New  York  Militia  Acts,  1:262,  276-77,  280,  442;  2:444;  4:184-85,  230-31, 

261-63,  400;   9:13,  38,  69,  164;   11:381 

Bill  of  1770  and,  7:356,  1027 

Bill  of  1772  and,  8:413,  437,  555n 
New  York  troops: 

Bradstreet  expedition  and,  11:168,  196 

Canestio  prisoner  escort   (1764),  11:109-10 

Crown  Point  campaign  (1755),  1:723,  756,  7(i(i,  806-S07,  859,  865,  8f?7, 
870,  877,  878;  2:6-7,  14,  15,  38,  40,  83-84,  89,  94,  137,  L51, 
195-96,  199,  211,  239,  257,  259,  288,  301,  307,  357;  9:206,  210,  228, 

Detroit  Congress  journey  (1761),  13:241,  245,  217 

Fort  Edward  garrison   (1756),  2:357,  406,  423;   13:72 

Mohawk  River  defense   (See  Army,  Mohawk  River  defense,  supra) 

Montreal  expedition  (1760),  10:170 

Niagara  expedition  (1759),  3:48n,  49-105posswn  ;  13:117,  120 

officers,  l:578n;   2:741??,,  S01,  887;   3:S97;  4:.n;   9:472 

Oquaga  incident  (1757),  2:744 

payment  (1756-57)   in,  9:551,  590,  632.",:: 

Seneca  passage  through  German  Flats   (1764),  11:16 
"Nova  Scotia  Army,"  1:849 

oaths  of  militia  officers,  6:607,  714,  752,  787;  7:88,  380 
O'Farrel's  regiment,  2:674,  683 
Oswego  Act,  1:407 

Albany-Crown  Point,  map,  1:897 

Bradstreet  Treaty  (1764)  on,  4:505-506;  11:331 

communication  between,  10:462-63;   11:6-9,  22  23;   13:408,  410 




English  occupation  of  French,  3:454,  459,  478,  516,  524,  525,  538-39; 
4:170,  197,  202;  5:3;  10:752,  755-56;  11:21;  13:221,  229,  232,  250, 
252,  253-54,  409,  410 

evacuation  (1765),  11:969,  987;  12:20-21,  36,  130-31,  149 

evacuation  (1766),  5:1-5,  30,  49,  122;  12:62-63,  96 

evacuation  (1767),  12:308,  346,  348-49 

evacuation   (1768),  6:232,  313,  354,  356,  509;   12:512,  564,  597,  600 

evacuation  (1769),  7:80 

evacuation  (1772),  8:588,  593,  644-45,  646-47,  680,  756 

Indian  resentment  of,  4:275;  10:461;  11:21,  987;  12:21  (See  also 
Indians,  soldiers  and) 

Indian  (Iroquois)  resentment  of,  4:220;  10:504-505,  511,  680,  683-84, 
752,  755,  769,  830,  833,  834;  13:227,  233 

Indian  (Western)  resentment  of,  4:281-82;  5:3-4,  718;  7:405,  652; 
8:645,  680,  756;  10:319,  322,  724,  725,  750,  867;  11:6-7,  26; 
12:1085,  1086 

Iroquois  promise   (1759)   to  guard,  13:141,  149,  155,  156,  157,  160 

reestablishment  of  Green  Bay  requested  (1766),  12:160 

reoccupation  (1764)   of  Western,  11:174,  200-201 

settlement  surveillance  authority,  12:130,  133,  142,  234,  367,  376,  710 

settler  repossession  (1766),  12:116,  124,  134,  147-48 

strategic  reasons  for  development  of,  5:3-4;  9:127,  129,  130;  10:505, 
511;  12:512;  13:130,  132 

trade  limitation  to   (See  Trade,  limitation  to  outposts) 
payment    (See  Salaries,  military) 
Pennsylvania,  1:56;  4:195,  377,  382,  402,  434,  439,  483;   10:759;   11:123, 

128,  170,  210;  13:55 
Perry's  regiment,  2:743 

Acapulco  ship   (1763),  4:120 

Cuban  expedition  (1762),  3:879,  880,  960 

Detroit  capitulation  (1760),  3:294 

Fort  Frontenac  (1758),  2:889,  894-95;  10:4,  6,  7 

Lake  George  battle  (1755),  2:195-96,  199 

Martinique  expedition,  3:682 

Niagara  expedition   (1759),  3:115,  117,  122,  175 

Noble  tried  for,  2:241;  9:280 
Prideaux  and  Johnson  orderly  book,  3:48-105 
Putnam's  company,  2:357 

Queen's  Independents,  4:137;  10:723;  13:294 
ranger  corps  for  regular  troops,  4:402 
ranger  military  duties,  3:316;  10:758.  761 
recruitment  for  America  (1764),  4:383,  395 

recruitment  in  Spanish  war  threat  (1771),  8:50,  52,  69,  98,  104 
Rhode  Island  regiment,  1:655,  666,  674,  690,  713,  716,  723,  776,  864,  865, 

867,  881;  2:41,  78,  89,  190,  199,  211,  276,  527;  9:210,  227-28,  237,  257, 

297;  13:53-54  ' 

Rogers'  plan  for  Michilimackinac  government,  13:460,  462,  463 
rotation  of  regulars  in  service,  4:381,  395 
Royal  Americans: 

chaplain,  2:85n 

colonial  recruitment   (1756),  2:451,  458;  10:41n 

colonial  recruitment  (1770),  7:730 

Conestoga  Indian  escort   (1764),  4:327,  358 

Cuban  expedition   (1762),  3:894 

Detroit  siege  (1763)   and,  4:137;  13:294 

Fort  Edward  (1756),  9:543 

Johnson  (John)  and,  3:685,  725 

Montreal  garrison   (1761),  3:403 

Niagara-Detroit  Congress  (1761)  journey  escort,  3:460,  468,  474; 
13:239,  241-42,  245,  247,  249,  252 


Sir  William  Johnson  Papers 

Niagara  expedition  (1759),  3'A9-105passim;  13:144 

officers,  2:458,  515,  801;  4:339n;   6:319,  337;   7:1079;   10:8«,  41n 

orders   (1763),  4:102 

soldier-Indian  incidents,  9:686;  10:329 

West  Indies  duty,  8:346,  426,  461,  532,  759-61;  12:967-68 
Royal  Artillery,  4:293;  8:52;  9:517;  10:923 
Royal  English  Fusiliers,  13:632 

Roval  Highlanders,  2:450,  458,  464,  483,  801;  3:897,  908;  9:517,  543,  667; 
'10:41;  11:2,  928;  13:125 

Cuban  expedition   (1762),  3:990-91 
Royal  Irish  Company,  1:58,  67,  435,  437,  446;  4:102;  12:336,  474 
Schaghticoke  company,  4:286 
Schenectady : 

cavalry,  12:810 

company  returns,  3:880;   5:27,  556-57;   6:16-17,  217;  9:11-14,  867 

division   (1763),  3:983-84;   4:230,  285,  289 

Flood  abused  (1762)  by,  3:736 

guard  orders,  1:413 

marching  orders  (1758),  9:872-73,  877 

officer  appointments  (1748),  1:186,  187;  9:13-14;  13:11-12 

officer  appointments  (1754),  1:423-25,  439 

officer  appointments   (1758),  9:873-74 

officer  appointments  (1762),  3:606,  949,  983 

officer  appointments  (1763),  4:285 

officer  appointments  (1764),  4:297 

officer  appointments  (1765),  5:11 

officer  appointments   (1770),  7:470-71 

officers  list   (1754),  9:138,  140 

scouting  parties  (1756),  9:550 
Scohary  company,  1:55,  281;  4:263,  273,  365,  370,  374;   7:153;  8:1042-43; 

10:949,  957,  975;   11:35 
Schuyler's  regiment,  2:459,  561;  10:273 
Scotch  Fusiliers,  2:458 
Sliafer's  company,  1:40-41 
shelter,  2:74,  214,  221,  321 

bark  houses,  2:65 

Detroit  barracks,  11:340 

forest,  13:200,  201 

Montreal  quartering  of  soldiers,  4:224-25,  822-23 

tents,  1:144,  570,  603,  609,  054;   2:65,  523;   3:<il,  63,  64,  98;   10:158, 
173,  288,  289,  292;  11:190,  253 
Shirley's  regiment,  1:192,  435,  437,  446-47,   148,  538,  564,  998;  2:156 
Sloss's  company,  1:154 
Soutli  Carolina  company,  1:712,  920 
Southern  Colonies,  troops  (1747),  1:75,  76 
Spencertown  proposed  regiment   (1770),  7:  I  HI,  459,  461 
Stockbridge  company  formed   (1768),  6:287-88 
Stone  Arabia  militia,  3:369,  370 
tradesmen  in,  3:49,  87 

Ulster  regiment,  8:456-58,  459-60,  554-55,  571;  9:873;  13:69 
Vaughan's  regiment,  3:284;  10:459 
Virginia,  4:195,  201,  539;   8:107:: 

reciTutment   (1774)    against    Shawnees,   13:687,   688-89,   693,   695,   696, 

Welsh  Fusiliers,  8:1183 

troop  arrivals:   (1756),  2:458,  462,  473,  493 

(  1757),  2:674;   9:618 

(1758),  10:8,  15 

(1768),  6*222,  323,  338,  W5-406,  110,  126,432,434,  K52,  182 




(1769),  7:46;  12:712,  808 
(1770),  7:554,  569,  671-72 

troop  returns  (1761),  3:320,  322,  370,  375-76 
(1763),  4:87,  92-93,  102,  136 

Westchester  company  1:651;   2:40n 

West  India  Regiments,  8:194 

Worster's  company,  2:89 

See   also    specific    forts,    e.g.,   Niagara;    specific   military    actions,    e.g., 
Niagara  expedition  (1759)  ;  and  individual  military  figures 
Arnett,  Hugh,  oapt.,  see  Arnot,  Hugh,  capt. 
Arnold,  Thomas,  7:354 
Arnot  (Arnett),  Hugh,  capt.,  4:651-52 

on  Detroit  murder  of  an  Indian  (1765),  4:874,  889;  11:970,  982 

illness  (1766),  5:116,  149 

Mud  (Seneca  chief)  and,  5:295 
Arogheyadecka,  see  Brant,  Nicholas 
Aron,  see  Aaron  (Mohawk), 
Aron  Cate,  4:155 
Aron  of  the  Hills,  3:153 
Arrendorf,  Conrath,  7:808 
Arrendorph,  Frederick,  11:933-37 
Arroas,  see  Silver  Heels 

artisans  in  Mohawk  country,  4:697 

Cole  gift  of  a  painting,  7:1023-24 

engraving,  3:612,  956;  4:8,  12,  31,  112 

of  Indian  testimonials,  7:494-95,  521,  590,  592,  658;  12:34,  70,  135 

Johnson  Hall  inventory,  13:652,  654,  655,  656,  657,  663 

Johnson  portraits,  2:ix-xii;  13:ix-xiii 

Johnson's  opinion  of  his  portrait,  1:931 

New  York  landscapes,  4:12,  31,  64 

portrait  painting  at  Livingston  Manor,  4:595,  622 

painting  of  Susannah  and  the  Elders,  5:196 

picture  frames,  7:473;  8:770,  776,  782 

portrait  painting  in  Canada,  5:746-47 

prints  ordered  by  Johnson,  1:265 

See  also  Music 
Arthur,  John: 

in  Butler  accounts,  13:515 

clerkship  application,  4:533,  536;  11:346-47 

discharge  (1766),  5:220 

Latin  compliment  to  Johnson,  7:277-80 

Mortier  account  statement   (1765),  4:643 
Arundax  Indians,  see  Adirondack  Indians 

Arundel,  Thomas  Howard,  Earl  of  (Lord  Maltravers),  6:572n 
Asarondonges  (Onondaga  chief),  4:101;  10:44,  48,  657;  11:85;  13:507,  508 

on  Montreal  expedition,  10 :  184 
Asarunguas  (Cayuga),  9:539 
Asarunkaghta  (Caghnawaga  chief),  7:922,  923 
Asconshean   (Seneca  chief),  6:750 
Ascough,  see  Ayscough 
Ascushan,  5:698,  757 
Aserigo,  see  Assarigoa,  Philip 
Aserundungas  (Oneida  chief),  11:58 
Ashbridge,  George,  9:743 
Ashe,  ,  8:892,  944 

Ashley,  (attorney  for  Mohegans),  11:261 

Ashley,  Benjamin,  9:644 

Ashly  (Ashely),  Noah,  maj.,  2:730;  9:231,  236 
Ashpo,  John,  4:728 
Ashpo  (Achpo),  Samuel,  4:375,  376 


Sir  William  Johnson  Papers 

Asinibole  Indians,  4:788,  7:953 

Asichista  (Mingo  chief),  11:724 

Askacheang  (Askuchean),  Seneca  chief,  7:986,  1125 

Askew,  Eichard,  capt.,  4:811,  879 

Askin,  John,  5:639,  640,  692,  693-94 

Aspinwall,  ,  8:976 

Aspo,  Robert,  4:375 

Assaragoa,  Indian  symbolic  name  for  governors  of  Virginia.  See  Virginia;  and 

see  specific  governors 
Assaregoa  (Asserego,  Captain  Peter — Caghnawaga  chief)  : 
on  Caghnawaga  loyalty,  11:609-10 

Canasadaga  conference   (Claus,  Oct.  1767),  13:431-32 
at  Delaware-Shawnee  peace  treaty  (1765),  11:597-98 
house  burned  (1773),  13:718 

at  Johnson  Hall  Congress  (Sept.,  1763),  10:838-40 
Lottridge  and,  11:53 
Saghsanageghte  and,  4:791;  7:520 
totem  of,  7:961 

Van  der  Heyden  charges  for  riding  (1770),  7:493 
war  party,  (1764),  4:435 
warrior  complaint  (1770)  against,  7:947 
Asserego  (Caghnawaga  chief),  see  Assaregoa 
Asserego,  Mahican  sachem,  see  Abraham  (Asserego — Mahican) 
Assheton,  Job,  6:559 
Asshfeild,  capt.,  4:9 

Assoi  Indians,  10:450 
Assuntia   (Oneida),  10:94 
Atassoqua  (Onondaga  sachem),  1:365 
Ateyweyuncta   (Scioto  Indian),  11:330 
Athanas  (Huron  chief),  13:631 

Athanasius   (Mohawk),  on  Montreal  expedition,  13:175 
Atherton   (Athington — Rogers  agent),    '  ,  8:134,  244;   12:354 

Athlone,  Ireland,  8:32 
A  thole,  Duchess  of,  5:770,  799;  6:339;  12:713,  892 

ill  health   (1771),  8:196,  197 
Athole,  Duke  of,  5:791;  6:337;  12:251 
Atkin,  Edmund: 

Carolina  journey  (1757),  9:772 
Catawbas  and,  9:887 

Cherokee  meeting  (1758)   at  Fort  Johnson  and,  9:968 
at  Fort  Johnson  Iroquois  Council  (1756),  2:659;  9:560 
Onondaga  Council  (1757)   decision  for  neutrality,  9:783-86 
Indian  passports  and,  10:942 
salary  of,  2:772 

Superintendent  of  Indian  Affairs  in  the  Southern  Colonies,  2:437-3S,  438n, 
485,  716;  3:12 
Atkinson,  Polly,  8:352 
Atkinson,  Theodore,  1:684 

Atquandadeghte  (Oswegatchie),  see  Ohquandageghte 
Adiiwana,  see  Ottrowana 
Atruana,  si  <    <  )1 1  rowana 
Attakullakulla  (Cherokee  chief),  10:91 

[roquois  peace  negotiations  (1767),  5:832;  12:339,  340,  393 
Johnson  Hall  peace  treaty  (March,  1768),  12:457,  472 
return  journey,  6:224~;  12:689 
Attanyindanha   (Ataamondanha — Cayuga  chief),  11:157,   158 
Attawaky   (Chippewa),  11:349 
Attawawana  (Cayuga  chief),  see  Ottrowana 
Attawonhood  (Mohegan,  son  of  Old  Uncas),  11:418 
Atterbury,  Francis,  bishop  of  Rochester,  8:354 
Attiatawitsera,  see  Long  Coat  (Delaware  chief) 



Attongot,  see  Otoangaut  (Seneca  chief) 
Atwanaickho    ( Chenussio ) ,  10:185 
Atwood,  ,  7:122,  686 

Atwood,  Dr.  Thomas  Bridgen,  12:448 
Aubert,  ,2:20,  22 

Aubry,  Charles: 

as  governor  of  New  Orleans,  4:761-62,  765,  800;   6:602;   7:212,  221; 

11 '882-83 
Niagara  surrender   (1759),  3:108,  109;   13:115 
Saint  Ange  and,  7:29 
Auchmuty  (Auchmuthy),  Rev.  Dr.  Samuel,  5:ix,  430,  436,  502-503;  6:531,  607; 
7:212,  555;  8:  fa;,  187 
autograph,  1  :xi 

Canajoharie  church  fund,  6:464-65,  563;  12:656 

on  Church  of  England  policy  in  America,  7:309-10,  690-92,  695;  8:143-44 
Forbes  and,  7:660 

on  funds  for  mission  schools,  5:464-65,  508 
Hanna  and,  8:99,  110,  144,  174 
Johnson  invitation  to  join  Society  for  the  Propagation  of  the  Gospel,  5:156, 

236;  11:955 
Johnson's  intended  visit  (1768),  6:235 
Johnson's  offer  in  behalf  of  an  episcopate,  5:836,  837,  840,  841-42;   6:18, 

27,  77,  132,  165,  294,  415,  542-43;  7:4,  583-84 
land  purchases,  7:4-5,  25,  168-69 
missionary  qualifications  and,  5:409,  410,  428;  6:685,  710-11 

American    sources    and,    5:466,    553-54,    622-23;    6:414-15,    456;    7:4; 

8:143-44;  13:415 
Andrews,  7:247-49,  265,  281-82 
Brown,  6:75,  78-79,  457 
English  sources  and,  5:695-96,  780-81 
German  volunteers,  6:543 
Griffith,  7:114-15,  169 
Mosely,  8:584 
Eiggs,  5:801;  6:13,  79 

Seabury,  5:800;  6:11-12,  17,  77-78,  458,  544;  7:25,  115,  169 
Stuart,  7:543 

Wheelock  standards,  6:455-56,  457 
on  mission  sites,  5:383,  389,  392-93,  426-2S,  439,  446-47,  461,  465;  6:226-37; 

291-94,  414,  456-57;  7:2-3,  25,  115,  282 
portrait,  7:168 
Rand  and,  6:682,  685,  711 
Saint  John's  Day  sermon  (1769),  6:576 
on  Schenectady  church  charter,  5:467,  508-509,  553;  8:1088 
Searson  and,  7:868 

Smith  plan  for  conversion  of  Indians,  5:508,  514.  55^ 
Stone  Arabia  church  and,  8:59 
Auchquage  Indians,  see  Oquagas 
Aucus  (Tuscarora  chief),  11:361;  12:273-76 
Auge,  Aimable,  11:827 
Auges,  M.,  5:134 
Aughnawaiise,  11 :  158 
Aughquageys,  see  Oquagas 
Aughquisasne  Creek,  4:540 
Aughquisasne  (St.  Regis)  Indians: 
Abenaki  dispute: 

Abenaki  exposition  (1770)  of,  12:839-47;  13:619-20 
Aughquisasne  exposition  (1769)  of,  7:109-12,  818-19 
Carleton  view  of  7:126-29,  654;  12:821-22,  840,  843-44 
Hertel    involvement,    7:110-11,    127-29,    818-19,    919-21,    922-23,    928-29, 
930-32;  8:212;   12:846,  1027;  13:620 


Sir  William  Johnson  Papers 

Hertel   permission   for    temporary   stay    (1770),   7:897-98,   934-35,   947. 

958-59,  960,  961;   8:214;   12:845 
Jesuit    intervention,    7:531,    532,    919-21,    930-32,    934-35,    960,    961; 

ammunition  request  (1765),  4:874 

Claus  conferences   (August,  1769),  7:109-12 
(Sept.,  1770),  13:708,  710 
(July,  1773),  13:717 
(Aug.,  1773),  13:632-33 
(Sept.,  1774),  13:720 

Claus  paper  certifying  right  to  choose  traders  (1767),  13:430 

expenses  (1768-73)  in  behalf  of ,  12:646,  758,  923;  13:708,  709,  710,  714,717 

military  abuse  (1764),  11:351-54 

Montreal  expedition   (1760)    and,  3:378;   10:183,  254 

at  Niagara  Congress  (1764),  11:309 

at  Oneida,  11:513 

priest's  dispute  with  chiefs  of,  13:619-21 

recruitment  (1764),  4:418,  426 

saw  mill,  8:215-16,  526 
Aughquisasne  (St.  Regis)  village,  4:395;  5:341,  635;  13:171 

English  prisoners  at,  10:178 

location,  11:51371 

priest  at,  4:415;  10:423,  424,  425;  13:619-21 
Augsaghrogo  (Canajoharie),  4:146 
Augsburg,  Bavaria,  3:564 
August  (vessel),  4:263 
Augusta  (ship),  3:644,  650,  735 
Augusta,  Georgia: 

Southern  Indian  Congress  (1763),  4:279,  296,  304,  315;  10:950,  951,  952 
Augusta,  Fort   (Shamokin)  : 

Burd  command,  2:785n 

Bradstreet  Treaty  and,  11:492 

Canestio  and,  4:288 

condolence  ceremonv  for  son  of  Seneca  George,  7:178,  254 

construction   (1756),  2:439,  489-90;   9:311,  759 

Delaware  threat  of  attack  (1763),  10:867,  891 

Delaware  visit  (1758),  2:785,  787 

Detroit  Indian  siege  (1763),  10:692 

Trench  and  Delaware  attack  (1757),  9:740 

French  threat  of  attack  (1757),  9:736 

garrison   (1757),  9:771-72 

garrison   (1762),  3:874-75;   10:499 

Graydon  command,  11:746 

Kindarunty  at,  3:924-25 

Lancaster  Treaty  (1762)   and,  3:873-74 

McKee   ( Alexander)   stationed  (1769)   at,  7:183 

McKee   (Thomas)   Indian  conferences: 
(1764),  4:579-83 
(1765),  11:759-60;   13:381-82 
(1768),  6:108,  111 

Montour  (1762)  at,  3:734 

riots  against  Endians  near  (1765),  4:755;   11:763,  785 

runaway  slave  at,  5:587 
Augusta  County,  Virginia,  9:310;  11:497,  516 

murders  of  Indians  (1765)   in,  4:755;  5:234;  11:763,  785,  812;  12:99 
Augustus  (Delaware),  3:771 
Augustus,  Captain   (Indian),  10:533 
Augustus,  Lady,  6:470 
Auqquege,  see  Oquagas 
Aurora  ("piece  of"),  1:361 
Aurora  borealis,  3:349 



Ausquisahawe  (Seneca),  12:628 
Austin,  John,  capt.  (Catawba),  8:247 
Austria,  3:144,  284n,  295,  564,  635,  892-93 

Spanish-French  alliance,  7:1111 
Avery,  David,  5:430;  6 :  443 ;  12 :  749n 
Avignon,  France,  3:279n 

Avigo,  Indian  settlement  on  Susquehannah  Elver,  3:153 
Avrard,  M.,  5:134 
Awetharung'  waghs,  3:695 
Ayar,  Edward,  7:561 
Ayashota  (Mingo),  4:505;  11:330 
Aylesborough,  Lady,  12:163 

Aylmer,  ,  Lord,  13:20;  734 

Aylmer,  Richard,  lieut.,  5:395,  693 

at  Detroit  courts  of  enquiry  (1765),  4:670,  673,  676 

Fort  StanwLs  command  (1767),  5:501;  12:267,  279 

on  burning  of  blockhouse,  5:514-15;  12:278-79 
Ayoway  Indians,  10:781,  782 
Ayre,  William,  see  Eyre,  William,  capt. 
Ayscough   (Ascough),  John: 

on  Albany  election  (1752),  9:86-87,  89,  90-91,  92 

on  Albany  sheriff's  appointment,  9:98-99 

autograph,  1:1 

on  Canunda  Lake  land  sale,  1:333 

on  horses,  9:95-96 

Indian  Affairs  minute  books   (1751)   requested,  9:83-84 

on  Province  debts  to  Johnson,  1:298-99,  312-13,  314,  317,  333,  334,  351-52; 

on  South  Carolina  Indian  embassy  (1752),  9:94-95 
Ayscough  (Ascough),  Dr.  Richard,  1:233;  2:82,  222;  9:70 

Johnson's  land  purchases  and,  1:334,  379-80,  393,  414 

Oswego  commissioners   (1752)   and,  1:363-64 
Ayyamaikan  (Delaware),  6:559 
Baam,  Philip,  3:357 
Babbingtons,  12:1074 
Babcock,  Henry,  capt.,  col.: 

Chew  and,  7:241,  261,  273,  1148 

company  in  Crown  Point  campaign  (1755),  1:716,  776;  2:191;  13:50 

Iroquois  seminary  proposal,  8:x,  857-59,  869-70,  919,  922-23,  980 

Johnson  visit  (1770),  12:826 

Middleton  court  of  inquiry  and,  9:286 

at  Peirce  court  of  inquiry,  9:257-58 

protest  against  Col.  Dyer,  2:259-60 
Babcock,  Jonas,  13:54 

Babie   (Odinghquanooron,  Huron  chief),  8:469;  11:178-80 
Babson,  Mordecai,  11:485 
Babtest,  lieut.,  1:98;   13:10 
Babtist,  John  (of  Schenectady),  2:687 
Baby,  Jacques  Duperon  (Detroit  trader),  4:816;  13:254 

in  Dalyell  action  at  Detroit  (1763),  10:764 

trade  petitions,  5:133,  656;   11:825-29 
Bacchar,  Abram,  7:463 
Bacchar,  David,  7:463 
Bacchar,  Garret,  7:463 
Bacchar,  Hendrick,  7:463 
Bacchar,  Herma,  7:463 
Bacchar,  John  Jn0-,  7:463 
Bacchar,  John  P.,  7:463 
Bacchar,  John  Storm,  7:463 
Bacchar,  Olebertus,  7:463 
Bacchar,  Onobertus,  7:463 


Sir  William  Johnson  Papers 

Bacchar,  Peter,  7:463 
Bacchar,  Storm,  Jr.,  7:463 
Bache  (Beach),  Theophylact,  4:49;  5:422 
Baehe  &  Simson,  5:399 
Backer,  Caleb,  6:636 
Backhouse,  John,  7:37 
Backus,  John,  1:219 

Backwith,  John,  maj.,  See  Beckwitk,  John,  maj. 
Bacon,  ,  maj.,  3:57 

Bacon,  Ed.  (Lord  of  Trade),  4:20,  214,  258 

Bacord,  Catherine  (prisoner),  11:490 
Bagley,  ,  capt.,  2:837 

Bagley,  Jonathan,  lieut.  col. : 

autograph,  2:xiv 

at  Crown  Point  Councils  of  War,  1:860,  861;  2:39,  47,  55,  70,  109-10,  198, 
250,  312,  317;  9:260,  319 

Crown  Point  guard  reports,  1:870-71 

Port  William  Henry  command,  2:332-34,  336,  395-96 

Glasier  and,  9:472 

at  Great  Carrying  Place  fort,  2:14,  110 

leave  (1755),  9:339 

regiment  of,  2:63,  89,  151,  164-65;  9:324-25 

Rogers  and,  3:247 

siege  instructions  (1755),  2:386 

wagon  requisition,  2:358 
Bahachica,  Colombia,  1:11 
Bain,  James,  ensign,  3:991n 
Baitlent,  ,  lieut.,  13:115 

Baker  (author  of  Microscope  Made  Easy),  1:264 
Baker,  ,  Cresap  murders  and,  12:1097 

Baker,  ,  lieut.,  13:133 

Baker,  James,  2:305-306 
Baker,  John,  2:4S6 
Baker,  Lemuel   (carpenter)  : 

Claus  house  carpentry  (1763),  13:304,  316 

Johnson  Hall  work  (1763),  13:307-13  passim 

payments  (Aug.-Nov.,  1763)   from  Fuller,  13:315,  316 
Baker,  Richard,  7:471 
Baker,  Samuel  (son  of  Sir  William  Baker)  : 

account  (1772),  8:576-78 

(1774),  8:1112-13,  1114 

American  business  abandoned,  8:559,  700-701 

autograph,  8:xv 

father's  death,  7:471,  670,  697,  713 

Johnson  (Guy)   and,  8:329,  649,  752 

Johnson  investments,  7:1116-17;  8:797;  12:1064 

power  of  attorney,  8:115-16,  265,  402-403,  477,  559,  574-75 
Baker,  Samuel  &  William,  1:306;  4:533 

invoices  and  receipts  from,  1:220-23,  i_' r> ( »  r>  ] ,  259  60,  290  91 

Johnson's  orders,  l:4n,  194,  198,  229,  346-47,  384  85,  581 
Baker,  Sir  William,  4:8,  120;  5:534;  7:894;   13:  Hit 

accounts  of,  2:771  ;  7:424-25,  471  ;  8:577 

arms  shipments  (1759),  3:139 

army  supply  (1756),  2:473,  505 

Croghan  and,  4:339,  421 

death,  7:471,  578,  670,  697,  713,  784;  12:1064n 

Johnson   (Guy)   and,  5:772 

Johnson's  commission  as  Superintendent  and,  3:953-54 

on  Johnson's   investments,   2:663,   696;    3:508-509;    5:412-13;    7:7s  i 
8:115-16;   13:92-94 

orders  (1752),  1:384 



Baker,  Sir  "William,  on  Stamp  Aet  repeal,  5:411-12 

See  also  Baker,  Samuel  and  William 
Baker,  William,  Eichard  &  Samuel,  sons  and  executors  of  Sir  William,  7:471, 

708,  784,  1094,  1116-17 
Baldwin,  Abraham,  4:498 
Baldwin,  Herbert,  13:639 
Baldwin,  Heaekiah,  7:414,  432 
Baldwin,  Samuel,  7:413-14 
Balfour,  Henry,  capt.: 

Gorrell  and,  10:697n 

Michilimackinac  Indian  Conference   (1761),  3:537-45,  645 

at  Niagara-Detroit  Congress   (1761),  3:474,  628;   13:251 

Nippisin  Indians  and,  3:362 

and  possession  of  outposts,  3:524,  525;  13:250,  253-54 
Balk,  ,  in  Lawyer  and  Zimrner  patent,  8:1089 

Ball,  George,  4:215;  6:646,  647 
Ball,  George  Heinrich,  8:655 
Ballox   (Indian),  8:355 
Balneavis,  Patrick,  capt.,  4:404;  11:619 
Balrath,  Ireland,  13:734 
Baltic  Sea,  3:229 

Baltimore,  Lords,  6:239,  258;  12:230 
Baltimore,  Maryland  Journal,  7:322n 
Baly,  D.  (Detroit  Frenchman),  12:968-69 

Bancker,  Adrian,  Jr.,  Kayaderosseras  and,  4:797;  5:214;  ll:864n 
Bancker,  Evert,  6:274 
Bancker,  Eichard,  6:274 
Bancker,  Thomas  Brower,  6:746;  7:1107 
Bancroft,  Benjamin,  1:862 
Bane,  Peter,  12:676 
Banfil,  Peter,  1:167 

Banker,  Adrian,  Jr.,  see  Bancker,  Adrian,  Jr. 
Banton,  John,  9:743 
Banyar,  Elizabeth  Mortier  Appy  (Mrs.  Goldsbrow  Banyar),  l:334n 

marriage  to  Banyar,  5:490;   12:934?i 
Banyar,  Goldsbrow,  1:385,  618-19,  887;  3:388,  419;  4:150,  823;  6:159;  7:560 

639,  640 

accounts,  7:246,  275;   13:492-94,  529-31     . 

Albany  sheriff  appointment  (1754),  1:416,  418-19 

Andrews  and,  7:256 

Assembly  debts  to  Johnson,  1:301,  406-407,  424,  576 

Auchmuty  and,  7:5 

autograph,  9:xi 

biographical  sketch,  l:334n 

Brackan  patent  and,  6:301;  12:751;  13:492 

on  Braddock's  defeat,  1:746-48,  759,  760-61,  765-66,  767-68,  771-75,  791-93, 
810-11,  823-24,  833-34 

Bradstreet  and,  7:537,  710;  12:821,  824,  827 

Canajoharie-Klock   dispute,   1:421-22,   427-28,  438;    10:442,   565,   570,  610, 
619-20,  641 
Council  inquiry,  3:680-81,   726,  947,  948,  955;   4:1-2,  29-30,  38-39,  42, 

45,  46,  49,  78-80,  114;  10:442,  565,  570,  610,  619-20,  641 
Klock  land  purchase  methods,  3:417,  419,  558,  573,  584-85,  596,  603-604, 

607,  617,  641,  648,  655-56,  666-67 
Magin  widow  and,  3:230,  267,  286,  288-89,  749 

Canajoharie  patent  (Eoyal  Grant)  and: 

conflicting  petitions  for,  3:297-98,  319-21,  347,  367-68,  373-74,  397-98, 

399-400,  420,  424-27,  558,  583,  595-96,  602-603;  10:276,  335 
deed,  3:296-97,  313,  319,  327,  366,  423-24,  561;  10:311 
Magin  patent  and,  3:297,  326,  368,  417,  596;  12:880 
presents  exchanged  for,  3:572;  12:156 


Sir  William  Johnson  Papers 

Eoyal  Grant  of,  12:754,  767-68,  781,  785;  13:493 

Royal  instructions  on  land  purchase  (1761)  and,  3:640,  646-47,  654-55, 
665,  679-680,  725-26;  10:342 

surveys,  3:370,  602,  615,  616-17 
cantata  offering  (1770),  12:811 
Clinton's  land  purchases  and,  1:391-93 
on  Council  of  Provincial  Officers,  2:308-309 
Crown  Point  (1755)  provisions: 

money  for,  1:556-58,  561,  568,  576,  587,  588,  589,  590,  594,  611,  619, 
649,  673-74,  685-86,  688-89,  759 

ordnance,  1:525,  538,  557-58,  561,  563,  575-76,  577-78,  580,  587,  591, 
593,  600,  60S,  610-11,  619-20,  649-50,  652,  670,  674,  676-77,  681, 
685,  686-87,  690-91,  694,  696,  759;  2:132;  13:43 

recruitment,  1:498-99,  517-21,  524-25,  534,  566,  577,  589-91,  648,  687, 
717-19,  720,  743,  830;  2:81-82;  9:275 
Denniston  lands  and  12 :  794,  795 
on  discipline  of  army  labor,  2:180-82 
Dunmore  arrival  (1770),  12:876 
on  Fort  Stanwix  Indian  Congress   (1768),  6:360-62,  476;  12:656-57,  659, 

685,  692 
Fraser  (Hugh)  and,  5:366 

German  Flats  maladministration  charges  and,  8:509-10 
German  Flats  patent,  3:369,  373,  397,  399,  416;  11:824-25 
Groesbeck  and,  9:46 
on  Halifax  and  Holland.  2:528-29 

Hardy  and,  2:5,  37,  112-14,  129,  133,  322,  439,  540;  9:321 
Harper  bond  to  Brush  and  French  (176S)  and,  12:582 
Harrison  patent  and,  11:692-93 

Indian  Affairs  records,  1:797,  806,  843;  2:51;  3:290 
on  Indian  Affairs  Secretaryship,  4:595-96,  629 
Indian  appeal  (1771)   against  sale  into  slavery,  8:164;  12:909-10 
Indian  land  deed  (1754)  to  George  II,  witness,  11:947 
on  Iroquois  loyalty  (1756-57),  2:429-30,  749-51 
Iroquois  refusal  (1753)  to  confer  in  Albany,  13:25 
Jessup  land  grant  and,  8:5,  198,  393 

boundaries,  8:580-81;   12:957-58 

Jessup  re-allotmcnt  of,  8:397,  451-52 

Johnson  fee  payment,  8:642;  12:986-88,  991,  1006;  13:530 

Low  (Isaac)  disavowal  of,  12:935 
Johnson  called  to  New  York  (Dee.  1755),  2:390,  391-92 
Johnson  invitation  (1762),  13:277 
Johnson  letter  (1755),  photograph,  1:613 

on  Johnson's  military  commissions,  2:87-88,  448-49;    12:828,  835 
Johnson's  power  of  attorney  from  Mrs.  Cosby,  12:996 
on  Johnson's   slowness  to  report  to   the   Council    (1755),   1:544-46.  558-59 

564,  565,  576 
Johnson  visit  (1773),  8:825 
Johnson  (Guy)  commission  (1763),  10:874 
Johnstown  and,  12:700 
justice  of  the  peace  commissions  (1762),  3:604,  617,  633,  641,  647-48    655. 

666,  6S0,  726,  749,  750-51 
justice  of  the  peace  commissions  (1770),  12:753,  771-72,  781-82.  789    790 

792-93,  809-10,  811,  824-25 
Kayaderosseras  and,  3:642;   4:817;   11:887;   12:156,  262-63,  684    685 
land   holdings,   1:440,  533;    4:92;    5:310-11,  331,  441;   6:360,  440-41     621 

636,  650;  7:710,  788;  8:681,  1179-80 
on  land  prices  in  Mohawk  Country,  4:10;  5:310 
Lawyer  patent  and,  8:222;  12:297-98,  302,  658,  684,  718 
letter,  photograph,  1:593 
McKillip  lands,  1:402.  408-409,  412,  419-20 
marriage,  3:324;  5:490;  12:934n 
in  Marsh  lawsuit,  4:34 



Banyar,  Goldsbrow, 

Marsh  will  and,  ll:248n 

on  military  events  (1754),  1:403,  406,  415-16,  420,  434-38,  442,  459-61,  534 

(1755),  1:651,  676-77,  686,  719,  773-74,  810-12,  823-25,  833-34,  845-51, 
874-77;  2:64-65,  114-16,  140-41,  155-56,  202-206,  242-44,  287,  291 
{See  also  Banyar,  on  Braddock  defeat;  and  see  Banyar,  Crown  Point 
provisions  and,  supra) 

(1756),  2:441-42,  458-65,  473-74,  483-85 

(1757),  2:682-83,  781 

(1760),  3:228-30,  295 

(1762),  3:658-59,  878,  949-50 

(1763),  4:48 
militia  appointments  and,  1:423,  424-25,  439;  3:285-86,  287-88,  296,  397, 

606,    949,    983;    4:1,    7,    30;    7:356;    12:788-89,    790-91,    809,    810-11, 

Mohawk  recruitment  (1755)  and,  2:80-81,  85-87 
Mortier  and,  7:444,  476,  554,  634,  758;  8:347,  396,  437,  506;  13:492,  494, 

nephew,  12:990 

on  New  York  Assembly  election  (1769),  6:686;  12:691-92 
on  New  York  Council  oaths,  3:618 
on  New  York  opinion  of  Johnson,  1:832-33 
Northampton  patent  and,  12:191,  222,  262,  381,  771,  828 
"Northern  tract"  in  the  rear  of  Kingsborough  and,  12:814-15,  817-19,  824, 

835,  836,  854,  874 
Onondaga  (Canunda)  Lake  lands  and,  1:334-35 
Oriskany  patent  (Oneida  lands)  : 

boundaries,  12:156,  704,  707-708,  753-54,  766,  906 

deed,  12:827,  875,  907,  908 

Preston  tract  addition  (1772),  12:935-36,  958-59,  982-84,  990-91,  996. 
1006;  13:530 

purchase  money,  5:575,  598;  8:157-58,  236;  12:659,  684-85;  13:492,  531 
Oswego  relief  (1756)  and,  2:430,  442,  449 
petitions  for  purchase  of  Indian  lands  (1765),  4:657-58 
on  Pfister  and  Duane  land  grant,  5:274-75 
portrait,  9:274;  12:656 
post  road  contributions,  7:957 
printers'  orders  (1764)  and,  11:70 
ranger  officers  for,  7:631,  632 
Roberts  land  patent  and,  8:631;  13:531 
on  Sacondaga  fortification,  2:269-70 
Sacondaga  patent    (Clarke  tract)    and,   5:429,  441,   527,   540;    12:89,   146, 

155-56,  191-93,  221-24,  262-63,  283,  297,  301,  343,  381,  658,   684,   771, 

828-29  ' 

Sadachqueda  lands,  12 :  704,  705,  751,  753 
Schoharie  cobalt  mine  and,  12:301 

Schoharie-Mohawk  village  tract   (1770)   and,  12:835-36,  854-55,  875 
Servis  patent  and,  12:684,  691,  703,  718;  13:491-92 
on  Shirley's  commission  as  Commander  in  Chief,  2:271,  285-87 
on  Shirley's  influence  with  Braddock,  1:459-61 
Sinnott  patent  and,  12:719 
Sons  of  Liberty  and,  12:343 
on  the  Stamp  Act,  4:716,  858 
Stevens    patent,    lands    adjoining    (1754-55),    1:394-95,    401-402,    407-408 

411-12,  414,  417,  427,  428-29,  439-40,  532-33,  562,  565,  569;   9:98 
surrogate's  office,  7:173 

Susquehanna   (Adigo  and  Adageghtinge  Creek)   lands  purchased  by  John- 
son,  1:419,   921-22;    3:286-87,   296;    8:414;    12:706,   718-19,    754     767 

787-88,  811-12,  818,  829-30,  854,  875,  880,  958;  13:16n,  529,  530  ' 
Susquehanna  settlement  and,  1:436,  440-41 
Teuthendocta  lands,  3:732,  749 
on  Ticonderoga,  2:116,  153,  242;  9:244-46,  251 
on  Tryon,  8:192-93 


Sir  William  Johnson  Papers 

Tryon  County  and,  8:396-97;  12:904-905,  934,  938 

Vaughan  land  sales  and,  12:064,  685 

Waggoner's  patent,  12:991 

in  Wallace  accounts,  8:471 

on  Wappinger  Indian  claims,  5:468,  506,  515,  527;  12:283»,  297 

on  war  legislation,  2:463 
Bapcock,  Hannah,  4:160 
Baptists,  8:1159 
Barbadoes,  1:24;  13:180 
Barbary  States,  3:681 
Barclay,  Andrew,  7:578 
Barclay,  Rev.  Henry,  1:4,  14,  211,  229 

autograph,  iixvi 

Bennet  mission  and,  4:182 

biographical  sketch,  l:6n 

education  of  Joseph  Brant,  13:300 

Indian  prayerbook  and,  3:903;  4:72-73,  78,  107,  219,  540,  605;  10:935-36; 

land  grant,  1:351,  561,  645  (See  also  Barclay  grant) 

Western  Indian  revolts  (1763),  13:300-301 
Barclay,  Mrs.  Henry,  5:409-10,  427;  6:13,  79 
Barclay,  John,  3:75*0;  8:351;  12:783,  792 
Barclay,  Thomas,  l:224n-25n, 
Barclay  grant,  1:351,  561,  645 

as  Canajoharie  glebe,  3:366,  411;  4:47;  6:29;  10:241-42,  250,  311,  335; 
11:555,  767;  13:416 

Society  for  the  Propagation  of  the  Gospel  and,  3:590;  4:17,  48;  5:389, 
392-93,  409-10,  427-28,  436,  440,  461,  847;  6:12-13,  67,  78-79,  226-27, 
292;  7:392 

purchase  decision  (1768),  6:414,  528,  747;  7:3 
schoolmaster  settlement  on,  6:456-57,  685,   711;   7:25;   11:555 
transmission  of  deeds  to  Johnson,  7:115,  247,  281 

terms  of  release: 

Barclay's,  3:589-91,  610;  4:17,  47-48;  10:335 
heirs'  terms,  5:409-10,  428-29;  6:29 
Barckley  &  Jons,  8:166-67 
Bard,  John,  11:852 
Bard,  Dr.  John,  7:503ft 
Bard,  Nicholas,  7:066 
Barelott,  John  (Hannis)  Wolf,  1:219;  6:95,  448-49 

mentioned  in  Johnson  patent,  3:634;  6:771;  10:248 
Bargardus,  Jacob,  1:120 

Barhuit,  Teunis,  in  Bradstreet  account  (1768),  12:677 
Barhuyt,  Comelis,  3:377 

Barker,  on  justice  list  (1770),  12:810 

Barker,  John,  4:156,  161;  11:238,  435 
Barkeyt,  Cornelius,  7:1107 
Barkeyt,  Johannes,  7:1107 
Barkeyt,  Johannes  Jerom,  7:1107 
Barkeyt,  John,  Jr.,  7:1107 
Barkley,  David,  lieut.,  3:990n 
Barky,  John,  3:166 
Barkydh,  Cornelius,  3:165 
Barlet,  John  Wolf,  see  Barelett,  John  Wolf 
Barnard,  Gov.,  see  Bernard,  Gov.  Francis 
Barnay  (smith),  3:128 

Barner,  John,  2:731 
Barnham,  Thomas,  lieut.,  9:237 
Barnier,  see  Bernier 
Barns,  ,  5:488 

Bamsley,  Thomas,  capt.,  4:277 
Baron,  Abigail,  4:154 
Baron,  Pierre,  5:813 



Baronetage  of  England  (Kiniber  and  Johnson),  3:x 

Barons,  Benjamin,  2:37,  87,  515;  9:457 

Barr,  Dr.  ,  3 :  928 ;  4 :  179 ;  13 :  270 

Barre,  maj.,  10:208 

Barre,  Madame,  8:50 

Barre,  Isaac,  lieut.col.,  4:336;  6:62?i 

Barrell,  William,  8:1020,  1063,  1163;  13:636 

Barret,  Thomas,  8:353 

Barries,  Isack,  see  Paris,  Isaac 

Barrington  (Barington),  Lord,  2:351;  8:358 

Barrington,  6:210 

Barritt,  Lemuel,  capt.,  5:52-54,  119,  123;  12:41,  52 

Barroiz,  ,  cadet,  13:115 

Barrow,  Thomas,  2:779;  12:1040;  13:694 

as  paymaster,  succeeding  Mortier,  8:478 

Johnson's  account  with,  8:716-17,  723,  785 

Tice  bond  and,  8:659,  723 

warrants  to  Johnson,  8:492,  620,  628,  652,  717,  766,  774-75,  904,  941-42, 
1097,  1117,  1136,  1166,  1169,  1170;  12:1103,  1106 
Barry,  Dr.  (Dublin  physician),  12:1031 

Barry,  Abraham,  13:53 
Barry,  Garret,  5:532 
Barry,  Thomas,  3:177;  8:351;  13:554 
Bart,  (Frenchman  from  Ouiatanon),  11:855 

Bartholome,  (trader),  5:523;  12:544 

Bartholomew,  ,4:671 

Bartholomew,  Jacob,  7:667 
Bartholomew,  John,  7:216,  676,  1031;  13:505 
Bartle,  (Detroit  gunsmith),  13:319 

Bartman,  George,  2:733 
Bartolozzi,  ,  2:xii;  13:xi 

Barton,  Bev.  Thomas: 

on  agricultural  methods,  8:182-83 

education  of  William  of  Canajoharie,  5:604-605,  775,  843-45;  6:66,  170-72, 
238;  12:1065m, 

electrical  apparatus  from,  11:954 

Fort  Stanwix  Congress  and,  7:515 

gunsmith  recommended,  4:180 

illness  (1771),  8:181 

on  Indian  schools,  5:403-404,  407,  436-38,  439,  446-47,  461,  533,  775 

Johnstown  settlers  and,  5:436,  532-33;  6:68 

land  purchases,  4:868;  7:390-91,  812-13;  8:184-85 

missionary  recommendations,   5:821-22,   846;    6:11-12,   17,   67,   73,   77,   79; 
7:239-40,  516,  518,  566-67,  811-12,  1160 

overseer's  appointment  requested,  6:238 

physician  recommended,  4:867,  876 

on  silkworm  culture,  8:183-84 

Smith  and,  5:10,  23-24,  220,  436,  514,  533,  569;  6:564 

Smith  settlement  plans  (1765),  4:865-68,  875 

Society  for  the  Propagation  of  the  Gospel  membership  proposal,  4:864; 
5:156;  11:955 

son's  death,  5:402,  435 

Wade  (Francis)  and,  5:141 
Bashorn,  Jacob,  11:933-37 
Baskin,  Peggy,  11:490 
Baskootayan  (Missisauga  town),  8:286-87 
Basset,  Henry,  maj. : 

on  Indian  attack  on  Van  Slyck,  8:672-73,   749,   764,   779,   803-805,  818, 
819-20,  888 

on  Miamis,  8:899 

Pond  murder  and,   8:640,   660,   673-74,   688,   787-90,   791-92,   795-97,  818, 
819-20,  865,  876,  879;  12:1005 

Pottawatomie  answer  to  Johnson  rebuke  (1773),  8:913-14 


Sir  William  Johnson  Papers 

Bassett,  Francis,  4:215,  533 

Basset,  Richard,  ens.,  8:788 

Bassit,  Richard  (grandfather  of  Serena  Bell),  8:168 

Bassit,  Sarah,  8:168 

Basstone,  Henry,  4:737 

Bastedo,  ,13:30 

Basteen    (Huron),   Wheelock   embassy   to   Johnson,   8:726-27,   743-44;    12:1012 

Batcheller  (Batchellor),  ,  6:732,  757 

Batchelor,  Edward,  8:27 

Bateaux,  see  Boats 

Bateman,  Thomas,  6:190-02,  329-31 

Bath,  England,  4:547;  7:522,  539,  607;  13:214,  331 

Batiscan,  Quebec,  13:631 

Batt,  Thomas,  lieut.,  6:169-70,  176 

Batten  Kill,  12:956 

Battey,  James,  2:542 

Battle  Island,  2:653 

Battle  Near  Lake  George,  The  (Blodget),  2:6n 

Baugh,  Thomas,  capt.,  13:219 

Port  Schuyler  sutler  and,  3:831,  835,  836;  10:480w,  488 

Oneida  blockhouse  fishing  rights  dispute  (1761),  13:272 

Virginia  murders  (1763)  and,  4:189,  190-91,  193 
Baugh,  William,  lieut.,  5:381;  13:399 
Baumann,  Adam,  8:333 
Bauntom,  Henry,  ensign,  3:104 
Baxter,  ,  5:565 

Baxter,  Alexander,: 

copper  land  petition,  6:242-47 

Johnson  share  offer,  7:383-84,  882,  884;  12:861 

Lake  Superior  mining  installation,  6:648;  12:859 

on  mining  prospects  at  Gloster,  in  the  River  St.  Marys,  7:790-92,  90S-909: 

Roberts  on,  5:712 
Baxter,  Alexander,  Jr.,  6:242-47 
Baxter,  Ekert,  4:312,  313 
Baxter,  John,  4:890 
Baxter,  Roger,  4:832 
Baxter,  Thomas,  4:312,  313 
Bayard,  Nicholas,  6:695;  9:56;  11:119 
Bayard,  Robert,  maj.,  4:885;  5:363,  376,  619;  12:424 
Bayard,  Samuel,  capt.,  2:131,  156,  195,  629 
Bayard,  Saul,  capt.,  2:106 
Bayard,  Stephen,  6:679 
Bayard,  William: 

Albemarle  and,  3 :  923 

Chew  and,  8:289,  296 

committee  of  correspondence  and,  7:400n 

drafts,  2:714;  4:267,  313,  356 

George  III  and,  7:4nn 

Kayaderosseras  settlement  (1768),  6:227-28 

land  purchases,  8:397;  12:291 

saddle  sale,  3:946 

voyage  to  America  (1770),  7:713,  731 

Wraxall  errands  (1755-56),  1:672,  673;  13:80 
Bay  des  Chaleurs,  10:978 
Bayeuville,  ,  2:20,  22 

Bayeaux,  Henry,  lieut.,  3:65n,  71,  72,  73,  75,  78,  81,  90 
Baye  Verte,  l:676n,  Sec  also  Green  Bay 
Bayley,  William,  4:832;  5:87 
Baynton,  John: 

on  Port  Chartres  smiths  and  interpreters,  7:78 



Baynton,  John, 

Illinois  colonization  proposal,  5:128-30,  240-41;  12:101-102 
Paxtoner  plunder  of   Croghan    (1765)    and,  4:713,   718,   738;    11:718,   776 
Ruppert  and,  6:248 
Baynton,  Wharton  &  Morgan,  5:572;  6:123;  12:278,  292 

account  against  the  Crown  (1766),  5:246-62,  264,  265,  270-71,  333,  344, 
565;  12:203,  218,  226,  229,  234-35 
(1767),  12:328-29 
(1768),  12:471 
(1769),  6:654-67 
account  for  Fort  Augusta  (1767),  5:538-39 
Cole  purchases,  5:382,  514,  516,  568,  748,  753,  754;  6:127-28,  215-16,  229, 

230,  233,  366-94,  614;   12:280,  292,  495-96,  513-14;  13:399,  400-404 
Cresap  land  purchases  (1766),  5:507;  12:236,  277-78,  291-92 
Croghan  English  voyage  (1764),  4:384,  399-400 
Croghan  purchases  (1763),  4:272,  384,  422,  431;  13:326 
(1765),  4:738,  760,  787-88,  855 
(1766),  5:304-305,  362,  365,  369;  12:149,  164,  181,  207,  213,  235,  239, 

264,  265;  13:387-88,  389,  395 
(1767),  5:536,  540,  541,  700 
Croghan  sued  (1765)  by,  4:787-88;  5:196 
electrical  apparatus  shipped  by,  4:768 
escorts  for  Illinois  trade,  4:780 
Fort  Chartres  occupation  and,  11:988 
Illinois  colonization  proposal,  5:128-30,  240-41,  276-78,  329,  331;   12:141, 

165,  237 
Indian  boundary  line  and,  12:165,  182 
Johnson  orders  (1764),  4:385,  399,  407-408 
McKee  accounts,  4:511,  882;  12:166,  237-38,  292 
Redstone  Creek  trade  violations  (1767)  and,  6:19-20 
Seneca  peace  treaty  (1764)  publication,  13:324 
Shawnee  trade  at  Scioto  without  pass,  5:344,  346,  365,  377,  384-85,  399-400, 

458;  12:154-55,  165-66,  181-82,  201-203,  207,  218,  235 
trade  losses: 

indemnities,  5:16-7,  126-27;  6:580;  8:929,  1024 
memorials  on,  4:270,  271;  11:565,  603,  614;  12:236-37,  278,  280 
statement  (1766),  5:359-61 
Wabash  massacre  of  hunting  party  from,  6:326;  12:373;  13:442 
wine  consignment  (1765),  4:738;  11:753 
Bayoux,  Blanche,  8:665 
Bazlie,  ,  5:765;  12:492 

Beach,  Theophylact,  see  Bache,  Theophylaet 
Beaker,  see  Baker 
Beam,  Adam,  2:731 

Bean,  ,  sutler  taken  prisoner  (1759)  by  Indians,  13:127 

Bean,  James,  lieut.,  10 :  762,  764,  765 
Bear,  Hannis,  7:342 
Bear  Camp,  1:689 
Bear  River,  5:328 
Beard,  Francis,  12:705;  13:545 
Beam,  ,  13:142 

Beaseley,  Henry,  8:351 

Beasley,  ,  Masonic  activities  (1769),  12:714 

Beatty  and  Duffield,  5:571 
Beaty,  James,  11:488 

Beaubasin,  (Caghnawaga  official),  7:922,  923,  958,  959 

Beaubassin  (Bobasin),  Hertel  de: 
Clinton  and,  9:64 

prisoners  and,  1:214-15,  241-42,  247,  252,  267,  283,  284,  285 
wampum-making  instruction,  9:51 
Beaubien,  John  Baptist,  4:676-79;  13:677 
Beauharnois,  Charles,  Marquis  de,  5:186n 

Beaujeu,  (French  commandant),  1:508:  2:21,  23;  3:413-14,  415, 



Sir  William  Johnson  Papers 

Beaujour,  Francis,  2:397-400 
Beaulieu,  (French  trader),  8:673,  796 

Beauregard,  ,3:414,416 

Beausejour,  Fort: 

English  capture  (1755),  1:676,  678,  681n,  686;  13:44 

French  troops  stationed  at,  1:446;  9:182 
Beau  Soleil,  ,  St.  Joseph  command  (1768),  12:508,  518,  544,  602 

Beauvais,  Raphael,  12:264,  265 
Beauvert,  ,  4:672 

Beaver,  The  (Delaware  chief), 

Bouquet  conferences  (1764),  11:441,  450,  456-57,  459,  460,  461,  467 

at  Croghan  Fort  Pitt  conference  (May,  1765),  11:723 

Detroit  attack  (1763)  news,  10:685 

Geneseo  refuge  (1764),  11:206 

at  Lancaster  Council  (1762),  10:537,  547-48,  576 

Shawnee  hostages  (1764)  and,  11:483-84 
Beaver  Creek,  3:34;  9:613,  740;  10:521,  688;  12:1048 

See  also  Big  Beaver  Creek ;  Little  Beaver  Creek 
Beaverdam,  New  York,  l:130?i;  5:31 
Beaver  Town,  see  Tuscarrowas 
Becancour,  de,  2:21,  23 

Beecanti,  5:367 

Beck,  Caleb,  4:854;  7:442,  1106 
Becker,  David,  6:241?i;  8:12;  12:865 
Becker,  Dirk,  7:463 
Becker,  George,  5:265 
Becker,  Hance,  1:380,  381;  10:100 
Becker,  Jacob,  7:352 
Becker,  Johanes,  Jr.,  6:241 
Becker,  John,  4:792;  8:422-23;  9:648 
Becker,  John  Albert,  7:455,  463 
Becker,  Nicholas,  8:466-67,  488-89 
Becker,  Peter,  lieut.,  2:292;  4:236 
Becker,  Richard,  7:455 
Beckers,  lieut.,  13:137 

Beckford,  William,  Lord  Mayor  of  London,  7:156,  286,  869n 
Beckwith,  capt.,  9:355,  362,  366 

Beckwith,  John,  maj.: 

Caghnawaga  abuse  (1761),  3:376,  380,  383,  394;  10:263 

Canadian  assignment  (1761),  3:372 

commission  of,  4:136 

Lottridge  and,  3:970-71 

Nahantick  Indians  and,  5:425 

Niagara  campaign   (1759)   field  officer  duties,  3:55,  60,  63,  65,  66.  69.  84. 
97,  99,  102,  103,  104 

Osborne  and,  3:309 

Bedannowan  (Beondanoa,  Bildannavan,  Bindanowan,  Feubleu— Ottawa  chief)  : 

at  Montreal  conference  (1763),  10:779-80 

at  Niagara  Congress   (1764),  4:452,  468,  476;   11:264,  265-66,  270-71,  287 
Bedford,  John  Russell,  fourth  Duke  of,  7:839 
death  of,  7:1074,  1077 
elections  of  1768  and,  6:120 
French  threat  to  Iroquois  (1750)    l:306n,  913 
government  debts  to  Johnson,  1:256 
ministry  changes  (1770),  7:839 
Ohio  French  claims,  1 :915 
Seven  Years  War  and,  3:896,  949;  4:2 
Wilkes  and,  6:219 

Bedford  (Raystown),  Pennsylvania: 
Croghan  visit  (1763),  10:'s."9,  882 
Croghan  visit  (1770),  7:632 



Bedford  (Raystown), 

election  (1772),  8:640 

Forbes  at,  2:891;  3:4;  9:969;  10:91 

Fort  Duquesne  road,  2:891,  892™ ;  3:4 

Stanwix  at,  3:138 
Bedford,  Fort  (on  the  Juniata  Biver,  Pennsylvania) : 

Bouquet  (1763)  at,  4:193 

Croghan  (1763)  at,  4:180 

Delaware  hostages  sent  (1765)  to,  4:723 

Hudson  (Indian)  prisoner  (1763)  at,  10:719 

Mohawk  murder  (1766),  12:41 

traders  attacked  (1765),  11:634,  635-36 

traders  attacked  (1769)  near,  7:96 
Bedford  County,  Pennsylvania,  8:552 
Bedlow's  Island  (Kennedy's  Island),  1:849 
Beebe,  John,  Jr.,  13:639 
Beebe,  Martin,  13:639 
Beeckman,  Garret  G.,  5:580 
Beeckman,  Joh's,  5:345;  8:153-54 
Beeckman,  Jno.  Jas.,  5:515 
Beeckman,   John   M.,   Kayaderosseras  settlement  and,  5:214,   282,   283.   285; 

6:39-40  '  ' 

Beekman,  ,  1:364;  9:89,  90,  92 

Beekman,  col.,  1:487 

Nimham  lands  and,  10:854 
Beekman,  Gerard  William,  7:604 
Beekman,  John,  1:93;  3:875 

estate  of,  4:643;  11:573 
Beekman,  John    Kayaderosseras  proprietor,  4:685,  797;   6:274:   11:821    852 

864-65  ' 

Beerman,  Joseph,  7:437 
Bekir,  Jacko,  5:340 
Belcher,  Jonathan,  2:516,  519;  13:59 

Braddock  defeat  and,  1:752,  766 
Belfast,  Ireland,  4:49 
Bell,  George  Henry,  11:933-37 
Bell,  Hendrick,  7:455 
Bell,  James,  11:485 
Bell,  Richard,  8:168,169 
Bell,  Samuel  (blacksmith),  1:726 
Bell,  Serena  Johnson,  8:168-69 
Belle  Famille,  battle  of,  3:174;  13:128,  148,  153 
Belle  Isle,  battle  of  (1761),  13:245,  250 
Belle-Isle-en-Mer,  France,  3:516n 
Bellenger,  Frederick,  8:333,  655 
Bellerive,  see  Saint  Ange  de  Bellerive,  Louis 
Belle  Riviere,  see  Ohio  River 
Belle  Sauvage  (vessel),  13:212-14 
Bellestre,  Francois  Marie  Picote,  Sieur  de : 

Detroit  surrender  (1761),  3:310n,  315-16,  323;  4:675;  10:194:  13:320 

Detroit  visit  (1767),  5:723 

German  Flats  attack  (1757),  10:247w 

house  of,  5:619;  13:249 

Miami  trading  house  attack  (1751),  1:916 

nephew  of,  5:688 

Pontiac  and,  12:622 

rumored  murder  of,  3:414,  415 
Bellinger,  Johannes,  7:667;  8:333,  655 
Bellinger,  Peter,  8:655;  9:871 
Bellinger,  Peter,  Jr.,  7:456;  11:933-37 
Bellomont,  Richard  Coote,  Earl  of,  l:606n;  8:765 

A  Tie  (Ga£hwasaghtancient,  Seneca  chief),  9:645,  650,  652;  10-60 

Caghnawaga  appeal  (1761)  for  Iroquois  aid,  13:267 


Sir  William  Johnson  Papers 

at  condolence  for  Abraham,  9:593 

daughter  of,  4:137 

Easton  Council  (1758)  and,  10:57;  13:113 

Fort  Johnson  Iroquois  Congress  (1759),  invitations,  10:89 

at  Fort  Johnson  Mohawk  meeting  (Sept.  1758),  10:11 

at  Fort  Johnson  Oneida  meeting  (1757),  9:848 

German  Flats  murder  of  Oneidas  (1757),  9:796 

Harris  Ferry-Lancaster  Iroquois  meeting  (1757),  9:595-96 

on  Montreal  expedition  (1760),  10:181;  13:176 

at  Niagara-Detroit  Congress    (1761),  3:467,  518;   13:238-39,  240 

Ohio  migration  of,  2:625 

Onondaga  journey  (1758),  3:153 

at  Oswego  conference  (1759),  13:129,  149 

Oswego  war  party  (1760),  10:175 

on  Seneca  aid  to  French  (1755),  3:995 

Ticonderoga  attack  (1758),  9:946-47,  961-63 

Walters  (William)  and,  10:332,  427 
Bemiltasskottejang  (Bemilliskolleyang),  8:324,  354-56 
Bemincansinime  River,  7:740 
Bend,  Elizabeth,  4:422 
Bender,  siege  of,  7:945,  1074 
Bendor  (Binder),  George,  7:352,  1081 
Bengal,  India,  6:499 
Benivassica  (Shawnee  chief) : 

at  Bouquet  conferences  (1764),  11:461,  465,  467,  526-27,  531 

Bouquet  message,  11:558-59 

at  Croghan  Fort  Pitt  conference  (May,  1765),  11:723 

at    Delaware-Shawnee-Mingo    peace    treaty    (Johnson    Hall.    June,    1765), 

Fort  Stanwix  Congress  (1768),  12:628 

Johnson  Hall  conference  (Nov.,  1768),  12:633-35 

presents,  5:255,  257 
Benjamin  (Stockbridge  sachem),  9:581-82;  10:183;  13:177 
Bennet,  Cornelius,  3:645;  4:182;  5:430 

Bernard  and,  4:442,  540 

death  of,  5:471 

Mohawks  and,  5:221,  222,  437;  10:935-36;  13:300 
Bennet,  Thomas,  7:462 
Bennett,  Dr.  David,  2:48n 
Bennett,  James,  6:640;  8:605 

in  Adems  accounts   (1769-73),  13:544,  545,  550,  573,  579,  596,  598,  602 

Johnson  Hall  carpentry,  7:339;  8:708,  727,  750-51 
in  Johnson  patents,  12:787,  818,  935,  959,  988 
Bennett,  Spencer,  see  Phips,  Spencer 
Benson,  (oyster  fisherman),  8:632 

Benson,  Billy  (skipper),  6:65 
Benson,  Thomas,  1:374-75,  419 
Benson,  William,  5:450;  12: 10.°,- 104,  114«, 
Bentheysen,  capt.,  1:373;  2:505,  566 
Benthuysen,  Isack,  1:531 
Benthuysen,  Marte  N.,  7:441 

Bonton,  Nathaniel  S.,  cited,  l:237n;  2:897n;  3:373 
Benzell,  Adolphus,  licut.: 

Forest  Inspector  appointment,  7:946;  8:209-10,  342,  433 
justice  appointment  lists  (1770),  12:784,  792 
New  York-Canadian  boundary  survey,  8:213-14 
Beranger,  de,  2:21,  23 

Bergen,  John: 

Banyar  purchase  (1772),  8:397,  681 

Jessup  land  tract  and,  8:131,  151,  682:  12:95s,  986-87,  901,  1006 

Johnson  payment  (1772),  8:556 

land  petition  (1769),  7:306 



Bergen,  John, 

patent  agreement  (1772),  8:430-31 
Bergen  County,  New  Jersey,  5:526;  7:866 
Bergen  Opzoom,  battle  of,  1:557m. 
Bergeron,  (trader),  5:523 

Berhope,  (trader),  5:719 

Berks  county,  Pennsylvania,  12:420-21 
Berlin,  Germany,  3:144;  7:402 
Bermuda  Islands,  4:547;  7:106;  13:331 
Bernard  (Barnard),  Gov.  Francis,  2:873;  3:205 

Boston  riots  and,  6:405,  410,  607 

English  summons  (1769),  7:47 

Hutchinson  and,  7:629 

Indian  education  and,  3:880;  10:344 

Iroquois  message  (1762)  from,  10:443 

letters  to  Parliament  (1769),  6:699 

on  missionary  work  of  Bennet,  4:442,  540 

Mohawk  edition  of  the  Church  service,  13:300 

publication  of  letters,  6 :  759 

taste  in  wines,  6:582 
Bernier  (de  Barnier),  ,  Dieskau  aide: 

Albany  lodging,  2:45,  46-47,  63,  74,  165;  13:47-50 

capture,  2:41,  43,  44;  9:238,  264 

on  French  losses  at  Lake  George,  1:58;  9:232;  13:198 

on  Johnson's  loan  to  Dieskau,  2:403 

Shuckburgh  on,  2:352 
Berniere,  John  de,  see  De  Berniere,  John 
Berns,  Jonathan,  7:455 
Berrup,  Thomas,  4:617 
Berry,  Dr.  ,8:1124 

Berry,  Thomas,  see  Barry,  Thomas 

Berryer,  Nicholas  Eene,  Vaudreuil  Green  Bay  grant  and,  12:46 
Bers,  Adam,  2:486 

Berton,  ,  capt.  of  ship  York,  4:631;  11:522 

Berwick,  England,  8:168 
Besinger,  Andrew,  3:299 
Bestedo  (Bested),  Jacob,  7:52;  8:334 
Best,  the  Saddler,  Montreal  tavern,  10:190 
Bethlehem,  Pennsylvania,  2:402,  753,  788,  802;  6:6 

Delaware  prisoners  (1757)  in,  9:742 

Harris  Ferry-Lancaster  Iroquois  Congress   (1757)    and,  9:737.  742 

Indians  of,  11:1  ' 

Moravian  missions,  6:69 

Betsy,  in  Adems  accounts  (1770-73),  13:563,  585,  609,  611,  613,  615 

Betty  (prisoner),  11:490 

Beulah  (ship),  3:875;  4:570 

Beulah  Green  (ship),  4:120 

Bevan,  William,  8:40-41 

Bevier,  Lewis,  3:567 

Bevin,  Joseph,  5:266 

Beyanton,  see  Baynton,  Wharton  &  Morgan 

Bezze,  Nicholas,  11:827 

Bezzo,  ("green  merchant"),  11:836 

Bickel,  Jacob,  3:643 

Bickley,  May,  4:685 

Bickly,  ,  New  York  Attorney  General,  11:924 

Bicraft,  William,  7:462 

Biddiford,  Devonshire,  13:214 

Biddle,  Benijah,  12:819 

Biddle,  John,  3:847;  11:488 

Biddulph  and  Cocks,  bankers,  6:244 

Bienville,  Celoron  de,  see  Celoron  de  Bienville 

Big  Beaver  Creek,  11:558;  12:1094,  1095 


Sir  William  Johnson  Papers 

Biggs  Castriot,  Dr.  John,  3:96n 
Bighead,  David  (prisoner),  11:490 
Big  Hole  (Shawnee),  5:251;  11:846 
Bightman,  Jonathan,  3:221 
Bigot,  Frangois: 

English  minutebook  found  at  Fort  Duquesne,  2:229-35 

peculation,  3:830n 

Vaudreuil  Green  Bay  grant  and,  12:46 
Big  Wolf  (Shawnee),  11:448 
Bildennawan  (Ottowa  chief),  see  Bedannowan 
Biles,  William,  3:813,  842 
Bill  Emission  Act  (1770),  7:640 
Billeting  Act,  5:534,  540,  545,  598,  600,  704,  853 
Billing,  Ebenezer,  1:717 
Billing  (Billings),  Roger,  capt.: 

scouting  (1755),  2:260,  263,  268-69 

wagon  convoy  (1755),  2:314;  9:316 
Billings,  ,  1:744 

Billings,  William,  2:358 
Billiond,  John  Babtest,  4:670-71,  677-78 
Billouart  de  Kerlerec,  Louis: 

on  Cherokee  peace  treaty,  9:569-73,  596-98 

Preliminary  Articles  of  Peace,  2:725;  9:574-81 
Bill  of  Rights  Association,  7:67-68 
Bindanowan,  see  Bedannowan 
Binder,  George,  see  Bender,  George 
Binder,  Jno,  13:577,  581 
Binder,  Lawrence,  7:1000;  13:562,  563 
Bing,  John,  admiral,  see  Byng,  John,  admiral 
Bird,  James,  col.,  see  Burd,  James,  col. 
Bird,  John,  11:485 

bantam  fowls,  7:241 

canary  bird,  9:167 

duck,  13:209 

eagle,  4:862 

geese,  4:862,  865;  10:283;  13:208,  269,  665 

linnet,  crookbilled,  13:200 

migration  of,  13:187,  198,  206 

parrot,  1:379;  4:877 

peacocks,  7:644,  649,  684 

pigeons,  10:572;  13:187,  189,  206,  208,  247 

poultry  inventory  of  Johnson  Hall  (1774),  13:  665 

swan,  9:92 

turkey,  1:346;  7:35;  13:186,  191,  665 

wildfowl  conservation  laws  (1760),  13:195 

woodcock,  13:186,  187,  195,  198,  199,  209,  210 
Birmingham,  England,  7:894 
Biron,  13:621-22 

Birop,  Thomas,  13:510 
Bishop  of  Osnabrug  (vessel),  7:561 
Bisiomette,  Z.  11:827 
Bisshopp,  Edward,  8:1215 
Bissonette,  ,  11:827 

Bixby,  David,  1:868 
Black  Boys,  see  Paxtoners 
Blackburn,  Ashton,  7:333,  351 
Blackburn,  John,  7:481;  12:772,  979-80 

autograph,  7 :xi 

Baker  and,  7:784;  8:115,  578 

bill  of  lading  (1773),  8:868 

on  Boston  Tea  Party,  8:1060,  1114-16,  1160 



Blackburn,  John,  Cuyler  vessel  and,  8:534 

Ellice  and,  8:410,  565 

Gage  bills  of  exchange  and,  7:1092,  1094,  1116 

Hansen  and,  4:767 

Indian  Affairs  orders  (1770),  7:707-708,  830,  894-96,  932-33 
(1771),  7:1123-24 
(1772),  8:802-803 

invoice  of  goods  consigned  to  Wetherhead  (1770),  7:858-64,  880-81,  885-91, 
996,  1039,  1063-64,  1116 

invoices  (1771),  8:200-201,  249 
(1773),  8:861-62,  870 

Johnson  (Guy)  and,  8:649,  752,  831,  1009,  1042,  1134,  1198-1200;  12:1123; 

Johnson  (John)  candidacy  for  Surveyorship  of  Woods,  8:342,  433-34,  502 

Johnson  power  of  attorney,  8:503,  530-31,  831,  832-33 

non-importation  agreements  and,  7:252,  272 

Ohio  land  grant  and,  7:1124-25;   8:93-94,  113,  146,  173,  503,  565,  588-89, 
633,  650,  724,  751,  752,  808,  830,  871,  1009 

Oxfordshire  settler  for  Johnson  lands,  8:872 

political  news  (1771),  8:94-95,  146-47,  173,  205-206,  242-43,  249-50,  358-59, 

powder  order  (1774),  8:1078 

Revolutionary  news  (1770)  from  New  York,  7:830 

Roberts  and,  7:830,  895,  1158;  8:59-60,  94-95,  133,  173,  211,  249,  724,  808, 
drafts   on   Johnson    (1771-72),   7:910,   926-27,   933,   1120,    1124;    8:93, 

112-13,  205,  503 
reproaches  of  Johnson,  8:649-50,  752,  830,  873-75,  1005-1007,  1059,  1161 

timber  export  and,  8:250,  342,  434 

Watts  and,  8:564 
Blackburne,  W.,  6:561 
Black  Dog,  6:390,  392 
Blackeny,  L.,  col.,  1:11 
Blackford,  Benjamin,  1:187 
Blackler,  John,  8: a,  31-32 
Blackler,  Pheasant  (of  Athlone),  8:32 
Black  Prince  (Indian),  9:28 
Black  River,  Jamaica,  8:718 
Blacksmiths,  see  Smiths 
Blackstone,  Sir  William,  7:504-505 
Blagge,  John,  8:605,  776;  12:991-992,  1006 

chair  borrowed  by,  8:772 

as  coroner  of  New  York  City,  8:809-10 

Gordon  land  release  recorded  (1772)  by,  13:523,  527,  528 

Inglis  and,  8:553 

Tryon  County  clerkship  and,  8:478,  517,  542,  918,  969,  1001;  12:991n 

woodwork  of,  8:782 
Blain,  Ephraim,  11:580 
Blair,  John,  4:278n 

Fort  Stanwix  Congress  (1768)  and,  6:297,  406-407;  12:618 

Indian  boundary  line  and,  6:143-44,  202-204,  206,  225-26,  279:  12:267,  324 
501,  546,  553  ' 

on  Virginia  murders  (1763),  10:908-909,  943 
Blair,  Simon,  lieut.,  3:990n 
Blake,  ,  ensign,  2:306 

Blakeney,  William,  col,  gen.,  2:531-32,  801 
Blaker,  ,  sgt.,  3:70 

Blaker,  Antony,  10:930n;  11:374 
Blakiston,  Dr.,  7:577 
Blanchard,  (surveyor),  5:142 

Blanchard,  Honore,  2:197,  200-202,  207,  222,  258 
Blanchard,  Joseph,  col,  2:37,  90,  111,  155;  13:50 


Sir  William  Johnson  Papers 

Atkinson  letter  introducing,  1 :  684 

biographical  sketch,  9:224ra 

Catskill  patent  and,  7:686-87 

as  commanding  officer  at  Great  Carrying  Place,  2:14,  17;  9:224-26,  228 

at  Crown  Point  (1755)  Councils  of  War,  2:39,  47,  55,  70 

New  Hampshire  regiment  of,  1:607,  684,  691-92,  844-45,  851,  852,  858,  859. 

871-72,   879,   884;    2:14,   107,   109,   141,   167,    170,   272;    3:996;    9:224, 
228-29,  247;  13:51-53 
Blankets : 

in  Adems  accounts,  13:547,  548,  551,  566,  569 

Albany  stores  (1756),  9:459 

bearskin,  2:619 

beaver,  11:271;  12:559,  560;  13:243 

in  Butler  accounts  (1764-71),  13:509,  510,  512,  513,  514,  515 

in  Campbell  accounts  (1756-65),  13:337,  340,  341,  343,  347,  364 

in  condolence  ceremony,  2:573,  582;  9:730;  11:478 

disbursement  to  Indian  prisoners,  1:251 

disbursements  to  Indians: 

(1746-56),  1:72;  2:566-646passtm;  9:15-30passim,  563,  645,  646 

(1757),  9:589,  593,  621,  631,  647,  649,  653,  765 

(1758-59),  3:23,  149,  167,  171 

(1761),  10:326,  328,  329, 332,  333;  13:241,  259 

Fort  Chartres  (1768),  6:366-94passmi 

Fort  Pitt,  (1769),  6:656-66poss/m 

at  Fort  Stanwix  Congress  (176S),  6:312,  446 
duffle,  7:742,  781,  828,  880 
French,  1:111,  384;  4:490 
Duncan  &  Phyn  orders  (1764),  11:122 

in  Johnson  Hall  inventory  (1774),  13:647,  651,  655,  656,  660,  664 
Johnson  Hall  winter  requirements  (1760-61),  13:200 
Johnson  orders  (1769)  from  anonymous  debtor,  7:31-40passim 
Kersey,  7:480,  822,  824,  826,  828,  859,  887,  890,  895;  9:561 
London  order  (1756),  2:898 
as  payment  to  Indians,  1:132,  138,  376-77 
as  payment  for  lands,  4:140 

in  Phyn  and  Ellice  accounts  (1767-68),  13:469,  471,  475 
prices : 

barter  equivalents  (1765?),  3:893-96pa.s.??m 

(1762), 10:389,  595 

(1765), 11:990 

(1769),  7:293,  973,  974,  975,  976,  978,  9S1-S2 

(1770),  7:493,  624,  782,  822,  826,  828,  837 

(1771),  8:113,  200,  201 

(1773),  12:1020 

(1745-47),  1:43,  79,  81,  83,  84,  124 

(1755),  2:117,  214,  240,  337,  9:285 

(1756-63),  2:423,  466;  4:37;  10:7,  8,  10 

(1766-70),  5:41-42;  7:229,  772 
shipment  (1770),  7:1042,  1071 
strouds,  1:83,  229,  290,  309,  347,  365,  372;  7:S24;  10:1071 

in  Adems  accounts,  13:534,  61  1 

Boston  supply  (1747),  1:92 

in  Campbell  accounts  (1750-65),  13:338,  340,  345,  346,  347 

disbursement  to  Indians,  1:132;   2:206;   9:15-3(W«tm,  459,  561: 
10:701,  704,  705,  706,  7(17,  709,  710,  713,  71  I 

disbursement  ,-ii   Detroit-Niagara  Congress  (17(H),  10:278,  284,  286   326 

disbursement  at  Fort  Chartres  (1768),  6:366  Mpassvm 

disbursement  at  Fort  Stanwix  Congress  (1768),  6:446 

English  imports,  1:259-60 

mourning,  7:379;  10:851,  854;  11:29,  660,  708,  983;  12:122,  127 

name  origin,  ll:29n 



Blankets,  New  York  Act  to  Regulate  the  Fur  Trade,  1:19 
Otterwana  loss  (1746),  1:71 
prices  (1747-64),  1:102,  384;  4:490;  10:71 
prices   (1770),  7:604,  621,  622,  782,  822,  826,  828,  836,  859,  885,  895, 

933;   (1771),  8:113 
scarcities,  1:79;  7:756 
Stringer  shipment,  7:480 
Van  Eps  order  (1746),  1:50 
Blanksliip,  Stephen  (prisoner),  11:485 
Blasius,  Lawrence: 

Canajoharie  escort  to  England  (1764),  4:316-17,  325,  353;  11:36 

petition  against  Herchheimer  (1764),  4:312 
Blauvelt,  David,  capt.,  2:408 
Blaw,  Waldrum,  8:23,  80 
Bleaker,  ,  1:125,  183 

Bleaker,  ,  (Gouverneur  survey),  7:255-56 

Blecker,  ,6:642 

Bleeker,  Rutgert,  3:674 
Bleecher's  Island,  10:572 
Bleeeker  (Bliker),  John  J.,  2:327;  5:344,  496 

at  Bradstreet  Sandusky  court  of  enquiry  (1764),  11:369 
Bleeeker  (Blecker),  John  R.,  8:429;  12:534 
Bleeeker,  Hendrick,  1:383 
Bleeeker,  Henry,  8:996 
Bleeeker,  Jacob,  5:496 
Bleeker,  Johannes  John,  7:454;  12:272 
Blewer,  ,  capt.,  8:247 

Blicker,  ,1:777 

Bliker,  John,  see  Bleeeker,  John  J. 
Bliss,  George,  adjutant,  9:273 
Bliss,  Peletiah,  2:218,  235;  9:275,  277 
Block  Island,  12:514 
Blodget,  Samuel,  cited,  2:6w,  404% 

presentation  of  book  by,  2:404-405 
Blondeau,  L.,  5:133 
Bloodgood,  James,  5:532;  6:487;  7:563,  581,  586 

chair  construction,  7:1075 
Bloody  Bridge,  battle  of,  see  Detroit,  Indian  siege  (1763),  Dalyell  action 
Bloom,  Elizabeth,  1:188 

Bloomer,  ,  capt.,  3:65,  73,  75,  81,  84,  89,  90,  91,  92 

Bloomer,  Joseph,  7:661;  12:819 
Bloore,  ,8:352 

Bluer,  Thomas,  8:352 
Blunt,  Harry,  maj.,  8:1183 
Blyth,  ,  lieut.,  11:760 

Blyth,  William,  Stump  murders  and,  12:419 
Boats : 

Albany  sloopage,  13:1,  211 

Atlantic  crossing  (1765)  of  John  Johnson,  11:979-80 

Atlantic  crossings  (1760-61)  of  Warren  Johnson,  13:180,  212-14 

beaver  sloop  wrecked  (1771),  8:139 

boatmen  service,  10:158,  161,  164,  166-67,  169 

Bouquet  expedition,  11:211 

for   Bradstreet  expedition,   4:599-600,   6012-603;    11:192,   232,   341,   492-93, 
496,  506 

British  shipwrecks  (1771),  7:1156 

Campbell  order  (May,  1770),  12:820-21 

canoe  decoys,  9:248,  250 

canoe   escape  plans  of  Delawares  and  Shawnees    (1764),  11:384,  386 

canoe  fishing,  13:197 

canoe  fleets  (1747),  1:100 

canoe  hire  charges  (1769),  13:489 


Sir  William  Johnson  Papers 

canoe  loan  (1774),  12:1101 

canoe  migration  from  Logstown  to  Muskingum  (1774),  12:1095,  1096 

canoe  requirements  of  Michilimackinac  annual  trade,  13:447-49 

canoes  for  German  Conestoga  journey,  13:16 

canoes  for  Michilimackinac  trade  (Kogers'  plan),  6:51-53 

canoes  for  Mohawk  scalping  parties  (1757),  9:781,  782 

canoes  for  provisions  (1764),  4:400 

canoes  of  traders  (1763),  10:864-65 

Carver  expedition,  12:877 

caulking  costs  (1769),  13:487 

construction  costs  (1769),  12:761 

in  copper  prospecting,  7:791-92;  8:122-23;  12:859,  861 

for  Chippewa  presents  (1768),  12:560,  563 

for  corn  shipment  (1769),  6:707-708,  715,  756 

Croghan  shipwreck  (1764),  11:169 

Crown  Point  (1755)   expedition,  1:590,  603,  671,  757,  893-94;  9:264,  265 

Albany   boatbuilding,    1:458,    542,   557,   563,    585,    611,   689,   692,    759, 
839-40;  9:216 

Boston,  1:545 

condition  of  bateaux  for,  1:828-30,  842;  2:7,  14,  95,  135,  209,  214,  222, 
224,  251,  320,  321,  333,  339,  356;  9:280;  13:46 

flatboat,  instructions  for,  1:863,  875 

for  Massachusetts  forces,  1:843,  885 

row  galley  on  Lake  Champlain,  1:483,  492;  9:201 

New  York  City,  1:577,  674 

Schenectady,  1:458,  585,  611,  689 

winter  storage  (1755-56),  9:321 

South  Bay,  1:651,  690 
customs  vessel  seizure  (1769)  of,  7:71-72 
Cuyler  trade  vessel,  8:534 
Detroit  siege  (1763)  and,  10:738-39,  740,  741,  742-43,  765,  S12;  13:290,  291, 

292,  293-94 

Indian  blockade  of  Niagara,  10:882,  891,  906,  919,  962;  11:518 
English  schooners  on  Lake  Ontario,  13:129,  135,  170,  266,  269-70 
English  seizure  (1760)  of  Pennsylvanian,  13:181 
Esopus  boatmen,  9:465-66 

equipment  prices  (1769),  6:716;  7:974,  976,  979,  983 
European  (1760),  10:160,  163 
ferrying  charges  (1768),  12:644 

ferrying  charges  (1770),  7:832,  834,  837,  968-69,  974,  976,  978-79 
ferrying  charges  (1773),  13:627 
flatboats,   (scows),  1:863,  875;  2:49,  117,  134,   138.    L43-44,  151,  152,  157, 

158,  160,  180-81,  190,  209,  222,  242,  <>43 

Johnson's  own,  9:122 
forest  conservation  and,  9:147,  166 
Fort  Chartres  communication  and,  11:928;  12:255 

Fort  Stanwix  Congress,  6:291;  7:366;  8:780-81;  12:596,  608,  609,  617.  667 
French,  at  Great  Carrying  Place,  9:548 
French  boat-burning  (1759),  13:1  1  I 
French  construction,  9:85-86;  10:94,  146;  12:173 
French  schooners  on  Lake  Ontario  (1759),  13:137,  138,  140,  143,  145,  150, 

French  vessels  captured  (1757),  9:808,  815-16 
frozen  in  (1766),  12:13 
Glen  loan  returned  (1747),  13:9-10 

Great  Lakes  exploration  vessels,  10:274,  285,  293-94,  310,  319;   13:2i's 
Great  Lakes  fleet,  7:896,  1124;  8:469-70 

Lake  Erie  vessel  protested  by  Cliippewas,  6:717-22,  777;    7:148-49 

Lake  Huron,  12:723,  726 

Lake  Ontario  losses  (1770),  7:355 
hiring  charges  (1746-47),  9:15,  20,  24,  25,  27,  30 
hiring  charges  (1767-69),  7:31,  32,  34;  13:516 



Boats,  horse  transport,  8:880 

Indian  distaste  for  sailing,  13:189 

Indian  piloting  privileges  (1773),  13:622-23 

Indian  provision  boats,  1:603;  3:226-28,  233,  235,  252,  255-56 

pilots  for,  3:255-56,  258 
for  Indian  use  (1760)  at  Oswego  and  Niagara,  10:144 
for  "intended  enterprise"  (1763),  4:236 
for  Johnson's  trip  to  Niagara  (1764),  4:418,  423,  427,  432,  435,  436,  446, 

478;  11:189,  209-10,  230-31,  237,  247,  251,  253,  254,  336 
Johnson  (Guy)  "2-handed  battoe,"  8:193 
Johnson's,  at  Sacondaga,  8:508 
Lake  Champlain  crossing  (1773),  12:1026 
Lake  Erie  shipwreck  (1763),  10:812,  814,  815,  859,  864 
Lake  Erie  trade  (1765),  11:752 
Lake  George  (1773),  13:617 
liquor  shipped  by,  8:985,  987-89 
Little  Egg  Harbor  shipwreck,  7:713,  718,  731,  737 
lumbering,  13:430 
mail  shipwrecked  (1765),  11:979 

maintenance  costs  for  traders'  boats  (1765),  11:992-93 
man-of-war  Antigua  voyage  (1766),  12:70 
masts  for,  7:497 
for  Mississippi,  4 :  44 
Montreal,  2:787,  791 
Navy  Island  fire,  5:462 
New  York  Ferry  Bill  (1773),  8:710 
Niagara  accidental  fire  (1766),  12:245 
Niagara  Carrying  Place  (1764),  4:342,  406 

Niagara  boat  stoppage  (1769),  6:750,  751,  774,  776,  777;  7:1,  10,  13,  21 
for  Niagara-Detroit  Congress    (1761)   journey,  3:511,  512,  521,  524,  546; 

10:155,  158,  285,  287,  289,  292,  299-300,  301,  307,  323;  13:216-17,  221, 

222,  226,   227,  229,   230-31,   232,  233,  234,   235,  238,  239,  240-41,  242, 

244-49,  252,  258,  259-73 
for  Niagara  expedition    (1759),  2:430;   3:116,  121-22,  124,  140,   146-47; 

13:116,  117,  118,  120,  121-22,  125 
Niagara  journey  of  the  O'Briens  (1766),  12:129 
Niagara  trade  reports  (1768),  12:650,  660 
Ohio  River  Indian  attacks  on  (1769),  7:79,  140,  163 
on  Oneida  Lake,  13:172 

Oneida  Royal  Blockhouse  fire  (1767),  12:279 
for  Onondaga  Council  (1756)  present,  9:463,  469;  13:86-87 
Oswegatchie,  3:134;  13:124,  129 
Oswego  Congress  (1766),  12:113 
in  Oswego  relief,  9:403,  410,  415,  421,  422,  423,  426,  429,  430,  432,  434,  435, 

437,  444,  503;  13:121,  125 
in  Oswego  siege,  9:396,  407,  413,  418,  445 
for  outpost  occupation  (1761),  13:250 
Presque  Isle  attack  (1763)  and,  10:732,  735 
prices  (1775),  2:578,  593 
prices  (1772),  8:438 
privateers,  1:10-11,  24,  743;  9:815-16;  13:214 

New  York,  1:128,  171,  225;  2:505,  523,  525 
Quebec  pilot  boat  (1757),  9:790 
Rapids  of  Richelieu,  13:430-31 

Rogers  removal  from  Michilimackinac  (1768),  12:451,  492,  521 
row  galley  on  Lake  Ontario  (1756),  9:486 
Russia's  Mediterranean  fleet,  7:430 
for  Saint  Johns  attack  (1759),  13:131 
Sandusky  schooner  grounding  (1768),  12:682 
Schenectady  service,  9:510,  511;  11:128 
schooner  hire  (1772),  8:411 
sloopage  costs,  8:1029-30;  12:738,  920 


Sir  William  Johnson  Papers 

in  Smallman  account  of  trade  losses  (1763),  12:64 

storage  (1747), 9:6-7 

theft  of,  7:841-43,  897-98 

for  Ticonderoga,  2:59 

transportation  overland,  2:340 

Wade  and  Keiuser  expeditions,  7:723-30;  8:119,  241,  499,  560 

whaleboats,  for  Niagara  relief,  10:157,  170 
Boccaloons,  3:34 
Bodens,  Jains  Batite,  5:468 
Bogardus,  ,3:377 

Bogardus,  Petrus,  4:787 
Bogardt,  Lambert,  7:672 
Bogart,  Hendrick,  1:839;  2:612 
Bogart,  Isaac,  capt.,  2:612;  7:687,  1035;  9:135 
Bogart,  Jacob,  1:840 
Bogert,  Henry  I.,  capt.: 

Darlington  goods  shipments  with,  4:744,  858,  872,  879,  884;  5:269,  270, 
273   367  •  11:753 

sloop  frozen'in  (1766),  4:889;  12:13 
Bogert,  Peter  (blacksmith),  1:726 
Boggs,  John,  5:385 
Bohemia,  3:893 

Boiford,  ,  Niagara  surrender  (1759),  13:115 

Boin,  Beyer,  1:99 
Bois,  Lake  du,  13:448 
Boisrouvre,  ,  2:20,  22 

Boiveres,    '  ,4:670-71,677-78 

Bojeau,  capt.,  see  Beaujeu,  French  commandant 
Bolders,  ,  capt.,  5:645 

Bolderson,  ,3:290,310 

Bollan,  ,11:426 

Bolton,  Duke  of,  6:219 
Bolton,  Mason,  col.,  8:1215 
Roman's  Creek,  8:303 

Bond,  (clothes  purchased  from),  7:562 

Bondi,  ,  Detroit  Frenchman,  12:968-69 

Bonnais  (Chippewa  chief),  12:491 
Books : 

Account  of  Conferences  Held,  and  Treaties  Made,  Betiveen  Maj.  Gen.  Sir 
William  Johnson,  Bart,  and  the  Chief  Sachems  and  Warriours  (John- 
son), 13:60n 

Adair  dedication  to  Johnson,  6:752 

Arlair  manuscript  on  history  of  the  Southern  Indians,  6:531,  682 

Adair  "Origin  of  Ye  American  Indians,"  6:723 

almanacs,  3:355,  936,  957;  5:32;  13:342,  552,  588 

Annual  Register,  6:733,  779;  7:172 

"Appeal   in   Behalf    of   the   Church    of   England    in    America"    (Chandler), 
5:780n,  835-36,  s:;7,  840,  841;  6:131-33;  7:1 
"Further  Appeal,"  8:187-88 

Ashe's  Grammatical  Institutes,  8:1156 

Bayle's  General  Dictionary,  6:708 

Bernard  Mohawk  edition  of  the  Church  service,  13:300 

Biographia  Brittanica  (5  vol.),  4:358 

Blackstone's   Commentaries   on    the  Laws   of   England,    7:504-505;    12:977 

Bouquet's  Expedition  to  MusTcvngam  (Smith),  5:10,  24 

Caner  edition,  in  Mohawk,  of  the  Church  service,  8:1039-40 

Chamber's  Dictionary,  1:264 

Chcval  Picrrepoint,  The  (2  vol.),  4:86,  359 

Chinese  Pieces  (2  vols.),  4:86,  359 

Churchill's  Works,  6:73:'.,  779 

Clio,  3:957 

Colden  History  of  the  Five  Nations,  9:13 



Books,  Colden  (Cadwallader)  pamphlet,  5:661 
Court  Register,  4 :  86 
Cudwortk's  Discourse,  7:508-509 

Dissertation  on  the  Gout  and  on  all  Chronic  Diseases,  A  (Cadogan),  8:243« 
Dissertation  on  the  Prophecies  (Newton),  7:508 
Duke's  Orders,  The,  13:339 
English  Register,  8:52 
Evans'  manuscript  journal,  7:13;  12:728 
Greenland  history  (Cranz),  6:69 
Historical  Account  of  the  Expedition  under  Colonel  Bouquet   (Bouquet), 

5:325,  329 
Historical  review  of  the  Transactions  of  Europe  from  the  Commencement 

of  the  War  with  Spain,  1 :  265 
History  of  the  Bible,  in  Mohawk,  8:1040 

History  of  Emperor  Charles  the  Fifth  of  Spain  (Robertson),  6:733 
History  of  England  (Lord  Orrery),  7:765-66 
History  of  Louisiana,  4:359 

History  of  Massachusetts  Bay  (Hutchinson),  6:475 
History  of  Scotland  (Robertson),  6:733 
hornbooks,  12:13 
Irish  Almanac,  8:517 

Johnson  (Joseph — Wheelock  pupil)  publications,  12:1119 
Johnson  (Peter)  request  for,  8:1139-40 
Johnson  (Samuel)  English  grammar,  6:165 
in  Johnson  Hall  inventory  (1774),  13:665 
Journal  of  David  Jones,  8:1159,  1178 

Knox  Historical  Journal  of  the  Campaigns  in  North  America,  6:733;  8:45 
Langhorne's  Letters,  4:359 

Littleton's  History  of  Henry  the  Second,  6:733,  779;  7:172,  752 
loaned  by  Johnson,  3:967;  4:575 
Lowth  sermon  praising  Johnson,  8:98,  228,  248 
on  Masonic  regulations,  5:286,  308-309 
"Masonry  the  sure  Guide  to  Hell,"  6 :  576 
Microscope  Made  Easy  (Baker),  1:264 
Millenium  Hall,  4:86,  359 
Musgrave  "Address  to  the  Gentlemen,  Clergy  and  Freeholders  of  Devon," 

7:269n,  285 
New  History  of  the  World  ,  A  (Guthrie  and  Gray),  4:426 
Newton's  Mathematical  Elements  of  Natural  Philosophy  (Desaguliers  trans- 
lation), 1:264 
orders,  1:264-65,  375,  377;  3:919,  950,  953;  4:64,  86,  358-59,  395,  426,  608, 

622;  6:236,  779 
pamphlet  on  Illinois  colonization,  5:127 
physic  books,  6 :  683 

poem  on  Canadian  politics  (1764),  11:335 
Polite  Lady,  The,  4:86,  359 
prayerbook  in  Mohawk  translation: 

Barclay  edition  of,  1:6%;  3:903;  4:72,  107,  605;  8:1040;  10:935 

binding  of,  6:506,  618,  649,  708 

Claus  revision,  3:363,  630,  639;  10:264,  333 

demand  and  scarcity  of  old  edition,  3:355,  384;  5:29,  529;  10:264 

Gaine  printing  work  on,  6:340,  355,  397,  475,  506;  7:152 

printing  costs  (1769),  12:762 

Shuckburgh  and,  3:370;  6 :  506 

Weyman  printing  work  on,  4:78,  219,  540,  605;  5:106;  13:299-300 
primers  and  psalters  from  England,  12:1079 
Quincey's  Dispensatory,  4:328 
Reverie,  The  (2  vol.) ,4: 86,  359 
Rhode  Island  library,  1 :  619 
"Roderick  Random  (Smollett),  1:264;  4:358 
Rogers  Journal  publication  (1765),  13:288n 
schoolbook  offer  from  Gaine,  8:1156 


Sir  William  Johnson  Papers 

Scots  Caricatures,  4:359 

spelling,  7:803,  866,  970,  1025 

Stamp  Act  pamphlet,  4:877 

Stuart's  Mohawk  translation  of  the  Gospel  of  St.  Mark,  8:1195-96 

Tusearora  request,  12:1109 

Watson's  Almanac  and  Registry,  8:52 

Wedderburn  pamphlet,  8:1061 

Whately's  pamphlet  (1769),  7:57 

"written,"  5:580 

Boone,  Thomas,  3:389n 

Booth,  ,4:734 

Bordley,  ,  Maryland  Attorney  General,  4:584;  13:332 

Bordman,  Charles,  5:565 

Borrow,  capt.,  Hardenbergh  patent  and,  6:738 

Boscawen,  Edward,  admiral: 

Brest  squadron  and,  2:532 

fleet  off  Cape  Breton,  1:651,  686,  692-93,  763 

discovery  of  French  plans  against  Halifax,  2:218 

on  French  troops  in  Canada,  2:61,  112 

Lake  Champlain  victory  (1759),  10:130 

observation  fleet  off  Canadian  coast,  3:24 

secret  expedition  (1756),  2:473,  485 

siege  of  Louisburgh,  1:719,  849;  2:35,  206,  800-801;  13:44 

Bosh,  Jacob,  8:335 

Bosomworth,  ,  capt.,  2 :  785 

Boston,  Massachusetts,  1-An,  64,  118,  263n,  355,  357;  6:708;  13:300 

arms  stores  (1758),  9:933 

Assembly,  1:79,  82,  112 

Cape  Breton  expedition,  1:28,  30,  32,  33,  36,  39,  41,  52-53,  57,  92,  209 

chief  justice's  warrant  threatened,  6:607;  8:1071 

commissioners   (1770),  12:808 

Convention  of  Ninety- two,  6:406,  410 

court,  6:452;  9:93 

Crown  Point  (1755)  expedition  and,  1:594,  690,  849,  877;  2:81,  103,  137,  339 

effigy-burning  (1770),  7:483 

election  (1769),  6:760 

First  Church,  6:133« 

French  reports  of  attack  on,  2:648 

Gage  arrival  (1774)  as  governor,  8:ix,  1115,  1160-61,  1164,  1179 

Gordon  visit  (1765),  13:374 

Indian  education  movement  in,  3:628,  880,  903;  4:182,  380 

Johnson  (Guy)   in,  4:xi 

Johnson  land  sales  and,  7:593 

King's  Chapel,  8:922rc 

massacre  (1770),  7:481,  5Un,  528ra,  752-53 

New  York  post  road  and,  7:957-58 

Port  Bill,  8:1115,  1157,  1163 

riots  (1765),  4:836,  845,  885;  11:921 

riots   (1768),  6:222,  278,  303,  323-24,  338,  405,  410,  432,  434,  468,  504; 

riots  (1770),  7:629,  652-53;  12:808 

Ruggles'  mission  to,  2:159,  161,  189,  192,  200,  205,  210;  9:249,  262 

Sabbath  observance  laws,  13:213 

as  seat  of  government  (1769),  6:687 

slaves,  1:438 

stamps  arrive  in,  4:850;  11:921 

store  sloop,  1:746,  747 

Tea  Party,  8:974-75,  1060,  1114-16,  1160-61 

trade,  1:92;  5:834;  7:769,  999,  1024 

troop  arrivals,  2:441,  450;  7:672;  10:8,  15;  12:712 
Boston  Gazette  (newspaper),  4:405n 



Boston  Public  Advertiser  (newspaper),  7:401?i 

Bostwick,  ,  5:485 

Bostwick,  Aug.,  8:351 

Bostwick,  Rev.  David,  3:5S6;  11:388 

Bostwicke,  Francis  (probably  error  for  Henry),  6:251 

Bostwick,  Henry: 

accusation  of  Ainse,  6:466-67,  525-28,  554,  674-76;   12:613,  614,  651 

Bradstreet  account,  11:590 

Chinn  and,  6:251,  317 

copper  interests,  6:89-91,  242-47,  251,  317-18,  438-39,  450,  551-52,  553-55, 

624-27,  648,  671-72,  712;  7:383,  791,  882 
copper  interests 

speech  (1769)  to  the  Indians  at  Michilimackinac,  7:48-49,  73-74;  8:124 
Howard  bill  (1765),  4:741 
Indian  trade  indemnities  (1763),  10:992-93 
Michilimackinac  trade   (1765)  petition  on  wintering  privileges,  4:802,  815, 

871,  878;  11:814,  827,  828,  879-80 
Niagara-Detroit  Congress   (1761),  13:253 
O'Brien  and,  6:397,  483 
Bostwick  (Bostick),  Lesslie,  lieut.,  6:675 
Bostwyck  &  Co.,  4:383 
Botetourt,  Lord,  6:337-38,  570n 
death  of,  7:966,  1130» 
Indian  boundary  line  and,  6:694 
Bouch,  capt.,  8:1042 

Boude,  ,  9:733 

Bougainville,  Louis  Antoine  de,  10:168 
Bouillerese,  ,  11:827 

Boullie,  ,  4:643 

Bounaff ous,  ,  lieut.,  10 :  124 ;  13 : 1 14 

Bouquet,  Henry,  col.,  brig,  gen.,  3:2n;  12:276 
Allegheny  settlement  proclamation,  11:793 
arms  disbursement  (1762),  10:549,  597-98 
Conestogas  and,  11:97 
Croghan  expenses  and,  3:931;  4:712;  10:452,  549,  475,  824 

Paxtoner  attack  (1765)  and,  4:713,  717,  718,  734;  11:636,  644,  776-77 
Croghan  intelligence  (1763)  of  Indian  threat  of  uprising,  10:607,  612 
Delaware-Shawnee-Mingo   peace   negotiations    (1764),   4:354,   503,   608-609, 
667;  11:435-47,  447-67,  496-98,  499,  509,  588,  725,  726,  732,  738 
Benevissica  message,  11:557-59 

hostage  escape,  11:483-84,  510-11,  515-16,  519,  526-27,  530-31,  585 
trade  memorials  and,  11:565 
Treaty  (1765),  4:628-29,  640-41,  650,  742 
Delaware  Treaty  (1758),  11:444 
Detroit  threat  of  Indian  attack  (1761),  3:439 
Fort  Chartres  occupation  and,  ll:447n,  497 
Fort  Pitt  defense  (1763),  4:139,  167,  193;  10:718-19,  811,  832,  S61 

Bushy  Bun,  4:195,  197,  199;  11:618 
Fort  Pitt  scalping  (1764)  and,  11:540,  586 
Georgia  defense  (1757),  9:793 
journal,  4:836 
Kindarunty  and,  3 :  733 
McKee  accounts  (1764),  4:454;  11:202 
Mississippi  settlement  and,  10:660 
Niagara  command  (1759),  13:144 

Ohio  expedition   (1764),  4:382,  383,  612-13,  619-21,  622,  624,  629;   7:669; 
Bradstreet  expedition  and,  4:506,  525,  534,  535,  536,  570;   11:232-33, 

240,  332,  344,  365,  385-86,  393,  472,  493 
Delaware  encounter  (Oct.,  1764),  11:376,  3S5 
Hutchins  account  of,  4 :  798 ;  11 :  867 
Indian  troops,  4:402,  124,  439,  451,  462,  483,  494,  510,  516-17,  519,  539, 


Sir  William  Johnson  Papers 

617,  647;   11:174,  175-76,  212-13,  240,  376,  477,  478,  492,  512,  577, 
586,  607-608,  658-59,  660 

instructions,  4:450-52;  11:210-13,  239-40 

Muskingum  conferences,  11:447-67 

prisoners  returned  to,  4:570-71,  583-84,  585-86,  606-607,  609,  620,  641; 
10:317;  ll:169rc,  440-43,  445-52,  453,  454,  456,  457,  462-67,  474-75, 
482-83,  484-91,  498,  586,  659,  724,  768 

provisions,  4:399,  609;  11:128 

Smith  publication  on,  5:10,  24 

Tuscarrowas  conferences,  4:570-71;  11:385-86,  392 
Illinois  and,  4:618 

Pennsylvania  Commissioners  and,  10:652 
portrait,  11:210,  484 

Presque  Isle  attack  (1763)  and,  4:173;  10:733,  800 
at  Eaystown  (1758),  2:892n;  9:969 
return  to  England,  4:642;  11:586 
Royal  American  training,  10:41ft 
Senecas  and,  3:662 
on  Shawnee  scalping  raids,  3:670 
Stephen  and,  4:201 
trade  regulation,  3:529;  10:103,  108;  13:261 

Bourbonne,  ,  son-in-law  of,  4:763,  766 

Bourghsdorff,  Fredrick,  3:606 

Bourk,  the  sutler,  3:854;  10:477,  480-83,  488-89 

Bourke,  Edmond,  see  Burke,  Edmund 

Bourks,  Frederick,  11:381 

Bourlamaque,  Chevalier  de,  2:719;  10:168,  334;  13:131 

Bourrasa,  Ignace,  5:133 

Bourbon  League,  7:1029,  1129 

Bowden,  Thomas,  5:408;  12:685 

Bowdoun,  Peter,  1:716 

Bowen,  John,  2:739;  3:157,  160 

Albany  County  division  petition,  8:333 

land  patent,  8:266;  13:493,  530 

oath  of  allegiance,  8:656 
Bowen,  Joseph,  7:1002 
Bowen,  Peter,  8:333 
Bowen,  Eyar,  2:611;  3:155;  9:30 

as  Oquaga  smith,  9:713-14,  724 
Bowen,  West,  8:241 
Bowen,  William,  7:12,  350,  1060-62 
Bowin,  Cornelius,  12:819,  855 
Bowin,  Cornelius,  widow  of,  9:650 

Boyd,  ,  murdered  trader  (1767),  12:295,  337-39,  360 

Boyd,  Archibald,  3:161;  8:68 
Boyd,  Rhody  (prisoner),  11:490 
Boyd,  Sarah  (prisoner),  11:489 
Boyd,  Thomas  (prisoner),  11:498 
Boyer,  ,  11:827 

Boyle,  Hugh,  4:501 

Couagne  accounts,  4:825;  12:427 

trade  petitions,  5:118,  830 
Boyle,  Patrick,  capt.,  engaged  as  gunner,  1:715,  717-18,  743 
Boyle,  Philip,  4:264,  270;  5:75;  11:171,  614 
Boyle,  Robert,  12:913 
Boyme,  Peter,  4:670,  677-79 
Brackan  (Brachan,  Bracham),  John,  12:855;  13:539 

land  holdings,  5:540;  6:83,  154,  301;  12:751,  787,  819,  960,  1069 

receipts,  6:131;  7:905,  919 

wheat  purchases,  7:501,  661,  662 
Brackan,  Simon,  13:567 
Braddock,  Edward,  maj.  gen.: 



Braddock,  Edward,  maj.  gen.,  autograph,  9:xii 
at  Bear  Camp  (1755),  1:689 

commander  in  chief  appointment  (1754),  1:435,  437,  508 
Croghan  with,  1:637,  752,  772;  2:30;  10:824;  11:751 

Fort  Duquesne  defeat  (1755),  1:712,  722,  745-48,  750-51,  752-53,  759,  767-68, 
771-72,  810-11,  833-34;  2:650;  8:889n,  1067;  9:292;  10:41n 
death  of,  1:712,  774-75,  793,  795,  808,  813-14,  826,  895;  2:34,  35;  9:20Sn, 

365,  368 
Indian  forces  with,  2:438,  637;  9:196,  198,  199,  204-205,  208 
Indian  reactions  to,  1:767-68,  770,  8S2;  2:4,  28-29,  36,  90,  368,  369-70, 

382,  825;  3:995;  9:309,  565,  901 
minutebook  found  by  French,  2:229-35 

success  rumors,  1:752,  753,  760-61,  763,  765-66;  9:201,  210;  13:45 
troop  discipline,  1:783,  791,  793,  823-24,  826-27 
Eyre  appointment  (1755),  1:592,  665;  9:171,  189 
French  troop  numbers  intelligence  of,  2:61,  111 
Irish  regiments  under,  9 :  154 
Iroquois  Council  (1755)   and,  l:625n,  626,  627,  632,  633,  637,  662-65,  794; 

2:382;  9:171-74,  196,  197,  203-204,  20S;  13:40-41 
Jere  with,  9:502 
Johnson  and,  1:456,  464,  826,  855;  9:166,  331 

Indian  Affairs  superin tendency  commission,  1:465-66,  467,  468,  472,  476, 

659,  740;  2:2,  36,  51,  77,  283,  378,  403;  3:270;  9:174-75,  184,  185, 

188,  194,  252,  385;  13:58-59,  73 

money  allotment,    1:491,   492,   505,   506,  522-23,   769,   770,   814;   2:378, 

832-33;  9:168-69,  187-88,  219,  347;  13:41-42 

provision  for  Crown  Point  (1755)  troops  and,  1:512-17,  541,  557,  578,  590, 

603,  645,  656,  690,  754 
Niagara  expedition  and,  1:459,  460,  461-62,  548,  549,  554,  559,  577,  599,  050, 

735,  736 
road  to  Fort  Duquesne,  2:891-92 

Shirley's  replacement  as  commander  in  chief,  l:119n;  2:156,  271 
Braddock's  Bay,  7:725;  13:269n 
Brader,  John,  7:352 

Bradford,  (of  Philadelphia),  8:361 

Bradford,  lieut.,  9:308 

Bradhour,  Nicholas,  7:352 
Bradley,  ,  legal  advice  (1744),  13:7 

Bradley  (Onondaga),  11:554,  569,  650 
Bradley,  ,  sgt.,  3:70 

Bradley,  capt.,  9:432,  486 

Bradley,  Joel,  9:273 
Bradley,  William,  8:1050 

Bradstreet  (Broadstreet),  John,  capt.,  col,  1:534,  535,  711,  760;  2:519:  3-941- 
4:171,  212,  302,  307;  7:56 
accounts  (1756),  2:501,  674 
(1757),  2:714 
(1760),  3:295 

(1765),  4:708,  722,  885;  11:590,  685-86,  6S8,  959 
(1768),  6:549-51;  12:423,  676-79,  718,  726 
(1769),  6; 709,  742-43;  7:15 
Albany  censures  of  Johnson  and,  7:5S6-8S,  626-27,  634-35,  641 
Albany  influence  of,  3:404,  951-52 
autograph,  4:xv 
at  Battle  Island,  2:653 
biographical  sketch,  l:548n 
Butler  (John)  and,  7:537,  634,  641,  659 

Butler  (Thomas)  and,  7:503,  526-27,  538;  9:447,  953,  966-67 
on  calvancis,  4:353 

Canestio  expedition  and,  4:349-50,  361 
on  carpenters,  4:236-37,  251,  406 
Chippewa  arms  request,  11:771 


Sir  William  Johnson  Papers 

Chippewa  conference  with  Marsac  (1765),  4:806;  11:739 

debts  of,  5:408;  6:2,  64-65,  70,  409,  435-36 

Deputy  Quartermaster  General  appointment  (1758),  2:801 

Detroit    conference    (1765)    invitations,    11:646,    S39,    871,    893,    899,    901, 

on  Detroit  threat  of  Indian  attack  (1769),  6:781-82 
Detroit  murders  (1765)  and,  11:602 
on  Detroit  siege  renewal,  4:406,  409 
on  Dutch  in  Albany,  3:887-88 
Dutch  Church  and,  4:734 

English  declaration  of  war  with  Spain  (1762),  10:420-21 
Esopus  Indians  and,  6:714,  723,  735-38,  749,  760-62,  781;  7:41 

Oneida  land  gift  (1769),  7:323,  325 
at  examination  of  Silvestre,  1:508,  509 
Fort  Frontenae  expedition    (1758),  2:886,  887,  894-95;    3:1;   9:953,   964, 

966-67,  968.  969;  10:  In,  3,  4-5,  7,  12,  18,  20,  25,  43n,  51,  54 
Fort  Stanwix  bridge  repair  (1763),  13:302 
Fort  Stanwix  Congress  (1768)  and,  6:445-46,  447,  449,  520-21,  709,  742-43; 


accounts  as  quarter-master  general,  8:617,  618,  635-36,  641,  660-61,  662, 
780-81,  794-95,  813,  987-88 
on  French  attack  threats  (1755),  1:547-48,  549-50,  599,  746 
on  French  attack  threats  (1758),  10:27 
fusils  plunder,  4:883 
German  Flats  alarm  (1762),  10:479 
gifts  (1765),  4:642 
Herkimer  and,  2:535 
Hogeboom  (Jeremiah)  and,  7:642-43 
illness  (1759),  10:115,  116-17,  120 
Indian  name,  7:323,  325;  9:410 
on  Iroquois  loyalty,  10:28-29,  42,  53-55 
Johnson  (Guy)  and,  7:1066 
on  Johnson's  credit,  1:645 
Johnson's  Niagara  journey    (1764)    and,  4:445-46;    11:13-14,  209-10,  221, 

230-31,  237,  244,  252,  254 

Johnson's  tenants  and,  3:736 

land  purchases,  5:468;  6:342,  507,  534-35,  714,  723;  7:41,  92-93,  94,  120-21; 

12:821,  824,  827 

Cosby  tract  and,  3:873,  944 

deeds  prior  to  Fort  Stanwix  Treaty,  7:537,  538,  641,  656,  659,  710-11, 
718;  8:346 

German  Flats  offer  (1769),  12:747 

Hardenbergh  patent  and,  7:641,  659,  718,  1038,  1043,  1098;  8:15,  346, 
348,  777 

Tienaderha,  7:41,  710-11,  718,  770-71,  773-74,  7S8 

land  sales  by,  8:423 

liquor  trade  regulation  (1762)  and,  10:489 

Lottridge  (John)  and,  10:19,  28 

McMickel  murder  (1758)  and,  10:82-84 

major  generalship  and,  4:335 

Matthews  and,  3:907 

Niagara  attack  (1764)  threats,  4:406;  11:162-163 

Niagara  cattle  supply  (1763),  10:860,  913 

at  Niagara  Congress  (1764),  11:308-309,  324-25 

Niagara  settlement  plans  (1761),  10:270 

Oneida  blockhouse  fire  and,  12:279 

Oneida  sheep  thefts  (1764),  11:468 

Onondaga  fort  and,  9:410 

Oswego  Falls  attack  upon,  9:486 

Oswego  relief  (1756)  and,  2:459,  472,  495,  533,  550;  9:423-24,  426,  430-31, 

433,  434,  435-36,  438,  449,  450 
Oswego  relief  (1759),  13:145 



Bradstreet,  John,  capt.,  col.,  provision  supply  (1761),  3:591 
(1762),  3:675.  679,  6:>5 
(1763),  4:119,  166,  201,  253;  10:658,  951 
Bed  Head  and,  10:108;  11:96 
regiment,  2:309;  4:273;  7:587 

Schaghticoke  Indians  and,  3:975;  4:4-5;  10:603-601,  60S-609;  13:281-85 
Schenectady  boatbuilding  (1761)  and,  11:128 
trade  regulations,  4:490;  11:338,  315 
Webb  and.  2:551 

Ulster  regiment  and,  8:456-58,  159-CO 

Western  expedition  (1761),  4:254,  383,  426,  595,  605,  607-608,  612,  621,  622, 
629;  11:232-33,  210,  338,  511,  702 
defense,  4:605-606,  609 
Detroit,  4:509,  523,  536;  11:349-51,  370 
express  rider  murdered,  4:550;  11:375 
Gage  orders  to  attack,  11:331,  337,  344,  365,  373-71 

Indian  forces  recruited  for,  4:352.  386,  402-403,  430,  432,  436,  437,  416, 
462,  483,  502,  550;  11:194,  200,  205,  308-309,  326,  311?i,  361,  172-73, 
607,  612-13 
Indian  refusal  to  attack,  11:373-71.  391-92,  401-402,  594 
Indian   treatment    of,   4:431,    182,    193,    513,    516,    599-601,    616,    626; 
11:96,  172-73,  192-93,  200,  231-33,  217,  179,  180,  191,  500-508,  512, 
511-15,  521-25,  538-39,  553,  595,  650,  709-10;  13:327 
Johnson's  advice  on  conduct  of,  11:236-37,  216-17 
Johnsons    reflections    on   conduct    of,   4:599-604,   610-11,    616;    11:101, 

471-73,  492-95,  496,  521 
land  grants  and,  11:493 
Lords  of  Trade  on,  4:463 
Morris  encounter  with  Miamis,  court  of  enquiry,  11:369-72 

■ego  troop  rendezvous,  4:395,  411-13,  416,  427,  434-35,  437;  11:207, 
Pontiac  belt  destroyed,  11:515,  804,  832 

Treaty,  4:503-508,  518-19,   521-22,   524-25,  526-33,   534-36,   538-40,   544, 
46,    547-19,   550,   570,   571,   583,    610-11,   616;    6:517;    11:156», 
328-33,   311,   313-11,   365,   371,   376,   393,   394-96,  401,  402-403,  440, 
442,  491-92,  507,  521,  585,  7 
Tuscarawas  meeting,  11:385-86,  437,  440,  442 
Wvandottes  and,  11:391-92,  449,  450 
Bradt,  Anton v,  2:648,  619 
Bradt,  Arent,*2:780,  792;  8:390;  13:300 
Albany  petition  (1771),  8:333 
boat  service  (1757),  9:773 
election  of  1715  and,  1:30 
oath  of  allegiance  (1772),  8:656 
Schenectady  lands,  10:622 
Bradt,  Bernadus,  2:      7 
Bradt,  Harmanus,  1:125;  6:131;  8:1019 
Bradt,  Jacob,  Schenectady  petition  CI  771).  13:503 
Bradt,  Johannes,  2:598 
Bradt,  Samuel  A.,  1:362 
Bradts,  John  A.,  13:503 
Bradtt,  Abraham,  Schenectady  petition  (1771),  13:503 

•anier,  Pier,  5:515 
Bragham,  Simon,  7:112 
Brailow  Castle,  7:945 
Braime,  L»..  Heat.,  see  Brehm,  Dietrich,  / 
Brainard,  Timothy,  7:423 
Brainerd,  Rev.  John,  5:570-72;  9:480;  10:310,  315 

Delaware  missionary  offer  (1767),  12:305-306 
Braman,  George,  2:307 
Branaghan,  ,  7:272,  273,  134 

Branahan,  ,  4:738;  11:632 


Sir  William  Johnson  Papers 

Brand  (Mohawk),  Mohawk  Eiver  threats  of  attack  (1756),  9:534-35 
Brandenburg,  7:429 
Brandvwine,  7:108n 
Brant,  ,  1:73;  9:12.  160 

Brant,  Sr.  (Old  Brant,  Araghiadecka  *  : 
Bradstreet  expedition  and,  11:501 
Canajoharie  grant  and,  6:770 

on  Canajoharie  land  claims,  4:50,  53-54,  SO;  10:571 
at  Canajoharie  meeting  (Jan.,  1759),  10:S7-S8 
child's  death  (1747),  9:17 
Fort  Stanwix  Congress,  12  : 
horse  stolen  from,  10:564 

Karaghiagigo  murder  (1766)  and,  12:123,  125 
Klock  and,  4:165;  10:216-10,  227-20 
land  deed  (1751)  to  Johnson,  13:15-19 
lodging,  Canajoharie,  13  : 2 

Logstown  conference  invitation  (1753)  refusal.  13:23-24 
Lottridge  scout  recruitment  (1750),  10:106 
mark  of.  13:18,24 

(1755-56),  2:577,  601,  635 
(1758-59),  3:180 
(1770),  12:800 
scout  recruitment       "        .  4:102 
war  parties,  2:780;  9:18, 19,  2      " 
Brant  of  Fort  Hunter  and  Canajoharie: 
presents,  3:153.  163.  164,  170 
son  of,  3:007 

warning  (1757       gainst  upper  nation.-.  2. 
Brant,  "Young  Brant,"  8:1190;  12:1063-64,  1064-65,  1070 
Brant,  Arent,  see  Bradt,  Arent 
Brant,  Hans  (uncle  of  Xickus'  .  -      White  Hans 

Joseph  (Thavendanegeal,  cv;  \.  2:780»;  3:007;  4:118;  8:159;  11:340 
Canajoharie  lands  and.  4:: 
education   of,   3:556-57.    -   8     880;    10:344,   469-70,   729,   935;    11:101-102. 

133-34;  13:300 
as  interpreter  for  missionaries,  4:23 
Johnson  (John)  and,  8:1216 
Kaghneghtago  and,  12:104 
land  claims,  5:504 
MacLeod  and,  5:345      82 
on  Montreal  expedition,  10:1  SI  :  13:175 
at  Onondaga  Congress  •         -io,  Oct..  1766),  12 

portrait,  5:344;  6:310;  7:476 
Prevost  and,  S:156 
rumored  infidelity  (1764 ),  4:"     -       11:101-] 

Johns  wet  to  11 :  !';1  62 

Tioga  fortification  (1764),  11:159 
Bratu.  Mary  (Molly)  : 
articles  ordered  for, 

in  Adems  accounts.  13  -    541,  543,  550,  556,  575.  58      58S    590. 

v     '  L, 
in  Butler  accounts  (1761-71),  13 :£   8,  5     .  515 
daughter  (Elisabeth)  bora,  13: 
-  sent,  4:-"  :   7    I  )9 

don  (Lord  Adatm)  Johnson  Hall  visit,  13:    J 
Johnson  Hall  iuvento-  13:647 

Johnson's  will  and.  -  I,  1190,  119       [2  64,  1065.  1068,  1069,  1    1 

107  I 

rah  and,  11:72 
Oquai:  7 

orders  for  Indian  entertainment.  7   - 



Brant,  Mary,  Oswego  (1759)  correspondence  with  Johnson,  13:125,  139 

son  (Peter)  and,  8:424%,  945,  1139;  12:1043;  13:636 

Stevenson  (James)  and,  8:974,  1103,  1108 
Brant,  Nicholas  Canadiorha  (son  of  Brant),  2:579,  610;  3:158,  313;  13:100 

Canajoharie  land  claims  and,  4:50;  11:984-85 

death  (1768),  12:629 

on  French  threat  (1757)  to  the  Iroquois,  13:100-101 

Huron  messages  (1766),  12:122 

land  sales  acknowledged,  3:282 
Branter,  George,  7:661 
Braser,  (draftsman),  3:718 

Brat,  captain  ,1:132,133,184 

Brat,  Mrs.  ,  1:207 

Brat,  Arent  A.,  8:390;  12:793 
Brat,  Johannis,  1:330 
Brat,  Samuel,  1 :  66 
Bratsburgh,  3:893 
Bratt,  widow,  2:735 

Bratt,  Abraham,  4:298;  7:456 
Bratt,  Anthony,  1:840 
Bratt,  Anthony  D.,  13:502 
Bratt,  Arent  S.,  13:502 
Bratt,  Bernardus,  capt.,  5:556;  7:454 
Bratt,  Daniel,  1:839 
Bratt,  Dirck,  2:457 
Bratt,  Johannis  A.,  capt.,  1:424 
Bratt,  Peter,  8:985 
Bray,  Dr.  ,3:163;  7:965 

Brazen,  Simon,  7:408 
Brazier  (express  rider),  1:706,  747,  775 
Bread : 

Albany  baking,  13:211 

baking  costs  (1766),  5:367 

biscuit,  2:575,  578;  7:365,  581,  622,  727,  903,  912,  970;  8:521;  13:356, 
470,  571 

buckwheat  hotcakes,  13:182 

Canadian  prices  (1768),  6:548 

Canadian  shortage  (1757),  9:789 

carpenters'  provision  (1763),  13:305 

cookies,  13:564 

Crown  Point  (1755)  campaign  shortages,  2:50,  166,  170,  193,  200,  207-208, 
223,  228,  256,  261,  264,  265,  270,  283,  285,  295,  302,  307,  321;  9:296, 
303,  306,  315 

oven-building  proposal,  2:82,  101,  203 

transportation  problems,  2:82,  190-91,  197,  198-99,  203,  216,  220,  225, 
229,  240,  252,  272,  274;  9:277;  13:68 

disbursement  to  Indians  (1761-71),  5:96,  313;  7:8,  9,  809,  837;  12:928; 
13:230,  251 

Fonda  shipment  (1769),  7:74 

Fort  Edward  shortage  (1756),  2:405-406 

Fort  Johnson  requisition  (1756),  9:554 

French  sailor's  allowance  (1759),  13:140 

French  supplies  (1756-57),  2:511,  648,  717 

frozen,  13:198 

Indian,  1:365 

in  Niagara  Indian  trade  (1769),  6:566,  604 

Oswego  provisions  (1744),  1:23 

Pennsylvanian  baking  methods,  13:183 

prices : 

(1755-56),  2:575,  579,  583,  592,  601,  602,  618,  619,  620 

(1759),  10:93 

(1770),  7:37,  624,  838,  967,  968 


Sir  William  Johnson  Papers 

rusk,  8:521 
Breakabeen,  5:15,  457;  7:596 
Breastbone,  The  (French  Indian),  11:697 
Breck,  Daniel,  13:639 
Breese,  Sidney,  4:215 
Brehm,  Dietrich,  Ueut.,  5:205,  677 

accounts,  4:836;  11:922-23,  958,  977 

Dalyell  Detroit  action  (1763),  10:765 

Gladwin  and,  10:294,  295 

Niagara-Detroit  Congress  (1761),  13:241,  244-45,  246,  253 

wampum  loaned  to  Gorrell  (1763),  10:698n 
Brentnal,  Joseph,  ens.,  9:235 
Brest,  France,  1:564,  719;  7:1074 

Brett,  Catharyna,  Fishkill  Indian  land  claims  and,  4:205;  10:493-95,  854 
Brett,  Sir  Piercy,  3:659,  669 
Brewer,  ,  capt.,  3:315 

Brewer,  Henry,  Jr.,  7:439 
Brewerton,  George,  Jr.,  7:578 
Brewerton,  Fort: 

Byrn  (Barnaby)  at,  5:337;  12:147-48 

evacuation  (1766),  12:96 

Indian  land  claims,  3:870;  10:683 

Indian  raid  on  garden  of,  3:869-70,  882;  10:497-98 

interpreter,  11:29,  31,  357 

location,  ll:357n 

Niagara  journey  stops,  11:252;  13:219,  271 

plan,  3:S83 

Seneca  prisoner  escort  (1765),  11:722-23 

Sequaresera  interview  (1761),  3:440-41,  511 
Breyer,  capt.,  1:610 

Bridge  Hampton,  Long  Island,  2:235;  9:278 
Bridges,  Ann,  4:685 
Bridget's  Son  (prisoner),  11:485 
Bridgetown,  12:305 
Bridgwater,  Duke  of,  8:203 
Bright,  Matthew,  2:305-306 
Brimmer,  John  Baker,  12:1118 
Brinckerhoff  (Brinkerhof ),  Dirck,  7:579,  779;  8:80 

Schenectady  land  division  and,  8:109,  160,  174-75,  298-99,  309 

Tice  and,  8:108-10,  159,  361,  362,  381,  389,  391,  398,  399-400,  402,  435-36 
Brinckerhoff,  Dirck,  Jr.,  8:108,  381,  389,  391,  398,  399-400,  402,  435 
Brinckerhoff,  Joris,  8:399,  435 
Brinon,  ,  5:93 

Bristol,  England,  6:235;  7:830;  8:111.1  «•  13:212,  ?14 
Bristol  Channel,  13:214 
Britannia  (vessel) : 

freight  for  John  Johnson  (1769),  7:563 

Miller  as  captain,  7:708,  895,  996;  8:242,  249;  12:786w 

Munds  as  captain,  7:486,  880,  885,  933,  1039,  1041 

Roberts  voyage  (1770)  on,  7:375,  415,  486 
Broad,  John,  13:304 
Broadalbin,  3:358n 
Broad  Creek,  Maryland,  6:255 
Broadhead,  ,1:76,89,90 

Broadhead,  Daniel,  3:776 

account  of  Susquenanna  settlement  (1762),  10:530-33,  536,  541,  551,  554 
Broadhead,  Gerrit  (interpreter),  3:567,  568;  10:533 
Broadhuck  (son  of),  7:723 

Broadstreet,  John,  col.,  see  Bradstrcet,  John,  capt.,  col. 
Brock,  ,4:792 

Brockden,  Charles,  6:557n,  559 
Brockham,  Joseph,  1:362 



Brodhac,  ,  5:126 

Brodhead,  Charles,  2:419 

Brodhead,  John,  capt.,  5:150-51 

Broglie,  Victor  Francois,  due  de,  8:50 

Brompton,  England,  1:263 

Bronck,  John  L.,  7:468 

Bronck,  Philip,  7:468 

Brons  (Bronce),  George,  7:352,  1083 

Brook,  Lord,  5:460;  11:261-62 

Brookes,  Peter,  8:353 

Brookman,  Thomas,  4:215,  556,  568 

Brooks,  sgt.,  1:766 

Brooks  (Brookes),  Jonathan,  8:351,  450-51 

Broome,  Jno.,  10:929 

Broome,  Samuel: 

Deniston  (Hugh)  debt,  7:646,  937,  1032;  8:740,  745,  766,  787 
Broome,  Samuel,  Jr.,  12:773 
Broome  (Broom),  Samuel,  &  Co.,  7:224,  275 
Broome  County,  New  York,  10:945n 
Brouee,  Adam,  13:540 
Broughman,  Samuel,  11:934 
Broughton,  Mrs.,  11:886,  887 
Broughton,  Sampson,  4:685,  817-18;  11:887 
Brouwer,  Arent,  8:655 
Brouwer,  Hendrick,  7:1106 
Brower,  capt.,  2:836?i 

Brower,  Harmans,  13:519 
Brower,  Jelles,  13:502 
Brower,  Jeremiah,  7:233,  275 
Brower,  Peter,  8:957,  960,  994,  1055 
Brown,  ,  1:761 

Brown,  ,  Dease  transaction  with,  8:914 

Brown,  (in  Catskill  patent),  7:6S6 

Brown,  ,  of  Salem,  12:1068 

Brown,  ,  lieut.,  2:895 

Brown,  Andrew,  ens.,  13:121,  125 
Brown,  Arch.  Mont.,  lieut.,  13:271 

in  Dalyell  action  (1763),  4:195;  10:763,  765,  791 
Brown,  Burnet,  8:687,  703 
Brown,  Bev.  James,  2:235;  9:278,  315 
Brown,  John,  oath  of  allegiance,  8 :  655 
Brown,  John,  ensign,  7:456 
Brown,  John,  lieut.,  6:789 
Brown,  John  (schoolmaster),  4:267,  273 
Brown,  John  (Schenectady  merchant  and  vestryman),  7:272;  12:13-14 

accounts,  4:879;  5:35-36;  11:975 

address  to  the  Society  for  the  Propagation  of  the  Gospel,  8:1088,  1111 

election  of  1769  and,  6:599 

Murray  and,  6:311 

Ramsay  and,  8:496 

Schenectady- Albany  Church  of  England  congregations  and,  7:249-50,  265 

on  Schenectady  church  building  costs,  5:504-505,  519;  12:293 

Schenectady  church  charter  petition  (1765),  4:885;  5:1,  441;  13:378-79 
Brown,  John,  capt.,  4:261,  889;  6:582 

in  Adems  accounts  (1770),  13:554 

ammunition  bought  (1763)  from,  13:307 

boats  lost  on  Lake  Ontario,  7 :  355 

Boston  riot  news  (1765),  4:885 

Byrne  and,  6:486 

Cayuga  request  for  replacement  of  dead  chief,  8:17 

Chippewa  accusation  of  Iroquois  (1770),  7:715-16,  797 

colonial  administration  of  trade  and,  6:321,  346-47,  488,  512,  537,  598,  603; 


Sir  William  Johnson  Papers 

12:609-10,  654,  669,  674 
on  Fort  Chartres  scalpings  (1771),  8:178 
Fort  Erie  Seneca  incident  (1770)  and,  7:942-44,  985-87,  993-94,  1016,  1019, 

1041,  1052,  1053,  1076,  1117-18,  1125;  12:882,  890 
on  half -Indian  child  at  Caghnawaga,  8:235 
Iroquois  war  belts  (1768)  and,  6:250 
Johnson  (Guy)  and,  7:1066 

Joncaire  warning  (1768)   of  Indian  unrest,  6:250,  262-63;  12:522-23 
Magra  and,  6:106,  165-67 
on  medals  for  Indians,  8:255,  314 
in  Mortier  accounts,  8:506 
New  York  errands  for  Johnson,  6:341-42 
Niagara  garrison  (1770),  7:638,  715-17,  802 
Niagara  interpreters  and  smiths,  6:454-55 

Okeyawess  (Ottawa  chief)  and,  7:942,  943,  1118;  12:886,  890-91 
Otoangaut  and,  8:178,  255 
Roberts  (Benjamin)  and,  5:404-406,  520,  713 
Seneca  cattle  thefts  and,  7:582-83 

Seneca-Missisauga  dispute  (1767),  5:758,  759;  6:106;  12:336 
Stevenson  and,  7:222-23,  681w,  682 
threats  of  general  Indian  war,  6:781;  7:484-85 
trade  abuse  complaints,  12:693-94,  860 
Turnbull  and,  5:723 
Wade  (Ferrall)  and,  8:154-55 
Wade  and  Keiuser  trade  trip  past  Niagara  (1770)  and,  7:717,  739,  744,  745, 

756,  822,  917,  1018;  8:63 
Brown,  Sam,  Jr.,  8:34-35,  78 

Brown,  Rev.  Thomas,  12:104,  113 

autograph,  6:xiv 

charges  against,  6:75-76,  78-79,  84-85,  457 

horse  entrusted  (1766)  to,  5:280-81 

on  instruction  of  Master  Peter,  5:375,  488 

Johnson  Hall  christenings,  5:391,  458 

Mohawks  and,  3:373,  855;  6:12,  28,  76,  85 
Brown,  William  Burnet,  10:927-29 
Browne,  Rev.  ,  5:430 

Browne  (Brown),  Josiah,  col.: 

at  Crown  Point  Councils  of  War,  2:250;  9:319 

regiment  of,  2:104,  275;  9:308,  324 
Browne,  Mountford,  5:493;  7:181 
Browne  (Brown),  William,  3:299,  612,  636;  4:207 
Browning,  William,  maj.,  col.,  3:231n,  612 

Bradstreet  and,  4:545 

Chenussios  and,  4:437-38,  541;  11:117,  196,  216-17 

Chippewa  embassy  (1764),  11:202-203,  213 

discipline  of  soldiers  firing  on  Indians,  4:255;  10:937;  11:246 

Niagara  Carrying  Place  attacks  (1763),  10:816-17,  906 

Niagara  command  (1763),  4:187,  221 

at  Niagara  Congress  (1764),  4:472,  520;  11:267 

on  Niagara  Indian  threat  (1764),  4:408-409,  414;  11:124-25^  163 

Seneca  peace  treaty  (1764)  and,  11:123 

on  venison  inspection,  4:510 

wagoners'  pay  (1764),  11:518 
Bruce,  capt.,  6:410 

Bruce,  (trader),  8:117 

Bruce,  Dr.  ,8:909 

Bruce,  Thomas,  maj.,  lieut.  col.  : 

commission  as  lieutenant-colonel,  7:730,  802,  1079 

Detroit  command,  7:675-76,  703 

Gordon  (Lord  Adam)  and,  6:.'!37;  12:711    71.". 
Bruce,  William,  3:720-21 
Bruire,  ,  11:335 



Bruls  (Debruls),  Michael  de,  ZivU-vm;  4:8,  12,  112;  12:34 

Bnimmell,  W.,  8:1215 

Brunk,  Casparus,  2:457 

Brunswick,  Ferdinand,  Duke  of,  3:145m,  147 

Brunswick,  Germany,  7:839 

Brunswick,  North  Carolina,  13:392 

Brunswick  (vessel)  ,6:263;  12 :  129 

Brush,  Crean,  6:131,  360;  8:703;  12:582 

Brussels,  Belgium,  7:839 

"Brutus,"  7:1107;  12:773 

Bruyn,  Jacobus,  3:527,  566 

Bryan,  Rebecca,  11:487 

Bryant,  William,  capt.,  1:37,  38,  225,  259 

Bryant,  William  L.,  2:xii 

Bryne,  Michael,  see  Byrne,  Michael 

Bucher,  John  Jost,  11:947 

Buck,  ,  cattle  driver,  11:513 

Buck,  ,  of  Mayfield,  8:1051 

Buck,  Daniel,  7:414 

Buck,  Tawname,  see  Keightighqua  (Shawnee  chief) 

Buckminster,  Rev.  Joseph,  8:664 

Buckner,  Mord.,  2:803,  805 

Bucks  County,  Pennsylvania,  3 :  843 

Buenos  Aires,  7:428,  998 

Buffalo  Creek,  10:47 

Bulkley,  John,  11:430 

Bull,  (London  politician),  8:203 

Bull,  Captain  (son  of  Teedyuscung),  3:777;  4:83 

captivity,  4:344,  349,  350,  352,  359,  361,  364,  369,  377-78,  381,  383,  391, 
496,  498;  8:77,  689;  11:88,  105,  118,  119-20,  173 
release  of,  11:714,  748,  768-69 

Delaware  peace  treaty  (1765)  and,  4:739 

Delaware  settlements  and,  4:512;  10:671 

English  news  of  capture  of,  4:421 
Bull,  William,  Jr.,  l:369n,  386;  3:594;  8:143?i;  12:949w 

on  death  of  Thomas  King,  8:247-48,  319;  12:944 
Bullet-town  (Delaware-Shawnee  village),  11:212 
Bull,  Fort  (Fort  Wood  Creek) : 

fort  plan  defects,  9:415,  426 

French  destruction  (1756)   of,  2:692n,  786;  9:414-15,  420n,  636,  675,  858; 

Niagara  journey  stops,  11:252;  13:217,  272 

Oneida  warning  of  French  attack  (1756),  9:503,  680 

Oriskany  patent  and,  12:707 

Wade  and  Keiuser  (1770)  at,  7:723 
Bullingham,  Job,  7:867 
Bullit  (Bullet),  Thomas,  capt.,  2:803,  806-808,  814 

biographical  sketch,  8:889n 
Bungat,  Lambert,  13:639 
Bunker  Hill,  battle  of,  9:308n;  10:863k, 
Bunt,  The  (Onondaga  chief) : 

assistants  nominated  (1762),  10:513-14,  518 

Butler  (Thomas)  on,  2:685,  686,  695,  699,  700,  701 

Canadian  embassy  (1758),  10:67,  70 

Canasadaga  conference  (1773),  13:622 

condolence  for  sister's  death,  10:500,  501-502 

daughter-in-law  of,  13:151,  154 

English  news  (1746)  request,  11:356,  357,  358,  481 

Fort  Stanwix  Congress  (1768),  12:626,  628 

French  attack  threats  (1759),  10:95 

Ganughsaraga  Creek  conference  (1767),  12:365,  369 

grandson  of,  3:699,  724;  10:589;  11:653;  12:241 


Sir  William  Johnson  Tapers 

at  Johnson  Hall  conference  (Nov.  1764),  11:478 

at  Johnson  Hall  Iroquois  Congress  (Dec.  1763),  10:961,  971 

at  Johnson  Hall  Iroquois  Congress  on  Seneca  peace  (March,  1764),  11:151 

at  Johnson  Hall  Iroquois  conference  (Dec,  1766).  12:241 

Johnson's  Niagara  journey  (1764),  11:253 

Kanodock  and,  10:889 

on  Montreal  expedition  (1760),  10:182;  13:178 

Newkirk  murder  (1762)  and: 

Iroquois  conference  (1763)  on,  10:626,  650 
Onondaga  Council  (1762)  on,  10:588,  589,  596 

Oswegatchie  scout  (1759),  13:143 

at  Oswego  conference  (1759),  13:125,  129,  132,  147,  148 

Oswego  meeting  (1761),  3:441;  13:220 

presents,  3:997;  5:339;  12:647,  759,  760,  868,  924,  1003;  13:517 

resignation  offer  (1771),  8:317-18 

Ryckman  and,  9:662,  670 

son-in-law  of,  5:719 

sons  of,  10:932;  11:595;  12:372,  647,  760,  922;  13:146,  150 

son's  death,  2:727;  12:332 
Bunyan,  Turner  &  Laird,,  5:293 
Burbank,  ,  capt.,  3:241 

Burbeck,  lieut.,  2:305;  13:68 

Burd,  James,  col. : 

Fort  Augusta  command,  2 :  785n 

Ohio  Indian  delegations  to  Pennsylvania  (1758),  2:785,  802,  811-12   814 

Stamp  Act  repeal  proposals,  5:165 

Susquehanna  settler  removal  orders  (1763),  10:691-92,  716,  720 
Burdick,  Benjamin,  5:500 
Burge,  Samuel,  4:264,  265 
Burger,  Gilbert,  ll:248n 
Burgess,  capt.,  1:171 
Burgher,  (oysterman),  6:487 

Burgie,  Thomas,  4:45 
Burgiss,  John,  8:351 
Burgoyne,  John,  gen.,  3:894n;  13:730 
Burk,  John,  cattle  tending  charges,  12:668;  13:519 
Burke,  ,  8:352 

Burke  (Bourke),  Edmond,  and  New  York  trade  agency,  7:1073,  1079 
Burke,  W.  ,7:181 

Burkersdorf,  Prussia,  3:892n 
Burke's  General  Armory,  3:ix,  x 
Burks,  ,1:37 

Burlington,  New  Jersey: 

Johnson  visit  plans  (1769),  12:729 

Minisink  Indian  claims,  2:864,  880 

Wyaloosing  Indians  protected  from  rioters   (1764),  4:358,  366,  368,  377; 
Burnet,  Mary,  Canajoharie  land  claims  and,  3:673,  963;  10:487,  927-29 
Burnet,  William,  Gov.: 

estate,  3:299 

Fishkill  Indian  claims  and,  4:213;  10:493,  874 
Burnetsfield,  see  German  Flats 
Burnet's  Hills,  Pennsylvania,  2:754;  6:556 
Burns,  lieut.,  2:54,  55;  3:89,  90 

Burns,  spt.,  1:66 

Burns,  Barnaby,  capt.,  see  Byrn,  Barnaby,  capt. 
Burns,  James,  10:731 
Burns,  Michael,  see  Byrne,  Michael 
Burns,  Pat,  11:614 
Burns,  Thomas,  see  Byrne,  Thomas 
Burnsides,  Mary,  8:352 
Burrington,  Nicholas,  8:353 



Burrowes,  capt.,  1:58 

Burrowes,  Mrs.,  1:58 

Burst,  Jacob,  7:463 

Burt,  capt,  1:877;  13:51 

Burt,  Nathaniel,  lieut.,  9:236 

Burton,  Mrs.  ,  4:415 

Burton,  Rev.  Daniel,  5:ix;  7:300,  963n;  8:x 

Church  of  England  mission  schools  and,  5:220-21,  338-91,  392,  436,  438; 
7:588-90,  693,  746-50,  762-63,  841;  13:415-17 

Johnson's  offer  of  land  for  an  episcopate,  5:842n;  6:27-29,  746-47; 
7:289-90,  584,  588,  693 

Johnstown  clergyman  and,  5:413-15,  477,  839;  6:26,  293w;  7:212-13,  290, 
588,  693;  8:601-602;  12:1008-1009 

missionary  salaries  and,  6:87;  7:291,  693;  12:1009 

on  Nova  Scotia  mission,  7:964 

on  Parliamentary  aid  for  the  Church,  8:182 

resignation  as  Society  secretary,  8:636,  926;  12:1009 
Burton,  Ralph,  col.,  brig,  gen.,  maj.  gen.,  4:44,  305;  5:34,  54-56;  11:619, 

699,  896 

at  Albany  Council  of  War  (1756),  9:483,  487 

autograph,  9:xi 

brigadier-general's  commission,  11:390 

Caghnawaga  boundary  line  and,  7:928,  930 

Canadian  governorship,  4:67,  225n 

Canadian  Indian  message  to  George  III,  12:157,  158 

Canadian  Indian  recruitment  (1764),  11:54-55 

Claus  and,  4:315,  324,  356,  415,  418,  435,  446,  540,   608,   782,  829,  862; 
5:215;  11:54-55,  390,  699,  775,  836,  896;  12:1028;  13:382-83 

colonelcy,  4:651;  11:897 

Delaware  and  Seneca  peace  treaties  (1765)  and,  4:760 

Du  Charme  and,  5:379;  8:841;  12:1028 

on  German  Flats  raid  rumors  (1756),  9:449 

Johnson  (John)  invitation,  11:700;  12:158 

liquor  regulation  (1766),  5:55;  13:383 

Lottridge  and,  10:926 

Michilimackinac  Indians  and,  4:417 

military  appointments  of,  4:578 

on  Missisauga  peace  offers,  4:441 

Mohawk  River  defense  (1758)  and,  3:6-8;  10:34n,  35n,  36-37,  41,  42 

on  Montreal  Indian  meetings,  4:426,  427 

Murray  appointment  (1764),  4:777-78;  11:334-35,  341 

Niagara  Congress  and,  4:516;  11:219-20,  389 

Oswegatchies  and,  11:354 

Oswego  attack  threats  (1756)  and,  9:429 

Perthuis  and,  4:792 

Proclamation  on  gunpowder,  4:286 

Proclamation  on  Trade  (1764),  4:400 

return  to  England  (1766),  4:884;  5:7,  32,  190,  215;  12:158-59;  13:383 

Roubaud  and,  3:577-78 

son  of,  13:383-84 

trade  limitation  to  outposts  and,  12:135 

trade  prohibition  (1764),  11:168 
Burvieux,  (Canadian  trader),  5:169 

Burwell,  James,  1:195,  196 
Buryan,  Turner  and  Laird,  5:292,  293 
Bush,  Daniel,  2:811 
Bush  lopers,  see  Scouts 
Bushwick,  Long  Island,  4:10 
Bushy  Run,  battle  of,  4:195,  197,  199;  11:618 
Bussard,  Hendrick,  3:357 
Butawang,  11:349 
Butcher,  Cornelia,  8:352 


Sir  William  Johnson  Papers 

Butcher,  Jacob,  3:90 

Bute,  John  Stuart,  third  Earl  of, : 

daughter's  marriage,  8:97 

East  India  Company  and,  7:270 

French  peace  negotiation  (1762),  3:949 

George  III  and,  7:180 

ill  health,  8:203 

ministry  changes,  5:62;  7 :  840 

opposition,  3:960 
Buterfeild,  Jonathan,  2:223,  226 
Butler,  lieut.  (Rutherford  company),  9:174 

Butler,  ,  widow,  2:636 

Butler,  James,  12:393;  13:684 
Butler,  James  (prisoner),  11:488 
Butler,  John,  oath  of  allegiance,  8:655 
Butler,  John,  lieut.,  1:831;  9:189,  204 

accounts,  2:569,  572,  594,  611;  3:597,  600,  601;  10:354 

autograph,  2:xv 

Braddock  recruitment  of  Iroquois  (1755),  9:174 

Clinton  and,  1:207,  281 

at  Fort  Johnson  Iroquois  Council  (1755),  1:625;  9:174 

on  gates  over  highways,  4:610 

on  German  Flats  raid  (175S),  2:835-36 

at  Miami  conference  (1761),  10:325,  327-28,  329 

Mohawks  and,  1:108,  516,  625,  785,  807,  8S2;  2:86,  238 
Butler,  John,  capt.,  col.,  l:ln,  58,  367;  5:555 

Albany  County  division  and,  8:328,  333 

Assembly  candidate  (1772),  8:651-52 

Boyle  bill  (1764),  4:501,  825 

Bradstreet  and,  2:674;  7:503,  537,  634,  641,  659;  9:966,  967;  11:590 

Caghnawaga  meeting  (1764),  11:207 

in  Campbell  accounts  (1756-65),  13:338,  372 

Canajoharie  clothing  and  arms  disbursement  (1764),  11:106,  108 

at  Canajoharie  meeting  (1763),  4:50,  61 

Canajoharie  patent  survey  and,  13:512,  514,  516,  521 

Cherokee-Iroquois  peace  treaty  and,  12:452 

at  Chippewa  Congress  (July,  1768),  12:548,  549,  562 

at  Dclaware-Shawnee-Mingo  peace  treaty  (1765),  11:706,  707 

desertion  of  Johnson,  incident,  13:202 

at  Fort  Johnson  Iroquois  meetings  (1758),  9:879,  S85,  961 

Fort  Stanwix  Congress  provisions  and,  8:641 

Fort  William  Henry  capture  (1757)  and,  9:811,  819 

French  threat  to  retake  Niagara  (1760),  10:140-42 

Gage  and,  3:22,  228 

at  German  Flats  (1757),  9:721-22,  723-24,  720,  770,  773,  774 

home,  photograph,  9:106 

Indian  census  of  Johnson's  troops  (1760),  10:175 

Indian  expenses,  2:674;  3:173,  277;  4:617,  712;  7:340;  9:654;  11:689 
account  book  extracts  (1761-71),  13:506-21 

Indian  recruitment  (1758),  9:912-15,  936;  10:21,  24 

Indian  recruitment  (1759),  10:99,  100 

as  interpreter,  2:380;  9:222,  355,  357,  370,  37:: 

Abenaki  conference  (Johnson  Hall,  July  1768),  12:569 

at  Albany  Committee  meeting  with  Mohawks  (1773),  8:963,  965 

at  Cayuga  conference  (Feb.,  1770,  Johnson  Hall),  12:777 

at  Fort  Johnson  Iroquois  Councils  (1763),  10:801,  828 

Fort  Stanwix  Congress  (1768),  12:627,  668 

at  German  Flats  Iroquois  Conference  (1763),  10:746 

at  Johnson  Hall  Iroquois  conferences   (1763),  10:674,  676,  964 

at  Johnson  Hall  Iroquois  conferences   (1764),  11:28,  29,  58,  59,  80,  83, 

88,  107,  135 
at  Johnson  Hall  Iroquois  Congress  (July,  1771),  12:911 



Butler,  John,  at  Mohawk  conferences   (Guy  Park,  1768),  12:504,  530,  542-43 
at  Mohawk  conferences  (Johnson  Hall,  Aug.,  1768),  12:572 
Moore's  reflections  (1768)  on,  6:401 

Johnson  will  and,  12:1074-75,  1076 

Johnstown  and,  8:323 

as  juror  in  Indian  murder  case  (1747?),  1:112 

justice  appointment  lists,  3:609,  622,  750;  10:573;  12:768,  783,  793 

land  purchases,  1:334,  923;  6:447,  644;  12:205;  13:13-14 

Maybe  (Cobus)  eviction,  5:493  12:288 

on  Mohawk  River  attack  threats,  9 :  643,  668,  871 

Mohawks  and,  1:625,  785;  2:533,  563,  667 

Montreal  expedition  recruitment  (1760),  13:167,  16S,  169 

Moore  visit  (1766)  to  Johnson  Hall,  12:185,  205 

at  Mount  Johnson  Iroquois  conference  (1755),  1:625,  633 

Munro  millstone  order  and,  8:738 

Munro  and  Johnson's  settler  negotiations  (1774),  12:1087 

Niagara  campaign  (1759),  13:118 

Niagara-Detroit  journey  (1761),  13:228 

on  Oneida  conference  with  Canadian  governor,  2:690-93 

Oneida  journey  (1756),  9:584,  598-99,  602-603,  627-28 

Oneida  journey  (1757),  2:884;  9:725-26 

Oneida  journey  (I766);  12:139 

Oneida  land  claims  and,  6:450,  738 

Oquaga  stop  in  Cherry  Valley  (1764),  11:45 

on  Oswego  attack  threats  (1760),  3:243,  244,  245;  10:151 

Oswego  Iroquois  conference  (1760)  and,  3:237n 

Oswego  Iroquois  conferences  (1759),  13:121,  126,  137,  150 

Oswego  recruitment  rendezvous   (1764),  11:237,  253;   13:327-28 

Oswego  trade  (1751),  1:338 

portrait,  10:100 

roots,  in  trade,  11:398 

Samons'  road  and,  8:246,  336 

Schohary  clothing  gift  (1758),  10:60 

Schohary  magistrates  and,  7:1042 

Swart  (Josias)  and,  8:465 

Tryon  county  clerkship  and,  8:432,  437,  542 

Young  case  and,  4:121 
Butler,  Mary,  1:23 
Butler,  Nancy,  1:355 

Butler,  Richard  (smith),  5:262,  264;  13:389 
Butler,  Richard  (trader),  12:1032,  1034,  1038,  1046 
Butler,  Thomas,  capt.,  col.,  liln,  287n,  299,  355,  360;  9:20,  23 

autograph,  2:xiv 

Bradstreet  and,  7:503,  526-27,  538;  9:447,  953,  966-67 

Canajoharie  recruitment  (1758),  9:936 

cattle  purchases,  1:70-71,  129 

command  of,  in  King  George's  War,  1:94,  96,  98,  121 

commission,  9:534 

Crown  Point  (1755)  and,  1:535 

death  (1759),  11:207» 

on  escaped  prisoners,  2 :  748 

Fort  Frontenac  attack  and,  2:886,  889-90 

at  Fort  Johnson  Iroquois  conferences,  9:541,  847,  879,  885,  952;  13:104 

Fort  Stanwix  trade  (1758),  10:62,  93-94 

Fort  William  Henry  capture  (1757),  9:811,  819 

on  French  attack  threats  (1744),  1:22,  23 
('1755)    1:495-96   515 
(1757)'  2':685-88'  693-95,  697,  699-704;  9:661-63,  665,  666,  671,  673-75, 

679,  680,  687-88,  691-92,  698,  701-703,  768-69,  772-73,  776-77 
(1758),  10:83,  84 
(1759),  3:25-26 

on  German  Flats  Canadian  correspondence  (1757),  9:778 


Sir  William  Johnson  Papers 

German  Flats  murder  of  Oneidas  (1757),  9:798 

on  German  Flats  raid  (1757),  9:860 

at  Great  Carrying  Place  (1756),  2:543-45;  9:446,  44S-49,  450 

illness  (1759),  10:115,  116-17,  120 

Indian  expenses,  2:600,  609,  627,  635,  642;  3:151,  173;  9:653,  656 

Indian  reception  at  Forts  William  Henry  and  Edward  (1757),  9:787-88 

on  Iroquois  Canadian  delegation,  2:701,  704-706 

on  Iroquois  at  French  camps  (1757),  2:740 

Johnson's  Indian  mission  (1748)  and,  1:153 

Kindarunty  and,  9:81 

land  patents  of,  1:334,  408,  411,  923;  9:99-101;  13:13-14 
deed  affidavit  (1764)  to  Walter  Butler,  11:14 

mail  opened  at  German  Flats  (1757),  9:717-18 

McMickel  murder  (1758)  and,  10:82-84 

on  Nova  Scotia  settlers  (1750),  9:67-68 

Onondaga  journey  (1756),  9:582-85 

Onondaga  journey   (1757),  2:064-66,  667-73,  694-95,  699-706,  884;   9:586. 
615-16,  618,  620,  621,  625,  634-35 

on  Oswego  fall  (1756),  2:546-47,  553-54;  9:513,  514,  533,  536 

Oswego  provisions  and,  1:23-24,  124;  9:429,  444-45 

on  Oswego  trade,  1:290,  297,  338 

prisoner  bounties  received  (1747),  9:S,  23 

salary,  2:624 

on  sickness  among  French,  1:275 
Butler,  Walter,  lieut.,  capt.: 

Albany  Commissary  commission  of,  1:27,  28,  29,  33 

Butler  (Thomas)  land  deed  (1753),  9:99-101;  11:14 

Ohio  (French)  expedition  information  (1753),  9:106 

Crown  Point  (1747)  and,  1:96 

Fort  Hunter  command,  1:1-3 

Eutherfurd  letters  to,  1:25-26,  32-33,  105 

scalp  bounties  received  (1747),  9:8,  22 
Butler,  Walter,  Jr.,  l:lnj  7:938;  12:57S,  1025-26 
Butler,  William,  4:033;  11:528 
Butlersbury,  ll:801n 

Buttermilk  (Kayoskodo— Onondaga),  10:182;  13:178 
Button,  lieut.,  3:301 

Butterheld,  Jonathan,  see  Buterfeild,  Jonathan 
Buttre,  J.  C,  2:xi 
Byrne,  William,  8:056 

Byng  (Bing),  John,  admiral,  2:531-32,  536,  540 
Byran,  Joseph,  5:766 
Byrd,  William,  III,  col.,  marriage,  10:209 
Byrn  (Burns),  Barnaby,  capt.,  5:32,  337;  12:147-48 
Byrne,  John,  4:118;  13:161» 
Byrne  (Burns),  Michael,  4:266,  7S8,  880;  5:540 

accounts,  5:772;  7:557,  562;  12:427,  642,  732 

Adorns  land  indenture  (1771),  8:260-70 

in  Bradstreet  account  (1708),  12:070 

celibacy,  4:867,  876;  12:773 

commissary  appointments : 

Fort  Chartres  application  (1768),  6:329;  12:584-85 

Fort  Ontario,  5:540;  6:486-87,  522-23,  680;  12:669,  732 

Oneida  Lake  Royal  Blockhouse,  4:215,  321,  335,  359;  11:547;  13:272 

death  of,  12:1072n;  13:634 

Johnson  (Warron)  introduction  (1759) ,  13:161 

at  Johnson  Hall,  5:334,  404;  6:189;  12:830 

land  purchases,  5:470,  485;  6:83,  131,  154w;  12:343-44,  819 

on  Nickis,  4:638 

on  present  disbursement,  5:698-99 

rumors  of  Johnson's  recall,  11:540 

salary,  12:642,  732 



Byrne,  Michael,  Van  Sehaack  (Henry)  and,  7:449-50,  451-52 

on  war-belt  circulation  (1767),  5:717-18 

Wetherhead  and,  6:267,  300 

wheat  orders,  7:661,  662 
Byrne,  Thomas,  7:241,  262,  274 

American  voyage  (1771),  8:5,  13,  43 

Campbell  capture  of,  8:86 

Johnson  Hall  journey  (1771),  8:217-18 
Byrne,  William,  12:1072-73;  13:589,  609 
Byrne  &  Frazer,  4:788 
Byvank,  Evert,  1:419 

Cabache,  ( Detroit  Frenchman ) ,  13 :320 

Cabet,  ,  interpreter,  13:622 

Cadaracqui  (Kingston,  Ontario)  : 

Bradley  report  (1756),  9:486 

Celoron  and,  9:60-61 

condolence  ceremony  for  Iroquois  losses,  3:440-41 

English  capture  (1758)  of  (See  Fort  Frontenac,  Bradstreet  expedition) 

Fort  Niagara  prisoners  and,  3:121 

French  expeditions  out  of,  1:915,  916;  2:791,  845-46;  9:85-86,  343,  345, 
407,  409,431,  532-33;  10:5 

Indian  names  for,  9:300 

Indian  woman  from,  in  Oswego  (1747),  1:124 

Iroquois  visits  (1748),  1:134,  149-50,  153 

Iroquois  visits  (1750),  1:288,  914;  9:82 

Johnson's  proposal  to  attack,  1:796,  824 

as  rendezvous  for  various  tribes,  3:877 

smallpox  epidemic  (1756),  9:412 

spies  sent  to,  1:516,  634,  662,  894;  2:35-36,  61,  800,  816;  9:182,  201,  408, 
583,  630 

trade,  5:1,  303;  12:132 

troops  at  (See  Fort  Frontenac,  French  troops) 

Western  Indian  meeting  (1762)  at,  3:747,  748,  752,  754 

See  also  Fort  Frontenac 
Cadenette  (Wabash  Chief),  7:134-35,  138-39 
Cadiz,  Spain,  2:536;  6:426 
Cadmus,  Cornelius,  8:351 
Cadogan,  Dr.  William,  8:243k, 
Cadonia  (Indian),  7:49 
Cadot,  Jean  Baptiste,  4:725n;  12:355-56,  641 

Chippewa  attack  plans  (1765),  11:739-40,  805,  807;  12:161 

copper  interests  and,  6:89-90,  242,  246,  318;  7:49;  8:128 

drafts  on  Johnson  (1769),  7:50-51,  192,  204 

on  Indian  unrest  (1769),  7:47-48,  87 

Johnson  on  loyalty  of,  8:202 

Lake  Superior  Indian  mission,  11:805,  808-809 
Cadravana  (Cayuga  sachem),  3:220 
Cagburn,  ,8:15 

Cagg,  The  (Oneida  sachem),  2:820;  9:S71 
Caghnawaga  (Mohawk  River) : 

Collins's  patent,  4 :  885 

McLeod  farm  at,  7:849-50 

Miln  tract  and,  4:697 

patent  release  by  Kayaderosseras  proprietors  (1768),  12:578 

provisions  (1763),  10:872 

provisions  (1764),  4:435,  437 

Road  Act  (1770)  and,  7:596 

Vroman  tract,  6:689 
Caghnawaga  (Sault  St.  Louis),  l:146n;  12:596;  13:313 

Abenaki-Iroquois  councils  (1761)  at,  3:555-56,  664 

Aughquisasne  visit  (1769),  7:128 

church,  10:377,  379 


Sir  William  Johnson  Papers 

French  Indian  council  fire  at,  3 :  189 
French  settlers  at,  8:188-89,  210 
half -Indian  child  of  Francis  at,  8:235 
Iroquois  meeting  (1760)  at,  10:260,  269 
summer  cold  spell  (1773),  8:840,  866 
Treaty  of  1760,  11:502 
Caghnawagas  (Cocknawagas,  Sault  St.  Louis  Indians)  : 
Abenaki  alliance  request  (1750),  9:68 
abused  by  English  soldiers,   3:376,   380,   383,   384,  387,  394,  575,  969-70; 

4:63;   10:263 
Albany  Commissioners  of  Indian  Affairs  and,  1:390,  543 
Albany  meeting  (1762),  3:623,  630;  10:382 
Albany  Neutrality  Treaty,  1:543-44 

Albany  visits  (1750-61),  1:267,  595-96,  605,  634-35;  3:395 
Aughquisasne-Abenaki  dispute  (See  Aughquisasne  Indians,  Abenaki  dispute) 
Aughquisasne  saw  mill  and,  8:526 
Bouquet  expedition   (1764)    and,  4:5S6,   607,  608;    11:449,  461,  467,  482, 

607,  608 
Braddock  defeat  (1755)  and,  1:882,  883,  886 

Bradstreet  expedition  and,  11:500,  501,  503-505,  507,  521,  607,  615 
Burton  visit  (1765),  11:699 

Canada  ceded  to  England,  10:804;  11:872-76,  918 
Carleton  (Christopher)   and,  7:530-31 
Carleton  (Guy)  and,  7:129,  531,  654 
Catawbas  and,  1:378,  386 
Chenussio  messages  (1763),  10:966,  967 
Chenussio  plot  (1761)  and,  3:565 
Cherokee  hostilities,  7:112,  954-56 
Cherokee-Iroquois  peace  negotiations  (1767),  12:394;  13:428 

Johnson  Hall  Treaty  (1768),  12:452,  457,  464,  472,  473 

return  of  Cherokee  deputies,  12:688-89,  736 
Claus  conferences  with: 

(1762),  3:747,  752 

(1767),  13:427-28,  430,  431 

(1768),  13:465,  466-67 

(1769),  13:488 

(1770),  7:954,  956-57,  958,  961;  13:708 

(1771),  8:210,  214-16;  13:504-505 

(1772),  8:524-25;  13:713,  715 

(1773),  8:840-41,  866;  12:1027;  13:617,  619-21,  622-23,  632-33,  717 

(1774),  13:719-20 
condolence  for  Lottridge,  4:415 
Croghan  conference  (1761),  10:302-305,  309n,  445-49 
Crown  Point  (1755)  expedition  and,  1:650,  669,  804,  880,  894;  2:2,  8,  36, 

380-81,  383;  9:197,  223 
Delaware-Shawnee-Mingo  peace  treaty   (Johnson  Hall,  1765),  11:592,  597, 

598,  862 

hostage  and  deputy  escorts,  4:640,  649;  11:560 
Delaware-Shawnee-Mingo  punishment  expeditions  recruitment  (1764),  4:418, 

426,  427,  437,  440-41,  446;   11:206-207,  208,  214,  220,  233-34,  235-36, 

918    (See  also   Caghnawagas,  Bouquet  expedition;   Caghnawagas,  Brad- 
street  expedition,  supra) 
Detroit-Niagara  Congress  (1761),  10:277 
expenses  in  behalf  of: 

(1755-1756),  2:569,  573,  574,  582,  583,  589 

(1761-67),  3:332-33,  353,  361;  5:541,  545;  13:508,  509,  510 

(1769-71)   in  behalf  of,  12:735,  736,  737,  738,  760,  761,  798,  858,  922, 
946;  13:708,  709,  711 

(1772-74),  13:713,  715,  716,  717,  719-20 
Fort  Duquesne  capture  and,  3:34 
Fort  Stanwix  Congress  (1768),  12:606,  628,  629 
French  sympathies,  1:390,  8S2,  883,  886,  894;  2:36,  52,  68,  72-73,  86-87,  90, 



Caghnawagas,  378-79,  677,  691,  692,  706,  709;  3:191,  273n,  362;  9:40-41,  44, 

47,  201,  220-21,  603,  606,  607,  741;  13:156 
George  III  and,  12:157,  158 
at  German  Flats  Congress  (1770),  7:832-33 
German  Flats  raid  (1757),  9:862 
Gordon  (Lord  Adam)  visit,  11:896 
gun  stolen  (1772),  13:713 

Harris  Ferry-Lancaster  Iroquois  Congress  (1757),  9:619 
interpreters  and,  4:825;  7:530-31,  899-900;  13:504 

Iroquois  alliance  of,  1:160-61,  163,  457,  646,  880;  2:8,  52;  13:618-19 
Iroquois  census  (1768),  6:261,  262 

Iroquois  deputations  to,  1:160-61,  163;  12:1027;  13:617-19 
Isle  a  la  Mote  conference  (1766),  12:172-74 

Johnson  Hall  conference   (July,  1765),  4:782;  11:869-70,  872-76,  917-19 
Johnson  Hall  conference  (July,  1771),  8:188-89,  210;  13:503-505 
Johnson  Hall  Iroquois  Congress  (Sept.,  1763),  4:200,  205-206,  208;  10:834, 

838-40,  841-44,  852,  862,  877 
Johnson  Hall  Iroquois  conference  (June,  1764),  11:233-37 
Johnson  Hall  Iroquois  Congress  (March  1768),  6:135 
land  claims: 

boundary  settlement  (1773),  13:617 

Cartier  grant,  5:45-46,  55,  66,  90,  91,  183-87;  7:928,  929-30,  948,  949-52, 
957-58,  960,  961;  12:32-33,  37-39,  48,  61-62,  67 

French  settlement  prohibition  (1771),  8:189;  13:503-504 

Gage  on  French  policy  behind,  4:307-308,  318 

hunting  ground  boundaries,  11:876,  918-19 

Jesuit  patent,   3:638,   665,   862;    4:136,   204;    10:372-74,   409,   804-S06, 
840,  844 

Lake  Champlain,  12:172-74,  1027 

survey  (1767),  5:628 

text  of  English  court  order,  10:376-79 

text  of  French  royal  deed  (1680),  10:374-76 
Liquor  Committee,  7:899-900 
location  and  fighting  numbers  of  (1736),  4:242 
Miamis  and,  8:527;  11:371,  372 

Mohawks  and,   1:146-51,   160-61,  490,   595,  639,   643,   644,   753,   792,  883; 
2:378-79;  4:180;  8:744;  9:6,  68;  11:625-26;  12:344 

migration  from,  11:400  12:172 
on  Montreal  expedition,  3:267,  268;  13:190,  202 

speech  to  Johnson  in  Montreal,  13:163-66 
Montreal  visit  (1767),  5:496 
Mount  Johnson  visit  (1752),  1:366 
at  Niagara  Congress  (1764),  4:472,  4S1;  11:253,  267,  276,  290,  297,  309, 

314    317    320 
Niagara  Treaty  (1760),  10:137,  138,  725,  766 
Onondaga  Council  (1760)  and,  3:188,  190,  196 
Onondaga  Council  (1761)  appeal  for  Iroquois  aid,  13:266-67 
Oswegatchie  attack  threats  (1762),  10:  422-23,  425 
Oswegatchies  and,  4:356 
at  Oswego  (1748),  1:134,  135 

Oswego  conference  with  Johnson  (1759),  3:191;  13:155 
Oswego  fall  and,  2:565,  649 
Ottawa  hostilities  (1759),  13:150 
Philadelphia  Council  (1759),  3:205 
prisoners  of,  3:404;  10:448 
Ramsay  murders  and,  8:524 

religion  and,  2:379;  4:17,  48;  7:531;  9:220;  13:165 
Shuckburgh  on  scalping  (1746)  of,  1:53 
sickness  among  (1760),  3:291-92 
Scioto  Congress  (1768)  and,  13:439 
Silvestre  and,  1:508 
smallpox  epidemic  (1756),  9:412 


Sir  William  Johnson  Papers 

smith  for,  7:531;  13:712 

spies  (1746),  1:55-56 

Stockbridge  Indians  and,  3:829-30 

Stump  murders  and,  12:463 

at  Ticonderoga  (1767),  5:516 

trade  (1754),  9:128,  129 

Albany,  2:52,  76;  3:376,  381,  387,  395;  10:260 
Oswego,  2:52;  3:255;  10:143-44 

Van  Alstine  lost  child  and,  10:193 

war  parties  (1757),  9:773,  776 

Western  Indian  revolts  (1763),  10:725,  766,  771,  834 

messages  to  the  Western  Indians,  4:180,  192,  195;  10:792;  13:299 

Western  Indian  unrest  (1769-71)  and,  12:689-90,  945,  946 
Caglmiagarote,  condolence  for,  9:111,  115 
Caghowaghtuone,  1:405 
Cagiquatch  (Cagignateha — Canajoharie)  : 

land  deed  to  Johnson  (1751),  13:15-19 

mark,  13:18 
Caliao,  12:932 
Cahl,  Jacob,  6:241 
Cahoen,  Dr.  ,1:93 


English  proposal  to  purchase,  5:324 

French  migration  from,  6:195;  13:410 

Indians  of,  13:414 

Pontiae  killed  in,  7:16,  76 
Cahungevana  (Mohawk),  9:19 
Caiadeon,  5:757 

Caiequeregowa  (Onondaga  sachem),  1:365 
Cain,  (interpreter),  10:394,  421 

Cain,  John,  3:157 
Caine,  Thomas,  7:814 
Cakanas  (Indian),  5:666 
Cake'hyacQe  (Chippewa  chief),  4:804,  807 

Calamy,  John  Schick  (Oneida  chief),  see  Schick  Calamy,  John 
Calcraft,  John,  2:515,  526;  7:629n 
Calderwood,  James,  capt.,  7:913,  1079 
Caldwell,  ,  of  Albany,  13 :  635 

Caldwell,  James,  8:1126,  1127 
Caldwell,  John,  lieut.  col.,  Niagara  command   (1774),  8:1188n;    13:689,  692, 

697,  698 
Caleb,  William,  2:161,  ISO 
Calef,  John,  2:245;  9:282 
Calf  Creek,  Virginia,  4:191 
Calhoon,  ,5:347,348,349 

Calhoun,  ,  Detroit  siege  (1763)  and,  10:687-88 

Calkins,  Samuel,  6:767,  768 
Callbeck,  Robert,  4:311 
Callender,  Robert: 

account  of  losses  (1766),  5:341 

Cresap  purchase  and,  12:237 

Croghan  and,  4:717,  721,  729,  738,  779,  799;  11:751,  777,  785,  799,  968 

liquor  trade,  11:718 

in  Sandusky  attack  (1763),  10:741-42;  13:293 

trade  memorial  (1763),  4:264,  270,  271 

trade  memorial  (1765),  4:631-32;  11:564-66,  614 

on  traders  attacked  by  whites  in  disguise  (1769),  7:96 

Callender  &  Spear,  5:359-61 
Callet,  ,4:763 

Callison,  ,  widow  8:350 

Calvert,  (Norfolk  mayor),  8:5 

Calvinists,  5:413;  7:601 



Calvinists,  Stone  Arabia  Lutherans  and,  6:174-75 
Cambridge,  New  York,  7:596 
Cambridge  University,  l:451w 
Camden,  Charles  Pratt,  Lord,  5:136;  8:203 
Great  Seals  and,  6:560k,;  7:347,  925 
popularity  (1770),  12:808 
Cameron,  Alexander  (Stuart  Deputy) : 

Cherokee-Iroquois  peace  negotiations  (1707),  12:339 

Cherokee-Western  Indian  hostilities    (1770-71),   7:491,   525,  1131;    8:349; 

frontier  outrages  and,  5:235;  12:99 
Indian  boundary  line  and,  5:234;  6:226;  12:56,  98 
Cameron,  Alexander  (Johnstown  settler),  12:1086,  1087 
Cameron,  John,  8:917;  12:1041 
Cammell,  John,  see  Campbell,  John 
Campau,  Baptiste: 

English  Illinois  trade  (1765),  4:761-66 
Miamis  (1768)  and,  12:544 
Pontiac  and,  11:219;  13:317,  319,  320 
Campau,  Louis,  4:604;  5:813 
Campbel,  Mary,  11:490 
Campbell,  ,1:567 

Campbell,  ,  officer  and  land  owner,  4 :387 

Campbell,  (surveyor),  3:878,  880;  12:719,  754,  782,  788 

Campbell,  (traveler),  5:541 

Campbell,  ,  sgt.,  3:231 

Campbell,  ,  lieut.,  3:474;  4:167 

Campbell,  capt.,  1:209 

Campbell,  capt.,  Kinderhook  petition,  7:24 

Campbell,  ,  capt.,  Massy  and,  12:163 

Campbell,  Alexander,  lieut.,  3:991 
Campbell,  Collin,  4:454 

Campbell,  Archibald,  capt.,  3:991;  12:792,  793 
Campbell,  Daniel,  capt.,  maj.,  col. : 
accounts : 

(1757),  9:653,  654,  656 
(1758),  3:150,  151 
(1759),  3:172 
(1763),  4:192,  200,  206-207 
(1764),  4:324,  335,  381,  617 
(1767),  5:541,  542,  549,  565 
(1768),  6:216,  249,  490,  503 

(1769),  7:193-95,  199,  200-201,  206-207,  269,  297,  555;  12:760 
(1770),  7:433-35,  556,  569-70,  574,  621-26;  12:802,  821,  857 
(1771)    12:901    925 
(1772-75),  12:94s,  1002;  13:705-706 
on  Amherst  warrants,  4:13-14,  26-27,  32-33 
ammunition  orders  (1767),  5:515 

(1769),  7:27,  28,  52 
Andrews  and,  7:248,  871,  984-85 
Assembly  election  of  1768  and,  6:131 

(1769),  6:593-95,  599,  619;  7:1022 
autograph,  l:xi 
beaver  coat  gift,  4:257,  260 
on  beaver  sloop  wrecked  (1771),  8:139 
Beekman  and,  7:604 
buck  skin  orders,  6:37 
Byrne  taken  by,  8:86 
on  Carleton,  7:819-20 
on  carriage  sizes,  4:44 
child  born  to,  6:444,  489 
Chinn  and  Howard  suit,  7:821;  12:1007-1008 


Sir  William  Johnson  Papers 

cloth    orders,    4:107,    109;    5:794-95;    6:502-503;    7:193-94,    199,    200-201, 

206-207,  210,  228-29,  230;  8:422,  431-32;  9:653,  654 
colonelcy,  7:470-71;  8:1102-1103 
company  of,  2:782;  4:298;  5:557;  7:456 
conciliatory  letters  (1765),  4:631,  635 
Croghan  land  sales  (1770)  and,  7:477 
Davis  (Dudley)  and,  8:31 
elk  horn  gift,  8:700 
Flood  (Thomas)  and,  6:350 

Fort  Ontario  Congress  (1766)  provisions,  12:113 

Fort  Stanwix  Congress  provisions  and,  6:431-32,  442,  443-44,  446;  12:618 
Fort  Stanwix  roads  and,  6:145 
on  funeral  preparations  (1759),  3:37 
fur  trade  agreement  with  Cole  and  Van  Schaaek,  4:725-26 
German  Flats  defense  (1757),  9:676 
Glen  (Cornelius)  lieutenantcy  and,  4:257 
Grenadiers  and,  10:940 
illness  of  (1770),  7:389 
inventory  of  Indian  goods  (1770),  7:714-15 
iron  and  steel  orders,  6:533;  7:193 
Jessup  land  grant  and,  8:227,  452,  507,  570,  579-80 
on  John  Johnson's  return  from  England,  5:599-600 
Johnson  coat-of-arms  and,  6:516 
in  Johnson  will,  12:1074 

justice  appointments,  3:609,  625,  750;  12:784,  792 
land  purchases,  4:335;  8:86;  12:787,  819 
McCord  and,  4:87,  101 
major's  commission,  4:254 
McKean  company  and,  4 : 4 
money  sent  by,  5:559,  563;  12:706 
Mynderse  recalcitrance  and,  7:1022-23,  1029 
New  York  agency  for  Johnson  asked,  4:381;  5:426 
oxen  sold  (1755)  by,  2:574,  577 

Phyn  and  Ellice  accounts  and,  6:99;  12:426;  13:470,  478 
picture  forwarded  (1767)  bv,  13  ixUi 
pork  orders,  6:70;  7:498,  570,  585 
portrait,  12:1006 
postal  affairs,  7:586 
Printup's  son  and,  4:118 
provision  boatload  (1770),  12:820-21 
Roberts  and,  6:643;  7:195 
Sacondaga  deed  delivery  (1771),  12:S96 
Schenectady  Committee  of  Correspondence  on,  7:251n 
Schenectady  lot  exchange  with  Johnson,  6:622-23,  636-37,  724;  12:1067 
Schenectady  politics  (1770),  12:876 
shaving  set  sent  bv,  6:713 
Shipboy  and,  7:608 

Sons  of  Liberty  and,  7:230,  251-52,  272,  707n 
on  Stevens  at  Fort  Stanwix,  5 :  555 
Stevenson  and,  7:520,  569,  574 
stroud  orders,  7:604 
trade  losses  (1763),  4:168 
trade  pass  request  (1764),  11:168 
Wade  and  Keiuser  and,  7:740,  771,  822-23,  917,  921,  941,  1020;  8:63,  86-87, 

118-19,  128,  144-45,  151,  166,  223,  242,  274,  280,  380,  497-98,  826 

doubts  concerning  orders  (1771),  12:910-11 

Wade  complaints  against,  8:2-3,  119,  128,  305-306 
Wallace  account,  8:605 
Wetherhcad  orders  forwarded  by,  7:529-30 
wheat  trade,  7:793,  797-98;  12:869,  876 
white  lead  order,  7:730 



Campbell,  Daniel,  capt.,  maj.,  col.,  wine  orders,  7:126,  194,  199-200 
Campbell,  Donald,  surgeon,  3:179 
Campbell,  Donald,  capt.: 

accounts,  3:571,  581,  594,  597,  598,  599,  601,  757-59;  10:330-31,  354 

Cessation  of  Amis  (1763)  and,  10:640,  659 

Clapham  murder  and,  10:520 

death  of,  10:745;  ll:349n;  13:296,  441 

Detroit  command,  3:302a,,  323,  492,  549-50;  10:476n;  ll:lln 

at  Detroit  Indian  Conference  (1760),  10:199,  200,  201,  205 

Detroit  siege  (1763)  and,  4:182,  187;  10:737,  739-40,  744;  13:289,  290, 
291-92,  295-96,  319,  441 

Dumay  murder  and,  3:415 

Fort  Pitt  attack  (1763)  and,  4:139 

Indian  attitudes  towards,  7:56 

Iroquois  threats  to  Detroit  and  Niagara  (1761),  3:405-406,  437-39,  448-53, 
505,  510,  511-12,  515,  520;  13:217,  220,  227,  237 

Niagara-Detroit  Congress  (1761)  and,  3:470,  474;  10:320;  13:249,  250, 
251,  253,  256,  257,  259 

outpost  occupation  (1761)  and,  3:421,  422,  454,  516,  524,  525;  10:285,  293, 
295,  296,  322,  698n;  13:229,  250 

outpost  withdrawal  proposal,  10:504-505,  511 

Rogers  and,  10:244 

on  trade,  3:507 
Campbell  (Campble),  George,  lieut.,  4:208;  8:106S;  10:815,  817,  818 
Campbell,  James,  3:170 

as  French,  prisoner  (1758),  2:786-87,  791-93,  799-800 
Campbell,  James  (Indian  prisoner),  11:4SS 
Campbell,  James  (merchant),  3:753 

Campbell,  James,  named  in  Johnson  patent  (1772),  12:956 
Campbell,  Jemmy,  9:864 
Campbell  (Cammell),  John,  8:13S 
Campbell,  John,  lieut.,  2:803,  805 
Campbell,  John,  capt.  in  the  27th: 

Gorrell  and,  10:706,  708 

marriage  (1761),  3:404 

Murray  appointment  as  Canadian  agent  of  Indian  Affairs,  4:723,  734,  777, 
782;  8:1103,  1109;  ll:615n,  699,  755-57,  775;  12:1114;  13:646,  691, 
698,  729,  730 

trial  in  Walker  affair,  5:474 
Campbell,  John,  lieut.  col.  in  the  17th,  13:217n 

accounts,  4:811,  836,  857,  873,  877;  5:35,  75,  677;  6:667;  7:856-57; 
11:958,  973-74,  977;  12:79 

Bradstreet  Detroit  conference  plans  (1765)  and,  11:871,  893,  899,  901, 

Bradstreet  expedition  (1764)  and,  4:431 

Brehm  account  (1765),  11:923,  958 

cattle  thefts  and,  4:164;  11:513-14 

Crawford  and,  5:275-76 

Croghan  Illinois  expedition  (1765),  11:810-11,  S99,  938-39,  940,  958;  12:29 

Croghan  reported  killed,  4:828;  11:854-55,  871,  892-93,  904,  906 

Delaware-Shawnee-Mingo  peace  negotiations  (1765),  4:650;  11:810 

Detroit  command,  ll:513?i 

Detroit  courts  of  inquiry,  4:670-79 

Detroit  traders'  petition  (1762),  3:944 

Duncan  and,  4:366 

Farmar  occupation  of  Fort  Chartres,  12:31 

Fort  Stanwix  command,  10:801 

Huron  request  for  an  ox  (1765),  11:898 

interpreters'   certificates,  4:708;   6:300,   11:685;    12:642 

Iroquois  embassies  (1765)  to  Western  nations,  11:906,  907,  931 

Johnson  Hall  guards,  4:188,  201;  10:868,  913 

Johnson  Hall  visit  plans  (1764),  4:297,  302 


Sir  William  Johnson  Papers 

Miamis  and,  4:756;  11:784,  795,  811,  834,  882 

Niagara  cattle  supply  (1763),  10:860,  913 

at  Niagara  Congress  (1764),  4:472;  11:267 

Oneidas  and,  4:381;  11:118,  123,  160;  13:287 

Ottawa  and  Chippewa  council  with  Marsac  (1765),  4:803-808 

Ottawa  and  Chippewa  embassies  (1765)  to  Johnson,  11:784,  797,  809-10,  899 

Pennsylvania  frontier  outrages  (1765)  and,  11:811-12 

Pontiac  and: 

messages,  4:646,  719;  5:109;  11:540,  569,  745-46,  810 
threats  of  attack   (1765),  11:744-46,  763,  764-65,  839,  851,  862,  981-82, 
Pottawatomie  conference  (Detroit,  1765),  11:547-52,  587-89,  646,  705,  744, 

Pottawatomie  murders  (1765),  4:722,  733 

Pottawatomie  murders  (1766),  5:35,  159-60,  224,  271-72,  276;  12:29-31,  115 
Shuckburgh  and,  5:602;  12:334 
slave  murder   of  Indian  women    (1766),  5:160-61,  272;    12:307-308,  322, 

on  threat  of  general  Indian  war  (1763),  4:220-21 
trade  reopening  and,  4:618,  837,  842 
Campbell,  John,  earl,  see  Loudoun,  John  Campbell,  Earl  of 
Campbell,  Mungo,  7:630 
Campbell,  Samuel,  8:334 
Campbell,  Thomas,  13:519 
Campbell,  William,  Lord  (Gov.  of  Nova  Scotia) : 

Cunningham  recommendation  as  successor  to  Gorham,  7:105-106;  8:365: 

Gorham  appointment  as  Indian  Affairs  Deputy,  5:771,  789n;  12:196 
Campble,  Francis,  5:214;  11:364 
Campeau,  Baptiste,  see  Campau,  Baptiste 
Campeau  Currie,  (Detroit  Frenchman),  10:985 

Campell,  Patrick,  8:334 
Cample,  see  Campbell 
Campo,  Louis,  see  Campau,  Louis 
Canaan,  New  York,  4:25 
Canada : 

Albany  neutrality  efforts  in  King  George's  War,  1:86-88 
boundaries  of,  3:523;  8:213-14,  840 
boundary  commission  and,  1:262,  268-69,  284 
British-Canadian  regiment,  4:381,  395,  402,  406 
"Canadians"  defined  by  Carleton,  6:157-58 

Church  of  England  episcopate  proposal,  4:299,  306,  309,  313;  5:ix,  408 
Clinton  and  French  governor  of,  1:56,  206,  213-15,  247 
colonization  attempts,  5:277 

English  governors  of,  4:87,   137,  167,  225,  305,  383,  415,  516,  526,  540; 
5:397,  398,  479n;  6:484;  8:211;  11:334-35,  341-42 
Johnson  considered  for  governorship,  4:849 
removal  from  Quebec  to  Montreal,  4:633 
English  prisoners  in,  1:162,  163,  167-68,  169,  186-93;  9:169-70 
European  wars  and,  1:119 
food  scarcity: 

(1757),  9:606,  691,  741,  789 
(1758),  2:786,  791-92;  9:907,  915 
(1760),  13:198 
(1769),  7:130-31 
French  laws  continued  in,  13:629,  675,  679-80 
French  need  of,  1:552-53,  554,  577;  2:53 

French  prisoners  returned  to,  1:211-12,  231-33,  236-37,  247,  283-85 
French  troop  stationing  (1755),  1:517 
German  Flats-Oneida  negotiations  (1757)  with,  2:679-80,  690-93.  707    709, 

723;  9:598-99,  602-603,  725-26,  778,  832,  857 
Indian  Affairs,  l:489n 



Canada,  English  Agency  (1764),  4:723,  745-46,  760,  782;  5:vn;  10:450-51 

Manager  appointment  (1774),  8:1103,  1109;  12:1114;  13:691,  698 

Superintendence  appointment   (1776),  13:728-30 

Superintendency  appointment  (1782),  13:733 

Superintendency  proposal,  8:525;  11:342,  615,  699,  755-57 
Iroquois  visits  and  migration  in  Frencli  period,  1:97,  140-41,  151-52,  159-65, 

187,  277-78,  431-32,  908-20passim ;  9:56-57,  80-82,  461 

Mohawk  tentatives,  1:489-90,  627,  629,  901,  902;  9:109,  129-30,  176 
Jesuit  lands,  7:576w,  959 
Jesuit  deportation  to,  11:8,  23 
Johnson  embassy  (1749),  1:247-49 

Johnson   (John)   petition  in  behalf  of  loyalists  (1785)   in,  8:1215 
Louisiana  Cherokee  mission  (1756),  9:575 
Louisiana  communication  (1759),  13:117 
Lydius  negotiations  (1746),  1:114m. 
military  routes,  map,  9:940 

Mohawk  country  spies  (1775)  from,  1:744,  751-52,  753-54 
Mohawk  war  parties  (1747-48)  against,  1:94,  175-76 
name,  etymology  of,  13 :  60 
reduction  of,   3:267,   269-75,   279n,   309,  477-78,  496,   554,   640,   644,   691; 

10:199,  202,  207,  216,  217,  224,  225-26,  504,  510,  747-48,  842-43 

Articles  of  Capitulation,  3:309,  362,  422,  441,  459,  516;  10:296,  700; 

Caghnawaga  view  of,  11:873-76 

French  cession  to  England,  4:62,  63,  81,  223-24;  10:617,  659-60,  700, 

French  English  allegiance  after,  12:325-27,  329-30 

Indian  Affairs  reorganization  and,  11:891 

Indian  unrest  after,  4:62,  249-50,  275,  291,  308,  601;  6:280,  303; 
7:154-55;  8:1142-46;  10:316-17,  405,  659-60;  11:21-22,  279-80,  281- 
82;  12:421-22,  554;  13:189,  266-67,  320-21,  466-67,  622-23 

Mohawk  boundaries  and,  12:538 

occupation  of,  4:223-28 
possession  of  outposts,  3:454,  459,  478,  516,  524,  525,  538-39;  4:170,  197, 

202;  5:3;  10:282,  293,  295,  296,  319,  322,  326,  752,  755-56 
Scots  in,  4:342,  526,  540 
settler  disadvantages  (1774),  12:1111 
slave  refuge  in,  9:69 
summer  frosts  (1773),  12:1026-27 
Surveyor  of  the  Woods  (1771),  8:244,  342 
trade : 

colonial  administration  of,  6:302-303,  494-95;  7:569 

commissary  system  regulations,  12:207,  214,  218-19,  226;  13:422-24 

commissary  system  regulations  protested,  5:130-34,  148-49,  167-69, 
179-80,  386;  6:185-86,  198-99;  12:289-90,  320-21,  322-23 
objections  listed  (1768),  12:409-14 

commissary  system  regulations  violated,  5:520-24,  537,  566-67,  765-66, 

English  imports  (1765),  11:827 

French-English,  before  the  reduction  of  Canada,  1:236,  284;  2:52,  76, 
90;  9:127-28 

Green  Bay  monopoly  grant  to  Vaudreuil,  12:5-8 

Illinois  passes  (1767),  5:724 

Murray  removal  petition,  4:719,  840 

New  York  enforcement  of  British  boycott  and,  7:251-52 

price  levels  (1760-61),  3:283,  284,  309,  311,  403;  13:198 

suspension  (1764),  4:381,  427,  440,  441,  598 

traders'  request  for  indemnity  of  losses  sustained  in  Indian  Wars,  4:281, 
315,  329,  418 
travellers  from,  1:215-16,  543,  744,  751-52 
See  also  Canadian  Indian  Confederacy;  French,  The 


Sir  William  Johnson  Papers 

Canada  Creeks,  1:421,  428;  5:685 

Canajoharie  patent  and,  3:282,  326,  656,  666;   4:S9,  754;   5:476;   6:771; 
7:203,  290;  10:249;  12:185 

Fonda  purchase  (1771)  on,  8:152 

German  Flats  raid  (1757),  9:856,  857 

Indian  boundary  line  and,   6:492,  520,   538;    12:657,   667,   670,   685,  888, 
889,  1000 

Johnson's  route  to  Detroit  Conference  (1761),  3:437,  510;  13:272 

Kayaderosseras  and,  6:223,  228;  12:576 

Klock  purchase  on,  3:307,  417,  424,  656 

Nelles  land  on,  8:1062 

Petri  purchase  on,  3:321,  424 
Canadagaia  (Hans  the  Wild,  Unaguaandchonge — Mohawk),  9:588 

at  Albany  committee  meeting  (1773),  8:955 

Catawba  message  (1758)  and,  9:996 

at  Fort  Johnson  Iroquois  Congress  (1756),  9:348 

at  Fort  Johnson  Mohawk  conference  (1756),  9:463-65,  467-68 

at  Fort  Johnson  Oneida  meeting  (1762),  10:482 

Fort  Stanwix  Congress  and,  12:628 

on  Fort  William  Henry  capture  (1757),  9:809 

Harris  Ferry-Lancaster  Congress  (1757)  and,  9:596,  729 

harvest  failure  (1765),  11:817 

at  Johnson  Hall  Iroquois  meeting  (Sept.  1762),  10:513 

Mohawk  River  defense  (1755),  1:638 

on  Montreal  expedition,  10:180;  13:174 

on  New  Orleans  Indian  embassies  (1763),  10:767-68 

at  Onondaga  Council  (1762),  10:584,  586,  588,  589 

Onondaga  Council  (1769),  12:797 

in  Oswego  (1764),  11:398 

presents,  3:155,  163,  16S;  9:647;  12:797,  798 

Shawnee  message  (1765),  11:526-27,  531 

on  Shirley's  recruitment  methods,  2:376-77;  9:217-19 

son's  death,  11:660 

on  Ticonderoga  attack  (1758)  recruitment,  9:937 

Tionnonderoge  dispute,  8:955,  965 
Canadarago  (Seneca  castle) : 

innocence  in  Seneca  plot  (1763),  10:856,  867,  892,  903,  945 

Oswego  troop  census  (1760),  10:175 
Canadasaga  (Kanadesaga,  Ganundasaga,  Seneca  castle),  2:680n 

Chenussio  mediation  (1764),  11:139-40 

Delaware  prisoners  at,  4:649 

Ellison  as  prisoner  at,  4:300 

Fort  Stanwix  Congress  and,  12:621 

Indian  unrest  (1771),  8:141 

innocence  in  Seneca  plot  (1763),  10:856,  866,  867,  892,945,  973 

Oswego  troop  census  (1760),  10:175 

Seneca  Council  (1763)  at,  10:794,  795,  800-S01 

Shawnee  appeal  (1774)  for  Iroquois  aid,  13:669-70 

smith  for,  12:387 

warning  of  plot  against  Johnson  (1764),  11:27 

white  prisoner  of  Delawares  at,  11:183 
Canadasse  (Canadian  chief),  13:428 
Canadaway  Creek  (Ganadawao,  Kanandawaron),  13:265 
Canadeniyo  (Cayuga),  10:184 
Canadian  Indian  Confederacy: 

culture  of,  7:599-600 

English  laws  and,  13:675,  679-80 

French  threats  (1750)  to  the  Iroquois,  1:277-78 

Iroquois  alliance  (1761),  3:547;  13:618-19 

Iroquois-Cherokee  Congress    (Johnson  Hall,   March    176S),  6:107ra,   122-23, 
135,  136,  155,  162,  198n,  224 

Iroquois-Cherokee  Congress   (German  Flats,  July,  1770),  7:295,  328,  332, 



Canadian    Indian    Confederacy,    343,    361-62,    376-77,    380,   412-13,   494,    706, 
721-22,  737,  769,  785,  787,  789,  790,  798,  799,  832-33,  836-38,  844,  852-55, 
871-72,  894,  897,  907,  1069;  12:849-52;  13:707 
arms  demand  as  test  of  English  integrity,  7:853;  12:850,  852 
Johnson   Hall  conferences  after,   7:817-18,  852,  875,   1118;    12:830-35, 

837-47,  849-50 
policy  of  division  of  confederacies  and,  7:540,  541-42,  655,  852-53,  855 
Iroquois  embassies   (1756),  2:563-64,  675-77,  701,  704-709;  9:583,  605-607, 

618,  621,  635,  637,  642,  643,  665,  668-69 
Iroquois  hostilities  in  King  George's  War,  1:59-60,  63-64,  80-81,  87-88.  07. 

107,  135-38 
Johnson  conference  (Montreal,  Sept.,  1760),  13:163-66 
Johnson  Hall  conference  (Oct.,  1773),  8:901 
land  claims,  4:291,  307-308,  318 
members,  3:273m, 

neutrality  suggestion  (1755),  2:325 
Neutrality  Treaty   (Oswegatchie,  1760),  7:109-10;   13:166,  187,  18S,  190, 

Onondaga  Council  (1774)  invitation,  13:676 
Scioto  Council  (1770),  7:854-55;  12:930 
threats  (1768)  of  uprising,  13:466-67 
Three    Nation    Councils    with    Claus    (1767-74),    13:428-30,    31-32,    622-23, 

710-11,  717,  720 
Western    Indian    revolts    (1763-64),    4:180,    191-92,    200,    440-41;    10:218, 
724-25,  761,  766,  771,  778,  792-94,  801-802,  834,  842,  856,  880-81;  11:23; 

expedition  aid   (1764),  4:395,  418,  426,  435,  440-41,  446,  448-49,  452, 
516;  11:52-53,  54-55 
See  also  specific  groups 
Canadiorha    (Kanadiorha,    Nickus    Kanadyora — Canajoharie    sachem,    son    of 

Nicholas  Brant),  see  Brant,  Nicholas  Canadiorha 
Canadogte  (Onondaga),  9:777 
Canadunte,  9:631,  636 

Canagaraduncka  (Canajoharie  sachem),  4:50,  60;  10:571 
Canagarunta,  10:584,  589 
Canageogoaie,  1:405 

Canaghiyagey  (Karayaga — Onondaga),  10:92,  94,  99 
Canaghquayeson  (Oneida  chief),  see  Canaghquiesa 
Canaghquiesa  (Oneida  chief)  : 
Butler  (John)  and,  9:627 
Canestio  expedition  and,  11:75,  84 
Chenango  Conference  (1756)  and,  9:455-57 
at  condolence  for  Abraham,  9:621,  628 

at  Fort  Johnson  Iroquois  conference  (March  1763),  10:626,  635 
at  Fort  Johnson  Iroquois  Congress  (1756),  9:350-51,  378 
at  Fort  Johnson  Iroquois  Congress  (Sept.  1763),  10:840-41 
at  Fort  Johnson  meeting  (December  1755),  9:332 

at  Fort  Johnson  meeting  (Sept.,  1757),  9:831-33,  835-37,  843,  850-51 
at  Fort  Johnson  meeting  (March,  1758),  9:879-80 
at  Fort  Johnson  meeting  (Dec.  1758),  10:65-69,  75 
at  Fort  Johnson  meeting  (Jan.  1762),  10:357-60,  369-71 
Fort  Stanwix  Congress  (1768)  and,  12:622,  626,  628,  648,  666 

Pennsylvania  payments  for  land  cessions  at,  12 :  694-95 
Fort  Stanwix  evacuation  (1767),  12:348-49 
on  French  Oneida  intrigue,  9:776 
on  French  threats  of  attack  (1757),  9:683 
at  German  Flats  Iroquois  Congress  (1763),  10:749-50 
German  Flats  raid  (1757)  and,  9:860-63 
at  Johnson  Hall  Iroquois  Congress  (April,  1762),  3:698,  707 
at  Johnson  Hall  Iroquois  Congress  (Dec,  1763),  10:963,  969-71,  972 
Lydius  land  purchase  from,  1:739 
Montreal  expedition  (1760)  recruitment,  13:168 


Sir  William  Johnson  Papers 

at  Niagara-Detroit  Congress  (1761),  3:430-33 
Oneida  land  sales  (1766)  and,  12:244-45 
Onondaga  Congress  (1758)  and,  2:822-23 
on  Oquaga  ministry,  10:517 
Oswego  Iroquois  Congress  (Aug.,  1759),  13:137 
presents,  2:622;  3:166;  12:797,  920 
Tagawaron  dispute  (1770),  12:836-37 
Canaghrageayat  (Oneida),  10:183 

Canajageya  ( Kanagawgogie,  Old  Kittle — Onondaga  sachem),  2:685,  6S6,  687; 
10:99;  11:361 

on  French  plans  of  attack  (1757),  2:708-709 
Oswegatchie  scout  (1759),  3:177;  10:92,  94 
Canajoharie   (village  and  district)  : 

Albany  regiment  review  (1764)  in,  11:237,  251 

in  Butler  accounts  (1761-71),  13:508,  519,  520 

Butler  visit  (1766),  5:315-16 

church  for,  3:411;  6:281,  639,  683,  732,  745,  757;  7:10,  543,  567,  877,  1026, 

1160;  8:182,  928 

completion  (1771),  12:894 

expense  accounts,  7:666-68 

Fort  Ilendrick  dismantlement  and,  12:555 
Indian  fund  collection  for,  6:464-65,  563-64;   7:516,  518;   12:655-56,  734 

Munro  and,  7:720,  962n-QSn 

request  (1761),  3:365;  10:311 
Clarke  lands,  8:460 

Delaware-Shawnee-Mingo  peace  treaty  (1765),  11:595-96,  597 
fort  at,  1:103-104,  454;  2:800;  3:14;  9:30 
French  attack  threat  (1757),  2:759 
French  attack  threats  (1758),  9:921 
Indian  land  gift  to  Johnson  (See  Canajoharie  patent) 
Iroquois  conference  (1759),  3:25,  27-32,  163-64,  271 
Iroquois  Congress  stop  (Johnson  Hall,  July  1771)  en  route,  12:911 
Johnson  (Guy)  land  grant  near,  12:297 
Johnson  (Warren)  visit  (1760),  13:192 
Johnson's  letter  to  the  voters  of,  1:293 
justice  appointments  (1762),  3:609,  622 
justice  appointments  (1769-70),  12:768 
Magin  land  purchase,  9:56,  58 
Magra  at,  6:167 
Maybe  residence  at,  4:513-14,  567,  577,  615,  637,  645,  838,  850,  864;  5:469 

492,  493,  556,  562;  11:556,  620n,  926-27,  950-51;  12:287-88,  756 
Mohawk  Kiver  defense  (1757)  and,  9:666-67 
Mohawk  River  defense  (1763)  and,  4:232 
Moore  visit  (1768),  6:343,  399 
Penn  stop  (1768)  near,  12:596 
Road  Act  (1770)  and,  7:596 
schoolmaster,  3:338,  354;  4:374;  6:711;  7:841 
soldiers  quartered  (1758)  in,  10:78 
Swiss  settlers,  3:356 
Wraxall  company  posted  at,  9:677 
Canajoharie  Indians: 

at  Abenaki  (Fort  Johnson)  conference  (1762),  10:410 

arms  request  (1762),  10:492 

arms  disbursement  (1764),  11:107-108 

Canajohary  conference  (Jan.  1759),  10:85-89 

cattle  thefts  (1758),  10:58 

Cherokee-Iroquois  war  and,  12:183,  344-45 

Cherokee  peace  treaty  (Johnson  TTall,  March  1768),  12:457-58 

Chippewa  conference  (Guy  Park,  July  1768),  12:549 

church  building,  see  Canajoharie,  church 

clothing  disbursement  (1764),  11:106 

Colden's  adoption  by,  4:682 



Canajoharie  Indians,  condolence  ceremony  for  Abraham,  9:595,  600,  603,  620, 

621,  626,  628 
condolence  ceremony  for  Hendrick,  9:349-50 
condolence  for  Johnson's  granddaughter  (1767),  12:363 
corn  harvest  spoiled  (1765),  11:783-84,  817 
Grown  Point  expedition  (1755)  and,  9:201,  388-91,  392-93 
Crown  Point  spies  (1755),  1:635-36 
Delaware-Shawnee-Mingo  peace  treaty  and,  11:597 
Easton  Council  (1758),  13:113 
English  loyalty  of,  9:601,  603-605 
expenses  (March  1755-October  1756)  in  behalf  of,  2:567,  572,  575,  577,  579, 

580,  585,  600,  601,  602,  604,  608,  611,  614,  620,  623,  626,  633,  636,  637, 

639,  643;   3:150,  154,  155,  156,  157,  158,  159,  160,  161,  162,  174,  176, 

179,  180 

(November  1756-March  1757),  9:644,  645,  64S,  650,  651,  652,  654,  655, 

(1758),  10:51,  53 

(1764-69),  12:644,  734,  763,  798;  13:508,  509,  510,  544 

(1770-73),  12:800,  801,  863,  864,  897,  900,  921,  1000,  1018 
food  shortage  (1758),  10:68 
food  disbursement  (1769),  12:690 
fort  for,  1:605,  842;  2:480,  560,  800;  3:14;  9:30,  416,  428,  461,  527,  536, 

626-27,  645 

British  garrison  at,  9:535,  545,  546-48,  550,  600-601 
Fort  Hendrick  disputes  (1758),  10:56,  62-63 
Fort  Johnson  Iroquois  Congress  (Sept.  1763),  10:828-29 
Fort  Johnson  meeting  (1762),  10:356,  364-69 
Fort  Pitt  attack  threats  (1762),  10:402,  405-406 
Fort  Stanwix  evacuation  and,  12:346,  348-49 
Fort  William  Henry  French  raid  (1757),  9:810 
German  Flats  alarm  (1763),  10:772 
German  Flats  liquor  trade,  1:172 
German  Flats  murder  of  Oneidas  (1757),  9:798,  799 
German  Flats  raid  (1757)  and,  9:859-60 

Harris  Ferry -Lancaster  Iroquois  Congress  (1757)  and,  9:620,  626 
Iroquois  conference  (1763)  on  Newkirk  murder,  10:626 
on  Iroquois  loyalty  (1756),  9:444,  601 

Iroquois  threat  (1761)  to  the  English,  3:439-40,  510,  519;  13:217-18,  238 
Johnson  Hall  Iroquois  Congress  (Dec,  1766),  12:241,  243 
Johnson  Hall  Iroquois  meeting  (Sept.  1762),  10:500 
Johnson  Hall  meeting  (Oct.  1763),  10:896-900,  901-902 
Johnson  (John)  welcome  in  1767,  12:385 
in  King  George's  War,  9:16,  17,  18,  21,  23,  24,  25 
Kindarunty's  death  and,  10:32-33 
Klock   (George,  Jr.)   enticement  of  Indians  to  England   (1764),  4:316-17; 

11:36,  473,  522,  523 
Klock's   English   embassy    (1773),   8:935-36,   938,    951,   970-71,   1008-1009, 

1060,  1160,  1192-93,  1201 
land  claims,  3:193;  9:166;  10:218 

deed  (Adageghtingue,  1751?)  to  Johnson,  13:15-19 

deposition  (1762)  concerning  land  deed,  3:963 

depositions  (1765?)  concerning  Indian  deed,  4:890 

Fall  Eiver  tract,  9:135-36 

harassment  (1761)  to  sell,  13:216 

Hartwick  land  dispute  and,  12:269-70,  303,  702-703 

illegal  survey,  1:432;  4 :  140-46p«ssim ;  13:276-77 

Klock  purchase  negotiations  (1754-66),  1:421-22,  3:312-13,  328;  5:315; 
10:621-22;  12:137,  139,  183-84,  225 
MeLeland  deposition  (1762)  on  methods,  13:274-75 
massacre  alarm  (1767),  12:332-33 
migration  protest,  12:137,  167-68,  169 
protested  by  sachems,  4:165-66,  596-97;   5:469;   8:556,  1193,  1200- 


Sir  William  Johnson  Papers 

1201;  10:216-17,  219-20,  227-29,  336-39,  365-67,  724,  756-57 

Klock  petition  (1767)  to  governor,  12:332-33,  345-46 

Klock  threat  of  ejectments,  3:562,  584-85,  645,  648,  649,  737-38,  739, 
745,  880,  916,  945-46;  4:115-17;  5:219;  10:337,  457,  487,  717;  12:93 

Livingston  patent,  1:432;  3:364,  584-S5,  673-74,  745,  916;  4:46,  50-61, 
115-16;  8:686-87,  702-703,  714;  9:148,  166;  10:233,  337,  717,  756 

Livingston  patent  deed  of  release,  10:828,  898-99,  927-29 

Livingston  patent  quit-claim  to  Klock,  release  refusal,  6:616,  635; 
8:1201;  10:941;  12:365,  539-41,  698 

Maybe's  negotiations,  11:555-56;  12:287-88 

New  York  Council  inquiry,  3:925,  934,  938,  943,  947,  948,  955,  973; 
4:1-3,  24,  25-26,  29-30,  38-39,  42,  45,  46,  49,  50-61,  78-80,  176-77, 
068-69,  682;  5:219;  10:350,  442,  541-42,  565,  570,  571-73,  574-75, 
609-11,  650-51,  717,  756;  11:346,  688 

Pickerd  fraud,  3:339,  352;  10:220,  233 

royal  protection  asked,  10:225-26,  228,  229,  717,  898;  11:984-85;  12:225 

Schenectady  survey  (1763),  4:233-34 

Stevens  purchase  (1751),  1:330 

survey  requests,  12 :  656,  863 

Van  Driesen  glebe,  10:367-68;  11:956-57,  986 

Vaughan  survey,  6:83 

Vaughan  purchase  (1769)  and,  7:42 

woodland  fraud  (1769),  12:798 

(See  also  Klock,  George,  land  purchases  of;  Livingston  Manor,  sale  of 
lands  of) 
land  gift  to  Johnson  (See  Canajoharie  patent) 
land  sale  certificate  (1765)  to  Young  and  Smith,  4:791-92 
missionary  for,  10:367-68;  12:1079 
Mohawk  conference  (Guy  Park,  June  1768),  12:539-41 

Mohawks  and,  1:176,  177,  237-38,  453-54,  641,  738,  785,  902;  9:107,  108-109 
Montour  and,  11:181 

Montreal  expedition  (1760),  10:181,  183,  217,  218,  252,  254;  13:175 
Niagara  Congress  (1764),  11:276,  309 

Niagara-Detroit  Congress   (1761)   journey  conference,  3:429-30;   13:216 
Onondaga  Conference  (1769)  and,  7:84 
Onondaga  Council  (1758)  and,  2:823;  13:111-13 
Onondaga  Council  (1774),  13:688 

Oswego  Iroquois  Congress  (Aug.,  1759),  13:137,  138,  140-41,  142 
in  Oswego  troop  census  (1760),  10:175 
payment  for  scalps  and  prisoners,  1:94-96 
prisoner  exchange  (1749)  and,  9:47 
recruitment  (1747),  1:80-81 

(1758),  9:936,  939;  10:13,  29,  37 

war  parties  (1757),  9:794,  795 

(1763),  10:717-18 

(1764),  11:108 
schoolmasters  for,  6:531;  8:928,  1091;  10:217-18,  219,  228,  229 
Schuyler  (Col.  Peter)  and,  5:56-58 
smith  for,  11:985,  9S6 
Susquehanna  settlers  (1763)  and,  10:720 
Ticonderoga  scout  (1759),  10:105-107 

Tryon  County  committee  (1775)  and,  8:1202,  1209,  1211-12 
Tryon  speech  (1772),  8:550 
Canajoharie  patent: 

Colden  (Alexander)  map,  4:754,  776;  5:395;  11:131,  755;  12:215 

Duncan  lands  adjoining,  4:233-34;  12:785 

Indian  presentation  of  land,  3:296-98,  312-13,  326-27,  .",58,  366-70,  373,  390, 

396,  397-98,  399-400,  416-17,  504;   4:299,  388,  410,   751;   10:228,  229. 

282;  13:192 
license  petition  (1701),  10:248-50 

conflicting  petitions,  3:397-98,  400,  408-409,  418-20,  423-27,  55S,  561,  56.",, 
583-85,    595-96,    602-603,    607,    610,    615-16,    640-41,    646-47,    665-66, 



Canajoharie  patent,  725-26,  745,  749;  4:90;  10:310-11,  335;  11:758-59,  787-88, 

824-25;  12:631;  13:378 
O'Brien  proposal  to  purchase  (1764)  part  of,  11:759,  787;  13:328-29 
Johnson's  offer  of  land  for  an  episcopate,  5:842;  6:27,  77,  132,  289-90,  292 
Johnson's  proposals  for  settling,  3:583-85,  595-96,  602-603,  615-17,  633-34, 

640-41,  646-47,  654-55,  665-66,  725;  4:388,  410-11;  13:243 
Johnson's   request   for   patent  from  England,   in  consideration   of  services, 

4:78,  88-91,  184,  639,  643,  773;  5:ix,  7,  8,  21-22,  27,  238,  267,  417-18, 

476,  564,  572,  732;  6:61,  335-36,  473;  11:346,  368,  524 
in  Johnson's  will,  8:1190;  12:1066,  1067,  1068-69,  1070,  1071-72,  1073-74 
Klock  attempt  to  purchase  (1766),  5:237-38,  266k, 
legal  fees,  6:93;  12:740,  752,  786;  13:493 
limitations  of  grant  size  and,  11:469;  12:756 
letters  patent  (1772),  12:1025 

list  of  patent-sharers,  3:634;  6:320-21,  473,  771;  10:282-83 
memorial  to  the  King   (1766),  5:ix,  233,  267,  288,  313-14,  490,  494,  551, 

820-21,  842;  6:27,  93-94;  12:358-59,  392,  405,  428 
mining  rights,  12 :  725 
Moore  (Sir  Henry)  witness,  12:185 
Oquaga  land  sales  (1767)  adjoining,  12:346 

presents  exchanged  for,  3:572-73;  4:90,  388,  577;  5:21;  7:203;  12:156 
Royal  Grant   (1769),  6:735,  769-73;  7:176,  191-92,  203,  363,  499-500,  522, 

670,  697,  713,  718,  737,  784-85;  8:615,  1010,  1061;  12:695-96,  725,  740, 

754,  767-68,  880 
surveys : 

Frey  and  Yates,  4:631;  5:395,  422,  476,  478,  541;  6:85,  93;  8:547-48; 
11:522;  12:214-15,  216,  301,  524;  13:512,  514,  516 

Vrooman,  4:567,  573-74,  578,  596,  615,  633,  695,  741,  753-54,  776,  853; 
6:93;  11:581,  620,  703;  12:214n;  13:510,  512,  514 
Canasatego    (Canasadego,  Canasakgo,  Canossidego,  Connossadagah)  : 
death  of,  1:300,  317,  326 
land  deed  to  Penn  family,  3:781-82,  849 
visit  to  Oswego,  1:287 
Oanaseraga  (village),  see  Ganaghsaroga 
Oanaseraga  (Ganughsharagey)  Indians: 

condolence  for  Mohawk  chiefs  (1757)  of,  2:665 
English  quarrels  (1760),  13:168 
Indian  expenses  (1770),  12:S63,  864 
Montreal  expedition  (1759)  recruitment,  13:168,  176 
Oswego  Iroquois  Congress  (1759),  13:147 
in  Oswego  troop  census  (1760),  10:175 
on  war  parties  (1759),  3:25 
Canassadaga  (Caneghsadagey),  3:240w,  384,  394-95 
Michilimackinac  message  (1764)  from,  4:435 
Pilon's  Tavern,  7:948 
Newkirk  murder  (1762)  near,  3:932,  935 
priests  at,  4:441;  10:421,  423 
small  pox  at,  4:849;  9:412 
sutler  (1763)  at,  4:63 
Canassadagas,  3:240w,  273n;  5:369 
attack  plans,  9:446;  10:94 

Bradstreet  expedition  and,  11:500,  501,  503-505 
Carundache  and,  5:382 
Claus  conferences: 

(1761),  3:362 

(1762),  3:752;  10:398-99 

(1764),  4:415,  418,  426,  435,  452 

(1767),  13:431-32 

(1769),  7:129-30 

(1770),  13:708,  710-11 
Croghan  conference  (1761),  10:302-305,  307,  445-49 
English  prisoners  (1760),  3:240,250;  10:187,  188 


Sir  William  Johnson  Papers 

expenses  (1771-73)  in  behalf  of,  13:710-11,  712,  714,  717,  719 
flags  for,  13:712 

Fort  Ontario  threat  of  Indian  attack,  12:174-75,  208 
French  plot  rumors  (1762),  10:380-81,  393,  398-99,  422,  424,  425 
Gordon  (Lord  Adam)  visit,  11:896 
location  and  fighting  numbers  of,  4:242 
Johnson  conferences  (1760),  10:137,  138 

liquor  trade  protests,  5:628,  650-51,  709;   12:347,  971-73;   13:432 
Newkirk  murder  C1762)  and,  10:56S-69 
at  Niagara  Congress  (1764),  4:481;  11:276 
Onondaga  Council  (1760)  deputies,  3:188,  190 
recruitment  difficulties  (1764),  4:418,  426,  452;  11:220 
Sehlosser  and,  5:628,  650-51,  708-709 
trade  limitation  to  outposts  and,  12:174-75,  184-85 
Western  Indian  messages  (1763),  4:180,  195;  13:299 
Canata  Indians,  13:141 
Canatsego,  13:108 

Canatsyagaye   (Onondaga),  10:182;  13:184 
Canawa  Eiver,  see  Kanhawa 
Canawago  Indians,  see  Caghnawagas 
Canawagon,  see  Kanawagon 
Canays,  see  Conoys 

Cane,  capt.,  of  Lancaster,  Pa.,  9:733 

Caneghdai  (Cayuga),  on  Montreal  expedition,  10:184 
Caneghsadarundax  Indians,  3:273n 
Caneghsonko   (Chenussio),  10:185 
Caner,  Dr.  Henry,  8:922w,  1039-40 
Canestagie  (Mohawk),  8:957,  960 
Canestio  Indians: 

Montour   expedition    (1764)    against,   4:321-22,   323-24,   325,   329,   336-37, 
354,  361,  364;  11:36,  51-52,  74-76,  96-97;  13:324-25 
destruction  of  towns,  4:392-94,  399,  403,  405-406;  11:87 
prisoners  release,  11:554,  652,  658,  714,  748,  768-69,  822 
prisoners  taken,  4:344-45,  349-50,  351-52,  359-60,  365,  368-69;  11:86-88, 
103,  106,  109-10,  116,  173,  182 
trader   (William  Newkirk)   and  servant  murdered   (1762)   by,  3:909,  932, 
035,  941-42;  4:62,  279;  10:568-69,  582 
Chenussio  Peace  Treaty  (1764)  promise  to  deliver  murderers,  4:292,  309, 

318,  387,  425 
Iroquois  negotiations  for  delivery  of  murderers,  3:967,  973-74,  978,  9S0, 
983;  4:15,  64;  10:585,  588,  590-92,  593-94,  595,  623-25,  627-32,  634, 
reprisal  plans  (1764),  4:288 
woodcutters  murdered  (1758)  by,  2:837;  9:923 
Canestoga,  see  Conestoga 
Canfield,  Silas,  3:90 

Cangine,  John,  see  Couagne,  Jean  Baptiste  de 
Canine,  Peter,  see  Conyn,  Piter 
Canishgejoone,  1:216 
Cannaga  Indians,  see  Caghnawagas 
Cannock,  Joseph,  3:338 
Canoe,  The  (Cayuga  sachem),  9:659 

Canohage  (Salmon  River),  Iroquois  land  claims,  1:528;  13:40 
Canosorago  Creek,  see  Ganughsharaga  Creek 
Canossidejjo,  see  Canasate£ro 

Canowaroghare  (Connowarolierry,  Kaun  a  Wa  Roll  a  re — Oneida  castle)  : 
attack  threats  (1764),  4:333,  336,  344,  345,  349-50,  351,  352,  365,  370 
Canaghquiesa-Tagawaron  dispute  (1770),  12:836-37 
English  sympathies  (1763)  of  the  warriors  of,  10:790,  798 
Fort  Stanwix  Congress  (176S),  12:617,  622-23,  624,  626,  670,  671 
grain  disbursement  (1769),  12:759 
location,  12:617n 



Canowaroghare,  Oneida  conference  (Johnson  Hall,  Jan.,  1771),  12:887-89 

Oneida  visit  (1769)  to  Johnson,  12:797 

Onondaga  council  (1762)  plans  and,  10:586-S7 

sheep  thefts  (1764),  4:595 

sickness  (1768)  at,  12:670-71 
Canterbury,  Archbishop  of: 

American  episcopate  and,  5:842?i;  6:77 

death  of  (1768),  6:415 

grant  in  favor  of  the  Church,  7:289 

Indian  conversion  and,  5:510,  568 

Indian  schools  and,  5:383,  403,  406-407,  410,  461,  464,  467,  569,  586 

land  grant  for  widows  and  orphans,  5:431 
Cantone,  Jacob,  4:154;  11:433 
Canunda  Lake,  see  Onondaga  Lake 
Canundaweea,  6:604 
Canundunta,  2:563,  564 
Capar  (Chapar),  Nicholas,  5:340 
Cape  Breton: 

annexation  (1763),  10:979 

Boston  expedition  against,  1:28,  30,  32,  33,  36,  39,  41,  52-53,  57,  92,  209, 
448;  9:4,  73 

Church  of  England  chaplain,  6:165 

Crown  Point  expedition  (1755)  and,  1:921 

French  control  (1755),  l:445-50passtm,  543;  9:164 

governor  of,  l:116n,  119n 

naval  warfare  (1755)  off,  1:686 

naval  warfare  (1758)  off,  2:887;  3:4 
Cape  Clear,  13:214 
Cape  Fair,  6:162 
Cape  France,  7:72 
Cape  Hatteras,  4:256 
Cape  Rosieres,  10:978 
Cape  Sable,  1:693 
Capporotune,  1:124 
Capucin,  J.,  4:761-66;  5:523;  12:544 
Caraghuageygo  (Onondaga),  9:586,  587 
Carden,  John,  lieut.,  capt.,  3:625-27;  4:670 

accounts,  5:516 

commissary  appointment,  5:339 

Canadian  Indian  Affairs  Superintendency  and,  8 :  525 

Pontiac  and,  5:288-89,  339,  362 
Carden,  Louis,  5:639,  640;  12:444 
Cardinal,  11:827 

Carehoga,  Johannes  (Canajoharie),  10:927-29 
Carell  (Carel,  Carrel,  Carril),  James,  7:699;  8:59,  61,  389 
Cargil,  ,  ensign,  4:670 

Carighwage  (Tuscarora  sachem),  2:372-74;  9:212-13 
Carillon,  Canada: 

commissary  for,  5:709 

Indian  Affairs  agency  for,  5:444 

liquor  trade,  5:341;  6:763 

strategic  importance  (1767),  5:708 

See  also  Ticonderoga 
Caristago,  1:405;  11:984 
Carleton,  Christopher,  lieut.,  5:629;  7:530w,  532 

biographical  sketch,  7:638n 

Joncaire  and,  5:575;  12:327,  329 
Carleton,  Sir  Guy,  col.,  gen.: 

accounts,  5:552,  613;  12:308,  322 

Ainse  and  6:755 

Aughquisasne  Indians  and,  7:111,  112,  127-29,  531,  532,  654,  920,  921,  922, 


Sir  William  Johnson  Papers 

923,  931,  932,  959;  12:822,  840-41,  843-44 
Caghnawaga  French  settlement  forbidden  (1771),  13:504 
Campbell  appointment  for  Indian  Affairs  and,  8:1109 
Claus  dual-superintendeney  claims  and,  13:729-30 
Fort  Stanwix  Congress  (1768)  and,  6:408 
on  frontier  outrages  (1766),  5:451,  479-81 
Gage  on  French  influences  on,  5:676-77;  7:654,  705 
German  Flats  Congress  (July,  1770)  and,  12:867 
governorship  appointment,  of  all  Canada,  6:484 
governorship  appointment,  Quebec,  5:231,  399,  429 
Joneaire  and,  5:548,  572;  12:325-27,  329-31 
La  Naudiere  and,  8:211,  243-44 
Massey  and,  5:628,  636 
parties  of,  6:547 

Peters  information  (1778)  on  impositions  upon,  8:1214 
portrait,  12:324 
pot  and  pearlash  enterprises,  6:9 
priest  appointment  and,  5:707;  7:392,  746 
return  to  England  (1770),  7:819-20,  831 
Rogers  salary  and,  7:400 
Rogers  trial  and,  6:395;  12:378,  588 
Sault  Saint  Louis  boundary  line  and,  7:928,  950,  951 
trade  regulation: 

Canasadaga  petition  against  liquor  trade  and,  5:628,  650-51,  709 

commissary   system   and,   5:742-43,   745-46;    6:82,   156-58,   185-86,   205; 
12:409,  414;  13:424 

instructions  (1766),  12:207,  214,  218-19 

licenses   issued,   7:65,   159,   221-22,   257,   264,   533,   545-51,   960;    8:127; 

Ottawa  River  trading  posts  and,  6:409 

trade    administration    by   the    colonies   and,    6:302-303;    7:569,    638-39, 
1130;  12:720-21;  13:486-87 

trade  violations   (1767)   and,  5:481-82,  520-24,  537,  559,  563-64,  566-67, 
573;  6:428-29;  12:347;   13:432 

trade  violations  (1768),  6:157-58 

trade  violations  (1772),  12:972 
Wade  (Matthew)  account  certification  (1767),  5:541,  545;  13:425 
Carlcton  Island  expedition  (1779),  8:1215 
Carlisle,  Pennsylvania: 

Armstrong  survey  (1762),  3:S75n 
Bouquet  expedition,  4:510 
Braddock  defeat  (1755)  news,  13:45 
Cherokeos  of,  9:954;  10:824 

Croghan  expedition  (1765)  and,  11:576-77,  579,  626,  634 
Croghan  instructions  (1764),  11:307 

military  Southern   District  of  North  America  headquarters,  10:8n 
Montour  detained  in,  10:148,  149 
Paxtoners  near,  4:713 
Paxtoncr  trials  (1765),  11:746 
Picote"  de  Belletre  in,  3:310 
Stump  rescue  from  jail  at,  6:110;  12:425,  468 
traders'  memorial  (1765)  on  losses,  11:564-66,  6-19-50 
Carlock,  Eias,  1:9 
Carmcr,  Nicholas,  8:775 

agriculture,  5:321 

Delaware  uprisings  (1755),  9:173-74 

Indian  Affairs  in,  2:437-38 

Georgia  Indian  hostilities  (  !7<'>1),  10:L'fi9 

Louisiana  and,  9:570,  572 

Silver  Beds  murders  reported  in,  10:264 

See  also  North  Carolina;  South  Carolina 



Carolina  Gazette,  8:1085 

Caron,  Joseph,  5:756;  11:827 

Carot,  Monsieur  (Menominee  chief),  11:274 

Caroughyazigoa  (Onondaga),  10:184 

Oaroush,  13:624 

Carpenter,  (schoolteacher),  8:x,  68-69 

Carpenter,  Asa,  3:90 

Carpenter,  Solomon,  11:485 

Carpenters : 

Barton  recommendation,  5:533 

boatbuilding,  4:236,  251,  432;  10:316 

Canajoharie  church,  6:732,  757 

church  building  costs  (1767),  5:504-505 

for  Crown  Point  (1755),  1:648-49,  655,  690,  705-706,  789,  820,  830;  2:63, 
117,  134,  135,  150-51,  152-53,  158,  160,  180-81,  209,  221,  243,  358;  9:338 
among  Massachusetts  troops,  9:264,  265 

Johnson  Hall  work: 
contract,  13:282-83 
framing  charges,  13:285-86 
journal  of  housebuilding  for  Claus  and,  13:307-17 

for  Johnstown,  5:546;  7:339 

liquor  provisions  (1769),  13:544 

MacLeod  recommendation,  5:58.  165 

at  Niagara  (1768),  6:263 

for  Niagara  Carrying  Place,  4:342,  406;  10:322;  11:78 

in  Oswego  relief  (1756),  9:412,  413,  444 

for  Schenectady  church,  6:465-66,  498 

Seneca  fort  construction,  9:457-58 

tools  for,  2:149,  150,  151,  152,  158,  160,  161,  180,  182,  190,  191,  202,  204; 

on  Niagara  campaign  (1759),  3:57,  121,  140 

wages   (1760),  13:186 

Carr  (Carre),  lieut.,  3:862,  899,  906,  951,  981;  4:45 

Carr,  John,  5:532 

Carren,  John,  see  Karne,  Johannes 

Carriage  Eate  Act,  2:464 

Carrie,  ,  New  Orleans  merchant,  12:450 

Carrignant,  J.,  11:827 

Carrinaut,  L.,  5:133 

Carrol,  ,  in  Adems  accounts,  13:544,  545,  553,  585 

Carrol,  James,  12:787,  819 

Carrol,  Frederick,  lieut.,  12:515w 

Carroy,  ,  10:712 

Carroy  Indians,  10:713 

Carry,  Joseph,  7:441 

Carson,  Adam,  8:226-27 

Cartagena,  Colombia;  expedition  of  1741  against,  1:10»,  11-12 

Carter,  Elias,  13:53 

Carter,  Eliza,  4:496 

Carter,  Sarah,  4:497 

Carteret,  John,  see  Granville,  John  Carteret,  Earl  of 

Cartier,  Rene: 

Caghnawaga  land  grant  and,  5:45-46,  55,  66,  90,  183-87;  12:32-33,  37-39, 
48,  61-62 

Indian  boundary  line  and,  7:928,  929-30,  948,  949-52,  957-58,  960,  961 
Cartmill,  Molly,  11:486 
Cartmill,  Peggy,  11:486 

Cartright,  ,  Albany  innkeeper,  12:482;  13:521 

Carttee,  John,  2:731 
Cartwright,  ,1:35 

Cartwright,  Eichard,  2:637;  5:541;  6:37,  460,  691;  7:741 

accounts,  6:640;  7:501 


Sir  William  Johnson  Papers 

Albany  jailer's  appointment  (1774)  and,  8:1031 
On  Albany  petitions  (1769),  7:301-302 
on  Assembly  election  of  1769,  6:591 
Church  of  England  and,  8:351 
debts,  7:489 

dog  forwarded  by,  8:720 

goods  forwarded  to  Johnson  by,  5:546,  553,   624,  663-64;   6:70,  83,   160, 
188,  234,  510,  586-87,  640;   7:301,  465,  488,  557,  644,  649,  684;  8:193 
illness   (1768),  6:460 
house  offered  in  sale  to  Johnson,  7:489 
on  John  Johnson's  return  from  England,  5:607-608 
Johnson  (John)  Assembly  candidacy  (1768),  12:408 
Johnson's  goods  stored  by,  7:1030;  8:55 
Masonic  activities,  5:549,  563,  565;  7:488 
oyster  orders,  6:487;  8:627,  632,  1122 
wampum  order  (1772),  8:611,  627,  631,  643 

Cartv,  ,13:149,150 

Carty,  Thomas,  10:712,  714 
Carundache,   (Canassadaga  chief) 

Claus  conference  (Oct.,  1767),  13:431 

on  Fort  Ontario  threat  of  Indian  attack  (1766),  12:174-75,  200,  208 

Indian  complaints  against,  5:382 

on  trade  limitation  to  outposts,  12:174 
Carundawane,  6:566 
Carunghyachigoa,  4 :207 
Carver,  ,  capt.,  13:101 

Carver,  Jonathan,  5:711?i;  7:403n;  12:877 
Casady,  Edward,  in  Adems  accounts,  13:567 
Casew,  (Montreal  merchant),  7:51 

Cashiowayah   (Indian),  9:526 
Cashkokey  (Ottawa  chief),  4:46S;  11:264 
Casity,  ,4:845 

Casler,  Jacob,  S:333 
Caso,  Francis,  7:50,  51 
Cass,  Miss  ,9:92 

Cassady,  ,  lieut.,  3:60,  71,  72,  74,  75,  77,  81,  84 

Cassady,  Lawrence,  3:102,  103 
Cassc,  George,  see  Kass,  George 
Cassel,  3:893 

Cassieneunt,  ,1:97 

Casswcttune  (Onondaga  sachem),  see  Red  Head 
Castacrow,  ,  10:715 

Castcsh,  see  Gaustrax 
Castle,  Elizabeth,  11:486 
Castle  Cumberland,  3:358n 

agriculture,  3:266,  355;  10:282;  13:209 

Canajoharie  meeting  (1761)  at,  10:227-229 
Castleman,  Lodowick,  1:451 
Castle  William,  l:563n;  7:46n 
Cataraqui  Lake,  see  Ontario,  Lake 
Catawba  country,  10:972 
Catawbas  (Toderighronos),  3:547ra 

Canadian  Indian  Treaty  (1761),  3:54 In 

Cayugas  and,  1:369,  378;  9:585 

Cherokees  and,  4:188;  6:695;  7:89;  9:785,  951,  959,  960:  12:21,  344-45 

Delaware  War  and,  2:716,  804 

English  loyalty  (1757),  9:659 

expenses  for  (1772),  12:1001 

Fort  Dur|ucsne  expedition  (1758)  and,  2:811 

at  Fort  Johnson  Iroquois  Congress  (1756),  9:356-57,  358 

at  Fort  Johnson  Iroquois  Congress  (April  1762),  10:437 

French  and,  1:912,  913,  914;  7:84 




Governor  Glen's  speech  to  the  Hagler  King  of,  1:386-88 

Harris  Ferry-Lancaster  Iroquois  Congress  (1757),  9:719 

at  Iroquois  Albany  Council  (1751),  9:84 

Iroquois  alliance,  9:283,  560-61 

Iroquois  peace  treaty  (1752),  9:97,  114,  118 

(1758),  2:886 
King  (Thomas)  and,  8:247  „    M    mA    nA  nr 

Mohawks  and,  1:259,  261,  271,  278,  369,  378,  641n;  9:37-38,  61,  70,  94-95, 

109;  12:965 
Mohawks  and  messages  (1758),  9:886-87,  960-61 
numbers  (1763),  10:951 
Onondaga  and,  1:359-60;  9:75-76;  13:125 
recruitment,  2:828;  4:235,  267;  10:951 
Saponies  and,  13:268ft 
schools  for,  5:343 
Senecas  and.  6:665 

South  Carolina  and,  1:378,  386-88,  913-14;  4:188;  9:75-76,  94 
Tuscaroras  and,  9:834-35;  12:274 
Virginia  and,  9:283 

Western  Indian  conspiracy  (1771)  and,  8:8 
Cat  Fish  Creek,  4:200;  10:812 
Catharine  (Chief  woman  of  Schoharie),  12:96-97 
Cathcart  (Catehart),  Joseph,  4:657,  720 
Catherine    ("native    New    York    Indian")    land    deed    (1754)    to    George    II, 

Catherine  II,  czarina  of  Eussia,  3:892,  893,  907 
assassination  conspiracy  against,  7:1079 
Finland  attack  (1769),  7:285 
Mediterranean  fleet,  7:430 
Catherwood,  John,  capt.,  l:4n,  60,  189;  9:386 
King  George's  War  and,  1:178-79,  185-86 

on  Johnson's  accounts,  with  the  Assembly,  1:282,  301-302;  9:67 
Johnson's  letter  on  Caghnawaga  ambush,  1:149-51 
Johnson's  place  on  New  York  Council  and,  1:186,  269-70 
on  Oswego  garrison  supply,  1:49,  118 
request  for  reference  on  Jane  Watson,  1:39 
Tyrrell  and,  1:197 
voyages  to  England,  1:69,  195,  251 
Catherwood,  Robert,  2:711-12 
Catherwood,  Dr.  William,  2:674,  675,  682 

at  Fort  Johnson  Oquaga  conference  (1757),  9:703 
Loudoun  and,  2:711-12 
Catholics : 

attitudes  toward,  1:826;  4:208,  526;  5:401;  6:453;  7:913,  964;  8:1142 

Church  of  England  rivalry,  7:310 

education  and,  9:480 

English  oath  of  allegiance  and,  8:654 

French  loss  of  Canada  and,  3:644;  4:223,  236 

French   sympathies   of,    2:650,    736;    9:413,    832;    10:281,   380-81,   3S4-86, 

392-93,  398-99,  405;  12:38 
Gage  ruling  on  priests,  3:686 

Indian,  1:234,  247,  288;  4:441,  811;  5:345,  389;  7:598,  746,  748,  762,  764, 
765;  9:691;  10:464;  11:220;  12:571,580;  13:190 
Caghnawaga,  2:379;  7:531,  532;  8:210n;  9:48,  220 
in  Johnstown,  8:1195n 
Maryland,  7:876 

missionary  salaries,  7:358,  392,  589 
Niagara  church  bell  request,  6:87 
papal  lands,  11:925-26 
priest  deportation  to  Canada,  11:8,  23 
religious  liberties  of,  4:598  10:415;  13:165 
See  also  Society  of  Jesus 


Sir  William  Johnson  Papers 

Catrine  (vessel),  1:171 
Catsistund'ye,  3:754 
Catskill,  2:740 

Indian  land  claims,  5:65-66;  7:304 
Indian  migration  (1770)  from,  12:802 
militia  reorganization  (1763),  12:319 
Prevost  lands,  4:448;  8:207 
Road  Act  (1770)  and,  7:596 
Cattaraugus  County,  11:1S1» 
Cattle : 

bull  for  the  Mohawks  (1746),  9:4 

care  of  Johnson's,  9:121 

Chenussio,  4:498 

Crown  Point   (1755)    campaign,  2:8,  145,  247,  263,  308,  316;   9:278,  294, 

314-15,  318 
dairy  equipment,  13:660 

depredations  by  Shirley's  soldiers  (1756),  2:614 
Detroit  provisioning  (1761),  3:507,  524;  13:  246,  250 
Detroit  siege  slaughter  (1763),  10:738;  13:290 
drivers,  5:331,  333 
fodder  for,  3:56;  4:641;  13:198 
Fort  Stanwix  bridges  broken  by,  10:913 
for  Fort  Stanwix  Congress  disbursement,  12:668 
French  (1756),  2:656 
French  Illinois  trade  (1766)  in,  12:255 
German  Flats  attack  (1757),  9:664,  856,  859 
Indian  agriculture  and,  3:218,  219;  5:424;  9:547;  11:817 
in  Johnson's  will,  8:1190;  12:1065 
"King's  bullock,"  5:758,  759 
live  shipment,  10:307,  316 
Livingston  sales,  2:690 
MeLeod  farm,  7:850;  8:443 
on  military  march,  11:211 
milk  cows,  3:321,  355 
Mohawk  River,  13:186 
Nahantiek  ownership,  5:425 
New  England  supply,  6:70;  13:202 
Niagara  Carrying  Place  attack  losses   (1763),  10:816,  SIS,  855,  860,  863, 

884,  906 
Niagara  maintenance,  4:210;  11:274,  518;  12:44,  69,  96 
for  Oswego: 

(1746),  1:70-71,  129 

(1748),  1:178 

(1756),  2:521,  547,  9:400,  413,  438;  13:87 

(1759),  3:176;  13:123,  135,  149 
oxen,  1:761;  2:116,  574,  576,  577,  591,  596,  599,  611,  614,  623,  634,  690; 

3:69;  4:716;  7:952;  11:251,  898 
Pennsylvania!!  (1760).  13:181,  182,  183,  184 
ploughing  with,  13:209 

prices,  2:556-646/jamm;   7:807;  12:799,  800,  923,  1016;  13:347 
Schenectady  pasture  hinds,  10:555 
settler  negotiations  to  purchase,  8:017;  12:1042 
Shawnee,  6:776;  12:722 
shipment  to  England,  7:538 
swine,   2:579,   598,   612,   619,   621,   634,   639;    3:160,   172;    7:808;    8:676; 

12:1065;   13:186 
theft    of,    3:882;    4:217,    369;    5:729;    6:515;    7:159,    185,    583;    9:966: 

10:58,  796 
Tuscarora,  12:670 
Warren  estate  claim,  13:31 
wheat  grazing,  13:181 
See  also  Horses;  Meat;  Sheep 



Cattreen  (Indian  woman),  13:511 

Catty  (Johnson's  sister),  see  Johnson,  Catherine 

Cauchaug,  Jeffery,  4:680 

Cauchaug,  John,  4:680 

Caughnawagas,  see  Caghnawagas 

Caughnawageroona  Indians,  see  Caghnawagas 

Cavalier,  Louis  le  (interpreter),  12:151,  209-10,  211 

Cavanaugh,  ,  1:257 

Cavendish,  John,  Lord,  7:578»,  1156 

Cawacawache,  11:485 

Cayadanora  (Tuscarora),  9:357 

Cayadutta  Creek,  12:1068™ 

Cayahuga  (Delaware- Shawnee  town),  11:212 

Cayenquaraghto  (Chenussio)  on  Montreal  expedition,  10:185 

Cayenquiragoa  (Philip — Canajoharie  sachem)  : 

declaration  (1762)  on  Collins  survey,  10:571 

Hardwick  dispute,  12:269-70 

Harris  Ferry-Lancaster  meeting  and,  9:626 

on  Klock  frauds,  4:50,  52,  54,  55-56,  58,  59,  60 

Klock  refusal  to  release  patent,  12:539 

presents,  3:155,  167;  9:655 
Cayhunghage  Creek,  1:529 
Cayohoga  Creek,  4:509;  11:232-33;  13:262 
Cayuga  (village),  4:390 

French  Indian  council  fire  kindling,  9:925 

ginseng  at,  8:276 

Johnson  Conference  (1769-70),  7:85,  993 
Cayuga  Lake,  11:657;  12:1107 
Cayuga  Eiver,  11:132;  13:40 
Cayugas : 

Albany  murder  (1759)  revenge,  10:962 

ammunition  requests  (1767),  12:388 

Butler  (Thomas)  and,  1:275,  666;  4:578;  9:584 

Cadaracqui  meeting  (1761),  3:440 

Canadian  Indian  Treaty  (1761),  3:547 

on  Canadian  prisoners  (1749),  9:41-42 

Catawbas  and,  1:369,  378;  9:585 

Celoron  de  Bienville  invitation  (1750)  to,  9:60-61 

at  Chenango- Nantieoke  Council  (1764),  11:39 

Cherokee  hostilities,  3:818;  4:64 

Cherokee-Iroquois  peace  treaty   (Johnson  Hall,  March,  1768),  12:452,  456, 

Choctaw  hostilities,  7:993;  8:349 

Christian  conversion,  7:877,  878 

condolence  for  Christopher  Johnson,  10:674 

death  replacement  request  (1771),  8:17 

Delaware  leaders  sheltered  (1764)  by,  11:235-36 

Delaware  Ohio  migration  and,  2:876 

Delaware-Shawnee   punishment   recruitment,    10:650;    11:143-44,    150,    163, 

Delaware-Shawnee-Mingo  peace  treaty  (1765,  Johnson  Hall), 4:664;  11:702. 
705,  706,  710 

Easton  Council   (1758),  Pennsylvania-Iroquois  land  deed,  10:44.  48 

Easton  Council  (1761),  3:518 

English  loyalty  of,  1:315;  4:251 ;  10 ;5 

Englishman's  death  (1766)  and,  12:97 

English  murders  (1763)  of,  10:753,  755,  756,  868,  893,  903-904 

escaped  French  prisoners  and,  2:749 

expenses  (1747)  in  behalf  of,  9:20,  21,  25,  27,  28 

(March  1755-October  1756),  2:580,  582,  601,  604,  614,  622,  640;  3:154, 
155,  157,  158,  166,  168,  173 


Sir  William  Johnson  Papers 

(1757),  9:647 
(1768),  13:517 

(1769),  6:657;  12:758,  762,  763 
(1770),  12:801,  864,  869,  898 
(1771),  12:899,  920,  921,  922,  944 
(1772),  12:999,  1017 
fighting  outfit  for,  1:72,  120 
Fort  Henry  rebuff  by  Winslow,  9  :617 
Fort  Johnson  conference  (June,  1757),  2:715,  716 
Fort  Johnson  conference  (Sept.,  1757),  9:834-35,  842,  847,  852 
Fort  Johnson  conference  (March,  1758),  9:879,  8S0 
Fort  Johnson  conference  (June,  1758),  9:926-29 
Fort  Johnson  Iroquois  Congress  (Feb.,  1756),  9:349,  356-57,  358 
Fort  Johnson  Iroquois  Congress  (1762),  10:432,  437 
at  Fort  Johnson  Iroquois  Congress  (Sept.  1763),  10:828 
Fort  Johnson  Iroquois  meeting  (1759)  and,  10:106 
Fort  Pitt  murders  (1766)  of  Onondagas,  12:125,  126 
forts  for   9 :409 

Fort  Sta'nwix  Congress   (1768)   and,  6:436;   7:184;   12:606,  621,  622,  623, 
627,  628,  629,  666 
present  in  dollars,  12:745 
French  attack  threats  (1748),  1:131 

(1756),  2:544;  9:382,  383,  418-19,  437,  504,  539-41 
(1757),  9:659 

(1758),  9:931-32,  956;  10:14,  22,  83 
(1760),  3:220-21,  223-24,  227 
French  embassy  (1763),  10:768 
French  Ohio  markers  and,  l:316n;  9:75 
French  service  (1757),  9:687,  834 
French  troops  (1758),  10:83,  84 
German  Flats  Iroquois  Conference  (1763),  10:746 
Great  Carrying  Place  and,  9  :  82 
Hardenbergh  patent  and,  7:323 

Harris  Ferry-Lancaster  Iroquois  Congress  (1757)  and,  9:729,  743 
Hartford  Iroquois  Council  (1763),  4:123 
Iroquois  Canadian  delegation  (1756),  2:706;  9:669 
Iroquois  English  embassy  proposal  (1763),  10:902 

at  Johnson  Hall  Chugnut-Wyaloosing  conference  (March  1764),  11:95 
Johnson  Hall  conference  (Feb.,  1770),  12:777-80 
at  Johnson  Hall  Iroquois  conference  (Jan.  1764),  11:32 
Johnson  Hall  Iroquois  Congress  (April,  1762),  3:699,  714 
at  Johnson  Hall  Iroquois  Congress  (Dec.  1763),  10:967-68 
at  Johnson  Hall  Susquehanna  Congress  (Feb.  1764),  11:59,  61-62,  65-66,  67 
Johnson  recall  rumors,  11:546 

Johnson  tours  of  the  Iroquois  country,  7:993;  12:747n 
Johnson  visits  (1763),  10:720 
Kindarunty's  death  and,  10:67,  70 
land  rights  of,  1:528,  529;  2:230-34;  13:40 
location  and  fighting  numbers  (1703),  4:241 
McMickel  murder  (1758)  and,  10:82-84,  86,  88,  97-98 
on  Miami-French  quarrel  at  Fort  Duquesne  (1758),  2:774-75 
Missisaugas  and,  9:85,  86,  903 

Montreal  expedition  (1700),  10:1  s::,  is  I,  253,  254;  13:168 
Montreal  war  party  (1757),  9:787 

Mount  Johnson  Iroquois  Congress   (June,    1755),  1:041;  9:1^9 
neutrality  in  Seven  Years  War,  2:32."),   736:   9:824,  S39,  903,  926,  928-29, 

934-35;  10:5,  22,  25 
Niagara  and,  1:106;  9:683 

at  Niagara  Congress  (1764),  4:481;  11:253,  270,  309 
Niagara-Detroit  Congress  (1761)  journey,  13:207-68 
Niagara  expedition  recruitment  and,  1:784;  2:374-70;  9:214-16 
at  Onondaga  Council  (1753),  9:114,  118 



Cayuagas,  (175©),  9:452 

(1757),  2:072,  699,  700;  9:631,  661,  769,  784 

(1758),  2:792 

(1761),  10:221,  222 

(1762),  10:588 

(1763),  10:663 

(1764),  4:367 

Oswego  fall  and,  2:563,  564 

Oswego  French  conferences  (1758),  10:20,  21-22,  25 

Oswego  Iroquois  Congress  (1759),  3:138,  139;  13:135-36,  139,  143,  143-44, 
152,  155,  156 

in  Oswego  troop  census  (1760),  10:175 

outpost  evacuation  and  resettlement  (1766),  12:116 

Owegy  depredations  (1770),  12:777-80 

Pennsylvania  and,  2:770;  8:883-84 

prisoner  return  (1762),  10:395 

Schenectady  (?)  march  (1755),  1:755-56 

Seneca  hostage  release  request  (1764),  11:479 

Seneca  peace  negotiations  (1763-64),  4:274;  10:635,  961;  11:114,  158 

Seneca  peace  treaty  (1764)  and,  11:135-42,  142-46,  147,  149,  150,  155,  156 

Seneca  plot  (1761),  10:370;  13:219-20,  270 

smith  for,  1:765;  3:714;  9:689,  794,  928,  929;  13:8,  152,  156 

Susquehanna  purchase  and,  9:158,  162;  10:720 
Wyoming  settlement  protest  (1769),  12:758 

on  Susquehanna  River,  3:931;  9:827;  12:1094 

threat  of  general  Indian  War  (1763)  and  4:213,  220;  7:653,  689-90 

Ticonderoga  campaign  (1758),  9:944;  10:17,  21,  38 

trade,  7:1139-40;  9:408,  689,  926-29,  934 
Oswego,  1:135,  291;  3:240 

Western  Indian  threats  (1767)  of  revolt,  12:386 

Virginia  murders  (1763),  11:40,  61,  135,  143 

white  men  among,  11:337 
Cazeau,  Francois,  5:133,  408;  6:435-36 
Cazot,  Father,  7:576% 

Cechcoana  (Mohawk),  2:577;  9:588,  596,  645;  12:897 
Cecheona,  Jacob,  2:632,  633;  3:155 
Cedar  Snow  (vessel),  2:505 
Cedars,  The,  7:960;  13:171% 

Indians  fired  upon  by  soldiers  at,  10:305,  448;  11:352-54 

Iroquois  Canadian  Indian  deputies  at,  12:1027;  13:617 
Cedar  Point,  13:259,  260 
Celick,  capt.  ,  1:784 

Celoron  de  Bienville  (Blainville),  1:316% 

quoted,  1:911,  912 

at  Battle  of  Lake  George,  2:20,  22 

Iroquois  and,  1:277%;  9:60-61 
Celoron 's  Journal  (trans.  Lambing),  1:909% 
Centaur  (vessel),  1:331 
Cesar  (Mohegan  sachem),  11:424 
ChabeiUet,  ,  11:827 

Chabert  (Chabiere),  see  Joncaire,  Daniel,  Sieur  de  Chabert  et  Clausonne 
Chaboulliere,  L.,  5:133 
Chaboulley,  Louis,  11:827 
Chadakoin,  Lake,  see  Chautauqua,  Lake 
Chadoinon  Indians,  8:667,  668,  670 
Chadwick,  capt.,  7:240 

Chadwick,  Toby,  4:588,  691,  692;  11:406,  640,  641,  642 
Chaite  (chief  of  the  Rain  Lake),  11:806-807 
Ohaleurs,  Bay  des,  10:978 
Chalmers,  Judge,  4:49 

Chamberlain,  Theophilus,  4:813%;  5:391,  458;  11:801 
Chambers,  ,  capt.,  4:254;  7:708%,  769,  1023 

Chambers,  A.  Gaasbeck,  2:419 


Sir  William  Johnson  Papers 

Chambers,  Benjamin,  3:802 
Chambers,  John,  3:286n;  9:122 

at  Canajoharie  land  claims  inquiry  (1763),  10:609 

Clinton  estate  and,  4:110 

demission   (1762),  3:612 

on  Fort  Ontario  repairs  (1752),  9:97 

at  Klock  trial,  3:672 

at  New  York  Council  (1755)  on  Mohawk  fortification,  1:452 

at  New  York  Councils  (1755)  on  Susquehanna  Purchase,  1:454,  463 

Swan  bond  and,  1:20 

Warren  estate  claim  certificate  (1754),  13:33-35,  38 
Chambers,  Robert  W.,  2 :  xi,  xii 
Chamber's  Dictionary,  1:264 
Champion  and  Hayly,  3:140;  13:149 
Champlain,  Lake,  4:199 

Amherst  on,  l:548n;  10:130-31 

Crown  Point  expedition  (1755)  and,  1:468,  70,  472,  474 
directions  for  possible  retreat,  1 :  777 
row  galley  for,  1:483,  492,  557,  651 
strategic  importance  of,  1:553 

Fort  St.  Frederic  and,  1:695,  891 

Freidenberg  lease,  5:345;  7:191 

French  boats  (1757)  on,  9:780 

Gordon  visit  (1765),  13:374 

Iroquois  land  claims,  1:268,  470;   3:409,  427;   8:840;   10:972:   12:172-73, 
Mohawk-Stockbridge  Indian  agreement  (1768),  12:603-604 

Johnson  land  purchases  on,  8:415-16;  12:1072 

map,  4:890 

military  land  grants  (1768),  12:538 

mining  on  islands  of,  4:540 

Moore  visit  (1766),  12:174,  201 

Narrows  (Two  Eocks,  Pulpit  Rock)  of,  1:834;  2:27n,  475,  649 

navigability,  5:56 

New  Hampshire  claims,  10:885 

New  York-Quebec  boundary,  5:268;  8:214;  10:978 

roads,  1:860-61;  2:62,  287,  310:  7:957 

Rogers  on,  2:502;  3:260,  262 

settlement  on,  4:217 

sleighing  on,  3:348 

South  Bay: 

boatbuilding,  1 :  65 1 

fortification  of,  1:484,  773-74;  2:114,  115,  131,  132-33,  194 

French  camp  (1755)  near,  1:883;  2:17,  75,  82,  102 

land  survey  around,  2:327,  353-54,  432 

scouts  at,  2:17,  258,  295,  297,  303,  307,  308,  423;  9:339 

travel  on,  3:375,  396,  637,  747,  12:1026;  13:617,  624,  628 
Cliamplain  River,  2:97 
Champlin,  Christopher,  maj.,  1:659;  2:122,  137;  13:50 

at  Crown  Point  (1755)  Councils  of  War,  2:198,  250;  9:260 

guard  reports,  2:174,  278;  9:297 

Narragansctt  lands  and,  4:757;  5:500 

reports  on  Crown  Point  shortages,  1:710;  2:134 
Champlin,  col.,  4:692 

Champlin,  Benjamin,  4  :  L59 
Champlin,  William,  5:501 
Chandler,  Dr.  Thomas  Bradbury,  5:  ix,  430 

"Appeal  in  Behalf  of  the  Church  of  England  in  America,"  5:7S0n,  835-36, 
837,840,841;  6:131-33,  L64;  7:1;  8:187n 

biographical  sketch,  5:780n 

portrait,  6:132 
Chanem,  James,  4:154 



Chapar,  Nicholas,  see  Capar,  Nicholas 

Chapin,  Benjamin,  9:281 

Chapman,  (of  Cushietunk),  4:784 

Chapman,  (Niagara  trader) ,  10 : 741 ;  13 : 293 

Chapman,  Abigail,  4:496?i 

Chapoton,  B.,  12:968-69 

Chapoton,  Jean  Baptiste,  4:603w 

in  Detroit  siege  (1763),  4:604;  13:319 

Detroit  traders'  petition  (1767),  5:656 
Chapoton,  Joseph,  5:363,  368;  12:160 
Chapnuck,  Pennsylvania,  11:225 
Chappel,  Fredrick,  1:766 
Chappuis,  ,5:93 

Chaquamegon,  Wisconsin,  3:502w 
Chararoones,  Iroquois  alliance,  9:560-61 
Charles  (Negro),  7:326 

Charles  VII,  Emperor  of  the  Holy  Roman  Empire,  1:27,  28 
Charles  I,  king  of  England,  6:560,  572 
Charles  II,  king  of  England: 

Boston  Commissioners  for  Propagating  the  Gospel,  12:913 

Connecticut  charter  and  4:456,  45S,  460;  5:460;  7:242w;  11:255,  257,  260, 

Mohegan  Uncas  and,  11:255-56 

Pennsylvania  letters  patent,  6:357-58,  361 

Saybrook,  Connecticut  and,  11:262 
Charles,  Robert,  7:840,  925;  12:848 
Charles,  Sarah,  5:154 

Charles  William,  prince  of  Brunswick-Luneburg,  4:395 
Charleston,  South  Carolina,  3:205« 
Charles  Town,  North  Carolina,  5:31;  8:1084;  9:755 

Creek  murders  at,  4:297,  315-16,  395 
Charlestown,  Rhode  Island,  3:125;  5:583-85 
Chariot,  Miss,  7:269 

Charlotte,  princess  of  Mecklenburgh-Strelitz,  3:536 
Charlotte  County,  New  York,  8:413,  463,  492 
Charlottenburg  iron  works,  see  Hasenclever,  Peter,  iron  works 
Charlotte  River  (Adageghtinge)  patent: 

Adigo  Creek  and,  12:787,  788,  818,  826,  875,  958,  983 

boundaries,  1:921-22;  12:754,  880 

Bradstreet  and,  7:710,  718 

Colden  survey,  7:1126,  1145;  12:828,  829,  875,  880 

Johnson  will,  12:1071;  13:15ra 

legal  fees,  13:530 

Morris  and,  12:754,  767 

mortgage,  7:216 

patent  sharers,  12:787-88,  812;  13:529 

Servis  exchange  offer  (1770),  7:676-77 

settlers,  12:829-30,  875 
Charlton,  Rev.  ,  5:430 

Charme,  see  Du  Cliarme 
Chartres,  Fort: 

abandonment  (1772),  8:417,  588,  593 

accounts : 

(1766),  5:382 

(1767),  5:568,  601,  748-55;  12:328-29 

(1768),  6:176-77,  187,  199,  207,  313,  366-94,  553 

(1769),  6:633;  7:298-99 

arms  shortage  (1764),  11:167-68 

Bouquet  messages  (1764),  11:44771 

Cole  house  purchase  (1766),  12:171 

Croghan  expedition  (see  Illinois  country,  Croghan  expedition) 

Delaware  peace  treaty  (1765)  and,  4:734 


Sir  William  Johnson  Papers 

Deputy  Agent  at  6:329 

Detroit  siege  (1763),  French  communication,  10:740,  741,  744;  13:292,  293, 

295    296    319-20 
doctor  at,  5:518-19;  13:39S,  399,  421 
English    occupation,    5:33,    66,    92,    146,    205,    239-40;    6:194-95;    7:1149; 

10:821-22;  11:244,  377,  497,  498,  509,  516-17,  808,  809,  839-40,  853,  856, 

867-68,  880,  881,  900-902,  919-20;  13:410 

.Stirling  in,  4:798,  816,  873,  886;  5:35,  55,  68;   11:928,  940,  944,  954, 
986-87,  988;  12:8,  16,  28,  34,  39,  54-55 
English  purchase  plans,  5:324 

expeditions  against  (1765),  4:859»,  861,  886;  5:18» 
Farmar  command,  5:109,  119;  11:928%,  940,  987,  988;  12:31 
fortification,  4:887 
Fraser  expedition  (1765),  4:768,  809,  811,  816,  859%;  11:516,  647,  790,  804, 

810,  869,  881,  904,  921,  958k, 
French  molested  by  English  Indians  (1768),  12:547 
garrison  (1766),  12:177 
Hay  mission  (1774),  8:1070-71,  1118-19,  1136-37,  1149,  1194;  13:666,  667, 

Illinois  colony  government,  4:8S7;  12:415,  429 
Indian  Affairs  jurisdiction,  11:604 
Indian  attack  threats: 

(1760),  3:222 

(1770),  7:525-26,  552;  8:7;  12:813,  917 

(1771),  8:343 

(1772),  8:551 
interpreter,  4:191;  5:579;  12:79,  81,  85,  701;  13:395,  397,  399,  421,  427 

house  rent  (1767)  for,  12:284 
Kickapoo  scalping  party  (1708),  12:602-603 
location,  12:22n 

Loftus  (22nd  regiment)  attempt  to  relieve,  11:199,  223 
Maisonville  journey  (1771),  12:931-32 
Ohio  communication,  5:305 
Pontiac  and,  4:404,  799;  11:226-27,  246,  249-50 

Croghan  meeting  plans  (1766),  12:48,  70,  79,  80 
present  disbursement  policies  and,  6:298-99;  12:583-84;  13:426 
provisions,  5:468,  681;  12:100-101,  112,  253-55 
Rogers  alleged  plot  against,  12:440,  449 
Saint  Vincent  scalping  (1768)  near,  6:294,  433 
scalping  (1771)  at,  8:178,  278,  343 
Shawnee  message  (1764)  by  Joncaire,  11:404 

Shawnee  pretense  of  authority  from  Johnson  (1772),  8:661,  6S8-S9 
Shawnee  provisions  (1764),  11:475,  482 
Shawnees  murdered  (1766),  12:91-92 
Sinnott  journey  (1765),  4:869;  ll:893n,  900 

smiths,     5:579,  754;   6:20-21,  128;   7:78;  12:79,  81,  85,  701;  13:421,  427 
Spanish  and,  5:753-54;  7:221n,  722;  12:601-60::,  622,  052 
soldier  killed  (1771),  8:]  43,  519 
trade,  5:vU,  562,  601,  736 

colonial  administration,  6:623;  7:205;  12:710,  732 

commissary  appointment,  5:77,  80,  94,  278,  289-90,  334,  362;  6:21-22; 
11:537,  561,  570;  12:23,  34,  68w,  70,  74,  76,  79,  80,  81,  82,  83,  84-S6, 
160,  373,  584-85 

Deputy  authority  12:413;  13:424 

English  imports  (1770),  12:822 
French  competition,  4:627-28;  5:736,  753-55;  6:21;  11:902,  9S8;  12:39-40 

French  view  of,  4:761-66 

limitation  to  outposts,  5:724;  6:.r,  54;  12:202;  13:458 

Missouri  Indian  invitation,  5:578;  13:412,  426 

in  Niagara  trade  report  (1768),  12:650 

opening  bv  Croghan  expedition,  4:624-26,  706-707,  710-11,  717-19,  7.:l  32, 
740,   779,   787,   799;    11:497,   516,    388-39,    733,   776,   815,   816,  818; 



Chartres,  Fort,  12:18-19,  632-33 
traders'  risks  in,  4:781-82 

Villiers  instructions  (1763),  10:821-22 

Wabash  massacre  of  buffalo  hunters  (1768),  6:326 

Wabash  murders  near  (1769),  7:16,  76-77 
(1770),  7:872 

Western  Indian  conspiracy  (1771)  and,  8:7,  143 

Western  Indian  messages  (1773-74)  and,  12:1045,  1046,  1047,  1049  Eiver,  10:978,  979 
Chateaugay  (Yoroghsarheough)  Creek,  10:805-806 
Chatham,  Lord,  see  Pitt,  William 
Chatham  (vessel),  4:118 
Chauanon  Indians,  9:570 
Chauchay,  Simon,  4:375 
Chaudiere  Eiver,  1:792 
Chaumont  Bay,  2:230,  233,  235n 
Chauncy,  Eev.  Charles,  6:133n 
Chauncey,  Elihu,  col.: 

arms  deficiency  list  (1755),  9:263 

at  Crown  Point  (1775)  Councils  of  War,  2:175,  198,  250,  312 

reinforcement  companies  of,  2:89,  198,  259 

State  of  the  Army  report,  2:313,  315 
Chautauqua  County,  New  York: 

Delaware  refuge  (1764),  11:163 

Treaty  of  L'Ance  aux  Feuilles  and,  ll:329n 
Chautauqua  Creek,  13:264 
Chautauqua  (Chadakoin),  Lake,  1:919 
Chauvignerie,  2:755 
Chauvin,  Mrs.  Beaubien,  10 :  693 
Chaville,  Louison,  see  Chevallier,  Louis 
Chawcom,  James,  5:19;  11:408,  433 
Chawgo,  Mercy,  5:153 
Cheap,  George  F.,  3:634;  10:248 
Cheap  Cag  (Oneida),  9:702 
Cheas,  Joseph,  8:655 
Cheat  Eiver: 

Delaware  chief  killed  (1767)  at,  5:574 

forcible  settlement,  5:492,  548,  590,  850;  6:86;  8:9 

Mason-Dixon  line  and,  5 :  737 

trade,  5:738 
Checut,  ,  4:604 

Cheeksonkaun,  Jacob,  capt.  (Captain  Jacob — Stockbridge  Indian) : 

Abenakis  and,  3:360;  10:194,  346 

on  Albany  land  claims,  10:386-87;  12:271-73 

behavior  in  Niagara  skirmish,  4:232 

Bradstreet  expedition  (1764),  4:431 

Caghnawaga  dispute  and,  3:829-30 

on  Delaware-Shawnee  uprisings  (1763),  10:930-32 

Fort  Stanwix  Congress  (1768)  and,  6:431-32 

Indian  recruitment  (1757)  and,  9:801-802,  804n 

Mohawk  agreement  (1768),  12:603-604 

on  murder  trial  for  Stockbridge  Indian  (1757),  9:622 

payment  of  Indian  troops  and,  2:678;  9:590,  632 

replacement  of  dead  friends  (1758),  13:113 

royal  appeal  request  (1766),  12:97-98 

settler  protection  petition  (1765),  4:892 

on  Ticonderoga  French  troops  (1756),  2:558;  9:528 

Virginia  speech  to  the  Governor  (1767),  5:666 

Chegotimi,  see  Chicoutime 
Cheinett,  Andrew,  8:1214 
Chelburn,  see  Shelburne,  Lord 
Chemung  Eiver,  4:288,  405% 


Sir  William  Johnson  Papers 

Chenango   (Otseningo),  2:876;  4:582 

Canestio  expedition  (1764)  and,  4:336,  344,  393;  11:132 

Conoys  at,  9:633;  11:64-65 

council  fire  at,  10:775;  11:65 

Delaware-Iroquois   Council    (1756)    at,   2:465,   469,   470;    9:382,   3S3,   416, 
455-56,  609,  744,  747,  752 

Delaware-Shawnee  punishment  recruitment  at,  11:186-S7 

Esopus  Indian  settler  at,  11:62,  66-67 

expenses  in  behalf  of  Indians  of,  12:735,  898,  948,  998 

French-Spanish  "flag"  at,  12:550 

Ganeghwaghtai  (Indian  town)  and,  10:643-44 

Indian  recruitment  at,  9:909;  10:175;  11:67 

Johnson  message  (1763)  on  western  revolts,  10:726,  946 

Mahicans  at,  9:686,  700,  710,  712,  786,  791-92,  827,  846-47,  850;  11:62,  66 

murder  of  Seneca  George's  son  (1769)  at,  7:63 

Nanticoke-Oquaga  Council  (1764),  11:39 

Nanticokes  at,  5:544;  9:806,  827;  11:64-65;  12:305,  352,  529,  591,  647 

Negro  "incendiary"  at,  11:165,  174-75 

Niagara  Congress  (1764)  and,  11:253 

Onondagas  at,  4:101;  10:657-58,  963;  11:32,  60,  64 

Susquehannah  Indian  resettlement  (1764)  at,  11:60,  64-65,  67,  106-107,  187, 
Chene,  see  Chesne 
Chenette,  Kiviere  a  la,  13:244n 
Chenier,  Ignace,  5:380 
Chenondadev  (Chanundidie)  Indians,  1:106,  138;  9:415,  652,  656 

English  lovaltv  (1758),  2:794,  795,  828 

expenses  (1757)  in  behalf  of,  9:650,  652,  653,  656,  780 

Mohawks  and,  9:780;  10:147 

Niagara-Detroit  Congress  (1761)  and,  13:231-32,  246 

recruitment  (1758),  2:828;  10:87 

Senecas  and,  9:947;  13:230 

trade  request  (1757),  13:100-101 
Chmoontawanie,  9:93 
Chenussio,  see  Gencseo 
Chonussios  (Genesee  Senecas,  Jenncsie,  Kanuskagos)  : 

Albany  visit  (1763),  4:228,  229,  232-33 

ammunition  request   (1767),  12:28S 

Bradstreet  expedition  and,  11:473,  495 

Caghnawagas  and,  10:966,  967 

Canadasega  Senecas  and,  10:855,  866,  867,  892,  945,  973 

at  Canajoharie  Council  (1759),  3:27-28,  30 

Canestio  murders  and,  4:309,  318;  10:721 

Cayuga  death  replacement  request  (1771),  8:17 

Oouagne  visit  (1764),  11:213 

Delawares  and,  2:6S0-82;  5:662  (see  also  Dclawares,  peace  negotiations  and 
offers  (1764),  Chenussio  protection  of  Squashcutter's  party) 

English  attack  (1763)  on  castle  of,  10:7> 

English  plans  to  attack  (1761),  4:2.'!5,  304,  306,  308-309,  310,  314,  318-19, 
325,  330,  354,  355,  363,  370 

expenses  in  behalf  of,  3:167,  168,  174,  175,  177;  12:798,  863 

Fort  Augusta  attack  plans  (176.'!),  10:757 

at  Fort  Johnson  meeting  (1756),  9  :".;:'- v' 

FortStanwix  Congress  (1768),  12:621,  626-27,  665 

French  embassy  (1763),  10:769 

French  sympathies  (1758),  10:5 

at  German  Flats  conference  (1763),  10:726 

German  Flats  trading  visits  (1763)_,  4 :228 ;  10:915-16 

Fort  Pitt  attack  threats  H762),  10:402,  IOC 

French  attack  threats  (1758),  10:14 

horse  and  gun  thefts  from  settlers  (1772),  12:940,  941-42,  967 

horses  (1761),  13:227,  236,  238 



Chenussios,  Iroquois  deputies  (1763)  to,  10:833-34 

Iroquois  threat   (1761)   to  the  English,  3:439,  441,  491,  630,  694-98,  792; 

13 -221   227   230   232-33 

plot    betrayed,    10:319-20,    324,    347,    354,    370,    380-81,    398-99,    406; 
Iroquois  threat  (1763)  to  the  English,  4:169,  173,  180,  235 
at  Johnson  Hall  Iroquois  Congress  (April  1762),  3:695-98,  706-707,  709-10; 

10:409,  428 
at  Johnson  Hall  Iroquois  Congress  (Oct.  1763),  4:274,  282-83 
at  Johnson  Hall  Iroquois  Congress  (July,  1771),  12:912 

at  Johnson  Hall  Iroquois-Western  Indian  Congress   (June,  1774),  12:1107 
Johnson  Hall  visit  (Nov.  1763),  10:930 
land  claims,  13:227 
Missisaug-as  and,  10:721 

Montreal  expedition  (1760),  10:184-85;  13:167 
Niagara    attack    (1763),    4:210,    213,    291,    292;    10:867,    S68,    876,    892, 

893-94    903 
at    Niagara    Congress    (1764),    11:246,    247,    253,    290-98,   311-12,    313-24, 

324-25,  618 
peace    treaty    (1764),    4:502,    512-13,    518,    551;    11:135,    151-57,    327-28, 

337,  343,  358 
Niagara  surrender  (1759)  and,  13:120,  134 
Oswego  Iroquois  Congress  (1759),  13:124,  126,  128-29,  131-32 
Oswego  pork  disbursement  (1760),  3:256 
peace  overtures  (1764),  4:348,  373,  386-87,  438,  492,  495,  497,  498,  500-501; 

10:961,  963-67,  968-71,  972,  973-74,  990;   11:12,  18,  21,  25,  26-27,  52, 

57-58,  68,  96,  104,  116-17 
poverty  (1765)   11:661 
prisoners  (1761),  13:227 
recruitment  (1758),  10:11-13,  38 
smith  for,  9:946 

threat  of  general  Indian  war  (1774)  and,  12:1088-89 
trade  with,  4:83,  228;  10:915-16;  13:149 
Tuscarora  declaration  (1763)  against,  10:946-47,  958-59 
Venango  attack  (1763),  10:768-69 
Venango  murder  (1761)  of,  13:227-28,  255 
Western  Indian  conspiracy  (1771)  and,  8:220,  285,  318,  319,  337,  406, 

white  men  among,  4:300 
Cherokee  Eiver,  see  Tennessee  River 
Cherokees : 

Abenakis  and,  3:555-56 

Augusta  Countv  murders  (1765)  of,  4:755-56,  797;  5:234;  6:225;  11:763, 

785,  812,  863;  12:57,  99 
in  Bouquet  forces  (1758),  11:213 
Canadian  Indian-Iroquois  Council,  1770   (sec  Canadian  Indian  Confederacy, 

Iroquois-Cherokee  Congress  (German  Flats,  July,  1770)) 
Canadian  Indian  message  (1774),  13:668 

Catawbas  and,  4:188;  6:695;  7:89;  9:785,  886-87,  951,  959,  960 
Cayugas  and,  3:818;  4:64;  7:993 

Chickasaws  and,  1:387-88;  8:190,  668,  670;  9:573,  575;  12:689 
Choctaws  and,  3:336;  8:111,  339-40,  1044;  9:573,  597;  12:813,  822 
Claverack  visit  (1767),  6:2 
Creeks  and,  3:356;  4:304,  315-16;  5:234;  7:1016;  8:349,  1044,  1086,  1118; 

12:99,  689 
Delaware  messages  (1758),  2:803-808,  846-49,  863,  876,  878 
Delaware  refuge  among  (1764),  4:399,  403 
Delaware  and  Shawnee  uprisings  and,  2:369,  427-28,  716 
English  hostilities  (1761),  3:301,  329,  336-37,  346,  517,  519;  13:245,  246, 

expenses  in  behalf  of : 

(1758),  2:812;  10:255,  257,  824 


Sir  William  Johnson  Papers 

(1761),  3:550,  573,  581,  593,  822,  823,  824 

fl769), 12:797,  799,  800 

(1770),  12:856,  857,  863,  864,  866 

(1772),  12:1017 
Forbes  Fort  Duquesne  expedition  (1758)  and,  2:784,  811-12;  9:898,  954-55; 

10:91,  103;  13:207 
Fort  Chartres  occupation  aid  (1765),  12:55 
Fort  Duquesne  meeting  (1757),  9:613 
Fort  Johnson  meetings  (1757),  2:729,  741,  742,  743,  751,  756;  9:804-808, 

809,  835,  840-43,  847-48,  852 
Fort  Johnson  meetings   (1758),  2:817-18,  851,  886;  9:946,  947-51,  957-61, 

Fort  Pitt  Conference  (1768),  6:224-25,  694 
French  forts  in  country  of,  3:886,  905,  935 
French  molested  (1768)  by,  12:547 
French  prisoners  of,  9:574 
French  trade  (1756),  9:572,  578-79,  597 

Harris  Ferry-Lancaster  Iroquois  Congress  present  (1757)  for,  9:762-63,  771 
Hurons  and,  3:496,  498;  7:163,  652 
Indian  boundary  line  and,  5:31,  234,  449;  6:406-408;  12:402,  717 

ChiswelPs  Mines  Congress  (1768)  and,  5:793;  6:143-44,  226,  297,  354, 
406,  407 

Iroquois  land  cession  at  Fort  Stanwix  Congress   (1768)    and,  6:184-85, 
693-95;  7:225;  12:674,  709,  715,  747 
Iroquois  alliance  (1756),  9:560-61 

(1758),  2:858-62,  863-64 

(1769),  7:294-95,  319,  328,  332 

(1770),  7:490-91,  525,  551-52,  655,  705-706,  785,  799.  957,  993,  1016, 
1053,  1076;  12:813,  822,  881 

(1771),  8:70,  142-43,  407,  518-19 

(1772),  8:586,  638 

(1774),  8:1086 
Iroquois  message  (1758),  2:847,  858-62,  863-64 
Iroquois  war  and  peace  negotiations: 

(1761),  13:207 

(1762),  3:988;  10:543,  548,  550,  566,  573-74,  576,  5S4,  592,  594,  605,  635 

(1763),  4:6-7,  62,  64,  97,  180,  190-91,  193,  196,  266,  395;  10:635,  755, 
866   891   908-909   933   942-43 

(1765)',  4:828,  840-41.  848-49,  872;   11:863,  893,  932-33,  941-42,  976 

(1766),  5:31,  33,  48,  234-35,  369,  449;  12:21,  34,  56-57,  98-99 

(1767),  5:548,  552,  739;  6:3,  5;  12:294,  295,  308,  315,  344-45,  372, 
418;   13:428 

1768  peace  conference,  6:107n,  122-23,  124,  135,  136,  139-40,  142,  149-51, 
153,  155,  176,  198/!,,  203,  224-26,  252,  292,  480,  652;  12:451-52, 
456-58,  460,  461,  464,  467-68,  469,  470-71,  472,  473,  475,  881 

Boyd  murder  (1767)  and,  12:337-39,  360 

Johnson  Hall  pence  deputation  (1767),  5:832;  6:7,  32,  69n;  12:313,  322, 
332,  393-96,  406,  415,  431-32,  455,  688-89,  736,  761 

policy  of  division  of  confederacies  and,  7:151;  8:233,  252-53;  12:881 

Prince  of  Chote's  speech,  12:339-40,  360,  386,  388-89 
King  (Thomas)  and,  8:247;  12:089 
Koliy  nation  of,  9:947,  948,  949 

land  claims,  6:490,  513,  537,  692.  693  94,  708-709;  7:66,  110,  160;  12:56 
Long  Cane  River  massacre  ( 1  76  I  )  and,  11:15 
Louisiana  and,  2:725;  9:569-81,  596  98,  793 

peace  negotiations,  2:725;  9:569-81,  r,!)6-98 
Lyttleton  Treaty  (1760).  10:138-39 
Mohawk  messages  (1758),  9:806,  900,  950  51,  957  60 
Muskingum  meeting  wit Ii  Delawares  ( 1774),  8:105S;  I2:1dsi' 
"Northward  Indian"  hostilities  (1760),  7:141,  163 
numbers,  12:56;  13:188 
Ohio-French  hostilities,   1:387-88;   2:846-49,  858-64;   4:763,  766;   9:719 



Cherobees,  846-49,  859-62,  948,  957 

Ohio  raids  (1768),  6:275 

Ohio  River  murders  (1774)  and,  8:1084;  12:1090-91 

Ohio  settlements  of,  2:29;  3:222 

Oneidas  and,  4:232;  9:840-43,  847-48 

at  |Onondaga  Iroquois  Council  (1769),  7:86,  112,  294-95,  319,  328,  332,  362, 
380,  490-91;  12:769 

Ottawas  and,  3:284;  11:112;  13:260 

Piankashaws  and,  7:955-56;  8:646 

Post  Vincent  threat  (1771),  12:931 

recruitment  of,  2:828;  4:235;  9:804-808,  894;  10:950;  11:244 

schools  for,  5 :  343 

Scioto  Council  (1770),  12:769 

Senecas  and,  3:450,  662,  698,  732-33;  5:450,  458;  8:496;  10:317 

Shawnees   and,   2:427-28,    848;    3:337,   449;    7:182,   184,   404,   722,   1131; 
8:58,  70,  340;  10:522,  535,  624;  12:822 
Shawnee  refuge  (1764)  among,  4:426;  11:132,  176,  195 

Teedyuscung  and,  2:797-99,  803-805,  808,  814,  842,  849 

Ticonderoga  attack  (1758)  and,  9:945 

Tsyody  nation  of,  9:947,  948,  949,  958 

on  Virginians  murdered  (1767),  5:540,  548 

Western  Indian  conspiracy  (1771)  and,  8:7,  8,  260,  279,  349,  374 

Western  Indian  hostilities,  3:336-37;  4:235;  6:433-34;  7:652,  1077;  8:279, 
349,  374,  668,  670,  843,  895;  10:200-201;  12:600,  689,  812-13,  822,  872, 
945,  1079-80  {See  also  specific  enemies,  supra) 

Winchester  meeting  (1758),  2:784-85 
Cherry  Valley,  New  York,  1:57;  7:528;  ll:80n;  13:507 

Albany  patent  map,  3:312,  418 

butter,  8:700 

Harper  land  negotiations,  12:259,  331,  346,  542 

Indian  attack  threat  (1757),  2:759 

Indian  attack  threat  (1763),  10:869,  894,  934,  957 

defense    (1763),    4:263,    273,    277,    306,    313,    342,    347,    400-401,    411; 

Indian  attack  threats  (1764),  11:76,  86 
defense  (1764),  11:41,  79-80 

Indian  boundary  line  and,  12:520 

Indian  gathering  at,  for  Harris  Ferry  journey  (1757),  9:620-21 

Indian  stop  on  Fort  Stanwix  Congress  journey  (1768),  12:648 

justice  appointments,  3:609,  622;  12:769 

Oquaga  reinforcement  (1764)  from,  11:159 

Oquaga  trade,  10:897,  898 

Oquagas  in,  11:33,  45 

provisions   (1763),  10:872 

provisions  (1764),  4:435,  437;  11:108-109,  111 

roads,  8:303-304 

scouts  at,  4:400 

Spencer  land  purchase  (1767),  12:343 

Tory  massacre  (1778),  ll:79n 
Chesne,  Elleopole,  see  Chesne,  Meni 
Chesne,  Isidore,  10:694 
Chesne  (Minichesne),  Meni  (Elleopole): 

Clark  murder  (1768)  and,  12:507-508 

deposition  on  murder  of  child,  5:652-53 

Fort  Miami  siege  (1764)  participation,  4:600n;  10:693-94 

as  interpreter,  4:708;  5:289,  340,  382,  516 

Pontiac  and,  5:637,  638,  648,  649,  652-53,  675,  6SS-89,  723,  730;  10:732; 
12:29;  13:319 

salary,  11:685 
Chesne  La  Bute,  Pierre,  see  La  Bute,  Pierre  Chesne 
Chesnut,  ,4:67 

Chesnut,  Alexander,  13:533,  568 


Sir  William  Johnson  Papers 

Chester  County,  Pennsylvania,  5:616;  13:180 

Chester  Creek,  3:802,  806 

Chevalier,  Mme.,  3:415 

Chevalier  (Chevallie),  Augustin,  5:639,  640 

Chevalier  (Chevallie),  Charles,  5:639,  640 

Chevalier  (Chevallie),  Frangois,  5:638,  640 

Chevallier,  Louis: 

on  Delaware  war-belts  (1774),  13:670 

Michilimackinac  trade  petition  (July,  1765),  11:827,  829 

Pottawatomie  murders  of  Detroit  traders  (176S),  12:487,  508,  518 

Saint  Ange  message  to  the  Western  Indians,  12:227-28 

Saint  Joseph  attack  (1763)  and,  10:715 

Saint  Joseph  Pottawatomies  and,  5:239,  6:121-22;  8:804,  818,  819,  973 

son's  murder  by  Pottawatomies,  6:725-30 
Chew,  capt.,  9:12,  33 

Chew,  ,  sea  captain,  12 :  1043 

Chew,  Benjamin,  7:868 

Broadhead  report  (1762)  and,  10:536 

at  Easton  Council  (1756),  2:524 
(1761),  3:518 

(1762),  3:761,  765,  782,  790;  10:455 
answer  to  Quaker  Assembly  members,  3:799-811 
answer  to  Teedyuscung,  3:812-18 

Fort  Stanwix  Congress  (1768)  and,  12:620,  621,  630 

at  Harris  Ferry-Lancaster  Congress  (1757),  9:743 

at  Lancaster  Council  (1762),  10:540 
Chew,  Colley,  8:1073 
Chew,  Joseph,  1:101,  204-205,  208-209,  224,  309,  400,  410,  452;    7:556,  764 

autograph,  7:xi 

Byrne  (Thomas)  disappearance  and,  8:5,  13,  43 

on  Cartwright's  illness,  6:460 

on  Connecticut  governorship  (1769),  6:759 

Cottgrave  offer  to  rent  house  of,  8:321 

daughter's  death,  6:688 

debts,  8:185-87,  289-90,  296 

farmers  settling  near  Johnson  Hall,  7:321 

Franklin  (William)  and,  8:1158 

garden  gifts,  6:730-31,  767,  768;  7:234,  240,  242,  570,  610-11,  644-45,  649, 
684,  1023,  1059-60;  8:43,  67,  71,  82 

as  Governor  of  Fairs,  8:907 

gratitude  to  Johnson,  6:204-66,  306,  767;  7:241, 1108 

Indian  Affairs  Secretaryship,  8:1146;  ll:277n;  13:678 

invitation  to  Johnson,  6:253 

Johnson  (Peter)  and,  8:919,  920 

Johnson  Hall  journey  (1770),  12:S25 

Johnson  Hall,  removal  (1771-72)  to,  7:1117;  8:5-6,  42,  67,  71-72,  89,  185-87, 
289-90,  296,  326,  523;  13:678n 

in  Johnson  will,  12:1073,  1075,  1076 

as  Johnstown  justice,  8:637 

land  grant  request  (1774),  8:1073 

law  cases,  7:873-74 

on  Massachusetts  unrest  (1768),  6:304-305,  323-24 
(1769),  6:699 
(1770),  7:514,  999,  1024 

at  Mohawk  conference  (1773),  8:964 

on  Mohe«-an  land  claims,  6 : 7~,!»  60,  767-68 

on  Monro  settler  negoti.-i lions  (1771),  12:10^6  87 

on  New  London  boat  seizures  (1769),  7:71-72 

on  New  York  agitation  (1770),  7:1147-48;  12:826 

postmaster  of  New  London.  6:219,  221,  227,  741-42 

on  Revenue  Act  enforcement,  6:783-84 

on  printer  routed  by  Sons  of  Liberty,  7:241 



Chew,  Joseph,  Eobinson  (Beverley)  and,  7:45-46,  71,  514,  873,  999,  1023,  1108; 
8:186,  289,  523 

on  Kusso-Turkish  war,  7:999,  1024 

sea  water  gift,  7:106 

on  small  pox  epidemic  (1770),  7:939 

son's  birth  (1769),  7:261 

on  Susquehanna  settlers,  3:8S0,  8S3,  884,  885,  890-91,  938;   4:70;   6:272, 
577,  607,  687,  689,  698-99,  730,  782-83,  784;  7:46-47,  235,  273-74,  940, 
999,  1147;  10:416 

Temple  (William)  and,  8:657-58 

Wallace  and,  8:543 

Whiting  and,  7:424;  8:72 

wife's  illness  (1769),  7:274,  320-21 

Windam  visit,  6:271-73 
Chew,  Joseph,  Jr.,  12:1073 
Chew,  William  (Joseph's  son),  7:874;  12:1073 
Chicago,  Illinois,  3:415;  11:697,  698 
Chicconaway  (Menominee  chief),  11:274 
Chickasaws : 

Cherokee-Iroquois  alliance  (1770)  and,  7:1016;  8:70 

Cherokees  and,  1:387-88;  7:404;  8:190,  279,  668,  670;  9:573,  575 

Chippewa  and,  7:949;  8:70 

Choctaw  conference  (Mobile,  1765),  11:802-803 

Choctaw  Congress  (1772),  8:418 

Creeks  and,  4:304,  315 

Delaware-Shawnee  uprisings  and,  9:456 

Fort  Chartres  occupation  (1765)  and,  12:55 

French  and,  8:190;  12:547 

Iroquois  and,  1:387-88;  8:407,  779;  9:560-61 

Kaskaskia  riot  (1772),  8:593 

Kickapoos  and,  8:225,  234 

King  (Thomas)  and,  8:247 

land  cessions  (1766),  12:56 

numbers,  10:951;  13:203 

Piankashaws  and,  7:956 

recruitment,  4:235,  267;  10:951 

Wabash  hostilities  (1773),  8:842,  895 
Chickawan  Creek,  6:258 
Chicksagan  (Mahican),  10:386 
Chicola  (Munsie),  11:89-90,  95-96 
Chicoutime  (Chegotim),  5:345,  444-45,  496 
Chiesatonk,  Pennsylvania,  3:354 
Chignecto,  1:650 
Children : 

adoption  of,  4:363 

apprenticeship  of  Peter  Johnson,  8:919-21,  945-47,  1019-20,  1062-63; 

army  movements  and,  9:909,  912 

birth  in  Campbell  household,  6:475,  489 

birth  in  Davis  (Dudley)  household,  6:500 

boardingschool  requirements,  5:804-805 

of  Chew  household,  6:272,  278,  324,  689;  7:261,  874 

clothing  price  equivalents  in  fur  (1765),  11:990 

coloration  of  half -Indian,  13:190 

Cresap  murders  (1774),  12:1097-98 

death  of  Claus  daughters,  6:408,  409,  422;  8:908,  909-10,  918-19 

death  of  Johnson  godchild,  7:1102 

Delaware,  11:384 

Detroit  murder  of  Mrs.  Fisher's  child,  5:621,  644«,  652-53,  370,  671-73.  688. 
723    730 

in  Detroit  siege  (1763),  10:738;  13:290,  317 

Dutch,  13:193,  197 


Sir  William  Johnson  Papers 

estimate  of  annual  requirements  of  Indian,  4:559 

farm  work  of,  7:892 

of  French  neutrals,  2:459-60 

of  Gawehe,  12:124 

German  Flats  raid  (1757),  9:856-57,  861 

half -Indian  child  of  Francis,  8:235 

Indian  cradles,  13:192 

Indian  languages  and,  12:954 

Tnglis  godson,  7:965;  8:542,  553,  583,  622-23,  625 

Johnson  granddaughters  in  New  York,  8:641,  651,  652,  657,  659,  665,  390, 
691,  710,  713,  723,  731,  765,  782,  786,  824,  829,  892 

Narragansett,  11:432 

Onondaga  chief's  grandson,  10:589 

Oswego  Congress  (Aug.,  1759)  attendance,  13:189 

as  prisoners,  4:440,  630;  9:8;  10:247-48,  262 

Indian   return   of,   3:404;    4:496-98,   500,   586,   620,   771,   774;    9:169; 

10:178;  11:394,  559,  800,  817 
placement  after  recovery,  4:575,  598,  783-84;  5:269,  273,  312;  10:285, 
287,  289,  290,  469;  11:521,  812 

with  Ramsay  (David),  8:484-85;  12:964 

sale  of  Indian,  1:207,  259,  260-61,  330;  3:322,  351;  9:37;  12:909-10 

scalping  of  Indian,  9:8;  11:225 

school  house  massacre  (1764),  4:524;  11:444-45 

as  servants,  8:715;  12:224 

signature  of  land  deeds  by,  4:59,  144,  145;  8:1009 

Shawnee,  11:384 

silkworn  tending,  8:184 

of  slaves,  6:153,  451,  452,  474,  620;  7:563 

Stevenson  household,  7:907-908;  8:16,  469,  470,  974,  1103,  1107-1108 

Stump  murder,  12:419 

toys,  13:659 

Van  Alstine  lost  child,  10:193 

in  woolen  mill  work,  5:792 

See  also  Education ;  Schools ;  and  see  individual  names 
Chile,  7:428 
Chillaway,  Bill,  12:619 
Chilliequagey,  4:110 
Chilloway,  Job,  10:716n 
Chim,  ,  10:715 

Chinestenookrooney  Indians,  10:506 
Chingass  (Delaware  sachem)  see  Sliingo 
Chinn,  ,3:380 

Ohinn,  Howard  &  Bostwick,  4:741;  6:317,  318;  11:827;  12:1007-1008 
Chinn,  Edward: 

Bostwick  enterprise  and,  6:251,  317;  7:908 

Campbell  and,  7:821 

Ducharme  and,  5:379-80 

Indian  trade  indemnities,  4:418;  10:992-93 

liquor  trade  and  Canasadaga  quarrel  (1772),  12:971 

Ottawas  and,  11:698,  869 

Stuart  dispute,  5:345 
Chinn,  John: 

copper  interests,  6:242,  246;  7:49;  8:124 

Indian  trade  indemnities,  10:992-93 

at  Michilimaekinac  smuggling  inquiry  (1767),  5:638,  640 
Chinughiata  (Onondaga  chief),  10:60,  500.  See  also  Bunt,  The 
Chinville  (Chcneville),  L.,  5:133,  169 
Chip,  Henry,  9:282 
Chippewas  (Sauteurs,  Ojibway),  1:495;  2:3S9;  3:414n,  537n:  6:423 

arms  request  (1761), 13:263 

arms  supply  (1764),  11:696,  771,  780 

on  Bradstreet  expedition,  4:492-93;  11:326 



Chippewas,  Bradstreet's  Treaty   (1764)    and,  4:526-27,  530,  531,  547-49,  616; 
11:340,  349-51,  392,  508 
Campbell  Council  (1761),  3:450-53 
canoe  fleet  (1765),  11:697 
Cherokee  hostilities  (1768),  12:600 
Cherokee-Iroquois  peace  negotiations  (1767),  12:394 
Chickasaws  and,  7:949;  8:70 
Claus  and,  8:212,  216 
Delaware  war  belts  (1767),  5:662 

Detroit  appeal  for  return  of  Lt.  Sinclair  (1769),  6:716-22,  776-77;  7:148 
Detroit  conference  with  Croghan  (Nov.,  1767),  13:440-41,  442-43 
Detroit  drowning,  5:731 
Detroit  settlement  and,  7:1149 

Detroit  siege  (1763)  and,  4:150,  164;  10:686-87,  739;  13:291 
Detroit  threat  (1769)  and,  6:751,  776 
Detroit  traders  murdered  (1768)  by,  12:487 
English  hostility  (1763),  4:274 
expenses  (1770-72)  in  behalf  of,  12:868,  899,  1000 
at  Fort  Chartres  (1768),  6:393 
at  Fort  Duquesne,  9:540 

at  Fort  Ontario  Congress  (1766),  5:338;  12:28 
Fort  Stanwix  Congress  (1768)  and,  12:550 
Foxes  and,  8:117,  213 
French  fortification  of  Detroit,  10:145 
Guy  Park  conference  (with  Guy  Johnson,  July  1768),  12:548-50 

journey  to,  12:544-45,  548,  555 
Houtelaas  murder  (1772),  8:501,  526,  551 
Hurons  and,  4:449;  7:316;  8:587 
Hutchins  visit,  10:523-24,  544,  545 
Iroquois  and,  7:716,  796-97;  8:587 
Johnson  conferences  (1760),  10:137-38 
Johnson  Hall  conference  (June,  1765),  4:755re,  756,  774,  777,  778;  11:761, 

769-72,  778,  779-84,  797,  810,  813,  817-20 
Johnson  Hall  conference  (July,  1768),  6:281-82,  283,  307,  314,  326,  333-34 
Johnson  visit  (1759),  3:175 
Lake  Erie  attack  on  traders  (1763),  10:723 
Lake  Superior  copper  prospectors  and,  8:122?i,  124,  125-26,  128 
Menominees  and,  10:523,  525-26,  705;  11:275,  807,  835 
Miami  messages  (1765),  11:765,  851 
Michilimackinac    attack    (1763),    10:694-97,    777-78,    779-86,    787-88,    829; 

11:271,  275,  287 
at  Michilimackinac  conference  (1761)  with  Balfour,  3:537-45 
Michilimackinac  threats : 

(1763),  4:169,  484,  811 

(1768),  6:275 

(1772),  8:501-502 
Niagara  attack  (1763),  4:134-35,  210 
Niagara  attack  threat  (1764),  11:163 
at  Niagara-Detroit  Congress   (1761),  3:475,  490-91,  494,  515,  521;  10:321, 

324;  11:797;  13:231,  241,  243,  255-56,  257 
at  Niagara  Congress  (1764),  4:470,  472n,  475,  476-77,  478-80,  481,  509,  511, 

512,  520;  11:246,  264,  267-73,  276,  278-81,  306-309,  310,  313,  325,  336; 

12:94,  548,  558-59,  560 
Niagara  Council  (1761),  3:453-58,  513,  514 
Niagara  Council  (1767),  5:698 
Niagara  embassy  (1764),  11:202-203,  213-14 
Niagara  French  surrender  (1759)  and,  13:117,  118-19,  120,  128 
numbers  and  location,  3:501;  4:244,  245,  330 
Ohio  Eiver  murders  (1767)  and,  5:686;  12:367,  518 
Oswego  conference  plans  (1756),  9:452 
Ottawa  Council  (1762)  and,  10:534 
peace  offers  (1764),  4:423,  447,  482;  10:975 


Sir  William  Johnson  Papers 

Pond  murder  and,  8 :  789,  879 

Pontiae  messages  (1765),  11:810,  813,  81S-20,  824 

Pontiac  submission  and,  5:76 

Pottawatomies  and,  4:799-800,  883 

Presque  Isle  attack  (1763),  10:727 

Puans  and,  8:117 

Ramsay  murders,  8:512,  514-15 

recruitment  (1764),  11:272 

Rogers  and,  5:713-14;  12:450,  480,  491 

Saguenay  Indians  and,  5:729 

Sault  Ste.  Marie  and,  4:180 

Scioto  Congress  (1768),  7:184;  13:433-34,  436-37,  440,  445 

Seneca  conferences  (1767),  12:374 

Shawnee  Councd  of  1767  and,  5:737 

Shawnee  hostilities,  10:579;  11:531 

Sinclair  servant  murdered  (1767)  by,  5:590,  600-601;  12:335;  13:428 
Albany  imprisonment  of  murderers,  12:336,  337 
murderers  returned  to,  12:364;  13:435,  441-42,  443 

Sioux  and,  4:199,  521;  8:117;  11:336,  343,  807-808;  12:355 

smallpox  among,  8:212 

smallpox  rumors,  at  Detroit  (1768),  12:544-45,  548 

smith  for,  11:771,  780 

Stockbridge  Indians  and,  10:426 

threat  of   uprising    (1765),  4:803-808;   11:739-40,  772,  804-805,  838,  982, 
989;  12:161 

threats  of  uprising  (1770-72),  7:484,  949;  8:501-502 

Toronto  prisoner  (1759),  3:115,  124,  125,  131 

trade,  4:510;  6:275;   10:321;   11:307,  308,  781-82,  S05-806,  818,  826,  835, 
12:411;  13:118-19 

Villiers  message  (1763),  10:819-21 

Western  Indian  conspiracy  (1771)  and,  8:7,  260 
Chiquaquondie  (Onondaga),  9:82 
Chissart,  ,  Canadian  settler,  13:627 

Chiswell's  Mines,  5:793;  6:144,  226,  297 
Chiwarauch,  1:398 

Chitharteraa  (Nanticoke  chief),  12:126,  139 
Choate,  John,  2:249;  9:312 

Council  of  Provincial  Officers  and,  2:304,  335;  13:70 
Choate  River,  12:296 
Choctaws,  2:512 

Cayugas  and,  8:349 

Cherokees  and,  3:336;  8:111,  339-40,  1044;  9:573,  597;  12:813,  822 

Chickesaw  conference  (Mobile,  1765),  11:802-803 

Chickesaw  Congress  (1772),  8:418 

Creeks  and,  4:304,  315,   784-85,   1131-32;   8:58,  143,  519,   820,  843,   1044, 
1086;  11:803,  830 

Fort  Chartres  occupation  and,  12:55 

Iroquois  alliance,  9:500-61 

Iroquois-Cherokee  alliance,  7:294,  525,  993;  8:10S6 

Onondaga  hostilities  (1771),  12:922 

recruitment  (1763),  4:267;  10:951 

schools  for,  5:343 

Spanish-French  alliance  (1768)  and,  12:602 
Choczim,  see  Khotin 
Choiseul,  Etienne  Francois,  due  de,  8:50 
Choptank  River,  6:239 
Chote,  Cherokee  town,  see  Echota 
Chote,  Prince  (or  King)  of,  12:337,  339-40,  360 

Iroquois  circulation  of  speech  (1767),  12:386,  388-89 
Chouaguen  (Oswego),  9:185 
Christeyanse,  Ahaswerus,  13:502 
Ohristiaenstadt,  3:144 



Christiana  (prisoner),  11:489 

Christie,  Daniel,  3:149 

Christie,  John,  ensign,  lieut.,  8:501 

Ainse  defense  deposition  (1768),  12:615-16 
on  Detroit  drownings,  5:441 
at  Fort  Ontario  (winter,  1768-69),  12:669 
Michilimackinac  appointment  (1768),  12:451 

Presque  Isle  attack   (1763),  4:182;   10:733,  734-36,  744,  745;   13:295 
Prevost  and,  5:107 

Rogers-Roberts  dispute  and,  5:638,  640,  652,  764;  8:694 
Rogers  imprisonment  and  trial,  12:438-43,  491,  613,  614,  615 
Rogers  plan  to  imprison,  12:444,  449,  479 
Seneca  prisoner  release  (1765),  4:781,  788 
Christie,  Gabriel,  capt.,  maj.,  lieut.  col.,  2:761,  837;  3:928;  7:953;  13:126,  157 
Canadian  Indians  and,  3:349?i;  4:418 
Canadian  settlers  and,  12:1111 

Couagne  and  LaForce  escape  from  Albany,  2:741;  9:830-31 
vessel  for  board  loading,  13:430 
Christina  (sloop),  1:682 
Christina  Indians,  3:813,  840;  4:789;  7:953 

Michilimackinac  embassy  (1767),  5:614;  12:354 
at  Niagara  Congress  (1764),  4:481;  11:264,  325,  337 
Christis,  James,  10:290 
Christman,  John,  2:486 
Christopher,  John,  3:88 

Chuchtenunda  (Tughtenonda),  1:31;  4:860;  Q-A0n 
Chucks,  Solomon,  5:153 
Chunks,  Moses,  4:680 
(Jhugnut  Indians: 

expenses  for  (1769),  12:758 

at  Fort  Johnson  Susquehanna  Indian  conference   (Feb.,  1756),  9:347,  348, 

349,  393,  394 
Fort  Stanwix  congress,  12 :  628 
at  Johnson  Hall  meeting  (Oct.  1763),  10:896 
at  Johnson  Hall  meeting  (March,  1764),  11:105-109 
Niagara  Congress  (1764)  and,  11:253 
recruitment,  9:804,  909;  11:88-96,  10S 
Wyoming  settlement  and,  11:477 
Chugnutts  (Indian  town),  New  York,  3:872;  4:288,  344;  12:170 
Delaware  invitation  (1763)  to,  10:963 
Mahican  settlement,  10:945,  948,  959-60 
Wyaloosing  Indian  resettlement  (1765)  at,  11:39,  88-96 
Church,  Thomas,  4:156,  161;  11:238,  434-35 

Church  of  England,  1:29,  745?i;  3:558;  4:47;  5:ix-x;  6:xi;  7:683 
Albany  congregation  (1771),  8:350-54 

Convention  of  the  Clergy  (1766),  5:403,  430-31,  432-34,  436,  454-55,  460-62, 

(1767),  5:780-81 
(1769),  7:309 
(1770),  7:691-92,  695 
Corporation  for  the  Relief  of  Widows  and  Children  of  Deceased  Clergy-men, 

7:248,  280-81,  282 
dissenters  excluded  from  Seneca  and  Onondaga  country,  6:607 
ecclesiastical  politics  (1771),  8:203 

episcopates,    5:407-408,    433-34,    440,    461-62,    466,    5S6,    835-36;    6:81-82; 
7:309-310;  8:144,  174 

Albany,  4:342,  381,  448;  5:x,  395,  407-408,  472 
Canadian,  4:299,  306,  309,  313;  5:ix,  408;  8:228,  248 
confiscation  of  Jesuit  lands  for,  11:23 

Johnson's  land  offer  in  behalf  of  an  episcopate,  5:836,  837,  840,  841-42; 
6:18,  27-28,  77,  132,  164-65,  294,  415,  529-31,  542-43,  746-47;  7:5, 
289-90,  292,  518-19.  584,  588,  693;  8:92Sn 


Sir  William  Johnson  Papers 

public  opposition  6:132-33,  306,  415,  455-56;  7:68,  602,  691,  750,  762-63; 
8:583-84,  622 

English  scarcity  of  missionaries,  7:392 

Fort  Stanwix  congress  and,  12:675 

Germans  in,  6:517-18 

Illinois  colonization  and,  5:327-28 

Indian  schools  proposal,  5:383,  388-91,  392-93,  402-403,  407,  409-10,  6S3-85, 
695-96,  775;  6:12,  13,  18,  28-29;  7:588-90 

Inglis  on  Indian  conversion  to,  7:504-508,  596-602,  746-50,  761-66,  875-79, 
962-65;  8:174 
memorial  on,  8:228,  264,  277,  279,  300,  553,  584,  621-22,  624 

Johnson  on,  4:72-73,  107,  236,  428;  8:188 

lottery  scheme  (1772),  8:523 

Lutherans  and,  8:44,  59 

Marsh  on  attitudes  of  lawyers  toward,  4:328 

Mohawks  and,  6:12,  28-29*;  7:358-59,  875-78 

Narragansett  grant,  8:733;  11:641-42 

Narragansett  request  for  mission,  4 :  692-93 

New  York  Assembly  election  (1769)   and,  6:576,  578,  606,  607,  686,  711; 

New  York  governorship  and,  7:249,  283 

New  York  justice  appointments  (1770)  and,  12:796 

oath  of  allegiance  and,  8 :  654-55 

Oquagas  and,  8:1174 

Parliament  and,  8:182 

Peters  on  lack  of  zeal,  8:258 

Presbyterian  baptism  and,  5:391,  458 

Protestant  rivals  of,  5:23,  28-29,   327,   388-S9,  390,  508-509,  510-11,  529; 
6:132-33,  292-93,  311,  330,  529-30,  538,  542-43;  7:584-85,  601 

royal  patronage,  7:585,  589 

Schenectady  congregation  charter,  4:8S5;  5:1,  27-29,  390,  392,  410,  428-29, 
441,  467,  504-505,  508-509;  13:378-79 

Smith's  plan  for  settlement  and  conversion  of  the  Indians,  5:508,  510-14, 
528-32,  568-69 

Society  for  the  Propagation  of  the  Gospel,  4:442;  5:221-23;  7:309-10 

See  also  Missionaries ;  Society  for  the  Propagation  of  the  Gospel  in  Foreign 
Parts;  and  see  individual  missions  and  missionaries 
Cliurches,  see  specific  plaeenames,  e.g.,  Canajoharie,  church 
Cicotte,  Zacharie,  5:289;  10:985-86;  13:317,  .".19 
Cinakaas,  see  Senecas 
Claevw,  Fraens,  Jr.,  capt.,  5:556 
Claner,  Johannes,  8:1101 
Clapham  (trader)  : 

murder  of,  3:887;  10:544% 

trial  and  hanging  of  murderers,  4:95-100;  10:520-21,  690 
Clapham,  William,  capt.  or  col.,  2:439,  454 

massacred,  10:544n;  ll:156n,  444 

murderers  demanded  of  Indians,  4:425;  11:154,  156n,  158 

Oga^hradarisha  and,  2:488,  490,  521-22 
Claro  (Clair),  Robert  Nugent,  Viscount,  5:855;  6:32,  129,  215nj  12:392 
Clark,  (in  Schenectady),  7:798 

Clark,  lieut.,  2:305 

Clark,  ,  sfjt.  maj.,  3:57 

Clark,  capt.,  1:104,  206 
Clark,  maj.,  1:309,  350 
Clark,  Alexander,  7:246 
Clark,  Jacob,  4:375,  376 

Clark,  James  Hill,  5:369;  7:680;  12:507-508 
Clark,  James,  2:700 
Clark,  John,  7:463 
Clark,  Patrick,  2:589 
Clark,  Robart,  1:13 



Clark,  Thomas,  6:274 

Clarke,  ,2:391;  6:360 

Clarke,  capt.,  1:436 

Clarke,  maj.,  1:111,  219,  253 

Clarke,  Edward,  capt.,  maj.,  1:1,  2,  3,  111,  219,  253;  12:191,  221,  262,  381,  829 

land  near  Cosby's  Manor  (1768),  12:686 

Sacondaga  lands,  5:429,  527,  540;  12:89,  156,  191,  193,  221-23,  297 

Northampton  patent  and,  12:381 
Clarke,  Edward,  capt.,  maj.  (younger)  in  West  Indies,  1:11 

Canajoharie  lands  of,  8:460 

land  near  Cosby's  Manor,  12:686,  703-04,  705-06 
Clarke,  George,  2:484,  485 
Clarke,  George,  Jr.: 

in  Oriskany  patent,  12:704 

in  Sacondaga  patent,  12:221,  283,  301,  343 
Clarke,  Hyde,  1:18 
Clarke  (Clark),  John,  capt.,  4:874;  5:106,  116 

Ogastass  and,  5:164 

orders  governing  trade.  5:143,  147 

petition  of  traders  (1766),  5:118,  144,  147,  149-50,  244 
Clarke,  John  M.,  2:ix 
Clarke,  Patrick,  8:353 
Clarke,  Eichard,  7:170 

Clarke,  Thomas,  Kayaderosseras  and,  11 :  852 
Clarke,  Thomas,  capt.,  1:361,  C56,  660 
Clarke,  William,  Sr.,  Susquehanna  Purchase  and,  10:530 
Clase,  LawTence,  12:531 

Claus,  Anne   (Nancy,  daughter  of  Daniel  Clans),  6:408-409,  422;   12:619,  713 
Claus,  Ann  Johnson  (Nancy,  daughter  of  Sir  William),  l:4S9n 

Canadian  residence  and,  6:302 

Claus  dual-superintendency  offer,  13:727 

Claus  visit  to  Johnson  (1763),  4:10 

daughter  born  to,  4:32,  40,  92;  12:713 

daughter's  death  (1768),  6:422;  12:619n,  713 

daughter's  death  (1773),  8:908,  909-10,  918-19 

Gordon  (Lord  Adam)  visit,  13:375 

Johnson's  last  greetings  sent  to,  12:1107,  1113 

in  Johnson's  will,  8:1190 

marriage  proposal,  3:371-72,  381-82,  393-94;  10:260-61,  281 

Oswego  correspondence  (1759),  13:125,  139,  146 

portrait,  7:186;  13:xvi 
Claus,  Daniel,  lieut,  capt.,  col,  2:395,  713,  714;  3:265;  4:363,  635;  5:60,  412; 

6:427,  607;  7:246,  275;  8:x,  558;  11:69;  13:562 

at  Abenaki  conference  (Fort  Johnson,  March,  1762),  10:410 

Abenaki  land  complaints  (1768)  and,  12:580 

at  Abenaki- Missisauga  conference   (Johnson  Hall,  July,  1770),  12:830 

Abenaki  requests,  3:356;  4:811;  10:194,  346-47,  414 

on  Abenaki-Stockbridge  dispute,  3:353,  360,  402-403,  S29-30;  10:410 

accident  (1767),  5:599 

accident  (1769),  12:713 

account  book  saved  throughout  Revolution,  13 :  733 

Adems  land  indenture  (1771),  8:266-70 

Albany  County  division  and,  8:332 

on  Albany  trade  with  Canadian  Indians  (1761),  10:257 

Army  resignation,  3:830,  862 

at  Aughquisasne,  5:341,  635;  13:632-33 

A.ughquisasne-Abenaki    dispute    (1769),    7:126-29,    818-19,    922-23,    928-29, 
934-35,  947,  958-59,  960-61 
Hertel  activities  (1773)  and,  12:1027;  13:620 
Johnson  Hall  conference  (July-Aug.,  1770),  12:840,  843,  846 
Aughquisasne  abuse  (1764)  by  soldiers,  11:351-52,  353 
autograph,  3:xiii 


Sir  William  Johnson  Papers 

biographical  sketch,  l:4S9ft 

in  Baker  accounts,  8:577 

Barrow  and,  8:716 

in  Blackburn  accounts,  8:808,  1009 

on  Bradstreet,  4:642 

Burton    (Ralph)    and,   4:315,   324,   356,   415,   608,    782,   829,    862 ;    5:215; 

8:841;  11:390,  699,  836,  896 
Butler  land  deed  (1753)  and,  9:101;  11:14 

Caghnawaga  abuse  by  soldiers,  3:387,  575-76,  629;  10:263,  26S-69 
Caghnawaga  conference  (Aug.,  1767),  13:427-28 
Caghnawaga  conference  (July,  1768),  13:465,  466-67 
Caghnawaga  conference  (July,  1769),  13:488 
Caghnawaga  conference  (1771),  8:210,  214-16 
Caghnawaga  conference  (1772),  8:524-25;  13:713 
Caghnawaga  conference  (July,  1773),  13:617,  619-21,  622-23,  632-33 
Caghnawaga  conference  (March,  1774),  13:719-20 
Caghnawaga  French  settlers  and,  8:188-89,  210 
Caghnawaga  interpreter  (Philips),  7:899-900 
Caghnawaga- Jesuit  dispute  and,  3:638,  748,  862;  5:635;  10;  804-806 

on  Caghnawaga  boundary  line,  7:928,  929-30,  948,  949-52,  957-58,  960, 
961;  8:840 
Caghnawaga-Oanasadaga  answer  (1762)  from  Johnson,  10:445-49 
Caghnawaga-Canasadaga  conference  (1761),  3:362 
Caghnawaga-Oanasadaga  conference  (Aug.,  1771),  8:214-16 
Caghnawaga-Gage  conference  (1762),  10:372 
Caghnawaga  respect  for,  7:530-31,  954,  956-57,  961 
on  Canadian  money  shortage  (1760),  3:284;  10:190 
Campbell  (Daniel)  and,  4:206;  7:586;  12:1008 

in  Campbell  accounts,  13:336,  338,  339,  341,  343,  344,  349,  350,  355,  357, 
359,  360,  361,  366,  370,  371,  372,  373,  706 
at   Canadian   Confederacy  conferences    (Johnson  Hall,  July-August,   1770), 

Canadian  Confederacy,  Three  Nation  conference  (Aug.,  1767),  13:428-30 
Canadian  Confederacy,  Three  Nation  conference  (1769),  13:488 
on  Canadian  Indian  alliances  (1761),  3:546-47,  552 
Canadian  journey  (1767),  12:330;  13:427ft 

(1768),  13:465 

(1769),  13:488,  489 

(1771),  13:504-505 

(1773),  13:617-33 
Canajoharie  visit  (1760),  3:243 
Canajoharies  and,  1:778,  7S5;  4:50,  78 
Canajoharie  patent  and,  4:615,  644;  10:282-83 
Canasadaga  conference  (Aug.,  1769),  7:129-30 
Canasadaga  conference  (Oct.,  1767),  13:431-32 

Canasadaga  conference  inquiry  into  Iroquois  plot  (1762),  10:39S-99 
on  Canasadaga  disasters  laid  to  liquor  trade  (1772),  12:971-73 
captain's  commission,  3:363,  371-72,  379,  381,  383-84,  548-49,  576-77,  629. 

747,  819,  820,  830,  906;  4:45,  136;  9:202,  524;  10:191,  259-60,  261-62. 

264,  265,  269 
Carleton  and,  5:635,  636,  650-51,  707-709;  6:302;  7:127-29,  638-39 
Carleton  Island  expedition  (1779)  ami,  8:1^15 
on  CarunghyacMgoa,  4:207 
on  Catholic  Indians,  5:345;  10:281 
cattle-drivers  and,  5:331-32 
Cayuga  French  information  (1756)  rind,  9:539 
at  Cayuga  meeting  (Fort  Johnson,  1758),  9:926 
child  born  (1769),  12:713 

at  Chippewa  conference  (Johnson  Hall,  1765),  11:770 
chronology,  10  :ix-xiv 
on  Cochrane,  8:209 
on  colonial  administration  of  trade,  6:302-303 



Claus,  Daniel,  commissary  system  surveillance,  12:413-14;  13:424 
on  copper  interests,  6:317-18,  438 
at  condolence  for  Abraham,  9:601 
Cramahe  and,  8:525-26 
daughter's  birth,  4:32,  40,  92 
daughter's  death  (1768),  6:408,  409,  422;  12:619 
daughter's  death  (1773),  8:908,  909-10,  918-19 
daughter  visiting  Wallace,  8:691,  782 
debtor  accounts  (anonymous,  1769)  against,  7:35,  39 
Detroit  siege  (1763)  and,  4:167;  13:299 

Canadian  Indian  Confederacy  aid  in,  4:180,  191-92,  200,  395,  418,  426, 
435,  446,  448-49,  452,  516;  10:218,  724-25,  766,  771,  778,  792n,  801- 
802,  842 
on  Ducharme  violation  of  trade  regulations,  5:377-80;  8:841 
in  England  (1775),  13:728-30 
Fort  Hendrick  Indian  disputes  (1758),  10:62 
on  Fort  Johnson  attack  threats  (1756-57),  9:491-92,  798-99 
Fort  Stanwix  Congress  (1768)  and,  6:408,  409;  12:619,  627 
on  Fort  William  Henry  capture  (1757),  9:809,  817,  819 
Franck  (Johan  Conrad)  accounts  (1757)  and,  2:689-90 
on  Gage-Indian  relations,  3:348-49,  387,  576,  577-78,  638,  751-52;  10:281 
gardening,  4:104;  5:566;  7:611 
on  German  Flats  Congress  (1770),  7:896-98 
on  German  Flats  raid  (1757),  9:853-54,  855 
Hardenbergh  patent  and,  6:749 

Gordon  (Anthony)  trade  pass  request  (1766),  13:392-94 
horse  for  Johnson  (1761),  3:321,  348,  355,  360,  375,  380,  381,  396;  10:260, 

horsemen's  tents  and,  10:173 

housebuilding  expenses  (1763),  10:662;  13:303-307,  313,  314,  316 
Hughs'  application  for  position  of,  5:627-28,  636 
Huron  conference  (July,  1769),  13:488 

Huron  conferences  (July- Aug.,  1773),  13:623-27,  628-30,  631 
ill  health,  8:438,  714;  9:678;  12:78,  343,  884,  971;  13:668,  729 
Indian  Affairs  Canadian  appointment  of  Campbell,  11:699,  756,  775;  13:691 
Indian  Affairs  Department  reorganization  and,  4:789-90;  8:525 
Indian  Affairs  Deputy  Agency  resignation,  4:415,  511,  584 
Indian  Affairs  Superintendency  devolvement  upon  Guy  Johnson  and, 
13:643-46,  672-73 

memorandum  (1780)   on,  13:725-31 
Indian  expenses: 

(1756),  9:645 

(1757),  9:658 

(1758),  3:150 

(1759),  3:159,165,  179 

(1760),  10:189-91 

(1761),  3:311,  346,   352-56,  547,   553,  565,   575,  582;    10:245-46,   260, 
275,  334 

(1762),  3:820,  863 

(1763),  4:209 

(1764),  4:301,  315,  332,  364,  370-71,  381;  11:100-101 

(1765),  4:850,  851,  854 

(1766),  5:96-97,  203,  334,  364-65,  371,  399,  422 

(1768),  12:639,  640 

(1769),  7:8,  9, 131, 328;  12:730,  770;  13:488-89 

(1770),  7:382,  386,  520;  13:707-10 

(1771),  13:710-12 

(1772),  8:438;  12:947;  13:712-16 

(1773), 12:1021;  13:627-28,  716-19 

(1774),  12:1120;  13:719-21 

(1775),  13:721-22 
Inglis  godson  and,  7:965 


Sir  William  Johnson  Papers 

instructioins  to  interpreter  (1766),  5:397-98 

as  interpreter,  2:380;  9:509,  222;  10:214,  232 

Iroquois  census  (1768),  6:261-62 

at  Iroquois  conference  (1763)  on  Newkirk  murder,  10:626 

at  Iroquois  Congress  (Fort  Johnson,  May  1755),  9:174,  193-203 

at  Iroquois  Congress  (Fort  Johnson,  Feb.,  1756),  9:347 

at  Iroquois  Congress  (Fort  Johnson,  March,  1758),  9:885,  952,  957 

at  Iroquois  Congress  (Oswego,  Aug.,  1759),  13:131 

at  Iroquois  Congress   (Fort  Johnson,  April,  1762),  3:690;  10:453 

at  Iroquois  Congress  (Johnson  Hall,  Dec.,  1763),  10:964 

at  Iroquois  Congress   (Johnson  Hall,  July,  1774),  12:1107,  1112-13,  1122, 

1124;  12:668 
Iroquois-Delaware  embassy  and,  2:426,  427,  456,  468,  521-22 
Iroquois  war-belts  (1763)  and,  10:689 
Johnson   (Peter)   and,  8:526-27,  842,  867,  1035;   12:966,  1013-14,  1028-29; 

13:618,  621 
Johnson's  account  books  and,  2:783 
Johnson  receipt  (1764)  to,  11:57 

in  Johnson's  will,  10:117n;  12:1065,  1066-67,  106S,  1074,  1076 
Johnston  (William)  and,  2:674-75 
Johnstown  government  and,  12:982 
Joncaire  trade  pass  request  (1765),  11:870 

(Aug.-Oct.,  1767),  13:427-32 
(July,  1768),  13:465-67 
(Sept.  9-Oct.  24,  1770),  7:947-61 
(June- Aug.,  1773),  13:617-30 
justice  appointment  lists  (1770),  12:792 
justice  appointment  powers,  12:824 

La  Corne  Saint  Luc  and,  3:283,  284,  321,  348,  355;  7:186;  10:189 

land   purchases,    7:499:    12:814-15,   817,   827-28,   835,   854,   855,   874,   936, 

983,  989 
leave  application  (1761),  3:576-77,  629,  637;  10:277,  334 
Livingston  (John)  draft  (1765),  11:908 

Lottridge  and,  3:292,  322,  637,  747,  830,  895;  10:282,  926;  11:600 
marriage,  3:371-72,  381-82,  393-94;  4:10;  10:260-61,  281 

McFarlan  and,  8:718 
Mayfield  patent,  8:1051 

Masons  and,  7:738n 

on  Michilimackinac  French  intrigue  (1765),  11:869 

on  Michilimackinac  trade,  5:365,  526;  11:834-35;  12:212,  342 

on  military  movements  (1763),  4:135-37 

Miller  (Jacob)  released  by,  10:247 

at  Mingo  conference  (Johnson  Hall,  Jan.,  1774),  12:1044 

Missisaugas  and,  4:200,  212;  10:861-62;  13:465-66 

at  Mohawk  conference  (Mount  Johnson,  May-June,  1755),  1:625,  638 

at  Mohawk  conference  (Fort  Johnson,  Jan.,  1758),  13:104 

at  Mohawk  conference  (Guy  Park,  June,  1768),  12:529 

at  Mohawk  conference  with  Albany  Committee  (Johnson  Hall,  Dec,  1773), 
8:963,  965 

Mohawks  and,  1:489-90,  807 

Montreal  expedition  (1760)  and,  3:267-68 

Montreal  instructions  (1764),  11:52-53 

Mortier  drafts,  6:33;  7:556,  1100;  8:347,  505,  506 

on  Murray  appointment  (1764),  11:341-42 

nephew  from  Germany,  4:584,  627 

on  Niagara  Congress  (1764),  4:510-11;  13:331 

Niagara-Detroit  Congress  (1761)  and,  3:354,  630;  10:277;  13:235 

oath  of  allegiance,  8:656 

oath  of  half-pay  (1767),  12:252 

at  Oneida  meeting  (Fort  Johnson,  1758),  10:66,  85 

Ogilvie  and,  13:297,  330-31 



Claus,  Daniel,  at  Oquaga  conference  (Fort  Johnson,  1757),  9:703,  707,  714 
at  Oquaga  conference  (Johnson  Hall,  1764),  11:46 
Opey  and,  8:53,  54 

Oswegatchie  conference  (July,  1769),  13:488 
Ottawas  and,  3:284;  4:800;  10:281 

Miehilimackinac  siege  survivors  escorted  by,  10:777-78,  779,  803,  806-807 
pani  slave  recapture  (1761),  3:321,  348,  355,  361;  10:243,  262,  269,  308-309 
on  Perthuis,  3:752;  4:811,  825 
Peters  and,  9:526,  527 
plantation,  4:697 

Pontiac  and,  4:849;  5:334;  11:836 
portrait,  7:186;  15:xii 

prayer-book  revision  by,  3:363,  630,  639;  10:264,  333 
at  Quaker  conference  with  Searouady  (1756),  9:443 
on  the  Quakers,  2:438,  439;  3:862 
Ramsey  murders  (1772)  and,  13:714 
Roberts  and,  5:691-93;  7:388;  8:211;  12:342 

power  of  attorney,  8 :  649-50,  752,  874 
on  Rogers  trial,  6:302,  318-20 

Roubaud  and,  3:309,  332,  350,  353,  356,  637;  10:282 
royal  instructions  to  Johnson  (1772)  and,  12:965 
Russeau  St.  Jean  and,  8:551,  561 
on  Saghsanageghte,  5:472-73 
St.  John  Indian  incidents  (1765),  4:790,  802 
salary,  2:613,  623;  5:443;  10:246,  275,  637;  12:640,  730,  764,  805 

dual  superintendency  proposal  and,  13:645,  646,  726-27,  728,  730-31 
Schaghticoke  Albany  land  claims  and,  13:285 
Schenectady  church  charter  petition  (1765)  and,  13:379 
Schenectady  trustees  and,  8:1018 
Scott  and  5:582-83;  11:390 
as  scout,  2:332 

sermon  translation  by,  7:962«, 
Shawnee  threats  of  uprising  (1774)  and,  13:682 
Shipboy  and,  7:608 
on  Shirley's  agents,  2:1-2 
slave  purchases,  4:540 
Stevenson  and,  3:753,  830;  10:474 
Stringer  draft  (1770),  7:989 
on  Surveyorship  of  the  Woods  of  America,  8:209 
Susquehanna  Purchase   and,   9:142,   145,   150,   151,   152,   154,   160,   161-62, 

199-200,  202;  10:215 
in  Ticonderoga  attack  (1758),  9:942 
Tryon  and,  8:866-67,  902 
Tucker  (Dan)  and,  11:956,  978 
Van  Alstine  child  and,  10:193 
Van  der  Heyden  (Jacob)  and,  7:938 
Wade  (Ferrall)  and,  4:299,  326;  7:1018;  8:239,  841 
Wade  (Matthew)  and,  4:267,  273;  5:369,  399;  7:131,  259 
Wallace  account,  8:471,  605,  607 
Warren  estate  memorandum,  13:723-25 
Welles  and  Wade  and,  4:200,  501,  572;  10:2S2 
Wetherhead  and,  6:638;  7:553,  564,  1127 
Williamoz  and,  10:315,  325 
Claus,  Katty,  death  of,  8:908,  909-10,  918-19 
Claus,  William  (1765-1826),  lZ:xii    ' 

in  Johnson  will,  12:1074 
Claverack : 

Cherokee  visit  (1767)  6:2 

Hogeboom  tavern  in,  7:642-43 

Indian  lands,  2:372;  9:212 

Kinderhook  dispute,  Q:x,  670,  678-80,  702-703;  7:23-24,  101,  116-18,  302-303, 

326,  329-30,  368-69,  393-94,  422,  446,  643;  12:319 


Sir  William  Johnson  Papers 

Assembly  on,  7:356,  359-61 

Dunmore  and  8:84-85,  95-96,  101,  529,  535-36,  549-50;  12:905-906 

election  of  magistrates  (1772)  and,  8:449,  455,  462 

Johnson  exposition,  8:100-102 

Van  Schaack  map  of  patent,  7:360 

(See  also  Army,  Colonial  militia,  Claverack  regiment) 

Legget  murder  case,  6:591 

manor  lands  surrendered  to  the  Crown,  8:691,  704,  712 

murder  (1756)  near,  9:567,  581-82,  590-91,  622,  632,  642,  766 

petition  in  behalf  of  Johonnis  Plass,  6:700 

Eoad  Act  (1770)  and,  7:595,  596 

soldiers  billetted  (1748)  in,  1:185 

Spencertown  militia  proposal  (1769)  and,  6:642 

township  boundaries,  7:266-67 
Clay,  ,6:539,587 

Clayton,  ,  lieut.  col.,  11:438,  491 

Cleaveland,  lieut.,  1:172 
Cleaveland,  Rev.  Ebenezer,  6:442;  12:749n 
Clebsaddle,  Andries,  see  Klebsattle,  Andreas 
Cleland,  capt.,  1:165,  190 
Cleland,  lieut.,  1:331 
Cleland,  William,  2:698 
Clement,  Aron,  7:442,  479 
Clement,  J.,  1:361 
Clement,  Jacobus,  2:504;  9:406;  13:88,  335 

at  Canajoharie  conference  (April,  1758),  13:110 

deposition  (1749)  accusing  Johnson  of  fraud,  l:113n 

Esopus  escort,  9:466-67 

at  Fort  Johnson  Iroquois  conferences: 
(1756),  9:349 

(1758),  9:946,  952,  957;  10:66,  85 
(1759),  10:97,  99 

at  German  Flats  meeting  (1756),  9:518 

Indian  expenses,  2:508,  575,  588,  598,  601,  607,  608,  609,  612,  613,  615,  621, 
624;  3:159,  161,  177,  178,  179;  9:645,  646,  647    ' 

at  Iroquois  conference  (May,  1755)  on  recruitment  for  Braddock,  9:174 

at  Iroquois  conference  (Oswego,  Aug.,  1759),  13:131,  139 

Johnson  march  (Julv,  1758)  to  meet  Abercromby,  2:870 

at  Mohawk  Council  (1755),  1:524,  625,  631,  636 

Mohawk  scalping  trip  (1756),  9:489 

at  Onondaga  Council  (1757),  9:724 
Clement,  James,  9:184,  186 
Clement,  Johannis,  l:113n 
Clement,  Joseph,  1:8,  102-103,  180 

Johnson's  buying-out  of,  1:249;  2:60(5 
Clement,  Lewis,  7:74,  346;  8:333;  9:447 

Caghnawaga  escort  to  Niagara  (1764),  11:236;  13:509 
Clemm,  Daniel,  11:488 
Clemm,  Felly.  11:488 
Clemm,  Lodowick,  11:487 
Clench  (Clinch),  Robert,  7:846 

election  of  1769  and,  6:585,  594 

Johnson  Hall  visit  (1766),  5:401,  402 

madeira  supplies  (1768),  6:41."..  -T 1 12 

Society  for  the  Propagation  of  (lie  Gospel  and.  8:1088,  1111 
Clench,  William  Robert,  8:912 
Clephane,  James,  maj.,  3:22,  25;  10:83 
Clermont,  ,  4:670-71,  676-78 

Clermont,  Hancc,  13:125 
Clerunque,  ,  11 :458 

Cleveland,  Ohio,  13:26271 
Clifton  Park,  land  partition  and  allotment  (1769),  13:482-85 



Clignantcourt  (Gtinyancour),  ,  7:531,  532 

Clin,  Philip  Heinrich,  see  Klein,  Philip  Heinrich 
Clinch,  Robert,  see  Clench,  Robert 
Clint,  John,  sgt.,  3:105 
Clinton,  ,  capt.,  3:69,  90,  92 

Clinton,  Charles,  1:244;  2:889n 

Clinton,  Francis,  see  Lincoln,  Francis  Clinton,  Earl  of 

Clinton,  George,  Governor  of  New  York,  1:75,  129™,  292;  9:44;  13:7-8,  10 
Albany  Council  (1751)  of  Iroquois,  1:339-44;  9:84-85 
Albany  Indian  meeting  (July,  1748),  1:172,  175-77 
Albany  mayor  (1753)  and,  9:104 

Albany  Regiment  commission  to  Johnson,  1:166-67;  9:11 
Albany  sheriff  appointments  and,  9:51-52,  98-99 
Assembly  proroguing  for  small  pox  (1752),  9:91,  96 
Cadaracqui  French  expedition  report  (1751),  9:84-86 
on  Cape  Breton  expedition  (1746),  1:54,  55-56;  9:73 
Collins  insult  (1749),  9:57-58,  87,  89,  94 
on  election  "scrutiny,"  9:88 
English  credit  of,  1:250-51,  260 
estate  of,  4:109,  110,  111 
French  accusations  of  treachery,  9:63-66 
furs  sent  to,  9 :  83 
George  II  and,  1:274 
horses  sent  to,  9:32,  95-96 
Horsmanden  and,  3:33» 
illness,  1:464;  9:111,  116 

Indian  Affairs  Commission  candidates  (1752)  and,  1:383 
Indian  Affairs  superintendency  and,  9:66,  108,  123-24,  385 
Iroquois  conference  refusals  (1753),  13:23-25 
Iroquois-French   involvement,   1:105-107,   151-52,   227,  276-79,   280-81,   302, 

385,  386,  390,  908-920 
Johnson's  accounts  with  the  Assembly  and,  1:191,  238,  256,  301-302,  313-14, 
345,  370,  381,  433;  9:33,  38,  67,  71,  97-98,  123,  149,  166,  385;  13:8 
Johnson's  memorial  (1750)  on,  9:72-75 
Johnson's  bond  demanded  by,  1:316-17,  320-23,  324-25;  9:76-77,  78 
on  Johnson's  English  fame  (1756),  9:385-87 
Johnson's  letter  relating  Indian  battle,  1:86m 

Johnson's  proposals  for  Indian  policy  (1754),  9:125-32,  146,  165-66 
Kayaderosseras  tract  and,  4:694;  9:148,  166 
King  George's  War: 

Canajoharie  fort  ordered,  1:103-104 

Iroquois  conduct  in,  1:77-80,  81,  83-84,  86-88,  174-75,  241 

on  Johnson  as  Colonel  of  Iroquois  Forces,  1:59-62    63-65,  67-68,  68n,  73, 

139;  2:x;  3:954 
neutrality  efforts  and,  1:86-87 
prisoners  and,  1:143,  1S6-87,  192,  211-13,  213-15,  247-48,  283-85,  906; 

9:33,  36,  39,  44,  45-50,  59-60,  64-65,  74 
report  of  New  York  Council  on  conduct  of,  1:139-42 
troop  dismissal,  1:119-20,  121 

troop  provisions  and,  1:93-97,  108,  117-18,  144,  146-49,  190-92;  9:32-34 
Lake  Sacrement  expedition  and,  1:110,  112,  113-15 
land  purchases  of,  1:391-93;  4:102,  109-10,  111;  9:98 
land  purchase  licensing,  1:368,  378-79,   923-24,  928-29;   3:289,  424;   9:96. 

98;   13:13 
land  sales  to  Johnson,  1:394,  414 
letter,  photograph,  1:117 
liquor  trade  regulations,  1:102-103 
Mohawks  and,   l:104w,   199-201,  231-33,  271,   377-78;   6:310n:  9:6,  52-56, 

61,  105,  108-109,  179 
the  Ohio  and,  1:302,  312m 
Oneida  Indians  and,  1:199 
Onondaga  Congress  (July,  1753),  1:391;  13:26,  27 


Sir  William  Johnson  Papers 

Oswego  trade  and,  9:68-69,  115,  119 

on  purchase  or  capture  of  Indian  children,  1:206-207,  260-61;  9:37 
return  to  England,  9:111,  123,  125 
Eutherford  and,  2:449 
Schenectady  rangers  and,  3:993 
scouts  and,  1:169,  170 
South  Carolina  and,  9:94-95 
warrants  to  Johnson,  9:5,  7,  9-11,  15-31 
bill  of  exchange  (1748),  9:35 
Clinton,  Mrs.  George,  1:392;  9:83,  167 
Clinton,  Sir  Henry,  col,  4:102,  109-10,  111 
Dlinton,  Peter,  1:187 
I!linton,  Fort: 

ammunition  stores  (1755),  1:619-20,  652 
defense  in  Indian  raid,  1:101-102 
Indian  scouts  and,  1:78,  79-80,  100,  805 
mutiny  threat  (1747),  1:111 
Ulive,  Edward,  Lord,  4:448;  7:577 
21ock,  see  Klock 
I!lopp,  Cornelius,  6:274 
Closer,  Mary,  11:487 

ZTloss,  Daniel,  capt.,  see  daus,  Daniel,  capt. 
flossy,  Dr.  Samuel  (of  King's  College),  8:31 
IJloth : 

allipeen,  13:368 

baize,  4:407;  7:781,  880;  8:802,  861;  13:537,  549,  583,  5S8,  600,  601.  648 
barter  equivalents,  3:530-35;  4:893-96 
bath  rug,  12:820 
bolting  cloth,  1:24;  5:377 

broadcloth,  8:421,  422;  13:536,  539,  569,  574,  592,  612,  648 
buckram,  5:593,  594;   7:40,  349,  1090;   8:422;   11:675;   13:343,  344,  370, 

in  Adems  accounts,  13:532,  534,  538,  540,  542,  544,  557,  566,  572,  573, 
579,  581,  582,  586,  587,  592,  600,  602,  605,  610,  612,  613,  615 
calico,  1:310,  336,  372;  2:570,  586,  898;  4:559;  5:246,  250,  251,  255;  7:40, 
207,  433,  621,  742,  781,  824,  862;  8:802,  862;  9:27,  563;  11:822,  991; 
13'.°65    371    473 
in  Adems  account  (1768-73),  13:536,  541,  550,  568,  576,  5S6,  594,  603, 

608.  615 
in  Johnson  ITall  inventory  (1774),  13:656,  663 
prices  (1762),  10:390 
calimanco,  1:372;   2:570,  586,  618,  898;   4:559;   7:742,  824;   8:802,  861; 

9:563;  13:369,  372,  532,  538,  575,  600 
camblett,  1:95;  2:604,  637;  5:59;  13:532,  580,  583 
cambric,  7:782,  860;  8:114,  200;  12:820;  13:357,  361,  367,  468 

in  Adems  accounts,  13:541,  543,  550,  565,  568,  580,  585,  589,  613,  615, 
canvas,  5:594;  7:859 
check,  7:36;   13:536,  537,  553,  555,  559,  561,  562,  565,  568,  574,  577,  392, 

594,  607 
chintz,  2:586;  3:927;  7:35,  781,  862;  13:369,  565,  ;~69,  591,  603,  606,  663 
cotton,  1:171;  3:626;  4:8S8;  5:321;  6:170;  7:887:  8:200,  802, 803;  9:561, 
816;  11:975 

Welsh,  1:83;  2:637,  898;  7:780,  781  ;  9:644,  547 
coxcomb,  4:310;  13:349 
crepe,  13:354,  371,  468 
damask,  6:489,  490;  8:953;  11:527 
dimity,  11:528 
duck,  7:625;  13:606,  607 
durant,  1:310;  7:743;  13:552,  557,  575,  580 
English  trade,  6:426,  427 
ferret,  2:617;  13  548,  549,  570,  571,  578,  607 



Cloth,  flannel,  2:586,  592,  629;  6:489,  490,  497,  502;  7:38,  40,  193,  228,  781, 

880;  8:206,  802,  861;  12:114;  13:336,  471,  475,  476,  648 

in  Adems  accounts,  13:536,  551,  565,  567,  570,  577,  590,  595 
forest  cloth,  8:421,  422 
in  French  trade  (1743),  1:19 
frieze,  1:348;   2:605,  633,  634;   3:156;   7:31,  975,  976;   13:476,  515,  536, 

539   551   552   562 
fustian,  5:594;  7:349,  743;  13:343,  344,  366,  368,  477,  479 
garlics,  1:43,  83,  92;   2:466,  467,  504,  570,  585,  588,  603,  604,  616,  643; 

5:294;  7:480,  858,  861, 895;  8:200;  9:644 
gartering  2:584,  603,  615,  616,  635,  639,  643,  898;   5:249,  257,  261,  263; 

13:583,  585,  608 

prices  (1764),  4:559 
gauze,  13:575 
gingham,  1:336 

holland,  7:780;  13:335,  355,  365,  367,  543,  573,  575,  595,  611,  614 
jean,  8:422;  13:538,  539,  540,  542,  543,  557,  584,  604,  611 
knap,  13:602,  603,  605 
lace,  1:95;  2:606,  899;  3:151;  4:629,  648;  5:258,  493;  6:312;  9:416,  428; 

11:581;  13:478,  479,  555,  602, 705 

bed  lace,  5:250,  254,  257,  263 
lasting,  13:557 
linen,  1:7,  109,  181;   2:606;   3:149;   4:272,  526;   5:138,  211,  294;   7:9S0, 

982;  9:17,  653,  654;  13:469,  472-73 

in  Adems  accounts,  13:534-616pflssrm 

in  Campbell  account,  13:335,  337,  338,  340,  345,  351,  352,  353,  357,  361, 
365,  366,  367,  368 

English  imports,  7:427 

Irish,  7:228,  860,  862,  895;  8:803,  861;  13:1 

manufacture  of,  5:14;  11:3-4 

osnaburg,  2:619,  633;  7:349,  433,  743,  780,  781,  798,  862,  1090; 
8:422,  833,  862;  11:975;  13:342,  343,  348,  351,  478,  479,  534,  539, 
543,  551,  557,  558,  560,  565,  566,  570,  572,  586,  587,  591,  592,  593, 
595,  602,  604,  605,  609,  610,  611,  612 

pomerania,  7:827 

Warren  estate  claim,  13:28 
loom  rental,  11:562 
in  Marsh  (Witham)  effects,  11:527-28 
mohair,  5:593,  594;   7:40;   11:675;   13:335,  336,  339,  344,  365,  368,  369, 

370,  374 

in  Adems  accounts,  13:532-615passim 
moltons,  7:480,  827 

muslin,  2:588;  7:38,  40;  8:803;  9:563;  13:580,  601,  603 
nankeen,  13:365,  558,  559,  610,  613 

oil  cloth,  3:252;  7:622,  825;  10:155,  158,  292;   11:190,  221,  243;   12:820 
peelong,  13:544,  609 
penneston,  2:570,  584,  586,  603,  613,  615,  616,  643;  5:794;  7:228,  230,  433, 

480,  519,  621,   774,   782,  827,  1046;   8:113;   11:821;   13:347,  469,  471, 

475,  476,  64S 
Persian,  13:544,  603,  609 
plush,  13:604 
poplin,  1:372 
ratteen,   1:310,  377,  384;   2:588,   604,   620,   621,   633;   4:407;   7:349,  519, 

622;  8:422;  9:561;  13:354,  366,  475,  476,  478,  479,  534,  541,  542,  543, 

564,  566 
ratinet,  in  Adems  accounts,  13:534,  542,  559,  561,  569,  572,  573,  579,  602, 

605,  608,  612,  613  '         '         '         ' 

ribbon,   2:574,   575,   603,   604,   617,   637,  898;    5:246,   250,   252,   256,   259; 

7:38,  621,  623;  11:991;  12:113;  13:2,  349,  361,  366 

in  Adems  accounts,  13:546,  550,  554,  558,  560,  564,  565,  566,  568,  569, 
572,  576,  578,  579,  580,  591,  592,  597,  600,  604,  605,  607,  609,  614 

prices  (1764),  4:559 


Sir  William  Johnson  Papers 

russal,  1:372;  2:635 

sarsanet,  7:827 

satin,  13:366,  370 

serge,  1:311,  372;  2:586,  606,  611,  618,  619,  628,  644,  89S;  4:617;  7:480, 

519,   781,   825,   827,   880;   8:200,   802;   11:991;    13:342,   344,  471,  474, 

616,  648 
shalloon,  1:95;   3:152,  159;   5:592,  594;   6:442;   7:40,  194,  200,  349,  354, 

743,  780,  1090;  8:114,  200,  861;  10:176;  11:675;  13:478,  479 

in  Adems  accounts,  13:532,  533,  536,  537,  538,  540,  546,  562,  566,  572, 
5S5,  587,  592,  593,  603,  604,  60S,  610,  612 

in  Campbell  account  (1756-65),  13:336,  346,  364,  366,  367,  370,  372 

for  forest  signals,  2:592,  619 
sheeting,  1:310;  7:781;  13:547,  570,  585,  600 
silk,  2:783;  3:161;  4:559,  888;  5:321,  594;  7:35,  193,  194,  201,  837,  978; 

8:803;  11:675;  12:113,  114;  13:478,  479,  480 

in  Adems  accounts,  13:541-613p«ssim 

Campbell  account   (1756-65),  13:339,  342,  344,  361,  364,  366,  368,  369, 
371,  372 

production,  8:183-84 

signal  handkerchiefs,  2:627,  636 
swanskin,  5:794;  13:352 
tammy,  13:349 
thread,   2:585,   588,   621,   637;    5:250,   255,   256,   258,   259,   592-94;    7:40; 

13:351,  352,  355,  365,  366,  368,  477,  479 

in  Adems  accounts,  13:532-615pa.ssim 
vellum,  8:421,  431-32 
velveret,  13:538,  540,  600 

velvet,  1:311;  6:490,  516;  7:193;  13:365,  368 
woolens  manufacture,  5:791-92;   7:427,  429;  8:206,  249;   11:562 
woolen  stroud  imports,  ll:29?i 
wool  spinning,  7:919 
worsted,  1:310,  348;  2:606,  619,  628,  899;  7:35,  40,  781;  13:343 

in  Adems  accounts,  13:536,  539,  547,  552,  556,  557,  558,  561,  563,  566, 
568,  577,  5S6,  594,  595,  597,  604,  607,  609,  612,  616 

barter  equivalents,  3:531-35;  4:489-91,  893-96;   10:3S9-90;  11:990-93 

bed-gowns,  10:176 

breeches,  7:349,  354,  1058;  8:145-46;  13:339,  344,  364,  367,  477 

in  Adems  accounts,  13:532,  543,  549,  565,  566,  570,  574,  611 

breech-clouts,  7:33;  13:401,  402,  403,  404 

leather,  7:623 
buttons,  1:311;  2:633;  4:311,  541;  6:503;  7:33,  40,  349,  973,  1034,  1035; 

8:422;  11:822,  975;  13:336,  339,  342,  343,  344,  356,  357,  361,  365,  367, 

370,  479 

in  Adems  accounts,  13:532-615pfl.s.smt 
canes,  13:652 
for  Cherokees,  2:807 
coats,  1:571,  609;   3:348,  360,  363;   7:354,  557,  714;  9:460,  562;   10:3S9, 

661;   11:5.:  I 

capes,  13:342,  473 

French,  7:742,  *2  I 

in  Johnson  Hall  inventory  (1774),  13:647,  664 

as  mark  of  distinction,  9:796 

matchcoals,  11:578;  13:382,  401,  402,  403,  404 

materials  for  making,  7:743 
commissary  supplies  (1767),  5:548-49 
cravats,  13:369,  550,  601 
for  Crown  Point  (1755)   troops,  1:527,  697-704p<w«»n,  865,  881,  890;  2:50, 

56,  66,  117,  137,  148,  178,  214,  240,  263,  273,  320-21,  337:  9:259 

284-85,  294 

gifts  to  Lake  George  troops,  2:407-408 

for  New  Jersey  volunteers,  1:482 



Clothing,  disbursements  to  Indians,  1:72,  78,  82-83,  95,  97,  132-33,  134,  136, 

138;  2:495;  3:197,  202,  206-207,  331 

(1748),  9 :15-3Qpassim 

(1755-56),  2:566-Qi6passim;  9:202,  205,  470,  564,  644,  646 

(1757),  9:589,  593,  611,  619,  621,  626,  627,  631,  634,  649,  651,  652,  653, 
654,  655,  657,  734-35,  799,  803,  804,  805,  806,  853 

(1758-59),  3:149-80pamm;   9:886,  927,  942,  943-44;   10:43,  49,  53,  59, 
60,  61,  87,  97 

(1760),  10:194,  238 

(1761),  3:345,  457,  464,  465,  493,  544,  593;   10:278-79,  321,  326,  328, 
329,  332-33;  13:236,  237,  240 

(1762),  3:708,  712 

(1763),  10:853,  862,  889,  933-34 

(1764),  4:311,  470,  488,  607;  11:31-32,  33,  34,  50,  58,  07,  83,  94,  95-96, 
106,  111,  114,  159,  198,  234,  237 

(1765),  11:559,  560-61,  615,  710-711,  806,  808,  821-22,  892 

(1766),  5:246-60,  263;  13:382,  401-404 

(1767),  12:371 

(1768),  6:312,  366-94passim ;  12:498-99,  500,  593 

(1769),  6:656-Mpassim;  7:70-71;  12:736,  797,  798,  799 

(1770),  7:607,  625,  780,  782,  783;   12:834,  857,  866,  867,  868;  13:710 

(1772),  12:1016 

(1773),  8:1092 

French,  2:681,  693;  3:733;  10:713 
Dutch  costume,  13:191,  193,  200,  204 

English  trade,  2:898-900;  4:88S;  5:834;  6:426;  7:427-28 
fans,  2:617 

feather  headdress,  2:590 
Fort  Edward  shortage,  2:406,  423 
garters,  7:349,  837,  977;  8:422;  10:278;  13:339,  357,  369,  371,  480 

in  Adems  accounts,  13:532,  538,  539,  540,  546,  574,  601,  611 
gloves  13:335,  354,  468,  560,  603,  609 

chamois,  7:623 

mittens,  1:310;  8:803,  861;  12:114;  13:559,  576,  601,  609 

mourning,  12:1064 
gown  alterations,  13:364 
handkerchiefs,  1:310,  384-85;  4:310,  311,  559;   7:33,  35,  36,  40,  536,  564, 

625,  974;  8:802;  11:991;  13:344,  355,  369,  370,  480 

in  Adems  accounts,  13:533,  534,  538,  545,  546,  550,  558,  585,  589,  591, 
601,  603 
hats,  13:192,  554,  647,  648,  662 

in  Campbell  account  (1756-65),  13:347,  370 

castor  (beaver),  1:172;  4:407;  7:980;  9:562;  11:822;  12:114; 
13:479,  558,  662 

cotton,  2:587;  13:599,  600 

felt,  2:621;  7:863;  8:861;  11:822;  13:495 

Fort  Stanwix  Congress  expense  for,  12:666 

furs  for,  1:230 

Indian  use  of,  2:606;  10:975;  13:495 

for  Johnson  household,  7:781,  861 

Johnston  (John)  request,  8:1176 

Kilmarnock,  8:802,  861 

lace  and  tinsel  for,  2:467,  504 

leather  caps,  13:2 

McLeod  orders,  7:420 

mosquito  gauze  for,  12:114 

night-caps,  7:433 

prices  (1761),  10:279 

trimming  costs,  3:171;  8:471;  13:597 

woolen  caps,  1:310;  2:618,  639;  13:561,  601 

worsted,  2:587;  7:888,  981;  11:822;  13:539,  552,  556 
Indian  costume,  1:182,  186,  374;  13:194,  196 


Sir  William  Johnson  Papers 

jewelry,  5:525;  7:557;  13:201,  573 

brooches,  13:361,  599 

buckles,  1:311,  015;    7:40;    13:350,  367,  370,  545,  550,  552,  553,  561, 
563,  570,  600,  607,  60S,  610 

earrings,  8:1082,  1120;  13:573,  599,  611 

gorgets,  2:516,  523,  535,  584,  588,  592,  626;   7:520;   9:562,  796,  804; 
10:278;  12:150,  390, 1107;  13:261 

locket  for  Indian  chief,  2:578 

rings,  2:604,  617;  5:608;  12:1075 
Johnson   (John)   account  with  Duncan  and  Phvn  (1767),  5:592-95 
for  Johnson  (Peter)  in  1774,  8:1020,  1063 
in  Johnson  will,  12:1065 
of  Johnstown  children,  8:322-23,  488 
kilts,  13:355 
Lappius  credit  for,  4:281 
laps,  2:569,  571,  581,  582,  583 
Marsh  (Witham)  effects,  listed,  11:527-28 
memoranda  of  family  needs  (1770),  7:781 
military  discipline  and,  3:59,  100 
missionary  gifts,  10:516 
Missisauga  taste  in,  8:287 
mourning,  7:379;  12:1063-64;  13:196 
muffs,  13:187 

for  Niagara  expedition  troops,  2:432 
payment  for  Indian  lands  in,  11:416 
of  Pennsylvania  Assemblymen  (1760),  13:181 
petticoats,  13:200,  369,  371 

leather,  11:302 
for  prisoners,  1:251 
purchase  from  Indians,  2:735 
romals,  7:863;   8:803 
shirts,  2:568,  569,  571,  574,  577,  581,  582,  585,  588,  589,  603,  618,  639; 

4:559;  5:138;  7:33;  12:921,  1020;  13:472,  474,  475,  647 

m  Adems  accounts,  13:546,  547,  548,  551,  555,  556,  557,  559,  573,  606 

m  Campbell  accounts  (1756-65),  13:341,  345,  348,  349,  367 

•hocked,  13:191,  192 

in  Miami  Indian  presents  (1761),  10:326,  328,  329 

prices  (1760),  13:188 

prices  (1761),  10:278 

prices  (1762)  in  furs,  10:389-90 

prices  (1766),  13:401,  403,  404 

prices  (1770),  7:836,  973,  976,  977 

ruffled,  2:584,  606,  629,  635;  7:623,  824 
shoes,  2:569,  577,  581,  584,  588,  615,  641;  3:151,  157,  158,  166,  167,  176-77; 

7:33,622,974  '        '  ' 

in  Adcns  accounts,  13:536,  557,  561,  562,  563,  565,  570-79passvm,  581, 
588,  591,  596,  600,  605,  607,  608,  609 

in   Campbell  account   (1756-65),  13:338,  342,  344,  345,  350,  355,  363, 
366,  367,  369,  370,  371,  372,  373 

Campbell  supply  (1768),  7:229,  433 

for  carpenters  on  Johnson  Hall,  13:316,  317 

cobbling  charges,  2:632;  6:697;  7:1055-58 

for  Croghan's  mason,  7:572 

deerskin,  12:644 

Du  Musseaux  gift  to  Johnson,  3:322 

Indian,  1:108;  10:68,  93-94;  13:519 

for  Johnson  (Peter)  in  1772,  12:1010   1013 

leather  costs  (1746),  9:15,  16 

leather  costs  ( 1769),  6:764 

Lindesay  order  (1750),  1:300 

pumps,  2:575;  13:605,  616 

Sioux  manufacture,  3:363 



Clothing,  for  slaves,  7_:987 

snowshoes,  3:159,  160 

Wade  and  Keiuser  order  (1770),  7:825  ,ftCC  _Q         .        Q  s„ 

of  slaves    6-497;   7:232,  636,  781,  880-81,  987,  lOoo-oSpassim;  8:833 
sfockKgs',  1:5    71,  72,  133,  309,  310,  373,  377,  384;  2:568,  573    574    581 

582/603,   615,   617,   628,   633,   637;   4:559;    7:36,   621,   622,   824,   82d, 

8:802,  803,861;  10:661;  12:482,  993;  13:512   647 

in  Adems  accounts,  13:538,  542,  543,  558,  562,  563,  568,  571,  576,  577, 
579,  581,  594,  595,  596,  600,  604 

in  Campbell  account  (1756-65),  13:337,  341,  371,  373 

for  carpenters  on  Johnson  Hall,  13:316,  317 

clocked,  2:587 

French,  2:583,  887 

gift,  4:575 

for  Johnson  household  (1770),  7:781,  863 

leather,  5:70,  158;  7:729 

leggings,  7:774;  10:329;  13:401,  402,  403,  404,  571 

orders,  3:290,  295;  7:228-29,  433,  434 

in  payment  for  Indian  -warnings  of  attack,  1:138 

Phyn  and  Ellice  accounts  (1767-68),  13:468,  473,  474,  475,  477,  479,  480 

prices  (1762)  in  furs,  10:389 

shortages  of,  2:466;  11:78 

stroud,  11:578,  990 

worsted,  8:103;  9:562;  11:990;  12:114 
stocks,  13:616 
suits  for  Johnson  (1772),  8:421 

tailor  charges  (1768),  12:668 

tailor  "purchase,"  4:214,  267,  277,  286;  5:191-92 

uniforms,  4:237,  251,  542-43,  547;  8:139 

French,  9:768 
waistcoats,  3:161,  309;  7:825 
Warren  estate  claim  (1754),  13:30 
wigs,  8:537-38;  11:528;  13:200,  204,  205,  599 

See  also  Blankets 
Clouser,  Betty,  11:487 
Clouser,  Magdaline,  11:487 
Clouser,  Mary,  11:487 
Clubs,  1:316;  4:320;  7:607;  9:87 

See  also  Masonic  Order 
Clumb,  Adam,  2:731 
Clunie,  David,  5:169 
Clusser,  John,  3:631 
Clute,  Frederick,  7:1107 
Clute,  Jacob,  7:1107 
Clute,  Jelles,  7:832;  13:502 
Clute,  John,  13:502 
Clute,  Petrus,  7:1107 
Hlvd,  Daniel,  4:313 
Clyde,  Samuel,  capt.,  8:1208,  1209 
Coale,  John,  see  Cole,  John 

Cobble,  Michael,  11:485 

Coburn,  Jonathan,  5:492 

Cobus  (Indian),  Klock  and,  4:140,  145,  644;  13:274-75 

Cobus  Kill,  5:265,  457;  7:1002;  12:1111-12 

Cochran,  John,  11:487 

Cochrane,  maj.,  8:759,  761 

Cochrane,  Gavin,  capt.,  13:264 

captaincy,  8:209 

on  Indian-English  relations,  4:363;  5:376,  462-63;  6:76 

in  Niagara  Carrying  Place  attacks  (1763),  4:232;  10:815,  859,  918-19 

Oswego  hospital  visit  (1761),  13:266,  270 

on  Patagonians,  5:563 


Sir  William  Johnson  Papers 

Presque  Isle  command  (1761),  13:263 

return  to  America  (1767),  5:768-70,  787 
Cockbum,  William,  capt.,  death  of,  3:991m 
Cockbum,  William  (surveyor),  5:540 

account  against  Fonda  (1769-70),  7:1002-1003 

law  suits,  8:515-16,  714;  13:497 

map  of  patents  surrounding  Albany,  5:516;  12:216 

Schoharie-Mohawk  tract  (1770),  12:836 
Cockcroft,  William,  col.,  1:498,  587,  620,  718,  802;  2:206,  353;  9:302 

autograph,  2:xiii 

at  Crown  Point  (1755)   Council  of  War.  1:860-61;  2:198,  250,  312,  317; 
9:260,  319 

Dieskau  and,  2:41,  44,  63 

at  Fort  Edward,  2:38,  40,  43,  56,  63-64,  66,  70-71,  94 

at  General  Court  Martial,  1:865,  867 

on  Peirce  court  of  inquiry,  9:259 

regiment  of,  1:578m,  580,  713,  766,  775,  819,  870,  877,  878;  2:6-7,  15,  83-84, 
137,  151,  195-96,  199,  239,  257;  9:326;  13:72 

scouting  party  and,  2:82 
Cocknusga  Indians,  9:81 
Cockodosi  (Delaware),  11:461 
Codaraghque,  see  Cadaracqui 
Coelon,  Jan,  see  Colon,  John 
Coentjie's  Club,  9:87 
Coeur  de  Cerf,  8:587 
Coffin,  Stephen,  1:395,  398n,  919 
Coghnot,  John  Everhart,  7:352 
Cogtmot,  see  Van  Cogtmot 
Cohasorah  (Indian),  9:15 
Cohasset,  Massachusetts,  4:10w 
Coheis  (Coyhes),  Abigail,  5:154 
Coheis,  Elisabeth  (Betty),  4:155;  5:154;  11:433 
Coheis,  Ephraim,  4:154,  161,  163,  592,  593;  5:154 

petition  (Nov.  1764),  11:412,  414,  432 

petition  to  the  Assembly,  4:659-63,  692;  11:642 
Coheis  (Coyhes),  George,  5:154 
Coheis  (Coies),  Hannah,  4:155;  11:433 
Coheis,  Joseph,  4:154;  5:154;  11:414,  432 
Coheis  (Coyhez),  Mary,  4:160 
Coheis,  Sarah,  4:155;  11:433 
Coheis  (Coyhes),  Stephen,  5:154 

Coheis  (Coyhu,  Koyse),  Thomas  (Tom),  4:692;  6:61;  11:642 
Coheis,  Tobias,  4:154;  5:154;  11:414,  432 
Coheis  (Coyhes),  William,  5:154 
Cohorka,  James  (Nanticoke),  12:242 
Cohunk,  (Cohunk's  agreement),  8:812 

Coine,  John,  7:31 
Colbergli,  battle  of,  3:659 
Colbert,  Jean  Baptiste,  10:376 
Colchester,  Connecticut,  4  :  157;  11:256,  257 

patent  annexation  of  [ndian  lands,  11:423 
CoMcn,  Alexander,  1:245;  3:230;  7:687 

biographical  sketch,  l:569?l 

Canajoharie  grant   surveys  and,  1  :  107,  408,  417,  440,  441,  442,  569-70,  578; 
3:2S9,  312-14;  4:51.1,  523,  7.i:i-54,  776;  10: IMS;  11:703,  755;  12:214-15 

Collins's  patent  and,  4:885 

Crown  Point  recruitment  (1755),  13:44-45 

Fraser  (Hugh)  lands  and,  11:022 

German  Flats  patent  and,  1:675 

Hansen  (John)  and,  11:528 

on  Indians  returned  from  exhibition   in   London,  4:753;  11:754 

Johnson  (Guy)  land  survey  (1764),  11:121-22,  130-31 



Colden,  Alexander,  Johnson  purchase  north  of  Kingsborough,  12:814,  817 
Johnson  purchase  on  the  Susquehanna,  1:420;  12:828,  829 
Johnstown  manorial  rights  proposal  (1769),  12:700 
Kayaderosseras  patent  and,  3  :  642 
map  of  Adageghtinge,  7:710,  1126,  1145;  12:S54 
map  of  patents  surrounding  Albany,   3:297,  306-308,  311-12;   5:422,  429, 

516;   12:215-16 
Mohawk  land  claims  and,  3:292-93,  297,  306-308,  311-14,  418-20,  558,  563, 

583;   5:395 
as  New  York  City  postmaster  (1757),  13:94 
patent  charges  (1768).  6:301??,,  315 
retirement  from  Colden  and  Kelly,  2:463,  466 
Saeondaga  survey,  12:829 
on  Schenectady  postal  service,  4:49,  64,  78 
Servis  patent  survey,  13:491 
on  Sons  of  Liberty,  4:882 
on  Stamp  Act,  4 :882,  885 
Vaughan  survey,  6:24-25 
See  also  Colden  and  Kelly 
Colden,   Cadwallader,  Lieut.  Gov.   of  New  York,   1:243,  344,  418,  474n,  S25; 
4:150;  9:239 

Albany  clerkship  appointment  (1765),  11:528-30 
Albany  Council  (1751)  of  Iroquois,  1:339-44 
Albanv  county  division  and,  7:203,  262 
Albany  sheriff's  appointment  (1761),  3:389-90,  399/1,  408;   10:275-76,  310, 


(1763),  4:198-99 

(1770),  12:847 
Amherst  meeting  (1763),  10:888,  910 
on    appeal    methods,    4:613,    615-16,    623,    642,    696-97;    5:7,    34;    11:469, 

499-500,  523-24,  529,  620-21;  12:757 
Assembly  election  (1769),  12:687,  699 
Banyar  appointment  (1769)  and,  12:753 
Barclay  lands  and,  3:589-91,  610 
Barton  land  grant  and,  4:868 
biographical  sketch,  l:220n 
Braddock's  defeat  and,  1:774 
Canajoharie  gift  to  Johnson,  4:388,  410,  567,  576-77,  596,  615,  639,  643, 

644,   695-96,   741,   751,   772-73,   853;    5:7;    11:346,   368,  469,   524,   620, 

703,  756 

conflicting  petitions  for  patent,  11:758-59,  787-88,  824-25 

surveys,  3:369,  666;  11:131 

Johnson's  petition  for  patent,  3:366-67,  373,  374,  390,  399n,  504,  560-61, 
595,  596 
Canajoharie-Klock   disputes,   3:338-41,   352,   364,   619,   623,   652-53,   655-56, 


Klock  refusal  to  release  patent,  8:1192-93,  1201 

Klock  trial  and,  3:649,  652-53,  655,  672,  684,  739;   4:276-77;   10:442, 
Canajoharie  land  claim  inquiry: 

(1761),  10:229,  233-34,  336-39,  350,  367,  368 

(1762),  3:934;  4:184,  576-77,  639;  10:371-72 

(1763-64),  10:760;  11:346 
Canajoharie-Maybe  dispute,  11:469;  12:225,  756 
Chenussio  peace  offers  (1764),  11:116,  117 
Conestoga  massacre  and,  4:306-307,  327-28,  343,  345-46;   11:271,  12-13,  18, 

85,  97  '  '       ' 

coroner  appointments,  7:197 
Oroghan  and,  7:239,  314 
daughter's  death  (1762),  10:441-42,  467 
on  Desligneris,  1:220 
Detroit  siege  and,  4:410 


Sir  William  Johnson  Papers 

Dunmore  suit  and,  7:998 

Dyckman  and,  7:287 

expeditions    against    hostile    Indians    (1764)    and,    4:350-51,    364-66,    400, 

on  Fishkill  Indian  claims,  4:213,  229;  10:494,  854,  874 
George  III  and,  4:855;  7:333 
Halifax  and,  4:350>i,  361-61' 
health  (1769),  12:688 

Hogeboom  (Jeremiah)  and,  7:534,  642-43 
Hudson  River  land  grants  (1765),  11:662 

Indian  policy,  4:273-77,  281-83,  287-90,  787;  9:43-44;  10:956-57,  988-S9 
on  Iroquois  power,  11:786-87,  824 
on  Indian  prisoners,  3:526-27;  4:787;  10:343 
Johnson  (John)  knighthood  and,  5:61 
Johnson  (Warren)  visit  (1761),  13:211 
on  Johnson's  embassy  to  Canada,  1:248-49 
Johnson's  land  purchases  and: 

(1754),  1:401-402,  408,  427,  428 

(1761),  10:248-49,  310-11,  335 

(1764),  4:515,  523 

(1765),  4:823-25 

(1770),  12:782,  814 
Johnstown  manor  proposal,  6:682;  12:699-70 
justice    appointments,    3:364-65,    624-25,    653,    666,    684;    7:380,    639-40; 

10:234;   12:782,  789 
Kalm  and,  1:228 
Kavaderosseras  and,  4:541-42,  551,  565,  577,   615,   652-55,   681-82,   694-95, 

696,   711-12,    746-49,    767,    787;    5:416;    11:360,   367,   380,   3S1-S2,   387, 

468-69,  607,  651,  663,  787,  788,  824,  825;  12:756 
Kingston  Delaware  Conference  (1761),  3:566-69 
Kloek   (George,  Jr.)   transport  of  Canajoharies,  11:523,  754 
Klock  (Jacob)  and,  4:195 
Lake  George  battle  account,  9:292-93 
Lancaster  Treaty  (1762)  forwarded,  13:279 
on  land  deeds  prior  to  Fort  Stanwix  Treaty,  7:537 
land  deed  (1754)  witness,  in  name  of  George  II,  11:947 
land  grant  prohibition  (1761)  and,  10:340n,  382 
land  grants  for  military  service,  11:20,  97,  116-17,  120-21,  130-31,  825,  920; 

letter,  photograph,  1:229 
lieutenant-governorship,    3:268-69,    408n;    4:169,    171;    7:271;    10:192-93. 


fifth  term,  8:ix,  1123 

resignation,  4:883-84;  5:6 
Livingston-Canajohnrio  dispute   (1736),  10:233 
Mahican  Albany  claims,  10:388 
Militia  Act  and,  4:184-85,  261-62;  7:356 
militia,  appointments,  4:17S,  185-86,  192,  199,  205,  216,  261-63,  273; 

10:874-75,  910,  913,  924.  949,  97.', 

(1764),  4:297-98,  305-306,  307,  316,  366,    100-401,  542-43;   11:20 

(1769),  7:203,  262,  266-67:  12:766  67 

(1770),  7:326,  329,  356,  30S-ii9,  471,  580,  674,  678;  12:780,  788-89,  791, 
807,  811,  828,  835,  905 
militia  recruitment  order  (1762)  3:671-72,  683,  685 
militia  reorganization,  7:2f,L',  326.  356,  368,  380,  385,  393-94,  471,  579-80, 

640,  674,  678,  719 
Mohawk  land  claims  and,  7:203,  262;  8:556;   10:759-60   (See  also  Golden, 

Oadwallader,  Canajoharie  land  claim  inquiry;  and  Colden,  Cadwallader, 

Kayaderosserns,  supra) 
Mohawk  River  rumors  of  Indian  attack   (1763)  and,  4:215  L6:   10:760    957 
Mohegan  land  claims  and,  4:460;  11:259-60 
Moore's  death  and,  7:17::.  205,  271 



Colden,  Cadwallader,  Moore's  return  to  England,  5:706 

Niagara  Congress  (1764)  and,  4:511-13 

Oneida  land  sales  (1754)  and,  9:135-36 

pamphlet  (1767)  by,  5:661 

portrait,  1:221 

Koyal  Proclamation  (1763)  on  legal  procedures,  11:630 

salary,  7:357,  380;  12:687 

Schenectady  charter  and,  4 :  656,  664,  696 

Sears  (Isaac)  and,  12:772 

Secretaryship  appointments,  4:635-37,  638 

Stamp  Act  and,  4:843-44,  850,  S53,  857,  868,  869-70,  882,  883;  5:33-34,  62, 
112-13,  206;  11:921-22,  952-53,  969-70 

summary  justice  for  Indians,  11:346,  368 

as  surveyor,  3:307;  7:497,  560,  1094 

trade  regulation,  6:610;  7:796,  1130;  12:6S6-S7,  698-99 
licensing,  4:542;  10:9S8;  11:199,  222 
non-importation  agreements  (1770),  12:822 

Proclamation    (1764)    opening  New  York  Indian  trade,  4:442-44,   513, 
613;  5:495;  11:367-68,  499,  523 

Tryonand,  8:528,  910 

Virginia  murders  (1763),  10:908-909 

Wappinger  land  claims  and,  11:630-31,  734-36,  8S4-86 

wife's  death,  3:611,  614,  738;  10:371-72,  441-42 
Colden,  David,  3:230?i;  4:663;  7:410n;  8:715 
Colden,  John,  1:245 
Colden  and  Kelly,  1:764;  2:576;  3:950 

Crown    Point    (1755)     provisions    and,    1:526-27,    566-67,    569-71,    581-82, 
609-10,  612,  619,  653-54,  694,  697-704,  724,  761-62 

on  Johnson's  return  from  Lake  George,  2:367-68 

retirement  of  Colden,  2:463,  466 

See  also  Colden,  Alexander;  Kelly,  William 
Coldenham,  schoolmaster,  5:801 
Cole,  ,  deserter,  11:661 

Cole,  ,  at  Niagara-Detroit  Congress  (1761),  13:254 

Cole,  ,  trader,  3:234 

Cole,  Edward,  lieut.  col.,  1:867;  2:352;  3:285;  4:27 

(1766),  5:295,  338,  366,  367,  382;  13:396-99,  400-404 

(1767),  5:514,  515,  516,  519,  536,  540,  541,  590,  601,  613,  725;  12:280, 

(1768),  6:127-28,  176-77,  187,  197,  215-16,  229-30,  332,  366-94,  553,  614; 
12:471,  478,  495-96,  513-14,  557 

Gage  refusal  (1767-68)  of,  5:748-55;  6:20,  199,  207 
in  Adems  accounts  (1769),  7:233,  275 
autograph,  4:  aw 

Byrne  search  (1771)  and,  8:5,  13,  43 
commissary   appointment,    5:77,    80,   94,   278,    289-90,    334,   362;    6:21-22; 

11:537;  12:68n,  70,  74,  76,  81,  82,  83,  84-86,  160 

dismissal  6 :  623 ;  7:205;  12:732 
Croghan  expedition  (1766)  and,  5:146 
at  Crown  Point  Councils   (1755),  1:860,  861;  2:12,  15,  16,  24,  39,  47,  55, 

70,  199,  250;  9:229 
death  rumored,  5:382;  10:715 
on  Detroit  provisions  (1763),  4:246-48,  521 

fur  trade  agreement  with  Van  Schaack  and  Campbell,  4:725-26;   5:290-93 
house  purchase  from  Smallman,  5:369;  12:171;  13:398 
interpreters  and,  5:578-79;  12:284;  13:395,  427 
on  Maisonville,  5:578 
Miami  visit  (1766),  12:143-44 
Missouri  Indian  trade  (1767),  13:426 
money  sent  by,  7:574 
Oswego  visit  (1759),  13:153,  154 


Sir  William  Johnson  Papers 

painting  gift  to  Johnson,  7:1023-24 

on  Pontiac's  death,  7:16 

regiment  of,  1:666,  865,  S77,  878,  881,  883;  9:273 

salary,  5:443;  12:701,  732 

settlement  near  Johnson  Hall,  7:268-69 

trade  indemnity  request  (1765),  11:692 

trade  passes,  5:724 

warrant  drawn  on,  3:302,  329,  331 
Cole  (Coale),  John,  7:322 

Albany  jailer's  post  applied  for,  8:1025,  1027,  1028,  1031,  1038,  1041 
Cole,  Oliver,  2:241;  9:279 
Cole,  Timothy,  artist,  2:xii;  13:xi 
Colel,  Timothy,  1:187 

Colhoun,  Alexander,  l:332n;  2:741;  13:99 
Colhoun,  Andrew,  5:435» 
Colin's  farm,  Quebec,  13:626 
Collaee,  F.  ,5:169 

Collard,  Edward,  1:718,  720,  743 
Collens,  John,  8:1050-52,  1124 
Collet,  (Corlet),  ,  lieut,  3:90,  91,  92 

Colliam  (Mohawk),  8:957 
Collier,  Casper,  2:598 
Collier,  Isaac: 

commission  recommendation  (1770),  7:468,  673 

in  Indian  Affairs  accounts,  2:600;  3:168 

Mohawk  school  and,  10:935-36;  13:300 

Ogilvie  prayerbooks  and,  3:384;  10:264 
Collier,  John,  9:645 
Collingwood,  ,10:171 

Collins,  ,  capt.,  7:897 

Collins,  (carpenter),  6:100,  732 

Collins,  Edward,  lawyer  and  Albany  Town  Major,  1:20,  113n 

Assembly  debts  to,  1:381 

brother-in-law  of,  1:248;  9:50 

Butler  land  patent  (1753)  and,  9:100-101 

Canadian  prisoner  return  (1749)  and,  9:65-66 

Clinton  refusal  of  commission,  1:148,  150;  13:8 

commission  fees  received  by,  1:153,  185-86 

Corry  suit  and,  1:22,  25,  26-27;  9:2;  13:6,  7 

election  of  1745  and,  1:30 

election  of  1750  and,  1:293 

Holland  (Hichen)  and,  9:51 

Johnson's  land  purchases  (1745)  and,  1:451-52,  897 

Livingston  lands  survey,  3:613-14,  619,  649,  651,  943;  4:113-14,  116,  140. 
Ul-46passim;  10:337,  572,  575,  993-94;  13:276-77 

malpractico  affidavits,  1:207,  260,  267-68;  9:37,  57-58,  87,  89,  91,  94 

Negro  landowners  (1738)  and,  1:8;  13:3 

Oswego  Commissioners'  duties  (1752)  and,  1:364 

Oswego  relief  (1748)  and,  1:132,  178 

Van  Pctie  estate  and,  1 :362 
Collins,  James,  5:554-55;  7:337-38,  571-72 

Schoharie  patent  map,  7:336 
Collins,  John: 

Butler  land  deed  and,  9:100-101 

Caghnawaga.  boundary  line  and,  7:928,  930,  934,  952,  957,  958 

Johnson's  Lake  Champlain  land  purchases,  8:415 

New  York-Canadian  boundary  survey,  8:213-14 

Tryon  County  surveys  and,  12:1073 
Collins,  Margret,  9:100 
Collins,  Thomas,  11:485 
Collinson,  Peter,  9:292-93 
Collison,  ,  6:140;  7:561 



Collman,  William,  1:195,  196,  218 

Colly,  Peggy,  11:487 

Colombia,  Cartagena  expedition,  l:10n,  11-12 

Colombiere,  de  la,  French  commandant,  2:21,  23 

Colon,  James,  7:352 

Colon,  John  (Jan  Coelon),  1:55,  203,  346 

Colon,  Jonas,  7:352 

Col  vers,  Abner  Hawley,  7:432 

Colvers,  Elisha  Pratt,  Jr.,  7:432 

Colvers,  Samuel  Dean,  7:432 

Colville,  Alexander,  Lord,  3:24?i;  7:840;  10:172 

Saint  Johns  expedition,  3:879,  880,  894,  897 
Combs,  lieut.,  1 :  705 
Combes,  Paul,  1:235,  336 
Combes,  Philip,  2:134,  318 
Comfort,  Jacob,  3:90 
Commodore  (vessel),  10:790 

Compass,  John  (Katepakomin-Delaware),  11:459 
Compass,  Philip,  3:781 
Compass,  Sam  (Delaware  chief),  12:1100 
Comrie,  ,  in  Detroit  siege  (1763),  13:318 

Conajohare   (Onondaga),  10:633 
Conajoharee,  see  Canajoharie 
Conaways,  Maryland,  2:468 
Condoroonda  (Oneida  sachem),  2:703 
Conduct  of  the  Paxtoners  (pamphlet),  4:383 
Condy,  Adam,  7:439,  440;  8:988 
Condy,  Jesse,  7:439 

Conegochege,  see  Conococheague,  Maryland 
Coner  (Cowner),  Barnabas,  4:195,  234;  10:808 
Conessarago  Indians,  see  Canaseraga 
Conestoga,  1:921;  2:326 
Barton  land  at,  7:813 
devastation   (1768),  6:238 
Germans  of,  8:183 
King  claim,  5:702 
school  for,  5:403 
Conestoga  Indians: 

Harris  Ferry-Lancaster  Iroquois  Congress  (1757)  and,  9:729,  734-35 
lands  of,  11:225 

massacre   (1763),  4:272,  284-85,  299,  306-307,  310,  320,  323-24,  326;   6:82, 
97;  11:31,  32,  34,  38,  53,  55-57,  126,  663n;  12:333 
New  Jersey  shelter  for  survivors,  4:358,  366,  368.  377,  391 
New  York  refusal  of  entry  to  survivors,  4:293,  307,  327-28,  343,  357-58; 

11:1-2,  12-13,  17-18,  97 
Pennsylvania  condolence   (1768)   for,  6:92;  12:417,  422,  425 
Conewago,  see  Kanawagon 

Conferences,  Indian,  see  specific  Indian  groups  and  specific  meeting -places 
Congalton,  Henry,  lieut.,  4:650;  11:599 
Conidagiasate  (Mingo  chief),  11:724 
Conin,  Peter,  see  Conyn,  Piter 
Conine,  Philip,  7:468 

Coninghem,  Willem,  8:655  {See  also  Cunningham,  William) 
Conklin,  Joseph,  4:258 
Connaduntohas  (Mingo  chief),  11:724 
Connawagense  (Cayuga),  7:583;  8:17 
Connecticut  Colony: 

Act  for  Preventing  Encroachments  on  Indian  lands,  11:428 

Cape  Breton  expedition  and,  1:28,  91,  118 

charter,  4:456-61;  7:242n,  363-64,  364m;  10:484,  485,  532;  ll:255n 

governor's  acount  of  granting,  11:418-19,  420,  429 
Crown  Point  expedition  (1748),  1:79,  142 


Sir  William  Johnson  Papers 

Crown  Point  expedition   (1755'),  1:468,  472,  502,  513,  518;   9:170 
garrisoning  of  forts  (1756),  2:257,  336,  357 
Lake  George  battle  alert,  9:293 
Lake  George  request  for  government  instructions,  2:186-88,  253-55,  283; 

9:300;  13:61,  70-72 
provisions,  1:648,  710-11,  859,  872;  2:81,  109,  137,  197,  210,  339 
recruitment,  1:542,  552,  553,  602,  792,  827,  877,  888-89,  894;  2:67,  76, 
91,  105,  146;  9:180;  13:42 
diocese  of,  5:781n 

governors  of,  7:649n;  ll:254n,  25('m,  257ft 
governorship   (1769),  6:759 
Hartford  Assembly,  1771,  8:S9 

Indian  resettlement  at  Oneida   (1774),  12:1037-3S,  1060,  1119;    13:6S,",  $4 
Indian   school,   4:858;    10:271    (See   also   Lebanon,    Connecticut,   Wheeloek 

school  at) 
Iroquois  Albany  Council  (1751)  and,  9:83 
Johnson's  salary  and,  10:379-80 
Johnson  visit  (1768),  12:478 
marriage  laws  (1774),  12:1078n 

Mohegan  land  claims,  2:837;  4:375-76,  727-28,  743;  5:27,  463 
Agreement  of  1681  on  land  sales,  11:421-22 
bribe  offered  Tracy,  5:459-60 

defense  of  the  governor  and  company  (1764),  11:414-30,  483 
English  orders  (1769),  6:759-60 
sachem  election  proposal,  6:767-68 
surveys  (1683-84),  11:422 
Tracy  exposition  of,  4:455-61;  11:254-62,  483 
Nahantick  Indians  grievances,  5:423-26 
New  London  riots  (1769),  7:71-73 
New  York  boundary  and,  8:725 

New  York  payment  (1748)  to  company  enlisted  in,  1:129 
pastoral  praise  of  Wheeloek,  3:826 
Pequots  and,  4:455-56,  679-80;  5:460 
recruitment  (1764),  4:364,  382,  402 
Rogers  plot  (1768)  and,  12:440 
Rogers  escape  to,  4:302 
runaway  slave  laws,  4:811,  830,  858 
soil  quality,  13:194 
Superior  Court,  7:873;  9:93 

Susquehanna  Purchase  (See  Susquehanna  Purchase) 
tea  importation  (1771),  8:72 
Wheeloek  school  site  proposal,  12:1  15 
Connecticut  Company,  see  Susquehanna  Company 
Connecticut  River,  l:536n,  537-38,  607;  11:20 

as  boundary  between  New  York  and  New  Hampshire,    1:5.11;  5:23;  11:368 
Mohegan  grant  upon,  11:416 
Nipmuck  Indians  on,  4:1.1.1;  11:25.1 
proposal  for  new  government  west  of,  7:170 
Conner,  Francis,  2:305-306 
Conner,  Ned,  7:1065 
Conneetohis  (Oneida),  9:395 
Conneyegerada  (Iroquois),  3:208,  210 
Connins,  Peter,  see  Conyn,  Piter 
Connlv,  Jeremiah,  7:976 
Connolly,  John,  rapt.,  12:1001,  L099 
Connor,  Edward,  12:818,  855 
Connor,  Franck,  1:187 
Connor,  James,  2:543 

scouting  trips,  2:263,  279,  283,  292;  9:526 
Connor,  Lancester,  7:1106 
Connor,  Owen,  12:818,  855 
Connor,  Timothy,  see  O'Connor,  Timothy 



Connossadagah  (Onondaga  sachem),  see  Canasatego 

Connowaroherry,  see  Canowaroghare 

Conococheague,  Maryland,  1:751;  2:468;  5:616 

Conochquanie  (Oneida  sachem),  2:375;  9:215 

Conoghquieson  (Oneida  chief),  see  Canaghquiesa 

Conogoncony,  11:487 

Conolly,  Dr.  Jolin,  in  Virginian  attempt  on  Fort  Pitt,  8:1064,  1153n 

Conoyaway,  Sam,  10:692 

Conoys  (Canays,  Conogs)  : 

Chenango  resettlement,  11:60,  64-65,  106-107;  12:242,  243 

at  Easton  Council  (1761),  3:518 

expenses,  9:656;  12:759,  803 

Fort  Augusta  conference  (1764),  4:579-83,  610 

at  Fort  Johnson  meetings  (April,  1757),  9:697,  718 
(August,  1757),  2:729 

at  Fort  Stanwix  Congress  (176S),  6:436;  12:606,  619,  624,  628,  629 

Iroquois  neutrality  and,  9:934 

at  Johnson  Hall  Susquehannah  Indian  Congress  (Feb.  1764),  11:59,  60-61, 
64-65,  67 

Lancaster  Treaty  (1762)  and,  13:280 

location  and  numbers  (1763),  4:242 

Nanticokes  and,  9:633-34 

at  Niagara  Congress  (1764),  4:481 

recruitment  (1757),  9:792,  809 

recruitment  (1764),  11:186-87 

Shamokin  murders  (1763),  10:847,  848,  849,  850,  851 
Constable,  Dr.  John,  6:221;  8:86;  13:471,  516 

Claus  and,  4:381;  6:422;  12:78 

house  of,  6:622 

on  Johnson's  health  (1770),  7:381 

land  purchases,  7:465 

smallpox  inoculations  and,  4:617;  6:508-509 
Constantinople,  7:430,  870,  945 

Constitutional  Courant  (newspapers),  4:850,  855,  857n;  11:953 
Contades,  ,  3:145w 

Contrecoeur,  de,  2:21,  23 

Contre  Coeur,  13:623 
Conum,  John,  7:463 
Conway,  Henry  Seymour,  gen. : 

Blues  regiment  of,  7:1075,  1078 

dismissal  (1764),  4:421 

frontier  murders  (1766)  and,  5:201,  216,  286 

Illinois  colonization  and,  5:319-30,  336;  12:136,  140,  178 

Indian  Affairs  expenditures  and,  12:15 

Johnson  (John)  regiment  (1779)  and,  8:1215 

Moncrieffe  and,  5:32 

as  Secretary  of  State,  4:421n;  5:33,  62;  8:358 

trade  limitation  to  outposts  and,  5:244;  12:102,  112 

on  Walker  (Justice),  5:113-15,  231 

War  Office  appointment  (1765),  11:970 

ivar  prospects  (1771),  7:1077 
Conyn  (Canine,  Cornyn),  Piter,  capt.: 

Albany  County  division  petition,  8:333 

bear  skins,  1:235 

bull,  2:575 

at  Canajoharie  meeting  (1763),  4:50,  61 

division  of  command  of,  3:287-88,  296 

garrisoning  of  Indian  forts,  2:222,  597;  9:264 

on  gates  over  highways,  4:610 

justice  appointment 'lists,  2:782;   3:609,  622,  643,  651,  737,  750:   12:768, 
783,  793 

on  jury  in  Indian  murder  case  (1747),  1:112 


Sir  William  Johnson  Papers 

land  affairs,  4 :  92 

Marsh  and,  11:71 

oath  of  allegiance,  8:655 

payment  of,  3:162,  369 

Quackinbush  account,  11 :  624 

recruiting  (1758),  2:819 

smith  work,  9 :  646 
Coo,  John  (Blacksmith),  1:726 
Coof,  James,  4:154;  11:433 
Coof,  Sarah,  4:154;  11:433 
Cook,  ,  maj.f  2:698 

Cook,  George,  6:700 

Cook,  John  (Seneca  chief),  see  White  Mingo 
Cook,  Mathew,  see  Kough,  Mathew 
Cook,  Sarah,  4:159 
Cook,  Thomas,  1:257 
Cooke,  Henry,  2:108,  110 
Cooke,  Rev.  ,5:430 

Coole  (Indian),  5:666 
Cooley,  Peter,  3:634;  6:771;  10:248 
Coon,  Betty,  4:160 
Coon,  Elizabeth,  11:490 
Cooper,  ,  7:122 

Cooper,  Jacob,  2:589 
Cooper,  John,  4:375 
Cooper,  John,  Jr.,  4:375 
Cooper,  Eev.  Dr.  Myles,  5:408,  439 

Babcock  and,  8:857 

Brown  and,  6:75,  457 

Chandler  and,  5:835,  841 

English  mission,  8:381 

Griffith  and,  7:249;  8:1 

on  Convention  of  the  Clergy  (1766),  5:430-31,  434,  454-55,  487-88 
(1767),  5:780-81 

Hanna  and,  8:99 

Inglis  and,  7:544,  692,  695,  696,  746,  761;  8:277,  279,  300,  541,  553,  621 

Johnson's  offer  of  land  for  an  episcopate,  5:837 

Johnson  vis-it  (1766),  5:236,  407 

King's  College  presidency,  5:ix,  217 

portrait,  8:620 

quit  rents  and,  8:541.  553 

Seabury  and,  5:781,  800,  838-39,  842-43;  6:11-12,  17,  78,  456;  7:212 
Cooper,  Peter,  Jr.,  8:655 
Cooper,  Samuel,  4:375 
Cooper,  Solomon,  4:375 
Cooper,  Thomas,  4:575 
Cooper,  William,  2:28n 

Coote,  Richard,  see  Bellomont,  Richard  Coote,  Earl  of 
Coote,  Sir  Eyre,  col.,  4:120«. 
Cope,  col.,  1:12 
Cope,  Mrs.,  1:58 
Cork  (slave),  13:553 
Cork,  Ireland,  1:74;  4:9.".,  217;  10:885 
Cork,  John,  5:257 
Cormick,  Cezar,  10:692-94 
Corn,  1:123;  2:468,  783;  5:565,  642,  646,  716,  783;  7:74;  8:148,  165;  9:554; 

12:254,  742 

Adems  accounts,  6:502,  510,  511 

Campbell  accounts,  5:549;  6:533 

Canadian  shortage  (1758),  2:786 

cattle  damages  (1760),  3:218 

Corry  shipment  (1756),  2:475,  476 




cultivation  of,  3:496,  501;  13:183 
disbursement : 

(1767),  12:344,  345,  371 
(1768),  12:644,  656,  666,  670,  735 
(1769),  6:709,  742;  7:14;  12:726,  736,  738 
(1770),  12:801,  867 
(1771),  12:921,  924;  13:710 
(1773),  13:717 
Egyptian,  7:645 

harvest  failure  (1765),  11:783-84,  813,  817,  870 
(1767),  12:344,  345 

(1768),  12:656,  688,  717,  718,  726,  735,  736 
(1773),  12:1026 
harvesting  times,  13:210 
Illinois  cultivation,  5:322-23 
Indian  women's  work,  13:188 
Johnson  Hall  inventory  (1774),  13:662 
laborers'  rations  (1756),  9:458 
miller  charges  (1770),  7:661-63 
New  Jersey,  5:565;  7:795 
Niagara  planting  (1766),  12:44,  69,  96 
Oswego  relief  (1756),  9:401-402 
Pennsylvanian,  8:183;  13:183 
prices : 

(1755-59),  2:579,  628,  636;  3:170;  9:703 
(1760),  13:181,  193 

(1767),  5:575,  611,  626,  725,  798;  7:559 
(1768),  6:485 
(1769),  6:682,  683;  12:735 
(1770),  7:372,  802,  807 
(1771),  12:901,  924,  926 
(1772),  12:947,  1003,  1016 
(1773),  12:1021 
(1774),  8:1096 
rum  in  payment  for,  9:631,  638 
squirrel  damages  (1767),  12:286 
storage,  13:191,  194 

Stringer  shipment  (1769),  6:707-708,  756 
Virginia,  11:583 

Warren  estate,  13:2,  3,  4,  5,  28,  29 
Cornbury,  Edward  Hyde,  Lord,  4:838;  11:924 
Corn  Cob  (Shawnee),  see  Keightighqua 
Cornee,  capt.,  1:259 
Cornee,  Daniel,  7:479 
Cornel,  Thomas,  2:161,  167;  13:57-58 
Cornelia  (vessel),  11:695 
Cornelius  (Caghnawaga),  11:659 

Cornelius  (Kaghnearase — Canajoharie),  10:181;  13:176 
Cornelius  (Wadoriadeghdo — Canajoharie),  10:181;  13:176 
Cornelius  (Delaware),  11:847 
Cornelius  (Mahican),  2:371-72;  9:211-12 

on  Montreal  expedition,  10:183;  13:177 
Cornelius  (Mohawk),  8:955,  965;  12:532 

on  Montreal  expedition  (1760),  10:180;  13:173 
Cornelius  (Mohawk,  d.1750),  9:61 
Cornelius  (Tuscarora),  10:948,  959 

Corn  Milk  (Onondaga  Indian),  1:536;  2:679-80;  9:631-32,  656,  S03 
Cornoct,  Jelles,  3:151 

Cornplanter  (Seneca  chief ),  2: 665m;  9:585w;  13:229m 
Cornstalk  (Shawnee)  see  Keightighqua 
Cornu,  Pieter,  1:76-77;  7:1106 
Cornue,  Daniel,  7:1107 


Sir  William  Johnson  Papers 

Cornwallis,  Frederick   (Archbishop  of  Canterbury),  7:589,  693 

Corporation  in  England  for  Propagating  the  Gospel  in  New  England,  Boston 

Commissioners  of,  12:912-13,  918-19,  928,  929 
Corporation  for  the  Relief  of  Widows  and  Children  of  Deceased  Clergy-men  of 

the  Church  of  England  in  America,  7:248,  280-81,  282,  518 
Correll,  Hendrik,  7:1107 

Corrinah  (Raven  King,  Cherokee  chief),  12:393-94 
Corry,  capt.,  2:33 

Corry,  Miss  ,4:64 

Corry,  Mrs.  Catherine  (widow  of  William),  4:105,  107 
Corry,  Isaiah,  4:131 
Corry,  John,  13:502 
Corry,  Ralph,  maj.,  3:669 
Corry  (Curry),  William: 

on  Albany  election  of  1751,  1:358-59 

on  Albany  judicial  appointments,  2:732 

on  Albany  politics  (1761),  3:377,  385 

on  Albany  trial  between  Emerson  and  Vanderpool,  2:475-76 

on  Albany  trials  for  rum  trade  with  Indians,  2:496-98 

on  British  troop  movements,  2:493-94,  495,  666-67;  3:338,  907-908 

on  Burton,  4:67 

Carden  and,  3:627 

death  of,  4:104,  105,  107,  115,  117 

debt  collection  of,  4:44,  48,  78 

Duncan  and,  10:615 

on  Forbes,  3 : 5 

on  Fort  William  Henry,  2:481 

Indian  expenses,  2:618;  3:167 

on  Johnson's  building  plans  (1763),  4:28-29 

Johnson's  legal  action  against,  1:16-18,  25,  26-27;  9:2,  58;  13:6,  7 

Kinderhook  justice  of  the  peace  and,  9:136-37 

Kloek   trial   for  ejectments,   3:645,   646,   649-52,   737-38,   745,  916-17,   955; 
4:115,  117;   10:642 

land  holdings,  3:944;  4:658,  792 

on  Loudoun  and  Shirley,  2:471-72 

on  Major  Mathews,  2:493,  530;  3:907 

on  Martinique  expedition,  3:667-69 

on  military  situation  (1759),  3:128-29 
(1762),  3:982 

on  naval  battles,  3:47-48 

Oswego  correspondence  |  17."!)),  13:125 

on  Pitt's  resignation,  3:591-92 

Silvester  and,  4:203,  220 

Smith  and,  4:286 

on  supply  shortages,  2:530-31 

Van  Eps  widow  and,  4:7-8 

Wagoners'  desertion  (1755),  1:873 

warning  Johnson  mi  dangers  from  Indians,  2:487-88 
Corry 's  Rush,  8:80,  88,  107 
Corsa,  Isaac,  2:895« 

on  Niagara  campaign,  3:99,  100 

Westchester  company  of,  1:518;  2:40n 
Corsica,  7:97,  157 
Corts,  Johannis,  3:750;  12:783 
Cosby,  Mrs.  Grace : 

on  American  business  affairs,  4:767 

death  of,  6:469 

Kelly  interest  in  hinds  of,  3:.",:::,  588,  608 

land  purchases  and  rents  (1768),  6:440  U,  62]    636 

manor  lands  sale  to   DeLancey,  3:111.  608,  633,  640.  645,  656.  731,  828; 
4:627,  851,  864;  5:15,  270;  10:438 
Johnson  power  of  attorney,  4:94,  627;  5:31;  10:438;  12:996 



Cosby,  Mrs.  Grace, 

mortgages,  4:204-205,  627,  633,  681 

neighboring    patents,    6:42;     12:686,    703-704,    705-706,    794,    894-95; 

survey,  4:855,  860;  10:492 

mining  interests,  4:324 

Shuckburgh  interest  in  estate,  6:469,  534,  549 

will  of,  5:546 

Williams  (Charles)  and,  3:598,  682;  4:850 
Cosby,  William,  capt.,  1:331,  455?i 

insanity,  4 :  740 ;  5 :  270 ;  6 :  470 

land  near  Canajoharie,  3:398;  4:840,  850;  11:944,  973 

return  to  England,  9:89-90 
Cosby,  Gov.  William: 

Hardenbergh  patent  and,  6:738 

land  grant,  3:873,  944 

Mohawk  land  claims  and,  3:610;  8:568-69,  685,  937n,  958-59,  993-94 

son  of,  l:455n;  6:470 

will  of,  6:470 
Cosby,  Fort,  2:33 
Oosgriff,  Hugh,  3:373 
Cosin,  Joseph,  4:159;  5:153 
Cosmer,  Casper,  corporal,  6:526 
Cossans,  (Jamaica  visitor),  7:22,  27-28,  43 

Cost,  George,  9:396 

Coton  de  Moilly  (Shawnee  chief),  4:761,  764 
Cotrell,  Mary,  4:154;  11:433 
Cotsford,  William,  13:94 
Cotter,  James,  7:919;  12:818,  960,  988 
Cottgrave,  John,  8:320-23,  424-25,  488;  13:597,  606 
Cottice,  Samuel,  12:242 
Cottrell,  Stephen,  6:735 
Cottrell,  Thomas,  lieut.,  4:64;  10:630 
Couagne   (Cangine,  Coughny,  de  Coine,  Dequoney),  Jean  Baptiste  de,  3:147n, 

903;  6:488;  8:212 

Albany  imprisonment  and  escape  (1757),  2:746-49;  9:830-31;  13:100 

Andrews  (Collin)  and,  3:671;  4:247 

autograph,  9:xi 

blacksmith  tools  and,  5:226 

Canadian  correpondence  (1757),  2:723 

blindness,  8:774 

Butler  (Thomas)  and,  2:700;  9:663 

Canadian  invitation  (1757),  9:721 

at  Chippewa  conference  (Johnson  Hall,  June,  1765),  4:786;  11:769,  819 

Clinton  introduction  (1751)  of,  1:325 

colonial  administration  of  trade  and,  7:89 

on  Dalyell  Detroit  action  (1763),  10:790-91 

on  Detroit  provision  train  harassment  (1763),  4:217;  10:936-37 

Detroit  siege  (1763)  and,  4:148,  194-95 

on  Detroit  threats  of  Indian  attack  (1769),  12:723 

drafts,  3:886,  892;  4:44,  207,  280,  825;  7:340,  370,  850;  12:427 

on  Flatheads,  5:1 

on  Fox  Indian  at  Niagara  (1764),  4:423 

French  information  (1758),  9:907,  915-16 

French  threats  of  attack  (1756),  9:557,  558 

Indian  return  of  deserters  to,  3:925,  957-5S;  4:492;  11:196;  13:280-81 

on  Lake  Erie  shipwreck,  4:200;  10:812 

liquor  trade,  3:719,  747,  752,  793,  811;  10:684 

Lydius  and,  1:325;  9:79 

Miamis  and,  4:786;  11:811,  832 

Missisaugas  and,  4:617;  10:955;  13:129 

Montour  Niagara  journey  (1764)  and,  11:198 

on  Niagara  Carrying  Place  attack  (Sept.  1763),  10:815,  816,  884 


Sir  William  Johnson  Papers 

on  Niagara  command  (1766),  5:115-16 

at   Niagara-Detroit   Congress    (1761),   3:454,   460;    13:228,  230,   233,   235, 
237,  240,  266,  267 

at  Niagara  French  surrender  (1759),  13:118,  119-20,  154 

Niagara  pilots  (1760),  10:169-70 

on  Niagara  provisions,  4:510 

on  Niagara  threats  of  Indian  attack  (1763-64),  4:134-35,  137-38,  217,  422 

Niagara  trade  and,  3:258;  4:316,  523;  10:470,  684,  907,  908 

on    Niagara    woodcutting    party    massacred    (1763),    4:236;    10:921-22 

Oswegatchie  attack  plans  (1759),  13:145 

Pollard  and,  6:497 

present  disbursement,  4:134;  10:333,  684;  11:613 

Boberts  and,  5:339 

on  Eogers,  4:260 

Pontiac  messages  (1765),  4:786;  11:831,  899,  906,  907,  940 

salary,  3:978;  10:637 

Seneca  visit  (1764),  4:492;  11:196,  213 
(1767),  5:723 
(1769),  6:750-51,  777 

Seneca  visits  to  Niagara  and,  4:286,  427;  11:1 

Solomon  dispute  (1762),  3:671 

on  traders  murdered  near  Lake  Erie  (1763),  10:723 

Van  Alstine  child  and,  10:193 

Van  Schaack  power  of  attorney,  4:578,  59S 

Wabbicommicot  and,  4:134,  786;  10:907-908,  937 

"Wade  and  Keiuser  trade  expedition  and,  7:739,  740,  775 

on  Wilkins  excursion,  4:219,  255 
Couagne,  Miss  La  Rat  de,  4 :  790 
Coudie,  Adam,  12:676 
Cougar,  David,  5:782 
Coughlan,  Daniel,  1:20,  21;  9:3 

Coulon  de  Jumonville,  see  Jumonville,  Joseph  Coulon  de  Villiers 
Coulter,  Alexander,  3:720-21 
Counce,  Casper,  8:334 
Counce,  Johannis,  8:334 
Countreyman,  ,1:70 

Coupee,  10:822 
Cour  de  Serf,  Le,  5:654,  828 

Cournoyer   (Cousnoyer),  ,  in  Niagara  surrender,  10:124;   13:1.14 

Courtemanche,  ,2:20,  22 

Courtland,  ,3:946 

Courtnay,  Hugh,  8:414-15;  12:819 
Cous,  Frederick,  see  Koose,  Frederick 
Coutawainy  (Ottawa  chief),  5:729 
Coventry,  George,  capt.,  3:897n,  960?i;  10:439 

Albany  wagon  service  (1758)  and,  10:50,  51 

NiagaT-a  settlement  plans,  10:270 
Coventry  (ship),  5:103n,  269,  783 
Covunna  (Cherokee),  5:832 
Cowaha  (Indian),  11:75-76 
Cowcakc  (Oneida),  4:165-66 
Coweghie  (Oneida  Indian),  1:739 
Cowes,  England,  13:180 
Coweta  Indians,  12:56 
Cowly,  ,  farm  (173S)  of,  13:2 

Cowner,  Barnabas,  see  Concr,  Barnabas 
Cox,  ,  in  Adems  accounts,  13:598,  615,  616 

Cox,  ,  fur  trader,  13:231 

Cox,  Ebenezer,  7:667;  8:334,  L209 
Cox  &  Drummond,  7:926,  1091,  1092;  8:93,  57S 

Coxe,    Daniel,    trade   loss   petition    (1768),    6:477-78,    580;    12:618,    619,   620 
Coxe,  John: 



Coxe,  John, 

land  grant  appeal,  6:572-73;  12:980 
trade  losses,  4:264,  270;  12:595,  702 
Coxe,  William,  5:358,  359,  361,  362 
Coxsackie  (Coatsackie,  Coksacky,  Coxsakie)  : 
justices  of  the  peace  (1770),  7:467;  12:781 
militia  recommendations  (1770),  7^:448,  449,  467-69,  673,  679 
militia  reorganization  (1767),  12:319 
Road  Act  (1770)  and,  7:596 
Coyaderoseras  patent,  see  Kayaderosseras  patent 
Covhies,  see  Coheis 
Coylar,  Isack,  1:98 
Cozzens,  Leonard,  1:355 
Cozzens,  William,  1:270-71 
Craane,  George,  see  Croghan,  George 
Crage,  Robert,  2:89 

Craig,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  ,1:58,128 

Craig,  John,  1:98 
Craig,  William,  3:847 
Craige,  ,1:84 

Craigg,  ,1:42 

Crailo,  Fort,  1:623« 
Cram  (Indian),  3:596,  598;  10:351 
Cramahe,  Hector  Theophilus: 

Aughquisasne  affairs  and,  7:958;  12:1027 

Oaghnawaga  French  settlers  and,  8:188-89,  210 

Canadian  Indian  Affairs  Superintendency  proposal   (1772),  8:525-28 

Claus  Canadian  journey  (1773)  and,  13:618,  621,  622,  624,  627 

Huron- Jesuit  land  claims  (1773),  13:627,  629,  630,  631 

liquor  trade  protests  and,  12:972 

Quebec  lieutenant-governorship,  12:972?i 

Rogers  trial,  6:259,  260,  288-89;  12:568,  612-13 

Seneca  murders  of  Frenchmen  on  Lake  Ontario  (1773),  8:923-24; 

trade  regulations  copy  (1767),  13:422-24 
Cramer,  Samuel,  1:271-73,  323 
Cramp,  ,  10:885 

Cranbury,  New  Jersey,  10:164 
Crane,  Haniss  (Mohawk),  2:667 
Crane,  Lodowick,  3:649;  4:146 
Cranisse  (Oneida),  9:773 
Cranz,  David,  6:69 

Cratzinberger  (Critzenberger),  Coenraet,  3:428,  634 
Craven,  Charles,  maj.,  2:541-42,  545-46 
Craven,  Mary,  11:487 
Crawford,  (saddler),  8:754,  7S1 

Crawford  (Crawfoot),  lieut.,  3:60,  67,  74,  75,  78,  84 

Crawford,  Hugh,  5:395,  400;  6:6;  12:208,  402 

account  of  Indian  losses  (1763),  5:134-35;  12:63-64 

commissary  recommendation,  from  Rogers,  12:120-21 

Fort  Stanwix  Congress  and,  12:607,  621-22 

Frazer-Pontiac  meeting  (1765).  4:799-800,  816 

on  French-Indian  intrigue  (1763),  10:640 

at  Harris  Ferry-Lancaster  Congress  (1757),  9:728,  732 

at  Iroquois-Cherokee  peace  conference  (1767),  12:394 

Hay  and,  5:345,  369 

orders  for  Indian  goods  (1766),  5:250,  251,  254,  275-76,  298-299,  312 

Pollard  and,  5:295,  296-97 

Pontiac    escort   to    Oswego    (1766),    5:68,    10S,    279,    289,    338,    362,    409 

12:116,  127 
Shawnee  scalping  raid  (1762)  and,  10:456-57 
taken  prisoner  (1763). 10:686 
Crawford,  William,  capt.,  12:1097 


Sir  William  Johnson  Papers 

Crawley,  James,  2:859 

Crean,  John,  4:374 

Creassy,  James  (surveyor),  12:980,  1006 

Greek  Indians,  1:378;  7:253 

Charles  Town  murders,  4:297,  395 

Cherokees  and,  3:356;   4:304,  315-1(3;   5:234;    7:1016;   8:349,  1044,  10S6, 
1118;  12:99,  360 

Fort  Duquesne  expedition  (1758)  and,  2:S11 

Choetaws  and,  4:304,  315,  784-85,  1131-32;  8:58,  143,  519,  820,  843,  1044, 
1086;  11:803,  830,  872 

French  cession  of  Louisiana  and  Florida  and,  4:206-67 

Georgia  cessions,  4:304 

hostilities  (1764),  4:304,  315,  329 

Iroquois  and,  1:387-88;  8:407,  419,  1086,  1104,  1118 

King  (Thomas)  and,  8:247 

Long  Cane  Eiver  massacre  and,  11:15 

numbers   (1766),  12:56-57 

recruitment  of,  2:828;  10:950 

schools  for,  5:343 

Shawnees  and,  7:722;  8:1044,  1085,  1086,  1104;  12:872-73,  1088 

Stuart  conferences',  11:803;  12:360 

Taylor  conference  (1766),  12:239 

threat  of  uprising  (1774),  8:1044,  1083-86,  1104,  1118,  1167 

West  Florida  settlement  and,  8:143,  160-61 

West  Florida  war  on,  5:493-94 
Creeley,  Larrance,  1:195,  196 
Creitz,  Han  Ury  (George),  6:771;  12:819 

naturalization,  7:352,  1084-85 

wheat  purchases,  7:663 
Creitz,  Timothy,  10:248 

Creitzenberger,  Conradt,  3:428,  634;  6:771;  10:248;  12:819 
Cremar,  Peter,  3:163;  10 :  75 
Cremche,  George,  see  Croghan,  George 
Cresap,  Daniel,  4:6,  69;  10:573-74 
Cresap,  Michael,  capt.,  8:834-35 

Iroquois  treaty  (1766),  5:458,  469,  507;  12:236,  277-78,  292 

Indian   murders    (1774),   8:1164,    1167,   1177,    1178-79,   1182;    12:1095-99, 
1100,  1102,  1114-17;  13:666,  670,  676 
Cresap  (Cressap,  Crisip,  Cressop),  Thomas,  col.,  1:359;  2:650,  654;  9:75 

Indian  conferences  (1767),  12:382 

Maryland  authorization  of  Iroquois  trade  (1762),  10 :  ~>7  I 

Bedstone  Creek  trade  and,  6:19,  70 
Cressonniere,  La,  2:20,  22 

Crisp,  Betsey,  8:352 

Crissman,  (Oneida  trader),  2:664 

Crofford,  Hugh,  see  Crawford,  Eugh 
Crofton,  Howard  &  McCracken,  7:489 
Croghan,  George,  2:438,  545-46,  688,  758,  770,  784;  4:254,  643;  5:162,  442; 

6:41,  175,  300;  10:007,  012,  870;  13:346,  347 

Adems  and,  6:502;  13:560,  561 

Adolphus  account  and,  8:950,  1023 

Andrews  and,  7:253 

autograph,  1:1 

biographical  sketch,  2:28n 

bond  (1770)  to  Banyar,  12:821 

Bouquet  and,  4:611 

with  Braddock,  1:637,  752,  772;  2:30;  10:S24;  11:751 

Bradstreet  and,  6:781-82;  7:537,  656,  659,  771,  773,  788;  12:747,  821 

Byrne  and,  6:329 

Caghnawaga-Oanasadaga  conference   (1761),  3:565;   10:302-305,  307,  309n, 

on  Canadian  victory,  3:267 



Croghan,  George, 

Canajoharie  conference  (1759)  and,  3:29-30 

Canajoharie  church  and,  6:732,  757 

Canajoharie  dispute  (1756)  with  British  officers,  9:545,  548 

Canajoharie  suit  (1769)  against  Hartwick,  12:703 

Cayuga  French  information  (1756)  and,  9:539 

Chenundadies  and,  10 :  147 

Chew  and,  6:730;  7:1 

Chippewa  Congress  (Johnson  Hall,  July,  1768),  12:558 

Cole  accounts  and,  5:748-49,  751,  753-55;  6:20,  127-28,  197,  554;  13:397-99 

commissary  dismissals,  6:633 

commissary  recommendations  (1766),  5:32,  35,  76-77,  109,  110,  135 

companion  murdered  (1766),  12:130,  142 

Conestoga  massacres  and,  12:425 

copper  interests,  6:671-72,  712;  7:56 

court  of  inquiry  (1771),  8:344 

daughter's  marriage,  8:313n 

debtor  accounts  (anonymous,  1769)  against,  7:31,  34 

on  Delaware  prisoners  (1764),  4:421 

Delaware-Shawnee-Mingo  conference  (Fort  Pitt,  Dec.  1767),  13:437,  444-46 

Denny  debt,  3:387;  10:255,  257,  306 

Detroit  gunsmith  and,  4:181 

Detroit  Indian  Conference  (1760),  3:276,  323,  359,  360;  10:198-206 

Detroit  land  grants  and,  8 :  178,  224 

Detroit  surrender  of  Indian  prisoners   (1767),  5:630,  659,  660,  725 

Detroit  surrender  by  Picote  de  Belletre  (1761)   and,  3:310,  316 

Detroit  traders'  petition  (1767)  and,  5:813,  815;  6:113 

Detroit  siege  (1763)  and,  10:686,  727-28,  766 

McDonald  account,  10:736-45,  776 
Douw  and,  6:641 
early  rising,  4:267 
Easton  Council  (1758)  and,  2:752,  753,  754;  3:33-34,  214 

Pennsylvania-Iroquois  land  deed,  10:47,  48,  54 

preparations,   2:813,  816,   833,   839,   842,   851,   852,  854,   855,  878,  890, 
896;  9:893,  894,  951-52,  954-55,  964,  967,  969,  970;  10:4 
at  Easton  Council  (1762),  3:761,  771,  777-78,  783;  10:395,  396 
Farrel  and,  5:135-36 

financial  difficulties  (1770),  7:477-78,  651,  668 
on  Forbes  Indian  relations,  10:90-92,  103 
on  forcible  settlement  and  Indian  resentment,  5:560-61,  573,  737;   12:111, 

133,  166,  374 
Fort  Chartres  doctor's  appointment,  5:519 
Fort  Chartres  Indian  conference  (1766),  5:369 
Fort  Chartres  occupation  and,  11:516-17 
Fort  Chartres  trade  and,  5:578;  13:426-27 

appointment  (1766)   to  install  commissary  system,  12:16,  18-19,  23,  28, 
34,  37,  48-49,  68,  84,  85,  260 

appointment  instructions,  12:74,  76,  79,  80-83 

commissary  appointments  (1768),  12:584-85 

report  (Jan.  1767)  to  Johnson,  13:406-15 
Fort  Duquesne  attack  (T.758)  and,  3:3-4 
Fort  Duquesne  Indian  meeting,  3:487 
Fort  Edward  defense  (1756)  and,  9:550,  552 
Fort  Herkimer  attack  (1758)  and,  9:876,  878 
on  Fort  Pitt  abandonment,  8:671-72 
Fort  Pitt  instructions  (1769),  7:221,  257,  263,  314,  656 
Fort  Pitt  land  frauds  and,  7:685 
Fort  Pitt  rental,  8:593,  671 
Fort   Stanwix   Congress    (1768)    and,   6:316-17,   444-45,  507;    12:524,  527, 

622,  623,  624,  625,  627,  666 
Franklin  (William)  and,  11:969,  970;  12:511 
French  bounty  (1750)  on,  1:303 
French  and  Indian  War  recruitment  (1756),  9:537-38,  542 


Sir  William  Johnson  Papers 

French  land  grant  purchase  proposal  (1766),  5:127,  128-30,  196-97 

French  offer  to  aid  Illinois  Indians  against  English    (1771),  8:339-40 

French  threats  of  attack,  2:791-93,  820;  10:131,  133,  134,  174,  179;  13:103 

on  frontier  outrages,  5:181-82;   7:853,  872;  12:137;   13:406-407,  413 

Gage  instructions  on  Indian  land,  5:226,  243 

Gage  orders  to  Fort  Pitt  (1765),  11:516,  519-20 

at  German  Flats  meeting  (1756),  9:518 

on  German  Flats  raid  (1757),  2:757;  9:854-63,  865,  866 

German  Flats  trade  and,  2:778 

Great  Carrying  Place  defense  (1756),  9:511-12 

half  brother,  ll:169n 

Halifax  and,  4:248-50,  339,  363 

Harris  Ferry-Lancaster  Iroquois  Congress   (1757),  2:752,  753,  754;  9:595- 

96,  607,  608-10,  614,  624-25,  719,  727-65 

report  to  Johnson,  9:770-72,  782,  827 
Hay  and,  5:618-21,  637-38,  643-44,  687-89,  702-703,  815;  7:78,  197-98,  702 
Hurons  and,  3:496;  10:560-61 

Hutchins  tour  of  the  Great  Lakes  and,  10:452,  453,  521,  543,  706 
ill  health,  5:462,  473;  12:177,  235,  680,  821 

gout,  7:78,  92,  314,  374,  388,  487,  529,  568,  631-32,  855;  12:774 
Illinois  colonization  proposals,  4:886-89;  5:37-38,  196-97;  12:727-28 
Illinois  expedition    (1765),  4:625-26,   640-41,   646,   706-707,   741,   760,  767, 

770,  793,  832,  836,  837,  850,  862;  5:22;  11:536-37,  542-43,  569-70,  604, 

664-65,  814,  833-34,  844,  867-68 

arrival,  5:68;   11:877,  880,  881,  882-83,  896,  919-20;  12:16 

Fort  Pitt  Indian  conference,  4:774;  11:647,  723-34,  736-38,  769,  791, 
798,  810,  823,  840,  842,  862 

Fraser  journey  and,  4:774,  777,  809;  11:541,  560-61,  647,  790,  804,  810, 
833,  868,  881,  882-83,  899-90,  904 

French  view  of,  4:762,  765 

Indian  capture  of,  4:742,  762n,  792,  816,  823-24,  825,  828;  5:482,  559; 
11:836-43,  845-47,  853,  854-55,  871,  872,  877,  884,  892-93,  897,  904- 
905,  906,  913,  915;  12:54;  13:408 

instructions,  11:628-30,  633-34,  645,  647,  726 

Ohio  Indian  forces  escorting,  4:774,  785-86,  869,  873;  5:45;  11:774, 
776,  790,  798,  810,  831 

Pontiac  encounter  and  Detroit  conferences,  4:847-48,  849,  852,  858,  859; 
11:743,  839,  882-83,  899,  938-39,  940,  943,  954,  958,  962 

return,  4:860;  5:8,  10;  11:958,  960-61,  962,  964,  967-70;  12:8 
Illinois  expedition    (1766),  5:17-20,  68-69,  76,  80,  92,  108,  111,  120,  123, 
146,  200,  201,  216,  225,  228,  239-40,  278,  289,  305 

expenses  in  Cole  accounts,  13:397-99 

report  to  Johnson  (January,  1767),  13:406-15 

treaty,  5:469,  486;  12:143-44,  176-77,  238,  264;  13:407-408,  414-15 
Illinois  Indian  Affairs  plan  of  management,  11:628-29,  798 

as  Indian  Affairs  Deputy  Agent,  3:604-605,  861,  920;  4:111 

appointment  (1750),  9:470-71,  490,  538;  11:891 

commissary  regulation  duties,  12:413,  534;  13:424 
Indian  Affairs  resignation  tentatives: 

(1763),  4:208;  10:823-27,  858-59,  882 

(1765),  4:767,  770;  11:798 

(1766),  5:196;  13:388 

(1767),  5:473,  485,  488,  489,  515,  525;  12:276 

(1771),  8:259,  262,  286,  292-93,  308,  344,  350,  491 
Indian  Affairs  staff  reduction  (1762)  and,  10:560 
on  Indian  Affairs  Western  Division,  3:549,  551-52,  574 
on  Indian  boundary  line,  3:391;  4:76,  212,  363,  463;  5:560-61;  6:129-30, 

137,   185;    7:16n,   78,   112-13;    10:810;    12:392,  405,  462,  473-74,   520; 

Indian  expenses: 

(1756),  2:638,  642,  644 

(1757),  9:657:  10:824 



Croghan,  George, 

(1759),  10:92,  134,  139 

(1761),   3:300-301,   329-30,   331-32,  345-46,  505,   550-51,  573,  581,   597, 

600,  601;  10:244-45,  318,  354 
(1762),  3:605,   733,   821-22,   824,   858-61,   965;    10:452,   459-60,  472-73, 

475,  488,  824 
(1763),  4:222,  255;  10:914 
(1764),  4:520;  11:37;  13:326 

(1765),  4:648,  665-66,  701,  702,  703-704,  705,  707,  712-16,  738,  768, 
787-88,  830,  838,  850,  855,  858,  870,  872,  873,  879;  11:543-44,  576, 
578-80,  626,  627,  634,  681,  687,  694,  S44,  959,  968;  12:16 
charges  (1765)  of  dishonesty,  4:706-707,  711,  717-18,  721,  729-30,  732- 
33,  734,  735,  737,  738,  760,  767,  770,  778-79,  880-81;  5:44,  536; 
11:661,  704,  712,  71S,  746,  751,  776,  785,  798,  799,  968 
(1766),  5:69,  75-76,  78-79,  93-94,  109,  146-47,  155,  203,  225,  243,  262- 

65,  275,  307,  409,  411;  12:68,  74,  79;  13:389-90 
Baynton,   Wharton   and   Morgan   bills    (1766),   5:196,   270-71,   304-305, 
333,  362,  365,  369,  386-87,  396;  12:149,  164,  181,  207,  213,  235,  239, 
264,  265;  13:387-88,  389,  395 
(1767),  5:468,  474,  501,  536,  540,  541,  590,  601,  613,  700,  720,  850-51; 

6:38-39;   12:264-66,  324 
(1768),  6:83,  86-87,  100,  312,  314-15,  331-32;  12:423-24,  427,  556 
(1769),  7:10,  95,  219 
(1770),    7:487,    526,    555,    568,    653,    668-69,    855-56,    872,    911,    1121; 

12:804,  814 
(1771),  8:70,  111,  259,  286,  320,  344,  350;  12:902,  920,  925 
losses  by  Indians  (1766),  5:214,  559 
payment  of  Indian  deputies,  5:486,  503 
Indian  indemnities,   5:38-39;    7:528,  591,   631,   650-51,   659,   668;    10:824; 

12:278,  594,  620 
Indian  recruitment  (1758),  9:908-909,  931,  936,  940,  942 
Indian  smiths  and,  3:449-50,  551,  552,  573-74,  965;  5:649 
Iroquois-Cherokee  peace  treaty  (March,  1768),  12:461,  462,  472,  473 
Johnson  visit  (Aug.,  1763),  13:297,  298 

Johnson  (John)  English  voyage  (1765)  and,  11:964-65,  979-S1 
Jones  (David)  and,  8:618,  619 
journal,  4:741;  5:10,  37;  12:266;  13:433-46 
justice  appointment  lists  (1770),  12:769,  784,  792 
Lancaster  Treaty  (1762)  and,  3:827,  828,  873-75,  913-14,  921,  940;  10:498- 

99,  537,  538,  539,  543,  553-54,  559,  560,  566,  651-52;  13:280 
land  purchases,  5:540,  631,  685-86,  702;  6:103,  123,  617,  767;  7:153,  239, 
304,  487n,  529;  12:754,  767,  788 

English  ratification  of  grants  to,  6:757-58;  7:82,  109,  112-13,  216,  496, 
521,  537 
land  sales,  6:596-97,  629;  7:335-36,  475,  477-78,  527-28,  568,  575,  653,  668, 

690,  1132;  8:1126;  12:794 
Lee  (Charles)  offer  for  Mohawk  lands  (1764),  13:328-29,  330 
in  London,  4:339-42,  362-63,  396-99,  419-22,  462-65,  501-502 
return  to  America,  11:347-48,  357,  361,  481,  555;  12:520 
Loudoun  and,  2:562,  565,  724,  762,  767 
McDougal  and,  4:687,  716 
McKee    (Alexander)    accounts    (1765-66),   5:100-102;    11:646,   654-55; 

McKee  (Alexander)   appointment   (1762)   and,  3:875;   10:520,  543,  546-48, 

560,  596,  598;  11:397 
McKee  journal  and,  7:182,  183 

Maisonville  and,  5:724-25,  736,  802-803;  11:646;  12:372-73 
mason  recommended  by,  7:567.  572,  690 
medical  aid  for  Johnson  from,  5:85-86;  6:552-53 
Miami  embassy  (1765)  to.  11:841,  982 
missionaries  and,  8:1065 

at  Mohawk  conference  (Fort  Johnson,  Jan.,  1758),  13:104 
Mohawk  recruitment  (1756)  by  Canaghguasse,  9:488-89 


Sir  William  Johnson  Papers 

on  Monckton  conference   (1760)   with  Western  Indians,  3:26S 

Montour  and,  3:923;  4:272,-  10:139,  148-49 

Moore  visit  (1768),  6:504 

in  Mortier  account,  8:506 

in  New  Orleans  (1766),  5:422,  458,  362,  468 

Niagara-Detroit  Congress   (1761)   and,  3:332,  346,  354,  468,  470,  474,  495, 

500-501,  524,  549-51;  5:3;   10:218,  231-32,  316,  322;  13:229,  246,  249, 

251,  253,  258,  261 
Ohio  colonization  plans  and,  8:671,  678,  1126;  12:816,  1047 
Ohio  Indian  conferences   (Fort  Pitt,  1760),  3:208-17,  237,  242,  293-94 
Ohio  Indian  mission  instructions  (1764),  11:397-9S 
Ohio  Indian  conferences  (Fort  Pitt,  Oct.,  1773),  12:1047-52 
Ohio  River  traders  murdered  (1767),  5:686-87,  710;  12:367,  415 
at  Oneida  conference   (Fort  Johnson,  Sept.,  1757),  9:835,  842,  847 
Oneida  land  claims  and^  6:450 
Oneida  visit  (Oct.,  1757),  2:748 
Ormsby  and,  11:362» 
Oswego  correspondence   (1759),  13:146 
Oswego  fall  and,  2:554 
Oswego  scout  trip  (1758),  9:914-15,  918 
Ottawa-French  plot  (1762)  intelligence,  10:534-35 

Ouiatanon  Indian  conference  (July,  1765),  11:847-50,  899-90,  962;  12:22-23 
Paxtoners  and,  4:706-707,  840;  6:169-70;  11:634-36,  643-45,  663-65,  680-81, 

712,  718,  968;  12:16,  482 
Penn  (Thomas)  and,  11:126,  347-48 
Pennsylvania  Indian  Treaty  (1756)  and,  2:402 
Pennsylvania  invitation    (1761)   to  Western  Indians,  10:213,  231,  300-301, 

Pennsylvania  mission  (1756),  2:657-59,  738,  743;  9:678 
Pennsylvania  unpopularity  (1766),  12:43 
Philadelphia   Traders'   Memorial   on   losses   sustained   in   the   Indian   Wars, 

4:264-66,  267-70,  272,  545 
Pittsburgh  traders'  petition,  6:19-20 

Pontiac  conference  (Fort  Ontario,  1766),  5:108-109;   12:22,  28-29,  80,  128 
Pontiac  Fort  Chartres  conference  plans  (1766),  5:91;  12:48,  70,  76,  79,  80 
Pontiac  message  (1765),  11:517 
Pontiac  on,  2:771 

Pownall  (John)  and,  4:251,  340,  363,  398,  419,  420-21 
Pownall  (Thomas)  and,  4:255,  340;  7:288 

on  present  disbursement,  10:1. ".1-32,  134-35,  138,  149-50,  548-49,  597-98,  652 
Presque  Isle  attack  (1763)  and,  10:727-28 
Prevost  and,  7:528,  650,  668;   8:155,  208,  313n,  426,  531,  672,   760,  761; 

Roberts  accounts  (1768),  12:465 
Rogers  arrest  (1767)  and,  12:378 

rumors  (1765)  of  Johnson's  recall  attributed  to,  4:638;  11:546 
Ruppert  and,  6:248 

salary,  5:442;  10:637;  12:641,  764,  805 
Scarooyady  and,  1:475-76,  590,  637;  2:28;  9:196 
Scioto  Council  plans  (1767)  and,  5:686-87,  701,  710.  736  38 
Scioto    trade    and,    5:384,    400;    12:133,    L54-55.    L65-66.    181-82,    201-203, 

207,  235 
scouting  expenses,  2:779-80;  3:48 
servants  sent  by,  7:188 
on  Seneca  unrest  (1762),  3:662-63,  732  34,  '.m'.I  65.  966 

(1767),  5:737,  785 
Shawnecs  and,  3:670,  890,  964;  5:45,  110,  ill;  7:609  10;  10:431n,  432-33, 

435,  452,  456-57,  458,  460 

Shawnee  punishment  ("1774s)   proposed  by  Kayashuta,  12:1009 

trader  warning  and  implication   of   Mfingoes   (1773).    12:1032-33.    L046. 

migration   (1771),  7:149-50 



Croghan,  George, 

Shipboy  and,  7: 60S 

shipwreck  in  France,  4:341,  383,  384,  400,  407,  418;  11:169 

Stamp  Act  and,  11:969,  980 

shyness  of,  4:605 

Stanwix  and,  3:138,  183,  185,  200;  5:78,  93-94,  145-46 

Stuart  deputies  (1765)  and,  11:788-89,  837,  840,  842-43,  846-47 

Stump  murders  and,  6:91-92,  96-97,  101-102,  128-29 

Pennsylvania  condolence  (Fort  Pitt,  April,  1768),  6:107-109,  122,  129, 
136,  142,  161-62,  168-70,  176,  224-25,  333,  334;  12:425,  435,  454, 
461-62,  463-64,  468-69,  472,  473-74 

on  Susquehannah  Dela wares,  2:819-20;  3:931,  964-65 

on  threats  of  general  Indian  war: 
(1762),  3:964-65 
(1763)    4:62   97   9S   99 

(1767)'  5:700-701,  736-38;  12:374,  375,  379;  13:433-46 
(1768),  12:417,  423,  425 
(1769),  7:10,  78-79,  314,  315-17 
(1770),  7:404-405,  408,  651-53,  655-56,  669,  689-90 
(1771),  7:1149-50 

at  Ticonderoga  attack,  2:886 

town  plan  for  Johnstown,  3:827,  914;  10:560 

on  trade  limitation  to  outposts,  5:738;  12:375 

trade  losses  (1755),  1:496-97 

trade  re-opening   (1765)   and,  4:625-26,  706-707,  731-32,  799,  810;  11:628, 
634,  725,  815,  816 

on  trade  with  Western  Indians  (1759),  10:91-92,  104,  108 

Virginia  attempt  to  annex  Fort  Pitt  and,  8:1022,  1064-65,  1126 

Wabash  Indian  peace  treaty  (Fort  Pitt,  August,  1770),  7:653,  656,  689-90, 
855;  12:872-73,  881 

war  belt  circulation  (1763),  10:689 

on  war  belt  circulation  (1767),  5:676 

Western  Indian  conspiracy  (1771),  8:6-8,  10,  11,  35,  57,  251 

Wetherhead  and,  6:219?i,  234,  267,  639,  644;  7:466,  772 

William  (Johnson's  son)  and,  6:171 
Croghan,  Susannah,  see  Prevost,  Susannah  Croghan 
Croghan  Hall,  3:890 

Crohon  (Crohorn),  Dennis,  4:271;  5:207;  11:614 
Croix,  dela,  2:21,  23 

Croner  Point,  7:723 

Cromelin  (Crommelin),  Eobert,  1:347,  727 
Crommelin,  James,  7:231 
Cromwell,  Phil,  7:326 
Crooked  Legs  (prisoner),  11:488 
Crosby,  ,7:90,  91 

Crosby,  (London  mayor),  8:104 

Cross,  (Narragansett  schoolmaster),  6:60 

Cross,  James,  9:273 
Cross,  Thomas,  4:757 
Crossen,  3:144,  145 
Crossfield,  Stephen,  8:131-32 
Crothers,  Thomas,  8:413,  471,  605,  731 
Crots,  Christian,  2:731 
Crotty,  Peter,  1:245 
Crouse,  Peter,  7:680 
Crow,  Polly,  11:490 
Crowe,  Jean,  11:490 
Crowley,  Theodore,  13:94 
Crown  Point,  1:813;  9:183 

Claus  route  (1773)  1o  Canada,  13:617,  627 

Cochrane  command,  8:209 

encampment  (1761),  3:389,  403 

English  expedition  (1748)  against,  1:107,  141-42,  212 


Sir  William  Johnson  Papers 

plans  of  attack  (1747),  1:65,  73,  75 
English  plans  to  attack  (1757),  9:669 

fortification,  1:84%,  449;  3:128,  145,  966;  13:140,  150,  151 
French-English  boundary  commission  and,  1 :  262-63 
French  expeditions  out  of,  1:101,  200;  9:55 
French  garrisons,  2:786-87;  9:232,  773,  777,  789-90 
French  Indian  deserters  (1760)  from,  10:164,  168,  169 
French  inhabitants  (1763),  10:822 
Indian  agreement  for  French  settlement  of,  12:172-73 
Jessup  land  grant  and,  8:570,  580 
Johnson  land  purchases  near,  8:415 
map  (French)  of  country  between  Albany  and,  2:740 
map  (French)  of  country  between  Fort  Edward  and,  2:420 
Mohawk  visit  (1759),  13:152 
road  to  Albany,  map,  1:897 
scalping  party  (1757)  at,  9:795 
Winslow  expedition  (1756)  plans,  9:484-85 
wintering  restrictions  (1768)  and,  12:411 
See  also  Crown  Point  Expedition  (1755) 
Crown  Point  Expedition  (1755)  : 

Battle  of  Lake  George  (see  Lake  George) 

Canadian  troops,  1:517,  792;  2:12,  26,  27,  60,  62,  166 

Councils  of  War: 

Council  of  Provincial  Officers  and,  2:304-305,  308-309,  315,  318,  319-22, 

333,  335-37,  340-41,  354,  361;  9:312-13;  13:70-71,  72 
Hardy  on,  2:134,  137,  139,  143,  338-42 
August,  1:852,  860-61,  871-72,  874,  879,  880-81,  882,  883,  884,  885,  888, 

890,  893;  2:4 
September,  2:12-13,  15-17,  24-25,  39-40,  47,  49,  55,  58,  67,  70-71,  75,  77, 

79,  101,  107-10,  116-18;  9:229 
October,  2:157-61,  166,  170,  174-79,  187,  189,  191,  193,  198-99,  208-209, 

212-15,  250-52;  9:260,  276 
November,  2:268,  279,  292,  312-13,  317,  319-22,  335-37;  9:295-97,  301, 
304-305,  319-20 
DeLancey's  orders  to  Johnson,  1:468-72,  649,  826-27 
French  cognizance  of,  1:509-10,  548,  655,  678-79,  S24,  846,  855;  2:229-35, 

398,  503,  647-48 
French  deserters,  2:150,  153,   162,   165-66,   187-88,   197,  200-202,  207,  216, 

218,  220-21,  222,  227-28,  339,  397-400;  9:269 
French  fortification,  2:62,  78,  111,  112,  200-202,  203,  222,  224-26,  227,  228, 

339-40,  475,  503,  647,  717,  718 
General  Court  Martial,  1:865-69 

government  support  from  the  several  colonies,  1:521-23,  525,  541,  556-58, 
561-62,  568,  576-77,  583,  587-88,  590-91,  597,  607,  613,   664,  754,   770, 
792-93,    796,    826-27,   833,    834,    842-44,    846,    888-89;    2:2,   4,    102-103, 
147-48,  171-72;  9:168-69,  181-84,  188-89,  205,  247,  254-56;  13:41-42 
Committee  on  State  of  the  Army,  2:176,  177-79,  213-15,  252,  262,  273, 

286,  313 
Johnson's  memoranda  to  the  governors,  1:502-504,  880-81;  2:24-25,  48, 

53,  57,  59-61,  122,  124,  137,  139,  141,  142,  143,  361-65 
request  for  instructions  in  proceeding,  2:174-93,  213-15,  253-55,  261-62, 

273,  287,  291;  9:247,  254-56,  265-66,  283,  284-85,  301;  13:61 
(See  also  individual  colonics) 
gunners  for,  1:715,  717-19,  720,  743,  789;  2:25n,  106,  156;  3:995 
Hardy's  report  to  Sir  Thomas  Robinson,  2:338-42 
Iroquois  land  claims  and,  13:40-41 
Johnson  commissioned  as  Commander  in  Chief  of  Forces,  1:537,  589,  603, 

606,  777 
Johnson's  Indian  Affairs  responsibility  and,  1:886;  2:283,  299;  3:270 
Johnson's  orders  on  conduct  of,  1:730-32 
Johnson's  proposals  for,  1:458-59 
marching   orders,    1:805-806,   807,    816-19,    325,    842,    381,   882,   887,    890; 



Crown  Point  Expedition, 

2:14,  288,  290,  295,  296,  297,  323;  9:201,  216-17 
Niagara  strategy  and,  1:551-56,  767,  846;  2:4,  35 

(See  also  Crown  Point  II,  recruitment,  diversion  of  forces  to  Niagara 

expedition,  infra) 

ordnance,  1:556-58,  561-62,  563-66,  568,  575-76,  579-80,  5S6-91,  598-99,  611, 

613-18,  620,  648-54,  661-62,  674,  676,  690-91,  758-59,  761-62,  780,  806- 

807,  838,  851,  852,  858,  859,  871-72,  878,  879,  S82,  884,  894;  2:103,  109 

artillery,  1:476-78,  542,  561,  563-66,  592,  597,  604,  605,  619-20,  623-24, 

G53,   664-65,  721,  723n,  746-47,  820,  822,  828,  830,  885,  889;   2:65, 

79,  85,  117-18,  119-20,  121,  124,  134,  229,  364-65;   9:167-68,  269-70 

common  stock,  2:356 

estimates  and  supply  lists,  1:479-82,  571-76,  608,  610-11,  617-18,  623n, 

707-11;  2:109,  135,  210,  277-78 
invoices,  1:697-704,  724-29,  762,  799-802,  835-37 
Linscom  report  on  cannon,  9:260 

shortages,  2:10,  41,  49-50,  53,  76,  81-82,  84,  117-20,  137,  178,  1S2,  198, 
203,  207,  210,  213,  214,  215,  216,  220,  240,  261-62,  264,  273,  286,  291, 
295,  296,  302,  311,  321-22,  339;  9:263,  301;  13:68 
paymasters,  1:587,  620;  2:7 

prospects  (1755)  of  taking  Crown  Point,  2:109-10,  112,  115,  117-20,  123-25, 
133-40,  146,  147-48,  174,  175-79,  193-95,  203,  205,  210,  213-15,  216, 
218-19,  241-43,  250-52,  261,  264-65,  273,  286-87,  291,  319-22,  340;  9:188, 
201,  226,  244-46,  250-51 

(1756)  ;  2:341,  364,  371,  389,  393,  394,  506-509,  648;  13:62,  69 
recruitment  for,  1:498-99,  517-21,  524-25,  535-36,  537,  542,  552,  553,  555-56, 
588-89,  597,  606-607,  621,  647,  660,  665,  674,  715,  717-18,  720,  768,  811, 
827,  833,  843,  846,  849,  858,  877,  S84-85,  888-89,  890-91,  894;  2:50,  58, 
62;  9:168-69,  187-88,  199,  205,  206-207,  227;  13:41,  42,  44-45,  55-56 
dismissal  of  troops,  2:251-52,  253,  254-55,  257,   272-73,  275,  276,  279, 
284,  301,   307-308,   312-13,   321,   326,   333,  342,  361,   364;    13:66-67, 
70-72,  75 
diversion  of  forces  to  Niagara  expedition,  1:551-56,  577,  601-602,  644, 
652,   665,   675,    677-80,   687,    722,   733-35,   738-39,    741,   746-48,   755, 
7S4-85,  786,  789-90,  794-95,  797,  804-805,  806,  807-809,  814-15,  826, 
838,  841-42,  879;  2:1-2,  11,  374-78;  9:180-84,  213-16,  217-19 
Lake  George  reinforcement,  2:67,  71,  76,  77,  79,  81,  91,  146,  148,  166, 
170,  178,  187,  190,  197,  198-99,  200,  209,  220,  221,  240,  241,  251,  252, 
253,  255-56,  258,  261,  272,  273,  276,  292,  295-96,  297,  339;  3:995; 
9:261,  265,  273-74,  305,  306 
Onondaga  Council  and,  2:506-50S,  510 
total  fit  for  duty,  November  1755,  2:340 
(1756), 2:494-95;  9:427,  428,  438 
Shirley's  proposal  of,  1:445-51,  534 
siege  anticipated,  directions,  2:328-32 

spies,  1:634,  635,  893  (See  also  Scouts,  Crown  Point  expedition) 
wagoners  for,  1:878,  890,  894;  2:134,  135,  182,  203-204,  213,  216,  229,  240, 
253,  257,  272,  273,  274,  321,  377;  9:218,  267 
convoys  for,  2:296,  316,  317,  318;  9:167-68,  209-10,  316 
desertion  of,  1:872-73;  2:7,  10,  14,  51,  75;  9:229 
escort  for  Provincial  Commissioners,  13 :  74 
impressment  of,  2:42-43,  49,  53,  55,  64,  76,  79,  107-108,  136,  137,  178, 

296,  339,  377,  502,  530,  531;  13:46,  69 
Queens  County  gift  transport,  13:57-58 
reluctance  to  service  Fort  Edward,  9:224 
removal  of  sick  troops,  9:311-12,  318 

stone-carrying,  2:64,  237,  275,  281,  358;  9:242-43;  13:66,  74 
suit  for  charges,  2:476 
Crown  Point    (1755)    expedition  See  also  Fort  Edward;   Lake  George;   Ticon- 
deroga;  see  also  specific  aspects  of  campaign,  e.g.,  Boatbuilding,  for  Crown 
Point   (1755)  expedition 
Crow's  Town,  10:598 
Croyn,  Hans,  9:795;  11:208 


Sir  William  Johnson  Papers 

Cruckshanks,  Alexander,  5:504 

Cruger,  ,9:6 

Cruger,  Hendrick  James,  4:879;  11:543-44 

Cruger,  Henry,  12:221,  896 

Cruger,  John*  1:419;  3:656;  6:588w,  686,  690 

address  on  colonial  administration  of  trade,  7:1141-42 

committee  of  correspondence  and,  7:400// 

Oriskany  patent  and,  8:157 

Sacondaga  patent  and,  7:1143 
Cruger,  John,  Jr.,  6:83,  357 
Cruickshank,  John,  6:242-47 
Crumell,  Johannis  Philip,  9:657 
Crump,  ,4:217 

Cryslor,  Johanis,  2:731 
Cuagne,  Do,  see  Couagne,  Jean  Baptiste  de 
Cuba,  1:10-11 

British  losses  in,  3:990-91 

Havana  surrender  (1762),  3:875,  878-79,  S80,  881,  884 

expedition  prize  money,  4:448 

troop  returns  (1763),*  10: 788,  803 

Sr,   also  Havana,  Cuba 
Cuek,  Gorge,  See  Koch,  George 
Cudworth,  Ralph,  7:509n 
Cuellerie,  "Young,"  accused  of  Detroit  child  murder,  5:644n,  653,  670,  671-73, 

688,  723,  730;  12:544 
Cuff,  Cammuck,  5:154 
Cuff,  Jeames,  5:154 
Cuff,  Jerusv,  5:153 
Cuff,  Patience,  5:153,  154 
Cuff,  Sarah,  5:154 

Cuiellierrie  (Curie),  Miss  ,4:734;  13:251,  257 

Cuillerier,  Antoine,  11:697,  698;  13:317,  319 
Cuissy,  ,  2:20,  22 

Cullin,  Richard,  4:885 
Culloden.  battle  of,  1:53 
Culver,  Nathaniel,  7:4:;l* 

Cumberland,  (Germaine's  private  secretary),  13:729 

Cumberland,  Henry  Frederick,  Duke  of,  7:870,  1015 
Cumberland,  William  Augustus,  Duke  of,  l:53n,  233,  896 

death  (1765)  of.  5:32,  55;  12:10;  13:380,  383 
Cumberland,  Port: 

Braddock  defeal   a1    Fort  Duquesne   (1755),  1:722,  745,  751,  793 

Braddock  road  to  Fort  Duquesne  and,  1:599;  2:892n 

construction   (1754),  1:496?! 

Crosap  Indian  conferences   (1767),  12:382 

French  intelligence  (1756)  concerning,  2:654,  655 

French  plans  to  attack,  2:682;  9:642 

garrison  (1755),  1:703,  845 

Harris  Perry-Lancaster  meeting  (1757)  and,  9:710,  736 

Tndian  census  (1767),  5:577 

Indians  murdered   (1764),  4:538 

(1766),  5:69,  225;   12:41 

Maryland  Pennsylvania  boundary  and,  12:230 

Scarouady  conference  with  Croghan  (1755)  at,  1  :636-37 

Southern  Indian  visits  (1757),  9:772,  834  35 

trade,  10:574 
Cumberland   Bay,   13:617 
Cumberland  Count  v,  New  York: 

Assembly  members  (1773),  8:70::,  722 

establishment,  8:370,  402 

justice  appointments  (1770),  12:790 
Cumberland  County,  Pa.,  3:875n;  4:715;  5:52,  616 



Cumberland  County,  Pa., 

"Black  Boys"  of,  6:169-70;  11:634 
Cresap  Indian  councils  (1766),  12:236 
Mingo  threat  (1769)  and,  7:97 

Smallman  account  of  trade  losses  (1763)  witnessed  in  (1766),  12:63-64 
Stump  murders  (1768),  6:86,  91,  94-95,  96-97;  12:420-21 
Susquehanna  West  Branch  settlers  (1765),  11:760-61,  777-78 
Cumberland  River,  6:294 
Cumeck,  Pashento,  4:160 
Cumins,  Walter,  3:177 
Cumming,  Thomas,  1:289 

Cummins,  ,  Ueut.  col.,  2:250,  312,  317 

Cummins,  Elinora,  3:639;  4:87,  133 
Cunigkum,  William,  2:690 
Cunison,  Thomas,  ensign,  3:991n 
Cunningham,  ,2:368;  3:426 

Cunningham,  ,  tailor  bought  from,  4:214,  267,  277,  2S6 

Cunningham,  David,  2:89 
Cunningham,  Greg.,  4:123 

Cunningham,  James,  capt.  (Loudoun  aide-de-camp),  2:4S5 
Boston  arms  stores,  9:933 
Bradstreet  accounts,  2:674 
on  Prussian  victory  (1762),  3:893 
Wraxall  and,  2:516,  518,  519-20 
Cunningham,  John,  8:626,  629 

Nova  Scotia  Indian  Affairs  appointment,  7:105;  8:365;  12:724 
Cunningham,  Waddell,  3:642-43,  665;  4:78 
Cunningham,  William,  3:377 
discharge  request,  5:468 

land  release  (1765),  4:658,  884;  11:693,  694,  933-37 
Cunnun,  John  (Schenectady  hatter),  1:327 
Cunterman,  Frederick,  4:312 
Cunterman,  Jerry,  4:312 
Curacao,  trade  with,  1:27,  31,  36,  38,  217 
Curot,  A.M.  C,  4:423 
Curot,  Amb(roisef),  5:169,  777 
Currency,  see  Money 
Curry,  William,  see  Corry,  William 
Cursen,  Isaac,  see  Corsa,  Isaac 
Curson,  ,  8:874 

Cuscalethon  (Delaware  chief),  11:723 
Cushahoppin,  3:814 
Cushing,  Thomas,  7:753 
Cushitunk,  Pennsylvania,  2:754;  6:736 
Delaware  threat  (1763),  10:897 
Iroquois  land  claims,  10:537-38,  552-53 
settler  removal,  3:436;  10:212,  656 
Cusick,  James,  capt.,  6:144-45;  7:1042 
Custologo  (Custalaga— Delaware  chief),  4:628;  8:889;  9:739 

at  Bouquet  conferences   (1764),  11:439,  440-41,  446,  448-50,  456,  459,  461 
chiefhood  successor  (Captain  Pipe),  12:1047-48 

at  Croghan  Fort  Pitt  conference  (May,  1765),  11:723,  727,  728-29,  734,  737 
Shawnee  hostage  escape  (1764)  and,  11:483-84 
son  of,  11:459 
Cut  Away  Iach.  (Indian),  2:542 
Cutfinger  Peter  (Delaware  chief),  11:724 
Cuthbert,  ,  5:541 

Cutler,  Abner,  3:90 
Cuttawang,  4:526 
Cutting,  Rev.  ,5:430 

Cuyahoga  River,  2:235n 
Cuyler,  ,4:207 

Cuyler,  capt.,  7:558 


Sir  William  Johnson  Papers 

Cuyler,  Abraham,  3:148,  566;  4:237;  5:515,  563 

Assembly  election  of  1769  and,  6:591;  12:408 

autograph,  7 :xi 

justice  appointment  lists  (1770),  12:793 

land  purchases,  7:754 

Low  (Isaac)  and,  5:823 

Tionnonderoge  land  dispute  and,  8:949?i,  957,  960,  1055 
Cuyler,  Abraham  C,  capt.: 

Assembly  candidacy  (1771),  7:1070ft 

bills,  5:294,  344,  380;  6:34,  163 

commission,  3 :  889 ;  4:237 

deputy  agent  application  (1764),  4:584 

Egberts  and,  5:546 

grenadier  company,  4:298;  5:11,  556;  7:453;  8:533-34;  10:923-24 

London  trade  vessel,  8:534 

naturalization  certificates,  7:1080-90,  1113-15,  1138 

power  of  attorney  certificate,  8:531,  533 

Tice  imprisonment  and,  8:376-77 

Tionnondoroge  dispute  and,  8:977,  979-80,  982,  996,  1014 
Cuyler,  Cornells,  1:813;  2:103,  576;  4:622 

Albany  clerkship  requested  for  son  Philip,  11:533 

Albany  Mohawk  land  claims,  8:958 

Bradstreet  and,  8:987 

on  commissions  for  his  sons,  3:889;  4:237 

Dalyell  action  near  Detroit  (1763),  10:765 

Detroit  relief  (1763)   detachment  destroyed,  4:135,  137n,  148,  182;  10:718, 
723;  13:294 

Detroit  journey  (1762),  10:479 

election  of  1769  and,  6:599 

at  Johnson  Hall  party  (July,  1765),  13:375n,  376 

Presque  Isle  Indian  attack  (1763),  10:732,  742-43 

proposing  his  son,  Philip,  for  Indian  secretary,  4:635 

son-in-law  of,  4:164 

Toronto  trade  pass  (1762),  3:756 
Cuyler,  Cornelius  John,  2:499,  521,  523,  530;  10:940 

Cuyler,  Henry,  4:608,  870,  882;  5:552,  553,  559 

Church  of  England  and,  8:351 

justice  appointment  lists  (1770),  12:7S3,  792,  810 

Low  (Isaac)  and,  5:823;  6:35 

McDouga.ll  trial,  7:578 

money  sent  by,  4:622,  629-30,  635 

Prevost  and,  8:156 

Vaughan  lands  and,  12:685 
Cuyler,  Henry  C,  3:889 
Cuyler,  Isaac,  12:783 
Cuyler,  Jacob,  4:237;  7:453;  8:533-34;  10:924 

Cuyler,  John,  1:123,  293,  383;  5:345 

justice  appointment  lists,  3:750;  12:783,  784,  792 
Cuyler,  John,  Jr.: 

commission  offers  (1763),  4:237,  257;  10:940 
Cuyler,  Philip,  4:635;  7:936;  11:533-34 
Cuyler  (Cyler),  Tillman,  4:454 
Cuyler,  Tobias,  12:531 

Cuzzans,  ,  Sndachqueda  patent  and,  12:753 

Cygnet  (vessel),  3:869,  919 

Cyrus  of  Montauk,  8:863 

D'Abbadie  de   Saint  Germain,   see  Abbadie   de  Saint   Germain,   Eugene   d' 

Dackstetter,  John,  8:655 

Daghstater,  Mara.,  8:334 

Dakin,  capt.,  9:314 

Dale,  Samuel,  8:797 

Dale,  William,  8:797 




Daline,  Arin,  9:2 

Dallaways,  see  Delawares 

Daly,  Patrick,  7:515,  1109;  8:964 

in  Adems  accounts  (1773),  13:605,  606,  613,  614 

Johnson  Hall  residence,  12:962n 

in  Johnson  will,  12:1073 
McLeod  on,  12:773 

Masonic  activities,  13 :  634 

at  Mingo  conference  (Johnson  Hall,  Jan.,  1774),  12:1044 

at  Missisauga- Abenaki  conference   (Johnson  Hall,  July,  1770),  12:830 
Daly,  Peter,  maj.,  4:550,  555;  11:372 
Dalyell,  James,  capt.,  3:611 

biographical  sketch,  10 :  790?i 

Detroit  siege  (1763)  and,  4:149,  167-68,  173,  187,  192;  10:873 

Bloody  Bridge  action,  4:195,  196-97,  199,  200,  201;   10:762-66,  790-91 
814,  857, 991;  11:493;  13:288n,  298n 

Mohawks  and,  10:756,  761,  803,  991 
Dam,  William,  capt.,  4:8 
Damastown,  Ireland,  12:1031 
Dan,  John,  12:1087 
Danal,  James,  4:154 

Dance,  Wouter,  Bradstreet  account  (1768),  12:676,  677 
Danforth,  Thomas,  6:645 
Daniel  (Canadian  prisoner),  10:285 
Daniel  (Delaware  chief),  10:685,  687 
Daniel  (Mohawk)  : 

abused  by  boatmen,  9:430,  435 

Detroit  mission  (1763),  4:192,  260;  10:606,  S12-13,  870,  873,  907,  918,  921. 
955,  991;  11:11 

Indian  Affairs  expenses  (1758-59),  3:151,  161,  175,  177 

Kayaderosseras  and,  11:359-61 

Niagara  behavior  (1763),  4:200,  219,  232;  10:907,  918,  921 

Oswegatchie  scout  (1759),  13:143,  149 

salary,  2:626;  4:370,  378;  10:991 

scalp  bounty,  9:8 

services  of,  4:281;  9:19 

sickness  of,  4:299 

war  party  (1757),  9:792,  795,  806 

wife  of,  12:183 
Daniel,  Abigail,  4:159 
Daniel,  Betty,  4:154;  11:433 
Daniel,  Hannah,  4:159 
Daniel,  Harry,  4:159 
Daniel,  James,  4:159;  11:433 

Daniel,  James  (son  of  John,  Narragansett),  4:159 
Daniel,  John,  4:159;  11:408 
Daniel,  Patience,  4:159 
Daniel,  Sarah,  4:154;  11:433 
Daniels,  Petrus,  9:650 
Danielson,  Daniel,  8:504 
Danneston,  Daniel,  see  Deniston,  Daniel 
Dantucqu,  John  (Mohegan),  4:728 
Danube  Eiver,  7:945;  8:204 
Danvers,  see  Davers 
Danzig,  8:758 

Daquadesse  (Chenussio  sachem),  12:940 
Darby  (Darty),  James,  12:819,  869,  960,  988 
D'Arcy,  Peter,  capt.,  3:262n;  10:275,  277,  2S6,  287,  28S 

return  to  England  (1762),  3:S89,  898-99 
Darenton,  William,  see  Darlington,  William 
Darien,  Gulf  of,  4:336 
Darlington,  Margaret,  8:538 


Sir  William  Johnson  Papers 

appeal  for  a  loan,  7:627-28 
destitution  (1772),  8:538 
presents  from,  4:578,  870;  5:155 
Darlington  (Darenton),  William,  3:566,  837,  864,  886;  4:545,  776 
accounts  (1762),  3:831,  856,  926-27,  950-51,  956-57 

(1763),  4:86,   150,   164,   171,  174-75.   199-200,  207,  212,  215,  234,  237, 
267,  272 

(1764),  4:313,  356,  373,  377,  422,  423,  454,  523,  533,  536,  540,  568,  598 

(1765),  4:702,  737,  767,  S09,  851,  872,  873;  11:755 

(1766),  5:154-55,  157-58,  212-13,  331,  334-36,  408-409,  441 
on  advertisement,  4:816 

Albany  mail  robbery  (1763)  and,  10:613-14 
"blunder,"  5:816 

board  for  boy  under  Johnson's  protection,  5:269,  273,  312 
bolting  cloth  order,  5:377 
business  losses,  7:627-28;  8:537-38 
church  bell  ordered  from,  5:157,  158,  195,  211 
clerk  recommendation,  11:346 
on  flamingoes,  4:788 
foodstuffs  ordered  from,  4:64,  87,  138,  236,  286,  870;  5:157,  211;  11:583, 

furniture  orders,  4:744;  5:82,  103,  157,  270 

garden  orders  to,  4:49,  78,  104,  123,  431,  642,  720;  5:157,  211;  11:695 
gifts  of  garden  produce  to,  3:901,  918-19 
glass  shipment,  4:860 
Indian  Affairs  account    (1765)    payment  by  Gage,   11.-S45,   930,  959,   976, 

986;  12:180 
invoice  of  stores  (1766),  5:209-11 
Havana  surrender,  3:875 

on  Johnson  (John)  English  visit,  4:855,  858;  5:98,  605-606 
Johnson  (Warren)  and,  5:641-42 

Johnson's  coat  of  arms  and,  3:vii-viii;  4:8,  12,  31,  48,  112 
Lukens  and,  11:969 
on  Marselis  sloop  seizure,  4:739 
on  Marsh's  death,  4:633,  634,  635 
Marsh  estate  and,  11:528 
Marsh  request  (1764)  of,  13:323 
Martin  and,  4:254 

money  shipment,  4:280,  2S6,  608,  630,  809,  854,  874,  884,  885 
monkey  from,  4:845 

New  York  business  agency,  5:426,  434,  468 
on  oyster  trade,  4:214 
Peace  news,  4:35 
pipes  ordered  from,  4:426 
on  quartermaster's  understrappers,  4:435 
on  restorative  balsam,  4:622 
saddle  order,  3:946 

schoolmaster  recommendation,  4:716;  11:684,  696 
sea  food  sent  by,  3:927,  936,  950;  4:257-58 

on  servants,  4:191,  266,  277,  328,  417,  575;  5:72-73,  196,  220,  273 
sliellwork  grotto  from,  11:120 
silver  crane  ordered  from,  3:672,  734 
Smith  (William,  Jr.)  legal  fees  (  1764)  and,  11:69 
on  soldiers'  clothes,  4:60S 
on  Sons  of  Liberty,  5:11 
Stamp  Act  and,  4:864-65,  877;  5:32 
on  steam  inhalant  remedy,  4:8 
sun  dial  order,  4:8,  21,  22,  85 
tiles  ordered  from,  4:555,  575,  578 
trading  post  application,  4:521,  635,  648 
Wallace  receipt  (1763),  4:S6;  10:653 
Wetherhead  and,  7:553 



Darlington  (Darenton),  William, 

wine  order  (1765),  11:719,  753 
Darlinto,  Nathan,  4:540 
Darnall,  Robert,  6:254,  256 
Darnall,  Sarah  (Mrs.  Robert),  6:254,  256 
Dartmouth,  William  Legge,  second  Earl  of,  5:508;  8:677;   11:980;   12:88 

autograph,  8:xiii 

on  Connecticut-New  York  boundary,  8:725 

on  French-Indian  intrigue  (1773),  8:932,  1142-46 

Indian  Affairs  Secretaryship  appointment    (1774)    of  Chew,   13:678 

Indian  Affairs  Superintendency  (1774)  devolvement  upon  Guy  Johnson, 
8:1128n,  1181,  1185,  1198,  1202;  12:1101-1102;  13:637,  643,  675,  690, 
697,  703,  727 

Inglis  proposals  on  Indian  conversion,  8:621,  622,  624-25 

Johnson's  death  and,  8:1185 

Klock  and,  8:951,  970,  1009,  1069,  1116,  1192 

land  grants  stopped,  8:724 

on  Murray  attempt  to  buy  Illinois  lands  (1773),  8:905,  931-32,  1104 

Ohio  colony  and,  8:705-706 

on  policy  of  division  of  confederacies,  8:758 

on  Ramsey  trial,  8:600 

as  Secretary  of  State,  8:579,  588,  589n,  633-34,  650 

Senecas  and,  8:778,  783,  855,  1116,  1140-41 

on  settlement  of  Iroquois  cessions,  8:589  630,  639 

Virginia  frontier  outrages  (1774),  13:676,  677 

Wheelock  college  foundation  and,  6:450;  12:351 
Dartmouth  College,  1:536m;  4:813m;  5:304m;  12:1038m 

See  also  Schools,  Wheelock's  college  foundation 
Dartois,  Ulay,  2:43 
Datoraha  (Wyandotte),  4:547 
D'Auberville,  ,9:597 

Daugherty,  James,  3:90 
Daun,  Leopold,  Graf  von,  3:144,  145,  295,  635 

Ferdinand  and,  3:892-93 
Dauphin,  Fort,  6:52;  13:448 
Davenport,  Joseph,  4:738;  11:719 

Davers   (Danvers),  Sir  Robert,  3:759;  4:151;  10:738;  13:271,  273,  290 
Davers's  Vendue,  1:586,  601;  13:659 
David  (Indian),  Vergereau  land  purchase,  5:142,  456-57 
David  (Karaghkundy — Canajoharie),  10:181;  13:175 
David  (Tehaneyorea — Canajoharie),  10:181;  13:175 
David  of  Canajoharie  (Aghnerageghta)  : 

Harris  Ferry-Lancaster  Council  (1757),  9:782 

Indian  Affairs  expenses  (1746-47),  9:17,  18,  19,  24,  25 

land  deed  (1751)  to  Johnson,  13:15-19 

mark,  13:18 

Seneca  shelter  of  Newkirk  murderers,  10:596 

Visscher  and,  1:171-72 

Wyoming  visit  (1756),  2:454 
David  (Mohawk),  4:311;  13:217-18 

Albany  Corporation  and,  8:955,  960,  965 
David  (Tehanerowanshaddy — Mohawk),  10:180;  13:174 
David  (Yonowandannio — Mohawk),  10:180;  13:174 
David  (Oneida),  5:728 

David   (Taquayanont — Oquaga),  on  Montreal  expedition,  10:182;  13:177 
David  of  Schohary: 

Avigo  settlement  (1758),  3:153 

Canadian  mission  (1757),  9:770 

at  Fort  Johnson  conferences  (1757),  9:589,  622 

Indian  expenses  in  behalf  of,  2:626,  639,  640;  3:153;  4:338;  9:651,  654 

on  Montreal  expedition  (1760),  10:181;  13:177 

Schohary  grievances  (1758),  10:79-80 

Vrooman  (Barent)  and,  10:960-61 


Sir  William  Johnson  Papers 

David  of  the  Hill,  3:159 

David  Taquaianout,  Oquaga  land  sales  (1767)  and,  12:261 

David,  Robert,  8:  a;,  20 

Davids,  John,  see  Davis,  John 

Davies,  ,  capt.,  7:1157 

Davies  Strachan  and  Company,  7:417 

Davil,  Joseph,  5:500 

Davis,  (boatman),  9:422 

Davis,  (horse  master),  11:636 

Davis,  (sea  captain),  3:323 

Davis,  capt.,  4:860;  6:502 

Davis,  lieut.,  1:868;  9:271-72 

Davis,  (widow),  7:1134-35 

Davis,  David,  1:717 

Davis,  Dudley,  6:465-66,  498-500;  7:1015;  8:31;  12:1044 

Albany  departure  (1774),  8:1047-48 

arrest,  8:368 

Blackburn  and,  8:1160 

Gordon  land  release  witness  (1772),  13:523,  527,  528 

Johnson  suit,  8:699 

Johnstown  settlement  application,  7:143-44,  305-306 

legal  studies,  6:498 

McLeod  suit  against,  8:733,  734-36,  745 

Johnson  payment  in,  8:739,  747-48,  767,  783,  786 

Stringer  and,  7:439 
Davis,  Isaac,  7:1051 
Davis,  James,  7:1050-51;  12:648,  787,  819 

in  Adems  accounts  (1768-73),  13:536,  596.  597,  602 

Johnson  suit,  8:375-76,  683-84,  699,  772 
Davis,  John,  murder  testimony,  5:492 
Davis,  John  (Stringer  accounts),  7:440,  441 
Davis,  John,  1:195,  196;  2:545-46;  12:676;  13:639 

Seneca  meeting  (1762),  3:793,  818,  821,  833-34 

trade  practices,  3:547 
Davis,  Jonson,  7:463 
Davis,  Joseph,  9:271 
Davis,  Lewis,  8:333 
Davis,  Peter,  3:162;  12:1070 
Davis,  Robert,  8:20 
Davis,  Ruben,  9:282 
Davis,  Samuel,  5:171 
Davis,  Simeon,  lieut.,  9:280 
Davis,  Simon,  capt.,  9:236 
Davis,  Stephen,  2:244-45 
Davis,  Thomas,  4:146 
Davis,  William,  capt.,  11:691,  695 
Davis,  William   (Mondeaticker — Delaware),  11:459 
Davison,  Agnus,  11:490 
Davison,  John,  2:438;  9:164-65,  202 
Davison,  Molly,  11:490 
Davy,  James,  8:334 
Dawkins,  Henry  (engraver),  7:521,  592 
Dawson  (Dawse),  Volkart,  4:716;  5:605;  7:378 
Dayton  (Deyton),  Abraham,  lieut.,  4:208;  10:815,  817    818 
Denke,  Edward,  5:498,  583-84 
Deale,  capt.,  see  Dalvoll,  James,  capt. 

Deall,  Samuel,  7:579,  1095,  1096 
Dean,  sergeant,  8:892-93 

Dean,  J.  (Oquaga  schoolmaster),  5:591 
Dean,  John,  7:423,  432 
Dean,  Jonathan,  7:423 
Dean,  Seath,  7:665 



Deane,  George,  capt.,  8:725,  757,  808 

on  the  Sir  William-  Johnson,  8:868,  870,  871,  971,  1060,  1160 
Deane,  Josiah,  6:777-78 
Dearfield,  Massachusetts,  1 :  65 
Deas,  David,  8:596 

Dease,  Anne  Johnson  (Mrs.  Richard),  1:117;  4:523;  12:1031 
Dease,  Dr.  John   (Johnson's  nephew),  8:263,  313,  438,  497;   12:1030 

Adems  (William)  and,  8:845,  846 

Brown  transaction,  8:914-15 

Johnson  (Peter)  and,  8:1063,  1163;  12:962,  1010,  1013,  1043;  13:635,  63ri 

in  Johnson  will,  12:1072,  1075,  1076 

at  Johnson's  death,  12:1122 

Masonic  activities,  13:634 

at  Mingo  conference  (Johnson  Hall,  Jan.,  1774),  12:1044 

at  Mohawk  conference  (1773),  8:964 

money  sent  by,  8:1109 

pistols  borrowed  by  Davis,  8:1048 

wild  carrot  seed  and,  8:984 
Dease,  Richard,  12:1071n 
Dease,  William,  12:1031 
De  Bernier,  ,  see  Bernier 

De  Berniere,  John,  5:345,  679-80;  6:220 
Deberts,  ,  3:826 

Debrisay,  T.,  7:1S1 
De  Bruls,  Michael,  see  Brul,  Michael  de 
Decarihogha  (Canajohary  chief),  10:629,  631 
Decaynetanyetoo   (Mingo),  4:505;  11:330 
December  (slave),  7:231,  232 
Decker,  Johannes,  5:171 

Declaration  of  Independence,  l:9n,  19;  5:5S6n 
De  Couagne,  see  Conagne 
Dedirak,  Jury  William,  7:467,  469;  12:792 

Deed  of  Land  from  Indians  to  Some  People  of  Connecticut,  1:397»,  405 
Deems,  ,  6:175 

DeForest,  Henry,  l:24n 
Defreast,  ,  licut.,  3:54,  65,  69.  86 

Degaghneghtahere  (Bleecher's  Island),' 10:572 
Degahany  (Cayuga  sachem),  3:220 
De  Garmo,  Jetes,  3:149 
De  Garmo,  John,  capt.,  4:449;  10:299 

Canestio  prisoner  escort,  4:364;  11:110 
De  Garmo,  Pyeter  M.,  5:545 
De  Graaef,  Fridrick,  8:332 
De  Graaef,  Isaac,  8:332 
De  Graaef,  Yeremi,  8:332 
De  Graafe,  Nicholas  (Claus,  Nicholaus),  2:576;  7:32,  680,  1107-  8:332 

Seneca  fort  construction  (1756),  2:641;  9:457-58 
De  Graef,  Jesse  Daniel,  7:439,  479 
DeGraf,  William,  1:188;  7:1107;  9:644 
De  Graff,  Daniel,  Schenectady  blockhouse  of,  10:922 
De  Graff,  Josiah  C.,  12:676 
De  Grass,  Clauss,  3:151 
De  Grey,  ,7:1078 

Degroft,  Abraham,  1:173 
De  Grois,  Stephen,  4:629;  11:369??,,  374 
De  Haas,  ,  maj.,  11:438 

Dehanochrakas,  Joseph  (Mohawk),  12:531 
Deiem,  Johan,  8:655 
Deiger,  see  Deyger 

Deioquande,  see  Diaquande  (Onondaga  sachem) 
Dejean,  Philip,  5:653,  656,  813;  12:150 
Dekanandi  (Seneca  chief),  10:891-93 


Sir  William  Johnson  Papers 

DeKay,  Thomas,  2:359,  387,  730 
De  Lamette,  Johannis,  2:419 
De  Lametter,  David,  2:419 
DeLaricey,  Edward  P.,  2:xi 

De  Lancey,  Lieut.  Gov.  James,  l:398n;  2:133,  716;  3:608;  9:146 
at  Albany  Council  of  War  (1756),  9:483,  487 
Albany  Indian  Council  (1754)  plans,  9:130 
Albany  Indian  Council  (1755),  2:37,  92,  125 
Albany  sheriff  (1752)  and,  9:99 
Albany  troop  levy  (April,  1758),  13:10Sn,  109 
autograph,  7:xii 
biographical  sketch,  l:451n 
Boyle  recommendation,  1:715,  717 
Braddock  defeat  (1755)  and,  1:745,  750-51,  826-27 
Caghnawaga  Neutrality  Treaty  and,  1:543-44,  595-96,  605 
Canajoharie-Kloek  dispute,  10:337 
Canajoharie  patent  and,  10:565,  609 
Cayuga  treaty  (1754),  1:784 
chief  justice  appointment,  1:850;  9:96n 
Clinton  on,  9:386 

Clinton  opposition  (1749),  1:238-39,  240 
Crown  Point  expedition  (1748),  1:139-42 
Crown  Point  expedition  (1755)  and,  1:568,  706,  887 

Battle  of  Lake  George  and,  2:25n,  48,  68,  171-72 

at  Council  of  Provincial  Officers,  2:304;  9:244;  13:70 

Johnson's  commission  as  commander  of  Crown  Point  expedition,  1:468- 
71,  603,  606,  649 

Johnson's  complaint  of  Shirley's  conduct  in  Indian  recruitment,  1:823, 
826,  841-42,  879 

Johnson's  report  on  Lake  George  encampment,  2:6-9 

payment  of  officers,  1:500-502,  506,  508 

provisions  for,   1:525,  597,   611,   654,  670,   682,   691w,   724;   2:81,   182; 

recruitment  for,  1:534,  557,  827,  834,  858;  9:169 

Shirley's  letter  proposing  expedition,  1:445-51.  458 
Draft  Proclamation   (1759),  10:112,  113-14 
Easton  Council  and,  2:892,  894,  896;  3:1;  10:2,  4 
election  of  1769  and,  6:571,  588,  758 
Fast  Proclamation  (1775),  l:847w-49n 
fortification  of  Little  Carrying  Place,  9:137-38 
Iroquois  Councils: 

3  751,  1:339-44 

1753,  1:391,  396,  917 

1755,  1:583-84,  610,  667 
Johnson's  commission  as  Colonel  and,  2:808 
Jonquiere  letter  (1755),  9:161 
Kayaderosseras  tract  and,  4:694 
on  Kelly  clerkship,  5:224 
land  holdings,  10:418 
land  licensing,  3:397,  934 
letter,  photographed,  1:595 

Minisink  and  Esopus  Indian  attack  threats  (1757),  2:743;  9:853 
Mohawk  fort  construction  and,  1:452,  454,   184,  559,566,  602;  9:1  in 
Mohawk  River  defense  (  1758),  2:818  L9 
Xiagara  expedition   M  759)  and,  3:110n;  13:116,  117    121 
Oneida    furl   and,  2:298 
Oswego  correspondence  (1759),  13:138 
Oswego  defense  and,  1:414;  9:139 

Pennsylvania   land  sales   |  L755)   and,  1  :  163,   185  86 

at  Philadelphia  Council  i  1759),  3:205 

on  Province  debts  to  Johnson,  1:238-39;  9:97-98    139  II,  149 

regimental  returns  (1757),  13:96-97 



De  Lancey,  Lieut,  Gov.  James, 
rum  sales  and,  1:560-61 

trade  in  Indian  arms  prohibited,  10:103,  108 
on  Webb's  call  for  aid  at  Fort  Edward,  2:732,  734 
Warren  will  and,  13:22,  23 
wife  of,  l:21n 
De  Lancey,  James,  capt.,  1:566 

on  Albany  county  division,  7:19-21,  43-44,  59-61,  100-101,  204,  594,  995-96. 

1027;  8:237,  263,  357,  385;  12:932-33 
Assembly  candidacy  (1768),  6:83 

(1769),  7:19n,  20 
Boston  arms  stores  (1758)  and,  9:933 
at  Fort  Niagara,  3:110?i 
Indian  suspect  and,  2:541-42,  545-46 
lead  mines  and,  4:335 
marriage,  8:237 

Oriskany  patent  and,  8:157;  12:980 
Oswego  relief  and,  9:446 
Road  Act  (1770)  and,  7:595,  596,  1027-28 
Schenectady  land  division  and,  7:1022,  1026-27 
sister's  death,  7:60,  100 
De  Lancey,  Jno.,  6:484-85 

De  Lancey,  Oliver,  col:  2:103,  167,  530;  3:388;  12:581,  684 
Albany  county  division  and,  7:43;  8:359-60,  370,  436-37 
alderman  appointment  (1754),  1:419 
arms  purchase  (1758),  10:20 
autograph,  l:li 

billeting  of  soldiers  on,  2:666-67 
biographical  sketch,  10:492n 
Chuctenunda  patent,  4:860 
coroner  appointments,  7:197 
Crown  Point  (1755)  : 

arms  for,  1:653 

Johnson's  accounts,  1:506,  581,  749,  757,  771,  814,  907 

recruiting  for,  1:498,  499,  518,  531,  546-47,  876;  9:169 

sheep  and  cattle  husbandry  for  forces,  9:294,  319 
daughter  of,  7:966 
elections  (1769),  12:699 
German  Flats  land,  4:724 
goods  for  Indians  and,  2:537,  783 
Gordon  (Lord  Adam)  and,  4:760 
Hardy  and,  2:37,  64,  68-69,  133 
Hay  and,  5:830-31 
horse  for,  1 :  240 

household  tutor  and  accountant,  7:868 
atKlock  trial,  3:672 
land  purchases,  1:391;  3:289,  401,  411;  4:697,  767,  851 

Cosby  estate,  3:645,  656,   731,  828;   4:94,  204-205,  627,  633,  681,  855, 
860,  864;  5:15,  270;  6:440-41,  469-70,  621,  636;  10:438,  492 

Fort  Stanwix,  8:557 

Miln  tract,  7:283 

Oneida  lands,  7:387,  465-66,  530,  553 

Pennsylvania  land  purchases  (1768)  and,  6:357 
Loudoun  and,  2:515,  516 
Miller  tract  lease,  4  :633,  642 
Mohawk  prisoner  and,  2:80 
Napier  and,  4:564 

Niagara  expedition  supplies  and,  2:432 
postal  appointments  (1769),  7:287 
regiment  of,  2:801 
Shipboy  accounts  and,  6:36-37 
telescope  of,  1:525 
Wappinger  hearing,  5:506 


Sir  William  Johnson  Papers 

Warren  estate  and,  4:885,  886;  6:636,  651;  7:995;  13:33,  34,  38-39 
Johnson's  account  against,  13:723 

Johnson's  bond  to  Sir  Peter,  3:401,  411,  608,  633,  640;  5:15 
Warrensburg  lease,  7:474 
De  Lancey,  Peter,  4:877;  7:936,  945 
DeLancey,  Phila,  7:1144 
De  Lancey,  Stephen,  l:451?i;  5:31 

Albany  clerkship  application,  4:636-37;  11:529-30 
on  Albany  county  division,  7:1109-10 
on  Assembly  dissolution  rumors  (1771),  7:1070 
autograph,  8:xiv 
Chew  and,  7:1108 
Church  of  England  and,  8:351 
daughter's  marriage,  9 :  In 

at  Iroquois-Cherokee  peace  treaty  (1767),  12:394 
Johnson's  oath  as  justice  of  the  peace  and,  7:869 
justice  appointment  lists  (1770),  12:784 
on  mortgage  records,  7:1033 
naturalization  fees  (1771),  7:1138-39 
Stone  Arabia  certificate,  7:741 
Tice  and,  8:74 

Tionnonderoge  land  claims  dispute  and,  8:937,  999,  1056 
Tryon  County  clerkship,  8:436-37 
De  Lancey,  Sukie,  7:913,  924,  945,  966 
DeLancey  and  Watts,  13:386 
Delaware  George,  2:542,  546 

at  Croghan  Fort  Pitt  conference  (1760),  3:208,  210 
Teedyuscung  and,  2:753 
Delaware  king,  see  Teedyuscung 
Delaware  Indians   (Wolves)  : 

Bouquet   expedition    (1764),    4:585,    606-607,    608-609,    612;    11:376,    384, 
385-86,  392,  393 

Muskingum  conferences,  11:447-67 
Tuscarrowas  conference,  4:570-71;  11:435-47 
Bouquet  Treaty  (175S),  11:444 
Bradstreet  expedition,  11:334,  344,  365,  373-74 

Treaty  (1764),  4:504,  507,  521-22,  524-25,  534-36,  538-39,  540,  543,  546, 
548,  616,  619;  11:328-33,  341,  343-44,  365,  374,  376,  502,  507 
Canadian  embassy  (1763),  4:207;  10:304 

Canestio   expedition  against,   4:321-22,  323-24,  325,   329,  336-37,  344,  354, 
361,  364,  392-94,  399,  400,  403,  405-406;  11:36,  51-52,  74-76,  87,  96-97, 
129,  132,  159;  13:324-25 
Captain   Bull   taken    prisoner    (1764),  4:344,   349,   3.10,   352,   359,  365,  369, 
377-78,  421,  496,  498;  8:77,  689;  11:119 
returned,  4:740-41,  775:  11:714,  748,  768-69,  799,  822 
(See  also,  Bull,  Captain  (son  of  Teedyuscung)) 
Catawba  war  (1754),  1:914 
Cayuga  shelter  (1764)  of,  11:235-36 

Chenango  Council  (1756)  and,  9:  U6,   120-21,  429,  455  56,  609,  744,  747,  752 
Cherokee-Iroquois  peace  treaty   (1768)   and,  6:41;  12:464,  472,  473 
Cherokee  meeting  (Muskingum,  1774),  8:1058;  12:1082 
Cherokee  messages  (1758),  2:803-808,  846  19,  863,  876,  878 
Cherokee  protection  (1764),  4:399,  403 
chiefdom  appointments  (1773),  12: 10  17  48 
Chippewas  and,  4  :  193 
Chugnut  invitation  (  1763),  10:963 
Clapham  murder,  11:444 

Cresap  murders  (1774),  12:1098,  1100,  1115 

Detroit  alliances,  3:502 

Detroit  attack  (1769),  6:751,  776 

Detroit  siege  (1763)  and,  4:150,  279;  10:685-88,  723,  728,  964  65,  974 

Easton   Council    (1756),   2:402,   524,   536-37,    684-85,    752-55;    9:744,    746, 



Delaware  Indians, 


(1758),  2:839,  S65,  875,  877,  878-70;  9:802,  893,  954;  10:61 

(1761),  3:518 

(1762),  3:745-46,  759-60,  760-01,  S37-51;  4:18-20;  10:404,  455 
English  embassy  (1772-73),  8:647-49,  674-75,  689 
English  reduction  of  Canada  and,  10:. 'J  16 
English  regulation  of  forts  of,  2:439 
English  reprisal  plans  (1764),  4:235,  252,  303,  309,  321,  323,  324,  329,  334, 

348,  354,  372,  373,  396,  402,  406,  415,  426,  453,  483,  493,  509,  519,  597; 

11:201    {See  also   specific   expeditions   of    1764,   supra,  e.g.,   Delawares, 

Canestio  expedition) 
Esopus  Indians  and,  9:465 
expenses  (March  1755-October  1756)  in  behalf  of,  2:566,  574,  614,  621,  623, 

633,  634,  637,  640,  642;  3:163,  165 

(1757),  9:646,  648 

(1769),  6:659 

'1771),  12:921,  925 
Fauquiere  conference  (1768),  12:415 
Fort  Augusta  attack  plans  (1763),  10:757 

Fort  Chartres  conference   (Croghan,  Aug.-Sept.,  1766),  5:111;  13:407-10 
Fort  Edward  defense  (1756),  9:550 

Fort  Johnson  Iroquois  Council   (1755)  and,  9:172,  173-74,  189 
Fort  Johnson  Iroquois  Council   (1756),  Delaware-Shawnee  treaty,  9:475-79, 

488,  522,  592,  594,  615,  744,  752 
Fort  Johnson  meeting  (1757),  9:676-78,  685,  693,  695,  700,  710,  718 
Fort  Johnson  (March,  1758)  meeting,  9:879,  885-86 
Fort  Ligonier  attack  (1763),  10:728 
Fort  Pitt  attack,  4:164,  358,  372,  37S-79,  538;  11:444 
Fort  Pitt  conference  (Croghan,  1760),  3:208-17 
Fort  Pitt  conference    (Croghan,  May,   1765),  11:723-34,   736-38,   769,  842, 

Fort  Pitt  confeience  (Croghan,  Oct.,  1767),  13:433 
Fort  Pitt  conference  (Croghan,  May,  1768),  12:500 
Fort  Pitt  conference  (Croghan,  Dec,  1768),  13:437,  444-46 
Fort  Pitt  conference  (Croghan,  Oct.,  1773),  12:1047-48 
Fort  Pitt  conference  (McKee,  March,  1774),  12:1083 
Fort  Pitt  investment  (1763),  4:164,  358,  372,  378-79,  538 
at  Fort  Stanwix  Congress  (1768),  6:316,  333,  406,  407,  423,  424,  429,  436, 

447,  467,  536;   7:652;  8:76;   12:488,  500,  507,  550,  564,  600,  606,  618, 

621,  629,  632,  636,  648,  652,  673,  680 
French  embassy  (1763),  10:767-68 
French  Ohio  recruitment  (1755),  9:834 
French- Spanish  alliance  (1768),  12:601-603 
French  sympathies,  2:29;  9:540-41,  612 
Harris  Ferry-Lancaster  Iroquois  Congress  (1757)  and,  9:615,  620,  624,  719, 

728,   729,   731-32,   733,   736,   737,   739-41,   743,   746-49,   75152,   761,   762. 

763,  771,  827 
Huron  Conference  (1769),  7:316 
illegal  settlements  among,  6:5,  72-73 

Indian  boundary  line  and,  6:205,  283;   7:375;  8:76;   12:476 
Iroquois    domination    of,   2:369,   411,   414-15,   418-19,    681-82,    752;    4:361; 

6:139-40,  142;  8:640,  648,  675,  688-89,  837;  9:310,  336,  364,  476n,  477, 

615,  747,  755;  12:937;  13:76-77 
Iroquois  embassy  (1755),  1:496;  2:359-60;  9:333-34 

Iroquois   embassy    (1756),   2:411,  426,   432,  439-40,  443,  445-46,  447    460- 
71;  9:310-11,  328-29,  333-34,  353-54,  360,  364,  371,  373-74,  3S2-83,  400, 

424-25,  429-30,  435,  439-40,  451,  455-57,  477,  540-41,  745-48    {Bee  also 

Iroquois,  Onondaga  Council  (1756)) 
Iroquois  recruitment  (1764)  to  punish,  4:207,  272,  274    281    291    361    365 
369,  371-72,  373,  387,  389,  399,  402,  406,  501,  551;  10:974,  990;  11:24,' 
33,  52-53,  54,  61,  68,  128-29,  143-44,  149-51,  152,  157-61,  170,  173,  182, 
184-85,  186,  191,  201,  205-209,  233-37,  291,  293,  296.  316,  319,  323,  337^ 


Sir  William  Johnson  Papers 

373-74,  472 

Iroquois  refusal  (1764)  to  attack,  11:401-402,  504-505 
Johnson  message  (1755),  9:334-38 

Johnson  (John)  expedition  (1764),  4:386,  389,  395,  427,  436 
Johnson's  Superintendency  of  Indian  Affairs  and,  1:476,  496,  590 
Johnson  treaties,  photographs,  6:652,  694 
Joncaire  among  (1757),  9:585 
Kaghraandota  rendezvous  (1763),  10:869,  894 
Kingston  Conference,  3:566-69,  591 
Kittaning  destruction  (1756),  10:964 
Lancaster  Treaty,  3:746,  789,  921;  10:576;  13:280 

land  claims,  2:752,  754-55;  9:755-56,  763-65,  827;  10:210-11,  214,  215,  230, 
232,  266-68,  403-404,  454-55 
Hardenbergh  patent  and,  6:761 
royal  inquiry  into,  3:130,  194-95,  199,  219,  350,  390-91,  401,  639,  764; 

"  10:230,  383-84,  465-66 
Susquehanna,  3:790-91,  851,  931;   4:9-20,  218;   9:565;   10:537-38,  551- 
53,  656,  691-92,  716 
location  and  fighting  numbers  (1763),  4:243,  246,  252 

(1764),  4:303 
migration,  2:820,  875-77,  878;  5:544;   7:1149-50;  8:889;  11:601;  12:305- 
306,  1048 

resettlement  among  Iroquois,  12:242,  243,  258-59,  312 
Mingo  relations,  11:399-400;  12:1099 
Minisink  raid  (1763),  10:896 
missionaries  among,  2:454;  12:305-306 
murders  (1761)  of,  10:402 

Muskingum  conference  (Croghan,  Nov.,  1767),  13:437 
New  Jersey  Declaration  of  War  against,  2:500 
New  Jersey  hanging,  9  :  755 
New  York  raids: 

(1755),  2:359;  9:328,  331 
(1756),  2:418-19 
Niagara  Congress  (1764)  and,  4:446,  512,  513;  11:13,  252 
Niagara-Detroit  Congress  (1761),  3:468-71,  475,  479-80,  492-93,  524;  13:246, 

252,  254,  255 
Niagara  attack  threat  (1764),  11:163 
Niagara  encampment  (1764),  11:196 
North  Carolina  raids  (1754),  1:496 
Ohio  River  towns  listed  by  Bouquet,  11:212 
Onondaga  Councils: 

(1756),  2:494,  496,  499-500,  506,  509;  9:439,    151  52.  456-57,  478  79 
( 1757),  2:694-95 
(1772),  8:679;   12:105(1 
Onondaga-Mohawk  conference  (July,  1768),  12:645 

Onondaga  Slmwi Council   (1757),  9:779 

Oquagas  and,  10:896-97,  899;  11:182;  12:331-32 
Ottawa  Council  (1762),  10:534,  535 
Ottawa  war  hatchet  accepted  |  1703),  10:866-67,  891  93 
Ouiatanon  conference  (Croghan,  Any.,  L765),  11:899-90 
peace  negotiations  and  offers  (  L764),  1:  t25  26,  502,  519,  520.  571,  625,  629, 
6  10  11,  61(1-47,  649-50;   11:173,  252,  3  15,  318,  325,  392,  .".97 
Bouquet  conferences  and,  11:496  98,  t99,  509,  5  m 

Chenussio  protection  of  Squashcutter's  party,  4:482,  192,  194  95,  195-98, 
5(i(i,  501;  ll:il!t,  iso-si,  is. i,  is;,.  |95j  205,  206,  235-36,  291,  292, 
293,  314-15,  318-19,  321,  358,  378-80,  179,  494,  520,  540,  553-54, 
597,  598 
Chenussio  surrender  of  Squashcutter's  party,  1:502,  508-509,  512  !•".,  517, 
518,  570,  646;  11:625,  628,  650,  657  5s,  660,  661,  704,  705,  706,  707, 
70S;  13:334 
Shawnee  hostage  flight  and,  4:608-609,  618,  640,  651,  710:  11:482-84, 
510-11,  515-16,  53,1,  560,  617,  725 



X)p1?iw?itp  XnfiifLiiis 

Peace  Treaty '(Johnson  Hall,  1765),  4:612-13,  620,  624,  633,  649,  650,  654, 

655,  664-65,  667,  719,  723,  724,  731,  733,  739,  740,  756,  760,  770;  8:76 

deputies,  4:586;  11:455,  458,  459-60,  466,  475,  482,  484,  515,  516,  519, 

540,  544,  545,  560,  565,  570,  585,  586,  592-93,  604,  617,  624-25,  657, 

661-62,  682,  701,  725,  736,  737,  748,  768-69,  783,  822,  831 

proceedings,  4:734,  736,  741,  742,  743-44,  746,  749,  755;   11:706,  713, 

714,  716,  761,  763,  820,  823,  861 
ratification,  4:782,  783,  786,  793;  5:111;  11:869,  896;  12:79 
terms,   11:496-97,  516,  565-66,  588,  644,   664,   702,   70S,   726,  732,   748, 
810,  815;  13:334 
Pennsylvania  boundary  line  and,  3:931;  4:76;  5:8,  22 
Pennsylvania  condolence  (Fort  Pitt,  1768),  6:92,  122,  176,  224-25 
Pennsylvania  embassy  (1758),  2:787-90,  797 
Pennsylvania  grant  to  William  Penn,  6:557-59 
Pennsylvania   Proclamation   of   War    (1756)    upon,   2:440,  444-46,   447-48, 

452-55,  458,  465,  467-71,  716,  756 
Pennsylvania  raids: 

(1755),  2:368-70,  394,  409,  414;  9:309-11;  13:76-77,  78 
(1756),  2:443-44,  446,  657;  9:420-21 
(1763),  10:925,  974 
Philadelphia  Council  (1732),  3:733 
Piankashaws  and,  8 :  646 

Pittsburgh  conference  (1773)  on  Shawnee  warning  to  traders,  12:1034,  1046 
political  structure  of,  3:800,  803-805,  815-16 
Pontiac  messages  (1765),  11:810,  813 
Pottawatomies  and,  8:117;  13:670 

prisoner  return  from,   4:229;   10:99,  318,  409,  547-48;    11:175,  337,  385, 
394,   ±4:0-67 passim,  484-91passim,   498,   510-11;    11:661,   702,   713,   768, 
800,  810;  13:132 
provision  disbursement  (1768),  12:734 

recruitment,  2:370,  394,  828;  9:420-21,  429,  494,  529;   10:29 
Eed  Stone  Creek  settlers  and,  5:504,  492,  540,  573;  12:296,  308,  367 
Sandusky  Council  (1761),  3:405,  438,  448,  696 
Sandusky  Council  (1763),  4:255;  10:939 
Sandusky  Indians  and,  11:125 
Schoharie  visit  (1763),  10:962-63 

Scioto  Congress  (1768),  12:373;   13:433,  436-38,  441,  444-46 
Seneca  land  sales  (1766),  5:242 
Seneca-Ottawa  meeting  (1764),  4:495,  500-501 
Seneca  relations,  2:443,  694;  4:210;  7:652;  10:791,  903;  12:374,  379,  388; 

Shamokin  murders,  3:459;  10:854;  13:233 
Shawnee  Council  of  1770,  7:689 
Shawnee-Huron  conference    (Croghan,  Fort  Pitt,  June  1766),   13:406-407, 

413,  414 
Shawnee-Mingo  conference  (Johnson  Hall,  Nov.,  1768),  12:632-35 
Shawnee-Virginia  hostilities  (1774)  and,  8:1182 
Shawnee-Wyandot  conference  (Croghan,  Scioto,  1766),  13:407 
Southern  hostilities  (1757),  9:853 
Squashcutter's  death  and,  11:820-21 
Stoekbridge  Indian  message  (1763),  10:931 
Stump  murders  and,  6:102,  110,  128-29;  12:591 

Teedyuscung  and,  2:510-13,  524,  555-56,   788,  812,  S24-30,  874-75;   9:565, 
607;   10:214 

Cherokee  peace  proposal,  2:803-805,  849 
threat  of  general  Indian  war  (1762),  3:931,  964-65;  10:578-79,  580,  597 
(1763),  4:95-100,  180,  235,  239 
(1769),  7:182,  185 
(1770),  7:483-84,  652,  669,  689 
(1771),  7:1153;   12:917 
Tiaogo  account  of  quarrel  with  English  (1755),  9:334-38 


Sir  William  Johnson  Papers 

Tiaoga  settlements,  9:456-57,  565,  618,  633,  719 

trade,  4:760;  5:381-82,  3S3;  11:644,  760,  778 

trade  indemnities  (1766),  5:38 

Tryon  and,  8:596-97,  609 

Tusearora  declaration  against,  10:946-47,  958-59 

Virginia  speech  to  the  Governor  (1767),  5:665-66 

Wabash  Indians  and  6:512;  7:77,  78-79,  134,  138,  140;  8:842 

war  belt  circulation,  4:408,  674-75;  5:662,  698,  751,  755;  6:250,  720;  7:149 

Western  Indian  conspiracy  (1771)  and,  8:6-7,  10 

at  Wheelock  school,  9-ASOn;  10:310 

Wyoming  settlement  and,  2:465,  499,  752,  824,  827,  842,  864;  3:391;  9:923 
Delaware  Kiver,  2:359,  368,  369,  402,  418 

Albany  county  division  and,  7:21;  8:300 

Charles  II  letters  patent  and,  6:357-58 

Connecticut  settlers  on,  3:391;  10 :  656 ;  12 :  392 

Easton  Council  and,  2:574;  3:767,  779-80,  837-50passim 

Franklin  (William)  on  fund  derived  from,  8:264 

Hardenbergh  patent  and,  6:735-38,  739 

Indian  boundary  line  and,  7:99;  12:405,  657 

Iroquois  claims,  8:348;  12:259,  260-61,  331,  346,  582 

lands  sales  on,  5:735,  778;  7:94-95;  8:348 

massacre  rumors  (1763),  4:219 

Mohawk  (East)  branch,  6:736-37;  8:300,  348,  383,  384 

Pennsylvania  Purchase  boundaries  and,  6:556-58;   12:519-20 

shipping   (1760),  13:183 

Teedyuscung's  outline  of  Delaware  lands  on.  3:767,  839 

Walking  Purchase  and,  3:795-818 
Deligneris,  ,  cadet,  13:115 

Deline,  Cornelus,  1:235 
Delisle,  John,  5:169 
Dellius,  Godfrey,  3:427;  10:311 
Delly,  Abram,  7:462 
Delly,  John,  7:462 
Delly,  Lisa,  7:462 
Delomont,  ,  1:362 

Delyel,  James,  capt.,  see  Dalyell,  James,  capt. 
Deinere   (Raymond?),  l:712n 
Deming,  Solomon,  7:414 
Dernier,  George,  ens.,  lieut.,  8:179-80,  207,  236,  505 

Niagara-Detroit  Congress  (1761)  journey,  13:239,  241 

on  Niagara  expedition  (1759),  3:70n,  71,  79,  82,  91,  118;  13:158,  159 

wife's  desertion,  7:798 
Demooth,  John,  8:1210 
DeMuth,  John  J.,  8:655 
Deneije,  ,  4:767 

Denis,  Sir  Peter,  7:1074 
Denisseaux,  ,  13:320 

Deniston,  ,  carpentry  supplies  (1769),  13:519 

Deniston  (Danneston,  Deneston,  Denison,  Denniston),  Daniel: 

death,  6:732;  7:701;  12:794?i 

estate  administration,  8':72-73,  504;  12:794,  795 

at  Mohawk  conferenr,.  (Guy  Park,  1768),  12:.")!.". 

Oneida  lands,  7:3X7,   165  66,  530»,  55:; 

will,  7:519,  6S6-87 
Deniston,  Hugh: 

Broomc-Phornix  suit;,  7:3S(),  616.  !>::7,   1032;  8:710,  745,  766.  787 

Deniston  (Daniel)  estate  and,  7:686 

Oustcrhout  trespass  suit  bond  (  1770),  13:496  97 
Deniston,  Sophia  (Mrs.  Daniel),  7:1042;  8:72-73,  443,  504 

land  release  (o  Johnson  (1770)    12:79  1    795 
Denmark,  8:514,  589 

fleet  of,  8:831 




France  and,  7:946 
Holstein  and,  3 :  681 
war  of  1771,  8:104 
Dennie  (Indian  chief),  12:450 
Denning,  Eliza,  13:533 
Dennison,  ,  maj.,  13:50 

Denniston,  ,  5:664 

Denniston,  Charles,  7:1107 
Denny  of  the  Cedars,  7:960 
Denny,  William: 
autograph,  2:xiii 
Cherokees  and,  2:716,  742,  751,  756,  797-99,  803,  806,  811,  814,  863-65,  878; 

3:581;  9:954-55 
Croghan  debt,  3:387,  505;  10:255,  257,  306 
Delaware  English  prisoners,  2:827 

Delaware  recruitment  (1758),  2:756,  788-89;  9:892,  893 
Easton  Councils: 

(1756),  2:653;  9:522,  564-66,  607,  609,  615,  744 

(1758)  and,  2:817,  839,  890-91,  894,  896;  3:1-2,  10-11;  9:894,  900,  954, 
964   967   970  "10:2  4 
Forbes  and,  2:813,  891,  896;  9:893;  10:104 
Fort  Duquesne  attack  and,  3:3 
Harris  Ferry-Lancaster   Council    (1757),   9:607-608,   614,   615-16,   719,  735, 

737-39,  742-45,  748-49,  750,  754,  759-60,  827 
Indian  Affairs  authority  and,  2:557-58,  559,  658-59,  716,  812-13,  815;  9:892 
Indian  rumors  of  Johnson's  irresponsibility  (1757),  9:628 
Oneida  message  (1758)  from,  9:923-24 
Pennsylvania  governorship,  2:505n;  9:505-506 
Philadelphia  Council   (1759),  3:205 
postage  account  (1757),  9:648 
Quakers  and,  2:742,  752,  753,  829,  834;  3:744,  848 
Teedyuscung   and,    2:556,    752-54,    788,    797-99,    806,    808,    812,    814,    826; 

9:735-36,  742,  744-45,  756,  763-65,  892 
Winchester  rendezvous  of  Western  Indians  (1758),  2:811-12,  814 
Wyoming  speech,  3:33-36 
Denonville,  Jacques  Bene  de  Brisay,  Marquis  de,  10 :  878n 
Denormandy,  ,3:258;  13:117,  121,  122 

De  Noyelles  (De  Noyels),  John,  7:287 
Denton,  ,  lieiit.,  3:60,  67,  69,  73;  13:152 

Depaiba,  ,4:643;  11:573 

DePeyster,  general,  cited,  2:xii 

De  Peyster,  Abraham,  Jr.,  l:072n,  691?i 
De  Peyster,  Arent  Schuyler,  capt.,  13:670 
DePeyster,  Gerardus,  4:43 
De  Peyster,  J.  Watts,  2:537n 
De  Peyster,  John: 
autograph,  9  :xii 

accounts,  4:221;  6:29S;  7:367;  12:998 
Albany  stores  for  New  York  forces   (1755),  1:705,  756,  788,  799,  800,  862 

(See  also  Schuyler  and  DePeyster) 
as  Albany  Surrogate,  3:299 
broadaxes  sent  by,  9:250-57 
Collins  and,  1:293,  363-64,  381;  9:92 
Deniston  will,  7:519;  8:504 

Fort  Edward  garrison   (1755-56)  winter  provisions,  2:405,  423,  424 
land  purchase  license,  1:379,  380 

at  Mohawk  Kayaderosseras  conference  (Johnson  Hall,  1768),  12:572 
Mohawk  land  claims  at  Tiononndoroge  and,  8:567-69,  958,  993 
Oswego  garrison  supply  and,  1 :  29,  33 
paymaster  appointment,  1:587 

Queens  County  gift  to  Crown  Point  forces,  13:57-58 
request  for  letter  of  recommendation,  1:39 


Sir  William  Johnson  Papers 

summons  to  Johnson,  for  selling  rum  to  Indians,  1:19 
Depokadori   (Onondaga),  12:628 
Depue,  Moses,  3:567 
Dequaney,  see  Couagne 
Dequindre,  ,  cadet,  10:822 

Dequindre,  Louis  Cesair,  col.,  13:115,  251 
Dequoney  (Indian),  5:578?i;  13:426 
De  Eeviere,  ,  12:641 

DeRidder,  Killiaen,  1:622;  2:149 
Derius,  lieut.,  13:115 

De  Riviere,  ,  13:711,  714 

Ue  Riviere,  Miss  (of  Montreal),  4:734 

Derley,  John,  3:90 

Deroche,  (Aagistagese,  Indian  name),  10:425 

Derreoice,  ,  11:827 

Derrivine,  Baubien,  5:134 
Derroder,  George,  9:491 
Derryaganagh,  Ireland,  13:734 
Deruto,  George,  7:438 
Deryea,  ,  lieut.,  3 :  99 

Desaguliers,  J.  T.,  1:264 
De  Saulles,  Jonas,  5:169 
DeSautter,  Jonas,  5:134 
Desbroses,  Elias,  4:273 
Desbrosses,  Stephen,  4:578;  5:155 
Deschambault,  3:145«, 
Deshon,  Moses,  2:305 
Desligneris,  Francois  Mari  Merchant: 

embassy  to  the  colonies,  1:187,  192,  193»,  196,  217,  220,  224;  9:64 

at  Fort  Duquesne,  2:857 

Johnson  message  sent  by,  9 :  60 

taken  at  Fort  Niagara,  3:108,  109,  121;  13:115 
Desmusaux,  Lisette,  4:787 
Des  Onie,  3:546;  10:323;  13:235,  236 
Desponligney,  chevalier,  capt.,  13:115 

Desreuisseaux,  P.,  4:768 
Detailler,  ,  5:619 

Detroit,  1:298,  302-303,  517,  915;  5:503 

barracks  repair  (1764),  11:340 

Bouquet  peace  negotiations  and,  11:531 

Bradstreet  Congress  with  Western  Nations  (1704),  4:509,  526-33,  517,  549n 
575,  601;  11:338,  340-41,  349-51,  375,  376,  394-96,  472,  493 

Bradstreet  Indian  conference  plans  (1765),  11:646,  740,  839,  871,  893,  899, 

cattle  provisions  (1761),  3:507,  524 

Chippewa   appeal   concerning    Lake   Erie   vessel    (1769),   6:710-22,    776-77; 

Chippewa  murder  of  Sinclair's  servant,  12:335-36,  364,  366,  373 j  13:435 

Chippewa  squaw  drowned  at,  5:731 

communication  with  outposts,  3:528,  608;  13: 201 

Croghan  conferences: 

(1760),  3:359,  360;  10:198-206 

(1761),  10:218,  231-32,  310,  322 

(1765),  4:848,  852,  859;   11:938-39,  940,  943,  954,  958,  962 

(1707),  2:375,  415;  13:435,437,  138  13,  III 

rcnglisli  garrison    (1701),  10:320 

English  garrison  (1772),  8:520 

English  governorship,  3:316-17,  323,  344;  11:223 

fort  design,  13:288-89,  291 

French  fortification  of,  3:258;  10:130,  145,  171-72,  171.  L79 

French  garrison  conveyed  to  New  Fork  (  1701),  10:209 

French  Indian  Council's,  2:794-96;  9:011,  012,  020;  10:301 




French.  Indian  lands  at,  12 :  67 
French  Indian  troops  (1757)  at,  9:642 

French    inhabitants,    4:792;    6:157;    7:29;    10:6,    560-61;    11:493,    853; 
12:159-60,  968-69;  13:203,  230-31,  243,  251 
McDougall  plan  (1768)  for  removal  of,  12:606-607 
French  provision  supply  (1759),  10:131,  132-33 
French  strategic  use  of,  9:126;  10:131,  174 
Gage  Indian  conference  (1763),  4:284 
Gladwin  command,  4:81-82;  10:476n 
Great  Lakes  exploration  and,  10:294-95,  522-26,  544 
Hay  Indian  Council  (Nov.,  1774),  13:691-92,  698 
Huron  church  bell  request  (1768),  12:424 
Huron  conference  (May,  1764),  11:176-80,  191-92,  233 
Huron  visits  (1765),  11:939 

Illinois  colonization  proposal  and,  5:328-29;  6:87;  12:415,  429 
Indian  Affairs  Deputy  authority,  4:785,  798;  11:377,  803;  12:413;  13:225, 

Indian  attack  threats  (1761),  3:437,  505,  510;  13:217-18,  223-24,  225-26, 

235,  239 

Campbell  (Donald)  conferences  on,  3:438,  448-53,  505,  514,  515,  520 

Seneca  plot,   3:437-39,   450,  460,   464-66,   505,   510;    13:219-20,   223-24, 
225-26,  227,  230,  233,  236-37,  238-39,  253,  254-55,  256-57,  270 
Indian  attack  threats  (1762),  3:734 
Indian  attack  threats  (1763),  10:640-41,  728 
Indian  attack  threats  (1765-66),  11:740,  744-45,  763,  764-65,  772,  784,  790, 

803,  851,  862,  981-82,  989;  12:227-28 
Indian  attack  threats  (1767-68),  12:367,  508 
Indian  attack  threats  (1769),  6:750-51,  769,  774,  776-77,  781;  7:1,  10,  13, 

15,  21,  28-29,  30,  47,  55-56,  98;  8:137;  12:722-23,  729,  744,  759 
Indian  attack  threats  (1771),  8:7,  16 
Indian  attack  threats  (1772),  12:973 
Indian  land  offer  to  Johnson,  13:203 
as  Indian  meeting  place,  4:200;  13:257 
Indian  name  (Teughsaghruntie),  9:611,  612,  620 
Indian  population,  3:235,  501-502,  523;  7:675-76;  10:450,  559;  11:281-86; 

12:1044-46;  13:209,  248-49,  251 
Indian  prisoner  return  to,  4:485;  5:618-21,  818;  11:334 
Indian  provisions,  3:388,  582,  822;   4:136,  200,  246-48,  414;   6:177,  541; 

7:159;  10:255,  257;  12:822 

(1765),  11:5S9,  765,  871,  898-99,  901,  907-908,  939,  958 
Indian  siege  (1763)  : 

Chenussio  account  of  Indian  decision  to  attack,  10:964-66 

Chippewas  and,  11:307 

courts  of  inquiry,  4:670-79;  10:730-32,  734-36 

Cuyler's  detachment  attacked,  4:135,  137m,  148;  10:723 

Dalyell  action  of  Bloody  Bridge,  4:195,  196-97,  199,  200,  201;  10:762- 
66,  790-91,  814,  857,  991 

Delaware  reports  of,  10:685-88,  728 

expeditions  to  relieve,  4:148,  149,  150-51,  167,  173,  182,  187,  192,  194-95, 
210-11,   212-13,   219,   232,   255,  278,  299,   363;    10:716-17,   719,   761 
788,  803  '         '         ' 

French  involvement,  4:164,  170,  303,  355,  391,  403-404,  414,  418,  433, 
437,  447,  670-79,  763-64;  10:692-94,  858;  11:164,  216,  217,  218-19 
226-27,  229-30;  13:290,  291-93 

French  involvement  deposition  by  Jadeau,  10:985-86;  11:218-19: 
13:317-21  ' 

Indian  instructions  from  Villiers,  10:822-23 

Iroquois  and,  10:715,  717,  809-10,  829-30,  866-68 

Jenkins  capture,  10:690-91 

McDonald  account,  10:736-45,  776 

Missisaugas  and,  10:861-62 

outpost  attacks,  10 :  727  {See  also  specific  forts) 


Sir  William  Johnson  Papers 

peace  offers,  4:278-79,  280,  281-82,  292,  295,  296,  299,  303,  310,  318,  319, 
325-26,  330-31,  334-35,  354,  367-68,  374-75,  377;  10:915,  956,  992; 
11:11,  52,  68,  115,  163-64,  191,  282 

Pennsylvania  Susquehanna  action  and,  10:691-92,  716,  720 

provision  blockades,  4:213;  10:812-13,  816,  863,  867,  873,  906,  907,  919, 
920,  936-37;  11:518 

renewal  (1764),  4:403-404,  406,  408-409,  410,  414,  418,  424,  433;  8:841; 
11:125,  167-68,  173,  174,  194,  200 

Rogers  journal  of,  13:288-96 
interpreters  at,  3:552,  915;   5:442-43,  675,  688-89,  703,  723,  730;   6:764; 

7:196;    10:452,  460,  544,  560;    11:397,  685,  831;   12:75-76,  206,  804; 

13:318-19,  389,  421 
Joncaire  in,  6:416-21;  12:327,  387,  522 
Lernoult  Indian  Council  (Nov.,  1774),  13:697,  698 
mail  routes,  4:299-300,  314,  422,  437;  10:606 
Maisonville  lands  at,  8:178,  202,  224,  232-33 
Maisonville  mission  (1771)  journey  stop,  12:931 
map  (Montresor's),  10:870 
mathematicians'  passes,  6:645 
Michilimackinac  dependency,  12:2,  31,  51S 
missionary  at,  5:437 
Monckton  expedition  (1760),  10:163 
murder  of  Clapham  near,  10:520,  544 
murder  of  Croghan's  interpreter  (1766),  5:239-40 
murder  of  French  officers  (1761)  rumored  at,  3:412-16 
murder  of  a  white  child   (1767)   at,  5:621,  644n,  652-53,  670,  671-73,  688, 

723,  730;  12:544 
murders  of  Indians  (1765),  4:885,  889;  11:970-72,  982-83,  988 
murders  of  Indians   (1766),  5:160-61,  205,  224-25,  232,  271-72,  552,  573; 

12:115,  130 
murders  of  Indians  (1767),  12:307-308,  322,  323,  335-36;  13:435 
murders  of  Indians  (1768),  12:508 

Niagara  capture  by  English  (1759)  and,  3:108,  131,  316;  13:153 
Ottawa  land  sales  (1774),  13:667 
Ottawa  meetings,  10:141,  534-35 
Ottawa  murders  (1767),  13:443 
outpost  maintenance,  5:30;  6:313;  11:23 
physician  at,  10:452 

Pontiac's  War  (See  Detroit,  Indian  siege  (1763),  supra) 
Pontiac  visits,  11:517,  540,  569,  939;  12:100;  13:321 
Pottawatomie  attack  (1772)  on  Van  Slyck,  8:672-73,  749,  764,  770 
Pottawatomie  hostages  (1766),  12:105,  115,  193,  229 
Pottawatomie  hostages  (1769),  7:93-94,  141,  163,  189 
Pottawatomie  murders: 

(1764-65),  4:650,  705,  719,  722,  733;   11:531,  547-52,  587-89,  602,  646, 

665,  705 
(1766),  5:35,  159-60,  204-205,  271,  276,  279,  3S9-90,  302;  12:29-31 
(1768),  12:486-87,  507-508,  517-18 
Pottawatomie-Spanish  intrigues  (1768)  and,  12:585-86 
Eogers  expedition  (1760)  against,  3:229-30,  276,  284,  294,  301-302,  315-16, 

318,  343;  10:194,  870-72;  13:320 

French  capitulation  (1761)   to,  3:310-11,  315-19,  323,  343-44;  10:209 
Rogers  plot  (1767-68)  and,  12:378,  440,  444,  449,  451,  492 
Seneca  messages  (1759)  to  Ottawas  of,  13:128 
settlement  proposals,  3:302;  7:359,  1149;  8:224,  233 
sickness  (1766),  5:441,  402 
smallpox  plague  rumors  (1768),  12:544-45 
smiths,   4:180,   181,  438;    5:264,   382-83,   442-43,   620,   649;    6:764;    7:196. 

526;  10:452,  544,  560;   11:831,  922-2:!;  12:75-76,  804;  13:319,   121 
Stevenson  command,  7:802,  1040«;  12:968-69 
taxation,  12:968-69 
trade : 




boat  maintenance  (1765)  expense,  11:992 

colonial  administration  of,  8:29,  37;  12:710 

commissary  appointment,  5:32,  76-77,  201,  278,  442-43,  545,  559,  730-31; 

6:x;  7:78,  298;  8:1033;  11:537,  633,  831;  12:23,  106,  286,  373 
court  of  inquiry  on  Hay's  conduct  of,  5:815,  817;  12:289-90;  13:439 
courts  of  enquiry  on  fraud,  5:469,  S17;  12:216-17 
Fort  Pitt  and,  4:787 

French-Indian  trade  near,  6:437n,  509-10,  536;   7:94;  10:858 
Gage  passes  (1763),  4:212 
Hasenclever  proposal,  5:344,  345 

Indian  attack  rumor  effects  (1769),  12:722-23,  726,  729 
Hay   residency   appointment    (1774),   8:1033,    1070-71,    1194;    12:1058, 

1092;   13:666 
Lenox  application  for  permit,  10:430 
limitation   to   outpost,  4:195,  443,  445;    5:523,   524;    11:222;    12:411; 

memorial  of  English  traders  (1762),  to  Campbell,  3:944 
Miamis  and,  5:546,  557-58;  6:53 
in  Niagara  trade  reports  (1768),  12:650,  660-61 
opening  (1761)   of,  3:317,  343-45,  422,  455,  461,  495,  502,  552;  10:257- 

58,  283,  328-29;  13:203,  234 
price  levels,  13:203,  320-21 
punishment  of  violations,  4:41;  5:726-27 
report  (1767),  12:398-400 
rum-running   (1772),  8:363 

siege  (1763)  interruption  of,  10:681,  751,  7S5,  786,  861;  11:589,  853 
soldiers  engaged  in,  5:712 
traders'   memorial   and   petition   to   Johnson    (1767),   5:807-15,   826-30; 

traders'  memorial  against  Sogers  (1767),  5:819-20 
traders'  petition  to  Jehu  Hay  (1767),  5:653-59,  703 
Van  Schaack  (1763),  4:247-48 
Wade  &  Kreuser  and,  8:511,  560 
Winston  and,  10:715 
Turnbull  command  (1770),  7:731 
Verchere  at,  7:159-60 
Western    Indian    Congress    (1761),    see    Niagara-Detroit    Indian    Congress 

Western  Indian  conspiracy  (1771)  and,  8:7 
Detroit  Pilot,  Bradstreet  guide,  11:493 
Detroit  River,  13:248 

map,  4:486 
Deurzo,  Elizabeth,  1:188 
Deux  Montagnes,  Lac  de,  3 :  2i0n 
Devenport,  Abraham,  1:493 
Deverson,  capt.,  4:430 

Devil's    Hole    ambuscade,   see    Niagara,   Western    Indian   uprisings    (1763-64), 

Carrying  Place  attacks  (1763) 
Devine,  Marrce,  11:487 

De  Visme,  Mrs.  Ann,  3:833;  4:228,  237,  254;  5:369,  381 
ham  ordered  for,  5:624;  7:558 
Prevost  and,  8:207 
De  Vismes,  Philip,  3:140,  148;  13:162 
Devonport,  Samuel,  1:877 
Devonshire,  England,  13:214 
Devow,  Sgt.,  1:152 

De  Wint,  (druggist),  8:552-53,  583 

De  Witt,  Andrew,  8:555,  571 
Deybertsyer,  George,  6:703-704 
Deyckman,  Jacob,  Jr.,  see  Dyckman,  Jacob,  Jr. 

Deyger     (Deygert,    Tyger),    Sovermus    (Sefferines,    Sufferinus),    lieut.,    capt., 
2:690;  3:370,  613;  4:175,  298;  7:456 


Sir  William  Johnson  Papers 

Klock-Nelles  patent  release  and,  4:657 

list  of  delinquent  soldiers,  4:221 
Deygert,  William,  8:334 

Stone  Arabia  roads  and,  7:214 
Deygert,  Peter  S.,  8:333 

Deygert  (Deygart,  Warner),  Werner,  7:666;  8:333,  655 
Diagawekee  (as  name  for  governors  of  North  Carolina),  13:391 
Diagawekee   (Diaeyagawehe — Tuscarora  chief),  11:187 

North  Carolina  embassy  (1766),  13:390-92 
Diahogo,  see  Tioga 
"Dialogue  between  Marshal  Saxe  and  Baron  de  Dicskau  in  the  Elysian  Fields," 

Diaquande  (Deioquande,  Tuyaguande — Onondaga  sachem)  : 

on  Bradstreet  expedition  conduct,  11:709 

flags  and  medals  returned,  10:237,  238;  12:365,  370 

Fort  Stanwix  Congress,  12:628 

Ganughsharaga  Creek  conference  (1767),  12:365 

Iroquois  Canadian  delegation  (1756),  2:563 

at  Iroquois  conference  on  Newkirk  murders,  10:626,  633 

Iroquois  conference  (Oswego,  1759),  13:136,  148 

at  Iroquois  Congress  (Johnson  Hall,  Dec,  1763),  10:971 

liquor  request  (1766),  12:184 

at  Mingo  conference  (Johnson  Hall,  Jan.,  1774),  12:1054,  1060 

on  Montreal  expedition,  10:182;  13:178 

Niagara  Congress  (1764)  journey,  11:253 

presents,  2:462;  12:998 

sachemhood,  10:237;  11:158 

Seneca  murder  of  French  fur  traders  (1773)  and,  12:1054-55 

son's  death,  12:241 
Diary  of  Sir  William  Johnson,  3:105,  113 
Dibblce,  Ebenezer,  7:170 
Dice,  Maddil,  7:462 
Dice,  William,  11:796 
Dick  (runaway  slave),  8:918,  968-69,  1001 
Dick,  Miss  ,1:1 

Dick,  Captain  (Mohawk),  3:153,  157;  9:722,  780;  12:900 

Abcrcromby  and,  10:9,  10,  16,  17-18 

Amherst  and,  10:125,  128 

French  Peter  and,  10:308 

Montreal  expedition,  10:180;   13:174 
Dick,  Captain  (Onondaga),  10:410 
Dick,  Mary,  4:160 

Dickenson,  (of  Philadelphia),  7:57 

Dickerson,  Isaac,  3:761 
Dickinson,  Charles,  7:220 
Dickinson,  John,  7:868 
Dickinson,  Jonat,  6:559 
Dickson,  William,  8:334 
Diefendorff,  II. -nines,  3:342;  4:112,  146 
Dielbe,  John,  8:655 
Diell,  John,  3:718;  8:333 
Dies,  John,  1:393,  418,  586,  618  lit;  3:359,  667;  13:228,  240,  241 

boatbuilding  (1761),  3:512;  13:265 

Boyle  and,  1:717-18 

Crown  Point  (1755),  supplies  and,  1:580,  608,  649,  680-81,  684,  688    7"  I  29 
742-44,  747,  759,  762-63,  862 

on  flatboat  construe)  ion  1:863,  875 

German  Plats  patent  and,  1:67>5;  3:3(26,  373,  397,  398,  399,   1 26 

Kayaderosseras  patent  and,  3:642 
Dicskau  (Deskieu,  Diersau) ,  Baron  de,  1:237;  7:54 
British  view  of,  2:441 
on  Oaghnawagas  2:68,  72-73,  86 



Dieskau,  Baron  de, 

forces  under,  2:18-24,  48-49,  58,  60-61,  72,  76-77,  95,  111,  122,  146,  171, 
200-202,  340;  9:232  292-93;  13:197,  198 

French,  reprisals  for  capture  of,  2:293,  384 

on  Johnson,  2:25n,  68 

letter  of  thanks  to  Johnson,  2:lS3-85 

money  loaned  to,  2:403 

papers  of,  2:60,  169,  419-20 

as  prisoner,  2:41,  43,   74,  91,  222,  361,  399;   9:230,  232,  234,  238,  264; 
at  Johnson's  Albany  house,  2:44,  45  46,  56,  63,  100,  136  183-85  205; 

9:293;  10:117n;  13:47-48,  49 
medical  care  of,  2:280-81,  282;  9:232 
in  New  York  City,  2:47,  165,  183«,  342,  352,  438 

Shirley's  opinion  of,  2:97 

sword  of,  2:422 
Dietz,  ,  in  Lawyer  and  Zimmer  patent,  8:1089 

Digges,  capt.,  13:76 

Dike,  Nathaniel,  1:766 

Dillabach,  Wilhelmus,  see  Dillenbach,  Wilhelmus 
Dillenbach,  Balthaser,  7:666 

Dillenbach  (Dillenbagh),  Christian,  3:522;  4:12,  634;  10:607-608 
Dillenbach,  Martinus,  Jr.,  4:281,  286,  316;  13:322 
Dillenbach   (Dillebagh),  Wilhelmus,  lieut.,  4:221;  12:333;  13:333 
Dillenbach  (Dillebach,  Dillebagh,  Dillenbach,  Tillebach,  Tillebagh),  Wilhelmus, 

justice  of  the  peace,  3:327,  522;  4:286 

justice's  commission  of,  3:641,  648,  652,  655 

Klock  trial  and,  3:674;  4:144 

Lappius  and,  3:602,  606,  633 

Myer  and,  4:409 

Stone  Arabia  threat  of  attack  (1758),  10:76 
Dillenbagh,  Andrew,  6:174 
Dillion,  ,  1:4ft,  14 

Dimpler,  George,  see  Demler,  George 
Dingman,  Andrew,  10:531 
Dinwiddie,  Gov.  Bobert: 

biographical  sketch,  1:833« 

Cherokees  and,  2:427-28 

Crown  Point  (1755)  and,  1:447,  519,  558,  846,  858 

death  of,  7:913 

Delaware-Shawnee  uprisings  (1756)  and,  9:451 

French  fortification  of  the  Ohio  and,  1:385,  916-17,  918-20;  9:131-32 

Iroquois  conference  (1754)  plans,  9:130 

Jonquiere  letter  (1755),  9:161 

Monongahela  and,  1:403,  406;  9:208 

Will's  Creek  expedition  and,  1:420 
Dinwiddie,  Fort,  11:244 
Dioagoa,  see  Tioga 
Disease,  see  Medicine ;  Sickness 
Dishington,  Dr.,  1:1 
Disney,  Daniel,  capt.,  5:474 
Dissenters,   see  Protestants;    and  see  specific  sects   other  than  the  Church   of 

Diver,  Hans,  11:488 
Diver,  John,  11:488 
Dixon,  Mrs.  ,  7:173 

Dixon,  Jeremiah,  5:737n;  6:5n 
Dniester  River,  7:285??, 
Dobbs,  ,  maj.,  2:551,  560 

Dobbs,  Arthur,  Gov.  of  North  Carolina,  4:49,  395;  10:951-52 
Dobie,  Richard,  4:195;  12:615 
Dobie  and  Forbisher,  13 :  709 
Dobson,  Pieter,  5:468 


Sir  William  Johnson  Papers 

Docks,  Thomas,  1:872 

Dogs,  4:790;  6:640;  7:1035;  8:379 

breeding,  8:720 

English  import,  5:798;  7:559 

Hibernian  fox  hounds,  12:2 

hounds  from  Wade,  4:24,  214,  237 

Johnson  aid  in  snowstorm,  13:198 

pointers,  1:971-72;  4:64,  68,  78;  10:282;  13:273 

small-pox  carriers,  13:209 

tailless,  13:191 
Dogsteader,  Hendrick,  7:1067-68 
Dogsteader,  Ury  Adam,  2:575 
Dole,  James,  8:351 
Domine  Eiver,  8:825-27 
Dominick,  ,  Jr.,  6:241 

Domstadt,  battle  of,  3:284n 
Donbreek,  capt.,  1:249 
Donegal,  Pennsylvania,  ll:663n 
Donell,  John,  12:1111-12 

Dongau,  Gov.  Thomas,  4:65;  8:936rc,  956-57,  992;  9:158 
Donn  (Indian),  7:976 
Donnelon,  Franses,  1:50 

Donnellan,  Edward,  12:787,  819,  960,  98S;  13:569 
Donnellan,  John  Ormsby,  lieut.,  4:440,  706;  11:667-68 

Canestio  expedition  and,  4:427 

English  voyage  (1764),  4:503;  11:334-35 

Quebec  Delineated  of,  4:511 
Doolittle,  ,  capt.,  2:212,  241,  250,  256;  9:274 

Doquanie,  see  Couagne,  Jean  Baptiste  de 
Dorchester  County,  Maryland,  6:257 
Doreil,  ,  2:25n 

Dorien  (Miami),  5:730 
Dorin,  ,  8:352 

Dorn,  Richard,  7:31 
Dorn,  Valentin,  4:286 
Dorset  County,  Maryland,  12:258 
Doty,  Rev.  John,  8:928n;  12:1078 
Doudy,  John,  capt.,  6:297;  12:590 
Doue,  Abram,  see  Douw,  Abraham,  capt., 
Dougan,  Henry,  7:70;  8:847-49 
Dougharty,  Constantine,  7:216 
Douglas,  Asa,  7:414;  13:639 
Doughty,  ,  ma j.,  2:212 

Doughty,  John,  see  Doty,  Rev.  John 
Douglass,  capt.,  1:760 
Douglass,  James,  ensign,  3:990n 
Douville,  ,2:21,23 

Douw,  ,  capt.,  7:180 

Douw  (Doue,  Dow),  Abraham,  capt.,  1:109;  3:321,  3S0,  607,  614,  656 

drafts  on,  4:254,  255,  266,  267,  311,  313,  356 

justice  appointment   (1762)   3:750 

justice  appointment  list  (1770),  12:783,  784,  793 
Douw,  Ilance,  2:589 

Douw,  Johannes  Volkert,  7:914;  8:153-54 
Douw,  Peter  W.,  l:362n,  379,  380;  7:373 
Douw,  Volkert,  1:39;  3:750 
Douw,  Volkert  A'm,  4:86;  11:695 
Douw  (Dow),  Volckert  P.,  2:335 

as  Albany  mayor,  4:43,  148;  5:64-65,  88 

Assembly  allotments  (1755)   for  fortification,  1:920-21;  9:163-64 

Assembly  candidacy  (1770),  7:1036 

autograph,  S:xiii 



Douw,  Volckert  P., 

Chenussio  trade  and,  4:228,  229,  232-33;  10:916 
Croghan  draft,  7:95 
on  highway  commissioners,  4  :  633 
Hoosick  patent  survey,  8:388-89 
justice  appointment  "(1762),  3:750 
justice  appointment  list  (1770),  12:783,  792 
in  New  York  Assembly,  3:324,  325,  580 
non-importation  agreements  protest  (1770),  12:848-49 
portrait,  3:325 

Van  Rensselaer  (Maria)  lands  and,  8:428-29 
Vetter  naturalization  certificate,  3:263-64 
White  estate,  6:641 
Douw  and  Winne,  8:54,  612,  677 
Douw's  Point,  1 :  623n 
Dove  Hill,  12:1066 

Dover  (vessel),  1:250,  251,  259,  417;  9:94 
Dow,  ,  1:306;  3:370 

campsite  at  Douw's  Point,  1:623,  646,  655,  658,  666 
Dow  (Canadohare— Mohawk),  10:18;  13:174 
Dow,  James,  4:494,  503 
Dow,  Johannes,  1:207 
Dow,  John,  1:381;  9:89,  01 
Dowdall,  Miss,  12:1031 

Dowdswell,  ,  Exchequer  appointment   (1769),   12:700 

Dowe,  ,  capt.,  1:83,  178,  192,  610;  2:887 

Down,  capt,  3:068,  669 

Downe,  James,  6:154 
Downes,  Edward,  capt.,  7:481-S2 
Downing,  Dr.  ,9:91 

Downing,  Henry,  3:90 
Dox,  Peter,  8:103,  1029 
Doyle,  Charles,  8:337 
Doyle,  James,  5:396 
Drake,  ,8:74 

Drake,  Joseph,  4:541 
Drake,  Samuel,  10:530 

Draper,  Jacob  (carpenter),  13:304,  306,  315,  316 
Johnson  Hall  work  (1763),  13:307-13pamm 
Draper,  Sir  William,  7:897,  1073-74 

marriage,  7:913,  924,  945,  966 
Dredener,  Barent,  8:655 
Dresden,  3:148 
Droughlee,  Sae,  7:462 
Druley,  Nicholas,  8:351 
Drum,  maj.,  9:87 

Drummer,  John  Evans,  1:219 
Drummond,  ,  Lord,  13:630,  631,  632 

Drummond,  Adam,  8:196 
Drummond,  John,  7:767 
Drummond,  Messers,  12:1024-25 

See  also  Cox  &  Drummond;  Harley  &  Drummond 
Drunkard,  The  (Seneca  chief),  see  Tagesheady 
Dryden,  John,  quoted,  7:430 
Duane,  ,  1:898;  3:944 

Duane,  Anthony,  1:24,  50-51,  95,  108,  128;  9:7 
Duane,  Cornelius,  5:399 

Duane,  James,  4:612;  5:274-75,  366,  540;  12:102-103 
Johnson's  land  patents  and,  6:151-52;  7:1155 
Johnson's  leases,  8:45 
Klock  trial  and,  6:223-24;  12:496-97 
McDougall  trial  and,  7:483w 
pamphlet  attributed  to,  7:578 


Sir  William  Johnson  Papers 

portrait,  5:546 

Schohary  dispute,  5:547 
Duane's  Borough,  New  York,  8:300 
Dublin,  Ireland,  1:257;  6:248 

Downes  (Edward)  in,  7:481-S2 

Eaton  shipwreck  and,  6:162 

financial  failures  (1771),  7:1155 

goods  orders  (1738),  13:1 

hautboys  and  Jew's  harps  from,  7:711 

Johnson  (Warren)  medical  care  in,  12:1030-31 

Liverpool  shipwrecks  (1771),  7:1156 

Lord  Mayors,  7:650 

Maunsell  family  in,  5:182 

Office  of  Arms,  3:vii,  ix 

Ship  Street,  12:1031 

Temporary  Laws  suspension  (1770),  7:1074 

Trinity  College,  7:239,  247,  282,  291-92,  296,  301,  310,  S68 

Warren  (Sir  Peter)  death  (1752)  in,  13:19» 
Dubois,  Cornells,  capt.,  4:236;  5:556;  7:469 

Kinderhook  commission  refusal,  7:673 
DuBois,  Peter,  3:101,  428,  562-64,  636;  11:693;  13:377 

Canajoharie  lands,  3:289,  374,  424,  425,  563,  583,   596,  616,  640-41,  647, 
656;  4:657;  5:575 
Dubois,  Pierre  Eneas,  4:778 
Duboys,  Thomas,  3:90 
Uu  Camps,  ,  2:887 

Du  Charme,  Jean  Marie,  4:516,  572 

Burton  arrest  (1765),  12:1028 

Spanish  arrest  (1773),  8:841;  12:1027-28;  13:622 

trade  violations,  4:511,  540;  5:378-80 
Du  Charme,  Joseph,  4:516;  5:408 
Duchce,  Eev.  ,  10:538 

Du  Chene,  ,5:813;  13:627,  629 

Duchess  of  Gordon  (vessel),  7:251,  924;  8:642 
Duck  Creek,  3:794-95,  801;  6:557 
Du  Clos,  Niagara  surrender  (1759),  13:115 
Dudley,  ,  glass  sold  by,  13:306 

Dudley,  Joseph,  Gov.  of  Massachusetts: 

Mohegau  land  claims  and,  4:458;   11:257,  414,  416,  420,  423,  425 

Susquehanna  Company  and,  4:719 
Dee  (Duer),  ,  4:672,  677,  678 

Duel,  ,  capt.,  see  Dalyell,  James,  capt. 

Duelling,  4:373;  6:753-55,  758,  780;  13:153,  157 

Parliamentary  disputes,  7:1156;  8:50 
Duer,  William  (Charlotte  County  judge),  8:463;  12:529,  793 
Duff,  capt.,  wile  of,  6:547 

Nuffield,  ,  7:1143,  1144;  8:24 

Duggan,  Walter,  7:751 
Duggart,  account  (1768),  12:668 
Duglas,  ,  maj.,  inn  of,  13:184 

DuJaunay,  ,  father,  S.  J.,  3:412-16 

Duke  of  Cumberland  (ship),  4:35,  215,  578;  5:377;  7:578,  906;  10:613?? 

in  Lake  Champlain  victory  (1759),  10:130 
Dumay,  ,  murder  of,  3:415 

Dumes,  ,2:446 

Dumfries,  Virginia,  8:1126 
Dummer,  Fort,  9:532 
Dumond,  .  lieut.,  3:73,  81,  82,  86 

I  himond,  A.,  8:457 
Dumond,  Egbert,  8:456-57 
Dumont,  John,  8:555,  571 
DuMusseaux,  : 




Claus  visit  (1770),  7:961 

gift  of  shoes  to  Johnson  (1761),  3:322 

Pennington  abuse  of  Caghnawagas,  3:373,  384;  10:263,  268 

wife's  death,  3:363 
Dunbar,  Alexander,  8:636-37;  13:221,  270 

at  Onondago  conference  (1761),  13:222,  226 

provision  shortages  (1761),  13:266 

trade  regulations  (1761),  13:234,  235 
Dunbar,  Baziel,  lieut.: 

at  Fort  Johnson  Iroquois  Congress  (1756),  9:355,  357,  362,  366 

on  Niagara  campaign  (1759),  3:54,  71,  72,  74,  75,  77,  79,  86;  13:153,  157 

Oswego  relief  (1756)  and,  9:401,  402 
Dunbar,  Thomas,  col.,  1:446,  750,  753,  895;  2:479m;  9:292 

Crown  Point  expedition  aid,  2:65,  88,  106,  140-41,  155,  204,  206;  9:264 
Shirley  orders  on,  1:845-46,  858,  874;  2:35 

Wraxall  letter  on  Lake  George  camp  discipline  and,  13:63 
Dunbar,  William,  capt.,  3:220;  4:200 
Duncan,  ,  4 :  642 

Duncan,  ensign,  6:716 

Duncan,  Alexander,  maj. : 

boats  for  Johnson  and,  4:432 

on  Bradstreet  expedition,  4:430-31 

in  Dalyell  action  in  Detroit  siege  (1763),  account,  10:762-66 

on  Detroit  expedition  (1763),  4:168%,  211-12 

to  forbid  unauthorized  Indian  meetings,  3:833 

Fort  Brewerton  Indian  behavior  (1762)  and,  3:869-70,  882;  10:497-98 

gardener  recommended  by,  4:200 

Missisaugas  and,  4:516 

Niagara  provisions  (1763),  10:860,  863-64 

Niagara  settlement  plans  (1761),  10:265,  270 

Oswego  command,  3:421,  442,  463,  522 

pass  for  Cherokees  escaped  from  Ottawas,  11:112 

Bed  Head  and,  11:246 
Duncan,  John  (prisoner),  4:496n 
Duncan,  John,  capt.,  11:619,  631;  12:605;  13:468 

accounts  (1763),  4:254 

Albany  postal  delays  (1766),  13:384-85 

ammunition  orders  (1767),  5:515 

Assembly  candidacy,  4:251;  13:302 

on  Bradstreet,  4:335,  612,  622,  633,  734 

Campbell  and,  7:470-71 

at  Canajoharie  meeting  (1763),  4:50,  52,  53,  55,  58,  59,  60,  145 

Canajoharie  patent  release,  10:828,  898-99,  927-29,  941 

carriage  size  regulation  (1763),  4:44 

on  closing  of  rivers  (1764),  4:373 

commission  of,  3:857,  863,  870;  4:366;  7:410n;  10:496 

on  company  vacancies,  5:11 

Corry  and,  4:37;  10:615 

Darlington  drafts,  4:870 

daughter's  death  (1767),  5:610;  12:344 

Doyle  and,  8:337 

Dyckman  and,  4:874,  889;  5:1 

Ellice  partnership,  5:70-71 

Eyre  on,  4:454 

German  Flats  alarm  (1762),  3:854 

goods  ordered  from,  4:199,  203,  204,  205,  207-208,  277,  286,  320,  321,  338, 
363,  373,  383,  385,  536,  541,  767;  11:76-77,  109;  12:113 

grenadiers,  4:237,  255,  297;  5:395,  557;  7:457;  10:940-41 

on  Indian  management  (1764),  11:77 

indicted  for  quartering  soldiers  on  Ten  Eyck,  4:302 

on  Johnson  (John)  knighthood.  5:42-43 

Johnson  Hall  visit  (1764),  4:572,  617 


Sir  William  Johnson  Papers 

Johnson's  Niagara  journey  (1764),  11:251 

Johnson's  recommendation  for  government  post,  8:1067-68,  10S0-S1,  1087-88 

justice  appointment  (1762),  3:750 

(1770),  7:569;  12:783,  792 
Klock  suit  (1765),  4:845;  5:395,  515 

land  grant  for  military  service,  4:363,  366;  11:73-74,  104,  117 
land  purchases,  4:233-34;  5:452,  515;  7:410;  8:904;  12:785 
license  for  Indian  trade,  4:584,  595;  11:345 
Macomb  and,  4:650,  668;  11:581,  599,  632 
at  Mohawk  conference  (Guy  Park,  June,  1768),  12:529,  540 
Montour  Niagara  journey  (1764)  and,  11:197 
on  new  governor  (1765),  4:874 
on  Niagara  Carrying  Place  trade,  4:633;  11:751-52 
Phyn  recommendation,  4:551 
Schenectady  charter  and,  4:663;  5:8 
Schenectady  liberty  pole  and,  7 :  1104 

Schenectady  post  office  and,  4:64,  68,  792,  845;  5:32;  6:35 
on  Schohary  land  sale  (1765),  4:851 
on  snowfall  of  1763,  4:272 
son  of,  4:213,  266;  5:47 
on  Stamp  Act,  4:860 
Tice  recommendation,  11:73 
trade  prospects  (1764),  4:545;  11:50,  168 
Van  Eps  and,  8:23,  719 
Duncan  and  Phyn  (John  Duncan  and  James  Phyn)  : 

JlCf*  Oil  Tits  * 

(1763),  4:195,  199,  203,  207,  212,  254 

(1764),  4:272,  281,  302,  320,  342,  356,  373,  381,  385,  406,  417-18,  422, 
426-27,  432,  440,  441,  452,  510,  515,  533,  540,  551,  570,  575,  605,  621, 
627,  631 

goods  forwarded  (April,  1764),  11:122 

Johnson  (John)  account  (1767),  5:592-95 

partnership  dissolved  (1767),  5:515 

rum  order  for  Niagara  (1773?),  8:989 
Duncan,  Phyn  &  Co.,  sec  Duncan,  Phyn  &  Ellico 
Duncan,  Phyn  &  Ellice  (John  Duncan,  James  Phyn  and  Alexander  Ellice), 


account,  5:297-300,  429,  507,  544;  11:508-509;  12:426-27 

(1765),  4:649,  697,  708,  734,  737,  741,  744,  767,  781,  797,  811,  830,  832, 

836,  838,  845,  854,  858,  862,  872;  11:671-76,  749-50 
account  for  postage,  5:474 

dissolution  of  partnership,  5:468,  486,  515 

fur  trade,  5:441 
Duncan,  Eichard,  ens.,  lieut. : 

on  Boston  port,  8:1157 

commission,  4:237,  266;  5:11;  7:457;  10:570 

European  trip  (1766),  5:47,  163 

on  New  York  riots  (1763),  4:865 

recommended  for  justice  appointment,  3:666,  680,  726 
Dundas,  Alexander,  5:377;  13:398 
Dnndass,  James  and  Thomas,  6:289n,  290 
Dungnn,  Thomas,  .tee  Dongan,  Thomas 
Dungannon,  Ireland,  13:73  1 
Dunham,  George,  13:54 
Dunkirk,  7:1047 
Dunlap,  ,1:44 

Dunlap,  ,  of  Philadelphia,  10:255 

Dunlap,  Andrew,  7:438 
Dunlap,  Hugh,  2:504 
Dunlap's  Creek,  Virginia.  4:190-91 
Dunlop,  Samuel,  4:277;  8:334;  10:986  38 
Dunmore,  John  Murray,  Earl  of,  7: 3  7 7//,   100,  402n;  8:209 



DTm°emanarrival,  7:579,  640,  643,  670,  674,  697,  711,  713n,  718,  737,  753, 
816,  839,  851,  870,  913,  966;  12:848,  876;  13:498 
Johnson's  letter  of  greeting,  7:984_ 
Bivington's  impressions,  7:945,  1157 
application  to  stay  in  New  York,  8:98,  192 
Assembly  relations,  7:1136,  1145 
Bullit  and,  8:889?t 
Chew  and,  8:1073 
Colden  (Cadwallader)  and,  7:998 

colonial  administration  of  trade  and,  7:1141-42,  1159;  8:25,  28-30,  36-37 
currency  and,  7 :  753 

Fort  Pitt  and,  8:1064,  1126,  1152-53,  1179;  12:1083 
Indian  Affairs  Deputies  and,  8:481,  552 

Invasion  Act  revival  against  Shawnees   (1774),  13:687,  693,  699,  701,  703 
Johnson  visit  (1771),  8:86,  234;  12:909,  965 

Kmderhook-Claverack  dispute,  8:84-85,  95-96,  100-102;   12:905-906 
land  grants  and,  7:464,  1043,  1154;  8:4,  66,  131-32,  152-53,  346,  1014 
law  licenses,  8:73 

New  York  trade  agency  and,  7:1073 
Oneidas  and,  7:1160;  8:30;  13:498-501 
Schenectady  visit  (1771),  8:139 
Tryon  and,  8:52,  156-57,  192-93,  563;  12:893 

Virginia  governorship,  7:1130^,  1145,  1157;  8:30,  38,  563,  1059;  12:893 
Wallace  and,  8:86,  207,  217,  236,  263 
Walpole  Grant  and,  8:892 
Dunn,  ,7:723;  13:626 

Dunnahoe,  John,  11:488 
Dunshaglin,  Ireland,  1:244 
Dupais,  6:52 
Dupais,  Fort,  13:448 
Dupeis,  (trader),  5:134 

Duplessis,  ,  lieut.,  9:573 

Duplessy,  Saber,  1:210-11 

Dupplin,  Thomas  Hay,  Viscount,  1:273;  13:99 
Dupratz,  Antoine  Simon  Le  Page,  5:127» 
Dupuis,  Nicholas,  Jr.,  10:530 
Dupuis  (Dupue,  Dupuy),  Samuel: 

Susquehanna  lands,  3:767,  839,  847;  10:530,  531,  532 
Minnisink  land  purchase,  2 :  874 
Duquesne,  Fort: 

Braddock  expedition  defeat  (1755),  1:712,  722,  745-48,  750-51,  752-53,  759 
760,  763,  766,  767,  772,  774-75,  791-93,  810-11,  823-24,  826-27,  833,  882 
2:4,  28-29,  30,  90,   368,  369-70,   382,  650,   825;   3:995;   8:889«,   1067 
9:201,  210,  292,  309,  565,  901n;  10:41n 
minutebook  found  by  French  at,  2:229-35 
success  rumors,  1:752,  753,  760-61,  763,  765-66;  9:201,  210 
Cherokees  and,  2:784;  9:613;  13:207 
Delaware  treaty  (1758),  11:444 
Dunbar  attack  plans  (1755),  1:858,  875 
Forbes  expedition  (1758)  against,  2:811-12,  S91;  3:3-4,  14,  34;  10: In,  78; 

French  capture  (1754),  1:403,  406 
French  Cayuga  conference  (1756)  at,  9:540 
French  expedition  (1757)  from,  2:710;  9:664 

French  garrison  at,  2:718-19,  857;  9:540,  612-13,  642,  791;  10:38 
Grant's  defeat  near,  3:4?i 

Indian  settlements  near,  2:443,  500,  827;  9:477,  540-41,  612 
Johnson  Council  with  Indians  at,  3:486,  487 
Miami  attack  (1758),  2:775 
Niagara  (1757)  and,  9:612 
prisoners  at,  2:542,  545-46,  654 
road  to,  2:891,  892n 


Sir  William  Johnson  Papers 

Southern  Indian  hostilities  (1757),  9:750 
Durham  Treaty,  3:779,  796,  806,  816,  811,  842 
Durkee,  maj.,  6:784;  7:46,  273 

Duryee,  Ab.,  5:331 
Dussler,  Andreas,  4:312 
Dutch : 

agriculture,  8:182-83;  13:194,  196 

Albany  justice  appointments  and,  12:782 

Albany  trade  beginnings,  13:209 

attitudes  toward,  2:497,  498,  702,  7S1-82;  3:328-29,  341,  365,  408,  887-88; 
7:1014;  10:940;  13:187,  191,  193,  194,  201,  323,  331 

clothing,  13:191 

cooking  methods,  13:196,  199,  208,  209 

election  of  1768  and,  6:152 

Fort  Hendrick  Indian  disputes  (175S),  10:56 

French  and,  1:36;  2:677,  723 

European  victory  rumors  (1757),  9:795 

fur  trade,  4:557 

German  settlers  and,  9:147 

houses  of,  13:185,  192,  196 

Indians  and,  1:147;  3:340;  8:956,  1108;  9:607 

inheritance  system,  13:201 

Irish  riots  (1761),  13:201 

Johnson  and,  1:832;  5:391 

Mohawk  Schenectady  claims,  10:555 

New  Year  celebration,  13:190 

in  New  York  City,  13:185 

Queen's  College  establishment,  5:526-27 

in  Royal  Americans,  10-Aln 

smoking  habits,  13:197 

Toronto  trade,  8:129 

witch  trials  among,  1:45 

See  also  Germans 
Dutchess  County,  1:36,  367m,  564;  2:555n;  9:86,  87,  138 

Lawrence  lands  in,  8:465-66 

Mahican  land  claims,  10:853,  854 

militia  reorganization,  7:262,  380;  12:319 

regimental  appointments,  8:595 

Wappinger  land  claims,  4:820-21,  832,  835-36;   5:506;   11:630-31,  884-86, 
Dutch  Reformed  Church,  l:45n,  645n;  5:526;  6:606;  7:598 
Duly  Acts,  see  Taxation,  Revenue  Acts 
Duyckinck,  Gerardus,  3:956;  4:454;  5:363;  6:646,  647 

A.dems  and,  7:751,  845 
Dwight,  Joseph,  1:353-54,  357 
Dwight,  Nathanael,  2:244 
Dyaderowane  (Cayuga  chief),  9:539 
Dyattego  (Canajoharie  woman),  13:112-13 
Dyckuian  (Dykeman),  Jacob,  4:697,  874,  889;  5:1 

postal  appointment,  7:287 
Dyckman  (Dcyckman,  Dykeman),  Jacob,  Jr.,  4:35-36;  7:2S7 
Dyer,  Ebenezer,  2:358,  406;  9:254 
Dyer,  Eliphalet,  col,  1:401,  494;  2:99 

on  anmiunil  ion,  2:198 

at  Crown    Point    (1755)    Councils  of   War,  2:175,    198,  250,  312;   9:260,  319 

guard  officers'  dispute,  2:259-60 

Indian  boundary  line  and,  6:272 

Middleton  court  of  inquiry  and,  9:286-87,  288,  289,  295,  296 

Pitkin  and,  7:242 

regiment  of,  2:211 

Susquehanna  Company  mid: 

Assembly  petition  (1769),  6:607,  629,  7sl'  :  7:235 



Dyer,  Elipnalet, 

Iroquois  conference  invitation   (1763),  4:66,  70,  74,  76;   10:655 
Iroquois  bribe  attempt  (1762),  3:660-61;  10:416-17 
London  voyage  to  negotiate  for,  4:217-19;  10:484,  486 
Northhampton  County  dispersal  of  settlers,  6:687,  689;  7:940 
report  (May,  1764)  on  conditions  of  obtaining  a  grant,  4:428-30 
Wyoming  forcible  settlement  (1769),  6:698,  783,  784;  7:46,  64 
Dykeman,  ,3:950;  4:104,  123 

Dygert,  (publican),  6:167 

Dysart,  Richard,  lieut.,  8:235 
Dyson,  J.,  6:215 

Earl  of  Halifax  (packet),  4:648;  7:180,  752 
Early,  Edward,  8:985 
Earnest,  ,  1:438 

Eastburn,  ,  3:808 

East  Florida,  Gordon  lands  in,  8:196;  12:250,  251 
government  established,  4:267;  10:978 

Haldimand   proclamation    (1774)    on   unauthorized   land   survey   or  patent, 
8:1074,  1077 
East  Hampton,  Long  Island,  8:853,  854,  891 
East  India  Company,  6:449;  7:7n,  157,  180 
Boston  Tea  Party  and,  8:1115 
colonial  chinaware  production  and,  8:184 
private  forces  refused  by  Parliament,  8:94 
rejection  of  government  control,  7:270,  285-86 
Rogers  and,  7:732 
Tea  Tax  and,  7:70Sw;  8:249 
East  Indies,  3:148;  7:427,  630 

battle  of  Pondicherry,  13:161,  245 
Easton,  Pennsylvania,  2:402;  7:273 
Easton  Council,  7:218 

(1756),  2:524,  536-37,  555-56,  653,  684-85;  9:522,  526-27,  564-66,  589,  607, 
609,  615,  744,  746 

Harris  Ferry-Lancaster  Congress  (1757)   and,  9:731,  734,  744,  746,  749, 
750-51,  764,  765 
(1757),  2:743,  752-56,  788;   3:194;   10:210-11,  214,  232,  266-67   (See  also 
Harrisburg,    Pennsylvania,    Harris    Ferry-Lancaster    Iroquois    Congress 
(1758),  3:33-34,  214;  10:396;  12:520;  13:113 

Iroquois  deed  of  lands  released  to  Pennsylvania,  10:43-48,  54,  539-40 

Johnson's  invitation,  2:890-91,  S94,  896;  10:2,  4 

preparations,    2:770,    816,    827,    829,    839,    875,   877-80,    892;    3:1-2,   4, 

10-11;  9:894,  951-52,  954-55,  964,  967,  969-70;  10:6,  7 
on  trade,  10:103-104 
(1761),  3:518,  522,  523,  526,  536,  558;  10:331;  13:220,  268,  271 
(1762),  Johnson's  report  to  the  Lords  of  Trade,  3:837-52,  890,  909,  914; 
4:18-20 passim,  78,  88,  398;  10:474,  552,  559,  566-67 
Lords  of  Trade  report  to  George  III,  4:18-20 
Pennsylanvia  Proprietors'  answer  to  Quaker  Assembly  members,  3:799- 

811,  839-40,  848 
Pennsylvania  Proprietors'  answer  to  Teedyuscung,  3:812-18,  S49 
preparations,   3:686-89,   724-25,   740,   744-46,   759-60,  838,   846;    10:403- 

404,  449,  451,  454-55,  465-66 
Proceedings,  3:760-91,  822-23 

Quaker  Assembly  members'  letter  of  explanation,  3:794-99 
Quaker  reports,  13:279 
Eaton,  capt.,  6:162 

Ebbetts,  Daniel,  1:762;  7:562 
Ebeny,  ,  (German  settler),  13:161 

Ebits,  ,  Tice  affair  and,  8:370,  378,  381 

Ece  (Ice),  John,  4:775,  781 
Echeoiiabemet  (Ottawa),  4:804,  807 


Sir  William,  Johnson  Papers 

Echeson,  Cornelius,  7:462 

Echeson,  Cornelius,  Jr.,  7:462 

Echeson,  John,  7:462 

Echeson,  Thomas,  7:462 

Echeson,  Thomas,  Jr.,  6:241;  7:462 

Echeson,  Thomas  J.,  7:463 

Echeson,  Thomas  T.,  7:463 

Echeson,  Tunis,  7:462 

Eehota  (Cherokee  town),  7:1131;  8:58,  349;  12:395ra 

Cherokee  deputy  return  (1769)  to,  12:689,  736,  761 
Ecker,  Abraham,  3:357 
Ecker,  Adam,  8:334 
Ecker,  George,  3:357;  7:352 

Eckerson,  Thomas,  capt.,  see  Ackeson,  Thomas,  capt. 
Ecnards,  5:660 

Ecuyer,  Simeon,  capt.,  4:195;  10:598,  728,  733 
Eden,  Robert,  S:1179«, 

Edgar,  David,  5:496;  7:465;  8:218;  13:161 
Edgar,  William: 

Detroit  traders'  petition  (1767),  5:656,  813 

on  Ottawa  peace  offers  (1763),  4:222;  10:914-15 

rum  trade,  3:720-21;  8:363 

trade  loss  account  (1763),  5:597;  11:614 
Edgar  Augusta  (vessel),  7:946 
Edge,  Joseph,  7:832 
Edge,  Samuel,  12:980-82 
Edgel,  John,  1:188 
Edinburgh,  Scotland: 

architecture,  13:211 

College  of  Physicians,  5:761,  781 

University,  5:780n;  8:1158n 
Edmestone,  see  Edmondstone 
Edmon,  ,1:14 

Edmonstone,  Charles,  capt.,  5:681;  6:607;  7:70-71,  264 

accounts,  8:70,  111;  12:902 

Croghan  conference  (1770),  7:314,  855-57 

Croghan  Fort  Pitt  (Dec.  1767),  Indian  conference,  13:444,  446 

Indian  warning  of  uprising  (1769),  7:186-87,  211 

on  King  (Thomas)  councils  (1771),  7:1153 

Shawnee  migration  and,  7:1149-50 

Western  Indian  conspiracy  (1771)  and,  8:9-11,  35,  57,  77,  142,  518 
Edmondstone,  Robert,  lieut.,  5:735 
Edmondstone   (Edmeston),  William,  capt.,  maj.,  5:734-35,  778;   6:11 

land  purchases,  8:1045-46,  1131 

Willson  debt  (1746),  1:57 
Edmunds,  William,  2:524 
Education : 

Archbishop  of  Canterbury  on,  5:383 

Boston  movement  (1762),  3:628,  8<S0,  903;  4:182 

of  Brant  (Joseph),  13:300 

of  children  released  from  the  Indians,  5:269,  273,  312 

of  clerks,  11:347 

for  commissary  appointments,  5:80-81 

Dutch    5*526-27 

of  girls,  1:353,  358;  8:641,  657,  665;  10:345,  469 

Indian  response  to,  12:954-55 

of  Indian  schoolmasters,  11  :339 

of  interpreters,  5:628;  9:127 

medical,  4:867,  876;  5:774 

ministers  and  (see  Missionaries,  education  and) 

of  missionaries,  3:557,  569,  864;  5:572,  604,  779,  781;  6:517,  518;  7:291-92, 
296,  301,  310,  516,  518,  602,  811-12,  878;  10:729;  11:653  800-801 




(See  also  Indians,  education  of,  for  the  ministry) 

Mohawk  instruction  in  reading  (1749),  9:53-54 

of  Odeserundy  son,  8:622-23,  625 

of   Johnson    (Peter),   5:375,   488,   504;    6:171-72;    8:842,   920,   947,   1063; 

12:961-62,  966,  1010-11,  1013-14,  1028-29;  13:621,  636 
requirements  for  secretary  of  Indian  Affairs,  2:524-25 
schooling  costs  for  Richard  Young  (1767),  5:803-805 
of  schoolmasters,  11:653,  800-801  (See  also  School-teachers) 
Tuscarora,  3:675;   8:1173-75 

Warren  bequest  for  Indian  education,  1:353;  3:880;  4:380;  5:591 
of  William  of  Canajoharie,  5:604,  775,  843-45;  6:66,  170-71,  238 
of  women,  1:353,  358;  8:641,  657,  665;  10:345,  409;  11:339,  670,  671 
See  also  Schools 
Edward  (vessel),  3:323;  4:8,  599,  607,  731 
Edward,  Fort  (at  the  Great  Carrying  Place)  : 

Abercromby  at,  2:849,  852,  867,  871,  872;  9:543,  550,  614,  640 

Blanchard  command,  2:14,  17;  9:224-26 

cannon  for,  2:132,  144,  154 

on  Claus  route  to  Canada  (1773),  13:617,  627 

Cockcroft's  administration  of,  2:56,  63-64,  66,  70-71,  94 

Commissioners'  visit  (Nov.,  1755),  13:74 

construction,  2:99,  111,  171,  228,  238,  278 

barracks,  2:64,  132,  281,  355,  358,  387,  406;   9:242-43,  307,  338-39 

Councils  of  War  on,  1:861,  893;  2:39-40 

Eyre  plans,  1:879,  883,  887,  889;   2:15-16,  31,  53,  84,  96-97,  115,  121, 
130-31,  144,  146,  194,  202,  236,  257,  284;  9:266-68 

Eyre  reinforcement  (1759),  10:100ft 

magazine  for,  2:289,  407;  9:485 

soldier  labor  on,  2:100,  180-81;  9:264,  265,  485 

tools  in,  2:182,  190,  204,  253,  358,  386 

wagons  in,  2:64,  66,  182,  237,  275;  9:242-43,  262;  13:66,  74 
corn  shipment   (1769),  6:756 
Court  of  Inquiry  proceedings,  2:305-306 
deserters  (August  14,  1757),  2:731-32,  739 

directions  to  commandant  in  case  of  attack,  2:365-66,  386-87 
Port  William  Henry  French  attack  (Aug.  1757)  and,  2:728-32,  S85;  9:667, 

806,  811-12,  S19-22,  832 

Webb  summons  for  aid,  2:728,  732;  9:809-10,  819-20;  13:203 
Fort  William  Henry  garrison  (winter  1755-56),  9:324-25 
French  road  to,  2:492 

French  scalpings  (1757),  9:726-27,  769,  775 
garrison   (winter,  1755-56),  2:13,  14,  39-40,  61,  72,  96,  115,  122,  144,  178 

198,  199,  200,  203,  204,  214,  257,  258,  283,  308,  309,  312-13,  322,  335-36, 

340-41,  357-58,  361,  364,  386-87,  405-406;  9:326;  13:71-72    75    79 
Gilbert  command,  9:266,  268-69,  298 
Gridley   command,    2:224,    236-37,    238,    252-53,    257,    275,    278,   279,   318: 

9:298,  304,  307-309,  313-14,  317-18,  323;  13:6S,  75 
Hardy  visit  to.  2:83-85 
history,  10:100ft 
household  duties  at,  9:340-41 
Iroquois  visit  (1757),  9:787-88 
Johnson's  return  (1756)  to,  2:440,  456 
land  grants  (1764),  11:97,  117 
land  survey  around,  2:327,  353-54,  432 
Lottridge  scouting  visit  (1759),  10:100-101 
Lydius  land  holdings  near,  1:645«,  861;  4:114 
Lydius  house,  sketch,  2:30 
Lyman  and,  l:670w 
map,  2:52,  420;  3:111;  9:266 
Mohawk  land  claims,  10:972;   11:554-55,  605-607;   12:534-35,  567    573 

Kayaderosseras  and,  3:643;  12:576 

Stockbridge  Indian  agreement  (Fort  Stanwix,  1768),  12:603-604,  974 


Sir  William  Johnson  Papers 

Mohawk  visit  (1758),  9:907-908,  916 

aaming  of,  2:66,  74,  84 

Niagara  campaign  (1759)  and,  3:47 

Pownall  visit  (1755),  2:253,  266 

return  of  militia  (August  12,  1757),  2:730 

roadbuilding,    1:860;    2:149,    151,    157,    191,    196-97,    199,    202,    236,   238; 
9:209    299 

Buggies'  relief  of  Cockcroft,  2:94-95,  102,  121;  13:62,  66 

Sacondaga  River  and,  2:267-68,  269-70 

threats  of  French  attack   (1755),  2:16-17,  290-303,  356-57,  365-66,  386-87, 
395;  9:225-26,  313-14,  317-18 

(1756),  2:558,  561,  650,  791-93;  9:52S-29,  530,  535,  543,  544,  553 
(1757),  2:677,  698,  763;  9:606,  668,  866-67 
(1758^    2'787 

Whiting  command,  2:336,  355-59,  386-87,  405-407,  423-24;  9:338-39 

Winslow  expedition  (1756),  9:484-85,  524 

See  also  Great  Carrying  Place 
Edward  Augustus,  Fort: 

garrison   (1761),  10:295 

Gorrell  command  (1761),  3:525;  11:930 

Gorrell  journal  (1761-63),  10:697-714 

history,  10:669w,  780n 

interpreter,  4:643 

trade   (1762),  3:756 
Edwards,  Daniel,  1:401,  494;  10:486 
Eel  Place  (Aelplaets),  1:203;  2:647 
Eeman,  Laurens,  3:634;  6:771 
Egan,  Timothy,  12:818 

Egbertse  (Egberts),  Benjamin,  5:546;  8:1000 
Egbertse,  Egbert,  8:1000 
Egerton,  Bishop  of  Lichfield,  8:203 
Eggemont,  Nicolaes,  1:123 

Eglinton,  Alexander  Montgomerie,  tenth  earl  of,  7:630n 
Egmont,  Lord,  7:1074;  8:52 
Egorniney  (Ottawa  chief),  11:273 
Egremont,  Charles  Wyndham,  second  Earl  of,  3:691«,,  742 

death  of,  4:222;  10:910 

Indian  Affairs  policy  (1762),  10:460-65 

on  Indian  presents,  4:201;  10:461,  465,  857;  11:127 

return  to  Ireland,  4:85,  94 

Secretary  of  State  appointment  (1761),  3:591 

Susquehanna  settlement  and,  4:84,  106,  122 

trade  regulation  and,  3:588;  10:462 
Ehl,  Dirk,  10:886 
Elil,  Peter,  8:655 

Eiilo  (Eill),  Johannes,  3:905;  13:216,  271 
Eice  (Ice),  Frederick,  4:439-40;  10:522 
Eice,  John,  11:201 
Eights,  Peter,  8:352 
EiMer,  Augustus: 

Canajoharie  grant  and,  3:634;  6:771;  10:248 

naturalization,  3:357;  7:352 
Eisenelong,  .John,  8:  1207 
Eiseulond,  John,  8:655 
Eiseniord,  B.,  3:338,  354,  380 
Eisenlord,  John,  4:146;  5:803  805;  8:1208,  1209 
Eitenson,  Thuenes,  6:2  11 
Eke,  Chomo,  11:433 
Elby,  Thomas,  5:.",:; 
Elder,  Rev.  John,  9:728,  732 
Elderkin,  Jedediah,  1:401;  4:217;  7:64 
Elderkin,  Joshua,  6:204 



Elections,  see  specific  place,  e.g.,  Albany;    or  see  specific  political  unit,  e.g., 

New  York  Colony,  Assembly 
Electrical  machinery,  1:381;  4:768,  880,  885 
Elgin,  Lord,  6:337;  8:203 
Eligh,  William,  7:469 
Eliot,  ,  ensign,  4:670,  671 

Eliot,  Ed.,  4:258;  6:32 

Elizabeth,  Czarina  of  Russia,  death  of,  3:562-63,  681 
Elisabeth  (ship),  3:12 
Elizabeth,  New  Jersey,  2:653;  8:41 

bells  cast  in,  8:769 

St.  John's  Church,  8:187n 
Ellice,  Alexander,  4:854,  858;  5:70;  7:13,  381,  908;  8:521 

Blackburn  and,  8:410,  565 

dissolution  of  partnership,  5:468 
Ellice,  Mrs.  Alexander,  6:99 
Elliot,  capt.,  7:1074 

Elliot,  Daniel,  5:385 
Elliot,  Sir  Gil,  7:577 
Elliot,  Robert,  lieut.  col,  4:364,  439 

Canestio  expedition  prisoners  and,  4:365,  369;  11:105,  110 

custody  of  spy  suspects,  11:163,  165-66,  175,  201 

Johnson  Hall  guard  (1764),  4:396 
Elliott,  (Indian  ferry  service),  7:685 

Elliott,  (patent  receiver),  7:560 

Elliott,  Dr.  ,5:774 

Ellis,  ,  Detroit  messages  (1768),  12:618 

Ellis,  ,sgt.,  3:82,  88 

Ellis,  Mrs.,  8:381 

Ellis,  Gov.  Henry,  3:294;  4:87;  9:793;  10:209 
Ellis,  Thomas,  5:565,  717 
Ellison,  ,  prisoner  of  Senecas,  4:300 

Ellison,  Gabriel,  4:418 
Ellison,  John,  4:418 
Ellison,  Robert,  lieut.  col.,  1:669,  733,  734,  738;  2:730 

on  French  scouts,  1 :  744,  751,  753 

illness  of,  2:218;  9:275-76 

Niagara  expedition  (1755)  and,  1:598,  599,  600,  733,  734,  738;  9:190 
Ellison,  Thomas,  col.: 

Indian  prisoners  and,  3:527,  566 
Ells,  Hants,  3:155 
Ellwood,  ,1:2 

Ellwood,  James,  3:917;  10:561-62 

slave  purchase  (1740),  13:29 
Elmendorph,  P.  Edmundus,  2:419;  3:567 
Elphinstone,  ,  admiral,  7:945 

Elwood,  ,  Mohawk  forts  and,  13:90 

Elyas,  ,  1:230 

Email,  William,  col.,  6:239 

Eman,  Lawrence  (Emon,  Lorenz),  7:661;  10:248;  12:819,  855 
Embargo  Act,  2:463#,  464,  474,  504-505,  682 
Embury,  Philip,  12:793 
Emer,  Philip,  8:334 
Emerson,  Moses: 

Crown  Point  bread  supplies  and,  9:296,  303;  13:68 
Fort  Edward  construction  supplies,  9:253,  285;  13:74-75 
Massachusetts  stores  for  Crown  Point   (1755),  1:661-62,  705,  707-709,  780, 
799,  800,  828,  843;  2:135,  161,  179,  202,  248,  252,  264,  274,  285;  9:302 
rum  shortage  at  Fort  Edward,  9:307 
Vanderpool  suit  over  wagon  fees,  2:476 
wagon  impressment  for  Crown  Point  campaign,  13:46 
Emery,  capt.,  1:195 


Sir  William  Johnson  Papers 

Emery,  Isaac,  3:90 

Emham   (Mohawk),  9:567,  581 

Empey,  Hannis,  7:415 

Empie,  John,  7:1107 

Empie,  William,  8:172 

Encyclopedia  Heraldica  (Berry),  3:ix 

Enders,  William,  6:241 

England : 

American  emigration  (1771-74),  8:195,  1181 

American  land  speculation,  5:129,  376,  478,  767;  6:337 

Culloden,  battle  of,  1:53 

Canadian  capitulation  (See  Canada,  reduction  of) 

Canadian  occupation  (1763),  4:223-28 

Channel  defense  of  1779,  2:37n 

Colonial  sympathy  in,  7:156,  180,  402,  576-79,  606,  629;  8:ix 

Croghan  leave  to  visit,  10:823-27,  858-59,  882 

Declaration  of  War  against  France,  2:505;  9:570,  576 

Fort  Necessity  defeat  and,  1:406,  409,  410 

French  sent  to,  2:460;  13:116,  214 

Gregorian  calendar  and,  1 :  In 

Illinois  colonization  advantages,  5:319-30 

Indian  (Shawnee)  account  of  English  landing  in  America,  3:211 

Indian  "subjects,"  4:528-33,  547,  548,  575,  576,  601,  604,  610-11,  616,  783, 

805;  11:394-96,  493,  950-51;  12:994-95 
Iroquois  fears  of  royal  plot,  9:161 
Iroquois  Treaty  (1726),  1:528-30;  2:230,  233,  235n 
Johnson's  preferment  in,  2:65,  68,  69,  87-88,  112-13,  114,  141,  206,  266,  270; 

5:29;  9:239 
Johnson's  service  and,  2:343-50,  352;  3:389;  4:78,  90-91,  276,  313,  465-66 
Klock  voyage  (1764),  11:473 

Klock  voyage  (1773),  8:938,  951,  970-71,  1192,  1201 
Lake  George  battle,  2:441,  491;  9:239 
land  claims  over  unexplored  territories,  11:925 

land  grant  regulation  attempts,  see  Land  purchase,  grant  limitations 
Lords  of  Trade,  see  Lords  of  Trade 
Louisbourg  fleet,  1:67 
Manila  taken  (1763),  4:120 
Military  Plan  (1756),  2:450-51 
ministry  changes: 

(1757),  13:99 

(1764),  11:348 

(1765),  11:970;  12:18 

(1767),  12:248,  316-17,  359 

(1768),  6:120;  12:406,  631 

(1769),  7:57,  67-68;  12:700 

(1771),  8:203,  244 
Minorca  and,  2:531-32,  540 
missionary  support  from,  1:233-34;   4:442,  734,  812;   5:x,  221-23,  432-34, 

438,  460-61,  462,  465,  510,  513-14,  847;  6:165,  456,  457;  7:358,  392,  516 

Johnson  proposals  to  stimulate,  7:504-506,  584-85,  601-602,  746-50,  761- 
66;  8:44 

quit-rent  funds  for,  7:963 
national  debt  (1770),  7:606 

Onondaga  deputation,  4:64,  220-21,  260;  10:633-34,  635;  11:39 
Paris  Peace  Treaty  (1763),  4:34,  35,  45,  49,  62,  63,  81,  92-93,  101-102,  104, 

137,   222,   255-56,   206-67;    10:659-60,   663,   759,   782,   786,   792-94,   804 

914-15,  977  ' 

Musgrave  on,  7:269-70,  285 

Villiers  declaration  of  amity,  10:819-23 
Parliament,  see  Parliament 
party  politics  (1763),  4:83,  217 

(1764),  4:297,  320-21,  339-41,  395,  397-98,  462-65;  11:10,  23-24 



E    . 

1765       1:623 
(176S       6:5 

6:71       1;  7:57 

177         "        -  40 

p;  "    "    -  ~    -    -     - 

p:  -  -  ■     -'  ge^s  War,  1:209 

5  :L:  7-: ; 
-       :    -       3:17 
::;  .    t,4      I         15-1         - .  :  5:34 

5 :  734;  7 :671 ;  8 :205,  871 

1772-7         8      :'  --       ",-"      H 
.      .-  ;  7:671 

"   _  "-  "  51,  684;  10:420  21,  42S 

I  -  ,    .    - 

_  -:      17 

.  :   H.7-19,  317,  322-23,  397-    5,428-30 

k  : 

■_"  . 
E  Eaetures,  5:834 

-    r    "  11 : 3-4 


-        ■"  1  from,  2:-c.     -    5  :    9:490,  640-41, 

I  15,  102 
End                     a 

.     •  6 :  444 

in.  13 : 
1    -    • 

1754  .  9:14( 

1755  1:455-5      -_       -    -    -     5, 532, 564, 695, 849-50;  2:24      271; 

!  1  ! 
1751  ,2:4 
177        '  71,  87  J,  913,  927,  91       »4€     M  ;    1001,  1015. 

1024,102  5,1047 

1771  7   1    74    1    77-7S      111.112:    1128,1129,1137-38,1144,1148, 
1149-50,  115       3:25      -      5  15,5      "      "  .  63.  67.  69.  71.  75. 

-     i:..    111-12,    113.   141,   194,  2         205,   242.   250.   2'       2£ 
12      -  - 

1772  '-      58, 435, 562, 5S      634 
S    "-" 

1774    ,8:1      "         ■     ' 

17  1, 10:875 

1   .  - 

' .  yns 
rA..  10 : 
L,  3:76,  82 

■  :  99 

_     -  7:43J 

:  i  • 

-  2:672:  9:53 

12      1, 12      ' 

£  -  "      "     -    - 

1753  10:20,  21-22 

ox  -   ■  "  1 :        - 

I I  - 

3:879;  10:420 
ilier  d',  7:270 


Sir  William  Johnson  Papers 

Ephraim,Betty,  4:155 
Episcopalians,  see  Church  of  England 
Erickroones,  Iroquois  alliance,  9:560-61 
Erie,  Fort: 

account  (1765),  11:978 

Indian  attack  plans  (1769),  6:751,  776;  12:722,  726 

liquor  shipment,  8:9S8 

mathematicians'  passes,  6:645 

Pontiac  at  (1766),  5:288-89;  12:120,  128 

Rogers  (1766)  stop,  12:120-21 

Seneca  firing  on  soldiers  (1770),  7:942-44,  9S5-S7,  993-94,  1016.  1019,  1041, 
1052,  1053-54,  1076,  1117-18,  1125 
Erie,  Lake: 

beaver  hunting  grounds  on,  1:S50;  2:233 

as  boundary  of  Illinois  colony,  5:328 

Bradstreet  camp  at  L'Ance  aux  Feuilles  on,  11:329 

Chippewas  and,  4:210,  330;  6:716-22;  10:723 

Dela wares  on,  4:303,  390;  11:212 

drownings.  4:879;  5:441 

Duncan  and  Phvn  vessel  on,  11:752 

explorer  vessels  "for,  10:274,  285,  319 

French  forts  on.  1:915.  918,  919;  2:234,  655;  3:131n 

French  Indian  hostilities  (1747)  on,  1:100 

French  strategic  value  (1755)  of,  1:552-53,  554 

Gordon  (Lord  Adam)  visit  in  1765,  13:374 

Huron  Treaty  (1764)  on,  4:486 

Indian  attack  plans  (1765),  11:740 

Iroquois  on.  4:886;  5:280;  6:751 

Iroquois  land  claims,  2;235n. 

Johnson  crossing  (1761),  3:468.  .124;  13:242-49,  258-65 

Joncaire  trading  post  promise  (1750),  9:75 

Missisauga  attacks  (1772),  8:519-20 

navigability  of,  3:502;  4:310;  11:232 

as  "Niagara  Lake,"  9:300 

Niagara  relief  (1760)  and,  10:157 

outpost  maintenance,  5:30 

Ramsay  murders  on,  8:499.  512;  12:967 

Sandusky  blockhouse,  10:295,  319 

scouts  on,  10:138 

Seneca  Council  at,  2:S29-30  (See  also  Detroit) 

Seneca  cessions  of  lands  on,  4:502,  512-13,  517;  11:116,  319,  321-22,  325. 
11:895:   12:387 

Seneca  murder  of  traders  (1772)  on,  8:511 

Shawnee  migration  (1771),  7:1149-50 

shipwrecks,  4:200,  207,  255;  6:4^3;  10:S12.  814,  ^59.  864 

trade  on,  3:969n;  4:200;  6:185;  9:888,  890;  12:411;  13:457 

traders  massacred  (1763)  on,  10:723,  727,  812 

trade  transport  regulation,  4:716 

vessels  kept  by  English  on,  4:299.  309:  6:716-22;  11:23 
Erie.  Pennsylvania.  2:655n;  3:131?!,  2" 

See  also  Presque  Isle 
Erikson.  William,  3:166;  7:441 
Erka  Roakare  (Cayuga),  11:39 
Ermatingor.   Lawrence,   trade  wintering  privileges  and,  4:S46-47;    5-134     148 

169;  11:942-43;  12:65,  66 
Ermich,  Jeremiah,  13:4^1 
Ernest,  Mattheus,  3:428;  4:570 
Erroll,  Lord,  daughter  of,  7:1079 

Erving,  John,  Jr..  1:493 
Erving,  Thomas,  8:.r,  26-27 
Erwill,  ,  Unit.,  13:171-72 

Eserus  (Mohawk  sachem),  9:29,  652.  72€ 




oil  Winslow  treatment  of  Indians,  9:617 
Eskimos,  4:789 
Esopus,  New  York,  4:222 

Delaware-Seneca  attacks  (1757),  2:743;  9:853 

Indian  attack  threats  (1763),  4:215-16;  10:869,  875,  883,  887,  888,  894 

millstones  at,  7:264,  411,  664 

newspaper,  7:536?i 

prisoners  (1762)  at,  10:363,  369 
Esopus  Indians: 

Chenango  settlement,  11:188 

expenses  in  behalf  of,  12:734,  802 

Hardenbergh  patent   and,   4:216;    6:714,   723,   735-38,   760-62,   781;    7:41, 
declaration  on,  6:738-39,  749 

Kingston  settlement  of,  1:15-16;  10:887-88 

land  offer  to  Johnson  (1764),  11:62,  67 

migration  (1770),  12:802 

Mohawks  and,  9:425,  435,  440,  463-67,  470 

provisions  for,  7:394-95 

Sinnot  patent  and,  12:719 
Espervanche,  de  L',  2:21,  24 

Esquisageghte  (Onondaga  sachem),  10:626 
Esselstyn,  Cornelius,  7:454 
Essepenaikee  (Delaware),  6:559 
Essex  County,  England,  11:249 

Estawabey  (Chippewa,  brother  of  Wabbicomicot),  11:307 
Esther  (Indian  prisoner),  4:784 

Esther,  Queen  (Canajoharie  woman),  2:700n;  10:227 
Estrees,  Louis-Cesar-Letellier,  comte  d',  3:892ti 
Etchoe,  Carolina,  3:517n 
Etherington,  George,  capt.,  maj.,  3:536 

accounts,  4:277,  630-31 

Ainse  trial  and,  6:675 

Gorrell  and,  10: 714/1 

majority,  7:1079 

Michilimackinac  command,  3:911;  10:556 

in  Michilimackinac  Indian  attack    (1763),  4:180,   182;   6:547;    10:694-97, 
744,  777,  788;  13:295 

Niagara  Carrying  Place  attack  (1763),  10:817-19 

at   Niagara-Detroit   Congress    (1761),  3:460;    13:229,   230,   234,   239,   240, 
243,  271 

Eamsay  declaration  and,  8:486,  495,  512-14,  593;  12:963,  964,  1005 

Rogers  trial  (1768)  and,  12:613 

Royal  American  recruitment,  7:730 
Etherington,  Thomas,  4:768 
Etherton,  ,  5:765 

Ettick,  Michael,  8:334 
Ettoweghko  (Cayuga),  10:184 
Etwater,  Elihu,  9:273 
Eusenia  (Canajoharie  woman),  13:113 
Eut,  Hannis,  3:178 

Evana,  ,  manuscript  journal,  7:13;  12:728 

Evans,  Rev.  ,  5:430 

Evans,  sgt.,  1:152 
Evans,  David,  6:559 

Evans,  Lewis,  map  by,  1:393,  773,  850;  2:54;  9:299;  12:405 
Evans,  Simon,  lieut.,  5:474 
Evans,  Thomas  (Delaware),  9:729 
Evens,  Dr.,  6:552 
Evens,  Phillip,  1:188 
Everson,  Miss  ,8:352 

Evrar,  ,  Seignory  of,  13:430 


Sir  William  Johnson  Papers 

Eweekeenwee  (Shawnee),  11:461 
Experimental  Philosophy  (Desaguliers),  1:264 
Eyengeking  (Indian),  7:159 
Eyre,  Francis,  6:242,  243 

Eyre  (Ayre,  Ayers),  William  (Will),  capt.,  lieut.  col,  1:568,  596,  896;  3:971; 
9:325;   13:126 

on  Albany  boat-building,  1:585;  9:217 
Albany  defense  (May,  1756),  13:82 
Amherst  and,  3:375;  4:432;  10:170,  171,  321;  13:325n 
autograph,  1:M 
Crown  Point  artillery: 

cannon  balls,  1:623,  652,  6S6-87 

Fort  Edward  cannon,  9:307;  13:68 

gun  carriages,  1:611,  614,  647,  686 

list  of  stores  (Aug.  26,  1755),  9:221-22 

magazine,  2:117-18,  119-20 

report  (Sept.  1755)  of  insufficiency,  2:119-20,  121,  124,  134 

supply    train,    1:588,    591,   592,    597,    605-606,    613-14,    617-18,    623-24, 
644-45,  652,  789,  820,  821;  13:43 
Crown  Point  Connecticut  troop  encampment   (1755),  1:602,  613,  622,  623, 

646,  655-56,  657-58,  666-67,  742 
at  Crown  Point  Councils  of  War  (1755),  1:860,  861;  2:16,  24,  39,  47,  70, 

79,  107,  116,  159,  198,  208,  212,  250,  312,  317,  319,  335 
Crown  Point  troop  recruitment  (1755),  1:601-602,  613 
Detroit  Indian  threats  (1761),  13:217 
Dieskau  and,  13:48,  49 

engineer's  appointment,  1:547,  557-58,  561,  563,  665,  689;  9:171,  189 
English  mission  (1764),  4:436-37,  447,  454,  520,  526,  536-37,  539,  545,  551, 

621;  11:215;  13:325n 
on  English  political  news  (1764),  11:10 
Fort  Edward  fortification  plans   (1755),  1:879,  883,  889;   2:15-16,  31,  53 

84,  96-97,  115,  121,  130-31,  144,  146,  194,  202,  236,  257,  284;  9:266-68 

(1762),  3:966 
Fort  Edward  repairs  (1759),  10:100n 
on  Fort  William  Henry  Indian  relations,  9:617 
on  French  at  Fort  William  Henry,  2:696-97,  885;  9:667 
on  Gage  command  (1764),  4:381 
Gilliland  and,  4:199;  10:811,  865 
Gridley  and,  2:156,  236 
Hart  examination  (1755)  by,  1:662 
illness  of,  2:2S0,  284 

Indian  Affairs  policy  (1764),  4:313;  11:5-9,  20-24 
Johnson  on  Crown  Point  services  of,  2:362-63 
on  Johnson's  baronetcy,  2:428-29 
on  Jere  murder,  2:533-34 
in  Lake  George  battle,  9:230,  239 
Lyman  and,  2:129 

major's  commission  (1756),  2:485;  9:472 
in  Montreal,  3:372,  375 
at  Niagara  (1760),  3:237 

Niagara  Carrying  Place  attacks  (1763)  ami,  4:215;  10:866,  876 
at  Niagara-Detroit  Congress  (1761),  3:448,  454;  13:226,  228,  230,  23] 
Niagara  journey  (1763),  4:215 
Onondaga  Congress  (1756),  2:477 
on  outpost  impracticality  (1764),  11:5-9,  20-23 
Peirce  court  of  inquiry  and,  9:257-59 
Pittsburgh  flood  (1762),  3:628,  662,  718 
Pownall  and,  13:64 

recommended  for  Quartermaster-General,  1  :603;  9:207 
Rhode  Island  gratitude  to,  13:81 
rumored  disloyal,  2:10s  L09,  110 
siege  instructions,  2:328-32,  333,  356,  365-66 



Eyre,  William, 

sleigh  as  a  gift,  4:570,  572,  575 

sloop  grounded  (1761),  13:211 

on  trade,  4:622;  11:7-8,  22-23 
Eyzenbrod,  Michael,  12:900 
Fabre,  ,  1:284 

Fagh,  John  6:651 
Fairfax,  Lord,  8:544 
Fairfax,  George,  col.,  8:544 
Fairly,  John,  1:49 
Fairservice,  Peter,  capt.,  3:646 
Faiz,  Peter,  3:634 

Falconer,  Thomas,  capt.,  2:613;  9:411,  417,  419-21,  449 
Fales,  Eliphalet,  capt.,  2:304;9:273 

Falkland  Islands,  7:402,  630%,  998,  1047,  1074,  1111;  8:llln,  283 
Fallavains,  Fallesavoines,  see  Menominees 
Falmouth,  England,  7:1128;  11:10 
Falsam,  ens.,  9:232 

Family  Magazine,  The,  1:264 
Fane,  Fran.,  1:273 

Fanning,  Edmund,  col,  8:538,  541n,  553,  564,  583,  1093,  1102 
Fanning,  Edward,  12:825-26 
Farckson,  Henry,  7:438 

Fargie,  Winter,  5:488,  515,  525;  12:281,  290% 
Farley,  Jchn,  6:636,  724 
Farley,  Mrs.  John,  6:724 
Farlinger  (Farringer),  John,  7:352,  1113-14,  1138;  13:560 

Monier  and,  7:687,  695-96,  704-705 
Farly,  Jacob,  3:911;  10:556,  695% 
Farmar,  Robert,  maj. : 

Fort   Chartres   occupation    (1765),   4:779,   839%;    5:18,   68,   69,    109,   119; 
11:839,  844,  901-902,  928%,  987,  988;  12:31,  40 
Fraser  expedition  and,  11:647,  881,  882 

trial  of,  6:196 
Farmer,  capt.,  1:435-36 
Farmer,  Jasper,  2:482-83 
Farmington,  8:1202 
Farqhuar,  James,  capt.,  8:759-60,  761 
Farquarson,  Alexander,  lieut.,  3:991% 
Farquarson,  Charles,  capt.,  3:991% 
Farquarson,  George,  lieut.,  3:991% 
Farqueher,  ,  maj.,  3:61 

Farquhar,  William,  lieut.  col.: 

at  Fort  Niagara,  3:52,  55,  61,  70,  74,  77,  81,  84,  87,  116,  118;  13:120,  121 
command  instructions,  13:157-59 

Niagara  Indian  conference  and,  3:131,  136,  146-47;  13:125 
Farrah,  John,  7:520 
Farrall,  John,  1:257 
Farran,  ,  1:359 

Farrand,  Nathaniell,  1:152 
Farrell  1*275   367   625 

Farrell,'  Captain  (Daddy),  5:68,  757;  6:145,  218;  12:669 
Farrell,  John,  5:796;   13:425 

Croghan's  recommendation  of,  5:135-36 

Mortier  drafts,  6:33,  34 

See  also  Henry,  Farrell  &  Abbot 
Farrell  (John)  and  Company,  12:733.  See  also  Henry,  Farrell  &  Abbot 
Farrell,  Patt,  1:15 

Farril,  clerk  application  of,  2:525,  535 
Farringer,  John,  see  Farlinger,  John 
Farrobert,  de,  2:21,  23 

Fauconier,  Peter,  4:685,  817;  11:886 
Faulk,  Isaac,  7:463 


Sir  William  Johnson  Payers 

Fauquier,  Francis,  Virginia  Lieut.  Gov.: 

Cherokee  prisoner  of  Senecas  and,  5:450,  458 

death  of,  6:143n,  202;  12:477» 

Delaware-Shawnee  conference  plans  (1768),  12:415 

Delaware,  Shawnee  and  Wyandotte  speech  (1767)  to,  5:665-66 

forcible  settlement  and,  5:535,  548;  6:4-5,  23,  69n,  70;  12:308,  407 

Indian  boundary  line  and,  5:793;  6:23 

Indians  murdered  (1765)  and,  4:756,  797;  11:763 

Indians  murdered  (1767)  and,  5:574;  12:294 

Iroquois-Cherokee  war  and,  3:978,  988-89;  4:6,  829,  840-41,  848;  10:550, 
566,  584,  592,  593,  594,  604-605;  11:863,  893,  932-33,  941-42,  976; 
12:31,  34,  308,  396 

Oconostota's  nephew  and,  12:08-69 

portrait,  11:862 

Tuscarora  pass  (1766)  to  North  Carolina,  13:390 

on  unauthorized  Indian  conferences  (1767),  12:382-83 

Virginia  murders  of  settlers  (1763),  4:180,  193,  196;  10:926 
Favorite  (vessel),  8:283 
Fay,  ,  capt.,  8:158 

Fay,  ,  lieut.  col.,  2:319 

Fay,  Frances,  13:734 
Fealings,  ,1:71 

Fease,  William,  5:118 
Feats,  Hendrick,  2:731 

Feeling,  Cornelig,  (Felinck,  Cornells),  l:201n;  2:647-50 
Feely,  Mark,  5:434;  6:3-4,  247-48 
Feil,  Daniel,  6:248 
Feild,  ,  maj.,  11:438 

Felinck,  Peter: 

biographical  sketch,  l:2Qln 

house  sale  of,  1:201-204 
Felinck,  William,  1:201ft 
Feling,  Hendrick,  4:146 
Fell,  capt.,  1:582 

Feltham,  Jocelyn,  lieut.,  8:720;  13:617 
Fenton,  ,  4:734,  737 

Fenton,  James,  lieut.,  3:103;  13:152 
Feran,  ,  lieut.,  13:115 

Ferdinand,  Prince,  3:892-93;  7:711;  13:155 
Ferdinand  IV,  king  of  Spain,  3:24 
Fere,  de,  capt.,  13:121 

Ferguson,  ,  in  Claus  account,  13:708 

Ferguson,  Alexander  (smith),  12:755 
Ferguson,  Andrew,  7:243-44 
Ferguson,  Daniel,  capt.,  4:407 
Ferguson,  Peter,  12:1086,  1087 
Ferguson,  Samuel,  8:334 
Ferral,  James,  9:644,  655 

Ferrall,  ,  capt.,  3:389-90,  408;  4:720,  737 

Ferrall,  Catherine  Johnson  (Mrs.  Matthew),  1:319,  931 

death  of,  2:394,  426 

Dieskau  and,  2:183-84,  280 

Pownall  and,  2:268 
Ferrall  (Farrell),  Matthew,  capt.,  1:355,  356,  756,  757,  758 

death  of,  2:184ft,  394,  426;  9:231,  238,  393n 

at  Fort  Johnson  Iroquois  Council  (1755),  9:174 

Indian  expenses,  2:590,  591,  612 

Indian  recruitment  for  Johnson,  1:882 

Indian  recruitment  for  Shirley,  1:755,  785-86,  807-809 

Johnson  (Warren)  ami,  1:319,  345,  371 

land  deed  witness  (1751),  13:17 

trading  voyage  (1754),  1:931 



Ferrall,  Silvester,  1:34-35,  257-58,  328 
Fetterleys,  ,1:70 

Feubleu  (Ottawa  chief),  see  Bedannowan 
Fiatro  River,  13:244 
Fiax,  Adam,  12:819 

Fiax,  Peter,  named  in  patents,  6:771;  10:248;  12:819 
Fickles,  Nicholas,  Jr.,  2:731 
Field,  ,4:705,706,712,717,779 

Field,  Jr.,  maj.,  prisoner  return  to,  11 :491 

Fields  (Eobert)  and  Company,  11:580,  6G5,  680,  785,  799,  844 
Filete,  de,  cadet,  13:115 

Filie,  ,  Michilimackinac  Frenchman,  12:451 

Fincher,  Rachel,  11:490 
Finchly,  Thomas,  3:756 
Finglass,  ,  capt.,  10:276 

Finland,  7:285,  429 
Finlay,  James,  5:133,  169,  408;  7:953 

Finley  (Fintey),  (Kickapoo  prisoner),  8:278,  343,  453 

Finley,  Ann,  11:490 
Finley,  S.,  8:97 

Finney,  Peter,  7:662;  12:789,  819 
Fireworks,  7:562 
Fisbaek,  Margaret,  11:486 
Fish,  John,  10:530 

Fish,  Rev.  Joseph,  5:583-85,  588;  12:349 
Fish  Creek,  3:6;  7:724;  10:39;  13:151 
Fishback,  Susan,  11:486 
"Fish  House,  The,"  3:358n 
Fish  Kill  (Fish  Kilns,  Fiskills),  New  York: 
Esopus  Indian  visit  (1756),  9:466 
Gage  visit  (1764),  4:328 
Indian  expenses  (1769-72),  12:760,  762,  1001 
Indian  land  claims: 

Brett  account,  4:205;  10:493-95 
Council  inquiry,  5:394-95,  468,  542-43 
Stockbridge  petition  (1765),  4:654,  682,  891-93 
Wamash  visit  to  Colden  (1763),  4:205,  213-14,  229;  10:854,  874 
Indian  removal  (1756)  from,  2:477-78 
newspaper,  7:536ft 
Fisheecunk  (Delaware  chief),  3:841 
Fisher,  ,9:89,90,91,92 

Fisher,  (interpreter),  10:125,  128 

Fisher,  Mrs.,  5:621,  672 
Fisher,  capt.,  1:98 
Fisher,  lieut.,  1:227,  364 

Fisher,  lieut.  on  Bradstreet  expedition  (1764),  4:600 

Fisher,  Barent,  4:286 
Fisher,  Frederick,  8:655 
Fisher,  Garret,  ens.,  10:705 
Fisher,  Iiarman,  10:68 
Fisher,  Jacob,  3:403 
Fisher,  Johannes,  4:685 
Fisher,  John,  see  Visscher,  John 
Fisher,  John,  prisoner,  11:488 
Fishers  Island,  6:237;  8:891 
Fitch,  ,  col.,  2:474;  13:169 

Fitch,  Cathrine,  1:188 
Fitch,  Eleazer,  maj.,  1:869;  2:275,  358,  449;  9:242 

at  Crown  Point  (1755)  Councils  of  War,  2:12,  15,  16,  24,  39,  40 
Dieskau  and,  2:44,  56 
on  Fort  Edward  administration,  2:56 
Fitch,  Jacob,  1:188 


Sir  William  Johnson  Papers 

Fitch,  John,  1:188,  398,  401 

Fitch,  Paul,  1:188 

Fitch,  Susanna,  1:188 

Fitch,  Thomas,  Connecticut  Governor: 

autograph,  £:xv 

biographical  sketch,  2:186n 

Connecticut  governorship,  7:649n 

Crown  Point  recruitment  (1755),  1:888-89 

Customs  Board  and,  5:647 

Iroquois  Hartford  Council   (1763)   protesting  Susquehannah  settlement, 
4:123-30;  10:665-69,  809 

on  Johnson's  salary,  10:379-80 

Lake  George  (1755)  request  for  government  instructions,  2:124,  135,  186-88, 
212,  216,  218-19,  243,  253-54,  283;  9:301 

Mohegan  land  claims  and,  11:430 

Proclamation  to  Susquehanna  Company,  3:756-57,  851,  854,  883,  885,  890-91, 
904,  938-39;  4:19;  10:473-74,  478,*  532,  552 

Susquehanna  Company  defense,  4:719;  6:698 

Susquehanna  Company  participation  suggested,  10:532,  552 

Susquehanna  intercession  (1761),  10:212,  213,  267 
(1762),  3:660-61,  938,  940-41;  10:416-17,  554 

(1763),  4:67,  71,  75,  76,  81,  84,  106,  118-19,  122,  130,  135,  138;  10:651, 
652,  656,  671,  672 
Fitch,  Thomas,  col.: 

Byrne  and,  8:5 

ill  health,  6:463;  8:72,  89 

Johnson  visits  (1769-70),  7:274;  12:826 

land  affairs,  7:593,  712 

law  suit  (1769),  7:234 

Susquehanna   settlement   and,    3:660,   883,   884-85,   890-91,   938;    4:70,   74: 
6:272,  577,  698,  784;  10:416,  552 

Whiting  and,  6:. ".96;  7:241,  260 

wine  shipment,  7:204,  564 
Fitchet,  Joseph,  12:819 
Fitzdale,  John,  ens.,  9:235 
Fitzgerald,  ,  7:948 

Fitz  Gerald,  John  (Fitsgerrald) ,  1:257 
Fitzgerald,  John,  3:671;  5:345 
Fitzlierbert,  William,  6:32,  215,  648 

Eogers  and,  7:400,  403;  12:877 
Fitzpatrick,  Patrick,  7:1056,  1057;  12:787,  819 
Fitzroy,  Lady,  6:469 

Fitzsimon,  Anne,  Johnson's  grandmother,  13:734 

Fitzsimons,  Ellis  Johnson  (Mr*.  William  Fitzsimons,  Johnson's  sister)    12-1071 
Fitzsimons  (Fitzsimmons),  Peter,  7:1102,  1150;  8:90    92    505 
Fitzsymons,  William,  1:245;   12:1071 
Five  Nations,  see  Iroquois 
Flacherty,  Esther,  11:490 

Flamboise  (La  FrainlHiivl  )    Antlionv,  5:570:  13:397,398   127 
Flanders,  1:13;  8:04 
Flansburgh,  Joseph,  7:1107 
Flathead  Indians,  1:108,  238;  9:30 

Canadian  services   (1757),  9:675 

Cayugas  and,  1:135;  10:90 

Fort  Pitt  Council  (1700),  5:159,  164 

French  and,  2:686 

Kickapoos  and,  11:855 

Onondapas  and,  9:635 

Ottawas  and,  1:261;  9:37 

wars  (1766)  on,  5:1 
Flat  Nose  (Onondaga  Indian),  2:685-86 
Flat  nose  (prisoner),  11:490 



Flatts,  The,  see  German  Flats 

Fleming,  John,  4:546 

Fleming,  Samson,  5:290;  10:692-94 

Fless,  Johannes,  8:333 

Fletcher,  Tim,  1:857 

Fleurimant  (Fleurimon),  4:251;  5:345,  656;  11:836 

Flint,  Eobert,  2:640 

Flint,  Robert,  Jr.,  lieut.,  3:288 

Flint  River,  10:978 

Flood,  Bryan,  1:14-15 

Flood,  Elioner,  4:326 

Flood,  Henry,  7:402ra 

Flood,  James,  3:175 

Flood,  Patrick,  1:13,  14,  89,  798 

Kinderhook  tax  dispute,  9:136 
Flood,   Thomas,  Johnson's  bouwmaster,  3:729;   7:441;   11:674;   12:819 

in  Adems  accounts  (1768-73),  13:536,  553,  559,  561,  562,  563,  564,  569,  570, 
572,  575,  576,  577,  578,  581,  587,  588,  589,  591,  592,  594,  595,  596 

appeals  (1767-68),  to  Johnson,  5:784-85;  6:349-50 

brother,  13:509 

Byrne  (Thomas)  and,  8:86 

at  Castle  Cumberland  (1760),  3:266 

Cottgrave  and,  8:320-23,  424-25 

dismissal  (1762),  3:736 

dismissal  (1765),  4:647;  11:573-74 

Johnson  Hall  workmen  paid  by,  7:680,  867,  901,  905,  918-19,  1003,  1062 

in  London,  4:802 

in  New  York  City  (1763),  4:35,  88,  104,  205 

receipt  for  beef,  7:940 

receipt  for  scythes,  7 :  794 

road  survey,  7:1044 

shoe  repair  expenses,  7:1055 

slaves  and,  5:138 

Wade  (Francis)  on,  5:162,  175 
Florida,  3:2n;  4:373 

French  in,  5:469 

soil  deficiencies,  4:373,  887 

Spanish  cession  to  England  (1763),  4:81;  10:950 

See  also  East  Florida ;  West  Florida 
Florida,  Gulf  of,  10:978;  13:203 
Flour,  1:51,  58,  86,  93,  171,  336;  3:403;  6:83;  12:416 

Albany  stores,  7:319 

carpenters'  provisions  (1763),  13:305 

disbursement  to  Indians,  3:581,  594,  963,  979;  7:809;  9:605;  10:659,  699; 
11:186,  511;  12:344,  928;  13:630 

European  markets,  7:428 

Fort  Chartres  provisions  (1767),  12:254 

Fort  Johnson  requisition  (1756),  9:554 

at  Fort  Stanwix  Congress  (1768),  6:291;  12:489,  608,  636,  672 

Fort  Stanwix  provisions  (1767),  12:267,  324 

Glen    Schenectady   trade    (1763-65),   4:381,   427,   627,    701,    740;    10:872; 

from  Illinois,  4:887;  5:323 

Johnson  Hall  winter  requirements,  5:474,  501 

military  provisions  of.  2:264,  267,  270,  284,  321;  4:305,  381,  427;   9:266, 

Niagara  provisions  (1761),  13:268 

Oquaga  stores  (1764),  11:87-88 

for  Oswego  relief  (1756),  9:401 


(1745),  1:30,  36,  38 
(1747),  1:98 


Sir  William  Johnson  Papers 

(1748),  1:128,  181 
(1755),  2:592 
(1769),  7:103 
(1770),  7:476 
(1773),  8:824 

ration  measure,  5:382,  617 

Van  Sante,  Jr.,  shipment  to  Sclionmaker  (1770),  7:479 

Warren  estate  claim,  13:29 

West  Indian,  1:31,  36,  37,  38,  42 
Flucker,  Thomas,  7:629n 
Flunean,  George,  7:352 
Fluno,  John,  7:661 
Flury,  ,4:734 

Folliott,  ,  2:368 

Folliott,  (ship  owner?),  8:854 

Follmer,  Conrad,  5:332;  7:808 
Follmer,  Jacob,  7:808 
Follmer,  Thomas,  5:332;  7:807 
Folmer,  Margaret,  1:188 
Folsavoins,  see  Menominees 
Fond,  William,  8:1207 
Fonda,  Abraham,  6:551;  12:799 

Assembly  election  (1768)  and,  6:131 

Bradstreet  and,  8:987;   12:678 

justice  appointment  (1762),  3:750 

Schenectady  patent  and,  8:23,  1018-19 

slave  trade  of,  12:909 

wheat  sales,  7:797;  12:876 
Fonda,  Adam,  7:34,  974,  981;  12:945 

in  Butler  accounts,  13:508,  513 
Fonda,  Douw,  7:437;  8:88;  12:819;  13:509,  512 

accounts  (1769-73),  12:799,  945,  1003,  1019 

Albany  County  division  and,  8:333 

in  Bradstreet  accounts,  6:551;  12:678 

Glen  shipments,  4:254,  381,  701,  708,  737 
Fonda,  Guysbert,  5:667 
Fonda  (Funda),  Isaac,  9:57 
Fonda  (Funda),  Jacob,  7:110(> 
Fonda,  Jelles,  capt.,  maj.: 

accounts : 

(1768),  12:648 

(1769),  7:236,  275,  293;  12:760;  13:487 

(1770),  7:836-38,  972,  973-82,  1021,  1090;  12:857,  869 

(1771),  12:901,  925 

(1772),  12:946,  1002 

Adems  land  indenture  (1771)  and,  8:266-70 

Albany  County  division  and,  8:333 

arms  purchase  for  Johnson  (1758),  10:7,  20 

Assembly  elections  (1768),  12:437 

autograph,  2:xiii 

boat  returns  (1755),  2:241;  9:280 

in  Bradstreet  account  (1768),  12:676 

bread  shipment  (1769),  7:74 

Butler  and,  2:543,  544,  553,  554,  667-73,  693;  9:787-88;  13:515,  517 

Caghnawaga  smallpox  victim  (1770)  and,  13:708 

on  Canadian  settler  mis  fortunes  (1774),  12:1111 

canoe  loan  (1774),  12:1101 

cloth  orders   (1771),  7:1090 

at  Canajoharie,  2:778;  3:187 

at  Canajoharie  conference  (April,  1758),  13:110 

Cockburn  account,  7:1002-1003 

English  trade,  7: 85 J 



Fonda,  Jelles,  capt.,  maj., 

Fort  Edward  defense  (1756),  9:550 

Fort  Herkimer  duty  (1758-59),  3:25;  10:80,  81,  106 

at  Fort  Johnson  Iroquois  meeting  (March  1761),  10:236 

at  Fort  Johnson  Mohawk-Seneca  meeting  (1759),  10:85 

at  Fort  Johnson  Oneida  meeting  (1757),  9:835 

Fort  Stanwix  Congress  and,  12:668 

Fort  William  Henry  capture  (1757)  and,  9:811 

French  attack  threats  (1758),  10:14,  19-20,  21,  26 

(1759),  10:95 
furniture  for,  6:465 
at  German  Flats  (1757),  9:774 
gifts  to  Johnson,  7:1021 
Indian  expenses,  2:635,  636;  3:151,  152,  171,  173,  180,  277;  8:1094;  9:652, 

Indian  hat  order  (1770),  7:980;  13:495 

at  Iroquois  Congress  (Oswego,  1759),  13:121,  125,  126-27,  131 
Iroquois  recruitment  (1758),  9:909-12,  923-25,  936 
Jessup  land  grant  and,  8:312,  393,  474,  644,  676-77 
Johnson  (Guy)  and,  6:788;  7:997;  8:1196 
Johnson  (William,  son  of  Sir  William)  and,  7:777 
Johnson  will  and,  12:1074-75 
Johnstown  jail  and,  8:708-709,  727,  750,  1205 
Joncaire  and,  9:584 
journal,  2:S51;  3:237;  13:163n,  167-73 
as  juror  in  Indian  murder  case  (1747?),  1:112 
Klock  Canajoliarie  land  purchases  and,  3:356;  4:140,  146;  10:487,  610,  724 

ejectment  of  tenants  and,  3:648,  649,  655,  737-38;  4:1,  51,  59 
land  purchases : 

(1769),  6:600 

(1771),  8:38,  66,  152-53,  158,  276-77,  284;  12:904 

(1772),  8:557,  682;  12:978,  980 
land  sale  to  Johnson,  12:1006;  13:529 
liquor  order  (1771),  12:904 
Maybe  land  deals  and,  11:555 
Mohawk  conference  (1772),  8:556 
Montreal  expedition   (1760),  13:167-71 
Newkirk  trade  partnership  (1761),  13:273 
Niagara-Detroit  Congress  journey  (1761),  13:233,  234 
Niagara  expedition  (1759)  and,  10:116 
in  Northern  Tract  patent,  12:819 
oath  of  allegiance,  8:655 
Oneida  recruitment  (1758),  10:20 
Oneida  trade  regulation  (1758),  2:892-93 

Onondaga  and  Seneca  mission  (1756),  9:582-84,  586,  615-16,  618 
Oswego-Three  Rivers  road,  13:153 
Penn  stop  (1768)  with,  12:596 
Phyn  and  Ellice  account,  6:83-84;  13:476 
provisions  for  Indian  trade  (1769),  7:59;  12:742 
ranger  recruitment  and,  2:837-38 
salary,  3:11;  6:502 
saw  mill  file  order  (1770),  13:490 

Schohary  Indian  grievances  (1758),  10:60,  64-65,  79-SO 
scouting  trips,  2:195;  9:702;  13:142,  149 
scythe  order,  8:833 
Seneca  recruitment  (1757),  2:884 
Shuckburgh  land  sales  and,  4:92 
Tice  debts  and,  8:391,  398,  399-400,  435-36 
Tryon  County  election  of  officers  (1772),  12:1014 
fryon  County  tax  list  and,  8:663 

Van  Eps  (J.  B.)  and,  8:51,  87,  96,  103,  138,  148,  165,  490,  611,  902 
Wade  and  Keiuser  expedition  to   Toronto  and,   7:723,   740,   898-99;   8:62, 

129,  150,  154,  166,  223,  270,  826;  12:911 


Sir  William  Johnson  Papers 

complaints,  8:240-42,  274,  305,  498 
Wempel  (Barent)  hired  by,  2:660 
Fonda,  John,  8:656 
Fonda,  Peter,  3:156;  7:437,  1107 

shoes  for,  7:1056 
Fonda,  Stephen,  6:700 
Fonda  and  Douw,  2:575;  4:247 
Fonda,  New  York: 

Butler  house  in,  photograph,  9:106 
Fond  du  Lac,  13:448 
Fonlawn,  Abram,  7:462 
Fontenay,  ,2:20,  22 

Foodstuffs : 

Abenaki  diet,  12:571 

Albany  shortage  (17(52),  3:668 

allspice,  8:594,  603;  13:651 

anise  seed,  1 :  764 

apples,  6:619;  7:561,  1059;  13:187 

asparagus,  13:211 

beans,  6:162,480-81;  7:378,  1059;  9:402 

butter,  1:23,  47,  50;  2:482;  7:224,  275,  365,  865,  1067;  8:325,  355,  700; 

13:188,  199,  203,  209,  515,  599 
Canadian  shortages  (1757),  9:606,  691,  741,  789 

(1759),  2:786,  791-92,  856,  857,  858;  9:907,  915 

(1760),  10:168,  189,  190;  13:198 

(1761),  3:416 

(1769),  7:130-31 
caraway  seed,  1:764 
carpenters'  provisions,  13:283,  305 
cauliflower,  5:35 
cheese,  2:783;   4:64;   6:235,  413,  443,  511,  6S2;   7:34,  333,  351,  562,  623, 

781,  912,  971;  8:S50;  12:772;  13:57-58.  570 

in  Johnson  Hall  inventory,  13:651 
cherries,  7:645,  1059 
chest  nuts,  1:311;  5:127 

chocolate,  5:35,  157,  682;  7:622;  8:595.  603;  11:975;  13:343,  650 
cinnamon,  1:764;  5:627;  7:276;  8:594,  003 
citron,  1:764;   6:731;   13:548 

cloves,  1:764;  3:753;  5:627;  7:276;  8:594.  603;  13:651 
cocoa,  1:48 

coffee,  3:626;  7:623,  824;  8:595,  603;  13:650 
comfits,  13:546,  550,  558,  571,  579,  601,  607,  615 
Crown  Point   (1755)    expedition  stores,   1:570,   609,   697-706prmim,  709-10, 

758,   788,   862;    2:76,   106,   135,   161-02,   167-68,   178,  247;    9:259,   261, 

265-66;   13:57-58 
cucumbers,  13:199 
currants,  7:431 
disbursement  to  Indians  (1755-56),  2 :566-64t5passim 

(1757),  9:791  -92,  794,  798,  80::,  800 

(175S),  9:942;  10:68,  77,  97 

(1759),  3:23 

(1761),  10:699;  13:246,  250,  251,  252 

(1763),  10:6.-1,  O.lS  .19 

(1761),  11:118,  186,  187-88,  252,  254 

(176.1),  11:762,  783-84,  813,  820,  822,  870 

(1766),  12:240 

(  1707),  12:286-87,  344 

(1768),  6:?,66-V4passim 

(1769),  12:688,  690,  717,  718,  726,  734-:)9passim,  759,  799 

(1770),  7:365-66,  607;  12:800,  80] 

(1771),  12:928 

(1773),  12:1027 




Dutch  cooking,  13:196,  199,  208,  209 

eggs,  7:32,  1067;  12:742 

fishing  rights,  3:882;  4:692;  5:425;  10:374;  11:641;  12:1027 

Fort  Ontario  Congress  provisions,  5:333,  346 

French  sailors'  allowance  (1759),  13:140 

honey,  1:311;  3:657;  5:211,  563,  572,  589,  627,  782;  6:65,  451,  474;  7:558 

Indian  cooking  methods,  11:298 

Indian  shortages  of: 

(1757),  9:769,  777 

(1758),  10:63,  64-65,  68,  72-73,  77,  79-80,  97,  100 

(1759),  10:109 

(1760),  3:197,  201,  218-19,  252-53,  256;  10:155,  158 

(1761),  3:543-44,  582,  594 

(1762),  10:427,  440 

(1765),  4:777,  801 

(1769),  6:709,  742;  7:14,  130-31 
inn  cooking  (1760),  13:183 
jellies,  7:234-35,  240,243 
lard,  13:199 
lemons,  1:121,  229,  373,  762;  2:367;  5:344;  6:413;  7:431,  979,  980;  8:765, 

770,  772,  881,  1122;  13:197,  198,  342,  343 
licorice,  2:106 
limes,  1:93,  121,  229,  249,  898;  5:344;  6:413,  443;  7:38;  8:881;  12:742 

in  Adems  accounts,  13:570,  597 

in  Campbell  account,  13:336,  338,  339,  349 

prices,  1:217-18;  7:32,  276,  837,  977 

West  Indian,  5:824 
mace,  5:627;  8:594,  603;  13:568 
madeira  wafers,  7:241 
markets,  13:181 
melons,  13:249 

milk,  5:381;  7:366;  13:188,  199,  209,  398,  510,  715 
molasses,    4:68,    157;    6:182;    7:275,    815,   971;    8:492,   500,    771;    9:816; 

13:196,  562,  573,  582,  584,  586,  588,  590 
mustard,  8:56,  850;  13:570,  584,  588,  594,  599,  603 
New  York  City  dining  habits  (1760),  13:185,  188 
nutmegs,  5:627;  6:620;  7:276,  562,  825;  8:594,  603 
oil,  5:626;  8:850 
olives,  4:575 
onions,  8:241 

oranges,  7:903-904;  8:765,  770,  881 
outpost  garrison  (1761)  provisions,  13:250,  253 
parchmale,  3:551 
peaches,  6:169;  13:187 
peanuts,  7:645 
pears,  6:169 

pepper,  7:623,  624,  825;  8:594;  13:533,  544,  559,  601,  651 
persimmon,  6:704-705 
pickles,  6:511 
pimento,  1:48 

poultry,  6:586;  8:306,  325,  379 
poverty  and  diet,  5:769 
prices  (1760),  10:160,  168 
prices  (1761),  3:302 
prunes,  5:35,  627 
pumpkins,  7:1060;  10:327 

raisins,  4:281;  5:273,  626;  7:431,  970;  8:594,  603;  13:650 
raspberries,  13 :  193 
requirements  estimates: 

for  Indians  with  Wade  and  Keiuser,  8 :  65 

for  Michilimackinac  trade  (1767),  13:450 

for  New  Jersey  volunteer  troops  (1755),  1:482-83 


Sir  William  Johnson  Papers 

schoolboy,  annual,  5:804-805 
rice,  1:48;  2:566;  4:64,  888;  5:321;  6:291;  7:428;  8:80;  12:672;  13:305, 

roots,  4:495,  497,  578;  13:197 
rose  conserve,  7:1036 
Ruff  account  (1770),  7:967-69 
rye,  7:662 
salt,  3:856;  4:68;  7:31,  32,  33,  37,  623,  825,  971,  997;  8:611;  10:168,  190; 

12:344,  928 
in   Adems   accounts,   13:546,   550,  555,  556,   559,   560,   564,   581,   584,  586, 

589,  590,  594,  596 

in  Campbell  account,  13:337,  341,  356,  363,  366,  368 

Canadian  scarcity   (1760),  13:198 

in  Johnson  Hall  inventory,  13:649,  651 

prices,  2:530;  3:403,  956;  7:31,  33,  973;  8:594 

West  Indian  imports,  13:202 

bass,  6:786;  13:212 

blackfish,  6:786 

box  of  fish  from  Boston,  8:597 

Canadian  fishing  trade,  4:226 

catfish,  13:196 

codfish,  3:950;  4:258;  5:798,  816;  6:683;  7:114,  174,  276,  559,  563; 
8:543;  13:571,  599 

English  fish  exports,  7:428 

fish  supplies,  urban  (1760),  13:186 

herring,  2:504 

Indian  fishing  methods,  13:197,  199 

lobster,  6:188;  7:240,  242 

mackerel,  3:936,  957;  5:798,  816;  7:559,  770 

oysters,  1:120,  193;  3:919,  936;  4:214,  236;  5:98;  6:188,  189,  451,  474, 
487,  510,  511,  620;  7:276,  562,  997,  1021;  8:627,  632,  711,  1122; 
13:187,  599 

pike,  13:191 

salmon,  3:919,  956;  7:724,  729;  8:306,  379;  11:352;  13:191,  197,  199, 
270,  271,  393,  394 

sheepshead,  13:193 

sturgeon,  7:727 

trout,  13:6,  191 

Warren  estate  claim,  13:28 

whiting,  6:161 
squash,  7:1060;   12:345 
strawberries,  13:193 
suppan,  13:185 
tea,   1:365;    2:106,   576;    5:211;    6:547,   619;    7:399,   558,   561,   563,   912; 


in  Adems  accounts.  13:536,  538,  540,  545,  553,  556,  560,  561,  562,  563, 
565,  566,  568,  569,  571,  576,  578,  579,  581,  582,  584,  590,  591,  597,  598 

Bohea,  1:47;  2:576;  4:64;  6:62;  7:174,  622,  755;  8:56,  475;  13:337, 
338,  341,  343,  350,  351,  363 

green,  7:193;  8:366,  540,  594,  603;  12:404;  13:470 

Holland,  8:48 

hyson,  5:565;  6:516,  682;  8:56,  365,  850;  12:993 

in  Johnson  Hall  inventory,  13:648,  650 

pine  bud,  13:205 

Soochong,  8:594,  603 
turnips,  5:35,  70;  7:967;  9:121 

vinegar,  5:627;  7:31,  276,  623,  625;  8:56,  80,  114,  595,  603,  850 
See  also  Bread;  Flour;   Meal  ;  Ru^ar 
Foot,  maj.,  1:717;  13:50,  54 
Foot,  Harry  (of  London),  8:197 
Forbes,  Eev.  (Irish  visitor),  7:650,  660,  924 




Forbes,  Daniel,  5:596 

Forbes,  Eli,  3:873;  5:591,  596;  10:515-18 

Forbes,  Gilbert,  4:533;  5:609,  642;  6:645,  646 

Forbes,  Gordon,  capt.,  6:199,  294,  298n,  433,  553 

Forbes,  Jacob,  3:983;  4:24,  41,  42,  145,  146,  890 

Forbes,  Eev.  John,  8:847 

Forbes,  John,  col.,  trig.  gen. : 

Amherst  and,  10:91,  103-104,  108 
biographical  sketch,  10:  In 

Cherokees  and,  2:817,  828;  9:897-98,  969;  13:207 
command  of  Southern  troops,  2:813,  850n 
Croghan  and,  10:90-92,  103-104,  108 
death  of,  3:33-34;  10:1% 

Denny  and,  2:813,  817,  839;  9:S93-94,  900,  955,  970 
Easton  Council  and,  2:864,  891,  896;  9:898;  10:2 
Fort  Duquesne  attack  and,  2:801;  3:3,  4,  5,  14n;  10:  In,  78 
Fort  Frontenac  capture  (1758)  and,  10:1 
illness  (1759),  10:108 
Iroquois  and,  10:54,  90-92,  396 
Forbes,  "William,  capt.,  13:123 
Forboss,  ,  in  Butler  accounts,  13:506 

Ford,  Thomas,  12:171 
Forman,  Stephen,  4:811,  830,  858 
Forsey,  Benjamin,  2:612;  3:169 
Forsey,  Thomas,  3:169;  10:208,  273,  344,  440 
Forshe,  Isack,  4:70 
Forster,  Edward,  12:819 
Forster,  Peter,  see  Foster,  Peter 
Fort,  Johannes,  13:502 
"Fort  Blunder,"  8:213n 
Fortin,  (interpreter),  6:675 

Fort  Eoyal,  Martinique,  3:626,  635,  65S 
Forts,  set  specific  forts,  e.g.,  Johnson,  Fort 
Fort  Stanwix  Indian  Congress  (1768)  : 
boundary  line  map,  5:286;  6:450 
enforcement,  6:514;  8:262;  12:493-94 

English  ratification,  6:23,  119,  469,  473,  475,  535,  693-94,  757;  7:30,  96, 
109,  119,  296,  495,  496,  521,  853,  897,  1148;  8:967-68,  991;  12:546,  553, 
587,  685,  850 

refusal,  6:565,  652,  691-92,  708-709;  7:16-17,  18-19,  65-66,  81-84,  112-13, 
215-16;  12:715,  717,  741-42 
expenses,  6:129,  137-38,  147,  184-85,  212,  435,  475,  505-506,  524,  540,  541, 
545,  546-47,  568-70,  583-84,  587-88,  602-603,  613,  624,  632,  651;   7:225, 
591;  12:477-78,  488,  490,  494,  500,  501,  520-22,  555,  647-48,  662,  665-6S, 
670-71,  676-79,  681,  684-85,  687,  718,  726 
Indian  attendance,  6:308,  316-17,  333,  334-35,  354,  407-40S,  423,  429,  454, 
467;  7:167,  817;  8:962;  12:605-606,  608,  628-29,  632,  636,  647,  652,  670 
Iroquois  denial  (1771)  of,  8:6-8,  9,  76 

land  cessions,  6:ix,  272,  454,  458,  464,  473,  480,  482,  483,  490,  491-92,  507- 
508,  513,  519-21,  534-35,  536-37,  538-39,  546-47,  568,  569,  577,  584,  611, 
613,  627,  632,  671,  689;  7:108,  140,  160;  8:66,  524,  5S9,  630,  1216; 
12:746-47;  13:683 

Western  Indian  resentment  of,  7:96,  150,  167,  184,  316,  332,  375,  652, 
656,  705;   8:834 
land  values  and,   6:507,  520-21,   534,   564;    7:537,   538,   641,   656;   8:346; 

memorandum  of  Indian  address  after,  6:466 
missionary  activity  at,  6:442,  464,  472,  490,  492,  513-14,  529-30,  538,  542-43, 

590,  609;  7:13,  177;  12:598-99,  657,  675,  692,  748-50,  919 
New  York  City  view  of,  6:475-76,  502 

Pennsylvania  purchase  of  cessions,  6:147,  184-85,  357-58,  360-62,  411-12, 
472-73,  507-508,  520,  539,  545,  547,  556-57,  562,  563,  587-88,  595-96,  613, 


Sir  William  Johnson  Papers 

629;  7:84-85,  96,  141-42,  176-77,  217-18,  299-300;  8:227;  12:427-28,  8S8 

plans,  5:764,  770,  785,  818,  850;  6:292;  12:379,  381,  385-86,  388,  405,  423, 
459,  476-78,  488-89,  490,  502-507,  515-16,  519,  524,  526,  550,  582-83,  590 

proceedings,  6:449,  453;  12:617-29,  636 

provincial  participation  in,  6:147,  201,  211,  212,  283,  295,  297-98,  308, 
316-17,  325,  327,  333,  352,  354,  359,  363,  364-65,  394-95,  406-407,  423, 
429,  519;  7:1130;  8:26;  12:476-77,  493-94,  501,  526,  553,  564,  587,  588, 
595,  596-97,  600,  606,  617,  619-20,  621,  630,  695 

provisions,  6:286,  291,  311-12,  313,  423,  431-32,  436,  442,  443-44,  445-46, 
447,  449,  459,  569,  709,  742-43;  7:444-45;  8:641,  660-61,  780-81,  794-95, 
813;  12:501,  545,  555,  600,  605-606,  608,  617,  636,  672 

trade  indemnities  and,  6:477-78,  580,  757;  7:65-66,  82,  109,  112-13,  119, 
215-16,  296,  495,  496,  521;  12:165,  594-95,  618,  619-20 

See  also  Land,  Indian  boundary  line;  and  see  specific  colonies  concerned 
Fosburg,  Peter,  1:167 
Foster,  ,5:483 

Foster,  Elizabeth,  11:486 
.Foster  (Forster),  Peter,  7:352,  1087 

flight,  8:86 

wheat  orders,  7:661 
Foster,  William,  col.,  10:34 
Fouchet,  ,    charges   for   care   of   Peter   Johnson    (1772),   12:1010-11, 

1013-14;   13:621 
Fowke,  ,  gen.,  2:532n 

Fowler,  David,  10:279,  280,  469-70;  11:339 

Oneida  mission,  4:734;  11:741,  978 
Fowler,  Joseph,  11:430 
Fox,  Christopher,  11:933-37 
Fox,  Frederick,  8:1210 
Fox,  Henry,  see  Holland,  Henry  Fox,  Lord 
Fox,  Joseph,  2:524,  653;  3:518,  761,  773,  799,  822-23,  846 

Lancaster  Treaty  and,  3:827-28 

Pennsylvania  condolence  present  for  frontier  outrages  (1768),  6:104.  107 
Fox,  Jost,  7:666 
Fox,  Margaret,  7:865 
Fox,  Philip,  7:666 
Fox,  Kudolph,  7:666 
Fox,  William: 

accounts,  7:S(;,1 

Klock  Cnnajohary  dispute  and,  4:146,  657;  11:611 

wheat  sales,  2:614;  3:157;  7:666 
Foxcroft,  post  riders  and,  8:539 

Fox  Indians  (Renards)  : 

Adirondacks  hostilities   (177.'!),  13:622 

Chippewa  hostilities  (1771),  8:117,  213 

Chippewa  attack  on  Miehilimackinac  (1763)  and,  10:78.1,  782,  787 

at  French  Cadaracqui  Council,  3:754 

Gorrell  visits  (1762),  10:704-705,  706,  709-10 

Ifutchins  visit,  10:r>L,r> 

Illinois  Indian  hostilities  (1767),  13:426,  438 

Miehilimackinac  conference  (1765),  11:808,  809 

at   Niagara   Congress    (1761),  4:511;    11:276,   300,   301-302,   303,   304-305 
325,  336 

numbers,  4:244;  10:450,  5  1.". 

Pottawatomics  rind,  11:5-1X 

recruitment   (1761),  4:42.'! 

Rogers  embassv  (1766  ) .  5:369 
(1767),  5:764 

S:ikis  and,  5:578;  7:16;  8:213,  667,  669 

Villiers  message  (1763),  10:^19-21 

the  Fox  wars,  10:669n 
Fox  River,  5:328;  10:669n 



Fox's  Kill,  5:265 
Foy,  Edward,  capt.,  7:711 
Frampton,  Charles,  1:52 
France,  Elizabeth,  11:489 
France : 

American  imports  (1768)  from,  6:323 

American  possessions  (1755),  l:445-50passt'ra,  551-55,  577,  617;  2:53 

bankruptcy  (1771),  8:203,  242,  249-50 

"Bourbon  Compact,"  4:720;  7:1029,  1129 

Canadian  capitulation,  3:309,  362  (See  also  Canada,  reduction  of) 

colonization  plans,  5:277,  319,  320-21,  323-24 

Corsica  and,  7:157 

Croghan  shipwreck  in,  4:341,  383,  384 

encounter  of  Byng  and  La  Galissonniere,  2:531-32,  536,  540 

English  ambassadors,  6:734;  7:1078 

English    recapture   of   Newfoundland,    3:879,   880,    894,    897-98,    902,    907 

908,  910-11 
Falkland  Islands  and,  7:402 
Flanders  and,  8:94 
fur  factories  of,  5 :  654,  828 
German  troops  (1762),  3:892 
Illinois  cessions  (1765),  11:900-901 
Illinois  Indian  treaties,  13:409 
Indian  land  grants,  4:291;  5:155,  243 

Caghnawaga,  4:307-308,  318;  5:46,  55,  66,  90,  91,  183-87;  10:373-76; 
12:32-33,  37-39,  48,  67 

English  colonization  purchases,  5:128-30,  240-41,  276-78,  324 

Green  Bay  monopoly,  12:118-19 
international  debts  (1770),  7:430 
Johnson  pedigree  traced  to  Normandy,  13 :  734 
Joncaire  indemnity,  5:32,  35,  92-93,  96,  99 
king's  letter  to  Pontiac,  4 :  553 

king's  message  (alleged)  to  the  Iroquois  (1773?),  8:932-33,  1142-46 
king's  message  (1764)  to  Pontiac,  11:370,  392 

Louisiana  interference  with  Western  Indians  and,  6:601,  631;  10:819-23 
Ministry  changes  (1771),  8:50,  94 
naval  power  (1773),  8:831 
Niagara  loss,  3:108-109 
Ohio  claims,  1:302-304,  312m,  314-15,  385,  387,  389,  436,  441,  442,  552-53, 

554,  663,  833w,  910-15,  917-20;  2:29;  9:40-41,  125,  126,  132 
Oswego  prisoners  sent  to,  9:599 
return  of  Canadian  settlers,  3 :  644 
Rogers'  alleged  defection  to  interests  of,  12:439,  440-41,  444,  450-51,  508, 

Roubaud  and,  3:279ji-80k. 
Russia  and,  7:285,  671,  946,  1079 
Russo-Turkish  War  and,  8:871 
Seneca  promises  (1765)  of  aid  from,  11:963 
Seven  Years  War : 

Cessation  of  Arms,  10:617,  640 

English  Declaration  of  War,  2:505;  9:570,  576 

English  peace  rumors  (1762),  3:911,  930,  936,  937,  949,  953,  960 

peace  offers,  3:24;  10:584,  592 

Peace  Treaty,  4:34,  35,  45,  49,  62,  63,  81,  101-102,  104,  222,  256,  266-67; 
5:vii;  7:269-70;  10:659-60,  663,  759,  782,  786,  792-94,  804,  914-15, 

Villiers  declaration  of  amity  (1763),  10.-S19-23 
Society  of  Jesus  abolished  in,  4:309 
Spain  and,  2:351-52,  531;  3:279n;  4:81 

Jesuit  dispute,  8:180 

Louisiana  cession,  4:303-304,  336;  11:36 

Spanish  alliance,  3:753;  7:221,  671,  789,  870,  1026 


Sir  William  Johnson  Papers 

Spanish-Austrian  alliance  (1771),  7:1111 

Spanish-Prussian  Alliance,  7:7 

troops  returned  (1765)  to,  11:725-26 

war  prospects  (1755)  with  England,  1:455-56,  456-62,  464-65,  532,  564,  695, 
849-50;  2:243,  271;  9:154,  166 
(1756),  2:464 
(1768),  12:600,  601-603 

(1770),  7:606,  630,  671,  870,  946,  1015,  1024,  1029;  12:898 
(1771),  7:1074,  1129,  1148,  1149-50;  8:35-36,  45,  50,  94,  98,  104,  203, 

205,  242,  273;  12:886,  891,  893 
(1773-74),  8:933,  1007-1008 

See  also  French 
Frances,  Abraham,  1:776;  9:257 
Francis,  ,  3:257 

Francis,  capt.,  1 :  867 
Francis  I,  emperor  of  Germany,  7:286n 

Francis   (Caghnkenaont,  Paglikenaont — Mahican),  10:183;   13:177 
Francis,  Sir  Philip,  7: 40  In 
Francis,  Turbutt,  lieut.  col.,  3:901;  6:517,  545 

at  Bouquet  Tuscarawas  conference  (1764),  11:438 

Croghan  resignation  (1771)  and,  8:292-93,  308 

employment  applications,  4:255;  5:515,  525;  12:276-77 

half -Indian  child  of,  8:235 

murder  of  Seneca  George  and,  7:63,  178,  274 

Niagara  surrender  (1759),  13:117,  122,  124 

Oquaga  land  claims  and,  7:226-27,  253-55,  292-93 

scouting  parties,  10:171;  13:142 
Franck,  the  cooper,  9:122 
Franck  (Frank),  Conrad,  capt.: 

accounts,  3:156,  173,  180;  5:340;  10:472 

in  Adems  accounts    (1769-73),   13:540,  573,  577,  578,  588,  590,  591,  592, 
593,  595,  596,  599 

in  Butler  accounts,  13:513 

at  Canajoharie  meeting  (1763),  4:50,  61 

cattle  drivers  and,  5:331 

Chenussios  at  German  Flats  and,  4:228;  10:916 

on  Chenussios  harassed  by  English  (1763),  10:757-58 

company  returns,  5:557;  7:456 

on  death  of  Justice  Frank,  3:407 

Fort  Johnson  Iroquois  Council  (1763)  and,  10:801 

in  German  Flats  patent  (Sept.,  1765),  11:933  37 

Hasenclever  and,  3:885;  5:704 

Indian  provisions,  4:435,  437,  740;  10:872;  11:187 

Iroquois  Congress  (German  Flats,  May,  1767),  12:309 

Johnson  (Guyi  land  granl  ami,  11:121 

justice  appointment,  3:609,  622,  750;  8:53;  12:784 

land  holdings,  4:657;  11:824;  12:245;  13:377 

maladministration  charge,  8:509-10 

mills  of,  11:595 

Niagara  journey  (1761)  stop  with,  13:274 

Opey  visit,  8:53-54 

rum  trade,  3:156;  5:213;  12:287,  303 
Franck,  Frederick,  11:121 ;  13:377 
Franck,  John,  8:1210 

Franck,  Julian  (John)  Conrad,  2:486,  526  27,  689  90 
Francois,  11:97 
Frank,  capt.,  1:369 
Frank  (Negro),  9:656 
Frank,  Gustavus  (Justice),  murder  of,  '■):  U>7,  430,  431-32,  433-35,  436-37,  504, 

506;  10:292,  297,  312;  13:216 
Frank,  Stephen  (Stephanus),  2:486;  3:407;  11:251.  933-37 
Frankfort,  3:144,  145 



Frankland,  ,  capt.,  1:24 

Franklin,  Benjamin: 

Congress  proposal,  8:ix 

Croghan  and,  4:741,  880»;  5:37-39;  7:591 

Crown  Point  expedition  (1755)   and,  1:833,  843-44;  3:995;  13:44 

dismissal  as  deputy  postmaster,  8:1060-61,  1139 

at  Easton  Council  (1756),  2:653 

Easton  Council  (1762)  and,  3:837;  10:567 

Fort  Allen  and,  10:533«, 

on  frontier  outrages  (1766),  12:178-79 

Illinois  colonization  proposals  and,  5:viii,  37-39,  330,  331,  336,  365,  371-72; 
6:92;  12:107-108,  136,  140,  141,  165,  178,  436,  511-12 

on  Indian  Affairs  management,  6:231-32;  11:969 

on  Indian  boundary  line,  5:854-55;  6:82,  129-30,  168,  231;  7:16,  215-16 

on  Indian  lands,  3:26,  48 

Johnson  (John)   and,  7:497 

money  sent  Johnson  by,  9:267 

non-importation  agreements  and,  7:769 

Pennsylvania  Assembly  message  (Jan.,  1768),  12:417-19 

Pennsylvania  Gazette  and,  2:lln;  4:405n,  857n 

Philosophical  Society  and,  6:564n 

portrait,  5:854;  6:564 

Quakers  and,  2:439;  4:564 

trade  loss  indemnities  and,  6:579;  7:591;  12:236-37 
Franklin,  P.,  4:708;  11:683 
Franklin,  William,  New  Jersey  Gov.,  5:119,  701 

autograph,  7 :xii 

on  Catholic  mission  in  Nova  Scotia,  7:964 

Chew  and,  7:234 

colonial  trade  control  and,  6:295;  7:13;  12:512-13,  564,  729 

Croghan  invitation  (1765),  11:969,  970 

Crown  Point  (1755)  provisions  and,  9:284-85 

Delaware  River  and,  8:264 

Delawares  and,  5:544 

Franklin  (Benjamin)  dismissal  as  postmaster,  8:1139 

Hasenclever  investigation,  7:426rc. 

Hillsborough  and,  6:438w 

Hooper  and,  7:1132-33 

Illinois  colonization  proposals  and,  5:viii,  128-30,   196-97,  276,  313,  320n, 
336;  6:92;  12:107-108,  136,  140,  237,  511-12,  727-28 

on  Indian  boundary  line,  6:129,  295,  354?i,  363,  423;   7:13,   119;    12:511, 
564-65,  587,  600,  617,  627 

Iroquois  seminary  and,  8:858 

Johnson  (Jacob  W's)  and,  6:445,  450 

on  land  grant  for  widows  and  orphans  of  clergymen,  5:431 

land  purchases  of,  7:537 

Minisink  Indian  murder  and,  5:169-74,  198,  276,  418-22;  12:72-73,  237 

on  Ohio  colonization  plans,  8:1159,  1178 

postal  appointments,  7:322w 

portrait,  7:120 

Queen's  College  and,  8:768 

Robertson  (William)  and,  8:1158,  1177 

Sons  of  Liberty  and,  7:1107;  12:774 

threat  of  general  Indian  War  (1769)  and,  7:119-20 

Wharton  (Thomas)   and,  7:591 

Wheelock  and,  6:442 
Franks,  ,1:382,496;  2 :  430,  441 ;  3 :  923 

Franks,  Conrad,  see  Franck,  Conrad 
Franks,  David,  3:329,  566;  4:199,  204 

account  of  losses  (I766),  5:347-59 

Fort  Pitt  stores  and,  4:730 

traders'  memorial  and,  4  :264,  265,  270 


Sir  William  Johnson  Papers 

Franks,  Moses,  2:441n;  4:264-66,  267-70,  272,  545;  ll:302n 

Franks,  Trent,  Simons  and  Company,  11:614 

Fraser,  ,  capt.,  Canadian  Indian  Affairs  superintendence  proposal, 

Fraser,  Alexander  (trader)  : 

Niagara  trade  petitions  (1766-67),  5:118,  144,  743,  766 

Van  Eps  partnership,  4:840;  11:929 
Fraser,  Alexander,  lieut. : 

accounts   (1766),  12:266 

Fort  Chartres  occupation  expedition  (1765),  4:718,  731,  859n;  11:516,  541, 
560,  647,  743-44,  789,  840,  869,  872n,  877,  899-90,  904,  913,  958ra 

Pontiac  and,  4:768,  799,  800,  809,  811,  816;  11:882-83,  921;  12:40 

reported  death  of,  4:770,   774,  777,  780;   11:795,  803,  810,  813,  833,  868, 
871,  881 
Fraser,  Donald,  8:628,  731;  12:818 
Fraser   (Frazer),  Hugh,  lieut.,  4:203,  207,  526,  823;   5:19,  575,  S06;   12:224 

accounts,  7:501,  940 

Davis  and,  6:500 

land  purchases,  4:824,  883,  885;  5:360;  8:917;  11:922;  12:1041 
Fraser,  John,  capt.,  5:474 
Fraser,  John,  12:818 
Fraser,  Simon,  col.,  4:885;  10:41w,  77 
Fraser  (Frazer),  William,  lieut.,  4:208;  10:815,  817,  818 
Fraser,  William,  12:818 
Fraser,  William,  Jr.,  12:960,  988 
Frasior,  Thomas,  8:1124 
Frax,  Peter,  see  Fiax,  Peter 
Frazer,  John  (smith),  12:804,  818 
Frazier,  ,  1:185,  190,  904 

Frazier,  ,  lieut.,  on  Detroit  Congress  journey  (1761),  13:239 

Frazier,  Alexander,  lieut.,  see  Fraser,  Alexander,  lieut. 
Frazier,  Hugh,  lieut.,  see  Fraser,  Hugh,  lieut. 
Freba,  Frans,  7:667 
Frederick  the  Great: 

assassination  plot  against  (1762),  3:669 

at  Biskow,  3:145 

Colbergh  loss  (1762),  3:659 

Czar's  friendship,  3:749 

Danzig  and,  8:758 

Damn  and,  3:635,  892-93 

Dresden  taken  by,  3:148 

English  war  prospects  (1771),  8:358,  435 

Poland  and,  8:831 

Russo-Turkish  war  and,  8:434-35 
Frederick,  Peter,  3:161,  631;  6:771;  10:248;  12:819;  13:541 
Frederick,  Phillip,  3:357 
Frederick,  Fort,   Albany,: 

artillery  list  (1755),  1:551 

Clinton  at,  1:103,  174n 

drummers  for,  1:422 

garrison  (1755),  1:623 

map,  3:507 

personnel  (1706),  5:444 
Frederick  (Saint),  Fort,  see  Saint  Frederic,  Fort;  see  also  Crown  Poinl 
Frederick  Lewis,  Prince  of  Wales,  1:331,  331 /i,  311 
Freeling,  John,  11:485 
Freeling,  Peggy,  11:486 
Freeman,  John,  sgt.,  2:316 
Free  Robin  (Indian),  2:542 
Freer,  Abraham,  2:7".  1 
Freidenberg,   Charles    (Chevalier   dc    Freudenberg,    Freydenberg) ,   4:862    872, 



Freidenberg,  Charles, 

justice  appointment  lists  (1770),  12:784,  793 
Lake  Champlain  lease,  5:345;  7:191 
Freil  (Friel),  John: 

in  Adems  accounts  (1769-73),  13:539,  540,  542,  545,  547-51,  558-69,  571-74, 

576,  577,  579-81,  586,  587,  589,  591-95,  600,  602,  605,  607-609 
named  in  patents,  12:787,  819,  855,  960,  988 
tailoring  charges,  7:349,  1090;  8:1094;  13:370 
French,  capt.,  8:1208,  1209;  9:872 

French,  John,  6:118;  12:315,  318 
Davis  (Dudley)  and,  6:498-99 
Harper  bond  and,  6:360;  12:582 
Vaughan  lands  and,  6:24-25,  70,  83;  12:664 
French,  Jonathan,  3:634;  6:771;  10:248 
French : 

Bradstreet  expedition  (1764)  and,  11:504 

Bullit  expedition  and,  8:889 

Canadian  Indian  culture  and,  7:599-600 

Canadian  resentment  of  English  occupation,  4:223-28;   6:303;   8:1143-44; 

11:609;  869;  12:422 
Chautauqua  Creek  settlement,  13:204 
Detroit  inhabitants  (1762),  10:560-61 
Detroit  Indian  siege   (1763)   and,  4:164,  170,  303,  355,  391,  403-404,  414, 

418,  433,  437,  447,  670-79,  763-64;  10:693-94,  728,  738,  739-40,  743,  745, 

762,  763,  764,  985-86;  13:317-21 
Detroit  siege  (1764)  and,  4:164,  170,  303,  355,  403-404,  414,  418,  433,  437, 

447,  670-79;  11:164,  216,  217,  218-19,  226-27,  229-30,  246 
Detroit  threat  (1769),  7:29,  55,  98 
Dutch  and,  1:36 

English  employment  of,  4:210-11,  236,  253,  392,  395 
in  Florida,  5:469 

Fort  Chartres  collapse  rumors,  6:392 
Fort  Duquesne  defeat  of  Braddock,  1:712,  722,  745-48,  750-51,  752-53,  759, 

760,  763,  766,  767-68,  772-74,  795,  805,  824,  826-27,  882;  3:995 
Fort  Necessity  and,  1:406,  409-10 
Hosack  attack,  1:413,  415 
in  the  Illinois  country,  4:570,  625,  639,  742,  779,  792,  816;  5:vm,  120,  122, 

277,   319,  320-24,  362-63,  368,  573;   8:190,  202,  340,  341-42,  418,  441, 

480,  491 

colonization  plans,  6:157 

fortification  (1771),  8:259,  261,  278,  285 

Indian  unrest  (1762),  10:534-35,  543,  547 

Indian  unrest  (1764),  11:229-30 

Indian  unrest  (1765),  11:697-98,  716,  740,  765,  838,  904-905,  982 

Indian  unrest  (1766-68),  12:227-29,  450,  543-44;  13:407 

Indian  unrest  (1773),  8:779,  799 
Indian  boundary  line  and,  6:447,  464,  472,  491,  519 
Indian  conference  conduct  of,  11:232 
Indian  land  grants: 

Bradstreet  on,  4:529 

English  proposal  to  purchase,  5:128-30 

Wabash,  8:661,  688 
Indians  and,  1:40,  42,  47,  53,  56,  100,  114,  211-13,  239,  241,  247,  259,  261, 

297,  306n,  344n,  357-58,  663,  767-68,  795,  823-24,  882,  925-27;  2:4,  36, 

58,  59;  3:248,  249-50,  272,  753 

Delaware-Shawnee,  uprisings  and,  2:359-60,  368-71,  445-46,  499,  500, 
510-13,  681,  788;  3:786,  849;  4:483;  9:476-77,  744,  754,  756,  760-61; 
11:403-404,  498,  558,  585,  618,  625,  660,  664,  681,  842;  13:76-77,  78 

English  poisonings  rumored,  9:445 

Indians  living  among,  5 :  660 

Johnson  on  political  strategy   (1754)   concerning,  9:125-32 

Johnson  review  of  intrigues  from  reduction  of  Canada  through  1773, 


Sir  William  Johnson  Papers 

Johnson  on  superior  policies,  4:239,  275,  416,  629,  665,  872;  5:3,  479-80; 
6:72;  10:461,464;  11:586;  12:73-74 

land  restitution  promises,  2:692 

Maryland,  1:496-97 

Mississippi  Indian  intrigues  (1762),  10:435 

present  disbursement  policy  (1774),  8:1007-1008,  1016,  1032;  9:372,  573, 
596-98,  599,  791;  10:448-49,  461;  11:21 

Seneca  incitements  to  revolt,  11:963;  13:230 

Wabash  settler  removal  (1772),  12:942-43 

Western,  2:676-77,  796;  3:6,  28,  336-37;  4:170,  176,  ISO,  187,  200,  239, 
253,  275-76,  282,  291,  295,  303;  5:613,  614,  740,  741,  744,  763;  6:275, 
333-34,  467,  565,  601-602,  630-31;  12:386-87 

Western  Indian  conspiracy  (1771)  and,  8:7,  141,  190,  206,  259,  339-40, 

(1772)  and,  8:501-502,  551,  561-62,  592 

Western  revolts  (1763)  and,  10:723,  724,  731,  746-48,  754-55,  767-68, 
807,  881 

(See  also  specific  groups  of  Indians) 
Isle  aux  Galots  encampment  (1759),  13:140,  142 
Lake  Champlain  timber  rights,  12:173 
L/ake  George  prisoners  examined,  2:26-28;  9:232 
Mississippi  attack  rumors  (1768),  6:111-12 
Monongahela  attack,  1:403 
naval  battles  (1745-48),  1:32,  67,  128 
naval  battles  (1755),  1:676,  681,  686,  692-93,  719-20 
"Neutrals,"  2:459-60 
in  New  Hampshire,  1:415 
New  York  visitors  (174S),  1:904 
Niagara  surrender  (1759),  13:114-57,  159 
Ohio  expedition  (1750),  9:62-63 

(1753),  9:106,  107,  109,  112,  117 
Ohio  settlements  (1757),  9:592,  613 

Oswego  siege,  2:542,  544,  546-47,  549,  552,  553,  556,  557,  563-64 
outpost  abandonment  proposal  (1768)  and,  6:232 
outposts,  2:12;  13:40-41,  100  (See  also  specific  forts) 
Pontiac  and,  4:809;  12:150  (See  also  Pontiac) 
privateers,  1:24 
Quebec  siege,  3:128,  147 
Rogers  plan  and,  6:259n 
in  Royal  American  regiment,  10-Aln 
Saratoga  garrison  attack,  1:101-102 
Seneca  murders  on  Lake  Ontario  (1773),  8:886,  890,  899,  903,  905-906,  913, 

923-24,  925-26,  934,  951,  952-53,  1026,  1032,  1048-49,  1086,  1091-92,  1093, 

1116,  1131-32,  1135,  1138,  1140-41,  1148,  1149,  1164-65,  1167 
servants,  1:44 

sickness  among  (1750),  1:275 
Silvestre's  report  on  Ohio  activities  of,  1:508-11 
South  Carolina  and,  3:733-34 
Spanish  and,  3:725,  733-34,  743;  5:373;  7:185,  212,  221,  256-57,  263,  722, 

789,   948-49;    12:227-28,   236,  238,   543,   549-50,   559,   585-86,   622,   652 

663,  682 
strategy : 

in  Crown  Point  expedition,  1755,  1:508-509,  651,  678-79,  796,  846,  855, 
883,  892;  2:58-62;  9:181-83 

Niagara  expedition,  1:551-55,  577,  746-48 
threats  of  attack: 

(1744),  1:22 

(1745),  1:43 

(1746),  3:993;  9:4-5 

(1749),  9:54-55 

(1754),  1:404 

(1755),  1:495;  2:17,  31-32,  39-40,  48,  59-62,  73-74,  289,  290-304,  310,  323 




(1755),  siege  instructions,  2:328-32,  334,  365-66,  386-87 
(1755),  snow  shoe  expedition,  2:310,  384-86 
(1756),  2:431,  455-56 
(1768),  6:424 

(1769),  7:84,  86-87,  119-20,  154-55,  185,  196,  212 
(1770),  7:654,  689 
trade  with,  1:19 

(1762),  3:935,  941,  944,  961,  969;  4:137 

Cherokee  (1756),  9:572,  578-79,  597 

English  occupation  of  the  Illinois  and,  4:761-66;   11:628,  725-26,  840, 

850,  853,  900-901,  902,  988;  12:254-55;  13:410-13 
liquor  trade  regulation,  13:236 

trading  conduct,  3:523,  545,  5S8;  4:38,  275,  556-57,  568-69,  625,  627-28, 
704,  830,  833-34,  839,  872;  5:38,  109,  480-81,  520,  522,  698;  6:495; 
7:1018;  8:150,  804,  818,  819 
Mississippi,  6:xi,  195-96,  327,  394;  8:195;  11:826,  988;  12:39-40,  44-45, 

188,  190,  226,  229,  236,  238,  549-50,  559,  587 
outposts  and,  5:2-4,  653-59,  736;  6:21,  45,  49,  58;  11:8 
Saint  Joseph,  6:121-22;  11:696-97 
Wabash,  12:373,  544 

withdrawal  of  traders  proposed  (1768),  6:437,  509-10,  536 
troops  under  Dieskau   (1755),  2:18-24,  26-28,  48-49,  58,  60-61,  72,  95,  111, 

122,  146,  171,  200-202,  340;  9:230,  232,  240 
war  belt  (1774)  delivered  up  by  Iroquois,  13:687 
West  Indies,  1:10 

See  also  Canada ;  France ;  Louisiana ;  and  see  specific  personal  names 
French  Andrew  (Huron),  5:252,  257 
French  Creek,  1:918;  2:654;  3:405,  438 
French  Mohawks,  see  Caghnawagas 
French  Peter,  see  Peter  (Taquainunt) 
French  South  Sea  Company,  3:362 
Frere,  Porlun,  5:134 
Freton,  Iulien,  5:488 

Freudenberg,  Chevalier  de,  see  Freidenberg,  Charles 
Frey,  ,  Canajoharies  and,  9:392-93 

Frey  (Fry),  lieut.  col,  2:250,  335 

Frey  (Fry),  Hendrick,  Sr. : 

accounts,  2:581,  600,  602;  3:717 
election   (1752),  1:363 

on  German  Flats  destroyed  by  Indians,  3:834,  853;  13:278 
on  horse  and  sled  shortage  (1756),  9:411 
liquor  trade  and,  1:172 
Lutheran  church  land  survey  by,  6:175 
Miller  land  survey,  3:369 

Mohawk  delegates  to  Harris  Ferry  (1757),  9:621-22 
Mohawk  forts  and,  2:378;  9:220 
Frey  (Fry),  Hendrick,  Jr.  (son  of  above),  capt.: 
on  Abeel,  4:281;  13:321-22 
accounts,  4:720,  832 
Albany  County  division  petition,  8:333 
Assembly  seat  (1773),  8:705 
in  Butler  accounts,  13:506,  508,  515,  516 
Canajoharie  fortification  (1755)  and,  1:842;  2:378 
Canajoharie-Klock  dispute  and,  3:007,   948;   4:49,  50,   61,   145,  311,  313; 

on  Canajoharie  rum  trade,  4:373 
Canajoharie  survey   for  Johnson,  4:631,   754;    5:395,  422,  476,  478,  541; 

6:85;  8:547-48;  11:522;  12:214n,  215,  216,  301 
Collins  (James)  and,  5:555 
commission,  3:370;  13:216 
company  of,  4:182 
Couagne  and  LaForee  Albany  escape  (1757),  2:748 


Sir  William  Johnson  Papa.; 

Croghan  land  survey  and,  6:103,  123 
Dillenbach  (Christian)  and,  4:12,  634;  10:607-608 
Dillenbach  (Martinus)  and,  4:286,  316 
eviction  of  Maybe,  5:493 
on  gates  on  highways,  4:610 
German  Flats  alarm  (1763),  10:758 
on  German  Flats  Indian  meeting  (1765),  4:648;  11:582 
horses  ordered  from,  13:322 
Indian  expenses  (1756),  2:623 
Indian  expenses  (1768),  12:635,  648 
at  Johnson  Hall  Seneca  Peace  (March  1764),  11:134 
Johnson's  Niagara  journey  (1764),  11:251 
Johnson  will  and,  12:1075 

justice  appointment,  3:609,  622,  750;  12:768,  784 
land  purchases,  3:905 

law  studies  of,  5:791;  6:83;  12:384-85,  769 
maladministration  charge,  8:509-10 
oath  of  allegiance,  8:655 
oaths  of  militia  officers  and,  6:697 
oats  and  peas  of,  4:409 
officer  appointment  powers  of,  12:772 
Oneida  trade,  11:375 

Oriskany  patent  survey,  5:668-69;  12:659 
Penn  (John)  and,  6:364;  12:596 
roots  in  trade,  11:398 
rum  trade,  11 :5S2 
Ruppert  case,  5:490 

Schuyler  mistreatment  of  Canajoharies  and,  5:57-5S 
settlers  on  lands  of,  8:303 

at  Tryon  County  election  of  officers  (1772),  12:1014 
wheat  sales,  8:715 
Frcy  (Fry),  John,  3:370,  549;  8:1207,  1211 

oath  of  allegiance,  8:655 
Prey,  Severinus,  3:609 
Frey  and  Butler,  4:578,  642 

Freydenberg,  Chevalier  de,  see  Freidenberg,  Charles 
Friland,  (tailor),  5:483 

Frim,  Isera,  4:498 
Frisbev,  Grickson,  2:731 
Frisby,  Phillip,  6:287 

Prize,  Jacob,  justice  appointment  (1762),  3:750 
Frobisher,  Benjamin,  5:134,  181 

Ainse  defense  deposition  (1768),  12:615-16 
at  Michilimafkinac  court  of  inquiry  (Aug.,  1767),  5:038,  640 
Michilimackinac  trade  petition  (July,  1765),  11:827,  829 
Rogers  and,  6:754;  12:440,  441,  451,  (514 
Frobisher,  Dobie  and  Company,  5:181 
Froechay,  Jacob,  7:002 
Frontenac,  Fort  (Cadaracqui,  Kingston  in  Canada)  : 

Bradstreet    expedition     (1758),    l:548n;    2:8S6,    889-90,    894-95;    3:1,    i; 
7:587»;   9:953,  904,  906-67,  968,  909;   10:ln,  3,  4-5,  7,  12,  18,  20,  25, 
r.',n,  51,  54,  72 
French  efforts  to  rebuild,  10:38 

French  Indian  conference  (1762),  10:385,  422,  423,  425 
French  troops: 

(1754-55),  1:517,  547,  548,  894,  919;  2:12,  35-36,  95  90 
(1750),  2:541,  564,  655,  719 

(1757),  2:070,  692;  9:606,  627,  789,  791,  803,  832 
(1758),  2:857;  9:875,  877,  907,  930,  904;  10:83   84 
(1759),  3:134 
Iroquois  visits  (1750),  1:288 
trade,  5:482 



Frontenac,  Fort, 

See  also  Cadaracqui 
Frump,  Andrew,  5:666 
Fry,  John,  capt.,  13:51-53 
Fry,  Thomas,  5:501 
Fry,  see  also  Frey 
Frye,  James,  11:943 
Fryenmoet,  Johann  Casparus,  3:351 
Fryer,  Catharine,  8:352 
Fryer,  Hannah,  8:351 
Fryer,  Isaac,  8:351 

Fryer,  John,  capt.,  7:1040;  8:351,  1029 
Fuller,  ,  clerk,  5:505 

Puller,  Peeke,  capt.,  4:879;  5:300 
Fuller,  Samuel,  10:662 

Claus  housebuilding  account  (March-April,  1763),  13:303-307 
Johnson  Hall  plan,  13:282-83,  285-86 

account  (May,  1763),  13:15-17 

contract  (Feb.,  1763),  13:283 

journal  (May,  1763),  13:307-15 
Fullerton,  I>avid,  Eogers  and,  12:439,  441,  442-43,  444,  449-50,  492,  613 
Fulsham,  ,  capt.,  13:51 

Funda,  Jellis,  see  Fonda,  Jelles 
Funday,  see  Fonda,  Jelles 

Fundy  (Fonda,  Funda),  Bay  of,  1:446,  681;  5:576 

Albany  trade  regulations  (1743),  1:19 

arincalle,  12:400 

bear,  1:98,  229,  230,  235,  337,  346,  372,  376;  8:121,  138,  239,  271;  10:93, 

176;  12:397,  398,  661,  708 

blankets,  2:619 

coats,  2:603 

for  gun-covers,  2:619 

hunting  grounds,  6:433 

for  mattresses,  2:619 

prices,  1:48,  183;  8:380;  9:121;  13:233 
beaver,   1:50,   66,   98,    171,   194,   229,   230,   235,   275,   290,   336,   346,   347; 

4:686;  10:246,  971;  11:1 

blankets,  11:271;  12:559,  560;  13:243 

Canadian  hunting  of,  3:363 

Canadian  quality,  13:196 

castorum,  12:708 

Cherokee  hunting  grounds,  6:433 

commodity  price  standard  in  terms  of,  11:284 

Detroit  trade  (1767),  12:398,  399,  400 

Fort  Pitt  trade  (1767),  12:397 

French  prices  for,  3:523 

"illicit"  beaver  hats,  4:407 

Iroquois  hunting  grounds,  1:850;  2:230,  233;  13:40,  684 

Kelly's  trade  in,  2:463 

Niagara  trade  (1768),  12:661,  708 

prices  (1746-49),  1:48,  58,  127-28,  181,  183,  250 

prices  (1750-59),  1:259,  287,  292;  9:121,  911,  929;  10:39,  71,  93 

prices  (1760-74),  4:894-95;  10:389-91;  12:910;  13:219,  320-21 

as  quit-rent,  7:203,  718;  8:992,  1010,  1051;  12:392,  725,  740,  754 

sloop  transport  wrecked  (1771),  8:139 

traps,  11:361;  13:648,  649 

Wade  and  Keiuser  trade,  7:740,  756,  778,  822,  941,  1019;  8:3,  63,  120, 
129,  130,  144-45,  149,  155,  224,  239,  241,  271,  280,  324-25,  355,  379 
380,  498,  826;  12:910-11 

white,  6:235 
buffalo,  6:326,  433;  10:176;  12:399;  13:656,  657 
Canadian,  1:552,  554,  577;  2:53;  4:226 


Sir  William  Johnson  Papers 

Chenussio  trade,  9:380 

civilization  of  Indians  and,  7:597-98,  600 

commodity  price  regulations  in  terms  of,  3:531-35;  4:489-91,  893-96;  10:389- 

91:   11:284,  990-93 
deerskin,  1:16,  128,  259;   2:463;   5:348;   6:433;   7:729;   8:144,  239,  325; 
9:599;  12:64,  398 

in  Adems  accounts  (1769-73),  13:550,  552,  553,  587,  605,  614 
for  breeches,  8:145-46 
Fonda  purchases  (1768),  6:83-84,  600 
dressing  of,  7:230;  10:176 
for  house-lining,  7:1018 
for  Indian  shoes,  3:165,  176 

prices,  1:38,  48,  181;  4:894,  895;  5:348;  10:389-91,  769 
Wyaloosing  gift,  11:92 
Detroit  French  trade,  13:203 

Detroit  petition  on  limitation  of  trade  (1767),  5:808,  810,  828 
Detroit  stores,  3:316,  317 
Detroit  trade  report  (1767),  12:398-400 
elk,  12:397,400,  661,  708 
English  imports,  1:48-49;  7:428 
estimate  of  trade  (1764),  4:556-59 

fisher,  1:49;  8:121,  129,  144,  355,  380;  12:397,  398,  661,  708 
Fort  Johnson  trade,  2:843;  3:258 
Fort  Pitt  trade  report  (1767),  12:397 
Fort  Stanwix  Congress  trading,  12:62 
fox,  1:48;  8:129,  380;  10:314;  12:64,  397,  399,  661,  708 
French  South  Sea  Company,  3:362 
Hudson  Bay  Company  trade  (1770),  7:953-54 
Illinois  trade,  4:889;  5:38,  321,  322 
in  Johnson  Hall  inventory  (1774),  13:655,  656,  657 
Johnson  trade,  1:31,  37;  13:1 

leather,  1:230,  250,  287,  290,  309;  8:40-41,  324;  9:121 
Liotard  and  Godin  account  of  sales,  4:794 
marten,  1:48,  50,  370;  4:894,  895;  7:729,  756;  8:120,  129,  144,  239,  324, 

355,  380;  9:83;  10:389-91;  12:397,  399,  661,  708;  13:552,  603,  604 
Michilimackinac  trade,  3:544;  4:789-90;  6:44-58;  13:451 
mink,  1:16,  49;  4:895;  8:121,  129,  144,  239;  12:399,  708 
Mississippi  trade  and  colonization  plans,  8:249 
Montreal  trade,  3:403 
muskrat,  1:16,  49;  4:894,  895;  7:729,  756;  8:121,  129,  144,  239,  324,  355, 

380;  10:389-91  ;  12:398,  708 
New  Orleans  trade,  5:368,  522,  524,  564,  736,  808,  810,  828;  6:194;  12:226; 

13:411,  412 
Niagara  and  Oswego  trade  regulations,  3:463;  5:143-44,  495-96 
Niagara  trade  reports  (1768-69),  12:660-61,  708 
Oswegatchie  trade  (1757),  9:696,  699 
otter,  1:48;  4:686;  7:756;  8:63,  120,  129,  144,  145,  155,  239,  324,  355,  379, 

380;  12:64,  397,  398,  661,  708,  910;  13:187 
panther,  12:397  (See  also  Fur,  wildcat,  infra) 
piirclimont,  12:400 

Pond  murder  and  stolen  pelts,  8:660,  674,  791,  796-97 
price  mainlonnnro  H770),  7:953 
raccoon,  1:48,  230,  287;  4:686,  894,  895;   5:348;   7:756;  8:121,  129,  239, 

324,  355,  380;  10:389-91;  12:64,  397,  400,  661,  708;  13:320-21 
Seneca  indemnities  for  robbery  of  Frenchmen  (1773),  8:1048-49,  1095,  1167, 

1175-76;  12:1020,  1036-37,  1054-55,  1110;  13:666 
Smallman  account  of  trade  (1763)  losses  in,  12:63-64 
squirrel,  1:370;  9:83 
taxation  of  French  trade,  6:21 
Toronto  traders'  pass,  3:754-55 

trade  limitation  to  outposts,  5:520-24,  653-59;  11:23;  12:180,  188 
trading  houses  near  Indian  forts,  2:410 




transport  risks,  12:410 

Van  Schaack,  Cole  and  Campbell  agreement  (1765),  4:625-26 
transactions,  4:686-87;  5:290-93 

Vealars'  account  of  sales,  4 :  795-96 

Wetherhead  trade,  5:290,  291,  292;  7:1 

wildcat,  1:48;  4:686;  8:121,  129,  239;  12:64,  397,  398,  399,  661,  708 

wolf,  1:49;  8:121,  129;  12:397,  399,  708 
Furey  (Furry,  Fury),  Michael,  3:267,  298,  96S;  13:362 

Crump  and,  4:217 

English  voyage  of,  4:216-17,  254 

jailed  in  New  York,  4:49 

Perm  (Thomas)  and,  4:122;  11:125 
Furness,  ,  4:668 

Furnis,  ,3:929 

Fumis,  James,  2:481,  483 
Furniture,  see  Household  articles 
Fute,  see  Tute 

Fyns,  James,  see  Phyn,  James 
Gabbet,  Jos.,  lieut.  col.,  7:68 
Gabriel   (Delaware),  10:539 
Gaesbeek,  Abraham,  col.,  1:15;  9:56 
Gagawariuna,  4 :  65 
Gage,  Lord,  12:33;  13:39 
Gage,  John  Lewis,  ensign,  capt.,  4:251 

at  Chippewa  protest  against  Great  Lakes  vessel  (1769),  6:716 

death  (1770),  7:896 

at  Detroit  trade  fraud  court  of  inquiry,  12:216-17 

gift  of  pistols,  5:817 

naval  appointment  (1763),  4:238-39,  259-60;  10:906,  919-20,  937-38 

sailing  (1764),  11:70 
Gage,  Thomas,  brig,  gen.,  maj.  gen.,  lieut.  gen.: 

Adair  and,  6:531,  723 

at  Albany  Council  of  War  (1756),  9:483,  4S7 

Amherst  accounts  and,  11:193 

Amherst  campaign  plans  (1760),  3:202-203 

Augusta  County  murders  (1765),  11:763,  785,  798-99 

autograph,  3:xiii 

Blasius  and,  4:325;  11:36 

on  Boston  riots,  6:434;  8:ix 

at  Braddock's  defeat,  8:1067 

Burton  commission  (1764),  11:390 

Caghnawaga  abuse   (1761),  3:349,  376,  381,  383,  384,  387,  394;   10:281 

Caghnawaga-Jesuit  land  dispute  (Cartier  grant),  3:748;  4:136;  5:45-46,  66, 
90,  91;  10:372-74,  376-79,  804-805,  806,  844;  12:32-33,  37-39,  48,  61-62, 

Campbell  agency  for  Canadian  Indian  Affairs  (1774),  12:1114,  13:646, 
691,  698 

Canadian  arms  stores  and,  6:540;  10:334;  12:662 

Canadian  Indian  fears  of  English  legal  procedures  (1774),  13:675,  679-80 

Canadian  Indian  presents  (1761-63),  3:332-33,  403,  547;  4:192,  200;  10:307 

Oarleton  and,  5:552,  563-64,  573,  676-77;  6:185;  7:221-22,  257,  264,  654, 

on  Chenussio  revolt  throats  (1764),  4:508;  11:110 

on  Cherokee-Iroquois  alliance  (1770),  7:993,  1016,  1053,  1076;  8:142-43; 
12:813,  822,  8S1 

Cherokee-Iroquois  peace  negotiations  (1767),  5:540,  548,  552,  739 

Johnson  Hall  arrival  of  deputies,  6:2,  7,  32,  69n;  12:393,  394,  406,  415 
Treaty,  6:149-50,  176,  184,  198;  12:460,  469-71,  478 

on  Cherokees  at  Onondaga  Council  (1769),  7:490-91 

Cherokee  recruitment  (1764),  11:244 

Cherokee-Virginia  hostilities  (1765),  4:755-56 

Cherokee- Virginia  hostilities  (1769),  7:225,  263 


Sir  William  Johnson  Papers 

Chippewa-Iroquois  relations  and,  7:715-16;   11:797,  813,  893,  976;   12:21, 

34,  295,  308,  322,  359-60,  372 
Claus  leave  request  (1761-62)  and,  3:553,  629,  637;  10:334 
Cole  accounts : 

(1767),  5:748-55:  12:280,  292 

(1768),  6:176-77,  187,  199,  207,  215-16,  229,  230,  312,  332;  12:471,  478, 
495-96,  513-14,  583-84 
as    commander   in    chief,    4:237-38,    284,    381,    383,   392,    395;    10:986-87; 
11:103,  138,  145 

appointment,  4:613,  623,  626;  10:926»,  934;  11:500,  517 
recall  considered  (1770),  7:417-18 
Conestoga  and  Wyaloosing  protection    (1764),   4:306,   310,   320,   327,  328, 

357-58,  366,  368,  377,  391;  ll:2n,  97,  104 
congratulatory  address  from  Montreal  traders,  3:606 
copper  prospectors  and,   6:450-51,  524,  565;    7:909;   8:122-24;   12:662-63, 

682-83,  859-62,  872 
Cox  &  Drummond  bill,  8:578 

Cresap  murders  (1774)  and,  12:1102,  1114-17;  13:666 

Croghan  expedition  (1765)  and,  4:643,  646-47,  665-66,  704-705,  777,  778-80, 
799-800,  816,  828,  830,  852;  11:509,  536,  541,  545,  560-61,  569-70,  604, 
629,  633,  647,  804,  813-14,  831,  833-34,  843,  850-51,  861,  877,  880,  882-83, 
892-93,  904-905,  915,  928,  930,  940,  954 
Fort  Pitt  conference,  4:785-86;  11:516-17,  724,  725,  726,  730,  731,  732, 

y>v     7  •'5  0  -  "5 1 
Paxtoner  attack,  4:717-18,  721,  731-33,  735,  738,  739,  770;   11:664-65, 

785,  798,  844 
return,  4:854,  859,  861;  11:958,  967-70;  12:16,  22-23 
Croghan  expedition   (1766)    and,  5:19,  80,  91,  119-20,   146,  155,  187,  196, 
201,  216,  225-26,  307,  396,  462,  469;  12:16,  18-19,  23,  28,  34,  40,  48-49, 
74,  111,  238-39;  13:406,  415n 
on  Croghan  expenses:  (1764),  11:36 

(1765),  4:702-703,  705,  707,  712-15,  717-18,  721,  732-33,  735,  738,  767, 
770,  778-79,  799,  873;  5:75-76,  78-79,  93-94,  155,  196,  225,  243,  333; 
ll:543?i,  576,  5S0,  626,  634,  687,  712,  718,  844,  959,  968 
(1766),  5:225-26,  243,  307,  386-87,  396,  536;   12:16,  68,  79,  149,  207, 

239,  265-66;  13:387-90 
(1767),  5:468,  474,  501,  525,  590,  601 
(1768),  6:83,  86-87,  312,  314-15,  331-32 
(1769),  7:284,  298 

(1770),  7:487,  526,  568,  653,  668-69,  856,  872,  911;  12:814 
(  1771),  8:70,  111,  259,  262,  286,  320,  344,  350 
(  poghan  visit  (1769),  7:314 
daughter's  birth  (1773),  8:906,  913 
Delaware-Shawnee-Mingo  peace  negotiations  (1765) : 

deputies  and  hostages,  4:646-47,  649-50,  6.11,  664-65,  667,  699,  710,  718- 

19,  722-23,  731,  733,  736,  739-40;  11:499,  519,  540,  544-45,  552,  .-.en, 

624-25    750-51    755 

terms,  4:743-44,  755;   11:496  97,  516-17,  570,  604,  664,  688-89,  701-702, 

713,  718,  748,  763,  798,  804,  861,  869 

Detroit  attack  threats  (1765-69)  and,  6:776;  7:28;  11:763,  S62,  NS2,  !>M-S2, 

989;  12:227-28,  367,  722-2::,  726,  711 
Detroit-  French  tracers  and,  4:1^7;  5:. ".79 
on  Detroit  land  grants  (1771),  8:202,  224,  232-33 
Detroit  murders: 

(1765),  11:982-83,  988,  989 

(1766),  5:159-61,  224,  243,  271-72,  302;  12:115,  307-308 
(1767),  5:563,  573,  659;  6:434;  12:307  3ns,  322,  323,  335  36,  366 
(1768),  12:486-87,  507-508,  517-18,  544 
Detroit  siege   peace  negotiations,  4:284,  302,   310,  409,  447,  482-83,  -1  s  1 
508-509,  518-19,  521-22;  10:606;  11:11,  115-16,  117,  13S,  140,  145,  150 
on  Bradstreei  treaties,  4:521-22,  5l'4-26.  r>:;n,  534  3<;,  ;,3s  ,",<i,  515  i<;  nis, 
549n,    550-51,    570,    575,    583,    605(106;    ll:156n,    333,   343-44,   365, 



Gage,  Thomas, 

376,  383-84,  391-96,  402-403,  443,  471-73,  492-95,  496 
Canadian  Indian  messages,  4:335;  13:229 
Canestio  expedition,  4:325,  329,  349,  351-52,  354,  369,  377-78;   11:36, 

128-29    131-33    162 
Iroquois  military 'use  in,  4:302-303,  314,  329,  347-49,  389,  424,  481-82, 

519,  551;  11:176,  214,  247 
punishment  expeditions  against  Delawares  and  Shawnees,  4:382,  389-92, 
399,    402-403,    424,    433-34,    453,   462,    509,    510,    575,    612-13,    624; 
11:194-95,  210,  246-47 
Seneca   punishment  issue,   4:252,   272,   278-79,   291-92,   294-95,   303-304, 
308-309,   318-19,   330,   335,  348,  357,   389,  401-402,  578;    10:966-67, 
968,  973-74,  990;  11:26-27,  57-58,  117,  150 
terms,    4:291-93,    330-32,    334-35,    354-55,    367-68,    377,    389,    425,   502; 

11:153,  154-57,  163-64,  215,  221-22 
(See    also    Gage,    Thomas,   Delaware-Shawnee-Mingo   peace   negotiations 
(1765),   supra;   and  see   Gage,   Thomas,   Niagara  Congress    (1764), 
Detroit  siege  renewal   (1764),  4:403-404,  408-409,  423-24,  433;   11:167-68, 

173,  174,  194,  200 
English  goods  orders  (1769-70),  7:188-89,  208,  655,  789;  12:814,  822 
forcible  settlement  and,  5:698;  6:23,  652,  708-709;  12:130,  142,  234,  407 
legal  procedures  in  removing  settlers  and,  6:85-86,  143,  176,  692;  12:415, 

494,  510,  709-10,  715 
Redstone  Creek  and  Cheat  River,  5:375,  535,  548,  574,  590,  818;  11:834; 
12:111-12,  133,  296,  308,  336,  367,  377,  379-80;  13:446 
Fort  Chartres  occupation  and,  4:625-26;  5:33;  11:497,  498  (See  also  Gage, 
Thomas,  Croghan  expedition  (1765),  supra,  and  see  Gage,  Thomas,  Stir- 
ling expedition,  infra) 
Fort  Chartres  provisioning  problem  (1767)  and,  5:468;  12:253-55 
Fort  Pitt  disbursement  list  (1768),  12:928 
Fort  Pitt  murders  (1766),  12:115-16,  130,  133-34,  142 
Fort  Schlosser  accidental  firing  (1764)   on  Indians,  11:245-46 
Fort  Stanwix  Congress: 

English  ratification,  6:652,  691-92,   708-709;   7:65-66;   12:715,  717 
plans,  5:770,  785;  6:23,  205-207,  211-12,  308,  333,  354,  363,  394-95,  423- 

24;  12:476-78,  488-89,  490,  500-502,  543,  545,  587-88,  599-601 
provisions,   6:436-37,   524,   540,   569-70,   742-43;    8:617-18,   635-36,   641, 
660-61,  662,  780-81,  794-95,  813,  987-88;  12:605-606,  636,  672,  676-79, 
718,  726 
treaty,  6:453-54,  467,  490,  513-14,  524,  568,  583-84,  632;  7:705;  8:143n; 
12:635-36,  652,  662,  673-75,  681,  709 
on  Fort  William  Henry  attack  (1757),  2:884;  9:666 
Francis  (Turbutt)  and,  8:292-93 

French  complaints  of  Detroit  garrison  injustices,  12:969 
French  complaints  of  Indian  molestation,  8:190,  779;  12:547 
on    French    Indian    land    claims,    5:155;    12:67,    73-74    (See    also    Gage. 

Caghnawaga- Jesuit  land  dispute,  supra) 
on   French-Indian   relations,    5:660;    6:394,   437,    509-10,    564-65,    601-602, 
630-31;   7:29,  65,  98,  150,  212,  221,  256-57,  263;   8:190,  202,  252,  319, 
418,  480 

Detroit  siege,  11:216-17 
Wabash  unrest  (1773),  8:779,  799 

war  belt  circulation  (1772),  8:501-502,  551,  561-62,  587,  592,  638-39 
French  settler  and  trader  removal  attempts,  5:573,  660;  6:437,  467,  509-10- 
8:252,  285,  319,  417,  441-43,  663,  688,  749,  799;   12:501,  509,  517-18, 
587,  606-607,  673,  942-43;  13:691-92,  698 
Gage  (John  Lewis)  and,  4:238-39,  251,  259;  10:937-38 
Galland  and,  5:659;  6:515;  12:328,  335 
George  III  and,  5 :448 

Gorham  and,  5:493,  504,  535,  818;  6:322,  524,  540;  7:106 
Hervey  and,  4:131,  133 
Hillsborough  and,  6:438w,  450-51,  524,  540,  568,  631-32;   7:65,  158,  189, 


Sir  William  Johnson  Papers 

332*  8:337 
Illinois' colonization  proposal,  5:197,  199,  475;  12:108,  415,  429,  465 
Indian   Affairs   policy    (1763),   4:272,   278-SO,   284;    10:944,   953-54,   974, 


(1764),    4:287,    290-93,    302-305,    307-10,    314-15,    318-20,    325.    328-35, 
354-56,  401-402,  424,  433,  445,  454;   11:326-27,  365-66,  520-21 

(1765),  11:571-73,  830,  890-93,  905 

(1768),  6:433-34 

(1769),  7:150-51,  163,  295,  319 

(1770),  7:328,  332,  540,  542,  607,  992-93,  994;  12:769-70 

(1771),  7:1121;  8:225,  233-34,  252-53,  337,  343,  348-49,  373-74;  12:881 

(1772),  8:638-40 
Indian  Affairs   reorganization  plan  and,  4:784-85,   798-99,   814-16,  825-28, 

829-31,  837;  5:448;  11:383,  393-94,  537,  540-41,  570,  626-27,  803,  830-31, 

890-92,  910;  12:16,  18,  23,  152,  159,  206,  377,  379 
Indian  Affairs  Superintendency  (See  Gage,  Johnson  (Guy)  and,  infra) 
Indian  boundary  line  and,  4:643;   5:851;  6:23,  76,  119;   7:375;  11:603; 


Crown    purchase   proposals,    6:137-3S,    147-48,    1S4-85;    12:459,    465-67, 

land  specifications,  11:713-14,  748;  12:519-22,  674 

provincial  ratifications,  6:200-201,  279-80,  313;  11:572-73;  12:295,  322, 
405,  476-77,  493-94,  546,  587-88 

violations,  12:376-77,  674-75,  709-10,  715;  13:641 

Virginia-Cherokee  boundary,  7:160,  225,  263,  1077;  8:142-43;  12:709, 
715,  717,  746-47 

(See  also  Gage,  Fort  Stanwix  Congress,  supra) 
Indian  famine  (1760)  and,  3:218,  219 

(1769)  and,  6:709,  742;  7:14 
Indian  medals  and: 

(1764),  4:437,  447,  453,  482;  11:244 

(1766),  5:20,  33,  163,  187,  303,  333,  346,  376;  12:16-17,  23-24,  34,  70, 
117,  132,  134-35,  143,  149,  153,  180 
Indian  spy  suspect  and,  3:22 
on  Indian  warfare  methods,  13:188 

on  interpreters  and  smiths  for  Niagara  (1768),  6:454-55 
Iroquois-Canadian  Indian-Cherokee  Congress  (1770)  and,  7:294-95,  319,  343, 

361-62,  376-77,  789-90,  796-97;  12:849-52 
Iroquois  conference  with  Johnson  (1773)  and,  8:753,  763-64,  778-79 
Iroquois-French   plot  rumors    (1762),   3:747;    10:385,   398,   399,   407,   423, 

425,  453-54 
Iroquois  land  claims  by  conquest,  8:640;  12:994-95 
Iroquois  Virginia  depredations  (1763),  10:926,  942-43 
Jere  murder  and,  2:534;  9:495;  13:89 
Johnson  Hall  defense,  4:396 
Johnson   (Guy)   and,  7:1066;  8:281,  710,  714;   11:537,  544,  545,  560,  56], 


half  pay,  11:366 

Indian  Affairs  dual-Superintendency  proposal  of  Claus,  13:643-46,  672- 
7.",,  727-28 

Indian  Affairs  Superintendency  recommendation,  8:1130,  1185,  1187, 
1188,  1192,  1194;  12:1101-1102,  1123;  13:637,  640,  642,  668,  669, 
674-75,  678,  687,  688,  690,  697,  728,  733 

military  land  grant,  11:131 
Johnson   (John)   and,  4:332-33,  346,  356,  410;  8:281;  11:954,  967;  12:33, 

35,  40 
Johnson's  terms  of  settlement  grants,  4:644 

on  Johnson's  death,  8:1185,  1188;   12:1121-24;  13:637,  640,  668 
Joncaire  trading  permit  appeals,  5:575;  6:418,  420,  421;  11:870;  12:326 

327,  330 
Joncaire  warnings  of  Indian  unrest,  6:250;  12:522-23,  527 
Jones   (David)   and,  8:619 



Gage,  Thomas, 

Kayaderosseras   and,   4:700,   722,   739;    11:625-26,   712,   714,   742-43,   748; 

12:367-68,  379,  415,  588 
King   (Thomas)    Southern  Indian  embassy   (1770-71),  7:1117,  1121,  1153; 

8:35-36,  46.  160,  190,  202,  220,  259,  260-62,  278-79,  318,  343,  349,  418; 

at  Lake  George  (1755),  2:248,  250;  9:286 
land  purchases,  5:187-88,  198-200,  267,  287,  288,  399;   6:75,  120;   8:754; 

11:5;  12:106,  204,  637,  753;  13:523,  525 
on  land  surrounding  forts,  4:355,  368,  425-26 
Lieutenant-Generalcy,  7:911 
liquor  trade  and,  3:664-65,  679,  942-43,  961,  962,  969,  976,  979;   7:1016, 

1117-18,  1054,  1077;   8:285-86,  319-20,  344,  562,  635,  641,  660,  693-94; 

11:190,  717 
Lottridge  and,  3:292,  322;  10:926 
Macleod  on  account  payment  of,  7:236-37 
mail  forwarding  request  (1771),  8:289;  12:887,  890 
Maisonville  maligned  to,  8:668,  670 
Massachusetts   governorship,   8:1115,   1160-61,   1164,   1179;    12:1101,   1107, 

1108,  1113 
mathematicians'  passes,  6:645 

Miamis  and,  4:596,  770,  816;  11:784,  795,  797-98,  803,  833-34,  S50-51 
Michilimackinac  Indian  politics  (1771)  and,  8:117-18 
on  military  salaries,  3:221-22,  352 

on  Mississippi  trade,  4:568-69;  5:474,  475,  486,  4S9;  6:394;  12:44-45,  226 
New  York  City  visit  (176S),  6:484,  501-502,  504 
New  York  governorship  and,  7:402 
Niagara  bell  request  (1768),  6:83,  87 
Niagara  campaign  (1759)  command  given  to,  3:31,  103,  119,  120,  124,  126, 

137,  138;  13:122-23 
Niagara  Congress   (1764),  4:484,  502,  508-10,  511;   11:13,  324-27,  333-34, 


Johnson  journey,  11:189-90,  214-15,  221,  242-43,  244,  245 

Mingo  circulation  of  war  belts  during,  11:391-92,  399-403,  470 
Niagara  reinforcements  (1763),  10:78S,  803 
Niagara  settlement  and,  12:44 
Niagara  soldier  murdered  (1770)  by  Senecas,  7:993-94,  1016,  1053-54,  1076, 

1117,  1125;  12:882,  890 
Nipissing  Indians  and,  3:362 
on  officers'  employment  of  soldiers,  6:548 
Okeyawess  (Ottawa  chief)  and,  7:942,  1118 
Oswegatchie   (La  Gallette)    attack  plans   (1759)    and,  13:123,  124-25,  126, 


decision  to  abandon,  3:141,  143;  10:126,  129-30;  13:136-37,  139-40,  142, 
143,  144-45,  146,  147,  148,  150,  151,  154-55,  157 
Oswegatchie  French  fortifications  (1760),  3:203,  223-24;  10:142-43 
Oswego  arms  store  payment,  6:64-65 
Oswego  attack  threats  (1760),  3:203,  223-24,  227 
Oswego  fortification  (1759)  and,  13:137,  151,  155 
Oswego  siege  (1756),  9:436 
Oswego  trade  opening  (1759-60),  13:124,  136 
Ottawa  rescuers  of  Michilimackinac  siege  survivors,  5:715;  6:547;  10:779- 

86,  787-88,  802,  803-804 
outpost  maintenance: 

abandonment  proposals,  5:1-5,  30,  33,  49;   11:987;   12:20-21,  36,  62-63, 
65,  131,  149 

disrepair,  5:368 

evacuations,  6:509;  8:588,  593,  671-72;  12:96,  308,  328,  335,  346,  349, 
597,  600,  746 

Green  Bay  re-establishment  requests,  5:363;  12:160 

settler  repossession,  12:116,  124,  134,  147-48 
outpost  occupation  by  English,  3:422;  11:174,  200-201 
Panton  and,  8:538 


Sir  William  Johnson  Payers 

on  Paris  Peace  Treaty,  4:255-56 

on  Pennsylvania  raid  (1764),  4:385 

Pennsylvania-Virginia  frontier   outrages    (1765-67),  4:770-71,   780;    5:201, 

216,  225,  542,  574,  851;  6:4  (Sec  also  Gage,  forcible  settlement,  supra) 
Pittsburgh  threat  of  Indian  attack  (1760),  3:200,  207 

Pond  murders,  Saganaw  Bay  (1772),  8:640,  660,  688,  749,  792;  12:1005 
Pontiac   and,  4:284,   292,   334,   403-404,   482-83,   502,   575,   625,   646,   768; 

5:66,  155;  11:246,  249-50,  326,  392,  393,  497,  498,  545,  803,  813,  831-32, 

862   989'  12 -228 

Detroit  conference   (1765)    of,  5:120,  146;   11:517,  540,  604,  664 

Fort  Chartres  reported  visit  (1766),  12:40,  48,  67,  70,  79 

Fort  Ontario  conference  (1766)  with  Johnson,  5:18,  33,  35,  120,  140, 
332,  346,  362,  376;  12:15-16,  22-23,  28,  40,  67,  79,  116-17,  131,  135, 
142,  152,  159,  160,  180,  206,  213,  229 

murder  of  Pontiac,  7:70,  108;  12:547 

Pottawatomie  hostages,  11:795,  851,  882-83,  940;  12:105 
portrait,  5:30;  10:788 

present  disbursement  policy  (1765),  11:545,  813,  833,  870,  883 
Prevost  army  reinstatement  request  (1771),  7:1118;  12:891 
on  priests,  3:686;  4:319 
prisoner  return  to,  4:739-40;  11:812-13,  882 
publication  of  letters,  6:759 
Quebec  surrender  (1759)  news,  13:154 
Eamsay  murders  and,  8:495-97,  512,  513,  514,  551,  562,  593-94,  640,  060; 

12:964,  1005 
ranger  officers  and,  7:631 
regiment  of,  2:211;  3:375;  13:228,  232,  233,  248,  249,  250,  252,  253,  259, 

release  of  captured  children  (1761)  and,  10:248,  285,  287 
retirement  of,  4:63 

return  to  America  (1774),  8:1164,  1167 
return  to  England,  4:254;  6:570-71;  8:710,  712,  737-38,  799,  815,  817,  820, 

821,  823,  906,  913,  1134 
on  Revolutionary  disputes  hinted  to  Indians    (1774),  13:691,  694-95,  698, 

700,  703 
Roberts  accounts  and,  6:260-61;   7:415-16,  464;   8:112,  134,  135,  136,  137, 

635,  640-41,  660;  12:429,  465 
Roberts  law  suit  and,  7:362,  915,  1014,  1120;   8:134,  439,  616-17,  634-35, 

640-41,  660,  693-97,  752,  778,  1005 
Rogers  and: 

arrest  and  trial,  5:701;  6:34,  208,  259-60,  353,  363,  395,  466-67,  511-12; 
12:377-78,  438,  443,  449,  522,  568,  588,  615,  651,  673 

expenses,  5:667,  693,  818,  819-20;  6:184,  353;  12:465 

Michilimackinac  appointment  (1766),  5:9,  15,  30,  48,  80,  94,  235,  300- 
301,  677;  12:1-2,  9-10,  17,  21,  34,  100;  13:3S0 

Roberts  quarrel,  5:300-301,  770,  851;  7:732-33 

treason  susj led,  .r):7.:!i;   6:121,  208;   12:100-101,  104-105,  110-11,  129- 

30,  219-20,  226,  518 
Royal  Proclamation  (1763)  on  colonial  government,  4:255-56,  272   290,  307- 

308;   10:973 
runaway  slave  and,  3:361,  382-83;  10:262,  269 
Saint  Vincent  scalpings  and,  6:L!!U 
on  sale  of  commissions,  4:136 
Schenectady  roads  ;ind,  6:144-45 

Scioto  Congress  (1770)  and,  7:992-93 

Scioto  Resident  appointment  (1772),  12:943 

Seneca  hostage  release  |  1761)  requested  of,  11:479,  494,  197,  520 

Seneca,  murder  (1773)   of  French   I'ur  traders,  12:1102,   L108.   1114.  1116; 

Seneca  peace  treaty  |  1764)  al  Johnson  Ball,  11:123,  127-28,  290 
Shawnee  sea.lped  li'v  Mars  land  soldiers  (  1765),  11  :•",  1(1,  569,  603 
Shawnees  murdered  on  the  Ohio  (1766),  12:91-92,  115 



Gage,  Thomas, 

Shuckburgh  and,  5:602 

Sinclair's  servant  murdered,  5:590,  600-601,  613,  659,  698;  6:524-25,  565; 

12:663,  682,  723 
Sinnott  Fort  Chartres  expedition  (1765),  12:54 

Spanish-French  collaboration,  5:613;  6:540-41,  565,  601-602,  630-31;  7:212, 

221,  256-57,  263,  789;  8:319;  12:227-28,  238,  543-44,  601-603,  652,  663, 


Spanish  war  prospects  (1771-72),  8:35,  57,  60,  71,  75,  111-12,  143,  519,  562 

on  the  Stamp  Act,  4:851-52,  857,  860-61,  878,  879;  5:201,  216;  11:930-31, 

966,  977;  12:15,  100 
Stirling  expedition   (1765)   and,  4:816,  839,  861,  873;   5:35;   11:880,  954; 

12:6    22-23 
Stump  murders  (1768)  and,  6:114-15,  119-20,  149-50;  12:429,  460,  470 
threat  of  general  Indian  war: 
(1766),  12:130-31 
(1767),  5:700-701,  785;  12:380 
(1768),  6:91-92,  250,  262-63,  275,  307,  334,  354,  424,  433-34;  12:414-15, 

417,  429,  460,  470,  500-501,  522-23,  543-44 
(1769),  7:15,  28-29,  98,  107,  211-12,  221,  225,  263,  328;  12:722-23,  726, 

744,  769-70 
(1770),  7:525-26,  551-52,  654-55,  722,  817,  852-55,  910-11 
(1771),  7:1131,  1153;   8:9-11,  35-36,  45-46,  57-58,  70,  75-78,  111,  142, 
190,  219-20,   251,  258-62,  277-79,  285,  343,  348-49,  373-74,  405-408, 
(1772),  8:501-502,  551-52,  586-87 

(1774),  12:1115,  1116,  1122;   13:641,  667-68,  669-72,  673-74,  675,  676 
77,  679,  680,  681-82,  687,  688-89,  690-91,  693,  699,  700-702,  703 
trade  administration  by  the  colonies  and,  6:280-81,  313-14,  346-47,  353-54. 
356,  362-63,  479,  584,  602-603,  632-33,  653;  7:14-15,  189;  8:778-79,  799: 
12:525-26,  546,  553-54,  609,  654,  669,  673-74,  710,  720,  743-44 
trade  administration  under  commissary  system,  4:643,  647;  5:18-19,  80,  94 
313,  534-35,  547-48;   11:552,  561,  634,  643-44,  665,  718,  803,  830,  879 
940-41;  12:143,  149,  160,  204,  424  {See  also  specific  aspects,  e.g.,  Gage 
Cole  accounts,  supra) 
trade  with  Canadian  Indians  (1760-61),  3:348-49,  381,  395;  10:153 
trade  indemnity  requests,  4:281,  315,  329,  418,  631-32;  6:540;  10:992-93 
trade  limitation  to  outposts: 

Michilimackinac  wintering  privileges,  4:870-72,  878;    5:148;    6:185-86, 
198-99;    11:816-17,    879-80,    902-904,    915-17,    927-28,    966;    12:105. 
112,  135 
Scioto  exception,  5:307,  346,  399-400;  12:133,  154-55,  165,  181-82,  218. 

violations,  5:469,  475,  523,  525,  534,  536,  552,  563-64,  573,  851;  6:19; 
11:940-41;   12:105-106,  112,  131-32,  142-43,  179,  180,  206,  229,  367, 
trade  monopoly  at  Green  Bay,  12:7,  19-20,  219 
trade  prohibition  with  enemy  Indians  (1764),  11:145-46 
traders'  passes  (1760),  10:191 
(1761),  3:547,  566;  10:322 
(1762),  3:638,  731,  742,  747,  754-55,  756,  793,  811,  885,  969,  976,  979, 

(1763),  4:3,  24,  42,  45,  212,  260;  10:861-62,  864-65,  908 

(1764),  4:353;  11:222,  243 

(1766),  5:344,  346,  386;  12:61,  65-66 
Van  Slyck  attack  (1772),  8:672-73,  749,  764,  779,  818 
Virginian  military  action  (1774)  against  Shawnees,  8:1185;  13:641,  667-68, 

669,  671,  674,  676,  677,  679,  682,  687,  688-89.  695-96,  698-99 
Wade  account  (1767)  and,  13:425 
wagon-impressment  and,  3:226,  230-32,  235 

(1764),  4:297,  301,  315,  356,  364,  370-71,  373,  378,  391,  402,  406,  415, 
423,  431,  438-39,  447-48,  523,  546,  555-56,  583.  612,  617;  11:100-101, 


Sir  William  Johnson  Papers 

129,  164,  171-72,  217-18,  245,  364,  375-76,  384,  470-71,  474,  491,  541- 
42,  626,  627,  681,  702 
(1765),  4:667-68,  699-700,  702-704,  705,  708-709,  720,  737-38,  780,  831, 

837-38,  880;   11:958-59 
(1766),  5:139,  195,  400 

(1767),  5:535-36,  547-48,  660,  678,  796;  12:298,  323,  378 
(1768),  6:19S,  229,  230-31,  233,  326,  459,  519,  524,  532,  541;   12:415, 

423-24,  430,  471,  514,  555,  557n,  588-89,  636,  649n,,  652,  662,  668n 
(1769),  6:641-42,  651;  7:19,  197-98,  206,  225,  237-38,  262-63,  298,  300, 

317,  319;  12:701n,  727,  733k,,  739n,  755n,  763n,  765n 
(1770),  7:343,  385-86,  633,  752,  767-68,  769-70,  778,  794-95,  799,  801, 
872-73,   894,   916,   1017,   1039,   1077,   1146;    12:S06n.,  813,   822,   852, 
858n,  870n,  871n 
(1771),  8:46,  67,  80,  111,  282,  287,  295;  12:927n 

(1772),  8:453,  479,  481-82,  492,  507,  620,  628,  636,  717;  12:949?i,  1004n 
(1773),  8:745,  753,  766,  774-75,  778;  12:1022n 
warrants  (1774)  to  Guy  Johnson,  13:685,  690,  694,  696,  700 

bills  of  exchange,  5:386,  392;   7:1091,  1092,  1093-94,  1116-17;   11:717, 
749,  799,  930,  976-78,  986;   12:75-76,  135,  143,  149,  153,  159,  206, 
213,  218,  220,  225,  239 
Treasury  retrenchment  and,  4:651,  699,  722;  5:313,  386-87,  542;  7:14- 
15;  11:604-605,  626,  651-52,  681,  687,  799,  844,  892,  910;  12:15,  16, 
117,  308,  554-55 
Western  Indian  request  for  trade  renewal  (1763),  10:781,  784-86,  787 
West  Florida  hostilities  against  Creeks,  5:493;  8:143 
in  Willard  regiment  (1755),  2:248 
Gage,  Mrs.  Thomas,  4:67,  6S;  10:191;  12:1124 
Gage,  Fort  (Illinois),  8:844-45,  886 
Gager,  Jonathan,  1:717 
Gagh'swangereris  (Tuscarora),  10:66,  643,  645,  801;  11:80-82 

fortification  request  (1764),  11:160 
Gaghwasaghtancient  (Seneca),  see  Belt,  The  (Seneca  chief) 
Gahuskerowano,  condolence  for,  9:111,  115 
Gaiasodon,  5:718 
Gaine,  Hugh: 

accounts,  7:246,  533 

advertisements  for  Johnson,  7:1047-48;  8:20,  40 

books  ordered  from,  6:6S3;  8:1156;  12:977 

autograph,  8:xiv 

Indian   prayerbook  and,   6:340,   355,  397,  475,  506,   618,   649,   708;    7:152 

land  deeds  printing,  6:639,  644 

leases  printed  by,  7:1155;  8:45 

leather  sliders  ordered  from,  7:562 

newspapers  of,  l:435n,  675,  832n;  3:936;  4:816;  7:375,  671n 

newspapers  sent  by,  8:863 

New  York  Assembly  Acts,  6:103;  8:ix,  394,  464-65,  709-10,  1125;   12:812, 

stationery  orders,  8:910-11 
Wallace  and,  8:605 
Gajuketo  (Shawnee  town),  11:493 
Galbreath,  Thomas,  8:471,  716 
Gale,  ,  6:303,  363 

Gale,  Dr.  Benjamin,  5:774 

American    Indian    herbal    cures    and,    5:760-61;    6:30-32,    164;    12-445-4S 
Gale,  Levin,  6:256 
Galer,  Frederick,  4:146 

Galissoniere,  Koland-Miehcl  Barrin,  Marquis  de  La,  l:239n,  262n:  9-43-44 
Byng  and,  2:531,  536,  540 
portrait,  1:213 

prisoner  exchange  and,  1:101,  213-15;  9:36,  39,  45-46 
Gallagher,  William,  12:265 



Galland,  John,  lieut. : 

Fort  Stanwix  appointment  (1767),  5:564;   12:328,  335,  348-49 
Fort  Stanwix  Congress  and,  12:647 

Indian  quarrels  at  Fort  Stanwix  (1767),  5:613-14,  659,  663,  698 
Indian  theft  of  cattle  from,  6:515,  570 
Wall  and,  8:105,  140 
Gallenger,  Michael,  12:900;  13:563 

name  in  patents,  3:634;  6:771;  12:787,  818 
Gallitzin,  Prince,  7:285 
Gallop,  He  de,  3:133n,  134,  135 
Gallot,  Charles,  lieut.,  3:991n 
Gallow  Island,  see  La  Gallette 
Galloway,  Joseph: 
autograph,  6:xii 

Canadian  Indian  unrest  (1768),  12:421-22 
colonial  administration  of  trade  and,  6:295-96 
Easton  Council  (1762)  and,  3:773,  774,  775,  799,  846 
election  of  1764  and,  4:564 

at  Harris  Ferry-Lancaster  Iroquois  Congress  (1757),  9:743 
Illinois  colonization  company  and,  5:128,  240-41;  12:101-102,  141,  436 
Indian  boundary  line  and,  5:855;  6:129,  295 
Lancaster  Treaty  and,  3:827-28 
Pennsylvania  condolence  present  for  frontier  outrages  (1768),  6:107?i,  108, 

123-25,  136,  142,  150-51,  231;  12:435-36,  453,  455-56,  461 
Searson  reference  (1770),  7:868 
Gallue,  ,  ensign,  3:104 

Galots,  Isle  aux  (Galloo  Island)  : 

French  encampment  (1756),  2:563,  564 
French  retirement  (1759)  from  Niagara  to,  13:140,  142 
LaGalette  attack  plans  (1759)  and,  13:145,  150 
Galtrum,  Baron  of,  1:258 
Gambier,  capt.,  3:994 
Gamble,  ,  3:938;  6:75;  7:700 

Gamble  (Gambel),  Thomas,  lieut.,  capt.,  3:309;  11:113 
Gamble,  William,  4:737,  882;  5:5;  6:83;  8:675-76;  12:114 
Albany  militia  and,  5:848-49 
armourer  recommendation,  5:580 
clerkship  application,  6:786-87 
Fort  Stanwix  provisions  and,  7:444-45 
on  Indian  medals,  7:703-704 

Masonic  activities,  5:552;  6:732,  757;  7:6,  14,  473;  12:714 
Stringer  and,  7:411,  436,  444 
Tryon  County  commissions,  8:409 
Gamelin,  capt.,  13:115 

Niagara  and  Detroit  Congress   (1761)    and,  3:460;   13:234,  235,  240,  242, 
243,  245,  248,  249 
Gamelin,  Antoine,  5:813 
Gamelin,  Eustache,  5:813 
Games  and  sports: 

backgammon,  13:652,  662 

billiards,  5:82,  103,  119,  157,  210,  270;  8:92;  13:649 
cards,  13:342,  585,  602,  606,  652,  654 
dancing,  12:1013 

deer-hunting  by  candlelight,  13:210 
duck-shooting,  13:135,  147,  150,  195,  209 
fencing,  12:1013;   13:652 
fishing,  12:826;  13:662,  665 
football,  13:635 
Indian  ball  games,  13:295,  625 
Ganachquieson,  see  Canaghquiesa  (Oneida  chief) 

Ganaghsaroga   (Canaseraga,  Ganughsaragey,  Sullivan  in  Madison  County,  New 
York),  1:157»;  2:668,  672-73 


Sir  William  Johnson  Papers 

Johnson   Hall   Iroquois  meetings   (Jan.-March   1764),   11:28-31,   33,   80-85, 

Niagara  Congress  delegates  (1764),  11:309 

Onondagas  at,  9:834;  10:3S,  650 

Eed  Head  interview  with  Johnson  (1761)  at,  3:440 

Seneca  plot  (1761)  and,  13:219-20 

Tuscaroras  at,  9:834;  10:587n;  13:219 
Ganeghwaghtai  (Indian  town),  10:643-44,  646 
Gannes,  de,  2:20,  21,  22,  23 

Gansevoort,  Harme: 

as  Albany  town  clerk,  l:467n;  3:592;  10:120;  13:301n 

Duncan  and,  5:395 

Marsh  lawsuit  and,  3:592,  888,  901-902;  4:34,  40n,  88;  13:301,  327,  373n 

Pawnee  slave  of,  8:153-54;  12:909-10 
Gansevoort,  Leonard,   8:949«,   955,   976,   1014,   1015,   1036n;   12:57S,  936,  984 
Gansevoort,  Peter,  8:534 

Ganughsadeagah  (Onondaga  sachem),  1:156;  11:158;  12:1101 
Ganughsawaghte  (Indian  town),  12:735 
Ganughsharaga  Creek,  4:578;  11:398;  12:365,  368-72 
Ganussaraquedra   (Chenussio  chief),  11:185 
Ganyestaageh  (Ganuskagy),  see  Perrysberg 
Garagohe  (Aughquisasne  chief),  7:922,  923 
Garahuskaragey,  13:230 
Gardener,  (tanner),  8:715 

Gardenier,  Direk,  7:419;  13:639 
Gardenier,  Johannis  I.,  7:422 
Gardening,  4:36,  49,  78,  87,  123,  642;  7:563,  570;  11:695;  12:781 

American  methods,  13:186 

beans,  7:1059-60 

British  taste  for,  4:856 

beets,  3:628 

broom,  7:242 

carnations,  6:169 

cassia,  6 :  704 

ccanothus  linnei,  12:611 

celastus  incrmis,  12:611 

centaurium  minus,  6:705 

Claus  and  John  Johnson  plantation,  4:697 

currants,  7:1059 

English  imports  from  America,  6:339;  8:196-97;  13:97 

flax  seed,  1  :.'!12 

French  clover,  4  :328;  11:71 

fruit  trees,  3:950;  4:  104;  6:688,  731,  767-68;  7:610-11;  8:80,  87,  96 
cherry,  6: 6! mi 
crab  apple,  7:  L059 

Johnson  Ball  inventory  (1774),  13:661 
mulberry,  -1  :888;  5:321  ;  8:184 
plum,  6:690;  7:  in;,!) 
pear,  6:690;  7:1059 
quince,  4:31  ;  7:  L059 

geum,  12:611 

grape  vines,  3:396;  5:321 

grass,  4  :29,  657;  7:524,  61  1.  L059;  8:68,  80    107 

herb,  3:919;  6:705;  7:1059;  12:  I  16  17.  610  11 

holly,  4:45 

horn   flower,  4:855 

laurel,  4  :45 

magnolias,  6:359-60 

mandrake  specimens,  5 :  17.'! 

maple  trees,  13:97 

melons,  3:628,  901,  918;  4:849 

myrtle,  4  :45 

2  111 



peanuts,  7:645 

peony,  13:244 

periwinkle,  7:1059 

radishes,  13:212 

ranunculus,  12:611;  13:632 

roses,  8:691 

rubus  caule  aculcato,  12:611 

sarsaparilla,  13:97 

scammony,  6:704 

seeds  importation: 

Canadian,  3:566,  574;  10:282 
from  England,  4:720;  6:704 
from  Ohio,  10:150 

snake  root,  13:97 

squash,  7:1060 

strawberry,  7:1059 

summer  houses,  13:243 

white  pine,  13:97 

willows,  6:688,  731,  767-68 

See  also  Agriculture;  Food;  Wood 
Gardenyer,  Martin,  8:333 
Gardineer,  Abraham,  1:188 

Gardineer,  Nicholaus,  2:575;  7:32;  13:514,  515 
Gardineer,  Samuel,  2:179;  3:161,  288;  9:257;  13:506 
Gardiner,  (Counsellor),  4:430 

Gardiner,  ,  col,  7:524,  610;  8:880 

Gardiner,  John,  7:462 
Gardiner,  Valentine,  capt. : 

Niagara  reinforcements   (1763),  4:182-83,  187;  10:803,  962 
Gardinier  (Gardenier),  Andreas  (Andris),  7:422;  9:656 
Gardinier,  Jacob,  1:729;  7:422 
Gardinier,  Petrus,  7:419 

Gardner,  Susquehannah  Company  and,  10:532 
Gardner,  George,  1:881 
Gardner,  John,  1:716;  9:273 
Gardner,  Matthew,  4:883;  11:972,  982-83,  989 
Garistagee   (Seneca),  9:739 
Garland,  (vessel),  4:9 
Garlock,  Christian,  ensign,  3  :  288 
Garlock,  Philip,  5:541;  10:487 

Garlough  (Garlick),  Adam,  4:657;  7:352,  663;  11:612;  13:557 
Garoge,  Creek,  12:1068 
Garret,  Hannah,  4:155,  159 
Garrill,  John,  7:901,  918 
Garrish,  Thomas,  3:300 
Garrison,  capt.,  1:848 
Garrison,  Frederick,  3:154 
Garritse,  ,  2:477 

Garritson,  Martin  (Mark),  capt.,  3:298,  320,  734 
Garughigoagh,  5:719 
Gasgughsagey,  4:500 
Gaspe,  Bay  of,  3:438 

Gasper,  ,  carpenter,  on  Johnson  Hall  work,  12:308-14pam'm 

Gaspereau,  Baye  Verte,  l:676n 
Gates,  capt.,  9:550;  13:178 

Gates,  sgt.,  1:857 
Gates,  Horatio,  capt.,  maj.: 

company  of,  l:712?i;  2:560 

Croghan  commended  by,  10 :  149 

French  attack  threats  (1758),  10:23-24,  26 

Furry  and,  3:267 

Herchheimer  liquor  trade  (1756)  and,  2:534-35,  539 


Sir  William  Johnson  Papt  rs 

interpreter  for,  9:919-20,  921-22 

major's  commission,  3:20n;  10:149n 

Monckton  and,  3:291,  293,  302,  323;  4:342 

Oneidas  and,  9:917 
Gates,  Isaac,  13:53 
Gates,  Oliver,  13:53 
Gatskeisah  (Seneca),  11:962-63 
Gauchere,  ,  5:134 

Gaultier,  Charles,  see  Verville,  Charles  Gaultier  de 
Gaustrax  (Agaustarax,  Kashtesh — Seneca  chief)  : 
V         Amherst  remonstrance,  10:682 

belts  sent  by,  8:259,  318,  407,  408,  638;  13:670 

at  Chippewa  conference  (Johnson  Hall,  June  1765),  11:770,  782,  813 

death  of,  8:17,  191,  213 

Delaware-Shawnee-Mingo  peace  treaty  and,  11:770 

on  Delaware  unrest  (1766),  5:241,  242 

Fort  Stanwix  Congress  and,  12:621,  626-27,  628 

Joncaire  and,  6:417,  419;  12:386-87 

Niagara  visit  (1766),  5:158-59,  164 

Niagara  visit  (1767),  5:698,  759 

as  Seneca  hostage  (1765),  4:736w,  743 

Seneca  influence  of,  11:619,  748-49 

son  of,  4:496 
Gautchytayraks  (Indian  name  of  Montreal  merchant),  10:424 
Gauteire,  Andrew,  1:729 
Gauterais,  Harpain  de  la,  Sinnott  expedition   (1765)   to  Fort  Chartres,  4:779; 

11:789,  837,  842-43,  847,  900,  944;  12:54-55 
Gawehe  (Degawehe — Tuscarora  chief),  13:167 

Christian  studies  of,  10:220-21 
Gawickie  (Oneida  chief)  see  Goweah 
Gawihe  (Oneida  chief)  see  Goweah 
Gaylord,  Samuel,  capt.,  2:357,  358,  406,  424 
Gayugeta  (Oneida  chief),  12:628 
Geeko  (Indian  chief),  9:342 
Geghtahare  (Onondaga  sachem),  11:709 
Gehler,  Frederick,  4:312 

Genaghquaia  (Oneida  sachem),  death  of,  10:76 
General  Johnson's  Bush,  4:540 
General  Wall  (vessel),  3:635 
Genesee  Senecas,  xn    Olieniiss'ms 
Geneseo  (Chenussio) : 

Canestio  expedition  and,  4:393 

Couagne  visit  (1769),  6:750-51 

Delaware  council  with  Senecas  at,  2:<'>Sl-82 

Delawares  and  Shawnees  in,  4:127;   6:423;   7:652;   11:206,  235,  236,  358, 

Delawares  sheltered  (1764  65)  at,  11:597,  598,  660,  661,  722  (See  also  Dela- 
ware, pence  negotiations,  Chenussio  shelter  of  Squashcutter's  party) 

Fort  Stanwix  Congress  and,  12:600 

French  fortification  plans,  2:680-81  :  13:100 

French  Indian  Council   (1758),  2:837;  9:924,  925,  934,  946,  956 

Iroquois  council  (1762)  at,  3:699,  701,  701,  724 

(1763),  4:64,  67,  71,  75;   10:624-25,  630,  633-34,  649,  653 

Johnson  (John)  arrival  (1764),  11:181 

land,  13:203 

Missisauga  murders  (1767)  at,  12::!:'.i; 

Montreal  expedition  recruitmenl  (1760)  at,  13:167    168 

Oneida   invitation    i  1  75s  i,  9:921 

Ottawa-Seneca  meeting  (1764  )  near,  4:495 

Seneca  firing  on  Fort  Erie  soldiers   |  L770),  7:944    985    994     L016 

Senecas  at,  2:880;  3:793;  4:241   (8e<  also  Chenussios) 

trade  (1766),  13:393,  394n 



Gentian  root,  see  Ginseng 

Gentleman's  Magazine,  The,  1:264,  375;  2:25?i 

on  Forts  at  Oswego,  2:547?i 

price  of  set  (1773),  8:911 
Gentshyogoa,  1:489-90 
George  (Delaware),  see  Delaware  George 
George  (Koose,  Capt.  McGuire— Mahican) ,  10:183;  13:177 
George  (Niyadaziwak — Onondaga),  10:182;  13:178 
George  (Seneca  Indian),  see  Seneca  George 
George  II,  king  of  England,  l:53n,  273 

Clinton  and,  1:274 

death  of,  3:296n,  304,  315,  341,  359,  608;  10:207,  217,  218-19;  13:197 

Delaware  land  claims  inquiry,  3:130,  184,  194,  391,  764,  837-38;  9:751-52; 
10:210-11,  230,  232 

gubernatorial  powers  and,  7:222 

Indian   Affairs   superin  tendency   commission   to   Johnson,  2:389-90,   434-35, 
484,  508,  557-58;  3:954 

Johnson's  baronetcy,  2:343-50;  3:996 

Johnson's  memorial  (to  Clinton)   on  his  unpaid  services  (1750),  9:72-75 

Mohegan  land  claims  and,  4:460;  11:258,  259,  260,  428 

New  York  Council  appointments  (1750),  1:273 

New  York  Indian  land  purchase  in  name  of,  11:945-48 

Onondaga  Congress  commission  to  convene  (1753),  13:26-27 
George  III,  king  of  England : 

accession  of,  10:207,  217,  218,  219 

allegiance  oath,  4:208;  8:653-54 

appeal  methods  and  "King's  Prerogative,"  11:469,  529;  11:620-21 

Bayard  (William)  and,  7:400 

Boston  Tea  Party  and,  8:1060,  1115 

Bute  and,  7:180 

on  Cadwallader  Colden,  4:855;  5:661 

Caghnawaga  greeting  (1766),  12:157,  158 

Canadian  Indian  lands  and,  7:110,  576w;  10:806 

Canajoharie  grant,  11:346,  348 

Johnson's  memorial  (1766),  5:233,  267,  313-14,  842;  6:27,  93-94 
Lords  of  Trade  report  (1767),  5:490,  494,  551 
royal  grant  (1769),  6:735,  769-73;  7:176,  191-92,  203 
Shelburne  and,  5:820-21 

Canajoharie  land  claims,  10:760,  899 

children  of,  6:460;  8:204 

Church  of  England  and,  7:585,  589 

on  colonial  administration  of  Indian  Affairs,  7:1111 

copper   interests   and,   6:213-15,   242,   245-47,   552,   554,   625,   672;    7:383; 

Delawares  and,  3:76l-91passim;  4:18-20 

father's  death,  1:331 

frontier  outrages  and,  12:233-34,  380,  384 

Indian  Affairs  expenses  and,  8:374;  13:732 

Indian  Affairs  policy  of  division  of  confederacies  and,  7:540,  541-42 

Indian  Affairs  reorganization  plan  (1766)   and,  5:447-49;  11:890-91 

Indian  boundary  line  and,  6:66,  492-93,  584;  7:65-66,  82-83;  8:991;  12:379 

Johnson  (John)  petition  (1785),  8:1215 

Johnson's  commission  as  Superintendent  of  the  Six  Nations,  3:359 

gubernatorial  instructions  (to  Monckton)  on  land  grant  licensing,  3:319-20, 
338-39,  364,  366-67,  425-26,  429,  435,  604,  618,  619,  623,  654-55,  659,  665, 
679-80,  724,  725-26,  737,  739;   10:340-42,  362,  382,  397,  418,  431,  454, 
583,  585,  586 

instructions  (1772)  to  Johnson,  12:965 

Klock  and,  8:1160 

at  knighting  of  John  Johnson,  5:61-62,  82,  83,  116,  123;  11:9S0;  12:33,  35 

La  Naudiere  on,  8:211 

land  grant  prohibition  (1772),  8:411 


Sir  William  Johnson  Papers 

land  grant  size  limitation  (1764),  11:469 

loyalty  rewards  (1767),  5:598-99;  12:343 

marriage,  3:536-37,  564,  644 

Mohawk  land  claims  and,  4:856,  858;  11:360,  380,  605-607;  12:248-49,  260, 

533,  534 
naval  power  and,  8:831 
Nehantie  Indians  petition  to,  5:423-26 
New  York  Assembly  and,  11:703 
New  York  governorship  and,  7:333 

Niagara  Congress  (1764)  references  to,  11:282,  283,  302,  312 
Onondaga  deputies  to,  4:64,  220-21,  260;  10:633-34,  635,  847,  902,  904,  935, 

966,  967 
Parliament  and,  3:659;  4:719;  6:460,  560 

speeches  on  colonial  unrest,  6:570,  578,  632,  636;  7:347;  12:808 
political  activity: 

(1764),  4:383,  395 
(1770),  7:578,  630,  1001,  1047 
(1771),  7:1111 
Princess  Dowager  and,  7:1074,  1077;  8:52 

Proclamation  (1763)  on  colonial  governments,  4:255-56,  267,  272,  274,  2S9, 
290,  297,  299,  307-308;  10:973,  976-85,  9S8;  11:20,  31,  34,  97,  117,  120; 
11:493,  643;  12:6-7;  13:323 
Proclamation   (1774)    forbidding  unauthorized  survey  or  patent  of  Indian 

lands,  8:1074n,  1077,  1136-37 
Rogers  and,  7:400,  539 
Spain  and,  8:51;  10:420-21 
Stockbridge  Indian  claims,  10:429,  432 
Susquehanna  settlement  and,  4:127-29;  10:656,  667-68 
trade  loss  indemnities,  10:824 

Virginia  military  movement   (1774)   against  Shawnees,  13:701,  703 
Wabash  settler  removal  order,  8:417,  441,  442-43,  453;  12:942-43 
Wappinger  embassy  proposal  (1766),  12:97-98,  122 
Wilkes  and,  7:540 
George,  Jacob,  4:376 
George,  Joshua,  4:680 
George,  Pompce,  4:375 
George,  Fort  (New  York)  : 

Carleton  capture  (1780)  of,  7:03Sn 
Clinton  orders  (1748)  from,  1:139,  144 
Executive  Councils  (1762-63),  10:565,  609 
Executive  Council  Minutes: 

on  Fonda  petition  (1771),  8:152-53 
on  Jessup  petition  (1771),  8:4-5 
on  Totten  and  Crossfield  petition,  8:131-32 
garrison  (1769),  6:581 
Iroquois  Council  (March  1755),  1:454-55 
Klock  trial,  3:672-74 

Mohawk  Council  (  February  17.").",),  i:  152  .11 
Burgeon  for,  3:278 
George,  Fort  (Montresor's  fort  on  Lake  George),  10:125m 

map,  3:109 
Georgia : 

boundaries,  6:119,  1  17,  184,  979 
Bouquel   defense    (  17.".7  ),  9:79.", 
Carolina,  Indian  hostilities  (1761  )  and,  10:209 
Cherokees  and,  5:234;   12:99 
< 'reek  cessions  in,  4  :.".(>  I 
Creek  murders  (177  1)   in,  8:1083 

Indian  boundary  Line  and,  12:56.   1:05.  418.  459,466,  473-74 
Senecas  and,  9:130 
Spanish  in,  3:628 
George,  Lake,  see  Lake  George 



Geraurd,  Peter,  1:725 

Germain,  Lord  George  Sackville,  see  Sackville,  Lord  George 

German  Flats   (Burnetsfield)  : 

Bradstreet  land  purchases  near,  12:747 

Butler  (John)  at,  9:721-22.  726,  773,  774 

in  Butler  accounts   (1761-71),  13:507,  508,  511,  512,  517,  520 

Canadian  correspondence    (1757),  2:679-80,  692,   707,   709,   723;   9:725-26, 

778,832,  857;  13:95 
Canajoharie  patent  and,  6:771;  10:249 
Canasadaga  raid,  9:446,  448 
Canowaroghare  guard  from,  4:350,  351,  365,  370 
cattle  trade  (1746),  1:71 
church  building,  12:894 
Crown  Point  expedition  camp  at,  1:646,  730-31,  742,  781,  787-88;  2:457; 

Delaware-Shawnee-Mingo  peace  treaty  (1765),  11:595-96,  706,  707 
entrenchment  defense  work,  9:664,  672-73,  679-80 
Fort  Schuyler  survey  and,  5:668-69 

Fort  Stanwix  Congress  (1768)  provisions,  12:545,  617,  667 
Frank  (Justice)  murder  (1761)  in,  3:407,  430,  431-32,  433-35,  436-37,  504, 

506;  10:292,  297,  312 
French  attack    (1757),  2:757,   759-60,  809;   9:853,  854-67;   10:247n,  285; 

plan  of  militia  work  on  fortification,  9:680 
French  threats  of  attack  (1746),  3:993 
(1748),  1:136 
(1756),  2:492,  613;   9:406,  410-11,  424,  449-50,  458-59,  460,  462,  46S, 

491,  501,  503-504,  506-507,  508,  532-33,  550,  557-58 
(1757),  2:676,  696,  697-98,  703-704,  707;  9:605-606,  611,  613,  635,  636, 
637,   660-61,    662-63,   664,   665,    668,   670,   672-77,   680-81,   724,    726, 
768-69,   772-73,   776-77,  803-804,   817,  820,  825,  826,  832,  833,  859; 
(1758),  2:809,  884,  885;  9:882,  883,  885,  888,  914-15,  933 
Ganeghwaghtai  Indian  settlement  and,  10 :  644,  647 
harvest  of  1756,  9:512 
horse  thefts  (1762),  10:512,  519 
Indian  attack  alarm   (1762),  3:834,  852,  853,  854-56,  859,  933;  10:477-78, 

479,  496;  13:278 
Indian  attack  threats  (1763),  4:170,  175,  177-79,  221;  10:758,  761,  772-73, 

775-76,  795-98,  894-95 
Indian  meeting  (1765),  4:648;  11:582 
Indian  provision  stores  (1769),  12:690 
Indian  raid  (1758),  2:835-36,  840,  897 
Iroquois  camp  on  route  to  Council  of  1755,  1:584,  590,  636 
Iroquois-Canadian   Indian-Cherokee   Congress    (July,    1770),    7:799,    817-18, 
840,    841,    852-55,    871-72,   875,    897n,    907;    8:76;    12:825,    835,    837n, 
expenses,  7:832-33,  836-38,  844,  894;   12:802,  803,  852,  856-58,  866-67, 

868;  13:707 
Western    Indian    embassies    sent    from,    7:910-11,    HIS,    1124;    12:834, 
838-39,  890-91,  893 
Iroquois-Cherokee  peace  treaty  (1768)  and,  12:452 
Iroquois  conference  (1757),  5:507,  552,  556 

Iroquois  conference   (1763),  4:164,  165,  166,  170,  171,  172-73,  175-77,  194, 
197,  202,  208;  10:725-26,  746-53,  767,  769,  770-71,  831,  835,  837-38 
Johnson  report  to  Amherst  on,  10:754-59,  761 
Iroquois  conference  (Sept.  1763)  adjournment  to  Johnson  Hall,  10:789,  S01, 

804?  828 
Iroquois  conference  (May,  1767),  12:303,  309-15,  324,  332 
Iroquois  conference  (Nov.,  1771),  12:944 
justice  appointments,  3:609,  622;  8:444-45,  468;  12:769 
justice  of  the  peace  complaints  of  maladministration  (1772),  8:509-10 


Sir  William  Johnson  Papers 

land  patent,  1:330,  674-75,-  3:416-17;  4:657-58,  716,  787,  823 

Johnson  deed  of  partial  release  (Sept.  1765),  11:933-38 

patent  boundaries,  12  :  192 
liquor  provision  for  Indians  (1766),  5:233 
Missisauga  spies  (1757)  at,  9:723-24,  726,  775,  776-77 
Mohawk  River  land  survey  (1761)  and,  3:297,  326,  369,  397,  416-17 
murder  of  Oneidas  (1757)  at,  9:796-99,  825,  835-36,  837-38 
New  England  Indian  resettlement  (1774)  near,  13:683 
Oneida  land  sales  (1766)  near,  12:204,  206 
Oneida  and  Tuscarora  conference  (1757),  2:748,  789 
Onondaga  farming  help  (1767),  12:287 
Onondaga  provisions  from,  2:689-90 
Oswegatchie  and,  3:245 

Oswego  fall  (1756)  and,  2:548,  549,  553,  554,  S36n,  560,  884;  9:518-19,  520 
Oswego  road  and,  1:108;  2:513-14,  526-27,  533 
Penn  (John)  and,  6:364;  12:596 

posts  between  Oswego  and,  3:707,  710-11,  792,  871,  882 
prisoner  from,  2:672 
Revolutionary  sympathy,  8:1202-1203 
roads,  9:486 

scalping  raids  on,  2:737,  739-40;  9:838,  911,  915;  10:6,  9 
Schuyler  at  (1757),  9:725,  768,  776 
scouts  (1756-57)  at,  9:450,  458,  860 
Seneca  peace  proposals  (1764)  and,  11:104 
Seneca  robbed  (1774)  at,  13:674,  679 
Seneca  visitors  (1763-64),  4:228;  10:915-16;  11:16 
storehouse  on,  1:579 
trade,  12:210,  211 

closed  (May,  1758),  9:910-11,  919,  929;  10:71,  93 

licenses,  8:629 

liquor  trade,  2:664;  9:826;  10:478,  483,  489,  496;  12:287;  13:508 

Oneida  appeal  (1758)  for  Canadian  protection  of,  9:S32 

regulation  (1758),  2:778;  9:857,  882 

re-opening  (1763),  10:834,  844,  894,  915-16;  11:16 

agriculture  and,  4:635,  811;  5:73;  8:182-83 

Albany  patroon  settlers  (1758),  10:59 

in  Canada,  9:789 

as  Church  of  England  missionaries,  6:517-18,  543;  7:516 

Dutch  compared  with,  13:194,  199 

elections  of  1764  and,  4:564 

French  and,  2:677,  679-80,  692,  707,  709,  723 

frontier  outrages  and,  6:86,  94,  176 

in  German  Flats  defense   (1757),  2:739-40;   9:676,  684,  725-26.  774.  778. 

857,  861  '         ' 

(1758),  9:919 
German  Flats  patent  boundaries,  12:102 
goods  transport  at  Great  Carrying  Place  and,  6:412 
immigration    (1761 ),  3  :428;  10:977n 
Indian-soldier  relations,  9:606-607,  670,  684;  10:338 
iron  workers,  6:425;  7:1031 

Johnson's  tenants,  4:572;  7:395  96;  9:146-47    166 
Klock  and,  3:417,  584,  655 
Livingston  patenl  and,  3:343;  4:116,  117 
Lutheran,  8:44,  59 

military  company  formed  (1754),  1:439 
Mohawk  River  settlemenl  (  1738),  13:2 
Oneidas  and,  3:432;  9:661,  664,  725,  778;  10:796-98 
in  Pennsylvania.  4:570 
as  prisoners,  2:672,  700;  11:215 
Rathkul,  Ireland,  13:161 
in  Royal  Americans,  10:41vt 




Schoharie  settlers  (1758),  10:59-60,  100;  13:16 

at  Stone  Arabia,  13:192 

trade  with,  1:5,  239,  250 

See  also  Dutch ;  German  Flats 
Gerinantown,  7:108n 
Germany : 

education  and,  6:518 

English  troops  in,  3:659 

Franklin  (Benjamin)  visit  (1766),  12:165 

French  Flanders  and,  8:94 

French  troops  in,  3:892 

Gordon  (Lord  Adam)  settlers  from,  12:251 

Hasenclever  labor  from,  11:622 

Klock  voyage  plans  (1764),  11:473 

mail  to,  3:954-55 

Princess  Dowager  of  Wales  in,  7:839;  12:848 

Russian  withdrawal  (1761)  from,  3:564 

woolen  trade,  7:429 
Gerock,  Eev.  John  Siegfried,  6:651,  703-704 
Gerrish,  capt.,  9:286 

Gerritse,  Eeyer,  8:958 
S)  Gervais,  Louis,  capt.,  13:249,  258 
Gervais,  Madelaine  Langlois,  13:259« 
Getchy  (Seneca  chief),  11:884 
Getman,  ,  1 :363 

Ghettypeneeman   (Delaware),  6:559 
Gibbs,  (Simsbury  schoolmaster),  6:544 

Gibbs,  David,  9:281 
Gibraltar,  1:209,  331;  2:531,  532 

Gibson,  John,  4:632;  5:382,  385,  752,  753;  11:565,  614 
Gibson,  John  (carpenter),  13::;!04,  305,  315,  316 
Gibson,  John  (prisoner  of  the  Delawares),  11:436,  488 
Gibson,  Martha,  11:566 
Gideon  (Mohawk),  8:957;  12:531 

Gidion   (Canoghsaronwe — Mohawk)   on  Montreal  expedition,  10:180;  13:174 
Gidion  (Thigresa — Mohawk)  on  Montreal  expedition,  10:180;  13:174 
Gienke,  Jochim  Albrecht  (King,  Yockem  Albright),  3:646 
Gighneota  (Canajoharie),  11:984 
Gilbert,  ,  capt.,  7:801 

Gilbert,  Joseph,  2:244,  252;  9:282;  13:68 
Gilbert,  Nathan,  lieut.,  9:235 

Gilbert,  Thomas,  lieut.  col.,  2:239,  252,  278,  315,  353;  9:254 
at  Crown  Point  (1755)  Councils  of  War,  2:39,  47,  55,  70 
Fort  Edward  command,  9:266,  268-69,  298 
Hoare  complaint  against,  2:284-85;  9:314,  318 

Loucket  arrest  and,  2:241;  9:279 
officer  promotion  list  ("undue"),  13:68 
receipt  for  gun-carriages,  9:279 
regiment  of,  2:89,  200,  202;  9:325 
Gilchrist,  ,  capt.,  3:89,  90,  104 

Gill,  Josh  Louis  (interpreter),  13:619,  717 
Gilland,  ,  sutler,  13:172 

Gillaway,  Bill  (Wyaloosing  Indian),  11:90-92 
Gilleway,  Benjamin,  11:208-209 
Gilliane  (Indian),  9:19 

Gilliland,  Dr.,  medicine  orders  (1758),  13:348 
Gilliland,  William: 

justice  appointment  lists  (1770),  12:792 
land  purchases  of,  4:199,  217;  10:811,  865,  885  86 
New  York  agency  for  Johnson,  4:120,  123;  10:673 
Gillion,  ,4:802;  7:948 

Gilman,  Peter,  col. : 


Sir  William  Johnson  Papers 

New  Hampshire  reinforcements  for  Crown  Point  and,  2:213,  251;   9:241. 

troop  dismissal  and,  2:255-56,  272-73;  9:324;  13:66-67 
Gilmor,  R.,  6:173 
Gilmore,  Elizabeth,  11:486 
Gilmore,  Elizabeth  (Junior),  11:486 
Gilmore,  John,  11:485 
Gimniel,  Jame,  1:356-57 
Gingiaquasunt   (Onondaga  sachem),  11:709 
Gingegoe  (Mohawk),  1:96,  147,  900;  9:20,  611 
Ginisuran   (Mingo),  11:724 
Ginosa,  see  Shamokin 
Ginsebeck,  Jacob,  1:840 

Ginseng,  1:311,  346-47;  4:325,  375,  642;  5:341;  13:126 
Fonda  and,  8:276 

Iroquois  trade  in,  11:963;  12:150-51,  168,  209 
Perthuis  trade,  5:400 
Phyn  orders,  4:648;  6:84 
prices  (1752),  1:372,  373,  376,  385 
prices  (1765),  11:581 
transplants,  13:97 
Girardot,  ,  (interpreter),  5:382;  13:395,  399 

Girtman,  ,  Lawyer  &  Zimmer  patent  and,  8:1089 

Girty,  Simon,  (interpreter),  7:186;  8:1013,  1151 
accounts  (1767),  12:265 
at  Bouquet  conferences  (1764),  11:436 
at  Croghan  Fort  Pitt  conference  (May,  1765),  11:724 
as  Delaware  hostage  (1764),  11:459 

at  McKee  conference  on  Cresap  murders  (1774),  12:1100 
at  Mingo  conference  (Johnson  Hall,  Jan.  1774),  12:1044 
salary,  8:1168 
Gist,  (son  of  Christopher  Gist),  13  :  153,  15  1 

Gist,  Christopher,  capt.,  2 : 804,  812;  13:153« 
Giwi  (Oneida  chief),  13:500 
Gladwin,  Henry,  maj.,  lit  ut.  col.: 

accounts  of,  4:81-82,  293,  299,  304-305;  5:422;  11:19 
Bazlie  and,  5:765 
biographical  sketch,  10:476n 

Bradstreet's  Detroit   Indian  conference    (1764)    and,  4:601;   11:340,  376 
Clapham  murderers  and,  4:95-100;  10:520,  690 
commissioned  lieutenant  colonel,  11:11/* 
Detroit  command,  11:513?) 
on  Detroit  gunsmith,  4  :  L81,  438 

Detroit  attack  threats  |  1763).  10:640  n.  659-60,  688  89,  728 
Detroit    Indian   siege    (1763-64),   10:728,   737,   740,   741,   761,   816,  870,  873 
countei attacks  against   Senecas,  10:856 
courts  of  inquiry,  10:730  32,  734  36 

Jadean  declaration,  10:985-86;  11:217,218-19;  13:317-21 
Jenkins  capture,  10:690  '.'I 
Riichilimackinac  attack  and,  10:691  97 
peace    negotiations,    4:278,    318  L9,    334,    354,    367,    374-75,    377,    447; 

10:606,  915;  11:11,  115,  282 
Ottawa  conferences,  13:289-90,  292 
reinforcements  for,  4:1  IS,   150-51     17::,   ls6.87,  213,  293;  10:716-17,  719, 

762,  788,  803,  906 
renewal   (1764),  4:403-404,  408,   HO,    111,    137;  11:125,  167,  173,  21s  19 
Duncan  and,  4 :545 
Etherington  and,  4:630 
fever,  3:524,  525 

on  French-Indian  intrigue  (1762),  3:730,  711  12,  711.  717,  751-52,  819; 
4:800-801;  8:561,  1114;  10:380-81,  384-86,  392-93,  394,  399-400,  402- 
403,  405,  406-407,  421-25;  11:869 



Gladwin,  Henry, 

(1764),  11:229-30,  246 

French  rumors  of  murdered  officers  (1761)  and,  3:414 

French  traders  and,  3:941;  4:187;  5:521;  10:640-41 

Great  Lakes  exploration  (1761)  and,  3:421,  459;  10:293-96,  325 

Hay  and,  5:76,  81 

Huron  messages  (1764),  11:176-80,  191-92,  216,  217,  227-29,  233 

Indian  certificates  (1764),  11:273,  275,  306,  326,  797 

Johnson's   Niagara   journey    (1761)    and,   3:628;    10:295-96;    13:228,   229, 
233,  236,  239,  241,  244,  246,  249,  258 

outpost  garrisons  (1761),  13:229,  232,  250 

on  Pontiac-Villiers  interview  (1764),  11:226-27 

portrait,  10:380 

possession  of  Canadian  forts,  3:459,  471,  512,  521;  10:295-96,  322 

prisoner  return  (1764)  and,  4:509 

Sandusky  Council  (1763)  and,  10:871,  939 
Glasford,  John,  2:577 
Glasgow,  Scotland,  7:1156;  12:250 
Glasier  (Glazier),  Beamsly,  capt.: 

accounts,  7:416,  711,  911;  12:755,  872 

charges  against  (1770),  7:539 

commissions  of,  2:122,  334,  449;  9:472-73 

copper  mines  and,  7:56 

at  Crown  Point  (1755)  Councils  of  War,  2:39,  47,  55,  70,  79,  107,  116,  159, 
198,  212,  250,  312,  319,  335 

Farrall  (John)  and  Company  draft,  12:733 

Fort  Herkimer  command  (1757),  9:676 

on  French-Spanish  collaboration,  6:525,  540-41,  564;   12:663,  682,  6S3 

Indian  expenses  (1769),  7:298,  319 

interpreter's  desertion  (1767),  5:806-807 

Johnson  on  services  of,  2:363 

Michilimackinac  command  (1769),  12:717 

Ottawa  visit  (1768),  6:348-49 

Peirce  court  of  inquiry  and,  9:257-59 

Roberts  and,  7:146 

Rogers  and,  12:614,  663 

scouts  under,  2:424 

smiths'  certificates  (1769),  12:717 
Glass,  Henry,  4:734 
Glass  factory,  Manheim,  8:183,  185 
Glazier  (Gleaser),  ,  col,  3:151;  10:20 

Glazier,  see  Glasier 
Glen,  Cornelius,  4:206,  260 

Albany  post  application  (1767),  12:325 

bills,  6:163 

Groesbeck  and,  5:380 

lieutenancy,  4:257,  547;  7:453 

provisions  vouchers,  4:221,  254,  584,  605,  629,  663 

Staats  account,  7:1038 
Glen,  Henry: 

Bradstreet  account,  8:987-89;  12:677 

commission,  4:257;  7:457 

fishing  net  suit,  8:612-13,  677-78;  12:997 

land  purchases,  8:226;  12:538;  13:493 

Schenectady  clerkship,  5:400 
Glen,  Isack,  1:425;  7:1107 

Glen,  Jacob,  maj.,  at  Kayaderosseras  settlement  conferences  (1768),  12:529,  572 
Glen,  Jacob,  maj.,  lieut.  col.,  2:374,  821 

autograph,  9:xiii 

boats  stored  (1747)  by,  9:6-7;  13:9-10 

Caghnawagas  and,  1:55 

Clinton  Mohawk  conference  (1748)  and,  1:199 

company  returns  (1756),  9:402-403 
(1757),  9:782,  867,  873 


Sir  William  Johnson  Papers 

(1759),  10:110 
death  (1762),  3:863 

DeLancey  draft  proclamation  (1759),  10:112 
DeLancey  order  execution  (1758),  2:819 
detachment  for  Albany  quota  (1756),  2:464 
at  Fort  Edward  (1757),  2:729,  733,  884 
fortification  of  Little  Carrying  Place  and,  9:137-38 
on  Fort  William  Henry  attack  (1757),  9:666 
German  Flats  defense  orders  (1757),  9:660-61,  663 
Hamilton  (James)  and,  9:133 
Johnson's  military  command  and,  1 :  122 
Lake  George  attack  threats  (1756),  9:535-36 
lieutenant-colonelcy,  1:186,  187;  9:13-14;  13:11-12 
marching  orders  (1757),  9:783,  867 

(1758),  9:872-73,  877-78,  879,  896-97;  10:33n,  35,  40 
Mohawk  conference  (1748),  1:199 
Mohawk  River  attack  rumors  (1746),  3:993 

(1749)   and,  9:54 

(1755),  1:584;  2:33 
Mohawk  River  land  purchase,  3:2S9,  417,  420,  424 
Mohawk  Schenectady  land  claims  and,  10:555 
Niagara  defense  (1758)  and,  3:7 
portrait,  13:10 

Schenectady  officers'  list  (1754),  9:138,  140 
Shirley  visit  (1755),  2:374;  9:214 
Shuckburgh  visit  (1761),  3:398 
Van  Slyck  (Adrian)  deatli  and,  1:173 

wagons  for  Canadian  campaign  (1760),  3:219,  226,  231,  232 
Warren  introduction  of  Johnson  (1738),  9:1 
Glen,  Gov.  James,  1:440;  9:05 

Letter  to  the  Six  Nations,  1 :  667 
Indian  expenses,  2:626,  639 
Onondagas  and,  2:401 
purchase  of  Indian  lands,  2:29 
speech  to  Hagler  king  of  the  Catawbas,  1:386-88 
on  war  among  South  Carolina  Indians,  1:913-14 
Glen,  John: 

Assembly  election  (1747),  1:123 
autograph,  6 :  xiii 

Indian  Commission  (1752)  and,  1:383 
Glen,  John,  ensign,  1:424 
Glen,  John,  lieut.,  in  Albany  militia,  1:246 
Glen,  John,  Jr.,  capt.,  maj.,  lieut.  col.: 

(1761),  10:299 

(1764),  4:423,  437,  441 

(1766),  5:151;  12:113 

(1767),  5:544;  13:470 
boat  equipment  bill  (1769),  6:715-16;  7:983 
boatmen's  wages,  6:70 
commission,  7:471n 
Douw  and  Winne  account,  8:54 
election  of  1769  and,  6:51)3-94,  599 

expenses  for  trips  to  out  p. .sis,  3:510,  631,  643,  657,  683;  13:179 
Gain.'  and,  7:1155;  8:709 

grenadier  commissions  (1763),  4:213,  257,  266;  10:940 
Indian  conference  (1771),  8:15 
Indian  payment,  4:64 

justice  appointments,  3:750;  4:44;  12:783,  793 
Jessup  and,  8:393,  451,  452,  474 
land    purchases    of,    5:452,    516;    6:417;    8:l225-26f    232,    430,    681.    1133- 

12:233,  263,  577,  578,  957,  1071 



Glen,  John,  Jr.,  capt.,  maj.,  lieut.,  col., 
land  sales  (1762),  10:418 
light  horse  company,  4:219;  5:557;  7:457 
at  Kayaderosseras  settlement  conference  (1768),  12:529,  572 
Low  (Isaac)  and,  5:823 
Mohawk  conference  (1772),  8:556 
Ogilvie  and,  2:486 
O'Neal  and,  5:563 
Petry  widow's  lands  and,  8:1079 
pigeon  shot  sale,  5:515 
provision  orders: 

for  Fort  Stanwix  Congress  (1768),  6:291,  447;  12:607-608 

pork  and  flour,  4:305,  381,  395,  427,  627,  701,  740;  10:872;  11:511,  6S6 

tents  (1764),  4:423,  441 

transport,  4:435,  437,  612,  627,  650,  708,  724,  737,  774;  5:333 

quartering  of  soldiers,  4:302 

Schenectady  liberty  pole  and,  7:1104 

Schenectady  patent  and,  8:23,  51,  87,  109,  174 

on  soldiers'  outfitting,  4:237,  251,  266 

Teller  and,  5:429 

Warrensburg  lease,  7:474 
Glock,  see  Klock 

Gloster,  Duke  of,  7:791,  1074,  1078 

Gloster,  in  the  Eiver  St.  Marys  (Gloster  St.  Maries),  7:79-92,  908-909;  8:122-28 
Gloucester  County,  New  York,  8:492 
Gloucestershire,  England,  wool  industry,  ll:29?i 
Gnadenhutten,  Pennsylvania,  2:401,  402;  10:533^ 
Goahee,  see  Goweah  (Oneida  chief) 
Godard,  Norris,  3:886;  5:312 
Goddard,  Henry,  capt.  lieut.,  3:259n;  8:211n 
Goddard,  James  Stanley: 

accounts  (1768),  12:386,  639 

Ainse  arrest  and,  12:613,  614 

Green  Bay  trade,  3:756;  10:697m,  698n,  711-13 

Michilimackinac  trade  petition  (July,  1765),  11:S27 

Boberts  (Benjamin)  and,  5:711,  715ji;  6:319ra,  526,  753,  754;  8:134,  874 

trade  indemnities  (1763),  10:985 
Goddard,  John,  4:6S6?i,  687 
Goddard,  William,  6:577;  7:322n 
Goddenough,  ,  capt.,  13:51 

Godfrey,  maj.,  13:50 

Godfroy,  Jacques: 

Miami  garrison  attack  (1763)  participation,  4:600n,  672,  675;  10:693,  732; 

Pontiac  escort  to  Oswego  (1766),  5:363;  12:160 
Godin,  Giles  &  Liotard.  John,  4 :  794 
Godwin,  ,  capt.,  13:626,  632 

Goehquagey  Creek,  12:260 
Goelet  &  Curtenius,  1 :  729 
Goelet,  Jacob,  4:596 
Goelet,  Peter,  8:775 
Goes,  Dirck,  7:419 
Goes,  Isaac,  7:360,  533,  672;  12:811 
Goes,  Johannis  S.,  7:422 
Goes,  John  D.,  13:639 
Goes,  Lawrence,  7:419,  451;  13:639 
Goes,  Lucas  T.,  13:639 
Goes,  Lukas,  Jr.,  7:422 
Goes,  Santys,  7:422 
Goetschius,  J.  H.,  5:526-27 
Gof,  William,  1:167,  205,  366;  9:65 
Goff,  John,  1:219 


Sir  William  Johnson  Papers 

Gohi,  8:407 

Golden,  ,  8:107 

Golden,  see  also  Colden 

Golden  Hill,  7:371ra,  509«, 

Goldfrap,  J.,  5:177;  13:420 

Goldon,    '  ,1:269 

Goldsborough,  Robert,  8:812 

Gononey,  Thomas,  8:1050 

Gonsalus,  Samuell,  5:150-51 

Gooch,  Sir  William,  gen.,  l:10n,  52,  55,  224n 

Goodenough,  Timothy,  13:53 

Goodman,  Walter,  4:49 

Goodrich,  Elizur,  col,  1:717;  2:79 

autograph,  1:1% 

at  Council  of  War,  1:860-61 

regiment  of,  1:723,  781,  787,  829,  870-71,  S83;  9:237,  273:  13:54 
Goodridge,  John,  capt.,  4:35,  377;  10:613n 
Goodwin,  Ephraim,  3:843 
Goose,  The  (Ouiatanon  chief),  12:228 
Goragh  (Gorah),  Indian  title  of  Sir  William  Johnson,  ll:479n.  See  also,  John 

son,  Sir  William 
Gordon,  Duchess  of,  2:516;  6:501,  504,  618-19,  629;  12:713 
Gordon,  Duke  of,  4:760 
Gordon,  (English  trader),  7:739 

Gordon,  Adam,  Lord,  4:832,  844,  855;  5:542,  852;  8:1134 

Arthur  (John)  and,  7:277,  278 

autograph,  8:2?'!; 

Boston  Address  to,  4:850 

Canadian  visit,  4:754,  783,  811,  825,  829;  11:896,  944;  13:374,  376 

George  III  and,  5:116 

Gordon  (Harry)  and,  12:36,  37 

Hasenclever  visit,  4:862 

Indian  Affairs  superintendent  appointment  (1774)  and,  13:727,  729 

invitation  to  Johnson's  son,  4:798,  849,  851,  853,  854,  856;  5:21,  46,  82,  83, 
123,  599;  11:953-54,  964,  965,  980;  12:33,  251-52 

Illinois  colonization  proposal,  5:197;  12:108 

Johnson  Hall  visits  (1765),  13:374-76 

Johnstown  growth  (1771),  12:893-94 

Kavaderosseras  and,  5:477;  12:248-49 

land  purchases,  5:391,  767,  768,  787,  791,  799;   6:2,  337n;   8:195-96,  345, 
493,  537,  689-90,  698,  706,  836,  916;   12:250-51,  894-95;   13:37,  522-28 

marriage,  4:840;  5:767,  770,  788,  799;  6:338;  8:196;  12:713 

Massachusetts  governorship,  5:33,  62 

on  ministry  changes  (1767),  12:248-49,  316-17 

missionary  recommendations,  5:822;  6:190-92 

Provost  commission  and,  5:188-89;  12:249-50 

regiment  of,  5:103;  6:338;  8:193 

revolutionary  activity  and,  4:879-80;   5:540;   6:337-38;   12:249,  318    712 

Scottish  elections  (1768)  and,  6:98 

settlement  plans,  5:767,  768,  787,  791,  799;  6:76,  191-92,  330,  337;  8:196, 
916;   12:251,  711-12,  1041 

Tucker  (Dan.)  recommendation,  11:955-56,  978 

Watts  (John)  and,  4:760,  858;  11:773 
Gordon,  Anthony: 

Abenaki- Augh(|iiisasii(!  dispute,  7:532,  919-21,  923,  930-32    934-35 

on  boat  theft,  7:841-43 

Glaus  conference  (Sept.,  1767),  13:430 

at  La  Chine,  7:958 

trade  passes  and,  12:151  ;  13:392-94 
Gordon,  Caspar,  7:667 
Gordon,  Harry,  capt.,  4:545,  737;  5:559 

on  Adam,  Lord  Gordon,  12:36-37 




Gordon,  Harry,  capt., 

Croghan  and,  4:734,  816;  5:228;  12:235;  13:407 

on  Fraser  delivery  to  Pontiac,  4:816;  11:881 

land  purchases  of,  5:559,  612,  658-86 

outpost  abandonment  proposals  (1766),  12:36 

on  Stamp  Act  resistance,  5:48-50,  121-22;  12:35-36 
Gordon,  Hugh,  lieut.,  3:991w 
Gordon,  James,  5:339,  400 
Gordon,  John  (Leith  surveyor),  8:197 
Gordon,  Patrick,  governor  of  Pennsylvania,  ll:463n 
Gordon  &  Parlow,  5:383,  698 
Gordon,  Eobert,  5:538 
Gore,  ,6:499 

Goree,  Africa,  3:24 
Gorham  (Goreham),  Joseph,  maj.,  col.,  5:493,  525,  564,  565 

accounts,  12:197 

(1767),  5:535,  705,  771,  772,  789,  818,  851-52;  12:379 
(1768),  6:188,  322,  326;  12:475,  557,  641 
(1769),  7:90-91;  12:731 
(1770),  7:816;   12:806 
(1771),  12:908-909 

on  Halifax  arsenal,  6:524;  12:662 

Hillsborough  and,  7:75-76,  90,  105-106,  380 

McAdarn  and,  8:697,  800,  884,  897 

in  Mortier  account,  8:506 

Newfoundland  government,  7:540,  629 

New  York  visit  (1768),  12:662,  663,  664 

on  Nova  Scotia  Indians,  5:575-78 

Nova  Scotian  Deputy  appointment,  5:504;  12:195 
commissary  surveillance,  12:414;  13:424 
Cunningham  as  successor  (1769),  12:724 
instructions,  5:542;   12:196-97 

return  to  England,  6:587;  7:90-91,  105-106 

salary,  6:83;  8:39,  121-22,  697,  800;  12:731,  764,  806 

surgeon's  account  and,  8 :  848 
Gorrell,  James,  lieut.: 

Albany  visit  (1763),  4:192 

on  Detroit  Indians  (1762),  10:450,  559 

Fort  Edward  Augustus  command  (1761),  3:525;  11:930 

Goddard  trade  license  and,  3 :  756 

Green  Bay  gift  purchase  for  Amherst,  13:258 

Green  Bay  journal,  10:697-714 

Indian  certificates  (1764),  11:275 

interpreters  and,  4:123,  383,  643,  851;  5:35,  140 

land  holdings,  12:1072 

Mercer  &  Ramsay  and,  4:716,  737,  809,  841;  5:139,  344 

Sioux  visitors  (1762),  10:546 
Gosbeek,  see  Gaesbeek 
Goshen,  New  York,  1:242,  245 
Gospot  (vessel),  3:910 
Gottingen,  Hanover,  3:892 
Gouchea,  (interpreter),  10:712 

Goverenne,  Babtiste,  in  Detroit  siege  (1763),  13:318 
Governeur's  patent,  4:824-25;  7:255-56 
Goweah  (Gawickie,  Gawihe,  Gawehe — Oneida  chief),  3:176;  9:69:< 

Bradstreet  expedition  and,  11:512 

Canadian  correspondence  (1757),  2:679,  680,  700,  709 

on  Canadian  provision  shortages  (1758),  2:791 

death  (1766)  of,  12:121-22,  124,  126,  139 

Fort  Johnson  Iroquois  Congress  (1762),  10:419 

French  threats  of  attack  (1757)  and,  9:688,  701,  702 

French  threat  to  Oswego  (1756),  9:404,  405 

German  Flats  alarm  (1763)  and,  10:794-95 


Sir  William  Johnson  Papers 

Johnson  message  (1756)  sent  by,  9:448 

lieutenancy,  2:626 

on  Montreal  expedition,  10:181;  13:176 

Oswego  Iroquois  Congress  (Aug.,  1759),  13:137 

Oswego  Iroquois  meeting  plans  (1756),  9:403 

Venango  attack  (1763)  and,  10:767,  768-69 
Gower,  Lord,  6:244 
Grace,  M.,  8:94 
Grace,  Mary,  7:330-31 
Grace,  Walter,  6:766;  7:420 
Grace  (ship),  4:254 
Grafe,  Cornelius  D.,  13:502 
Grafton,  Duke  of,  5:40,  344;  6:470;  7:839,  1074 

copper  interests,  6:626 

Surveyorship  of  the  Woods  of  America  and,  8:433 

Shelburne  and,  6:579n 

return  to  Parliament  (1771),  8:52 

retirement,  7:522,  530,  576,  577 

Hasenclever  on,  7:427 
Graham,  ,4:67 

Graham,  ,  ens.,  8:501 

Graham,  widow,  7:387 
Graham,  Ennis,  6:316;  7:743,  845 
Graham,  Gordon,  maj.,  13:125,  143,  145,  152 
Grahoon,  George,  see  Croghan,  George 
Grame,  gen.,  7:577 

Grampus  (vessel),  1:194 

Granada  government,  10:978,  979  (See  also  West  Indies) 
Granby,  John  Manners,  marquis  of,  7:576,  629n,  1047,  1073,  1078;  13:158 
Grandidier,  lieut.,  7:942 

Grand  Pee  (Menominee  chief),  11:274 
Grand  Point  (Long  Point),  13:244,  245 
Grand  River,  Ontario,  13:242w,  244 

See  also  Ottawa  River 
Grand  Sabre  (Chippewa  chief),  12:491 

Grand  Sauteux,  (Sauteur,  Sautois,  Sota),  see  Minavavana  (Ojibway) 
Grant,  (of  the  Navy),  12:1011 

Grant,  ,  Peter  Johnson  in  Montreal  (1772)  and,  12:1010 

Grant,  Commissioner,  ,  7:1127 

Grant,  Gov.  ,  East  Florida  governorship,  8:196 

Grant,  ,  Wade  and  Keiuser  and,  7:739,  745;  8:223 

Grant,  ,  capt.,  at  Tuscarawas  conference  (1764),  11:439 

Grant,  ,  capt.,  beaver  sloop  loss    (1771)    and,  8:139,  223-24 

Grant,  ,  capt.,  Fort  Edward  company   (1755-56),  2:357,  423-24 

Grant,  ,  col.,  5:541,  542,  556 

Grant,  ,  commodore,  4:540;  5:542;  8:105 

Grant,  ,  ensign,  9:295 

Grant,  ,  lieut.,  Creek  murder  of,  8:1084 

Grant,  Alexander,  1:219;  7:773 
Grant,  Allen,  lieut. : 

colonial  administration  of  trade  (1768),  12:669 

Fort  Ontario  command,  6:486,  522;  7:637-38;  12:745 

interpreter  and,  5:468 

at  Onondaga  congress  (Fori  Ontario,  Oct.  1766),  12:209 

on  present  disbursement,  6:680-81;  7:21-22,  53,  79-80 
Grant,  Qiarles,  lieut.,  11:635-36 
Grant,  Pinlay,  12:10S(i,  1087 
Grant,  Francis,  lieut.  col . : 

at  Albany  Council  of  War  (1756),  9:483,  487 
Grant,  George,  lieut.,  4 :  882 

Grant,  James,  lieut.,  Havana  death  (1762)  of,  3:991 
Grant,  James,  capt.: 



Grant,  James,  capt., 

in  Dalyell  Detroit  action  (1763),  10:763-65,  790-91 

Jadeaii  declaration  (1763)  and,  10:985;  13:317-21 
Grant,  James,  maj.,  3 -An;  8:1073;  13:153 

Cherokee  war  and,  3:359,  517»,  519 
Grant,  James,  lieut.  col. : 

on  Pontiac,  11:218-19 

•Silver  Heels  and,  10:264 
Grant,  John,  8:1214 
Grant,  John,  capt.,  4:395,  400,  407,  427 

Oquaga  reinforcements  (1764),  11:128 
Grant,  Lewis,  lieut.,  3:990 
Grant,  Neal,  ensign,  3:991 
Grant,  Peter,  lieut.,  3:991 
Grant  &  Fine,  8:775 
Grant,  William: 

Green  Bay  trade  contract,  5:15,  92,  200,  330,  339;  12:5-8,  19-20 
exposition  of  rights  in,  12:45-47,  118-20 
Rogers  and,  12:194-95,  198-99 
Lords  of  trade  on,  12:20,  219,  226 
Granville,  George,  see  Grenville,  George 
Granville,  John  Carteret,  Earl  of,  l:28w 
Gras,  (medical  advice),  6:705 

Grasey,  Matthew,  3:90 
Gratz,  Barnard,  8:744-45,  900,  912,  1098-99 

Adolphus  and,  8:1023 

McKee  and,  8:1169;  12:1040 
Grave  Creek,  12:1096 
Graves,  Rev.  Matthew,  3:558;  5:27,  424w 

on  Narragansett  church  grant,  8:733 

Narragansett  land  claims,  4:756-59;  6:80-82,  87-89 

schoolmaster  for  the  Narragansetts  and,  5:502,  221,  222;  6:59-60 
Gray,  ,  capt.,  8:1126 

Gray,  Edward,  1:713 
Gray,  Edward  M.,  13:420 
Gray,  James,  6:287-88 
Gray,  Robert,  capt.,  13:222 

in  Dalyell  action  at  Detroit  (1763),  4:195;  10:763,  764,  765,  791 

at  Oneida  Lake  blockhouse  (1761),  13:272 
Grav   (Grey),  Samuel: 

Susquehanna  Company  and,  1:401,  493;  4:219,  429 
Gravdon,  Caleb,  4:503;  5:538-39;  11:328 

Fort  Augusta  command  (1765),  11:746,  778;  13:382 
Great  Ax  (Seneca  chief),  12:924 
Great  Barrington,  5:488 

Great  Britain,  see  England,  Ireland,  Scotland 
Great  Carrying  Place,  Fort  Edward : 

Abenak'is  at,  1:329 

Crown  Point  (1755)  camp  at,  1:770,  773,  782,  796,  805,  816,  817,  822,  842, 
845,  846-47 
Councils  of  War  at,  1:852,  860-61,  S71-72,  874,  879,  880-81,  882,  883, 

884,  885 
fort  construction  at,   (see  Fort  Edward,  fort  construction) 

French  post  (1755)  near,  2:207 

settlement  (1761),  3:515 

threats  of  French  attack  (1755),  2:16,  17 

threats  of  French  attack  (1756),  9:225-26 

See  also  Fort  Edward 
Great  Carrying  Place,  Oneida,  see  Oneida  Carrying  Place 
Great  Island,  Susquehanna  River,  4:760 
Great  Lakes: 

boats  (1772)  on,  8:469-70 

British  command  of  vessels  on,  7:896,  1124 

Canadian  petitions  for  wintering  privileges,  12:411 


Sir  William  Johnson  Papers 

exploration  of,  3:421,  459;  10:274,  285,  293-96,  316,  319,  325;  13:228 
Hutchins'  map  of,  4:62,  399,  403 

Hutchins  tour  of,  3:890,  914,  936,  965,  9S7;   10:452,  453,  521-29,  543, 

Gordon  visit  (1765),  13:374,  376 

Indians  of,  1:164;  6:29,  49;  8:843 

Iroquois  land  claims,  10:972 

superintendency  of,  7:539,  913 

threat  of  general  Indian  war  (1774),  13:670 

trade,  1:910;  3:502;  5:244,  277 

trade  north  of,  5:525,  536,  566,  573,  850;  10:684 

traders  murdered  (1768)  on,  12:500,  519 

trade  violations  (1766),  12:131-32,  142-43 

See  also  specific  laics 
Great  Meadows,  1:689,  750 

Washington's  troops  at,  2:541,  542,  545-46,  816 
Greece,  7:430,  839,  870 
Green,  (express  rider),  9:859 

Green,  ,  licut.,  8:1214 

Green,  Benjamin,  2:217-18 
Green,  Jonas,  4:405n 
Green  Bay  (La  Bave,  La  Baye  des  Buans),  Wisconsin: 

Amherst  gift  (1761),  13:258 

as  boundary  of  Illinois  colon v,  5:328 

Chippewa  visit  (1764),  4:475;  11:270 

Detroit  journey  (1761)  boat  repair  at,  13:240 

Grant  fortification  of,  12:198 

history  of  fortifications,  10:669??,,  780w 

Hutchins  visit  (1762),  10:524-26,  545,  559,  706 

Indian  population,  4:244;  11:805,  808,  809,  835;  13:622 

interpreters  for,  5:444-45,  552;  11:930 

Menominees  at,  4:487-88;  7:47;  11:274,  275,  28S-89 

Miehilimackinac  dependency  of,  13:447 

Michilimackinac  siege  and,  5:378;  10:780,  783.  858 

Ottawas  of,  11:278 

Puans  at,  3:415n 

Sakis  at,  11:301,  304 

Sioux  at,  4:180 

Spanish  threat  of  attack  (1768),  12:586 

trade,  3:363,  502 

Andrews  and  Visscher  (1761),  13:267 
commissary  appointment  (1766),  5:32,  77,  444-45 
French  Indian   (1765),  11:697,  740 
Indian  losses  ( 1766),  5:207 

Indian  request    for  out  post   reesta lilislnuent  (1766),  12  :160 
Michilimackinac  and,  6:52;  10:696;  12:354 
Rogers  and,  12:194-95,  198-99 

Vaudreuil  contract   (to  (Irani)   for  exclusive  trading  rights,  5:15,  33,  92, 
200,  278,  330n,  391,  458;  12:4-8,  19-20,  45-47,  118-20,  219,  226 

See  also  Fori  Edward  Augustus 
Green  Briar,  Virginia  : 

Indian  depredations  (1763),  4:190-91 

[roquois  land  deed,  5:458,  507;  12:236,  277-78 
Green  Bush  (near  Albany),  12:810 
Greenleaf,  Michael,  2:503-504 
Green  River,  6:294 
Greenwich,  New  York,  1:114»;  13:30 
Gregg  &  Cunningham,  4:650;  8:454 
Gregor,  Alexander,  lit  ut.,  3:990n 
Gregor,  John,  lit  ut.,  3:990n 
Gregory  XIII,  pope,  1:1» 
Grenadine  Islands,  10:979 



Grenville  (Granville,  Greenville),  George,  4:395;  5:559 

Allen  and,  4:564 

death  of,  7:1077n 

election  of  1768  and,  6:120 

election  of  1769  and,  7:68 

ministry  changes  (1767),  12:249 

Pitt  and,  7:181,  270n 

Secretary  of  State  appointment  (1769),  12:700 

Townshend's  death  and,  5:771-72 

Treasury  appointment,  4:420,  465;  11:970;  12:594 

Stamp  Act  and,  5:40 
Grenville,  J.,,  1:273 

Grenville,  Eichard  Temple,  7:270n,  578n;  12:700 
Greswold,  Joseph,  1:764;  4:326 
Grey,  ,  capt.  (55th  regiment),  3:442 

Grey,  sgt.,  9:412,  414 

Grey  Eyes  (Delaware),  3:208,  210 

chiefdom  appointment  (1773),  12:1048 

at  Croghan  Fort  Pitt  conference  (May,  1765),  11:724 

McKee  conference  on  Cresap  murders  (1774),  12:1100 
Greyhound  (vessel),  1:225,  316% 

Grider,  Eufus  A.,  Iroquois  certificate  design  (1757),  13:98 
Gridley,  Eichard,  capt.,  col.,  maj.-gen. : 

l:492n;  2:104,  156,  315 

autograph,  9:xiii 

biographical  sketch,  9:308n 

bread  supply  and,  2:265 

Fort  Edward  command,  2:223-24,  236-37,  238,  252-53,  257,  275,  318,  353, 
358;  9:298,  304,  307-309,  313-14,  317-18,  323;  13:68 

Lake  George  mutineers  and,  2:288;  9:322 

Loucket  court  martial  and,  9:279 

marching  orders   (1755),  9:291-92 

Provincial  Commissioners'  visit  (Nov.,  1755),  13:74 

report  to  Shirlev  from  Fort  Edward   (Nov.  1755),  2:279,  281;  9:298 

threat  of  French  attack  (Nov.  1755),  2:290-91,  292,  297;  9:313-14,  317-18 

troop  disbanding  and,  2:326;  9:324,  325 
Groesbeck,  Elizabeth,  10:59n 
Groesbeck,  Gerardus,  1:383;  9:45-46 
Groesbeek  (Groesbick),  Stephen,  5:380,  488,  553;  12:194 

at  Sogers'  court  of  inquiry,  5:638,  640 
Groesbeck,  Wolter,  1:872;  2:598 
Grome,  Jacob,  4 :  146 
Gronce,  Peter,  7:352 
Gronedyke,  1:831 
Gronendyek,  Peter,  5:797 
Gronn,  Peter,  5:202 
Grooesbeck,  William,  5:766 
Groot  (Grote),  Abraham,  7:437,  440;  13:503 
Groot,  Cornelius,  1:30;  13:502 
Groot  (Grote),  Nicholas,  capt.: 

Albany  road  repair  (1761)  and,  3:580 

company  of,  1:424;  5:557;  10:941 
Groot,  Peter,  8:655 
Groot,  Simon,  13:503 
Groot,  Young  (waggoner),  12:523 
Groote  Junge  (Seneca),  1:71;  9:832-33;  10:44 
Grosebeek,  ,  Scorticoke  land  settlement,  10:603-504 

Grote,  Harme,  1:30 

Groton,  Connecticut,  4:456,  680;  11:255;  12:59S;  13.-6S3 
Grumley,  ,  8': 236 

Guadeloupe,  3:45,  47;  13:211 
Guasterax,  see  Gaustrax 


Sir  William  Johnson  Papers 

Gudrielle,  col,  9:273 

Guerin,  ,1:3 

Guildford,  earl,  7:577 

Guilliane  (Indian),  7:568,  579 
Gufflon,  I.  B.,  11:827,  828 
Guion,  ,  8:460 

Guiyahoga,  see  Tioga 
Gullen,  William,  lieut.,  3:S97n 
Gun,  Elisha,  2:613;  3:48;  11:109 

on  Montreal  expedition,  13:177 
Gunestoga,  see  Conestoga 
Gunsales,  Elizabeth,  3:351 
Gunsales  (Gunsalis),  Manuel,  3:351;  5:31 
Gunsmiths,  see  Smiths 
Gunter,  Thomas,  2:744-46 
Guttery,  James,  1:219 
Guy,  William,  5:133 
Guyendre,  de,  lieut.,  13:114 

Guy  Park,  4:xi 

Chippewa  conference  (July,  1768),  12:548-50 

Johnson  visit  (1768),  12:476 

Johnson  will,  12:1067 

Mahican  conferences  (May,  1768),  12:497-500 

Mohawk  conferences  (June,  1768),  12:529-43,  573 

Mohawk  conferences   (May,  1768),  12:502-504,  504-507,  515-16 

photograph,  8:288 
Haan,  Hendrick,  5:202;  12:819 
Haasbrouck,  Abraham,  see  Hasbrouck,  Abraham 
Haberman,  Jacob,  4:312 
Hackensack,  New  Jersey,  5:526-27 
Hackett,  John,  col.,  4:216 
Haddick,  ,  gen.,  3 :  144 

Hadley,  Massachusetts,  2: 21  In 
Hag,  David,  9:271 
Hagan,  Jacob  (Esopus),  6:739 
Hagedoorn,  Harmanus,  1:188 
Hagerty,  John,  4:708;  11:682-83 
Hagin  &  Son,  8:250 
Hague,  John  (deserter),  10:522 
Hail,  Ephraim,  see  Hale,  Ephraim 
Hain,  ,1:525 

Hains,  see  Haynes 
Hair,  John,  2:639 
Hairhart,  Hance,  2:620 
liakawaremin  (Esopus  sachem),  1:14 
Hake,  ,  7:236 

Hakedorn,  Derick,  7:463 
Ilakedorn,  Hendrick,  7:462 
Halden,  John,  1:726 
Haldimand  (Haldiman),  Frederick,  col.,  maj.  gen.: 

accounts  (1760),  10:191 

American  command,  8:710,  712,  817,  820-22,  823;  12:1113 

autograph,  8:xiii 

Blunt  introduced  by,  8:11  83 

Carle  ton  Island  expedition  I  1779)  and,  8:1215 

Claus  and,  3:36::,  371,  372,  379,  381,  553,  747;  10:260 

Cole  and,  3:234 

colonial  administration  of  trade  and,  8:s::7 

on  Creek  threats  of  uprising  i  1771  ),  8:1044,  1083-86,  1101,  1118,  1167 

Cresap  outrages  and,  8  :  1  I  6  I  65,   1  1  67 

Fort  Ontario  command  (1760),  3:112 

French-Indian  intrigue  and,  8 :  1016,  L032 

French  threat  to  Oswego  and,  3:220,  223-24,  227,  248;  10:142 



Haldimand,  Frederick, 

Hay  mission  to  the  Illinois    (1774)    and,   8:1033,   1070-71,   1118-19,   1136, 
1149,  1167,  1194;  13:666,  685 

Indian  Affairs  policy  (1773-74)  and,  8:837,  865,  875-76,  1141 

on  Indian  Affairs  Deputy  commissions,  8:951-52,  978-79,  1015-16 

Johnson  (John)  and,  8:1026,  1033,  1119,  1138,  1148,  1215 
ensigncy  offer  (1762),  3:685,  725;  10:400-401,  407-408 

Johnson's  death  and,  8:1194,  1197 

Klock  English  voyage  with  Canajoharies  and,  8:938,  970-71 

Lake  Champlain  trip  (1763),  4:199 

on  Murray  attempt  to  buy  Illinois  lands   (1773),  8:844-45,  886,  898,  905, 
931-32,  1076,  1104,  1136-37 

Niagara  Falls  visit,  13:118 

Niagara  relief  (1760)  boats,  3:258;  10:157,  159,  162,  170 

Niagara  siege  and,  3:53,  59,  60,  106,  107,  111,  114,  116,  117;  13:116,  120 

O'Eeilly  and,  7:417 

Oswegatchie  attack  (1759)  plans,  13:123-24,  143,  145,  152 

Oswego  French-Indian  trade   (1760),  3:223,  225,  236,  238-41,  251,  253-54, 
255,  256-57,  261,  262,  264-66;  10:152,  153,  156,  159,  170 

portrait,  10:408 

Phyn  and,  6:196-97 

Pond  murder  and,  8:879 

Proclamation    (1774)    forbidding  unauthorized  survey  or  patent  of  Indian 
lands,  8:1074-77,  1136-37 

promotion,  5:562-63 

Royal  Americans  and,  10 :  41n 

Seneca  murder  of  French  traders  (1773),  8:886,  890,  899,  903,  905-906,  913, 
925-26,  1026,  1086-87;  12:1029 

release  of  murderers   (1774),  8:934,  952-53,  1032,  1131-32,  1135,  1138, 
1148,  1149,  1164-65,  1167;  12:1102,  1108,  1114 

Van  Slyck  attack  by  Pottawatomies,  8:819-20 

warrants  to  Johnson,  8:901,  904,  905,  913,  941-42,  1105,  1117,  1118,  1136, 
1166,  1167,  1170-71 
Hale,  capt.,  4:94 

Hale  (Hail),  Ephraim,  lieut.,  2:245;  9:282 
Hale,  Ezekiah,  2:89 
Halenbeck,  Casper  Janse,  7:468,  579-80 
Halenbeck,  Casper  M.,  7:468 

Halenbeck,  Jacob,  capt.,  1:246;  5:556;  7:468,  580 
Halenbeck,  Jacob,  lieut.,  2:457 
Halenbeck,  Jacob,  Jr.,  7:468 
Halenbeck   (Hallenbeeek),  Marte   (Martin),  capt.,  5:556;   7:468 

justice  appointment  lists,  3:750;  7:467;  12:783,  792 

regiment  of,  7:579-80 
Halenbeck,  William,  7:468 

Half  King,  of  the  Oneida,  9:154,  173.  See  also  Scaroyady 
Half  Moon,  on  Hudson  River,  5:363;  9:473,  485,  667 
TIalf  Moon  (vessel),  2:79,  229 
Half  Way  Creek,  4:317,  346 
Halifax,  George  Montague  Dunk,  second  Earl  of: 

Canajoharie  grant  and,  4:419 

Canestio  expedition  (1764)  and,  4:350n,  361-62 

Clinton  and,  9:132,  166,  386-87 

Conestoga  massacres  and,  11:126 

Eyre  and,  4:526,  537 

French  Mississippi  trade  and,  11:367 

Indian  Affairs  policy  and: 
(1763),  4:248-50,  258-59 

(1764),  4:339,  340,  362-63,  427,  463,  568;  11:127 
(1765),  4:731-32 

Iroquois  land  claims  and,  2 :  684 

Johnson  appointments  and,  1:426-27,  895;  2:113,  351,  484,  528-29,  559-60 

Joncaire  and,  12:325 


Sir  William  Johnson  Papers 

on  laud  grants  for  military  service,  10:982n 

Marsh  and,  3:902;  11:248;  13:323 

memorial  on  Johnson's  services  and,  11:348 

Murray  and,  4:575 

New  York  governorship  applications  (1760),  10:192 

Niagara  Congress  (1764)  and,  11:335,  348 

Orme  and,  13:59 

Philadelphia  merchants'  memorial  and,  4:265,  268 

political  "disgrace"   (1765),  11:970 

Pitt  and,  5:559 

recruitment  orders  (1764),  4:306;  11:12 

resignation  (1757),  13:99 

Rivington  on,  4:395;  8:52 

Seneca  cessions  and,  4:516 

Shuckburgh  and,  1:455-56;  2:351,  438;  3:635-36,  959,  977;  4:92 

Wraxall  and   2:54   515 
Halifax,  Nova  Scotia,  1 :  355,  605;  2:733;  12:70,  196,  744 

American  fleet  in,  1:651,  6S6,  792,  849;  2:217-18,  745 

arsenal,  6:524,  540;  12:662 

British  troops  at,  2:802;  4:231 

French  plot  to  take,  2:217-18 

French  troops  at,  1:719 

Indians  of,  5:577 

Shirley  stops  voyages  to,  1:438 
Halifax  (ship),  4:328;  7:418 
Halifax,  Fort,  1:448;  5:444-45 
Halket,  lieut.,  1:712 
Halket,  Francis,  maj.,  1:712 
Halket,  Sir  Peter,  1:446,  712 
Hall,    '  ,1:13 

Hall,  Mrs.,  13:306 
Hall,  Benjamin,  at  Council  of  Provincial  Officers   (1755),  2:304,  335;   9:312; 

Hall,  Christian,  2:647 
I  [.ill,  David,  7:592 

Hall,  Elkin,  capt.,  1:766,  867,  868,  S77;  2:7 
Hall,  Rev.  Jacob: 

Canajoharie  appointment,  7:566-67,  812,  841,  1026,  1160 
refusal  of,  8:182,  257-58 

missionary  recommendations  of,  7:510-17,  518,  543 
Hall,  Johannes,  7:1106 
Hall,  John,  2:647 

Hall,  John  (carpenter's  apprentice),  13:304,  306,  307-14pas*wn 
Hall,  John,  Jr.,  7:139,   179 
Hall,  John  T.,  7:439,  1107 
Hall,  John  W.,  13:502 
Hall,  Nicholas,  7:1106 
Hall,  William,  2:576;  13:502 
Hallenbeck,  see  Halenbeck 

Haller,  A.lbrecb.1  von.  5:7(10,  761  ;  6:30,  31  ;  12:446,  610-11 
Mallet,  ,  at  New  York  "tea  party,"  8:976 

llallct,  James   (wheelwright),  1:725 
Ilallines,  Johannes,  7  :666 
Hallstead,  Benjamin,  3:956 
Ham,  George,  6:771 
Ham,  George,  Jr.,  6:771 

Hambach    (llamhmk,    llambugh),   Frederik,  4:811;    5:334;    6:121-22;    13:396 
Ilambaeh,  Henry,  4:427;  10:715,  914»;  12:500,  508 
Hambleton,  John,  4:70 
Ilamersly,  Thomas,  3:875,  956 
Hamilton,  ,  dweller  among  Oneidas,  9:871 

Hamilton,  ,   Philadelphia  merchant,  1:209 

Hamilton,  ,  maj.,  8:551;  12:99  1 



Hamilton,  Alexander,  8:226-27 
Hamilton,  Andrew,  lawyer,  3:809 
Hamilton,  Andrew,  lieut.,  12:394 
Hamilton,  James,  deported,  3:377 

Hamilton,  James,  governor  of  Pennsylvania,  l:280n;  9:133m. 
autograph,  3:xiv 
Carlisle,  Pa.,  and,  3:875n 

Cherokee-Iroquois  hostilities  (1762)   and,  10:550,  566,  584,  605 
Easton  Council    (1761)    and,  3:391,  518,   522,  523,  526,  536;    10:300-301, 

331;  13:271 
Easton  meeting  with  Teedyuscung  (1762),  3:686,  688,  689,  761,  765,  787-89, 
791,   828,   838,   845,   850;    10:210-12,   230-31,   268,   383,   395,   404,  449, 
454-55,  466,  553 
Fort  Pitt  Shawnee  meeting  (1762),  10:577 
on  French  Indians  on  the  Ohio,  1:314,  910-11;  9:63,  67 
at  Harris  Ferry-Lancaster  Iroquois  Congress  (1757),  9:743 
Lancaster   Treaty    (1762)    and,   3:873-74,   940-41;    10:537-39,   541,   547-48, 
573;  13:279 
account  of,  10:551-55 
liquor  trade  regulation,  8:286 
portrait,  3:391 

Susquehanna  Indian  meeting  (1761),  3:574 
Susquehanna  Purchase  and,  1:396-98;  9:131,  133-34,  142 
Broadhead  report,  10:530-33,  536,  541,  551,  554 
Fitch  Proclamation  (1762),  3:890-91;  10:473 
Pennsylvania  deeds,  3:779 

royal  intercession  (1763),  4:106,  122,  138;  10:655-56 
settler  removal   attempts    (1761),   3:354,   391-92,   401;    10:212-13,   215, 

settler  removal  attempts  (1762),  3:890-91,  939-41 
settler  removal  attempts  (1763),  4:74-75,  76;  10:652,  671-72,  691-92 
Teedyuscung  Indian  convention  (1760),  Pennsylvania  deputies  to,  3:204,  207 
Hamilton,  Otho,  7:629 
Hammer,  Abigail,  4:159 
Hammer,  John,  5:153 
Hammer,  Margery,  4:159;  5:153 
Hammer,  Margret,  5:153 
Hammer  (Hamar),  Sarah,  4:155;  5:153 
Hammer,  Tan,  5:153 
Hammet,  ,  capt.,  4:431;  13:326 

Hammond,  Margery,  4:160 
Hammor,  Thomas,  4:160 
Hamohogameg  (Chippewa  chief),  4:804,  807 
Hampden,  John,  7:398n 
Hampden  Hall,  7:398w 
Hance,  in  Adems  accounts,  13:572 
Hance   (prisoner),  11:485 

Hance  (Johannes,  Big  Hans),  Tekarihoga,  son  of  Old  Nickus: 
Bradstreet  expedition  return  (1764),  11:514-15 
Chickesaw  message  (1770),  12:800 
condolence  for  the  English  Man  (Cayuga)  12:97 
Detroit  siege  (1763)  news,  10:723,  726 
at  Fort  Stanwix  Congress,  12:628 
Klock  fraud,  4:146 
on  Maybe  land  deals,  11:555-56 
on  Montreal  expedition,  10:181;  13:175 
mother's  death,  9:767 
on  murdered  Onondaga,  12:123 

Niagara  Carrying  Place  defense  (1764)  recruitment,  11:181 
nosebleed,  12:542 

presents,  3:160;  9:651,  654,  794;  12:734,  737,  798,  864 
royal  appeal  on  Mohawk  claims,  11:984-85 
Hance,  son  of  Seth,  2:642;  3:153;  9:780,  795 


Sir  William  Johnson  Papers 

Hance  the  Witt,  see  White  Hans 

Hancock,  John,  6:410;  7:71,  753 

Hand,  Elias,  capt.,  2:837 

Handly,  Charles,  1:13 

Hanes  (Niquattiha — Canajoharie),  10:181;  13:176 

Hanes  ( Teyoneghserise — Oneida),  10:182;  13:176 

Haney,  Hugh,  see  Heney,  Hugh 

Hanhouse,  ,  accounts,  13:715,  718 

Hanjost  (Thaosaquattho— Oneida),  10:182;  13:176 

Hanlon,  Andrew,  5:396;  12:787,  819,  855 

Hann,  Hendrick,  7:352 

Hanna,  Rev.  William,  8:x 

Anglican  ordination  request,  8:110,  144,  174 

land  purchases,  8:225-26,  232 

law  practice,  5:492,  555;  8:81,  82-83 

testimonials  concerning,  8:97,  98-99 

Virginia  parish  opportunity,  8:544 
Hannah   (prisoner),  11:487 
Hannanas  (Wabash  Chief),  7:135-36,  139 
Hannis  (Oneida),  3:152,  180;  9:803;  10:63;  12:121 
Hannis  (Stockbridge  Indian),  Albany  land  claims  and,  12:271-73 
Hanover,  Germany,  3:229,  232,  892 
Hanover,  New  Hampshire,  5:304« 
Hans  (Mohawk),  see  Canadagaia;  Unaguaandchonge 
Hans,  Joseph,  see  Ainse,  Joseph  Louis 
Hans,  son  of  Thicklipsett,  1:739 
Hans  the  Wild  (Mohawk),  see  Canadagaia 
Hansard,  ,  lieut.,  13:42 

Hansen,  Lord,  death  of,  2:156 

Hansen,  Barent,  8:656 
Hansen,  Carl,  12:828 
Hansen  (Hansa,  Hanson),  Hans,  1:123,  373;  2:136;  12:578?i 

Albany  election  of  1750,  1:293,  294 

Mayor  of  Albany,  l:418w 

proposed  for  Indian  Affairs  commission,  1:383 
Hansen,  Hendrick,  1:23;  3:285-86,  288;  8:656;  12:760,  829 
Hansen,  Hennerry,  1:35,  325,  372;  9:78,  79,  86 
Hansen,  Johannes,  1 :  812 
Hansen  (Hanson),  John,  4:205;  12:829 

Albany  clerkship  (1765),  4:635-36,  767,  825;  11:528-29 

Cuningham  case,  4:884 

English  voyage,  4:263,  320,  417 

law  license,  8:72-73 

oath  of  allegiance,  8:656 

sheriff  candidacy,  4:198-99 

Stamp  Act  rioters  and,  5:5 
Hansen,  John  R.,  capt.: 

Mohawk  prisoners  entrusted  (1763)  to,  4:372-73;  11:98 

Oquaga  reinforcements  (1763),  4:363;  11:97-98 

Roberts  and,  5:715-16,  717;  12:356 

Schoharie  defense  (1763),  4:301;  11:35,  98-99 

Tuscarora  agriculture  and,  11:188 

volunteer  company  of,  4:286,  301,  316 
Hansen,  Nicholas,  capt.,  3:296,  369 
Hansen,  Peter,  6:551  ;  7:  153;  8:33:!;  12:678 
Hansen,  Richard,  7:34,  974;  8:333 
Hansen  patent,  6:352-53,  621;  12:f>7s 
Hansen  &  Abcel,  12:829 
Hansen  &  Cuyler,  1:851 
Hansocas,  Mother,  1:230 
Hanson,  ,  1:328 

Hanson,  ,  Johnson  (John)   Assembly  candidacy   (1768)   and,  12:408 



Hanson  (murdered  trader),  7:872 

Hanson,  Willis  T.,  Jr.,  3:xi 

Hantheis,  Hance,  3:159 

Hanyost  (Kaghniza — Canajoharie),  10:181;  13:176 

Harcourt,  Lord,  3:537;  7:1078 

Hardenbergh,  Jacob  R.,  8:768 

Hardenbergh,  Johannes,  maj.,  col. : 

Delaware  conference  (1761),  3:527,  566-67,  568 

Esopus  Indian  conference  (1741),  1:15 

Esopus  settlement  attack  threat,  4:216;  10:887-88 

at  Fort  Edward  (1757),  2:730 

land  patent: 

Bradstreet  account  of,  6:735-38,  781;  7:41 

Bradstreet  gift  from  the  Oneidas  and,  7:323-25,  1098;  8:348,  777 

certificate  as  deed  prior  to  Fort  Stanwix  Treaty,  7:641,  659,  718,  1038, 

1043;  8:15,  346 
Esopus  Indian  protest  on  boundaries  of,  6:714,  738-39,  749 
Delaware  (Esopus)  Iroquois  dependency  and,  6:760-61 
map,  12:263 

Oquaga  protest  on  boundaries,  12:542 
Minisink  Indian  raids  (1756),  2:418-19 
Ulster  regiment  commissions  (1772),  8:555 
Hardenbrook,  Abel,  8:47 

Hardenburgh,  Johannes  (John),  see  Hardenbergh,  Johannes 
Hard  Labor  Creek,  South  Carolina,  12:337ft,  360 
Hardley,  Mathews,  13:639 

Hardy,   Sir   Charles,   New  York   Governor,   2:68,   337,   783;    9:316;    ll:663?i; 

as  admiral,  2:37,  540 

at  Albany  Council  of  War  (1756),  9:483,  487 
Albany  Militia  and,  2:555n,  556n 

appeal  for  release  of  jailed  Indians  (1757),  9:685,  686-87;  13:95 
arms  disbursement  (1756),  9:440 

arrival  from  England,  1:464,  532,  533,  566,  696,  848;  2:5,  37,  64 
biographical  sketch,  2:37«;  9:263n 
Caghnawaga  trade  at  Albany  and,  2:76 
clothing  for  northern  troops  (1756),  2:407,  495 

at  Council  of  Provincial  Officers,  2:304,  314,  324;  9:243-44;  13:70,  71-72 
Crown  Point  artillery  convoys  and,  9:167 

Crown  Point  expedition  request  for  government  instructions,  2:175w,  189-91, 
212-13,  220-23,  251,  283 
troop  dismissal  and,  13:66-67,  69,  71-72 
Delaware-Shawnee  uprisings  and,  9:400,  451,  522 
Dieskau  and,  2:100,  183w,  205,  438;  9:264 
English  visit  (1755),  3:995 
Fort  Edward  land  survey,  2:327,  353 

Fort  Johnson  Iroquois  Congress  (1756)  and,  9:370,  376,  400 
Fort  William  Henry  attack  (1757)  and,  9:811 

on  French-Indian  raids,  2:359-60,  387-89,  431,  444,  447,  452,  455-56,  469 
French  threats  (1755-56)  of  attack,  9:303-304,  343,  365 
French  threats  on  German  Flats  (1757),  9:661 
French  trade  (1757)  and,  9:699 

frontier  defense  orders  (1755-56),  2:323;  9:400-401 
garrisoning  of  forts  and,  2:283;  9:339 
Glasier  and,  9:472 

Indian  Affairs  and,  2:289,  322,  441,  481 ;  9:300,  321,  331 
Indian  conference  plans  (1756),  13:73 
Indian  land  rights  and,  1:528-30 
Iroquois  loyalty  and,  13:72-73 
Johnson's  English  preferment  and,  2:65,   68,  69,   87-88,   112-13,   114,   266 

270,  435 
Lake  George  battle  and,  2:37,  45,  48;  9:239 
Lake  George  fortification,  2:82,  98-99,  114,   117,  130-32,  144,  149-51,  157, 


Sir  William  Johnson  Papers 

333,  356,  364;  9:263-64,  265 

Lake  George  proposed  visit,  2:77,  83-85,  95,  99,  155 

Lake  George  troop  disciplinary  problems  (1755)  and,  2:133-38,  307;  13:63 

Livingston  Manor  and,  2:712;  9:727 

Lords  of  Trade  and,  2:39n,  155,  472,  492 

military  hospitals  and,  2:101 

military  salaries  and,  9:551 

Mohawk  fortification  (1756),  13:90 

Mohawk  recruitment  message  (Albany,  Sept.,  1755),  2:92-94,  99,  125-28 

Oneida  fort  and,  2:298 

Onondaga  Council  of  Iroquois  and,  2:460-61,  500-501 

Oswego  relief  and,  2:431-32,  449;  9:400,  401,  436 

portrait,  1:529 

Pownall  English  voyage  (1755)  and,  13:65 

present  for  Indian  conference  (1757)  and,  9:722 

press  warrant  issued  to  St.  Clair,  2:529n 

provisions  for  Lake  George  troops  (1755),  2:77,  79,  99 

on  reinforcement  of  Crown  Point  expedition,  2:14n,  110,  210,  229,  264,  272, 
274,  296 

report  to  Sir  Thomas  Robinson  on  Crown  Point  expedition,  2:338  42 

on  reported  scalping  of  Senecas,  2:426-27 

Saratoga  River  company  and,  2:276 

Seneca  smith  and,  9:387-88 

Stockbridge  Indians  and,  9:632,  727,  766 

Teedyuscung  and,  2:510 

Van  Schaick  reconciliation  suggested  (1755),  13:73 

Wraxall's   mission   to,   2:120-21,   122,   123-25,   133-40,    142-44,   153-55,    162, 
9:247,  255-56;  13:61 
Hardy,  Josiah,  governor  of  N.  J.,  3:417n;  4:150;  10:430;  ll:663n 
Hare,  ,2:523 

Hare,  Peter,  6:70 
Hare,  Robert,  8:1139,  1147,  1153 
Hare  (Hair),  William,  lieut.,  capt.:  2:897;  3:277 

ammunition  receipt   (1764),  4:427 

Bradstreet  Treaty  (1764)  and,  4:604 

Canestio  expedition  (1764)  and,  4:324,  344-45,  352,  392-94;  11:74-76,  86-88 
Achsinnessink  orders,  11:85 

commission,  10:1  15,  116-17,  120 

death  of,  12:1028 

MacLeod  and,  5:743 

Niagara  surrender  (1759),  13:121 

Oswegatchie  scalping  party  (1759),  13:147,  150 

at  Oswego  [roquois  Congress  (1759),  13:131,  136,  144 

pass  renewal  petition,  5:144 

petition  on  Canadian  trade  violations,  5:760 

Wade  (  Perrall)  and,  8:222,  241,  274,  560 
Baring,  Adam,  8:334 
Harkeman,  ,  2:6S0 

Barkemer,  s<  i    Herchheimer 
Barkerman,  capt.,  3:59,  85,  104 

Harley,  Thomas,   7:767 

Barley  &  Drummond,  7:36.'],  708,  766-67,  785,  894;  8:578 
Barlow,  [saae,  7:414 ;  13:639 
Barman,  ,  capt.,  13 :  ">  I 

Barmense,  Nanning,  4:685,  817;  11:886;  13:482-85 
Barper,  ,  Lake  George  land  grants,  11:117 

Barper,  ,  Oquaga,  land  sales  by.  8:423,  777 

Harper.  Eve,  11:  186 
Barper,  John : 

French  and  Brush  bond,  6:360;  12:582 

land  purchases,  12:259,  331-32,  346,  542,  582,  754 
Harper,  John  (English  visitor,  1771),  7:1110,  1  150-51  ;  8:27,  32 



Harper,  John  (interpreter),  4:395 

Harper,  Josiah,  13:497 

Harper,  Thomas,  11:485 

Harper's  Corner,  12:880 

Harper's  Line,  7:718,  773 

Harrey,  George,  1:716 

Harries,  ,1:566,578,586 

Harrigate  Spa,  Yorkshire,  13:180 

Harriot  (ship),  4:426;  7:285;  12:316 

Harris,  (New  York  merchant),  10:235,  247 

Harris,  (scout),  9:526 

Harris,  Mrs.,  6:498 

Harris,  ,  capt.,  8:71 

Harris,  ,  lieut.,  3:73,  75,  78,  84 

Harris,  Captain  (Indian),  10:185 

Harris,  Christopher,  col,  1:860-61;  2:353 

autograph,  l:li 

at  Crown  Point   (1755)   Council  of  War,  1:860-61;   2:198,  250,  312,  317; 

regiment  of,  1:716,  723,  776,  864,  865;  2:527;  9:227,  273,  297,  324 
Harris,  Jacob,  7:663,  919;  12:818,  855 
Harris,  James,  11:485 

Harris,  John,  4:417;  9:719,  727,  728,  732,  734 
Harris  (Harriss),  Thomas,  2:554,  575,  636;  4:364;  12:818,  855 

on  Indian  presents,  4:219,  342 
Harrisburg,  Pennsylvania,  3:922;  4:234;  6:316;  11:578 

fortifications  near,  2:522 

Harris  Ferry-Lancaster  Iroquois  Congress  (1757),  2:743,  752-56,  7S8,  790; 
3:33-34,   194,   214;    9:595-96,   607-10,  614,   615-16,   619-20,  621,   623-25, 
698,  705,  727-33,  782,  806,  827 
Minutes,  9:727-65 

Indians  confined  (1763)  at,  10:847 

Stump  murders  (1768)  near,  6:91n,  176n 
Harris's  Ferry,  see  Harrisburg,  Pennsylvania 
Harrison,  ,  collector  at  Boston,  6:305,  306,  405 

Harrison,  Edward,  5:169;  7:162,  179,  205,  220,  564,  565 
Harrison  (Harson),  Francis,  4:574;  11:693;  12:1068 
Harrison,  George,  7:579;  12:610 
Harrisson,  ,  in  Adems  accounts,  13:546 

Harry  (slave),  5:138 
Harry,  Andrew,  5:153 
Hariy,  Barshe,  4 :  160 
Harry,  Christopher,  4:159 
Harry,  Christopher,  Jr.,  4:159 
Harry,  Daniel,  4:159 
Harry,  Henry,  4:159 
Harry,  John,  11:489 
Harry,  Martha,  4:160 
Harry,  Mary,  4:159,  160 
Harry,  Philip,  4:159 
Harsen,  Bernadus,  2:592 
Harsin,  Jacob,  4:123;  5:226-27;  7:1037 

Niagara  appointment,  3:727;  13:243 
Harson,  Francis,  see  Harrison,  Francis 
Hart,  John,  l:662n,  667;  2:846,  859 
Hartell,  John  Jacob,  see  Hertel,  John  Jacob 
Harter,  Henry,  8:1210 
Hartford,  Connecticut: 

Connecticut  Assembly  of  1663,  11:419 

Iroquois   Council   on   Susquehanna   settlement    (1763),   4:123-30,    138,   218; 
10:663-69,  722-23,  752;  11:125-26 

Mohegan  land  claims  and,  4:455;  11:255 


Sir  William  Johnson  Papers 

Susquehanna  Company  meeting  (1769),  6:577,  629,  689,  698,  744 
Hartman,  ,  8:738 

Hartwick,  Rev.  John  Christopher : 

on  frontier  defense,  2:417 

land  purchases,  3:352,  365,  420;  10:234;  12:269-70,  303,  702-703 

Oswego  correspondence  (1759),  13:149 
Harvard  College,  l:263n,  536n,  856n;  4:10m 
Harvey,  maj.,  see  Hervey,  William,  maj. 
Harvy,  ,  col,  9:326 

Hasbrouck,  Abraham,  lieut.  col.,  3:527,  566-69;  8:555,  571,  939-40 
Hasbrouck,  J.,  5:31,  296 
Hasenclever,  Peter: 

on  agriculture,  4:633;  5:14;  11:3,  4 

on  American  trade,  value  to  England  (1770),  7:426-29 

on  the  Billeting  Act,  5:704 

biographical  sketch,  7:426w 

business  failure,  5:478;  6:424;  7:181 

at  Chippewa  conference  (Johnson  Hall,  June,  1765),  11:770 

on  English  elections  of  1768,  6:120-21 

English  trial  of,  7:426n 

Gage  and,  11:603,  621-22,  648 

German  indentured  servants  of,  5:73 

hemp  seed,  4:787,  856,  862 

iron  works,  4:664,  811;  6:xi,  425;  7:426m;  11:622,  623,  649 

Johnstown  and,  4:697,  885;  11:648-49 

land  holdings,  6:75,  83,  425;  8:754;  12:996 

in  Oriskany  patent,  4:633;  5:344,  366,  367,  384,  400,  641,  704,  776,  833; 
6:286;  11:4-5;  12:637,  697 

linen  manufacture  and,  5:14;  6:427;  11:3 

on  mining,  4:724 

portrait,  11:648 

potash   and   pearlash    manufacture,   4:760,    787,    825,   845,   850,    862,   870; 
5:11-13,  32,  63,  74;  11:773 

settlement  of  German  farmers  and,  4:635,  644,  645n 

ship  purchase,  4:776 

on  Stamp  Act,  4:850;  5:13,  40,  63,  74,  136-37,  202-203 

trade  plans,  5:344,  384 

Watts'  introduction  (1765)  of,  4:741 
Hasenclever,  Seton  &  Croftes,  4:858 
Haskol,  ,10:874 

llassord,  John,  4:427 
Hastings,  Robert,  lieut.,  8:867 
II. it  field,  Massachusetts,  1:167;  2:211m, 
Hatton,  Thomas,  8:250,  342,  434 
1  laugh,  Benjamin,  8:1214 
Haughton,  Elijah,  ens.,  13:52 
llaus,  ,  8:333 

Haussonville,  Le  Comte  de,  3:880,  897 

Havana,  Cuba: 

Albemarle  conduct  at,  3:902,  923 
Knowles  in,  1:119a 

Lyman  in,  l:670n 

melon  seeds  from,  4:849 

prize  money,  4:448;  5:l<i5 

sickness  of  troops  in,  3:878-79,  880,  881,  923,  928,  960,  990-91;  5-629 

surrender   (1762),  3:875,  878-79,  SS0,  881,  884,  959;  4:2;  8:136 

troop  returns  (1763)  from,  10:788,  803 
Haversack,  ,1:13 

Haviland,  William,  col,  3:260;  10:208 
Hawke,  Edward,  admiral: 

at  Belle  Isle,  9:263n 

French  ships  captured  (1755),  2:243 



Hawke,  Edward,  admiral, 

Louisbourg  siege  (1758),  2:887;  9:263w 
Mediterranean  voyage  (1756),  2:532 

in  Seven  Years'  War,  3:564 
Hawks,  ,1:168,169 

Hawkins,  John,  1:799 
Hawkins,  Mary,  4:159 
Hawley,  Elisha,  capt.,  1:673,  730;  9:236 
Hawley,  Rev.  Gideon: 

cow  of,  2:633;  9:646 

Delaware  account  of  English  quarrel  (1755),  9:334-35 

at  Fort  Johnson  Congress  (1756),  9:347,  355,  357,  362,  370,  373 

Mohawk  mission  and,  3:48 

Oquagas  and,  9:715-16,  718 
Hawley  (Hawlley),  Mathew,  capt.,  7:414 
Haxton,  George,  3:864 
Hay,  (Sheipt  nephew),  7:1079 

Hay,  (Quebec  chief  justice),  5:708,  732;  6:302 

Hay,  Mrs.  ,8:351 

Hay,  Jehu,  lieut. : 

Abbott  trade  fraud  inquiry,  12:216-17,  290 

accounts,  4:862;  5:344,  345,  382,  426,  462,  468,  488,  515,  687-88,  702-703, 
731;  7:151-52,  197,  198,  209,  225,  226,  284,  298;  8:1071;  12:557,  642, 
731,  755 

Chippewa-Cherokee  hostilities   (1768),  12:600 

commissary  appointment  (1766),  5:76,  77,  81,  338,  340,  363,  376,  442,  730- 
31;   7:78;  12:106 

complaints  against,  5:541,  552,  559,  564,  698,  815,  818;  6:83,  87;  12:289- 
90,  424 

court  of  inquiry  on  complaints,  5:815;  13:439 

Croghan  Illinois  expedition  (1765)  and,  4:767 

Detroit  Indian  attack  threat   (1769)   and,  6:776;   7:47;   12:722 

Detroit  Indian  Council  (1774),  13:691-92,  698 

Detroit  murders  (1767)  and,  6:434;  12:322,  323,  335-36 

Detroit  murders  (1768)  and,  12:507,  508,  517,  544 

Detroit  residency  appointment  (1774),  8:1194;  12:1058,  1092;  13:666 

Detroit  trade  report  (1767),  12:398-400 

on  Fort  Ontario  provisions  (1766),  12:137 

Fraser  arrival  at  Fort  Chartres  and,  4  :801 ;  11 :  869 

French  traders  and,  5:441,  657-58 

Henry  (Robert)  and,  5:369 

Illinois  mission  (1774)  for  Haldimand,  8:1033,  1070-71,  1118-19,  1136,  1149, 
1167,  1194;  13:666,  677,  685 

Indian  Affairs  employment  application  (1765),  4:651,  742;  11:610 

interpreters'  receipts,  5:340,  516 

Johnson  Hall  visit  (1770),  7:773 

Johnson  (Guy)  orders  (1768),  12:524 

Joncaire  and,  6:416,  417,  419,  420,  429,  430 

Journal  of  Indian  transactions  (1767),  5:669-76 

land  grant,  8:416 

Michilimackinac  commissary  absence  (1768)  and,  12:509 

Niagara  court  martial  (1761)  of,  13:228-29,  230 

Niagara-Detroit  journey  (1761)  visits,  13:240,  267 

Pontiac  and,  4:862;  5:637-38,  643-44,  648-49,  688-89,  723;  12:228,  480 

Pottawattomies  and,  5:618-21,  637-38,  648-49,  662;  11:552 

Roberts  bills  and,  5:716,  830;  6:35;  7:702,  773;  8:1071;  12:361 

Rogers'  imprisonment  and,  12:479-80 

salary,  5:613;  7:702;  8:1071;  12:731 

trade  regulations,  5:507,  653-59,  703,  726-27;  12:518 

Wetherhead  and,  6:300;  7:555,  773 
Hay,  William,  5:231?i;  10:730 
Hayendisese  (Cayuga  sachem),  9:540 
Haynes,  Hendrick,  3:750;  12:784,  793 


Sir  William  Johnson  Papers 

Hnynes,  Joseph,  2:745;  10:530 

Hays,  maj.,  5:239 

Hays,  Barrak,  4:830;  11:908 

Hays,  Thomas,  capt.,  7:632 

llayth,  Cornelius,  capt.,  7:251,  252,  272 

Haywood,  William,  5:169 

Ha'zelton,  John,  maj.,  2:180,  276 

Hazard,  ,  4  :155 

Hazard,  Harry,  4:159 

Hazerd,  Robert  (carpenter),  13:307,  314 

Hazzard,  Jason  (Jassen),  4:385 

Hazzens    (Hazon),  ,  Rogers  land  patent  application  and,  3:409,  642 

Heard,  Wallace,  6:777-78 

Heat,  Catherine,  11:489 

Heath,  ,  1:498 

Heath,  John,  3:734;  4:541 

Heath,  Sir  Robert,  6:572 

Heathcock,  John,  4:146;  10:487 

Hebron,  Connecticut,  9:481;  11:856 

Heemstraat,  Derik,  1:872 

Heerhard,  Hans,  9:291 

1  [ees,  Henry,  8:655 

Heger,  Hendrick,  8:466-67 

Heighan,  John,  13:502 

Height,  ,  capt.,  3:55 

Helen  (McLeod?)  "of  Greece,"  12:266 

Helling,  William,  Unit.,  1:366 

Hellmer,  Adam,  3:343 

Hellmer,  Frederick,  8:333,  1210 

Helmer  (Hellmar),  Lenerd,  3:613,  717;  4:146,  657 

Hemar,  A.  D.,  4:838 

Hence,  Jacob,  6:241 

Henderson,  Edward,  11:488 

Henderson,  James,  11:121 

Hendrick,  ,  in  Adcms  accounts,  13:572 

Hendrick  (of  Canajoharie),  prisoners  (1764),  11 :108 

Hendrick  (Sarahowane — Canajoharie),  on  Montreal  expedition,  10:181;  13:175 

Hendrick  (German  Flats  Indian),  4:832 

Hendrick   (scout),  2:285 

Hendrick  (Mohawk  sachem,  "King,"  surnamed  Peters): 

at  Albany  Council  (1751)  of  Iroquois,  1:340-44 

at  Albany  Congress  |  L754)  on  Indian  Affairs,  1:426;  10:337 

biographical  sketch,  l:237n 

brother  Abraham's  religious  duties  and,  9:52,  53-54 

on  Crown  Point  expedition,  1:882;  2:2,  573 

death  of,  2:91,  127,  416;  9:231,  238,  278,  291,  350,  391 

French  scalp  to  replace,  13:  I  L3 

on  French  threats,  1:278,  489-90;  9:60-61 

Johnson's  land  purchases  and,  1:330,  414,440;  13:15-19 

in  King  George's  War,  1:95,   L50,  212;  9:15,   L6,   17,  20,  21,  25,  27,  30,  52, 
53,  54 

Logsiown  conference  (1753)  refusal,  13:2.",  2  1 

mark  of,  13:19,  24 

Mohawk  influence  of,  1:357-58,  426,  133  34 

Pennsylvania  land  release  (1754)  and,  10:44 

portrait,  2:16,  288;  7:272,  524;  9:60,  L56 

rumors  of  English  treachery  and,  9:62,  63  '■'<  I 

sickness  of,  1:79,  81,  84 

speech  at  Lake  George,  2:11??,  .".SO  S3;  9:222  21 

Susquehanna  Purchase  and,  1 :405,  441  ;  3:715;  9: 1  12.  1  1"    1  is    150-52   153 
154,  156-57,  159,  160,  161,  202;  10:484  85 

on  threat  of  attack  at  Great  Carrj  ing  Place,  2:16-17 




widow  of,  12:245,  761,  866,  897,  945,  999,  1019 
Hendrick  (Mohawk  sachem,  1764),  11:359-61;  12:603-604,  628 
Hendrick    (Keandaraher — Mohawk),   on  Montreal  expedition,   10:180;    13:173 
Hendrick  (Naghkawimet— Mahican),  10:183;  13:177 
Hendrick  (Oghsidago— Oneida),  10:181;  13:176 
Hendrick   (Raghsoghiatha),  9:646 
Hendrick  (Tayendaque),  10:726 

Hendrick's  brother,  see  Abraham  (brother  of  Hendrick) 
Hendrick's  son,  1:153,  414 
Hendrick  (Tuscarora  Indian),  2:631 
Hendrick  (Tioyonmenhoseawea),  12:531 
Hendrick,  Fort: 

alert  for  escaped  prisoners,  2 :  747-48 

Canajoharie  patent  and,  6:771 

dismantled  (1768),  12:555 

French  attack  threat  (1756),  9:534-35 

garrison,  6:313;  9:509 

soldier  abuse  of  Mohawks  (1758),  13:104-107 

German  Flats  raid  (1758),  2:835-36 

Indian  disputes  (1758),  10:62-63 

Indian  famine  (1760)  and,  3:218,  219 

militia  summons  (Oct.  1758),  10:26,  29 

Montreal  expedition  and,  3:249 

Pickard  (Cobus)  at,  12:245 

roads,  13:208 
Hendrickson,  John,  13:566 
Henely  (Cherokee),  2:858,  862,  863 

Henerick  (Sanoughsise — Canajoharie),  on  Montreal  expedition,  10:181;  13:175 
Heney,  Hugh: 

accounts,  8:274;  13:488,  708,  709,  711-12,  716,  718,  721 

Caghnawaga  residence,  7:947;  8':  866 

on  Carleton-Caghnawaga  relations,  7:530-31 
Henry,  ,  col.,  9:341 

Henry  (prisoner),  11:488 
Henry,  Prince  of  England,  3:144 
Henry,  Alexander: 

copper  interest,  6:242,  246 

Michilimackinac  bills  (1764-65),  4:734,  742,  760,  767,  768,  778 

Michilimackinac  smuggling,  12:355 

at  Rogers'  court  of  inquiry,  5:638,  640 

Rogers  Indian  councils  and,  12:355-56 
Henry,  Dorothy  (Mrs.  John),  6:254,  256 
Henry,  Elias,  4:850 
Henry,  Elizabeth,  11:489 
Henry,  James,  3:177 
Henry,  John,  1:188 
Henry,  John  (gunsmith),  4:180 
Henry,  John  (heir  of  Col.  Ryder),  6:254,  256 
Henry,  Patrick,  4:775» 

Henry,  Robert,  5:369;  7:347,  349;  8:97,  616;  13:496-97 
Henry,  Robert,  Jr.,  8:1049 
Henry  &  Bensted,  rum  trade,  12:265 
Henry,  Farrell  &  Abbot   (Eobert  Henry,  John  Farrell,  James  Abbot),  4:850; 


receipts,  5:596 

Roberts  suit,  7:4,S6,  796,  803-806,  915,  1014,  1120;  8:133,  134,  244,  439-40 
616-17,  634-35,  640-41,  660,  693-97 
TIenry  $•  Mary  (sloop),  3:833 
Herbert,  ,  wife  of,  13:585 

Herchheimer,  ,  1:675;  9:71,  139 

Herchheimer,  George,  7:456;  8:1210;  13:377 
Herchheimer,  Hendrick,  2:600;  7:666;  9:135n 


Sir  William  Johnson  Papers 

Herchheimer  (Harkemar,  Harkemer,  Hereheimer,  Herkimer),  Johan  Jost  (Han 

Jost,  John  Joost,  Jost),  col.,  (justice  of  the  peace) : 

accounts  (1756),  2:595,  601,  602,  608 

Albany  County  division  petition,  8:333 

Albany  Dutch-English  quarrel  (1756),  2:702 

autograph,  6:xii 

at  Canajoharie  meeting  (1763),  4:50,  61 

cow  sold  by,  3:165 

Chenussios  at  German  Flats  and,  4:228;  10:916 

Fort  Johnson  Iroquois  Council  (1763)  and,  10:801 

Frank  murder  (1761),  3:407;  10:297 

German  Flats  attack  threat  (1763)  and,  10:758 

at  German  Flats  Indian  meeting  (1761),  3:430 

German-Indian  intrigue  (1758)  and,  9:919 

Hasenclever  and,  5:705 

horse  hire  (1756),  2:486 

on  horse  thefts  (1762), 10:512 

justice  appointment  lists,  3:609,  750;  12:769,  784,  793 

justice  appointment  refusal  (1772),  8:444-45,  468 

land  holdings,  6:24;  9:135 

liquor  for  Indians  (1766),  5:233 

maladministration  charge,  8:509-10 

militia  appointments  (1768),  6:190,  212 

Oswego  road  work  (1756)  and,  2:513,  526-27 
Herchheimer,  Johan  Jost,  Jr.,  7:456;  9:501;  11:933-37 
Herchheimer  (Harkamore,  Herkeman,  Herkemer,  Herkheimer,  Herkimer),  Johan 

Nicholas   (Hannikel,  Han  Nichles,  Nichlus,  Nicolas),  lieut.,  col.,  3:170 

Albany  County  division  petition,  8:333 

as  chairman  of  Tryon  County  committee,  8:1203,  1204,  1207,  1213-14 

Ganeghwaghtai  provisions,  10:644 

German  Flats  alarm  (1762)  and,  3:852 

German  Flats  patent  release  (Sept.,  1765),  11:933-37 

on  Great  Carrying  Place  attack  threats  (1756),  9:501 

on  horse  and  sled  shortage  (1756),  9:411 

justice  appointment,  lists  (1770),  12:768,  784,  793 

Klock  petition  against,  4:195,  311-13;  12:345 

oath  of  allegiance,  8:655 

Penn  stop  (1768)  with,  12:596 

Schuyler  will  and,  4:449 

scouts  (1757)  and,  9:724 
Herchheimer  (Harkemer)  patent,  3:326,  369 
Herckemer,  ,  on  threat  from  Iroquois,  3:343 

Hercules   (Oneida),  9:610 
Herkeman,  ,  1:71 

Herkimer,  ,  rum  trade,  2:534-35,  539 

Herkimer,  Nicholas,  gen.,  2:513w,  534n,  897ft 
Herkimer,  Fort: 

alert  for  escaped  prisoners,  2:747-48 

deserters  (1759),  13:133 

food  disbursement  (1758),  10:68,  72 

Fonda  stationed  (1758)  at,  10:80,  81,  106 

French  attack  on  German  Flats,  2: 751157;  9:661,  662,  671,  672,  856,  865, 
866,  876,  878-79 

French  Indian  spy-suspect  at,  3:22 

garrison  of,  2:560,  S01  ;  3:963;  10:014 

Indian  attack  threats  (1757),  2:696,  697-98,  703,  793 
(1758),  2:820 
(1763),  4:182,  192 

Indian  raids  near,  2:835,  840,  897;  9:856,  865,  866 

Troquois  meeting  (1759),  3:2:; 

map,  3:23;   11:250 

Mohawks  and,  3:219 



Herkimer,  Fort, 

Niagara  horse  transport  (1760),  10:156,  159,  160,  162 

Onondaga  scouts  at,  3:257 

Oswego  cattle  supply  (1756),  13:87 

Owens  escape  from,  11:224 

Quackenbush  trips,  13:519 

White  command,  8:424 

Williams  at,  9:798 
Hermanus  (Mohawk  exhibited  in  London),  4:753;  11:754,  772 
Hernberg,  Jacob,  Jr.,  8:333 
Herring,  James,  lieut.,  3:225,  830;  10:152,  153 
Herring,  Thomas,  Archbishop  of  Canterbury  (1752),  13:22 
Hersbrough,  T.,  2:419 
Hertel,  Christopher,  7:815 
Hertel,  ,  Hasenclever  and,  5:705 

Hertel  (Hartel),  Hannis,  7:352 
Hertel,  John  Jacob : 

accounts,  7:893-94 

Aughquisasne  residence  of,  7:110-11,  127-29,  919-21,  922-23,  928-29,  930-32, 
934-35,  947,  958-59,  960-61;  8:212,  214,  840 
Indian  disputes  (1773),  12:1027;  13:620 

Johnson  Hall  conference   (July- Aug.,  1770)   on,  7:818-19;   12:841,  845, 

Burton  and,  11:699 

on  canoe  theft,  7:897-98 

in  Claus  accounts  (1772),  13:715 

Delaware-Shawnee  deputy  escort  to  peace  treaty,  4:586,  609,  620,  640 

at  Delaware-Shawnee  peace  treaty  (1765),  11:592 

family  gratitude  for  advancement  of,  4:510;  5:229-30 

at  German  Flats  Congress  (July,  1770),  12:867 

at  Missisauga-Abenaki  conference  (July,  1770),  12:830 

at  Mohawk  meeting  (Feb.,  1765),  11:605 

Montreal  journey  (1765),  4:719 

Scott  debt,  4:643,  737;  11:564 
Hertel,  L.  B.,  5:229-30 
Hertel,  S.  B.,  4:510 
Herter,  Henry,  8:333 
Hertfordshire,  England,  12:248 
Hervey,  William,  maj. : 

ammunition  and  wagon  procurement  (1760),  3:227,  228 

Canadian  Indians  and,  3:576 

on  Niagara  campaign  (1759),  3:45,  88 

voyage  to  England  (1763),  4:131,  133 
Hervieux,  Jacque,  5:133,  169 
Hess,  Augustinus,  8:1210 
Hess,  Augustus,  11:933-37 
Hesse,  Tunis,  11:160,  161 

Hester,  ,  in  Adems  accounts,  13:545,  550,  556,  568 

Hewimont,  ,  2:20,  22 

Hewson,  Daniel,  8:351 
Hewson,  Daniel,  Jr.,  8:353 
Hewson,  John,  8:351 
Heyder,  Ally,  see  Hyder  Ali 
Hickman  (Delaware),  murder  of,  10:318 
Hickman,  Thomas  (Sicasso — Delaware),  11:436 

at  Croghan  Fort  Pitt  conference  (May,  1765),  11:724 
Hicks,  ,  (lawyer),  4:114 

Hicks   (prisoner),  11:489 
Hicks  (spy  suspect),  4:417;  11:169-70,  3S5n 
Hicks,  Thomas,  6:254 
Hicks,  Whitehead,  7:483w 
Highlands,  5:654,  824 
Hildreth,  (New  York  distiller),  8:463 


Sir  William  Johnson  Papers 

Hilifie   (Mohawk),  12:531 

Hill,  ,  4:247 

Hill,  ,  sergeant,  2:241;  9:279 

Hill,  Henry,  8:415;  13:477 

Hill,  John,  8:613-14,  652,  665 

Hilliard,  ,  lieut.,  3:65,  69,  73,  80,  99 

Hillman,  James,  3:847 

Hillock,  ,  lieut.,  5:824 

Hillsborough,  Wills  Hill,  first  Earl  of,  6:219,  252,  438,  484;   7:946;   8:218; 


autograph,  7 :xii 

Blackburn  and,  8:93-94,  146,  434 

Canajoharie  grant  and,  4:419,  464,  741;  5:475;  6:735,  769-70;  11:758 

Church  of  England  American  episcopate  and,  6:746;  7:693,  694,  875 

Colden  (Cadwallader)  salary  arrears  (1769),  12:687 

on  colonial  administration  of  trade,  6:193,  282,  326,  356,  624,  758;  7:1002, 
1130;  8:337,  441,  779;  12:512,  525-26,  553-54,  564,  631,  698-99 

copper  interests  and,  6:394,  450-51,  524,  540,  541-42,  552,  668;  8:123; 
12:662-63,  859,  860,  872 

Dartmouth  and,  8:589n 

De  Berniere  and,  6:220 

Franklin  (William)  and,  7:964 

on  French  influence  among  Indians,  6:460,  635-36 

fur  trade  inquiries,  7:953 

Gordon  on,  6:337 

Gorham  and,  7:75-76,  90,  105-106,  380 

Hardenbergh  patent  and,  8:346 

Illinois  colonization  proposal,  12:512 

Indian  Affairs  Deputy  commissions  and,  8:952 

Indian  Affairs  expenses  and,  6:277,  327,  334,  356,  435,  583-84,  603,  613. 
624,  632,  693;  7:189,  606-607,  731-32,  790,  796,  840,  854,  895;  12:554- 
55,  564,  681,  699 

Indian  Affairs  policy  of  division  of  confederacies,  7:131,  332,  380,  541-42, 
1148;  8:96,  233 

Indian  Affairs  reorganization  plan,  4:339,  341,  363,  465;  11:34S 

Indian  boundary  line  and,  §:ix,  146,  231,  327,  435,  447,  472,  475,  565,  624, 
632,  668,  694,  757;  7:16,  17-1S,  30,  65,  109,  112,  296,  1148;  8:524,  991; 
12:501,  510,  514,  520,  587;  13:325 

Indian  trade  indemnities  and,  7:528,  631 

Inglis  memorial,  8:277,  300,  553,  621,  624 

Irish  Lord  Lieutenancy  and,  8:146,  358,  460 

Irish  visits,  7:158;  8:205,  346 

Iroquois-Cherokee-Canadian  Confederacy  Congress  (German  Flats,  July 
1770),  report,  7:798-99;  12:852 

KnyaderossrniH  am],  12:551,  505 

Maryland  and,  6:27S 

New  York  Assembly  and,  7:905 

New  York  quit-rents  and,  7:963 

Nova  Scotia  commissary  and,  8:365;  12:724 

O'Brien  land  purchase  (176  1  |  and,  13:329 

Ohio  colonization  proposal  (1770),  12:816 

Pitt  and,  7:157 

portrait,  6:232 

Ramsay  murders  and,  8:524 

resignation  on  passage  of  Walpolc  Grant,  8:565-66,  579n,  588,  5S9n,  621, 

623,  624 
retirement  from  the  Board  of  Trade,  5:493 
on  Revenue  Acts,  6:783;  7:67 
Roberts  and,  7:380,  382-83,  538,  539,  731-32,  895,  927,  1158;  8:133,  137, 

211,  1059  ' 

Royal  Proclamation  (1763)  on  colonial  governments,  4:214 
Secretary  of  State  for  America,  appointment  (1768),  6:97-98;  12:406,  475, 



Hillsborough,  Earl  of, 

509,  512,  514;  13:464-65 

on  Seneca  loyalty,  8:337 
Hillyer,  Nathaniel,  tieut.,  4:364:,  366;  8:655;  12:959,  988 
Hilton,  Benjamin,  8:351 
Hilton,  Peter,  8:351 
Hilton,  Richard,  8:351 
Hilton,  Thomas,  8:351 
Hilton,  William,  8:351 
Hilton,  William,  Jr.,  8:351 
Hilts,  Elizabeth,  9:674 
Hilts,  George,  8:333 
Hilts,  Stovel,  9:448 

Hind,  Eev.  Dr.  Richard,  8:x,  926-28,  1069,  1195;   12:1009,  1077-79 
Hines,  Jacob,  sgt.,  9:281 
Hip,  George,  6:771 
Hip,  Stephen,  6:771;  12:819 
Hirmntroud,  Chrisr,  11:485 
Hiselin,  R.  G.,  6:257 

Hispaniola,  West  Indies,  6:259?i;  7:798,  998 
History  of  the  Five  Nations  of  Canada  (Colden),  l:220n,  474« 
Hitchcock,  Aaron,  2:206;  9:272-73 
Hoar,  Jonathan,  lieut.  col.,  7:54 
Hoar,  William,  maj.,  2:50,  105,  136,  139,  147,  171,  252 

complaint  against  Gilbert,  2:284-85;  9:318;  13:68 
Hobbey,  capt.,  2:357 

Hobbell,  Samuel,  9:271 
Hochkirch,  battle  of,  3:284ra 
Hochstetler,  Christian,  4:751;  11:758 
Hochstetler,  Jacob,  4:751;  11:757-58 
Hockley,  ,7:300 

Hockyondoque  Creek,  3:809,  814,  817 
Hocquart,  Giles,  Chevalier  de,  2:218;  5:186n 
Hoff,  Hendrick,  7:32 
Hoffman,  ,  1:368;  8:352 

Hoffman  (Huffman),  Antoney,  8:595 
Hoffman,  Martinus,  col,  2:730;  8:595 

Silvester  suit,  4:64,  203,  220,  236 
Hoftaillen,  John,  2:731 
Hogan,  capt.,  1:184-85,  309 
Hogan,  John,  2:523 
Hogan,  William,  maj.,  8:352 

money  sent  by,  4:314,  328 

on  Niagara  campaign  (1759),  3:94;  13:121 
Hogeboom,  Jeremiah,  capt.,  col,  1:246;  2:599;  4:192;  5:556;  7:326 

charges  (1770)  against,  7:533,  534,  535,  642-43,  679 

Claverack  supervisorship,  8:449 

colonelcy  in  Claverack  regiment,  8:101,  529,  535 

justice  appointment  lists  (1770),  12:792,  793 

militia  appointments  for  new  regiments  (1770),  7:510,  679 

petition  in  behalf  of  Johonnis  Plass,  6:700-701 
Hogeboom,  Johannes,  capt.,  4:298;  5:556;  7:454;  12:S07 
Hogeland,  Adrian,  8:458 
Hogh,  Johan  Ariste,  8:334 
Hoghstrasser,  Paul,  7:636 
Hoghtelingh,  Hendrick,  1:246 
Hog  Island,  7:29 
Hoitt,  Jacob  (Mohegan),  4:728 

Holburne  (Oburn),  Francis,  1:686,  693,  719,  792;  2:206 
Holdernesse,  Robert  D'Arcy,  Earl  of,  1:446,  916,  917-18 
Holdiman,  Frederick,  see  Haldimand,  Frederick 
Holidays : 

Christmas,  1761,  3:592 


Sir  William  Johnson  Papers 

Dutch  New  Year,  13:190 

Feast  of  Saint  John,  5:450,  549,  563,  565;  6:1-2,  576;  7:6 

the  King's  birthday,  1:904;  9:33;  10:194 

Michaelmas,  13:150 

Saint  Patrick's,  1:82;  3:359;  5:507,  515;  12:297n,  474;  13:207,  635 
[lolland,  Mrs.  ,  8:351 

Holland,  Edward,  1:24-25,  269» 

Iroquois  Councils,  1:339-44,  452,  454,  463 

land  licensing  and,  1:380 

offices  held  by,  l:27n,  419 

on  West  Indian  trade,  1:31,  37,  38 
Holland,  Henry  (Albany  trader)  : 

Albany  house  sold  to  Johnson,  10:117w 

Albany  letters  received  for  Johnson  (1745-47),  1:38,  59,  79 

Assembly  election  (1761),  3:323 

Chew  and,  7:1108 

Corry  suit  (1744)  and,  13:6,  7 

fur  trade,  1:18 

goods  delivered  (1747)  to,  1:83,  84 

Sacondaga  lands,  5:429,  441;  7:1143;  12:193,  221-22,  281,  896 

snow  shoe,  order  (1748),  1:144 

son-in-law  of,  5:488 

Staten  Island  land,  3:323 

wampum  trade,  4:706;  11:668 
Holland,  Henry  Fox,  Lord: 

George  III  and,  7:830,  840 

Halifax  and,  2:54,  529 

impeachment,  7:286 

Johnson's  baronetcy  and,  2:436-37 

Johnson's  report  on  Onondaga  Conference  (1756),  2:509-10 

land  purchase  tentatives,  6:296,  491,  758 
Canajoharie  and,  4:768;  11:787 
Hasenclever  and,  6:75,  83,  120;  11:5 
for  the  O'Briens,  4:724;  5:469,  475;  13:328,  329 
Oneida  lands,  5:515;  6:70;  12:637,  638,  658,  697,  704,  750-51,  753,  829, 

935;  13:492 
Servis  patent  and,  6:315;  13:522,  525 

Secretary  of  State  appointment  (1755),  1:351,  435 

Shirley  and,  l:472n 

Treasury  contributions  (1769),  7:180 

Wraxall  and,  2:54,  515 
Holland,  Hitchen,  lieut.,  1:206,  544 

Albany  sheriff's  appointment  (1749)  and,  9:51 

estate  of,  4:48,  49,  64,  78,  207 

illness  (1756),  9:510 
Holland,  Samuel,  10:41n 

American  trade  prohibition,  6:323 

Eyre  correspondence,  13 :  64 

fleet  of,  8:831 

France  and,  7:430 

Klock  journey  plans  (1764),  11:473 

Prussia  and,  7:870 

troops  from,  2:473 

See  also  Dutch 
Hollis,  Thomas,  1:233,  234,  353 
Hollister,  Timothy,  5:59 
Holme,  Thomas,  3:802 
Holmes,  ,  lieut.,  3:262,  525 

Holmes,  Charles,  10:530 
Hobnes,  James,  capt.,  3:55,  58w,  89,  90,  92 
Holmes,  Robert,  ensign: 



Holmes,  Robert, 

death,  5:20;  10:715 

in  Miami  garrison  attack  (1763),  4:182;  10:731,  743 

Niagara  journey  (1761),  13:241,  242 

Shawnee  war-belt  discovery  (1763).  4:96-98 
Holmes,  Samuel,  5:133,  169 
Holmes  and  Memsen,  10:993 
Holmes  &  Morrison,  4:584 
Holstein,  3:681 

Holstein,  ,  prince  of,  3:893 

Holt,  ,  capt.,  8:1069 

Holt,  John,  4:541;  7:536n,  564;  11:620 
Holton,  capt.,  3:879 

Home,  col.,  7:630 

Homer,  cited,  2:267 

Homwhyowa  (Wolf  King,  Cherokee  chief),  2:846,  861 
Honduras,  7:428 
Honeyman,  James,  4:757 
Honeyman,  Wrexall,  1:52 
Honnywell,  Musick,  4:858 
Honsan,  John  R.,  see  Hansen,  John  R. 
Hoofnagel,  Christian,  4:363 
Hooghlandt,  Adrian,  4:685 
Hooghlandt,  Joris,  4:685 
Hooper,  ,  col.,  9:341 

Hooper,  Robert  Lettis,  Jr.,  8:13-14,  48;  13:15w 

in  Mortier  account,  8:506 

Ohio  colonization  and,  7:1132-33;  8:294 
Hoose,  Dirck,  4:297,  298;  7:454 
Hoose,  Myndert,  ensign,  4:298;  7:454 
Hoosick  (Hosock),  1:413,  415;  7:596;  9:241 
Hoosick  patent,  8:388,  428-29 
Hootelen,  Thomas,  7:468 

Hope  (ship),  4:686ft;  7:1157;  8:206,  242,  310 
Hopkins,  Joseph,  capt.,  col.: 

at  Detroit  courts  of  inquiry  (1763),  10:730-32,  734-36 

in  Detroit  siege  (1763),  13:319 

Mississippi  French  troops  of,  6:774 

ranger  company  of,  3:859,  900;  4:148;  10:763n 

Rogers  and,  5:764;  6:259n,  318;  12:440,  442,  444,  449,  479 
Hopkins,  (son  of  Stephen  Hopkins),  2:262 

Hopkins,  Stephen: 

autograph,  9:xii 

on  Battle  of  Lake  George,  2:90-91 

on  Crown  Point  campaign  importance  (1755),  9:226-28 

Crown  Point  expedition  conduct  and,  2:260-62 

as  governor  of  Rhode  Island,  1:659;  5:589;  9:226n 

Harris  leave  and,  1:865 

portrait,  9:226 

on  Rhode  Island  gratitude  to  Johnson,  13:80-81 
Hopkinson,  Francis,  3:775 
Hoppe,  Matthew,  1:726 
Hopson,  Peregrinus  Thomas,  l:34n 
Horace,  quoted,  7:811;  12:1023-24 
Horace,  capt.,  9:272 

Horn,  Simon  S,  7:439 
Hornbeck,  Cornelius,  3:527,  566,  567,  568 
Hornbeck,  Jacob,  3:527,  566,  567 
Home,  Parson,  see  Tooke,  John  Home 
Horner,  James,  12:819 
Horsefall,  ,  ensign,  3:474 

Horses : 

American  care  of,  13:187,  189,  209 


Sir  William  Johnson  Papers 

boat  transport,  8:880 

borrowed,  3:380;  5:280-81 

Canadian  meat  scarcity,  2:786,  791,  858 

care  of  Johnson's,  8:858;  9:121 

Claus   offering,   from   Canada,   3:321,   348,   355,   360,   375,   380,   381,   396; 

10:260,  282 
Clinton  orders,  1:68,  79,  81;  9:32,  95-96 
curry  combs,  13:582,  603 
De  Lancey  stone  horse,  1:240 
Delaware,  4:498 
Denniston  farm,  8:443 
in  Detroit  siege  (1763),  10:742 
draft  mares,  13:200 
fodder  for  Lady  Susan's  (1741),  13:4 
fodder  prices,  7:807;  13:184,  633,  634,  635 
fodder  rations,  13:193 
Frey  order  (1763),  13:322 
German  Flats  raid  (1757),  9:856,  859 
harness,  1:190;  3:946;  6:593 
hiring  charges: 

(1755),  2:566 

(1756),  2:486-87,  600,  609,  611,  621,  623,  638 

(1757),  13:339,  340,  341 

(1760),  13:184 

(1766),  5:332,  340,  366,  367;  13:397,  398 

(1767),  5:564;   12:370 

(1768),  6:270;   12:667 

(1770),  7:367;  12:857,  85S 

(1771-73),  13:520,  716,  719 
for  the  hunt,  1:355 
Illinois,  5:330 

Indian  sale  for  ammunition,  7:315 
John  Johnson's,  5:478 

Johnson  Hall  inventory  of  equipment  (1774),  13:648,  649 
on  Johnson's  Niagara  journey  (1764),  11:251 
for  Johnson's  settlers,  8:917 
in  Johnson  will,  12:1065 
military  uses  of,  2:14,  71,  149,  155,  213,  216,  265,  275,  321,  406;  4:641; 

9:224,  790 

French,  2:650 

impressment,  3:350;  9:400,  401 

on  march,  11:211 
Mohawk  (1758),  13:106 

for  Niagara  (1760),  10:156-57,  159,  160,  162 
Onondaga,  10:370;  12:286 
Oswego  relief  and,  9:433,  444 
Ottawa,  10:329 
pasturage,  3:298,  557 
Pennsylvanian  (1760),  13:182,  L83 

Philadelphia  provision  train  (  1 74S;  to  Ohio  Indians,  1:138 
ploughing  with,  13:184,  209 

plunder  (Shawnee)  of  murdered  traders,  12:1082,  1084 
plundered    and  pastured  at  Fort  Johnson  (1757),  9:811-12,  821,  822 
pricGS  * 

(1760),  13:183,  185 

(1764),  11:356 

(1766),  5:348,  351,  352,  359 

(1768-69),  12:648,  800 
riding  equipment  charges,  7:694 
Sabbath  observance  laws,  13:213 
salt  to  catch,  13:197 
in  Sandusky  raid  (1763),  13:293 




Seneca,  10:332-33 

settler  negotiations  for  purchase  of,  12:1042 

shoe  costs,  13:186,  550,  585,  589 

shoeing  of,  1:171;  7:12,  104,  350-51;  13:196,  198 

sled  transport  of,  7:492;  13:501 

in  Smallnian  account  (1766)  of  trade  losses,  12:64 

stable  rent  (1761),  13:212 

of  Susquehanna  settlers  (1771),  8:226-27 

theft  of: 

(1756),  9:396,  404 

(1760),  10:179 

(1761),  3:453,  463,  467,  479,  482,  485-86,  489;   13:201,  227,  236,  238, 

255    268 
(1762)'  10:427,  512,  519,  564 
(1763),  10:797 

(1764),  4:586,  607,  617;  11:451,  458,  498 
(1766),  12:177,  231-32,  240,  623-24;  13:409 
(1767),  5:718,  729 
(1768),  6:99-100,  181,  515 
(1769),  7:185 

(1770),  7:404,  654,  689;  12:822 
(1772),  12:940,  941-42,  967,  1017 
Tryon  riding  injury,  13:632 
Virginian,  13:205 
Warren  estate  claim,  13:31 
Washington's  purchase  of,  2:751m. 
whips,  13:585 
Horsfield,  Israel,  4:422 
Horsfield,  Timothy,  2:510-13 
Ilorsmanden,  Daniel : 

biographical  sketch,  4:33n 

Canajoharie  land  claims  and,  10:565,  609 

Canajoharie  land  for  sale,  4:418 

Clinton  and,  1:69 

at  Albany  Council  of  Provincial  |Officers  (1775)  ;  2:37,  64,  92,  125,  133,  304; 

9:244,  312;  13:70 
demission  of,  3:612 

German  Flats  patent  (Sept.,  1765)  release  witness,  11:937-38 
illness,  7:157 

Kayaderosseras  and,  4:683 
at  Klock  trial,  3:672 
land  sales  (1767),  5:770-71 
Marsh  law  suit  and,  3:901,  922;  4:33 
Mohegan  land  claims  and,  4:459n,  460;  11:258-59 
Pennsylvania  Proprietors'  land  purchases  (1768)  and,  6:357 
Wappinger  hearing,  5:506;  11:735 
Horton,  ,  lieut.,  3:65,  73,  75,  99,  104 

Horton,  James,  4:375 
Hosack,  Hosock,  Hossack,  see  Hoosick 
Hoscot,  Jacob,  4:375,  376 
Hosick,  Fort,  1:65,  93 
Houbraken,  ,  1:265 

Houck,  ,  in  Lawyer  and  Zimmer  patent,  8:1089 

Hough,  Eudolph,  12:739 
Housatonic  Indians,  see  Westenhook  Indians 
House,  Christian,  5:541 
House,  Christina,  11:486 
House,  Elias,  3:631 
House,  Peter,  7:456 
House,  Ury,  12:1068 
Household  articles: 
andirons,  4:215 


Sir  William  Johnson  Papers 

basins,  2:587,  618,  637;  7:778,  783 

bed  cords,  13:564,  567,  576,  594,  595,  600,  606 

bedpans,  13:658 

bedsteads,  4:260;  7:603 

beeswax,  1:26,  311,  312 

brimstone,  13:5S8 

Brookman  furniture  order  (1763),  4:215,  556,  568 

brooms,  1:311;   13:657 

butter  tubs,  13:660 

candles,  1:310;  6:181;  7:623;  8:361;  9:340;  12:716 

Johnson's  candlesticks,  photograph,  13:652 

spermaceti,   3:957;    6:511;    7:559,   845;    8:114,   476,   603,   850;    12:14; 
13:354,  583,  586,  590,  650 

tallow,  3:919;   6:182 
carpenters'  lodging  and  cooking  equipment  (1763),  13:283,  305,  307 
carpets,  4:215;  7:337;  13:656,  657,  663,  664 
chairs,  1:230,  249;  3:833,  869;  5:833;  7:337,  778,  783,  845 

Blagge  loan,  8:772 

Johnson  Hall  inventory,  13:652,  654,  655,  656,  657,  662 

rush-bottomed,  5:157 

wheeled,  7:1075 

"Windsor,  8:944 
chalk,  13:335,  556,  560,  573 
chamber  pots,  7:846;  9:340;  13:594,  599 
cherrywood  furniture,  6:465,  498;  7:608 
chimney  piece,  8:801 
churns,"  13: 660,  665 
clotheshorses,  13 :  659 
combs,    1:310;    2:568,    569,    5S1,    604,    617;    7:36;    11:821;    13:559,    565, 

567,  699 
compasses,  1:311 
cooking  utensils: 

baking  troughs,  13:660 

bread  graters,  13:659 

chafing  dish,  13:659 

cherry  voider,  13 :  658 

collanders,  13:659 

cruet  stand,  3:875,  956;  4:9 

dripping  pan,  5:157;  13:659 

frying  pans,  2:571,  587;  5:157;  7:624;  13:543 

kettle  disbursement  at  Niagara  Congress  (1761),  10:279 

kettle  prices  (1770),  7:836,  858,  861 

kettle  prices  (1773),  12:1020 

kettle  prices  in  furs,  10:390;  11:991 

kettle  shipments  from  Campbell,  7:621,  622;  8:2-3;  13:338,  339,  340,  346 

kettle  storage  by  Cartright,  7 :  1030 

kettles  in  Butler  accounts  (1766-71),  13:515 

kettles  from  Darlington  (1765),  11:753 

kettles    (Indian   goods),   disbursement    (1755-56),  2:570,  5S6,  587,  588, 
593,  594,  606,  617,  621 

kettles  in  Johnson  Hall  inventory,  13:650,  651,  658,  659,  660,  664,  665 

kettles  in  Phyn  and  Ellice  account  (1767-68),  13:469,  476 

kettles  requested  (1758)  by  Cayugas,  9:927,  929 

kettles  requested  by  Onondagas,  ll:361 

kettles  for  scouts,  2:581 

patty  pans,  5:157;  7:777 

pickle  stanrl,  7:777 

pie  pans,  13:658 

pudding  pans,  5:157,  210 

stew  pans,  5:157 

spits,  13:659,  664 

teapots,  2:587,  603,  618;  5:4S;  6:182;  7:35;  13:578 



Household  articles, 

toasters,  13:659,  664 

tureens,  6:182;  13:658 
corks,  8:412 
counterpanes,  5:211 
cradle  for  Claus's  child,  4:21 

in  Adems  accounts,  13:594,  595,  599 

Argin  theft  of,  8:611 

butter  plates,  7:777 

in  Campbell  accounts,  13:357,  368,  369,  373 

china  flower  pots,  7:10 

ehinaware  production,  8:184,  293-94 

cups  and  saucers,  6:182 

Delft,  13:654,  662 

Dutch  tiles,  13:657 

earthenware,  7:35;  8:472-73,  478 

fashions  (1769),  7:173 

jell  cups,  2:571,  587;  7:837,  978 

in  Johnson  Hall  inventory,  13:653-54,  662,  663 

milkpots,  6:182 

mugs,  7:777 

porringers,  2:587 

prices  (1770),  7:347,  557,  776-77,  837,  845,  846,  978,  979,  980 

Queensware,  13:654,  658,  662,  663,  664 

sauce  boats,  7:777 

water  plates,  7:845 
curtains,  13:655,  656,  657,  663 
cutlery,  7:846;  8:114,  851 

in  Johnson  Hall  inventory,  13:647,  648,  653-54,  660,  664 

knives  (See  Instruments,  knives) 

plateware  listed,  3:917 

plateware  ordered  from  Darlington,  3:919 

plateware  prices  (1761),  3:355 

silverware  prices  (1768),  6:110 

tablespoons,  5:527,  541,  542,  544;  7:558,  845 
desk  (Johnson's),  photograph,  4:770 
fishhooks,  2:618;  7:623;  11:822 
fountain,  5:402 
furniture  bequests  in  Johnson's  will,  12:1065 

Johnson  Hall  inventory  (1774),  13:647-59 
glassware,  7:776;  8:294,  582,  591,  771,  775;  12:992;  13:649 

wine  glasses,  6:182;  13:343,  469,  577 
glue,  8:775;  10:639 
hearthstone,  1:311 
hinges,  13:581,  602,  647,  651 
indigo,  1:310;  13:608 

ink,  2:596;  7:276,  623;  8:911;  12:1109;  13:539,  569,  599,  609,  658 
ink  stand  from  Croghan,  4:501 
lampblack,  13:470,  649 
locks,  7:35,  36,  776,  973;   8:307,  471,  771,  775;   9:302;   13:356,  364,  369, 

554,  606,  647 
looking  glasses,  7:845;  8:892;  13:472 

as  Indian  goods,  2:570,  584,  588,  589,  617,  628;   7:621,  824,  837,  838, 
977,  978,  979;  9:562,  564;  10:278;  11:122,  991 

for  Johnson  (Guy),  8:904 

for  Johnson  (John),  7:536,  553,  564 

in  Johnson  Hall  inventory,  13:652,  654,  655,  656,  657,  662 
mahogany  furniture,  4:93 

mattresses,  7:625,  776;  8:817;  13:655,  656,  657,  663,  664 
milk  coolers,  13:660,  665 

moulds,  1:311;  2:630;  7:623;  13:593,  594,  595,  610 
nails,  8:592,  599,  642,  656,  782;  12:992;  13:650 


Sir  William  Johnson  Papers 

in  Adems  accounts,  13:532-36passim,  544,  545,  546,  549,  5S4,  596,  597, 
598,  607,  612 

in  Butler  accounts  (1765-71),  13:511,  514,  517 

in  Campbell  accounts   (1756-65),  13:337,  338,  341,  342,  343,  344,  348, 
349,  360,  362,  370,  371,  372 

in  Phyn  and  Ellice  account  (1767-68),  13:470,  480,  481 

prices  (1763),  10:639 

prices  (1768-69),  7:32,  34,  35 

prices  (1770),  7:37,  39,  1037 

prices   (1772),  8:629 

prices  (1773),  8:771,  775,  784-85 
needles,  2:618;  7:623;  9:562;  10:278;  11:822;  13:351,  371 

darning,  13:559 
paint,   7:730,    778,   824,   903,   904;    8:170-71,   193,   582,   591,   771;    13:512, 

513,  650 

white  lead,  12:992;  13:470,  649 
paper,  1:265;  2:596;  7:276,  623;  8:911;  12:1109,  1110;  13:335,  350,  362 

in  Adems  accounts,  13:539,  561,  569,  578,  609,  611 
pencils,  1:265;   13:580 
pens,  2:596 
pillows,  7:625 
pins,  13:547,  560,  563,  611 
playing  cards,  3:936,  957 
pulleys,  13:647 
putty,  13:364 

razors,  2:571,  631;  7:625;  11:822;  13:340,  663 
sash  springs,  13:554 

scissors,  1:311;  2:631,  632;  7:35,  40;  9:562,  563;  13:345,  543,  592,  613 
sealing  wax,  1:265;  7:623;  11:74 
shaving  box,  13:599 
slates,  13:580 

smoothing  irons,  13:562,  659,  660,  664 
soap,   1:310;    2:783;    7:623,   776,  825,   846;    8:361;    10:639;    13:539,  553, 

556,  558,  650 
stoves,  7:633 

tablecloths,  7:845;  8:851;  13:658,  66.". 
tables,  13:652,  654,  655,  656,  657,  659,  660,  662,  663,  665 

billiard  table,  5:82,  103,  119,  157,  210,  270;  8:92;  13:649 

dining  table  (Johnson's),  photograph,  5:682 
thimbles,  7:35;  13:647 
toothbrushes,  7:1095,  1096 
trunk  (hair),  13: fill 
twine,  7:1015 
umbrella,  3:956 
verdigris,  11:822 
whalebone,  13:610 

whitewash  brushes,  7:32;  13:470,  560 
window  glass,  7:161,  172,  175,  560 
Ilout,  Elizabeth,  4:784 
lloutelaas,  ,  8:501,  526,  553 

Hover,  Emanuel,  4:400 
Howard,  Joseph  : 

Chegotimi  trade  monopoly,  5:345 

Indian  trade  indemnities  memorial  (1763),  4:281;  10:993 
Michili mack inac  trade,  5:755-57 
Walker  affair,  5:474,  496 
Howard,  William,  capt.,  4:827;  11:809}?;  12:31,  451 
accounts : 

(1764-65),  4:521,  637,  643,  711,  712,  760,  767,  768,  781,  852,  873,  877; 

11:534,  808,  911,  958,  973-74,  977;  13:380 
(1766-67),  5:35,  340,  552,  852;  6:83;  12:213,  218,  226,  306-307,  391 



Howard,  William, 

Chippewa  plans  (1765)  of  attack,  11:739-40,  804-805,  982,  989 

English  voyage  (1767),  12:391 

on  Green  Bay  trade,  5:363;  12:160 

Indian  conferences  (June,  1765),  11:804-809,  856,  892 

Indian  provisions  (1765),  11:589,  806-808,  941 

journal  (Nov.,  1764- April,  1765),  11:696-98,  869 

Marsac  and,  4:803-808 

on  Michilimackinac  massacre,  4:417 

Miehilimackinac  trade  and,  4:781-82,  790,  800,  833,  837 

wintering  priviliges  and,  4:802-803,  810,  815-16,  849,  870-71,  878,  883; 
11:825-29,  879-80,  902,  903,  915,  966,  981;  12:5,  105,  135 

on  threat  of  Indian  attack  at  Michilimackinac  (1766),  5:331 

trade  opening  and,  11:805-806,  814-16 

trade  passes  and,  5:386,  429,  458;  6:199 

Treasury  retrenchment  and,  4 :  724-25 
Howatson,  ,  ensign,  4:671,  673 

Howe,  ,  col.,  7:927 

Howe,  Daniel,  1:188 
Howe,  George  Augustus,  Viscount,  2:799-800,  801;  9:209?i,  858,  888,  891 

autograph,  2:xiii 

portrait,  2:800;  9:950 
Howe,  Samuel,  capt,  2:202;  9:269 
Howe,  William,  Lord,  6:405;  13:730 
Howin,  ,  lieut.,  3:99 

Hoxsie,  Gideon,  4:691;  11:641 
Hoxsley,  Benjamin,  4:757 
Hubbard,  maj.,  2:730 

Hubbard,  (of  Guilford,  Conn.),  4:428 

Hubbard,  Bela,  7:170 
Hubbard,  John,  2:304,  335;  9:312;  13:70 
Hubbart,  Tuthill,  7:69 
Hubbell  (Hobble),  Nathaniel,  capt.,  3:56 
Hubert,  A.  M.,  5:134 
Hubert,  I.,  5:133 
Hudson,  ,  artist,  2:x 

Hudson  (Indian),  10:719 
Hudson,  John,  4:180 
Hudson,  N.  Y.,  newspaper,  7:536n 
Hudson  River,  1:224,  432,  484,  623w;  2:647 

Crown  Point  expedition  (1755)  and,  1:650,  655,  691,  844,  846-47;  2:62,  131 
178,  339 

Groote  Imbogt  (Great  Bend),  10:886« 

Half  Moon  on,  9:473,  485,  667 

Iroquois  lands  and,  3:374,  409-10,  504,  680;  12:531,  538 

Johnson  (Warren)  trip  on,  13:184,  187,  211 

Kayaderosseras  claim  and,  4:360;  12:531-32,  576 

land  sales: 

(1761),  10:311 

(1764),  11:20 

(1765),  11:662 

(1766),  5:124-25,  199 

(1769),  7:306-308 

(1770),  7:131-32,  152-53,  389 

(1771),  8:4-5,  198,  682 

Lydius  lands  on,  3:749 

Massachusetts-New  York  boundary  and,  8:807 

mission  schools  on,  4:812-13 

Mohawk  claims  and,  6:6-7;  12:603-604,  974 

New  Hampshire  and,  5:23 

Northampton  patent  and,  12:984 

Sacondaga  creek  and,  2:558;  9:299 

Schaghticoke  lands  on,  4:387 

timber  lands,  7:497 


Sir  William  Johnson  Papers 

Tryon  county  and,  8:300 
Hudson's  Bay,  8:826;  11:337 
Hudson's  Bay  Company,  4:267,  7S9,  790;  7:953-54;  12:59 

land  grants  to,  8:1*075;  10:982-83 
Hudson's  Straits,  10:979 
Huff,  John,  3:90 
Huffman,  see  Hoffman 
Hughes,  John: 

company  for  purchase  of  French  land  grants,  5:128,  240-41;  12:101-102 
at  Easton  Council  (1756),  2:524,  653 

at  Easton  Council  (1762),  3:761,  773,  774-75,  799,  822-23,  846 
Lancaster  Treaty  and,  3:827-28 
Hughs,  maj.,  7:958,  960 

application  to  succeed  Claus,  5:627-28,  636 
Huguet,  Father  ,7:532,922,923,958 

Hugunine,  Abraham,  7:418,  67  5n 
Huld,  ,  capt.,  3:90 

Hull,  Isaac,  5:171 

Hull  of  Wallingford,  5:733-34;  6:164 
Humpaumit  (Stockbridge  Indian),  12:974 
Humphreys,  Benjamin,  6:501 
Hun,  Mrs.  ,8:352 

Hun,  Thomas,  7:365,  396,  411,  436,  443,  480;  8:954 
Hund,  Peter,  7:807 
Hungary : 

potash  manufacture  in,  7:259 

Turkey  and,  3:681 

woolen  trade,  7:429 
Hunn,  John,  4:286 
Hunt,  ,  capt.,  2:182;  5:538 

Hunt,  Benjamin,  6:737 
Hunter,  col.,  9:267 

ITnnter,  ,  lieut.,  9:286 

Hunter,  Kobert,  6:247 
Hunter,  William,  surgeon,  1:716,  864,  867;  2:260 

Byrne  (Thomas)  and,  8:13 

Frazer  and,  4:203 

Johnson  toast,  8:858 
Hunter,  Fort: 

Amherst  at,  3:260 

Dishington  marriage  plans  at,  1:1 

fire  (1773),  8:753,  778 

Fort  Johnson  and,  2:480;  13:187 

garrison  (1738),  1:2-3 
(1755),  1:604 
(1756),  2:480,  560,  772-73 
(1758),  10:77 

Indian  famine  (1760)  and,  3:218,  219 

Indian  meeting  (1761),  3:373 

land  sales  near,  3:732;  7:1152 

Lottridge  (John)  at,  9:833 

missionary  at,  l:6w;  4:16-18,  47-48,  544;  7:265,  544,  566,  841,  876 

Mohawk  castle  at,  l:175n 

Montreal  expedition  and,  3:249 

Nelson  trip  (1738)  to,  13:3 

officers  disciplined  (1746)  at,  1:61,  62 

Ogden  at,  9:921 

rum  order  (1757),  13:340 

school  for,  5:427,  436,  440,  461,  471,  533;  7:145,  169 

Williams  command  (1756),  9:498,  509 

See  also  Tionondoroga  (Fort  Hunter) 
Huntington,  Countess  of,  4:701 



Huntington,  lieut.,  1:717 

Huntington,  Mathew,  1:713 

Huntley,   Dr.   E.,   and   Peter   Johnson,   8:526-27,   842,   867,    1034-35;    12:962, 

1010-11,  1013-14,  1028-29 
Huntsman,  x\dam,  11:485 
Huntsman,  John,  11:485 
Huntzman,  Barbara,  11:486 
Hurd,  Wallace,  ensign,  7:414,  675n 
Hurd,  Wallis,  capt.,  7:26-27,  101-102 
Hurlbut,  Philo,  8:1214 
Huron  (vessel),  10:732 
Huron,  Lake: 

Chippewas  on,  8:501 

Croghan  on  settlement  (1761)  of,  3:302 

Detroit  siege  (1763)  and,  10:738 

exploration  (1761),  10:285,  294,  319;  13:228 

French  settlement  plans  (1749),  1:910 

Indian  tribes  on,  11:203 

Iroquois  land  claims,  10:972 

Matehidas  (Machidash)  near,  12:1028;  13:447 

Michilimackinac  trade  and,  6:51;  13:447 

Missisaugas  at,  1:909;  4:192 

murder  of  Sinclair's  servant  at,  5:590,  600-601,  613,  659 

navigability  of,  3:502,  523;  11:341;  13:290 

road  to  Lake  Ontario,  5:492 

trade  north  of,  3:969;  5:525,  536,  566;  6:185-S6;  12:247,  411;  13:423 

vessels  kept  by  English  on,  4:299,  309;  12:723 
Huron  River,  11:740 
Hurons,  Indians: 

bell  request,  6:83,  87;  7:703;  8:469;  12:424,  922 

Bradstreet  Treaty  (1764)  and,  4:503,  507,  530,  531,  544,  547-49:  11:328-33. 

Campbell  present  disbursement  and,  11:898,  939 

Chenussio  Council  (1762)  and,  3:699 

Chenussio  war  belts  betrayed  (1761)  by,  10:324 

Cherokees  and,  3:496,  498;  7:163,  652 

Claus  invitation  (1767),  5:635 

condolence  ceremony  (1764),  11:503 

Croghan  reported  killed  (1765)  by,  11:855 

Detroit  conference  (Croghan,  Nov.,  1767),  13:440,  442 

Detroit  conference  (Lernoult,  Aug.,  1774),  13:666,  693 

Detroit  murder  (1768)  of,  12:508 

Detroit-Niagara  attack  plans  (1763),  10:867,  872,  891 

Detroit  numbers  (1761)  of,  3:501 

Detroit  settlement  and,  7:1149 

Erie  Lake  settlement,  13:248-49,  258,  259 

expenses  in  behalf  of,  5:96;  6:548;  12:798,  1001,  1017;  13:707,  713 

Fort  Chartres  conference   (Croghan,  Aug.-Sept,,  1766),  13:408-10,  413    414 

at  Fort  Ontario  Congress  (1766),  5:338;  12:28,  169 

Fort  Pitt  conference  (Croghan,  June,  1776),  5:159; 

Fort  Pitt  conference  (Croghan,  Oct.,  1773),  12:1048 

French  sympathies,  11:281;  13:320 

interpreter  for,  12:804 

Iroquois  peace  belts  (1772)  to,  8:587 

Jesuit  escort  to  Detroit  (1761),  3:416 

Jesuit  land  dispute  at  Lorette,  8:866-67;  13:623,  624-27,  628-30   717-18 
Tryon  appeal,  13:631,  6?>2n 

Johnson  messages  (1764),  4:437,  448-49;  11:176-80,  191-92,  216-17,  227-28 

Johnson  message  (1771),  8:16,  469 

Kayashuta   embassies   (1773-74)    to.  8:1105;   12:1044-46,  1055-56.  1091-93- 


Sir  William  Johnson  Papers 

location  and  fighting  numbers  (1763),  4:243,  244 

medals  for,  7:129 

message  to  Western  Indians  (1763),  3:273n;  4:180 

Mohawks  and,  3:500,  701,  704;  10:814;  12:122 

Murray  message  (1764),  11:197 

at  Niagara  Congress  (1764),  11:246,  275,  276,  281-83,  289,  325,  326 
treaty,  4:485-87,  491,  509,  511,  512;  11:337,  338,  343 

Niagara-Detroit  Congress    (1761),  3:471-72,  474,  481-82,  488-89,  490,  491. 
494-500;  12:1056,  1091-92;  13:251,  252,  253,  254,  255,  256-57,  258 

Onondaga  Congress  invitation  (1772),  12:1050 

Onondagas  and,  10:933 

Ottawas  and,  3:494;  4:213,  422,  482,  495;  10:872,  974;  11:283 

peace  negotiations  (1764),  4:447,  482,  628-29,  664;  11:588 
treaty  draft,  4:485-87 

Piankashaws  and,  7:955 

Pontiac  submission  and,  5:76;  11:989 

Presque  Isle  attack  (1763),  10:734-36 

prisoner  return  (1764),  11:326 

Quebec  conference  (Claus,  1769),  13:488 

Quebec  conference  (Claus,  1772),  8:525 

Quebec  group,  10:792,  806-807 

Lake  Huron  emigration,  13:624 

Eamsay  murders  and,  8:551-52,  562 

Saguenay  Indians  and,  5:729 

Sandusky  attack  (1763),  10:730 

Sandusky  murder  (1766)  of,  12:115,  123 

Scioto  Council  (1768),  13:437-38,  440 

Scioto  Council  (1769),  7:184 

Shawnee  messages  (1774)  with  English  scalps,  13:686-87 

Shawnee  trader  warning   (1773),  Pittsburgh  conference  on,  12:1034    1035 
36,  1046,  1047 

smith  for,  3:915;  10:560 

Stump  murder  condolence,  12:472 

Susquehanna  Cndian  refuge  among  (1769),  7:316 

Verchere  and,  7:29,  159 

Villiers  message  (1763),  10:819-21 

Wabash  Indian  embassy  (1773),  12:1034,  1047,  1092 

war  belts  (1769),  7:1  19 

Western   Indian  conspiracy  (1771)  and,  8:7 

Wlieelock  school,  8:726,  743-44 
Ilurter,  Lorenz,  3:343 
Hurtibre,  P.,  5:134 
Husk,  f  4:417;  7:686 

Fluster,  Jacob  (son  of),  4:783 
Hntchenson,  Ezekial  Baker,  7:432 
Hutchenson,  Florence,  11:486 
Eutchins  (  Lahalapoweg — Delaware),  11:459 
Hut eli ins,  John  (Iroquois),  11:660 
Hutchins  (Hutchens),  Thomas,  ensign: 

biographical  sketch,  10:521;/ 

on  Bouquet  expedition,  4:798,  836;  11:867 

Croghan  expedition   (1765)  and,  11:913,  919-20 

at  Fort  Pitt  (Dec,  L768),  12:680 

Gorrell  visit   (1762),  10:706,  713 

Great  Lake    exploration  tour   (1762),  3:733,  875,  890,  914,  936    965    987- 
4:62;  10:452,  453,  559  ' 

journal,  10:521  29,  543,  568,  651 
map,  4:62,  399,  403;  5:22Sn;  11:129 

Illinois  Country  map,  6:90 

map  (1762),  10:522 

Ohio  Country  map,  11:866 

Perm  and,  6:110 



Hutchins,  Thomas,  ensign, 

salary,  3:300 

on  Smallman.  captivity  (1764),  11:169 
Hutchinson,  ,  trader  (1759),  13:240 

Hutchinson,  Samuel,  7:423,  432 
Hutchinson,  Gov.  Thomas,  1:262-63;  9:285 

biographical  sketch,  l:263w 

Franklin  (Benjamin)  and,  8:1061 

French  battle  order  and,  2:171-73 

government  orders  (1770),  7:914 

History  of  Massachusetts  Bay,  6:475 

Kirkland  and,  8:229-31,  282-83;  12:912-13,  918-19,  928,  929 

Massachusetts  governorship,  7:629 

portrait,  13:912 

recall  to  England  (1774),  8:1071 
Hutchison,  Solomon,  6:642;  7:432 
Huxham,  Dr.  ,  5:774 

Huyck,  Andreas,  1:188 
Huyck,  Casper,  4:298;  7:454 
Huyck,  Cruger,  Jr.,  13:639 
Huyn,  ,  capt.,  4:536 

Hyard,  Leond,  11:485 
Hyde  (packet),  4:720;  5:312;  7:285 
Hyder,  John,  3:843 
Hyder  Ali  (Heyder  Ally),  7:180,  181 
Hylton,  (rum  dealer),  8:656 

Hyllyard,  Nathaniel,  see  Hillyer,  Nathaniel 
Iagrea  (Indian),  2:452,  454 
Ibbitt,  Moses,  4:858;  8:334,  471;  12:1063rc 

in  Adems  accounts  (1769-73),  13:538,  543,  54S,  550,  555,  556,  559 -64passim, 
576,  584,  585,  587,  590,  601,  606 

in  Johnson  patents,  12:787,  819,  959,  988 

witness  to  Johnson's  will,  12:1063,  1075,  1076 
Iberville,  Pierre  Le  Moyne,  Sieur  d',  6:572n 
Iberville  River: 

fortification,  5:681;  11:8 

navigability,  6:196;  8:195 

occupation  of  Fort  Chartres  and,  11:881,  987 

trade,  13:413 
lee  family,  as  prisoners,  11:486-87 
Ice,  Frederick,  see  Eice,  Frederick 
Ice,  John,  see  Ece,  John 
Idig,  Christian,  7:808 
Ienesego  Indians,  10:175 
Ilchester,  Stephen  Fox  Strangways,  first  Earl  of : 

Canajoharie  patent  and,  4:768;  11:758,  787;  13:328-29 

daughter's  marriage,  13:328 

Oneida  land  purchase,  8:232,  311,  316,  707,  724,  754;  12:637,  697,  753-54, 
766,  907 
He  de  Gallop,  see  Gallop,  He  de 
Ileas  (Oneida),  9:412 
Illinois  country: 

boundaries,  5:120 

Bouquet  expedition  and,  4:618 

cession    (1763),   10:652;    11:725-26,   840,   850,   853,   900-901,   943-44,   961; 
12:16,  53-56,  176-77,  238-39 

Couagne  in,  1:325 

colonization  proposal,  4:363,  886-89;  5:vii,  27,  37-38,  110,  127,  196-97,  313 
331,  336,  365,  371-72,  475;  6:92;  8:340 
advantages  laid  before  English  ministry,  5:319-30;  6:86-87;  12:101-102 

107-108,  136,  140,  141,  165,  178,  236-37,  436,  511-12,  727-28 
boundary,  5:328-29 
company  to  purchase  French  land  grants,  5:127,  128-30,  196-97,  240-41, 


Sir  William  Johnson  Papers 

276,  329;  12:101-102 

French,  6.157 

government  centres,  12:415,  465;  13:413 

outpost  maintenance  and,  11:8;  12:512 

Phyn  estimate  of,  6:193-97 
Croghan  expedition   (176.3),  4:625-26,  640-41,  646,   706-707,  741,  742,  760, 

767,  770,  774,  777,  785-86,  792,  793,  809,  816,  825,  832,  836,  837,  847-48, 

849,  850,  860,  869,  872,  873,  886-89;   5:8,  10,  22,  45;   11:810-11,  843, 

861,  867-68,  877,  880,  S96,  900-901 

French  view  of,  4:762,  765 

Pontiac  meeting,  4:858,  862;  11:743-44,  804,  839 

instructions  for,  11:629-30,  665,  666-67,  681,  790 
Croghan  expedition  of  1766,  5:17-20,  68-69,  76,  80,  92,  108,  111,  120,  123, 

146,  200,  201,  216,  225,  228,  239-40,  278,  289,  305,  362,  363 

instructions,  12:80-83 

report  to  Johnson  (Jan.,  1767),  13:406-15 

treaty,  5:469,  486;  12:176-77,  238,  264;  13:397-99,  407-10 
French  Cherokee  prisoners  (1756)  in,  9:574 
French  fortification  (1771),  8:259,  261,  278,  2S5 
French  Indian  alliance  proposal  (1771),  8:339-40 
French  inhabitants,  4:792;  5:573;  10:6,  179,  723 
French   influence    (1764),  4:570,  585,   620,   622,   625,   626,   639,   742,   839; 

5:120,  122;   11:229-30 

(1765),  11:697-98,  716 

(1766),  5:362-63,  368;  13:407 

(1771),  8:190,  202,  339-40 

(1773),  8:779 
French-Spanish  collaboration  (1768)  in,  12:601-603 
French  trade,  3:200,  935,  941,  961;  4:625,  779,  793,  816;  8':418.  441.  480. 

491;  10:131,  133,  543,  567, 568;  11:840;  13:410-13 
Hutchins  map,  6:90 

Indian  Affairs  jurisdiction,  3:552;  11:604,  626-27,  628-29,  968 
Indian  Affairs  reorganization  plan  (1764)  and,  11:377 
Indian  tribute  proposal,  4:433,  445;  11:223 

Johnson  plan  for  possession  of,  11:495-96,  509,  519,  520,  618,  628,  838 
Mississippi  River  and,  4:453;  10:652;  13:203 
Murray    land    purchases    in,    8:844-45,    886,    898,    905,    931-32,    1076,    1104, 

proclamation    (1774)    forbidding   unauthorized  survey   or  patent  of  Indian 

lands,  8:1076,  1136-37 
settlement  of,  3:523 
trade    opening,    Croghan    on    significance   of,    4:886-89;    11:634    (See   also 

Ohartres,  Fort,  trade) 
See    also    Chartres,    Fort;    Gage,    Fort;    Illinois   Indians;    and  see   specific 

place  names 
Illinois  Company,  8:1136ft.  See  also  Murray 
Illinois  Indians: 

Bradstreet  expedition  and,  11:341 

Caghnawaga  murder  (1769),  7:112 

Cherokees  and,  3:329,  336-37,  346;  12:690 

Chippewa  capture  of  Michilimackinac  (1763),  10:781,  782 

Croghan  on  llic  four  confederacies  of,  4:886-87 

Detroit,  3:258,  323;  4:278,  434 

Fort  Miami  and,  3:301 

French  sympathies,  3:512,  520;  4:169.  295;   10:652;   11:229-30   (See  also 

Illinois  country,  French  influence  in) 
Iroquois  and,  2:796;  3:405;  4:275  :<!;  7:291;  8:22.-,;  11:838,  s.|(i;  13:408 
Kickapoos  and,  8:225,  251,  66] 
land  claims,  4:S88-89;  11:900-901 

English  colonization  purchaser,  5:128  30,  240  II,  276-78    324 
location  and  fighting  numbers  (1763),  4:245 
Ottawa  intelligence  of  (1761),  3:332,  336-37 



Illinois  Indians, 

peace  offers  (1765),  4:650 

Pontiae  and,  4:482-83,  675,  677;  5:278-79;  7:957;  11:744-45,  818-20 
Rogers  alliances  among,  12:441 
rumored  murder  of  French  officers  and,  3:414-16 
Sakis  and,  10:708 

Seneca  land  sales  (1766)  and,  5:241-42 
Shawnees  and,  8:406,  661,  688-89 
Sioux  and  Fox  hostilities  (1767),  13:438 
threat  of  general  Indian  war  (1771),  8:141-42 
tribute  payment  proposal,  4:433,  445;  11:223 
Villiers  message  (1763),  10:819-21 

Wabash  Indians  and,  3:222;  4:482-83;  5:561-62;  8:251-52,  779 
See  also  specific  tribal  names 
Illinois  Eiver,  6:196;  8:845;  11:377;  12:585 

French  trade  on,  5:489,  657;  6:194;  12:236;  13:411 
Imes  (Innes,  Jones),  Richard,  1:4 
Inilay,  John  and  William,  8:79 
Import  Acts,  Q:ix 

Inayenqueraghto  (Onondaga  sachem),  11:709 
Inehannando  River,  see  Nowadaga  Creek 
Independent  Befiector,  The  (newspaper),  l:832n;  2:451 
India,  6:499;  7:1074;  8:434,  725 
India  company,  see  East  India  company 
Indian  Affairs  Commission,  l:9n,  19,  27m;  9:125;  11:572 
accounts,  1:424;  9:15-31 
Albany  Congress   (June,   1754),  l:237n,  263n,  398,  404,  421n,  426,  451n: 

9:130,  143-44,  146,  155;  10:845-46 
Canadian  Iroquois  invitations  (1755),  9:161-62 
Clinton  Indian  Council  (1746),  9:73 
Clinton  list  (1752),  1:383 
De  Lancey  order  to  dissolve  (1755),  1:826 
funds,  1:32,  82,  256,  424,  439;  9:123 

Iroquois  refusal  of  Logstown  invitation  (1753),  13:23-24 
Iroquois  view  of,  9:108,  836;  11:137;  13:25 

Johnson  commission  (July,  1753)  to  convene  Onondaga  Council,  13:26-27 
Johnson's  resignation,  1:314,  322-23,  324-25,  326n,  339-44 
New  York  Act  to  appoint  (1770),  7:357 
Wraxall  as  secretary  of,  9:212« 
Indian  Affairs  Department: 

Acadian  Department,    (See   Indian   Affairs  Department,   Canadian   Agency, 

ic counts  * 

(1755),  1:569,  769-70;  2:309-10,  360,  377 
(March  1755-October  1756),  2:566-646 
(1756-57),  9:644-58,  678-79,  722 
(1758),  9:907,  969-70;  10:2,  56,  89 

(November  1758-December  1759),  3:149-82,  183,  185-86,  395-96 
(1760),  3:997;  10:195-96,  197-98 

(1761),  3:449,  501,  503,  505,  547,  550,  553,  565,  571,  575,  581-82,  594, 
597,  600,  601,  605;  10:243,  277-78,  284,  285,  286,  290,  293,  297,  306, 
308,  348 
(1762),  3:549,  631-33,  643,  657,  662-63,  733,  820,  821-22,  824,  858-61, 

963,  965,  978-79,  985-86;  10:471,  496,  508 
(1763),  4:70,  81-82,  209,  217,  221,  255;  10:654-55,  660-61,  662-63,  670, 

688,  866,  882,  883,  912,  924 
(1764),  4:297,  301,  304-305,  315,  332,  364,  370-71,  373,  378,  391,  406, 
409,  415,  423,  431,  438-39,  447-48,  520,  523,  546,  583,  606,  617,  647; 
11:100-101,  164-65,  171-72,  200,  217-18,  245,  375,  384,  470-71,  474, 
491,  520-21,  541-52,  570 
(1765),  4:665-66,  667-68,  702-704,  705,  720,  722,  724,  780,  799,  827, 
830-31,  S37-38,  851,  852,  859,  862,  873,  880;  11:702,  717,  749,  799, 
843-44,  845,  892,  910,  930,  958-59,  976,  977-78,  986 


Sir  William  Johnson  Papers 

(1766),  5:75-76,  92,  139,  195,  200,  275-76,  333,  346-47,  367,  371,  386-87, 

392,  395;  12:75-76,  100,  117,  135,  143,  153,  206,  213,  218,  220,  225, 

(1767),  5:472,  478,  516,  525,  534,   535-36,  559,   601,  660,   678,   698-99, 

702-703,  748-55,  770,  796,  851-52;  12:292,  298-99,  377,  378-79 
(1768),  6:83,  86-87,  115,  176-77,  184,  187,  198,  229,  230-31,  233,  312-13, 

314-15,   322,  326,   331-32,   454,  458-59,   519,  524,   532,   541;    12:415, 

423-24,  429-30,  471,  555,  556-57,  588-89,  636,  640-49,  665-68,  672 
(1769),  6:333,  709,  777,  780;  7:19,  151-52,  160-61,  236-38,  262-63,  298, 

299-300,  317,  319;  12:701,  727,  730-39,  755,  758-65,  797-800 
(1770),    7:340,    343,    385-86,   4S7,    568,    633,    706,    721-22,   752,    767-68, 

769-70,  778,  794-95,  799,  801,  872-73,  894,  911,  994,  1016,  1077,  1121, 

1146;  12:800-806,  813,  852,  856-58,  S63-71,  897-98 
(1771),  8:39,  46,  67,  70,  282,  287,  295;  12:89S-903,  920-27,  944-46 
(1772),  8:453,  479,  481-82,  492,  507,  599-600,  617,  620,  636,  641,  661; 

12:946-49,  998-1004,  1015-17 
(1773),    8:753,    766,    774-75,    901,    904,    905,    913,   941-42;    12:1018-22, 

(1774),  8:1090-97,   1105,  1117,  1118,  1136,  1166,   1167,  1170-71,  1202; 

12:1105-1106,  1120-21;   13:6S2,  685-86,  687,  690,  694,  696,  700 
(1775),  8:1206-1207 
(1776-1788),  8:1214-15;  13:732-33 
Amherst  vouchers,  11 :  193 
anonymous  debtor  (1769-71),  7:31-40 
Baynton,  Wharton  &  Morgan  against  the  Crown,  for  Fort  Pitt  (March, 

1769),  6:654-67 
Baynton,  Wharton   and   Morgan   account   for  Fort   Chartres    (Sept.   13, 

1768),  3:366-94 
Baynton,  Wharton  &  Morgan  statement  (June,  1766)    5:246-62,  264,  265, 

270-71,  333,  344,  396,  565 
Duncan,  Phyn  and  Ellice  (July,  1766),  5:297-300,  316-18 
Canadian  agency,  3:446;  4:723,  745-46,  760,  782;  5:viii 
commissary,  8:365 
Gorham's    deputyship,    5:493,    575-78,    771,    7S9,    851;    7:75-76,    90-91, 

380;   8:848-49 
Manager  appointment   (1774),  8:1103,  1109 
Nova  Scotia  jurisdiction,  11:756;  12:195-98,  379,  724 
Superintendcncy  proposal   (1772),  8:525 
(See  also  Claus,  Daniel) 
Deputy  service: 

(1756-58),  2:804,  812;  9:470-71,  490,  538 
(1762),  3:604-605,  859,  876-77;  4:208;  10:465,  489,  519-20 
(1768),  3:327,  329,  334,  340-41,  353-54,  356,  363,  548, 
(1769),  6:632;  7:90-91,  105-106 
(1772),  8:417-18,  441,  480,  491-92 
(1773),  8:951-52,  97S-79,  1015-16 
Canada  reduction  (1760)  and,  13:164 
number  permitted,  11:756 
(See  also  individual  deputies) 
financial  resources: 

colonial  charge  proposal  (1764),  6:277 

fund  establishment  requests,  1:521-22,  541;  2:412,  434-36 

Government  allowance   (1769),  7:152,  160,  189,  206,  209,  210    659 

Johnson's  estimate  of  Departmenl  expenses  (1768),  6:340-41  ' 

Johnson's  scheme  for  meeting  expenses  (1764),  4:556-63,  565-67 

Southern  allotment  (1768),  12:554 

Treasury  retrenchments : 

(1763),  10:857 

(1765),  4:667-68,  696,  699-700,  702-704,  707,  709  722  724  737-38 
780,  S61;  5:vU,  17,  94,  386-87;  11:604-605,  626,  651-52,  681,  687! 
749,  844,  891-92,  910  '    '    ' 

(1766),  5:  vii,  17,  94,  386-87;  12:15,  16,  117 



Indian  Affairs  Department, 

(1767),  5:535-36,  547-48,  751,  754,  755;  12:308,  359 

(1768),  6:x,  281,  303,  313,  332,  346-47,  353-54,  356;  12:554,  674,  681 

(1769),  6:653-54,  694,  709,  742;  12:717,  726 

(1770),  7:295,  328,  343,  361-62,  376-77,  412-13,  539-40,  606-607,  659, 

706,  707-708,  721-22,  731-32,  790,  988,  991;  12:769-70,  786 
(1773),  8:951-52,  978-79 
Fort  Pitt  Department   (See  Indian  Affairs  Department,  Western  Division) 
Illinois  jurisdiction,  3:552;  11:604,  626-27,  628-29,  968 
Indian  boundary  line  and,  11:348  (See  also  Land,  Indian  boundary  line) 
Indian  passports  (1757),  9:628-29,  722,  781,  804,  852 
(1758),  9:907 
(1760),  10:198 
(1762),  10:482-83 
(1763),  10:862,  942-43 
Johnson's  memorial   to   the  King    (1766),  5:ix,  233,   267,  288,   313-14 
Personnel : 

Amherst  reductions  of  staff,  3:277-78,  304,  329,  331-32,  350,  352-54,  375, 
606,  611,  622,  627,  717-18,  730,  741,  742,  858,  876-77,  914;   10:232, 
475,  489,  560 
increases  under  reorganization  plans  (1764),  11:377 
Lydius  employment  in,  1:84,  110,  114,  131-33,  168,  314,  808,  815,  826; 

2:2*  9 :44 
physicians,' 4:638,  867,  876;  8:600,  847-49;  12:640,  730,  764,  805,  871, 

903,  927,  949,  1004,  1022 
salaries  (See  Salaries,  Indian  Affairs  employees) 
Scioto  Eesident  appointment  (1772),  12:943 
secretary  for,  2:515-16,  524-25 
staff  lists,  5:362,  387,  442-46,  540 

(See    also   Indian   Affairs   Department,   Deputy   service,   supra;    Indian 
Affairs  Department,  Western  Division,  personnel,  infra;  Interpreters; 
Scouts;  Smiths) 
Policies : 

alliance  against  French  (1754),  9:125-32,  146,  165-66 
boundary  line   ("Limitation  of  Country")   proposal   (1757),  2:737   (See 
also  Land,  Indian  boundary  line) 

of  conciliation  (1763),  4:204,  208,  209,  255,  258-59,  274-77,  281-83 
consolidation  of  confederacies,  9:371-72,  398,  785-86,  840,  882,  884,  962; 

division  of  confederacies,  4:279-80,  296,  308,  331,  368,  395,  767,  787; 
5:234,  449;  7:29,  98,  108,  131,  151,  155,  163,  171,  264,  294-95,  319, 
328,  380,  652-53,  852-53,  855,  1053,  1121,  1131-32;  11:830,  838,  842, 
893,  905;  12:21 

English  sentiments  on,  7:540,  541-42,  1148;  8:96,  233,  758 
French,  9:785-86;  12:487 
Iroquois-Western  Indian  breach,   11:617,   786-87,   811,  824;    12:729, 

769-70,  852,  881-82;  12:1116 
Johnson  (Guy)  on,  8:1193;  13:680 
Shawnee-Delaware  threat  (1773),  8:837,  843,  890 
Western  alliance  against  English,  8:x,  253,  640,  1146 
of  French  and  English,  contrasted,  4:239,  275,  416,  629,  665,  872;  5:3, 
479-80;  9:126,  132;  10:246,  461,  464,  881;  11:164,  586,  701;  12:73-74 
Johnson  on  English  neglect  of,  4:249-50;  9:66 

Johnson  invited  to  formulate  (1754),  1:417,  426,  429-34;  9:123-24 
Lords  of  Trade  approval  (1763-64),  4:240,  362-63,  396-98,  419,  462-65 
recommendations   (See  individual  authorities,  e.g.,  Gage,  Thomas) 
of  reprisal  (1764-65),  4:288-89,  296,  402,  464-65,  809;  11:201;  13:325/i 
(See  also  specific  expeditions  of  reprisal  against  Indians,  e.g.,  Can- 
estio  Indians,  Montour  expedition  against) 
Eoyal  Proclamation  (1763),  4:214,  232,  255-56,  267,  272,  274,  289    290 

297,  299,  307-308;  10:973,  976-85,  988;  11:20,  31,  34,  97,  117,  120 
and  trade  violations,  5:449,  451-52,  469,  481-82,  420-24,  520-24,  525,  537, 


Sir  William  Johnson  Papers 

552,  556,  559,  564,  566-67,  573,  653-59,  667,  724,  738,  739,  763   (See 
also  Trade,  commissary  system) 
present  disbursement  and: 
(1759),  10:131-32,  134-35 
(1760),  10:138,  144,  148-49,  176,  189 
(1761),  3:515,  593,  594,  597-98;   10:92,  117,  138,  189,  244-46,  255, 

257-58,  262,  277-79,  284,  286-87,  288-89,  290,  291,  306,  307,  348, 

(1762),  3:599-601,  645,  675,  733,  734,  741,  744,  758;  10:354-55,  427, 

448-49,  450,  461-65,  524,  525,  526,  527,  528,  529,  548-49,  597-98, 

(1763),  4:6-7,  62,  253,  274-76,  281-83;  10:612-13,  615,  625,  647,  649, 

652,  654,  657-59,  684,  717,  857-58,  880,  944,  953-54,  956;  11:127 
(1764),  4:397,  420,  445,  463,  546,  563,  618,  625;   11:18-19,  326-27, 

365-66,  377 
(1765),  4:699,   748,   777,   779,   831,  887;    11:535-36,   545,   806,   892, 

893    898-99    939 
(1766)',  5:76,  80,  146,  261,  280,  312-13;  13:411 
(1767),  5:576,  577,  698-99 

colonial  administration  and,  6:281,  313,  652-53,  709;  7:15;  12:937-38 
commissaries  and,  6.x,  298-99,  332,  347,  603,  680-81;   7:14;   9:128; 

French,  4:6;  8:1007-1008,  1016,  1032;  9:372,  573,  596-98,  599,  791; 

10:131,  132,  133,  189,  448-49,  461,  504,  535,  684,  702;  11:21,  279, 

Loudoun  and,  9:524,  527,  529,  538,  542,  679 
non-importation   agreements    (1770)    and,   7:655,   659,   706,   707-708, 

755,  768-69,  785,  840;  12:814,  822 
as  reward  for  information,  7:55-56 
Rogers'  plan  on,  6:49-50 
Virginia  (1755),  9:205 
Reorganization  plans: 
(1761),  13:243 

(1764),  4:420-21,  454-55,  462-63,  465,  565,  570,  575,  576,  620,  622,  624- 
25;  11:348,  377,  383,  393-94,  481,  495,  520-21;  13:325 

910,  930-31,  980,  986 
(1766),   5:22,    16,    17,   24,   55,   216,   286,   303,   416-17,   442-46,   447-49; 

12:16,  18,  23,  88,  131 
(1767),  5:475,  541,  661 
(1768),  6:565 
Secretaryship : 

Albany  clerkship  ami,  4:636-37;   11:528,  529-30;   13:179-80 

candidates  (1762),  10:352,  355-56,  433-34,  435-36,  438 

candidates  (1765),  4:635 ;  11:930;  13:678ra 

candidates  (1774),  8:1146 

Ghew  appointment,  ll:277n;  13:678 

Crown  officer  status  of,  8:952 

record-keeping,   1:797;   2:51-52;   3:105;   6:310;   7:527;   9:84;   11:584: 

12:551-52  ' 

records  destroyed  by  burial  in  Revolution,  13:732-33 
stationery  expenses  (  176!)  72),  12:735,  802,  869,  1002 
Wraxall  appointment  |  L755),  1  :467-68;  9:212n 
(See  also  individual   Secretaries,   i.e.,  Johnson,  Guy;   Marsh,   Witham: 

Shuckburgh,  Dr.  Richard;  Wraxall,  Peter) 
Southern  Division  policies,  3:600,  4:279,  296;   6:277,  280-81    313    693-95- 

8:951,  978;  11:15,  127,  604,  802-803,  968;  12:54-56 
Superintemleney : 

Canadian    Manager    appointment    of    Campbell,    12:1114:    13-646     691 

698,  720,  730  '   '  '  ' 



Lndian  Affairs  Department, 

Canadian  proposals,  8:525;  11:342,  615,  699,  755-57,  775 

Claus  application  (1776),  13:728-30 

colonial  criticism  of,  11:571-72 

correspondence  between  authorities,  4:181;  5:448,  525;  10:952 

division   between   Northern  and  Southern,   2:309,   389-90,   392,   437-38, 

485,  558,  772 
Iroquois  view  of,  9:938;  10:677-78 
Johnson  (John)  appointment  (1782),  13:733 
Johnson's  commission  for,  1:465-66,  521-22,  524,  808,  815,  826,  853-54, 

895;   2:x,  2,  36,  51,  65,  77,   112-13,  373,  378;   3:684,  899,  953-54; 

5:21;  6:310>i;  9:175,  184-85,  188,  194,  252,  331,  385,  399;  13:58-59, 

Johnson's   royal   appointment    (1756)    to,   l:421n;    2:434-37,   484,   508, 

557;  3:476,480,  484;  4:611 
Johnson's  summary  (1755-1760),  3:269-75 
Michilimackinac  command  subordination  to,  12:1-2,  9-10,  17-18,  21,  100, 

161-62;  13:380 
military  responsibilities  and,  1:886;  2:283,  338,  351;  9:427-28 
Narragansett  controversy  and,  11:639,  640,  642-43 
Niagara  surrender  (1759)  and,  13:117 
Pownall  admonitions  (1755)  on,  9:283-84 

resignation  from,  3:269-75;   9:828-29,  836-37,  839;   10:323-24;   11:S92 
rumor  of  Johnson's  removal  from,  5:547,  556;  11:546 
succession  on  Johnson's  death,  4:#i;   8:x,  813-14,  1128-30,  1185,  1187, 

1188,  1192,  1194,  1198;   12:1101-1102,  1123;  13:637,  640,  642,  668, 

669,  674-75,  688,  690,  697,  728,  733   (See  also  Johnson,  Guy) 

Ohio  Indians  and,  13:687 

Onondaga  Council  and,  13:678 
unauthorized  councils,  2:403-404,  78S-89,  829,  844,  850;  3:976-77;  5:453, 

469;   7:222,  533;  9:523,  527,  559-60,  564-65,  583,  869,  892;  10:300- 

301,  307,  395-96,  449;  12:161,  184,  193-94,  199,  236-37,  247,  353-54, 

355-56,  382 
trade  authority,  4:24,  42,  45-46 

abandonment  of,  6:x,  281,  314,  321,  332,  346-47,  353-54,  356,  362-63, 

479,  486-87,  488,  512,  522-23,  537,  602-603,  623,  632,  653,  669,  775- 

56;  7:78,  86,  89-90,  702;  8:29,  951;  12:512,  564,  609-10,  631 
commissary  appointments,  4:561,  624,  647,  716,  725,  785,  798,  811,  827, 

845;  5:32,  35,  66-67,  80-81,  94,  109,  110,  135,  146,  194-95,  201,  226- 

27,  278,  303,  337,  370,  442,  540,  709,  747;  8:365;  9:128;  12:413-14, 

523-24,  554,  937 
commissary  general  proposal,  5:457-58,  469 
commissary   powers   and    limitations,   5:384,   399,   404-406,   469,   516-18, 

522-23,   535,   537,   541,   547-48,   552,   559,   564,   573,   632-34,   651-52, 

689-91,  696-97,  727,  731,  777,  815,  818,  850;  6:82,  113,  146,  199,  205, 

332,  494-95;  7:14;  8:37,  617,  1005-1007 
(See  also  individual  names  of  commissaries,  traders  and  trading  posts) 
Transactions : 

Abercromby  report  (1758)  to  Pitt,  2:838-41 

correspondence  (1749-1754)  relating,  1:908-20 

journal  (1755),  9:217-21 

journal  (1756),  2:478,  561 

journal   (1757),  9:585-93,  595-96,  605-607,  610-11,  614,  616-23,  625-27, 

628-34,   638,   665-70,   682-83,   689,   693-96,   697-98,   720-21,   722,   726, 

767-68,  779-82,  787,  788-92,  794-99,  802-808,  809-11,  831-53;  13:100- 

journal    (1758),  9:914-15,  942-44,  945-46,  963-66;    10:11-13,  21,  31-33, 

37-39,  43,  49,  51-53,  57-62,  63-64,  65-76,  79-80;  13:104-108,  110-13 
journal  (1759),  10:85-89,  97-99,  105-107 
journal  (1761),  10:216-29,  236-42 
journal   (1762),  10:356-71,  386-88,  409-15,  428,  431-32,  436-37,  439-40, 

442-49,  549,  555-56 


Sir  William  Johnson  Papers 

journal   (1763),  10:649-51,  720-26,  766-76,  794-S02,  828-55,  891-900 

journal   (1764),  11:24-35,  45-50,  57-58,  108-15,  180-89,  204-209,  233-37, 
250-54   358-62   483   512-15 

journal  (1765),  11:553-56,  593-98,  615-20,  657-62,  705-11,  766-72,  817-23, 
962-63,  984-86 

journal    (1766),    12:61-62,    94-97,    121-27,   137-39,    167-70,   183-85,   225, 

journal   (1767),  12:258-61,  269-76,  303-306,  321,  331-33,  344-46,  348-49, 
361-65,  268-72,  385-90,  393-96 

journal  (1768),  12:451-52,  456-5S,  502-504,  655-56/670-71 

journal  (1769),  12:68S-90,  693-95 

journal  (1770),  12:836-37 

journal  (1771),  12:911-12 

summary  (1756-58),  2:884-86 

summary  for  Loudoun  (1757),  9:824-30 

summary  for  Abercromby  (175S),  9:901-906 
Western  Division: 

accounts  transferred  to  Fort  Pitt  command  (1763),  10:859 

correspondence  on  "bad  disposition"  of  Indians  (1763),  4:95-100 

establishment  at  Fort  Pitt,  3:446-47,  549-50,  551-52,  574,  860-61 

personnel  (1761),  3:300-301,  304,  551-52 

personnel,  3:860-61,  875,  S76-77,  931,  965,  987;  4:256-57,  272,  575,  701- 
702;  5:100-102;  6:633 
See  also  Indians;   specific  tribes,  e.g.,  Iroquois;    and  specific  events,  e.g., 

Susquehanna  purchase 
Indiana  Company,  13:406n 

Indian  Conferences,  see  specific  Indian  groups  and  specific  meeting-places 

Albany  abuse  of  (1763),  4:43-44 

ax-removal  ceremony,  1:726;  6:138n 

beds  of  boiled  skins,  13:201 

buck  horns  as  sign  of  chief  dom,  3  :  763 

buffalo-neck  shields,  12:80 

burial  customs,  7:727,  832,  975-76;   8:248;   13:190,  204   (See  also  Indians, 

condolence  ceremony,  infra) 
calumet  or  peace-pipe,  3:853;  10:477 

Catawba,  9:950-51 

Cherokee,  2:862;  9:847,  959;  12:395 

Chippewa,   3:454,   455,   491,   499;    10:321;    11:202,   739,   805;    12:558; 

at  Fort  Johnson  Iroquois  Congress  (1756),  9:373,  376-77 

head-shaped,  7:294 

Illinois  Indian  offer  to  Iroquois,  11:841,  846,  847-50,  877 

of  Joncaire,  11:403 

Miami,  5:546-47 

at  Niagara  Congress  (1764),  4:472-73,  478;  11:267-68,  273,  275,  283 
285,  298,  300;  304,  306  ... 

Ottawa,  4:151;  10:362,  738,  783;  13:289-90 

Shawnee,  11:823;  12:1049 

stone  carving  of,  1:9.",  1 
Canadian  nations  listed,  3:273n 
cannibalism  incident,  12:971' 
canoe  fleets,  1:100,  584,  894,  918;  2:654 
certificates  of  friendship,  11:277,  306,  325-26 

jihotograph,  10:25  I 
chiefhood  appointment,  white  presumption  in,  13:621 
chief  hood  ceremony,  7:85 
condolence  ceremony,  2:394,  426,  573,  579,  665,  6S7,  7i'(i 

for  Abraham,  9:589,  593,  594,  600,  603 

for  Adaarious,  11:47S 

bone-burying  ceremony  of  tin'  Senecas,  11:317 

for  The  Bunt's  sister,  "l0: 500,  501-502 




Caghnawagas,  8:210,  214-15 

for  Canasadego  (1751),  1:317,  326 

Cayuga,  8:1106 

for  Claus  (Anne),  12:619 

for  Conestoga  massacre,  11:38 

conference  delays  for  condolences  on  route,  12:621,  623,  624,  626,  629, 

636;  13:134 
customary  ceremony,  13:189,  428-29 
at  Detroit  Council  (1761),  3:475-76,  483,  494 
at  Easton  Council  (1762),  3:761-62 
for  the  Englishman,  12:97 

at  Fort  Johnson  Iroquois  Congress  (1756),  9:356-59,  389,  393 
Fort  Stanwix  Congress  (1768),  6:436,  444-45,  454 
after  German  Flats  raid  (1757),  9:860-61 
for  Gawehe,  12:121-22,  126 
for  Justice  Frank,  3:430-31,  433-34,  504 
for  the  Half  King,  9:173 
at  Harris  Ferry-Lancaster  Iroquois  Congress  (1757),  9:730-33,  735,  753- 

54,  762 
for  Iroquois  on  Niagara  campaign,  3:440 
for  Johnson  (Christopher),  10:663-64,  674-76,  721,  771 
for  Johnson  (Guy)  family  deaths,  12:363,  505,  844-45 
for  Johnson  (Sir* William),  13:681,  686 
for  Karaghiagigo,  12:364-65,  370,  371,  389 
for  Kass  murder  (1769),  12:737 
for  Kayashuta's  children,  12:1055 
for  Kindarunty,  10:67,  69,  70,  74 
for  Lake  George  battle  (1755)  losses,  2:126,  127,  416 
for  Lottridge,  4:415 

at  Michilimackinac  Conference  (1761),  3:538 
for  Mohawk  chief  drowned  by  whites,  8:1093 
Munsie,  11:616 

at  Muskingum  conference  (1764),  11:453-54 
for  Oneidas  murdered  at  German  Flats  (1757),  9:797-98,  799 
at  Onondaga  Council  (1753),  9:110-11,  115-16 
at  Onondaga  Council  (1762),  10:588 
for  Onondagas  murdered  (1766)  at  Fort  Pitt,  12:125-26 
for  Onughrageghte,  13:503,  618 
for  Ramsay  murders  (1772),  8:497,  512,  514-15 
for  the  Eed  Head,  11:246 
with   Shawnees,   4:873,   878;    5:45,   248-55,   260-61;    11:959,   969,   983, 

989;   12:8 
for  smallpox  victims,  9:813 
for  son  of  Seneca  George,  7:178,  226,  254,  274 
for  Sononquiris   (Onondaga),  12:303 
for  Squashcutter,  11:820-21 
for   Stump   murders,   12:425,   432-34,   435-36,  453-54,  460,  461,  462-64, 

for  Swegaaseo  (1764),  11:204-205 
for  Tagethsadde,  10:236-37 
for  Takawadasse,  11:708 
for  Thomas'  uncle,  5:274 

after  Ticonderoga  attack  (1758),  9:945-46,  947 
for  "Warren  (Peter),  9:102-104;  13:33 
confederacies : 

Canadian,  3:273n;    7:295;    11:608-609;    12:837-39    (See  also  Canadian 

Indian  Confederacy) 
of  Illinois,  4:886-87;  11:842-43;  13:414 
Iroquois-Cherokee,  7:294-95,  319,  328,  332,  343,  361-62 
of  Iroquois  and  Western  Indians,  7:78-79,  108,  140,  171,  184;  8:6-11 
migration  and,  11:400,  403 
Scioto,  11:329-33 


Sir  William  Johnson  Papers 

Confederacies  of  1763,  memorandum  on  location  and  fighting  numbers, 

(See  also  Indian  Affairs  Department,  policy,   of  consolidation   of  con- 
federacies; Indian  Affairs  Department,  policy,  of  division  of  confed- 
conference  protocol: 

Bradstreet  violation  of,  11:515 

decorum  in,  13:189,  192 

French  management,  11:232 

Johnson  explanations  of,  4:331;  6:398-404,  468;  7:209,  1069-70;  11:365- 
66,  377,  399,  400-401 

Pennsylvania  management,  11:170-71 

sachemhood  and,  12:951,  952 

threat  interpretations,  12  :  652-53 

warrior  consultation  and,  12:256-57;  13:60,  189,  619-20 
conservatism  of,  13:191 
credit  risk,  12:411-12;  13:423 
death  veil,  7:112;  10:32;  12:123,  349 
"dreams"  of,  12:184,  498,  1085 
education  and,  1:233-34,  353-54;  2:410-11;  3:345 

Boston  movement,  3:628,  880,  903 

civilization  and,  3:331;  7:600-601;  8:857-58,  869-70,  922-23 

mechanic  arts,  7:965,  1026 

for  the  ministry,  5:410,  427,  431,  440,  455,  461,  464,  513,  531,  604,  838; 
7:600,  812,  878 

settlers  and,  5:512,  530,  779 

Warren  bequest  for,  3:880;  4:380;  5:591 

(See  also  Education;  Missionaries;  Schools;  Schoolteachers;  Society  for 
the  Propagation  of  the  Gospel  in  Foreign  Parts) 
election  methods  of,  12:951 
ethnic  speculations  concerning,  6:723;  7:253n 
face-painting,  12:976;   13:194 
fasting,  13:199 
flags  for,  2:575;  3:153;  10:710,  713;  11:299,  300,  305,  306,  765,  767,  820; 

12:94,  113,  635;  13:712 

Abenaki,  12:570,  646;  13:715 

exchange  of  French,  10:708,  709;  11:807 

Johnson  Hall  inventory,  13:647 

return  of,  12:364-65,  370,  390,  491 

serge  for,  2:644 

Missisaugas,  12:975,  976 

white  French-Spanish  (1768),  12:550 
French  villages  shared  with,  5:660 
Green  Corn  Dance,  12:872 
greeting  songs,  4:451-52 
handicrafts  of,  1:14,  323-24;  4:199,  697 
honesty  of,  12:190,  953;  13:190-91,  203,  206 
houses  (Canestio),  11:132,  159 
hunting,  1:904;  2:647,  694;  3:220,  263,  337 

Amherst  on,  3:345 

archery,  13:205 

arms  refusals  and,  7:780;  11:234 

Aughquisasne  hunting  grounds,  7:110-11,  127;  11:353 

buffalo  and,  6:326,  433 

Caglmawaga,  11:876,  918-19,  9S5;  13:431-32,  633 

Canadian  winter,  3:637;  7:906,  921 

Cayuga,  9:928 

decline  in  (1764),  4:557-58 

deer  calls,  13:205 

deer  seasons,  4:643;  10:17,  32 

Delaware,  9 :  742  ;  11 : 4  5  7 

Detroit,  6:719,  720,  722;  10:201 




Detroit  liquor  regulations  and,  5:808,  810 

fishing  rights,  3:882;  4:692;  5:425;  10:374,  507-508,  512-13 

Iroquois  land  claims  by  New  York  treaties,  13:40 

Johnson  on  importance  of,  7:597-598,  599-600;  12:955 

land  sales  and,  3:409-10;  5:324 

liquor  traders  and,  8:639;  12:971-72 

Mahican,  12:481-82,  498-99,  500 

Michilimackinac  seasonal  conditions,  12:58-59 

military  service  and,  11:194,  214,  495,  708 

Mohawk,  2:818;  3:233;  9:475;  10:246;  11:554,  606,  9S5;  12:233,  345; 
13  ■  °64    633 

Montreal,  3:348,  363,  394,  970;  4:200,  540 

Nahantick,  5:425 

Ohio  Biver,  8:586;  9:132;  12:1084-85,  1088,  1089 

Oneida,  12:1037;  13:684 

Oswegatchies,  13:186 

Pontiac's,  5:637,  648 

powder  and  ammunition  for,  3:433,  445-46,  448,  455,  457,  458,  466,  472, 
486-87,  543,  544,  546-47;  4:282-S3;  10:238,  246  (Sec  also  Arms,  dis- 
bursement to  Indians) 

price  levels  and,  10:238,  680-81 

Proclamation  (1763)  on  lands  reserved  to,  4:267 

profit  average  (1760),  13:188 

rangers  and,  9:569 

religion  and,  4:72;  5:439,  530,  569 

settler  encroachment  and,  5:ix,  39,  125;  7:598-600;  8:262 

Shawnee,  10:576,  579 

shoe  leather  supply,  10:68 

southern,  12:98,  99 

summer,  6:392 

trade  limitation  to  outposts  and,  6:54-58;  13:452-53 

wintering  of  traders  and,  5:131-32,  828-29;  12:188-89 
hunting  (See  also  Furs) 
hut-building,  10:39 
inheritance  procedure,  12:1053 
Johnson's  trade  with,  1:5-7,  22,  36,  50 
land  ownership  by  the  community,  11:411 

legal  recourse  of,  6:186  (See  also  Legal  procedure,  Indian  recourse) 
lice-eating,  13:186,  191,  205 
medals : 

(1747),  9:22,  25 

(1753),  9:109 

(1755),  2:575,  583 

(175S),  10:75 

(1759),  3:175 

(1760— Montreal  campaign),  3:311,  317-18,  333,  346-47,  378,  386,  441, 
442-43,  445;  10:218,  251-54,  258,  264;  13:218,  220,  222 

(1763),  10:933 

(1764),  4:437,  447,  453,  482;  11:244,  305,  306,  307,  310,  313 

(1765),  11:619,  710,  739,  767,  780-81,  807,  820 

(1766),  5:20,  33,  163,  187,  303,  333,  346,  376;   12:16-17,  23-24,  25,  32, 
34,  70,  94,  117,  132,  134-35,  149,  152,  180,  265 
photograph,  12:20 

(1767),  5:6S7,  689,  714,  758 

(1770),  7:607,  703-704,  732,  907;  12:S66 

(1771),  8:135,  255,  314 

Carleton  distribution  of,  7:129 

certificate  in  presentation  of,  10:254  (See  also  Indians,  certificates  for, 

French,  10:706;  11:216,  772,  780;  12:24,  152;  13:119 

return  of,  12:365,  370,  371,  390 

sachemhood  and,  10:237,  238 


Sir  William  Johnson  Papers 

Wyandotte,  10:204 
medical  practices  of,  6:31 
medical  services  (1773)  to,  8:845-49 
memoranda  of  sundry  articles  (1770)  for,  7:779-S0 
Negro  marriages,  5:152;  13:084 
New  England  extirpation  of,  7:598 
nomadism,  4:611;   7:507;  9:845-47,  849-52;  11:66,  400,  403;   12:570,  571, 

579-80,  839-47;  13:624,  628-29 
Northern  (See  Canada;  Iroquois;  and  specific  groups,  e.g.,  Chippewa) 
passports,  9:628-29,   722,  781,  804,  852,  907;   10:198,  482-83,  862,  942-43; 
11:234,  354,  609,  763,  812;  12:240,  242,  243,  25S-59,  305,  389,  429,  431 
peace  song,  11:727 
pole  to  mark  chief's  house,  13:429 

punishment  and  Indian  attitudes,  8:1146;  10:623-25,  64S-49 
religion  and.  1:233-34,  247;  4:72-73;  5:3S8-89,  410,  427,  433,  439,  440,  6S5, 
779,  837-38,  850;  10:231 
creation  mythology,  10:505-506,  511 
Inglis  proposals  for  conversion,  7:504-508,  596-602,  746-50,  761-66,  875- 

79,  962-65;  8:174,  228,  264,  279,  300,  553,  584,  621-22,  624 
Smith's  plan  for  Indian  conversion,  5:510-14,  528-32,  569 
(See  also  specific  Christian  agencies  for  education   or  conversion,  i.e., 
Catholicism;  Church  of  England;  Churches;  Missionaries;  Society  of 
Jesus;  Soeiety  for  the  Propagation  of  the  Gospel  in  Foreign  Parts) 
"replacement  of  the'  dead."  7:955;  9:82,  109,  300,  357,  3S9,  390,  391,  566, 
586,  587,  767;  10:305,  329 
of  Abenaki  chiefs,  12:570,  579 

Abenaki-Stockbridge  peace  and,  10:308,  411,  413,  431;  13:113 
Abraham  honored  by,  9:594,  595 
Canadian  scalpings  and,  9:770,  787 

Delaware  prisoners  adopted  in,  4:364,  365,  368-69;  13  :103 
French  practice,  2:388 
of  Gaustrax,  8:17 
of  Kanodoek,  11:32 
of  Karnghiagigo,  12:364-65,  389-90 
of  Kindaruntv,  10:74 
of  Lottridge,"  11:53,  234 
principle  of,  12:953;  13:191 
prisoner  distribution  as,  11:110 
of  Setli  of  Canajoharie,  9:622-23 

authority  and  practice  in,  12:951-52 
ceremony,  10:443,  444;  11:821 
English  legal  attiludes  toward,  11:428,  429,889 
Johnson  (Warren)  admitted  to,  13:205,  206 
sponsor  appointment,  11:709 
warrior  consultation  and,  13:60,  189,  619-20 
sale  of  arms  ami  clothing,  2:735 

sale  of  children,  1:207,  259,  260  61,  330;  3:322,  351,  383 
seasickness  fears,  13:189 
soldiers  and: 

(1753),  10:338,  365 

(1755),  1:668-69,  732,  818;  2:7,  13,  75-76,  383,  392;  9:191 

(1756).  2:554,  562;  9:439,  t54,  160,  461  62,  490,  r,:\r>,   545-48:  13:88, 

89,  91   V 
(1757),  9:591,  600  601,  617,  701-705,  707-708,  7S8 
(1758),  2:772-74;  10:56,  62  63;  13:104-107 
(1760),  10:135;  13:167,  171-72 

(1761),  3:348-49,  373,  376-77,  380,  383,  384,  387,  394,  453,  459-60,  473- 
74,  192,  199,  527-28,  575;  10:263,  269-70.  281  ;  13:218,  222,  225 
227-28,  232,  233,  272 
(1702),  3:629,  969-70;  10:505,  507,  511,512-13 
(1763),  4:63;  10:683-84,  750,  755,  911 




(1764),  4:451-52,  482;  11:192-93,  198,  245-46,  247,  351-54,  356-57, 

365-66,  377 

(1765),  4:790;  11:540,  569,  586,  603,  629 

(1766),  5:224-25,  232,  271-72 

(1769),  6:566,  604;  7:182 

(1770),  7:484-85,  651,  682-83,  942-43,  985-87,  993-94,  1016,  1052,  1053- 
54,  1076,  1117-18,  1125 

(1771),  8:9-10 

(1772),  8:593 

Iroquois    protest    (1762)    against    abuses,    3:707,    710-11,    724,    824-25 
Southern : 

Atkin  as  agent  for,  2:437-38,  485,  716;  3:12 

Augusta  Congress  (1763),  4:279,  296,  304,  315;  10:950,  951,  952 

Belcher  and,  2:516,  519 

English  enlistment  against  Northern  Indians,  4:235,  266-67;   10:950-51 

French-English   rivalry   for,   2:29,   270-71,   387-88,   390,   402,   812,   815; 
3:138-39,  142,  143 

fund  for,  2:828 

Illinois  and,  3:323 

Iroquis  protest  (1762)  against  abuses,  3:707,  710-11,  724,  824-25 
9:557    558 

Iroquois  alliances  (1756),  9:493,  560-61 

Iroquois  hostilities  (1757),  9:587-88 

Lake  George  defense  (1756),  9:530 

land  cessions,  12:56,  674 

Loudoun  and,  2:558 

Ohio  French  and,  9:450,  565,  719,  736,  771,  785,  805,  825;  10:90-92 

schools  for,  5:343 

Senecas  and,  3:449,  450,  662,  698-99,  732-33;  9:785 

Shawnees  and,  3:294;  8:835 

South  Carolina,  3:733-34;  4:188 

threat  of  general  Indian  War  (1757),  9:785-86 

Virginia  and,  7:897 

Scioto  Congress  (1774)  plans  and,  12:1081,  1088,  1089 

Wabash  hostilities  (1773),  8:835,  842-43,  895 

Western  Indian  conspiracy  (1771)  and,  8:7-9 

Western  Indian  conspiracy   (1772)   and,  8:586-87,  661,  688-89 

western  revolts  (1763)  and,  10:728 
(See  also  specific  groups,  e.g.,  Cherokees) 
as  "subjects"  of  the  King,  4:528-33,  547,  548,  575,  576,  601,  604,  610-11, 

616,  783,  805;  8:639-40;  11:394-96,  493,  950-51;  12:994-95 
submissiveness  (Warren  Johnson  on),  13:188 
tattooing,  13:194 

taxation  of  merchandise  (1751),  1:321-22 
testimonials,   7:494-95,   521,   590,   592,   658    (See   also   Indians,   certificates, 

totems,  7:961 
trade  indemnities,  4:630-31,  734,  760,  768;   5:16-17,  38-39,  458;  6:477-78, 

579-80;   7:528,  591,  592w,  631,  650-51,  659,  66S;   8:929,  1024;   10:824, 

trading  conduct,  7:348-49 

tree  uprooted  and  buried  as  peace  ceremonv,  9:836 
tribal  hospitality,  7:110-11,  127 
tribute  payments  to,  4:433,  445;  11:223 

visits  to  settlers,  3:527  (See  also  Settlers,  frontier  outrages  against  Indians) 
war  clubs,  4:385,  404;  11:174 
war  dance,  2:577,  592,   635,  643,   775;   3:173;   9:939;   10:9;    11:33,   206, 

251,  272 
warfare  methods,  4:235,  371-72,  378,  450;  9:439,  785;  10:740,  878-79,  953, 
990;  11:174,  206,  239-40;  13:188,  292,  294-95 
ambuscade,  9:209-10;  10:790-91,  803 
Bradstreet  and,  11:231-33,  504-505 


Sir  William  Johnson  Papers 

chastity  and,  13:209 
firearms  and  decline  in,  12:952 
military  attitudes,  12:955,  995 

outpost  maintenance  and,  4:519;  9:517;  10:462-63;  11:7,  9 
prisoners  of  war,  13:189,  190,  191 
Sioux,  10:710-11 
trenches  and  fire,  10:734-35,  745 
war  attire,  13 :  194 

war   whoop,   12:1051;    13:194,   295,   319    (See  also   Indians,  war  song, 
war  song,  2:500,  775,  795;  4:365,  369;  9:667,  787,  792;  10:105,  739,  852; 
11:49-50,  67,  95,  245,  472;  13: 168,  191,  192,  291 
Johnson's  use  of,  11:150,  208 
of  Pontiac,  11:227 
Western  * 

Canadian  Indian  message  (1763),  4:180,  202;  13:299 

Cherokee    hostilities    (1768-71),    6:433-34;    7:294-95,    319,    652,    1077; 

12:689-90,  812-13,  822,  945 
Cherokee  hunting  grounds  and,  6:694 
Croghan  mission  expenses  (1761),  3:300,  302 
Denny  and,  2:788-89,  797 
English  sympathies  (1759),  10:90-92,  103-104 
Detroit  siege  (See  Detroit,  Indian  siege  of), 
expeditions  against  (1764),  4:348,  396 
Fort  Stanwix  Congress  invitations,  12:490,  500,  503,  524,  527,  543-44, 

606,  628-29,  726 
French,  2:676-77,  796;  3:6,  28,  336-37;  4:170,  176,  180,  187,  200,  239, 
253,  275-76,  282,  291,  295,  303;  5:vii,  613;  6:275,  333-34,  467,  601- 
602,  630-31;  7:155;  9:612-13 
German  Flats  Congress   (July,  1770)   embassies,  12:834,  838-39,  890-91, 

indemnities  for  traders'  war  losses,  4:281,  315,  329 

Iroquois  and,  2:368;  4:183,  200,  296;  6:307;  7:15,  29,  108,  150-51,  160, 
171,  264,  294-95,  316,  319,  332,  407-408,  652,  656;  10:55;  11:786-87, 
824,  835,  S38,  842,  846,  893;  12:726;  13:409 
Iroquois  embassy  (1765),  11:905-906,  907,  931,  940 
Iroquois  embassy  (1771-72),  8:259,  278,  319,  405-408,  418-19,  630 
Iroquois  embassy   (1773-74),   12:1034,  1044-52,   1055-60,  1089,   1091-94, 

1114;  13:640,  641,  666,  671-72,  673-74,  677-78,  681,  686 
Iroquois  negotiations  (1767)  for  union  against  English,  13:440-46 
Iroquois  pence  negotiation   (3766)   by  Croghan,  13:408-409 
Johnson  Hall  meeting  (1773),  8:879 
map  of  situation  after  Peace  of  1783,  6:524 
Monckton  conference  (1760),  3:268 
Niagara-Detroit  Congress    (1761),  3:303,  332,  344-45,  350,  421-23,  428- 

503,  510-13,  559,  561.  565,  570,  574,  792;  4:296;  13:215-74 
peace    negotiations    (1764),   4:396-97,    407    (See    also    Niagara,    Indian 

Congress   (1764)) 
Philadelphia  Council  (1758)  and,  2:817 
(1761),  3:350,  354-55,  391 
(1762),  10:395-96 
Seneca  alliances,  9:874,  947,  962;  10:6 

southern  Indian  recruitmenl  against,  4:235,  266-67;  10:950-51 
threal  of  general  Indian  war  (1762),  3:865-69,  964-65;  8:1144- 

10:534  35 
throat  of  general   Indian  war    (1763),  4:95-100,   169-71,  176    187    213 
216,  220-21,  23.1  36,  249  10,  275-76,  308;  10:723-24,  728,  746-58,  792- 
94,  S02-803 
threat  of  general  Indian  war  (1764),  4:334 
threat  of  general  Indian  war  (1765),  11:740,  744-45    763    764  65    7T> 

784,  790,  son.  810,  813,  818-20,  824,  838,  842-43,  981-82',  989 
threat  of  general  Endian  war  (1766),  12:130-31,  136,  137,  140,  229 



Indians,  Western, 

threat   of   general   Indian  War    (1767),   5:701,   723,   736-38,   739,   740, 
741-42,  743-44,  750-51,  755,  763,  776,  788;  12:363,  370-71,  374,  375, 
,:i86-S8  ■   13*433-46 
threat   of' general   Indian  war    (1768),   12:401,   414-15,   425,   429,   431, 

433-34   435-36   522-23    632-35 
threat  of  general' Indian  War  (1769),  7:76-77,  78-79,  86-87,  96,  98,  107, 
119-20,  142,  154-55,  177,  178,  182,  184-85.  186-87,  209,  211-12,  221, 
225,  315-17;  12:722-23,  726,  744 
threat  of  general  Indian  war  (1770),  7:404-405,  406-408,  483-85,  525-26, 
540,  541-42,  551-52,  651-53,  654-56,  669,  689-90,  817,  852-55;  12:769- 
70    786   S22   S38 
threat  of  general  Indian  war  (1771),  7:1149-50;  B>:x,  6-11,  35-36,  45-46, 
57-58,  70,  75-78,  141,  206,  219-20,  251,  259-62,  277-79,  285,  337,  341, 
343,  348-49,  373-74,  441;  12:916-17 
threat  of  general  Indian  war   (1772),  8:501-502,  508-509,  511,  519-20, 

587,  661,  68S-89 
threat    of    general    Indian    war    (1774),   8:1145,    1151,    1164-65,    1167; 
12:1088-90,    1115;    13:641,    667-68,    669-72,    675,    676-77,    679,    680, 
681-82,  687,  688,  690-91,  694-97 
trade  opening  requests  (1757),  13:100-101 
trade  opening  requests  (1767),  13:458-59 
(See  also  specific  groups) 
wood  lore,  13:199,  205 

See  also  Indian  Affairs;  and  see  specific  Indian  groups,  e.g.,  Iroquois 
Ingersol,  capt.,  9:231,  236 
lngersoll,  Jared,  10:4S6«, 
Inglis,  Eev.  Charles,  8:ix,  44 
autograph,  8:xv 
catholic  missionaries  and,  7:310 
Chandler  publication  (1769)  sent  by,  7:1 

on  conversion  of  the  Indians,  7:504-508,  544,  5S4,  596-602,  746-50,  761-66, 
875-79,  962-65,  1026;  8:174 

memorial,  8:228,  264,  277,  279,  300,  553,  584,  621-22,  624 
on  Dunmore's  arrival,  7:966 

fund  for  ladies  whose  connections  served  the  state,  8:381 
godson  of,  7:965;  8:542 

Johnson's  support  for  episcopate  asked  (1766),  5:432-34,  488 
Johnson  visit  (1770),  7:692,  695,  696 
on  King's  College  growth,  8:541-42 
on  liberty  poles,  7:509 

on  missionary  salaries,  7:357-59,  391-92,  504,  747,  763,  964 
Nova  Scotia  episcopate,  5:ix 
portrait,  7:356 

Schenectady  vestrymen  and,  8:1088 
Ingraham,  Hezekiah,  1:716 
Inman,  Henry   (artist),  13:ix 

Innes,  James,  col,  l:496n,  745;  2:751;  9:159,  205,  834n 
Innis,  Francis,  11:488 
Insenockshoree  (Scioto  Indian),  11:330 
Instruments : 

camera  obscura,  8:341 

carpenters'  tools  in  Johnson  Hall  (1774),  13:649 
clocks  and  watches,  8:1140;  13:538,  599,  654 
electrical,  1:381;  4:768,  865,  880,  885;  11:954 
knives : 

Adems  accounts,  13:534,  536,  548,  551 

Butler  accounts,  13:513,  514,  515 

Campbell  accounts  (1756-65),  13:344,  345,  351,  352,  372 

Indian  goods  disbursements   (1755-56),  2:568,  569,  571.  584.  585    589 

606,  618,  619,  620,  621,  628,  633,  638 
pen  knives,  2:587,  617 
Phyn  and  Ellice  accounts,  13:469,  474 


Sir  William  Johnson  Papers 

prices  in  furs,  11:990 
Leyden  jars,  11:954 
machinery  loan,  11:562 
magic  lantern,  13:657 

musical,  1:265;  4:638,  840,  877;  7:711,  760,  780 
scales,  5:817;  12:217;  13:31 
screw  plate,  8:39,  43,  90-91 

shoemakers'  tools  in  Johnson  Hall  (1774),  13:647 
speaking  trumpet,  13 :  655 
spectacles,  5:155,  478;  6:484;  13:604 
spyglasses,  13:652,  663 
sun  dial,  4:8,  21-22,  85 
surveying,  1:385;   5:542,  553,  563,   665,   797;    7:372,  559,   1116,   1157-58; 

telescopes,  1:525,  535,  566,  578,  586,  612,  619,  6S7,  761;  2:392 
Interpreters : 

Aughquisasne,  7:128 

Bradstreet  expedition,  11:492,  508 

Oadaracqui,  9:82 

Caghnawagas  and,  4:825;   7:530-31,  899-900,  1018-19;   11:207 

Carleton  appointment,  7:159,  221-22,  264 

certification  of,  4:708 

colonial  administration  of  trade  and,  8:29,  951;   12:554,  610,  654-55,  674, 

710,  729,  731;  13:486 
commissary  instructions  on,  5:517-18;  12:248,  413;  13:424 
conduct  of,  3:473,  528 
Delaware,  11:460 

at  Delaware-Shawnee-Mingo  peace  treaty,  11:5S5,  592 
Detroit,  3:552,  915;   5:442-43,  675,  688-S9,  703,  723,  730;   6:764;   7:196; 

11:397,  685,  831;  12:75-76,  206,  804;  13:318-19,  389,  421 
at  Easton  Council  (1762),  3:761,  768,  769,  776,  777,  778,  783,  787,  789 
education  and,  10:2SO,  440,  469 
for  English  in  Canada,  4:223 
Fort  Brewerton,  10:498;  ll:3.r)7 
at  Fort  Chart  res,   4:191,   515;   5:578-79;    7:78;    12:79,   81,   85,   284,   701; 

13:395,  397,  399,421,  427 
at  Fort  Erie,  5:289 
at  Fort  Ontario,  3:985;  4:164,  167,  652,  879;  5:S00;  6:112;  7:911;  12:175. 

732,  823 
at  Fort  Pitt,  4:586;  12:50,  51,  732,  S04;  13:421 
Fort  Stanwix  Congress,  12:619,  027 
Gage  on  appointment  of,  11:370 
Gates  request  (1758),  9:919,  922 
Green  Bay,  11:930 

Harris  Ferry- Lancaster  Congress  (1757),  9:623,  624,  625,  654,  719 
Hillsborough  on  need  for,  6:327 
Indian  Affairs  reorganization   (1764-65)   and,  4:624-25,  725,  785,  798    827 

837;  5:442;  11:481,  830-31,  892;  12:131,  143,  204 
Johnson  on  need  for,  4:240;  6:341,  363,  496,  -"-12,  653;  7:86,  89,  90;  9:127 
at   Miehilimackinac,  5:442-43;   7:48:   10:556;   11:397,  80S;   12:75-76    100, 

206,  450-53 
Mohawk,  10:729 
Montreal,  13:166 
murder  of  Croghan's,  5:239-40 
at  Niagara,  5:442-43,  758;  6:154-55,  764 

at  Niagara  Congress  (1764),  4:466,   107,  477;  11:262,  263,  272 
at  Niagara  surrender  (1759),  13:1  L9  20,  159 
Nova  Scotia,  12:196,  197 
Oneida,  11:29,  31 
Onondaga,  9:384 
Oqiiaga,  4:395 
Oswegatchie,  4:212 




Oswego,  3:882-83;  10:505,  511 
Ottawa,  12:285 
Ouiatanon,  13:296 
Post  Vincent,  13:398 
provisions  at  the  forts,  5:337 
salaries : 

(1756),  2:400-401,  660 

(1759),  13:120 

(1761),  3:300,  528 

(1762),  3:827,  877,  914,  985;  10:560,  824 

(1763),  4:82,  222;  10:637;  13:296 

(1764),  4:383,  562,  575;  11:166 

(1765),  4:851,  852;  11:575,  685,  831,  930 

(1766),  5:97,  100,  109,  110,  140,  147,  264,  367;   12:79,   143,  197,  206; 
13:389,  395,  397,  398,  399 

(1767),  5:57S-79,  677,  699,  758;  12:264;  13:421,  427 

(1768),  6:281,  340;  12:554,  640-4Spassim,  701,  731-32 

(1769),  6:632,  764;  7:11,  51,  78,  89-90,  91,  298;  12:764 

(1770),  12:804,  805,  814,  871;  13:708 

(1771),  12:903,  927;  13:710,  712 

(1772),  8:600,  618,  620;  12:949,  1004;  13:713,  714,  715 

(1773),  12:1022;  13:718,  720 

(1774),  8:1097,  1168,  1171;  13:721 
at  Sandusky  court  of  enquiry  (1764),  11:369 
Stevens  appointment,  9:717 
Wyandotte,  10:204,  206 
See  also  individual  names 
Intrepid  (ship),  4:94,  123 
Ireland,  1:35,  39,  53,  59,  74 
County  Cavan  men,  13:196 
Dublin  Office  of  Arms,  3:vii,  ix 
Eyre  correspondence  (1755),  13:64 
Falkland  Islands  crisis  (1770),  7:1029,  1047 
harpers  from,  11:973 
hemp  production,  4:103 
jews'  harps  from,  7:1072 

Johnson  (John)  in,  5:120,  182-83,  208,  269,  371;  7:331;  12:88,  250,  252 
Johnson's  baronetcy  and,  2:343 
Johnson's   family   in,   1:257-58,   319-20,   352-53,   370-71,   907;    3:889,   898; 

A:xi,  502,  545;  8:823;  ll:362w;  12:1030-31  {See  also  individual  names) 

Smithstown  house,  photograph,  13 :  734 
Johnson's  influence  in,  8:381 
Kain  return  requested,  8:41-42 
labor  imported  from,  4:879;  5:434 
linen  trade  (1738),  13:1 
Lord  Lieutenancy  (1771),  8:146-47,  358,  460 
military  establishment,  7:402;  8:52 
potash  testing  in,  3:968;  4:11 
potatoes  from,  8:500,  625,  797 
regiments  raised  (1755)  in,  9:154 
regiments  return  (1763),  4:87,  92-93,  102 
schoolteachers  from,  8:18,  20,  26-27,  31-32 

settlers  from,  4:49;  5:847;  8:613-14;  12:251,  1031   (See  also  Irish) 
ship  with  servants  from,  4:9 
Strongbow  conquest  of,  13:734 
Temporary  Laws  suspended  (1770),  7:1074 
time  difference  with  America,  13:197 
Townshend  and,  7:839 
troop  transports  (1767)  from,  12:336 
Warren's  trip  to,  1:240 
See  also  specific  cities;  and  see  Irish 
Irena  (prisoner),  11:490 


Sir  William  Johnson  Papers 

Irish : 

in  Albany,  3:129 
attitudes  toward,  4:11 
in  Canada,  9 :  791 
"Hibernian  Concert,"  4:850 
imported  labor,  4:879;  7:188 
Johnson's  tenants,  4:572;  5:847;  9:147 
Schenectady  Dutch  riots  (1761),  13:201 
Ware  on,  4:595 
Iron  River,  7:790;  8:124 
Irondequoit,  12:930;  13:149,  269 

French  trader  (1766)  at,  12:210,  211 
Haldimand  expedition  (1779),  8:1215 
Niagara  surrender  (1759)  and,  13:122,  124 
Seneca  cession,  4:331;  11:155 
settlement,  1:926-27 

Wade  and  Keiuser  expedition  stop,  7:725 
Iroquois  (Five  Nations,  Six  Nations)  : 
Abenaki  councils  with,  3:555-56 
Albany   Indian   Affairs    Commission   and,    1:317-18,   339-44;    9:83-84,   130, 

143-44,  155;  13:25 
allies  listed,  3:273m;  9:493,  560-61 
Amherst  policy  protested  by,  10:677-84 
Braddock  and,  1:625m,  626,  627,  632,  633,  637,  662-65,  794;  2:382;  9:171- 

74,  175,  176,  901;  13:40-41 
Bradstreet  Treaty  (1764)  and,  4:544,  549,  600,  604 
Bradstreet  troop  return  and,  11:500-501,  514,  521 
Cadaracqui  meeting  (1762)  and,  3:748,  752,  754 
Caghnawaga  conference  with  Claus  (1771),  8:210 
Caghnawaga  deputation  (1773),  12:1027;  13:617-19,  717 
Caghnawaga  conferences  (Johnson  Hall,  Sept.,  1763),  4:200,  205-206,  208; 

10:828-55,  862,  877 
Caghnawaga  Treaty  (1760),  10:260,  269 
Canada  and,  1:59-60,  63-65,  80,  87-88,  97,  107,  135-38,  140-41,  151-52,  156- 

65,  187,  277-78,  431,  908-20;  2:325;  9:41-42;  10:316-17 
Canadesaga  Seneca  Council  (1763)  and,  10:795,  800 
Canadian  Confederacy  alliance,  3:547;  13:163,  164,  618-19 
Canadian  deputation  (1756),  2:563-64,  675-77,  701,  704-709;  9:5S3,  605-607, 

618,  621,  635,  637,  642,  643,  665,  668-69,  903 
Canadian  deputation  (1773),  13:617-21 
Cherokee-Canadian  Confederacy  Council  (German  Flats,  July,  1770)    7:494, 

706,  721-22,  737,  769,  785,  787,  789,  790,  798,  799,  817-18,  832-33,  840, 

841,  844,  871-72,  S75,  894,  897,  907,  1069;  8:76;  12:802,  803,  825,  835, 

837«,  849-52,  856-58,  866-67,  868 

arms  demand  as  test  of  English  integrity,  7:852-53;  12:850   852 
Indian  proposal  of,  7:295,  328,  343,  361-62,  376-77,  380,  412-13;   12:769- 
70,  775 

policy  of  division  of  confederacies  and,  7:332,  540,  541-42,  655,  852-53. 
855  ' 

Canadian  treaties  against  English,  9:44,  7.". 
Canajoharie  conference  (1759),  3:25n,  27-32,  163-61,  271 
Castle  Cumberland  meeting  (1761),  3:356 
Catawbas  and,  1:259,  261,  386-87,  912,  913-14;  6:665,  695;  8:247;  9:75-76, 

97,  114,  118,  283;  10:437n 
census   (1768),  6:261-62 

census  (1760)  of  Johnson  troops  at  Oswego,  10:175 
certificate  design  (1757),  13:98 

Chenango  Council  (1756),  9:382,  416,  455-56,  609,  744,  747,  752 
Chenussio  Council  (1762),  3:699,  701 

Chenussio  Council  (1763),  4:64;  10:624-25,  630,  633-34,  653,  681 
Cherokee  alliance,  2:742;   7:294-95,  319,   328,   343,  361-62,  376-77,  490-91, 

525,  551-52,  655,  705-706,  785,  799,  957,  993,  1016,  1053,  1076;   8:70, 




407,  586,  63S;  12:813,  S22 
Cherokee  war,  4:6-7,  62,  ISO,  190-91,  193,  196,  872;  10:452,  543,  548,  550, 
566,   573-74,   576,  584,   592,   593,   594,   635,   866,   891,   908-909,   942-43; 
12:294,  295,  344-45,  418;  13:207 
Boyd  murder  and,  12:295,  337-39,  360 

peace  negotiations,  4:828,  840-41,  848-49,  858-62;  5:31,  33,  48,  234,  449, 
548,   552,   739,   832;    6:3,    69n,   184;    10:605;    11:863,   S93,   932-33, 
941-42,  976;   12:21,  34,  56-57,  98-99,  308,  313,  315,  322,  332,  372, 
393-96,  406,  415,  431-32,  455,  688-89 
peace   treaty    (1768),   6:139,   142,   149,   150,   153,   155,   176,   198»,   203, 
224-26,  252,  292,  480;   7:151,  652;   8:233,  252-53,  1086;   12:451-52, 
456-58,   460,   461,   464,   467-68,   469,   470-71,   472,  473,  475;    13:428 
speech  of  the  Prince  of  Chote,  12:339-40,  360,  386,  388-89 
Chickesaws  and,  8:407,  779 
Chippewas  and,  7:716,  796-97 
Choctaw  hostilities  (1770),  12:813,  822 
Christian  conversion  of,  6:18,  28-29,  67-68;   7:747,  762,  764,  876-78,  964, 

condolence  for  Christopher  Johnson,  10:674-76 
Conestog-a  murders  and,  4:284,  299,  306,  310,  323,  324,  357-58,  366,  368; 

11:17-18,  31,  32,  34,  126 
covenant  chain  metaphor,  1:158-59 

Creek  threat  of  uprising  (1774)  and,  8:1086,  1104,  1118 
Cressap  treaty  (1766),  5:458,  469,  507;  12:236 
Crown  Point  expedition  (1755)  and,  1:470-71,  472,  473-75,  501,  522-25,  531, 

535,  796-97,  804;  2:4,  57,  86,  167,  380-83;  9:172 
culture  of,  12:950-55 

Delaware  domination  by,  2:369,  411,  414-15,  418-19,  681-82,  752;   4:361; 
6:139-40,  142;  8:640,  648,  675,  688-89,  837;  9:310,  336,  364,  476n,  477, 
615,  747,  755;  13:76-77,  78 
Delaware  resettlement  (1767)  among,  12:258-59,  312 

Delaware-Shawnee  uprisings  and,   1:496;   2:359,  369-70,   394,  409,  418-19, 
657,  820;  9:309-11,  328-29,  331,  333-34,  335-37,  476-77;  13:76-77,  78 
Embassy  of  1756,  2:411,  415,  426,  432,  439-40,  443,  445-46,  447,  452, 
455,  465,  469-71,  494,  521-22;  9:310-11,  353-54,  360,  364,  371,  373-74, 
382-83,   400,   424-25,   429-30,   435,   439-40,   451,   455-57,   477,   540-41, 
peace  treaty   (1765),  4:640,  649,  650,  654,  655,  664-65,  710,  731,  734, 
742,   746-47;    11:510-11,   570,   585,   592,   593,  597-98,   625,   682,   68S, 
707-708,  896 
recruitment  to  punish,  2:414-15;  4:207,  272,  274,  281,  291,  361,  365,  369, 
371-72,  373,  387,  389,  390-91,  399,  402,  406,  501,  551;  10:974,  990; 
11:24,  33,  52-53,  54,  61,  68,  83-84,  87,  89-95,  96,  128-29,  143-44,  149- 
51,   152,    157-61,    170,   173,   182,   184-85,    186,   191,   205-209,   233-37, 
373-74,  472 

Sandusky  refusal  to  attack,  11:373-74,  391,  402,  504-505,  594 
Denny  and,  9:505,  522,  525,  744-45 
Detroit  siege  (1763)  and,  4:164;  10:715.  717 
Detroit  threat  (1769),  6:777 
Dinwiddie  conference  (1763),  1:385 
Easton  Council  (1756),  9:526-27,  564-66,  607,  609,  615 
Easton  Council  (1758)   and,  2:890-91,  894,  S96;  3:4;  9:954;  10:43-48,  54, 

57-58,  61,  539-40 
English  concern  for  loyalty  of: 
(1750),  1:276-77,  280-82 

(1754-55),  1:425-27,  429-34,  462-63,  465-66,  505,  507,  523,  525,  541,  543, 
559,  795-96,  797,  805,  811;  2:29,  52;   9:126-32,  172-73,  178,  194-96, 
203-204;  13:64-65,  71-72 
(1756),  9:460,  462,  613,  623,  631-32,  640 
(1757),  2:715,  721,  740,  750;  9:706,  709-11,  715,  760-61 
(1758),  2:821-22,  840;  9:902-906;  10:3-8,  28-29,  42,  53-55 
(1760),  3:259 


Sir  William,  Johnson  Papers 

(1761),  3:405-406,  421,  429,  437-39,  448-53 

(1762),  8:1144-45 

(1763),  4:6-7,  251-53,  262,  274-76,  282-83;  10:869,  871-72,  876,  883,  894 

(1771),  8:6-11,  57,  75-78,  191,  202-203,  251,  318 

(1772),  8:677 

Johnson  on  reasons  for,  10:877-81 
English  embassy  proposal,  4:64,  220-21,  260;  10:633-34,  635;  11:39 
English  fund  (i754)  for,  9:126 
Esopus  Indians  and,  6:738-39 

expenses  (Fort  Pitt,  1769)  in  behalf  of,  6:660,  661;  7:8-9,  21-22 
expenses  of  intended  Canadian  expedition  (1746-47),  9:15-31 
"foreign  nations"  and,  in  King  George's  War,  1:105-107,  164,  325,  327 

assistance  (1757),  9:675 
Fort  Augusta  conference  (1764),  4:579-83 
Fort  Frontenac  expedition  (1758),  10:12,  54 
Fort  George  Council  (1755),  1:454-55 
Fort  Herkimer  meeting  (1759),  3:23 
Fort  Johnson  conference  (1754),  9:133 
Fort  Johnson  Congress  (1755),  1:583,  584,  585-86,  590,  591,  596,  610,  612, 

614,  617,  654,  659,  663-64,  669,  706,  737-39;  2:373-74;  9:153,  156,  159- 

60,  165,  171n,  184-86,  252 

Claus  account  of,  9:193-202 

Johnson's  summation  for  Braddock,  9:203-205 

numbers  attending,  9:189-90,  194 

Proceedings,  1:625-41,  733,  752,  794,  797,  806,  813-14,  843,  S50;  9:171- 
79,  207,  341 
Fort  Johnson  conferences  (1756)  : 

autumn.  9:525,  533,  536-37,  541,  542,  548,  550-51,  559,  560-61 

on  fall  of  Oswego,  9:512 
Fort  Johnson  Congress  (1756),  2:659,  884;  9:343-94,  400,  902 

Delaware-Shawnee  treaty,  9:475-79.  522,  615 
Fort  Johnson  Congress  (1757),  9:690,  693-96 
Fort  Johnson  meetings  (1758),  2:843-44;  9:879-86,  887-88 
Fort  Jolmson   meetings    (1759),   3:6,   19,  20;    10:88-89,   90,  95,   96,   98-99, 

104,  106 
Fort  Johnson  meetings  (1761).  10:236-42:  13:205-206 
Fort  Johnson  meetings  (Jan.  1762),  10:356-71 
Fort  Johnson  protest  on  murders,  2:726 
Fort  Ontario  Congress  (1766s)  and,  12:117,  L52 
Fort  Ontario  trade  CI  769),  7:79-80 
Fort  Pitt  attack  threal   (1762),  10:402,  406 
at  Fort  Pitt  conference  (1700),  3:208-17 
at  Fort  Pitt  conference  (1767),  6:10-11 
atFortl'itf  conference  (1768),  6:122 
Fort  Pit)  soldier  attacked  (  1771),  8:9-10 
forts  for,  2:315,    W9-10,  415;  9:127,  370,  376,  394,  398,   lb;,   125,  427,  430, 


Fort  Stanwrx  Congress  (1768)  and.  6:333,  334-35,  123.  513;  12:388,  459 
t88,  490,  500,  502  504,  504  507,  .11. VIC,  527,  543-44,  605-606,  628-29,  630, 
647,  670,  681,  694  95 

settlemenl   of  cessions,  8:580;   12:636.  662,  656.57,  659,  665,  670    671 
"74,  6S1.  6    !   -:,.  6fi2,  7(19,  715,  741    12,  717,  816,  850 

Fori  William  Eenry  destruction  and,  9:816,  822 

French    relations: 

Canadian  delegation   (1751),  9:81  v" 

Canadian  delegation  (1756),  2:563-64,  675-77.  701,  704-709 
Canadian  Indian  appeals  (1760),  3:188-92,  196,198 
Detroil  Council  (1758  l,  2:791  96 
Fish  Creek  meeting  i  L75S  ),  10:39 

French    efforts     (1756-57)     to    recall,    2:547,    563-64,    699-701     704-706 
740,  750  '  '  ' 

French   threats  to  destroy,  1:276,  277-79,  280,  281,  288,  296,  912,  913; 




2:794-90;    3:7,   221;    9:61,   65,  420,  424,   803-804,   833;    10:20,  25; 

French  warnings  of  English  betrayal,  1:507,  512-13,  524,  632,  659,  909, 
914;  2:701;  9:37 
-,  Indian  view  of  the  French,  1:315,  389,  430-31,  442,  457,  505,  514,  541, 
612,  664,  706;  2:29,  52;  4:6,  135,  279;  9:124;  10:55 

Johnson  efforts  (1755)  to  align  the  Iroquois,  1:612,  644,  706;  2:52,  360, 

Joncaire  warnings  of  Lake  George  attack  (1756),  9:557,  558 

in  King  George's  War,  1:22,  59,  63-64,  106-107,  149-50,  168,  174-75,  224, 
226,  227,  909;  9:44,  73-74 

Louis  XIV  grant  to  the  Caghnawagas,  10:374-76 

Louis  XV  message  (alleged),  8:932-33 

Ohio  expedition  plans  (1753)  and,  9:106-107 

New  York  and  Pennsylvania  incursions  (1755),  2:359-60,  387-89 

Niagara  French  Indian  Congress  (1756),  9:444 

Niagara  French  Indian  Congress  (1760),  10:137-38 

Oswegatchie  (La  Galette)  settlement,  10:126?i 

recruitment  belts,  9:56-57,  461;   10:20,  380-81,  384-86,  392-93,  398-400, 
405,  421-25;  13:687 

seventeenth  century,  10:877-78 

smiths  and,  9:583 

strategic  political  value  (1754)  of,  9:126-32 

threat  of  general  Indian  War  (1763),  4:135 

at  Ticonderoga,  2:397 

Vaudreuil  on,  2:679 
frontier  outrages  and,  5:617,  737;  12:115-16,  123,  125-26,  130,  137-38,  311, 

313,  374 
Ganeghqaghtai  (Indian  settlement)  and,  10:643-48 
Ganughsharaga  Creek  Congress  (Oct.,  1767),  12:365,  368-72 
George  IPs  death  and,  10:218 

German  Flats  conference  (1767),  5:507,  552,  556;  12:303,  309-15,  324 
German   Flats   Congress    (July,   1763),  4:164,   165,   166,   170,   171,   172-73, 

175-77;  10:725-26,  746-53,  767,  769,  770-71,  831,  835,  837-38 

report  to  Amherst  on,  10:754-59,  761 
German  Flats  conference  (Nov.,  1771),  12:944 
German  Flats-Fort  Johnson  meeting  (Sept.  1763),  4:194,  197,  202,  208,  272, 

273-74;  10:789,  800-801,  804,  828-55,  856,  862 
German  Flats  murders  of  Oneidas  (1757)  and,  9:796-98,  799 
Harris  Ferry-Lancaster  Congress   (1757),  9:595-96,  607-10,   615-16,  619-25, 

698,  705,  719,  727-65,  770-72,  782 
Hendrick's  influence  among,  l:237n,  278 
Johnson  as  Colonel  of  Forces  of,  1:60-62,  67-68,  73-81,  82-83,  114,  115,  421, 

427,   433;    2:x,  434-35;    3:116,    183,   185,   196,   199,   201,   898-99,   954; 

5:21;  9:9-11;  13:40,  58-59,  73 
Johnson  commissioned  as  British  authority  for,  1:465-76;   2:403,  434-35; 

3:359;  5:21;  9:184-86,  194,  196,  252,  283-84;  10:677-78 
Johnson  conference  (1747),  1:104;  9:21 
Johnson  conferences  (Dec.  1755-Feb.  1756),  2:433;  9:321 
Johnson  conferences   (March,  1768),  6:107n,  122-23,  124,  135,  136,  139-40, 

142,  149-51,  153,  154-56,  178,  179,  181,  184,  187,  198,  203,  224 
Johnson   conference   (1773),   8:753,   762,   763-64,   778-79,   808,   837-38,   914, 

Johnson  (Guy)  congress  (Sept.  1774),  8:1200-1201 
Johnson  (Guy)  Congress  (1775),  13:722 
Johnson  Hall  Congress  (April,  1762)  : 

plans,  3:559,  561,  565,  570,  580,  593,  598,  599,  610,  630,  653,  662,  675, 
685,  686-87,  689;  10:402,  406,  409,  419,  432,  435,  439 

proceedings,  3:690-717,  723-24,  727,  732,  739,  740-41,  742-43;  10:436-37, 
442-43,  449,  453-54,  461 
Johnson   Hall   Congress    (March   1764)    on   Seneca  peace,   11:105-106,   107- 

108,  111-12,  113,  114-15 


Sir  William  Johnson  Papers 

Articles  of,  11:151-57 
Proceedings,  11:134-61 
Johnson  Hall  Congress  (July,  1771),  8:141,  142,  160,  188-89,  191,  202-203, 

218,  239-40,  251,  337;  12:911-12 
Johnson   Hall    Congress    (June-July,    1774),    8:1177,    11S4,    1186,    1192-93, 
1194,    1198;    12:1107,    1112-13,    1116,    1121-22,    1124;    13:640-41,    668, 
671,  673 

Johnson's  death  at,  12:1122;  13:668,  669-70 
Johnson  Hall  meeting  (Sept.  1762),  10:500-508,  509-18 
Johnson   Hall   meeting    (Dec.    1763),   4:272,   273-74,   287,   294;    10:943-44, 

957-72,  973-74,  989;  11:21,  24 
Johnson  Hall  meeting  (Jan.,  1764),  11:24-35 
Johnson  Hall  meeting  (June,  1764),  11:233-37 
Johnson  Hall  meeting  (June,  1766),  5:274;  12:121-27 
Johnson  Hall  meeting  (Dec,  1766),  12:240-45 
Johnson's   expenses    (March    1755-October   1756)    in   behalf    of,    2:566-646 

Johnson  tour  of  country  (1769),  7:29,  43,  44,  84-88,  89,  93,  101,  102,  107, 

119-20,  167,  176-77;  12:723,  743,  744,  747,  760 
Johnson  tour  of  country  (1770),  8:281,  317-20,  343;  12:S62,  873-74 
Johnson  (Guy)  map  of  country  of,  A:ta;  8:228,  248,  264 
Kickapoos  and,  8:225,  233,  586 
Kingsborough  meeting  (1762),  3:751 
King's  mission  (1771)  to  33  nations,  8:247,  259,  260,  261,  262,  278,  318-19, 

343,  349,  405-408,  418,  441,  630 
Lancaster   Treaty    (1762),   3:921,    986;    10:498-99,   504,   510,   533,   537-41, 

land  claims,   1:263,  268,  425,  432,  470,  528-30;   2:229-35;   4:239;   10:382, 
404-405,  680,  972 
Aughquisasne,  7:127-29;  8:216 

Cherokees  and,  6:490,  513,  537,  692,  693-94,  708-709;  7:112,  160 
Conestoga,  4:324 

conquest  and  subjection  issues  in,  12:994-95 

Delaware  claims  and,  2:752-55;  3:844,  851;  4:20;  9:755-56;  10:672 
Hardenbergh  patent,  7:1043,  1098;  8:348 
Hudson  River,  3:374,  409-10,  680;  12:531,  538,  603-604 
Illinois,  8:886,  898 

Indian  boundary  line  and,  5:362,  469,  486-87,  544,  552,  646;  6:5-6,  205, 
333,   407-408,   513;    7:17,    18,   99,    150-51,    179,    316,   332;    8:6,   76; 
11:713,  714;   12:256-57,  288-89,  295,  366-67,  374,  402,  419,  459,  510, 
520,  522,  526-27,  553,  674,  684-85    (See  also  Iroquois,  Fort    Ktamvix 
Congress,  supra) 
Kanhawa  River,  6:407,  408;  7:65,  66,  113,  119 
Kaynderosseras   (See  Kavaderosseras) 
by  New  York  Treaties  of  1701  and  1726,  13:40 
Ohio,  7:184;  8:6,  630,  639-40,  834;  13:436,  441,  445-46 
Pennsylvania   deed   release,   2:684,    752;    7:217-18:    10:43-48    54    57-58 

61,  539-40 
Pennsylvania  grants  for  military  service  0755),  2:392 
Susquehanna    Purchase,    1:396-401,    405,    454-55,    -194-95;    3:39°     661- 
4:70-71,    SO;     9:131,     133-34,     142-45,     150-51,     152,    153,    199-200: 
10:215-16,  484-86 

Hartford    Conference    (1763),    4:123-29,    130,    138,    218;    10:663-69 
722-23,  752;   11:125-126 

Pennsylvania    conveya, 1:454-55,   463-64,   485-86;    2:657,    684-85- 

6:556-57,    563;     7:75,    99-100,    141-42,    176-77;     9:157-58,    160; 
settlemenl    attempts,   3:821,   822,   824,   851,    883.    885,    801     939-41- 
4:20,   66,   67,   71-72,   74-75,   76  77,   80,    L06,    119     122:    1*0- 116-17 
471-72,  490,  551  52,  656,  663,  671-72,  69]  92,  716,  720 
(See  also  Susquehanna   Purchase) 
language  structure,  12:953-54  :  13:60,  64,  202 




liquor  and,  1:298,  580-81;  9:65,  115,  119,  199,  200,  694,  721;  10:67,  73 

Logstown  conference  (1753)  refusal,  13:23-24 

Loudoun  and,  2:749-50,  764-66 

Mahicans  and,  2:360;  7:323-24 

Maryland  and,  1:318;  4:6-7,  69 

Miamis  and,  2:795-96;  9:93 

migration  (1771),  7:1149-50 

Mingos  and,  4:586,  620-21,  624;  12:1034,  1039,  1046 

"Seneca"  belts  of  1764,  11:371 
missionaries   to,   4:442,   540;    5:684;    6:545;    7:747,   762,   764;   9:63,   117; 

Missisaugas  and,  1:550 
Mohawk  protest  on  Kayaderosseras  and,  4:654,  665,  684,  747;  11:606-607, 

625-26,  651,  714,  742 
Mohawk  Eiver  attack  threats  and,  3:343,  853,  854;  9:666-67 
Montreal  expedition   (1760),  3:237n;   10:1S2,  184,  317;   13:163-64,  167-69, 

173-78,  189 
Munsees  and,  7:1069-70 

Nanticokes  and,  6:254;  9:241;  12:258,  312,  352-53,  363 
Newkirk  murder   (1762)    and,  10:568-69,  583-96,  611,  623-25,  626-36,  653, 

679,  681 
at  Niagara  Congress  (1764),  4:481,  511-12;  11:262-327 

sachem  census,  11:309 
Niagara-Detroit  Congress  (1761),  3:303,  354,  421-23,  42S-503,  792;  4:296; 

10:330,  357-58,  361,  362;  11:721;  journal,  13:215-74 
Niagara  expedition  (1759),  3:400;  13:119,  120,  121,  134 
numbers,  4:240-46;   13:695 
Ohio  alliances,  3:995;   9:63 
Ohio  and  eastern  groups,  4:578 
Onondaga  Councils: 

(1748),  1:150,  151-52,  155-65,  168;  9:73 
(1751),  1:318,  326 

(1753),  1:388-91,  917;  9:110-20,  130,  140;  13:26-27 
(1755),  1:629,  636,  795;  9:155 

(1756),  2:442,  447,  458-59,  460-61,  464,  474,  481,  494,  496,  499-501,  506, 
514,  657-58;   9:439-40,  450,  451-52,  456-57,  460,  462-63,  468-70,  478- 
79,  488,  530 
expenses,  for  horses,  2:486-87 
Eeport  to  Henry  Fox,  2:508-510 
Treaty,  2:509,  522,  536 

(1757),   2:664-66,   667-73,   694-95,   699-703,   884,   885;    9:583,   615,   621, 
631-32,  634,  640,  643,  661,  674,  695,  711,  714-15,  724,  769,  781 
neutrality  decision,   9:783-86,   824-25,   838-39,   902-903,  926,   934-35; 
10:5,  464;  11:137-38,  145 
(1758),  2:772-73,  792,  793.  818,  821-24,  829-32,  835,  839-40,  844,  851, 
852,  S66,  867;   9:785,  824,  868,  873,  874-75,  877,  S80,  881,  8S2-83, 
895,  900,  905, 907,  916;  13:110, 111-13 
(1759),  3:188-92,  222;  10:81-82,  84,  86,  88 
(1761),  3:440;  10:221,  222,  237;  13:266-67 
(1762),  3:820,  909,  932-33,  940,  961,  967,  973,  974,  978,  980,  983,  988; 

4:6,  15;  10:538,  552,  553,  569,  623,  628 
(1763),  4:106,  119;  10:651,  663-69,  671,  717,  770,  S45,  869,  894 
(1764),  4:367-68 
(1765),  11:661 
(1769),   7:86,   87,   98,   120,   142,   222,   264,   294-95,   319,   328,   332,   380, 

490-91,  525,  552;  12:769,  775,  797,  79S,  802 
(1772),  8:407,  638-39,  679;  12:999,  1050 
(1773),  8:753;   12:1018 

(1774),  8:1146;  13:674,  675,  676,  688,  689,  692,  694-97,  721 
Johnstown  preliminary  conferences,  13:680-81 
report  to  Guy  Johnson,  13:700,  703 


Sir  William  Johnson  Papers 

Western  Indian  messages,  13:677-78,  681,  686 
Oswegatchies  and,  3:240,  251,  261,  263,  265;  13:124,  127,  133-34 
Oswego  attack  threats  (1756)   and,  9:344,  346,  365-66,  368-69,  382-S3,  431, 

432,  434,  436,  437 
Oswego  capture  and,  2:547,  707;  9:518-19,  520,  541,  901-902;  10:55 
Oswego   conference  plans    (1756),  9:366,   368-69,   398,  403,  410,  415,  440, 

451,  452 
Oswego   Congress    (1759),    13:121,    124,    125-26,   127-41,    149,    152,    154-55, 

Oswego  Congress  (1762),  3:793,  818,  821,  833-34 
Oswego  incidents  (1748),  1:133-38;  2:401,  409 
Oswego  priest  and,  9:48 
Oswego  trade  restrictions  (1750),  9:69 
Ottawa  Council  (1762),  10:534-35 
Ottawa  threats   (1760),  10:141 
Ouiattanons  and,  4:824;  8:586 

Pennsylvania  condolence  for  Canasadego   (1751),  1:317-18,  326 
Pennsylvania  invitations  (1758),  2:844,  850 

(1761),  3:354-55;  10:214,  221,  222,  232,  300-301,  307;  10:395-96 

(1762),  3:686-87,  688,  689;  10:395-96 
Pennsvlvania  mediation  request  in  frontier  panic   (1774),  8:1182-83,  1187; 

12:1124;  13:667-68 
Pennsylvania    prisoner    return    (1762),    3:687,    688;    10:395-96,    498,    504, 

510,  559 
Philadelphia  Council   (1762),  3:663 
Philadelphia  jailing  of  Indians  (1757)  and,  9:769 
Piankashaws  and,  8:646 

Pittsburgh  conference  (Oct.,  1773)  on  Shawnee  warning  to  traders,  12:1034 
Pontiac  and,  4:552-55;  11:818-20,  824,  905-906 
Quakers  and,  2:776-77,  833;  3:4,  940 
recruitment  (1758),  9:009-15,  923-25,  936-40,  942-43,  944-45,  966-67;  10:11- 

13,  20,  24-25,  29,  42,  316 
from  Sault  St.  Louis,  1:146%  (See  also  Caghnawagas) 
schools  for,  5:343,  436,  439-40,  447,  471,  775;  9:127 
seminary  proposal,  8:x,  857-59,  869-70,  919,  922-23 
Scioto  Council  (1771),  8:9,  111,  142,  160,  190,  318,  343,  373 

(1772),  8:552,  562,  586-87,  630,  63S-39,  660 

(1773),  8:755-57,  889-90,  1093 

(1774),  12:1081, 1082, 10SS-S9 
Seneca  alienation  attempted  (1765),  4:787 
Seneca   plot    (1761)    against   Detroit,    Niagara    and    Fort    Pitt,    3:405-406, 

437-41,  448-53,  459-67,  477,  505,  510-21,  630,  691-93;  13:219  20.  223-24, 

225-26,  227,  230,  233,  236-37,  238-.".!).  253,  254-55,  256-57 
Seneca  punishment  issue  (1763-64)  and,  4:210-11,  272,  274,  282-83,  2S7,  299, 

319,  330,  335,  354,  402;  10:974,  990 
Shawnee  accusation  (1774)  of  concealing  war-hatchet,  8:1057-58 
Shawnee  appeal   (1774)   for  union  against  English,  8:1109;  13:669-70    671 

674,  676,  699,  700 
Shawnee  dependence,  8:75-76,  648.  675,  689,  837;  9:310 

Iroquois    resolve    to    shake   off,   8:1032;    12:1051,    1081,    1093-94,    1116. 
1122;  13:640,  679 
Shirley  instructions  for  Council   Man.   1756),  2:409-12 
Shirley  speech  for  Council  (Jan.  1756),  2:413  16 
smiths  for,  9:65,  69-70,  127,  583,  630 

Southern    Indian   hostilities   (1757),  9:587-88   (See  also   [roquois,  Cherokee 

war,  sn pin  i 
Stamp  Ad  and,  5:20]  ;  12:75 
Stump  murders   (1768)   and,  6:95,  107-108,   IK),  111,  114-15,   117-18,  124. 

126,    149-50,    151,    155,    203;    12:420-21,    421),     131-36,     153-56,     161,     163, 

468,  470 
Susquehannas  and,  2:429,  488,  490 
Susquehanna  migration  to  Ohio  (1758),  2:820,  S75,  876-77 




Teedyuscung  and,  2:555-56,  752,  825-27,  829-30,  842;  3:4 
threat  of  general  Indian  war  and: 

(1762-63),    3:931,    964-65;    4:71-72,    75,    77,    95-100,    137-38,    164,    1S3, 

189,  213 
(1767-68),  5:751,  755,  763;  6:275,  307;  13:436 
(1769-70),  7:142,  404,  405,  652-53 
trade  with,  1:47;   2:831,  841;   3:29,  240,  251;  4:541;   5:363;   9:583,  628, 
769,  888,  890-91,  941,  952;  10:237-38,  239 
wintering  restrictions,  12:162-63 
trade  indemnities,  4:768;  5:16,  38,  458;  11:650 
Treaty  of  1756,  2:440,  442 
Tuscarora  northward  migration   (1766)   and,  12:232,  240,  273-76,  312,  314, 

362   429    431"  13:391-92 
Virginia  and,  1:280,  318,  912,  914;  3:978,  988;  4:69,  189,  190-91,  193,  196; 
10:550,  566,  584,  592,  593,  594,  604-605 
Winchester  invitation  to  Council  (1755),  9:154,  155-56 
Virginia-Shawnee  hostilities  (1774)  and,  8:1177,  1182-83,  1184,  1187,  1193, 

1194,  1197,  1198 
Wabash  Indians  and,  7:134,  138;  8:842-43 
war  belts  (1763),  10:688-89 
war  belts  (1768),  6:250,  275;  12:522-23,  543-44 

war  belt  of  Indian  union  for  general  uprising,  guarded  by,  12:1082 
Warren  bequest  for  education  of,  3:880 
Warren  gift  of  rum,  13:30 
Western  Indian  alliances,  7:78-79,   108,   140,  171,  184;   8:6-11,  57,   75-78, 

219-20,  251,  349;  10:200,  203,  204,  477,  506-507,  512,  519;  13:408-409 
Western  Indian  embassies  (1765),  11:905-906,  907,  931,  940 
Western  Indian  embassies  (1773-74),  12:1034,  1044-52,  1055-60,  1089,  1091- 

94,  1114;  13:640,  641,  666,  671-72,  673-74,  677-78,  681,  686 

Western  Indian  jealousy  of,  7:15,  29,  108,  150-51,  160,  264,  316,  332,  407- 

408,  652,  656,  705;  8:75-78;  11:786-87,  824,  835,  838,  842,  846,  877,  893, 

900;  12:726 

Western  Indian  negotiations  for  union  against  English    (1767),  13:440-46 

Western  Indian  revolts   (1763)   and,  10:723-24,  725,  727,  728,  746-53,  754- 

58,  871-72;  11:23,  33,  70;  13:299,  320  (See  also  Senecas) 
Western  Indian  threat  to,  4:200;  8:259,  278,  406-407 
Wheelock  and,  6:450;   10:271,  272-73,  279-80,  309-10,  313-14,  363,  440-41, 

Wraxall  on,  2:407 

See  also  specific  nations,  i.e.,  Cayuga,  Mohawk,  Oneida,  Onondaga,  Seneca, 
Tuscarora,  and  see  specific  sub-groups,  e.g.,  Canajoharie  Indians 
Iroquois,  Lake,  1:651 
Iroquois  River,  8:587 
Irving,  lieut.  col.,  2:353 

Irwin  (Erwin),  ,  1:192;  9:34 

Irwin,  Joseph,  4:251;  7:1065;  12:800 
named  in  patents,  12:818,  959,  988 
Irwin,  William,  lieut.,  13:226,  258 
Isaac   (Indian),  5:568 
Isaac  (Isace — Canajohary  Indian),  2:780 

Isaac  (Thayayake — Canajoharie),  on  Montreal  expedition,  10:1S1;  13:175 
Isaac  (Mohawk),  3:162;  8:955,  965;  9:19,  22,  23 
Kayaderosseras  settlers  and,  11:359-61 
on  Mohawk  garrison,  9:498 
Isaac    (Anoghsokte — Mohawk),  on  Montreal  expedition,  10: ISO;   13:174 
Isaac   (Oquaga),  12:270,  346 

indemnity  for  Seneca  murder  of  Frenchmen  (1774),  8:1049 
ministry  of,  11:42-43,  48-49 
New  Jersey  execution  witness  (1766),  12:271 
Isaac  (Tuscarora),  3:675;  12:240 
Isaac  of  the  Hill,  3:159 
Isaacs,  ,  lieut.,  2:259;  9:280 


Sir  William  Johnson  Papers 

Isaacs,  Samuel,  7:352 
Isackson,  Abraham,  9:651 
Iseman,  Johaimess,  1:363 
Ishwabama  (Ishwabomi),  8:787,  797 
Isle-aux-Nois,  see  Noix,  Isle  aux 
Isle  La  Motte,  see  La  Motte,  Isle 
[sle  Perault,  see  Perault,  Isle 

Isle  Royale,  3:273n,  446,  465;  10:239;  13:224,  237 
Islip,  Long  Island,  8:S54 
Italy,  7:428 
Ittig,  Jacob,  5:331 
Itigh,  Hans  Michael,  11:933-37 
ltigh,  Jacob,  11:933-37 
Ittigh,  Michael,  8:1210 
Iungo   (Canadian  Indian),  13:707 
Izard  (Izzard,  Igard,  Yzard),  Ealph,  7:731 
Allen  introduction  of,  4:767,  832 
biographical  sketch,  7:713ft 
inheritance,  7 :  68 

Johnson  Hall  visits,  11:802,  830;  12:138 
Monerieffe  on,  4:775 
Montreal  visit  (1765),  4:811 
prisoners  sent  by,  4:780 
Jack  (Madogh'k— Mahican),  10:183;  13:177 
Jack  (Mohawk  sachem),  9:61 
Jack   (Negro),  5:496 
Jacketis,  see  Tacketis 
Jackson,  ,  capt.,  2:407 

Jackson,  ,  Councillor,  4:420 

Jackson,  Abraham,  l:779n 
Jackson,  James,  13:497 
Jackson,  Richard : 

Connecticut  English  agency,  4:217n;  6:687n 
Illinois  colonization  proposal  and,  12:436 
on  Indian  Affairs  management,  6:231-32 
Pennsylvania  English  agency,  4:269;  6:82 

Pennsylvania  message   (1768)   on  Indian  boundary  line,  12:417-19 
Jackson's  River,  Virginia,  2:427;  4:190,  191 
Jacob  (as  prisoner),  11:489 
Jacob  (Canadiorke),  9:909 
Jacob,  in  Adems  accounts,  13:594,  603 
Jacob  (Onoghtorha — Canajoharie),  3:176;  11:817 
Klock  and,  4:58,  79;  8': 935;  11:556 
on  Montreal  expedition,  10:181  ;13:175 
Jacob  (Cayuga),  9:303 

Jacob  (Knamhikan — Mahican),  10:183;  13:177 
Jacob   (Mohawk)  : 

Brower  land  deed  and,  8:957,  960 
Jacob  (Mohawk,  Oapt.  Jacobs): 

in  Detroit  relief  (1763),  4:260;  10:870,  918,  955 
death   (1767),  6:6,  63 
Gladwin  and,  11:191,  192,  233 
Montour  Niagara  journey  (1764)  and,  11:198,  208 
Niagara  scout  (1764),  11: 121 
Jacob  (Anoghreandi —  Mohawk),  10:180,  13 :  17Q 
Jacob  (Nadohonagaraa — Mohawk),  10:  ISO;  13:17  1 
Jacob  (Mohegaii  I,  10:75 
Jacob   (Negro'),  4:132 

Jacob  (Oneida  Indian),  2:552 ;  3:168;  4:140;  9:655,  701,  702 
Jacob   (Oquaga  >  : 

at  Johnson  Hall  conference  (Sept.  1762),  10:518 
presents,  2:643;  3:152;  9:650 j  10:97 



Jacob  (Oquaga), 

Seneca  indemnities  for  murdered  Frenchmen  (1774),  3:1049 
Jacob  (Schoharie),  3:156,  166;  13:542;  11:658-59 

on  Montreal  expedition,  10:181;  13:177 
Jacob  (son  of  Teedyuscung),  3:766 

Jacob,  Captain  (Stockbridge  Indian),  see  Cheeksonkaun,  Jacob,  capt. 
Jacobs,  Captain  (Delaware),  11:436;  13:261 

at  Croghan  Fort  Pitt  conference  (May,  1765),  11:724 

on  Montreal  expedition,  10:183;  13:177 
Jacob  (Atkaniyatha — Tuscarora),  10:1S2;  13:176 
Jacob    Wide    Mouth    (Sakoderiughtha — Canajoharie)    on    Montreal    expedition, 

10:181;  13:176 
Jacobs,  capt.,  1:116;  2:764;  3:402,  403 
Jacobs,  Philip,  5:133 
Jacobs,  Samuel,  5:53-54,  119;  12:41,  52 
Jacobson,  ,  capt.,  8:139 

Jacomine  (Mohawk),  3:161;  8:957,  960 
Jacoquenda  (Onondaga),  7:976 
Jacques  (Canassadaga  chief),  7:948 
Jadeau  (Tadeau,  Tadot),  see  also  Jadot 

declaration  on  French  involvement  in  Detroit  siege,  10:985-86;   13:317-21 

at  Detroit  courts  of  inquiry  (1765)  on  siege  of  1763,  4:672,  673-76 

errata,  13:1024 

on  Pontiac,  11:218-19 
Jadot,  murder  of,  5:564,  573;  12:323 
Jako  (French  Indian),  11:697,  698 
Jamaica : 

Clarke  (Edward)  in,  12:221 

British  troops  in  (1768),  6:338 

governorship  of,  2:451;  3:596 

hurricane  of  1744,  1:25 

Prevost  in,  8:759-62 

Rodney's  fleet,  8:203 

rum  from,  8:594,  656,  665,  759-60,  761,  850 

Stevenson  (James)  in,  8:718,  761 

trade  with,  1:31-32,  36-37,  204,  217;  4:884;  8:759 

Tyrrell's  report  on  battle  (1741)  near,  1:10-14 

visitors  (1769)  from,  7:22,  27-28,  43 

weather  of,  13:181 
James,  ,  7:538 

James,  ,  mason,  in  Adems  accounts,  13:557,  564,  567,  593 

James,  ,  in  Michilimackinac  attack,  10:777 

James  II,  king  of  England,  8:653-54,  956-57,  992;  12:519 
James,  Benjamin,  5:382,  516,  830 
James,  John,  7:438 
James,  Marrey,  4:155;  11:433 
James,  Thomas,  maj.,  lieut.  col.,  4:S65 
Jamet,  ,  lieut.,  10 :  695™,  744 ;  13:295 

Jammcy   (prisoner),  11:488 
Jan,  Indian  sold  (1771)  into  slavery,  12:909-10 
Jan  Coeur,  see  Joncaire 
Janner,  Ury,  7:533 
Jannetye  (Indian  squaw),  4:84,  147 
Jansen,  Iiendrick,  12:531 

Jaque  (Kanoni — Canajoharie),  10:181;  13:176 
Jaque  (Tehanoyoughqua— Mohawk),  10:181;  13:174 
Jaqueri,  Daniel,  3:377,  386 
Jarman,  William,  11:923 
Jarmia  (Johnson  servant),  8:490 
Jarvis,  Rev.  ,  5:430 

Jarvis,  see  also  Gervais 

Jarviss,  (  of  Middletown,  Conn.),  4:428 

Jaunai,  Pere,  4:484 


Sir  William  Johnson  Papers 

Jauncey,  James,  6:440-41,  485,  588n,  621,  636 

Jean  Baptiste  (Wadongemit),  interpreter,  10:410 

Jecocks,  David,  12:819;  13:590 

Jef ery,  Sarah,  4 :  160 

Jeffery,  ,  capt.,  4:328 

Jeffrey,  Michael,  10:929 

Jeffreys  (Jeffries),  James,  6:409-70,  534,  549 

Jemikakonick  (Indian  chief),  9:342 

Jemmy  (Johnson>-eeTvant),  pressed  by  Alexander,  1:786,  841 

Jemmy  (Oneida J-;  9:628,  662 

Jenings,  John,  4:882 

Jenison,  John,  5:32,  99,  169;  6:418,  420 

Jenkasarone  (Cayuga),  9:729 

Jenkins,  Edward,  Heat.,  10:640-41;  13:263 
on  French-Indian  intrigue  (1763),  10:640-41 
interpreters'  certificates,  4:191;  5:20;  13:296 
Ouiatanon  attack  threats  (1762),  10:476 
Ouiatanon  capture  of,  4:182;  10:690-91,  744;  13:295 

Jennison,  I.,  5:134 

Jenny  (slave),  5:138;  12:1070 

Jenny,  Sinison,  8:1214 

Jenundadas,  see  Chenondadey  Indians 

Jenyns,  Soames,  4:20,  214;  6:32,  215 

Jeofrey,  Phebe,  4:160 

Jeofry,  Joseph,  4:159;  5:154 

Jere,  William,  2:529,  533-34,  544;  9:495-97,  499-500,  502,  S25;  13:89,  91 

Jeremiah   (Mohawk),  9:567,  581 

Jeremy  (Magauwopogh — Mahican),  10:183;  13:177 

Jerremy,  in  Adems  accounts  (1770),  13:552,  5S4,  585,  591,  592 

Jerup  (Cerup),  in  Claus  accounts  (1770),  13:709,  712 

Jesch,  Edward,  12:792 

Jesch,  Robert,  12:792 

Jessup  (Jessep,  Jessop),  Ebenezer: 
Church  of  England  and,  8:351 
Fonda  and,  8:312,  393,  474,  644,  676-77 

land   purchases,   8:4-5,    131,    198,   227-28,   311-12,   364,    642,   682;    12:958, 
986-88,  991,  1006 

boundaries,  8:452,  507,  570,  579-80;  12:957-58 
Campbell  survey,  8:452,  507,  570,  579-80 
Low  (Isaac)  and,  8:367,  382,  393-94,  397,  451,  474;  12:935 
patent  fees,  8:728-29,  982-83;  12:986-8S,  1006;  13:530 
Tuttle  boat  repairs  and,  8:508 

Jessup,  Edward,  8:4-5,  131,  682,  728,  982 

Jestarara,  Seth,  1:405 

Jesuits,  see  Society  of  Jesus 

Jethro   (slave),  13:29 

Jienondadee  Indians,  see  Chenondadey  Indians 

Jimmy  (Oneida  Indian),  2:703-704 

Joachim  (River  Indian),  2:5,S9;  10:62,  60,  92 

Joannes,  ,  2:20,  22 

Job,  in  Adems  accounts,  13:508 

Joe   (Mahican),  2:371-72;  9:211-12 

Joer,  Benjamin,  7:462 

Jogues,  Father,  10:  In 

Johannis  (Oanajoharie),  3:157;  13:511 
on  Montreal  expedition,  10:181;  13:175 

.Johannes  (Ta.yofsynronsere      ( ''ana joharie).  10:181;  13:175 

Johannes    (Tehanoghrakhas— Canajoharie),   on   Montreal    expedition,    10:181; 

X  o  !  J.  /'  O 

Johannes  (Big  Johannes,  Anughsagandiake— Mohawk) ,  on  Montreal  expedition. 

lutloOj   13:174 
Johannes  (Rahcyos — Mohawk),  on  Montreal  expedition,  10:180;  13:174 



Johannes   (Sozihowane — Mohawk),  on  Montreal  expedition,  10:180;  13:173 

John  (Indian,  d.  1761),  3:596 

John  (Indian,  in  Adems  accounts),  13:590 

John  (Canajoharie),  2:578 

John  (Oghwistadere — Canajoharie),  10:181;  13:176 

John  (Mahican),  2:371-72;  9:211-12 

John  (Aneweeniot — Mahican),  10:183;   13:177 

John  (Monamauckh — Mahican),  10:183;  13:177 

John   (Songoos — Mahican),  10:183;   13:177 

John  (Wosauegk — Mahican),  10:183;  13:177 

John  (Mohawk),  3:170;  9:720,  768;  12:603-604 

John  (Sokodyoughquisax — Mohawk),  10:180;  13:174 

John  (Nanticoke),  9:712 

John  (Oneida),  10:84 

John   ( Tekahoweasere — Oneida),  on  Montreal  expedition,  10:181;  13:176 

John  (Kaneya-a — Onondaga),  10:182;  13:178 

John   (Schoharie),  2:570 

John  (Seneca),  2:632,  672;  9:612 

John  (Shawnee),  11:846 

John  (Stockbridge  Indian),  9:622;  12:603-604 

John  (Otsineghtara — Tuscarora),  10:1S2;  13:176 

John,  Oaptain   (Conestoga),  9:729 

John,  Captain  (Delaware),  11:435,  436,  456 

at  Croghan  Fort  Pitt  conference  (May,  1765),  11:724 
John,  Captain  (Mahican),  7:436 
John,  Captain  (Sandusky  Indian),  11:724 
John,  Captain  (Willopothee),  5:666 
John,  John,  widow,  4:376 
John,  Sonto,  11:433 

John  Baptist  (Seskyeghte  Seghsenowak — Oneida),  10:182;  13:176 
John  George  (Conoy),  9:792 
Johnny  (Cherokee  Indian),  2:863 
John  Penn's  Creek,  see  Penn's  Creek 
Johnsay,  John,  7:462 

Johnson,  ,  capt.,  killed  at  Niagara,  4:208;   10:815,  817,  818 

Johnson,  (Connecticut  agent),  6:759,  783 

Johnson,  Ann  (Johnson's  daughter,  Nancy),  see  Claus,  Ann  Johnson 
Johnson,  Anne  (Johnson's  daughter  by  Mary  Brant),  12:1070 
Johnson,  Anne  Warren  (Johnson's  mother),  2:ix;  4:898;  13:734 
Johnson,  Catherine  (sister  of  Sir  William),  1:931 
Johnson,  Catherine  Weisenberg,  l:14n;  13:335 

burial  with  Sir  William,  12:1063 
Johnson,  Christopher  (Sir  William's  father)  : 

death  of,  10:663,  674-75,  721,  771 

family  grave  monument,  4:898 

house  in  County  Meath,  photograph,  13:734 

Indian  replacement  of,  11:110 

letter  (1754)  from  Sir  William,  1:929-31 

pedigree,  13:734 

Reily  and,  1:244 

in  Warren  (Sir  Peter)  will,  13:21 
Johnson,  Clark,  1:89 
Johnson,  David,  7:866;  11:487 
Johnson,  Edward: 

Mohawk  Eiver  attack  threat  (1763),  10:772 

Tuscarora  conversion  and,  3:675;  10:220-21 
Johnson,  Elizabeth  (Betsy,  Sir  William's  daughter),  8:1140n,  1163-   12-1068- 

69;  13:271 
Johnson,  Frances  (Fanny— Sir  William's  sister),  1:319 
Johnson,  Frederick  Colpoys  Ormsby,  2:xi;  13 :x 
Johnson,  George  (Johnson's  son  by  Mary  Brant),  12:1069 
Johnson,  Sir  Gordon,  13  :xii 


Sir  William  Johnson  Papers 

Johnson,  Guy,  lieut.,  capt.,  col.: 

at  Abenaki  conference  (Johnson  Hall,  July,  1768),  12:569,  579 

Abercromby  and,  9:889,  892 

accounts,  5:412;  8:1202,  1206-1207,  1214,  1215;  12:731,  870,  1121 

Adems  and,  7:211,  275,  983;  8:266-70 

as  Adjutant  General,  4:186,  228,  229;  7 :12n,  88,  153 

Albany  county  division  and,  8:311,  359 

petition  composed  by,  8:328-29,  330-35,  372 
at  Albany  Mahican  conference  (1762),  10:386 
American  arrival  (1756),  2:474n,  479?t,  481 
Assembly  seat  (1773),  8:689,  702-705,  710,  714-15,  721-22 
Auchmuty  and,  5:508 
autograph,  2:xiii 
biographical  sketch,  i:xi 
Baker  (Samuel)  and,  8:329,  649,  752 
Barrow  and,  8:716 
Barton  and,  5:403 

Blackburn  and,  8:649,  752,  831,  1009,  1042,  1134 
books  ordered  by,  6:779 
Bradstreet  and,  7:656,  659 
at  Bradstreet  troop  return,  11:506 
in  Butler  accounts  (1768),  13:518 
in  Campbell  account   (1756-65),  13:343,  344,  345,  364,  365,  366,  367,  368, 

369,  371,  372 
Canajoharie  patent  and,  4:615,  644;  10:929,  941 
at  Canajoharie  conference  (April,  1758),  13:110 
Canajoharie-Klock  dispute  and,  4:50;  12:365 
Canasadaga  warning  to  Fort  Ontario  (1766),  12:200 
captaincy  commission  (1763),  10:874,  910 
at  Cayuga  conference  (Feb.,  1770),  12:777 
Chew  request  for  loan  of  a  house,  7:1147 

children  bora  to,  4:432,  435;  7:1109,  1127,  1136,  1154;  12:713 
at  Chippewa  conference  (Johnson  Hall,  June,  1765),  11:770 
Chippewa  conferences  (1768),  12:548-50,  555,  558,  562 
chronology,  4 :  xii-xiii 
Colden  visit  (1771),  8:528 

colonial  administration  of  trade  and,  12:525-26,  546,  553,  743-44 
company  recruitment,  2:818 
company  sale,  3:912,  959,  977,  981 

condolence  (1768)  for  unidentified  family  death,  12:505 
Croghan  gift  of  Illinois  land,  5:129-30 
Darlington  invitation  (1764),  4:523 
Dartmouth  on,  8:1181 

daughter's  death  (1767),  5:709;  12:363n,  713 
daughter's  death  (1770),  12:844-45 
Davis  and,  7:305 

Detroit  attack  threats  (1769),  12:744 
Detroit  traders  murdered  (1768),  12:507-508 
Duncan  and,  8:1068,  1080 
Fonda  and,  6:788;  7:907 

Fort  Ontario  Congress  with  Pontiac  (1766),  12:146-47  152 
Fort  Stanwis  Congress  (1768)  nnd,  12:618,  623,  627 

invitations,  12:488  B9,  493-94,  500-502,  502-504,  504-507,  524    527    582 
Franklin  (William)  and,  7:120 

on  French-Indian  intrigues  (1768),  12:509,  524,  527,  543-44 
fur  purchase  for  Amherst,  10:.".  I  I 

Gladwin  reports  of  Iroquois  disloynlty   (1762),  10:394n,  424n,  425n 
Gordon  (Lord  Adam)  purclmsc  in  Servis  patent,  13:528 
Great  Carrying  Place  scouting  trip  (1757).  9:864 
Gunter  debt,  2:744-46 
Haldimand  and,  8:1194,  1197 
Hartford,   Connecticut,   conference    (1763)    between    Troquois  and  Governor 



Johnson,  Guy,  lieut.,  capt.,  col., 

Pitch,  4:119,  122,  123,  130;  10:668,  669 
health  (1770),  12:774 
health  (1771),  7:1129,  1138;  8:288,  327 

house  struck  by  lightning,  8:823,  828,  836,  840,  1009;  12:1026;  13:617n 
Howard  correspondence,  12:391 
Howe  American  expedition  (1776),  13:730 

Indian  Affairs  Deputy  Agent  appointment  (1762),  3:876,  886-87,  895,  912, 
959;  ±:xi,  826;  10:520,  549,  569;  11:891 
commissary  surveillance,  12:414,  523-24;  13:424 
Indian  Affairs  records  (1782)  and,  13:733 
Indian  Affairs  Secretaryship : 

appointment  recommendations,  3:718,  730,  731;  4:629;  10:434,  438 

letter  composition,  7:1066 

Marsh  deputation  of  duties  (1764),  13:332n 

ordered  to  rejoin  his  company,  3:679,  730,  741,  793,  895;  10:434,  439 

service   (1761),  3:430,  442,  448,  454,  458,  460,  466,  474,  495,  545,  571, 

581;  ±:xi;  11:891 
service  (1762),  3:690,  745;  10:357,  364 
Indian  Affairs  Superintendence,  ±:xi;   8:x,  1130,  1185,   1187,   1188,   1192, 
1194,  1198;  12:1101-1102,  1123;  13:637,  640,  642,  668,  669,  674-75,  688, 
690,  697,  728,  733 
Claus  and,  13:643-46,  672-73,  725-31 

command  in  Johnson's  absence,  6:187,  203,  207,  209;  7:911;  8:281,  S38, 
856,  859-60,  875-76,  877-78,  879;   12:478,  490,  505,  515,  523,  743-44, 
862,  873-74 
Ohio  Indians  and,  13:687 
Onondaga  Council  (1774)  and,  13:678 
Indian  boundary  line  and,  6:411,  449;  8:856,  859-60,  882;  12:509-10,  514, 

519-21,  522,  526-27 
Indian  name,  Uraghquadirha,  8:1200m, 
Indian  request  for  ammunition  (1771),  8:2S8 
at  Iroquois  Congress  (Johnson  Hall,  Sept.  1762),  10:509 
at  Iroquois  conference  (Johnson  Hall,  March  1763),  10:626 
at  Iroquois  Congress  (German  Flats,  July,  1763),  10:746,  770 
at  Iroquois  Congress  (Johnson  Hall,  Dec.  1763),  10:957,  964 
at  Iroquois  Congress  (Johnson  Hall,  March,  1764)   on  Seneca  peace,  11:134 
Iroquois  Congress  (Sept.  1774),  8:1200-1201;  13:680-81 
at   Iroquois-Johnson   conference    (1774),    8:1186-87,    1192-93,    1194,    1198; 

12:1107,  1112,  1121-22,  1124;  13:640-41,  668,  671,  673 
at  Iroquois  meeting  (Fort  Johnson,  1758),  9:879,  885;  10:66,  85 
at  Iroquois  meeting  (Oswego,  Aug.,  1759),  13:135 
at  Iroquois  meeting  (Johnson  Hall,  Jan.,  1764),  11:28,  29 
at  Iroquois  meeting  (1760),  3:188 
Iroquois  meeting  (1775),  13:722 
on  Iroquois  power  (1774),  13:695-97 
Iroquois  war-belts  (1763)  and,  4:99;  10:689 
at  Johnson  Hall  party  (July,  1765),  13:375-76 
on  Johnson's  death   (July,  1774),  8:1186-87,  1192,  1193,  1194,  1197,  1198 

1200;  12:1121-24;  13:637,  640,  668 
in  Johnson's  will,  4:xi;  12:1065,  1066,  1067-68,  1074,  1076;  13:6S7 
Johnstown  government  and,  12:982 
justice  appointment  lists,  12:768,  784,  792 
justice  appointment  powers,  12 :  824 

Kayashoton  and,  13:640,  641,  607,  671-72,  6S1-82,  686-87 
land  grant  for  military  service,  4:843,  853,  857,  869,  877,  884;  11:20,  116- 

17,  120-22,  130-31,  825,  920;  12:297;  13:378 
land  purchase  between  Schoharie  and  the  Mohawks,  12:855 
Lawyer  and  Zimmer  patent  and,  8:1089 
leg  broken  (1767),  5:599,  600,  613,  647,  659,  696,  724,  745,  759,  772,  776, 

S23,  848;  12:343,  366,  713 
Loudoun  and,  2:724;  9:889 
MacLean  and,  5:549;  10:208,  210 


Sir  William  Johnson  Papers 

MacLeod  and,  6:605;  12:266 

Mahican  conference  (Guy  Park,  May,  1768),  12:497-500 

Mahican  conference  (Schenectady,  April,  1768),  12:480-S2 

map  of  the  Iroquois  country,  4:xi;  8:228,  248,  264 

marriage,  4:«i,  40,  64,  92 

Masons  and,  7:738?i 

Massey  and,  4:778;  5:84;  12:164 

memorial   (1772),  8:521 

militia  commissions  and,  6:118;  7:359 

at  Mingo  conference  (Johnson  Hall,  Jan.,  1774),  12:1044 

at  Missisaug-a  conference  (Aug.,  1768),  12:590 

Mohawk    conferences    (Guy   Park,    May-June,    1768),    12:502-504,   504-507, 

515-16,  529-43,  573 
at  Mohawk  conferences  (July- Aug.,  1768),  12:566,  572 

Mohawk  land  claims  and,  5:381;  8:410-11,  963,  965;  12:527,  529-43,  566-67 
Moore  visit   to   Johnson   Hall    (176S)    and,   6:283,  343,   350,  399-400,  401, 

402,  403 
Mortier  and,  7:637,  710,  758;  8:505 
on  New  York  City  "tumults"  (1775),  7:450 
New  York  City  visit  (1772),  12 : 932 

at  New  York  Council  hearings  (1767),  5:503,  515,  525;  12:26S-69,  281,  282 
New  York  mission  (1776)  from  England,  13:728,  731 
New  York  trip  with  John  Johnson   (1765),  4:638,  642,  648,  658;   11:537, 

542,  544,  560,  561,  569,  953 
lieutenancy  commission,  3:122-23,  127,  131,  186 

at  Niagara  Congress  (1764),  4:472;  11:250,  278,  281,  283,  309,  313 
at  Niagara-Detroit  Congress    (1761),  3:430,  442,  448,  454,  458,  460,  466, 

474,  495,  501;  10:287,  289,  325,  330;  13:253 

journey,  13:216,  226,  228,  234,  239,  241,  244,  267,  268,  272 
Northampton  lands  and,  8:345 
oath  of  allegiance,  8:655 
oaths  of  militia  officers  and,  6:697 
officer  appointment  powers  of,  12:772 

Oneida  resettlement  (1774)  of  New  England  Indians,  13:683-84 
at  Oneida-Tuscarora  and  Nanticoke  conference  (Johnson  Hall,  April  1763") 

10:643  '     *  " 

(Johnson  Hall,  Feb.  1764),  11:83 
at  Onondaga  meeting  (1762)  on  Newkirk  murder,  3:909,  933,  961,  967,  973 

978,  980,  983,  9S8;  4:15;  10:569,  583-96,  611 
Onondaga  Council  (1774)  and,  13:674,  675,  676,  6S8,  689,  692 

decisions  of,  13:694-97,  700-701,  703 

Western  Indian  messages,  13:677-78,  681-82,  686-87 
at  Oquaga  conference  (Johnson  Hall,  1764),  11:46 
Pennsylvania  frontier  panic  (1774)  and,  8:1187;  12-1124 
Peters  on,  6:518,  546 
Phyn  on,  6:413 

portrait,  2:%ii;  7:710;  10 : frontispiece ;  IZ-.xi,  636 
on  postal  hazards,  5:732 
regimental  returns,  8:522;  12:766,  807 
resistance  to  New  England  threat  (1775),  8:1202-1203 
Revolutionary  rumors  amongsl  Indians,  13:691,  694-95   698    700   703 
Rogers-Roberts  dispute  (1767)  and,  12:353-54,  356-57    ' 
royal  instructions  (1772)   to  Johnson,  12:965 

(1773),  8:831 

(1764),  11:366 

(1766),  5:442 

(1768),  12:640 

(1769),  12:731,  764 

(1770),  7:424;   12:805 

(1771),  8:329 

(1773),  8:831 



Johnson,  Guy,  lieut.,  capt.,  col., 

Saxberry  suit,  11:557 

Schenectady  church  and,  12:293;  13:378-79 

Schenectady  guard  (1763),  10:917-18 

Schoharie  conference  (1758),  9:885 

Seabury  and,  7:213 

Seneca  ammunition  request  (1774),  13:684-85 

Seneca  George  (son's  murder)  and,  7:87 

on  Seneca  murder  of  Frenchmen  (1773),  8:886,  899;  12:1029 

Shawnee  punishment  proposals  (1774)  and,  13:640,  679,  682 

Shipboy  accounts,  6:36-37 

Shoe  (Godfrey)  and,  8:864 

Shuckburgh  death  and,  8:867,  877 

Sons  of  Liberty  letter  on  Sir  William,  12:282-83 

Southern  Indian  war  (1761),  10:209 

at  Stone  Arabia,  2:809-11;  13:101 

threat  of  general  Indian  war   (1774)   and,  13:641,  667-72,  673-74,  6S1-82, 

Virginia  militia  used  against  Shawnees  and,  13:687,  688-89,  693,   695, 
696,  698-99 

Tryon  visit  (1772)  to  Johnson  Hall,  8:543 

Van  Eps  and,  8:138,  193,  904,  1018 

in  Wallace  account  (1772),  8:471;  13:706 

Watts  and,  8:706 

Western  Indian  threat  (1768)  and,  6:275-76 

Wetherhead  and,  6:234,  260 
Johnson,  Guy  Ormsby  (1886-1957),  13 :x 
Johnson,  Eev.  Jacob  Ws: 

Fort  Stanwix  Congress   (1768)  and,  6:431,  443,  609rc;  12:598-99,  657,  748- 
50,  919 

Oneida  lands  and,  6:450 

royal  toast,  6:445 

Senecas  and,  6:447 

Wheelock  and,  6:450;  12:748-50,  919 
Johnson,  James,  3:608;  9:169-70;  10:349 
Johnson,  Joel,  1:188 
Johnson,  John  (brother  of  Sir  William),  1:88-89,  257-58,  319,  352 

in  Ireland,  2:425;  4:502n;  5:269;  7:331 

in  Johnson  will,  12:1071,  1074 

portrait  forwarded  to  Johnson,  5:771,  794-95,  853;  13  :xii 

Warren  will  and,  13:21 
Johnson,  Sir  John,  capt.,  col.: 

at  Abenaki  conference  (Johnson  Hall,  July,  176S),  12:569 

accounts,  4:855,  858,  860;  5:87,  721;  6:230;  7:556,  559,  561;  12:1120 
suit  in  Exchequer  (1788),  13:732-33 

Adageghtingue  lands  and,  13:15w 

Adems  land  indenture  (1771),  8:266-70 

Albany  county  division  and,  8:332,  359 

Assembly  candidacy,  6:70,  188,  575,  606,  608,  609;  12:408,  692 

autograph,  A.:xv 

Barrow  and,  8:716 

Blackburn    and,    7:707,    830,    894;     8:342,    358-59,    433-34,    1009,    1059; 

blacksmith  work  done  for,  7:1060-61 

Brant  (Joseph)  and,  8:1216 

Burton  invitation  (1765)  to  Canada,  11:700 

in  Campbell  account  (1756-65),  13:365,  368,  369,  371,  373 

at  Canajoharie  meeting  (1763),  4:50 

in  Canajoharie  patent,  3:634;   4:615,  644;   5:417-18,  475-76,  564;   6:771: 
10:248;   12:341  '  ' 

captain's  commission,  3:551n 

Carleton  Island  expedition  (1779)  and,  8:1215 


Sir  William  Johnson  Papers 

Chew  and,  7:241 

chimney  piece  for,  8:801 

coat  of  arms,  3:xi 

Colden  (Cadwallader)  and,  8:528 

commissary  general's  office  and,  5:469 

company  of,  3:285-86,  287 

debtor's  accounts  (anonymous,  1769)  against,  7:34 

Duncan  &  Phvn  account  (1767),  5:592-95 

English  voyage,  4:788,  798,  849,  850,  851,  853,  854,  855,  856,  868,  861,  862; 

5:21,  120,  182-83,  202,  208,  269,  371,  376,  429,  527,  540;  6:481;  7:288; 

11:953-54,  967;  13:376 

Croghan  advice  on  occasion  of,  11:964-65,  979-81;  12:4,  36,  40 

Ireland  visited,  12:88,  250,  252 

Hertfordshire,  12:248 

return  to  America  (1767),  5:415,  491,  599,  602,  603,  605-606,  607,  641, 
664,  704,  705,  706,  709,  722,  724,  728,  733,  743,  747,  758,  773,  790; 
6:8,  196;  12:311,  313,  316,  318,  341,  371,  372,  385 

Scotland  visited,  12:250 
expedition  (1764;,  4:386,  389,  395,  415,  417,  423,  427;  11:112,  130 

Oquaga  relief,  11:113,  114,  128,  180 
Fort  Johnson  residence,  11:236ft 
Franklin  and,  7:497 
gardening,  7:611 
Gordon  (Lord  Adam)  on,  6:338 
Gordon  correspondence,  12:711,  713,  894-95 
governorship  rumored,  5:98,  130 
grandmother's  death,  12:114ft 
Haldimand  and,  8:1026,  1033,  1119,  1138,  1148 

commission  offer  (1762)  from,  10:400-401,  407-408 
Indian  Affairs  Superintendency : 

Olaus  memorandum  signature  (1780),  13:731 

proposed  (1774)  devolvement  on.  13:644,  645,  726 
Inglis  and,  7:966 

Iroquois  Congress  (Johnson  Hall,  Ju'.iy,  1774),  12:1112 
at  Iroquois  meeting  (Fort  Johnson,  March  1761),  10:236 
at  Iroquois  meeting  (Fort  Johnson,  Jan.  1762),  10:357,  364 
Johnson  (Samuel)  and,  5:440-41,  472,  586,  840 
Johnson's  death  and,  12:1124;  13:637,  640 

Kinderhook  regiment  address  on,  8:11s7;  13:638-39 
in  Johnson's  will,  8:1190,  1191  ;  12:1064,  1065-66,  1067,  1072,  1073-74,  1076 
Johnstown  clergyman  and,  5:415,  477,  728;  6:190;  13:416-17 
Johnstown  governmeni  and,  12:982 
justice  appointment  lists,  12:783,  792 
justice  appointment  powers,  12:824 
Kennedy  &  Lyle  account  against,  8:454 
knighted  (1766).  5:29,  33,  35,   12,  46,  48,  49-50,  51-52,  55-56,  61-62    63    82 

83,  103,  107-108,  116,  123,  136,  205,  279,  412;   11:980;   12:18,  33,  35 
land  grant  of,  4:289-90,  317,  .",32,  346,  356,  366,  387,  410 
land  purchase  between  Schoharie  and  the  Mohawks,  12:855 
lottery  ticket,  4: 2.1s 
McKee  (Alexander)   and,  8:1196 
marriage,  8:805-806,  808,  814,  si  7,  823,  824,  829,  S36,  867,  874;  12-1030 

engagement,  8:729,  737,  741-42,  757,  761-62 

pros] is,  7:1144;  8:24-25,  196,  358,  502-503,  713,  725;  11:965;  12:316 

militia  appointment,  5:609-10 

inirrm-s  bought  by,  7:536,  553,  564 

at  Mohawk  conferences  (Guy  Park,  May,  1768).  12:504,  515 

Mohawk  land  claims  and,  5:477 

Mohawk  River  expedition  (1776)  plans,  13:730 

in  Mortier  account,  8:506 

Mortier  visit  (1771),  8:295 

Narragansett  land  claims  and,  5:491  92 



Johnson,  Sir  John, 

Schenectady  trustees  and,  8:1018 

Schuyler  will  and,  4:449 

Shelbume  and,  5:S20 

Stamp  Act  and,  11:980 

Surveyorship  of  the  Woods  of  America,  8:342,  433-34,  502 

Tryon  County  committee  and,  8:1207,  1214 

Tryon  County  quarrel  (1775),  8:1205,  1206 

Tryon  visit  to  Johnson  Hall  (1772),  8:543 

Wallace  visit  (1771),  7:1127,  1136,  1145,  1154;  8:237,  263,  300-301,  310-11, 

Wallace  visits  (1772-73),  8:625,  651,  659,  723,  730,  765,  810 

Wethei'liead  invitation,  7:466 
Johnson,  John  (New  York  saddler),  8:18 
Johnson,  John,  from  Sutton,  Mass.,  8:663-64 
Johnson,  John  Ormsby,  2:xi 

Johnson,  Joseph  (Mohegan),  12:1038,  1060,  1117-19 
Johnson,  Julia,  12:36?>n 

Johnson,  Magdalene  (daughter  of  Sir  William),  8:1190;  12:1069 
Johnson,  Margaret  (daughter  of  Sir  William),  8:1191 ;  12:1069 
Johnson,  Mary  (daughter  of  Sir  William  and  Molly  Brant),  8:1191;  12:1069-70 
Johnson,  Mary  (Polly,  daughter  of  Sir  William  and  wife  of  Guy  Johnson)  : 

daughters,  4:432,  435;  8:710-11,  713,  723;  12:363n 

gloves  for,  13:342 

in  Johnson's  will,  8:1190;  12:1074 

marriage  to  Guy  Johnson,  <±:xi,  40,  64,  92;  8:330 

shoes  for,  13:344 
Johnson,  Mary  (Polly,  daughter  of  Guy  Johnson),  3:626,  627;  4:xi;  8:909 
Johnson,  Ladv  Marv  Watts  (Pollv,  wife  of  Sir  John  Johnson),  7:1144 

engagement,  8:711,  725,  729,  737,  741-42,  757,  805-S06,  808 

marriage,  8:823,  836,  867;  12:1030 

portrait,  13  :xii,  850 

rebel  capture  of,  13:732 
Johnson,  Nancy,  see  Claus,  Ann  Johnson 
Johnson,  Peter*  (son  of  Sir  William),  8:1147,  1154,  1179 

in  Adems  accounts  (1770),  13:553,  567,  572,  574,  575,  580,  5S3 

at  Albany  school  (1767),  5:375,  488 

autograph,  8:xiv 

beaver  hat  for,  12 :  114 

Canadian  journev,  8:424,  425,  532,  878 

death  of,  12:966n;  13:1025?i 

in  Johnson's  will,  8:1190;  12:1068-69,  1070 

Montreal   schooling   of,   8:526-27,  842,   867,   1034-35;    12:1010-11,   1013-14, 
1028-29;   13:618,  621 

Philadelphia  arrival  (Nov..  1773),  8:945;  12:1042-43 

on  Philadelphia  sympathy  with  Boston,  8:1163 

portrait,  8:944;  13  :xii 

Prevost  and,  8:762;  12:962-63 

on  public  hangings  (1774),  8:1139 

at  Schenectady  school,  5:504 

trade  apprenticeship.  8:919-21,  945,  946-47,  1019-20,  1062-63;   13:635-36 

at  Wheelock  school  (1764),  11:101,  102,  800 
Johnson,  Polley  (Sir  William's  sister),  1:319 
Johnson,  E.,  cited,  3:x 
Johnson,  Dr.  Samuel,  2:524;  4:182;  5:ix,  837 

biographical  sketch,  5:40(i/; 

on  American  bishopric,  5:407-408,  440,  471-72,  586,  840;  6:164-65 

Gale  (Benjamin)  and,  5:774;  6:30-32;  12:445,  610 

Hillsborough  and,  7:963 

on  Indian  schools,  5:406-407,  438-39.  446,  461,  471,  S00-801 

medical  recommendation,  5:733-34,  840-41;  6:164 

on  missionary  qualifications,  5:439-40,  471 

portrait,  6:30 


Sir  William  Johnson  Pavers 

on  runaway  slave,  5:586-S7,  841 
Johnson,  Susanna  (daughter  of  Sir  William),  8:1191;  12:1070 
Johnson,   Warren    (brother   of   Sir   William),   capt.,   maj.,   1:69;    3:322,   386; 

Byrne  (Michael)  introduction,  4:118;  13:161 
Cape  Breton  expedition,  1:41,  52-53,  58-59,  62-63,  66-67,  74-75 
Coat  of  Arms  and,  3:vii,  viii,  x,  xi 
Darlington  and,  5:641-42 
diary,  10:256n;   13:180-214 

at  Fort  Johnson  Iroquois  meeting  (March,  1761),  10:236 
Indian  name  (Ariwanughne),  13:200 

in  Ireland,  1:258,  266-67,  319-20;  2:477;  4:502n;  8:217,  263 
on  Johnson's  colonelcy  of  the  Six  Nations,  1:63 
Johnson  will  and,  12:1071,  1074 
medical  advice  (1773),  12:1030-31 
in  New  York  City  (1760),  3:268;  13:183-85 
on  Niagara  surrender  (1759),  13:161 
portrait,  13  :xiii 

return  to  England  (1761),  3:372,  388;  10:256,  264 
Warren  (Sir  Peter)  and,  1:41,  53,  116-17,  319-20,  370-71;  13:19w,  21 
Johnson,  Sir  William,  col.,  maj.  gen.: 

"Account  of  the  Manners  and  Customs  of  the  Indians,"  8:1158 

Albany  house  purchases,  1:240;  2:761;  3:985;  9:36;  10:117-20 

baronetcy,  2:291,  315,  343-50,  428,  430,  436-37,  458,  484;  3:990 

Bell  (Serena)  claim  upon,  8:168-09 

bookplates,  3:vii,  ix 

Braddock's  instructions  to,  2:229-35 

British  account  of  dispute  with  Shirley,  2:2-3,  10 

building  plans  (17(53),  4:27,  28-29,  40 

Canadian  embassy  (1749),  1:247-49 

Canadian  governorship  considered,  4:849 

children  of,  3:45;  8:719  (See  also  individual  names) 

christening  of  namesake,  4:272,  277;  7:261 

chronology  and  itinerary,  lixvii-xxxiii 

coat  of  arms,  3:vU-xU,  056;  4:8,  12,  31,  48,  112;  6:516 

photograph,  3:vii 
colonelcy  of  Albany  regiment,  1:122,  148,  150,  166-67;  9:11 
colonelcy  of  the  Iroquois  forces,  1:60-61,  73-74,  77-78;  2:87-88;  3:116    183 

185;  3:270-71,  898-99;  9:9-11,  385 
commission  as  brigadier  general,  6:.r;  12:828 
commission  as  major  general,  1:468-72,  472-75,  501-502,  522-23,  525,  536-37 

626,  631,  637,  808,  815;   2.x,  396-97;    3:898-99,  953-54;   5:21;    12:828' 

commission   as  sole  superintended    of   Indian    Affairs,  1:465-76    522    594 

625-26,  031,  637,  808,  815,  826,  853-55,  895;  2:.r,  2,  36,  51,  65,'77,  112-13! 

350-51,  378,  396  97,  403-404,  437-38,  772 

Ceorge  TT  on,  2:434-35,  484,  508,  557-58 

George  III  on,  3:359 
Crown  Point   expedition    (1755)    command,   1:448-49,  450-59,  459-63    537 

589,  603,  606;  2:r,  283,  299 

death  of,  8:ix,  xi,   1184-88,   1192,   1193 -96,    L197-99:   12:1121-24-   13-637 


grave,  photograph,  8:1  L96 

room,  photograph,  8:1184 
desk,  photograph,  4:770 
Diary,  3:105,  113,  in,, 

of  Detroit  journey,  3:428n;  13:215-74 

of  Niagara  campaign  (  1759),  13:114-57 
dining  table,  photograph,  5:682 
family  monument,  4:897-98 
French  designs  on,  2:492,  714-15 



Johnson,  Sir  William,  col.,  maj.  gen., 
grandchildren  (1763),  4:32,  40,  92 
(1764),  4:432,  435 
(1765),  4:844 
(1766),  5:382 
granddaughter's  death  (1767),  12:363 
Hardy  report  to  Bobinson    (1755)    on  conduct  of  Lake  George  campaign, 

2  :'338-42 
health : 

(1755)    (fever  at  Lake  George),  1:893;  2:141,  153,  155,  157,  161,  163, 
166,   169,  173,  174,   186,  212,  223,  240,  260,  262,  280;   9:255,  276; 
13:61,  62 
(1756),  2:507n,  516,  523,  535,  554,  557;  9:511,  516,  521 
(1757),  2:748,  758-59,  761,  764,  765;  9:853,  854,  855,  870 
(1758),  13:108 
(1760),  3:283 
(1762),  3:723,  824,  858 

(1763),  4:177,  195,  202,  286,  287;  10:758,  761,  801,  890 
(1764),  4:294,  301,  302,  511;  11:19,  25,  37-38,  49,  55,  58,  69,  336,  342-43 
(1765),  4:844;  11:868-69,  957 
(1766),  5:33,  54,  56,  81-82,  85-86,  203,  215,  270,  333,  344,  401;  12:22, 

34,  69,  76,  78,  104-105,  118,  148 
(1767),  5:503,   507,   572,   617,   630,   631,  659,  661,   685,   693,  695,   721, 

733-34   758   840-41*  12*262   268 
(1768),  6':  114,'  164,  178.  179,  180,  181,  184,  187,  200,  202,  203,  204,  207, 
209,  221-22,  223,  227,  237,  249,  266,  278,  279,  282,  283,  292,  295,  304, 
314,  329,  335,  338,  343,  396,  405,  410,  444,  451,  452,  480,  481,  508- 
509,  552-53;   12:428,  431,  437,  457,  475,  476,  478,  488,  514-15,  521, 
545,  552,  563-64,  688 
(1769),  6:684,  705,  747-48;  7:13,  46,  234,  288;  12:713,  729 
(1770),  7:374-75,  377,  381,  386,  397,  413,  811,  882,  884,  1053;  12:817, 

(1771),  7:1098,  1148;  8:5-6,  300-301,  329,  347;  12:881 
(1772),  8:438,  587,  615;  12:1008 

(1773),  8:785,  799,  801,  806,  808,  809,  813,  817,  821,  823,  827-28,  836, 
838,  866,  867,  877-78,  879,  885,  888,  891,  894,  930;   12:1026,  1030, 
(1774),  8:1128-29;  13:644,  730 
Colonel's  commission  and,  2:808-809 
eye  weakness,  5:478;  6:484 
leg  wound  at  Onondaga  (1769),  7:81,  89,  93,  94-95,  98,  107,  113,  118-19, 

120-21,  126,  140,  155,  167,  168,  171,  375 
wounded  at  Lake  George,  2:32,  62,  64,  69,  100,  186,  240;  3:994;  5:525, 
685,  840;  6:4S1;  9:233;  13:197 
hints  for  a  commanding  officer,  1:539-40 
household  directions  during  absence  (1754),  9:120-22 
household  rules,  2:400 

as  Indian  Commissary  in  King  George's  "War,  1:59-60,  72,  91-97 
Indian  name  of,  1:732 

land  purchases  (See  Land,  Johnson's  purchases;  see  also  Canajoharie  patent) 
letter  to  Banyar  (1755),  photograph,  1:613 
marriage  prospects  of,  3:287 
medals,  3:359,  378,  386-87 

New  York  Council  appointment  (1750),  1:269-70,  273-74,  282,  302 
New  York  governorship  proposal,  3:314-15;  7:249,  283 
Niagara  campaign  (1759)  command,  3:77-78,  106 
Order  of  the  Garter,  5:29 
orders : 

to  colonels  on  Crown  Point  expedition  (1755),  1:714 

convening  a  general  court  martial  (1755),  1:865-66 

on  fortification  of  Little  Carrying  Place  above  Saratoga,  9:137-38 

general,  for  camp  at  German  Flats,  1:787-88 

general,  for  discipline  at  Indian  Conference  (1775),  1:667-68 


Sir  William  Johnson  Papers 

to  Lyman  on  Crown  Point  expedition,  1:730-32,  887-88 
marching,  Crown  Point  (1755),  1:816-19 
to  officers  of  Second  Battalion  (1754),  1:404 
proclamation  on  sale  of  liquor  to  Indians,  1:580-81 
to  Schenectady  company,  1754,  1:413 
pedigree,  13:734 

plans  for  Fort  Johnson,  1:197,  198,  240 
portrait,  1: frontispiece;   2 -.frontispiece,  96,  128,  160,  192,  224,  256,  288; 

3 -.frontispiece;  7 -.frontispiece,  524;  13 -.frontispiece,  ix-xiii 
Prideaux  and  Johnson  orderly  book,  3:48-105 
Province  debts  to,  1:298-99,  312-17,  332,  333,  343-44,  351-52  (See  also  New 

York  Colony,  General  Assembly) 
Queens  College  trusteeship,  8:768 
regiment  of,  see  Army,  Albany  militia 
relations  with  family  in  Ireland,   1:41,  88-89,   179,  197-98,  244,  245,  258, 

266-67,  319-30,  370-71,  930-31   (See  also  individual  names) 
rent  book,  photograph,  6:600 
resignation   (1751)   as  Commissioner  to  the  Indians,  1:314,  322-23,  324-25, 

326n,  339-44 
salary,  1:238-39;  2:448,  451,  458,  461;  5:21,  314;  6:94;  9:139-41 
memorial  on,  5:314,  446,  469,  490 

military,   1:611,   615-16,   771;    3:183,   184,   185,   196,   199,   201,   270-71, 
305-306,  350,  508-509,  586-87,  898-99,  954;  9:472,  640,  723,  889,  892; 
10:196,  379-80 
as   Superintendent  of  Indian  Affairs,  2:434-35,   484,  525-26,   536,   772, 
832-33;   3:271,  508-509,  898-99,  953-54;   6:193,  281,  295,  303,  340; 
8:599-600,  1096;  9:331,  385;  10:637-38;  12:359,  640,  805,  871,  903, 
926,  948,  1003,  1022,  1120 
Seven  Years  War  and,  3:2(59-75 
summoned  for  selling  rum  to  Indians,  1:19 
Surveyorship  of  the  Woods,  9:86,  91,  147,  166 
will  of,  4:xi;  8:1189-91,  1196,  1199;  10:117n;  12:982,  1062m 
execution,  13:687 
text,  12:1062-75 
Johnson,  William  (William  of  Canajoharie,  son  of  Sir  William)  : 
P.arton  and,  5:604,  775,  843-45;  6:66,  170-71,  238;  12:1065n 
in  Canajoharie  patent,  6:771 
Fonda  (Jelles)  and,  7:777 
in  Johnson's  will,  8:1190;  12:1064-65,  1070 
Wheclock  and,  5:343-44 
Johnson,  William,  in  Frederick  county,  Md.,  2:650 
Johnson,  William  (Montreal  trader),  12:971,  973 
Johnson,  Sir  William  George,  2:xU 
Johnson,   William  Samuel,  6:('^7/i 
Johnson,  Zeeharia,  4:37f> 
Johnson  (vessel),  11:124,  254 
Johnson,  J.  W.,  6:784-s.~> 
Johnson,  Fort: 

Abenaki  conference  (March   1 762) ,  10:409-15,   I.",  I 
attack  threats: 
(1748),  1:168 

(1755-56),  1:583-84;  2:537-38;  9:460,  491-92,  540 
(1757),  2:714-15:  9:i;:;i,  r,::c,  i;:;?,  659,  r;r>5,  681,  773,  776,  798-99 
(1763),  10:773,  776 
blockhouses,  10:77 

boat  loading  for  Niagara  journey,  11:210 
Cayuga  meeting  (.Tune,  1758),  9:926-29 
defense  instructions   (1756),  2:537-38 
Delaware-Shawnee  Treaty   (July,   17.16),  9:475-79,  488,  522,  592    591    615 

744,  752 
dining  room,  photograph,  1:24] 
firewood,  13:196 



Johnson,  Fort, 

floor  plan,  1:199 

Fort  Hunter  and,  2:480;  13:187 

fortifications  (1756)   condition,  13:82-85 

French  print  of,  6: frontispiece 

fur  trade  at,  2:843;  3:258 

garrison,  2:269;  3:14,  16-17;  10:77,  914;  13:85,  196 

Ghost  Room,  photograph,  6:788 

house  at,  2:x 

Indian  Affairs  records  at,  7:527 

Indian  Council  fire  at,  3:444,  476,  484;  9:836,  838,  844-45,  S53,  926;  10:359, 

361,  412,  667 
Indian  population  (1760),  13:188 
Indian  protest  on  murders  near,  2:726-27 
Iroquois-Cherokee  and  Catawba  peace  congresses  (1757-58),  2:729,  741,  742, 

743,   817-18,   851,   886;    9:804-808,   809,   835,   840-43,   847-48,   852,   946. 

947-51,  957-61,  968;  13:207 
Iroquois  Conference  of  Deputies  (1760),  3:188-92,  196,  198 
Iroquois  Congress  (Feb.  1756),  9:347-84,  400 
Iroquois  Congress  (Sept.-Nov.,  1756),  2:659;  9:512,  525,  533,  536-37,  541. 

542,  548,  550-51,  559,  902 

Atkin  Council,  2:659;  9:560-61 
Iroquois  Congress   (April,  1762),  3:559,  561,  565,  570,  580,  593,  598,  599, 

610,  630,  653,  662,  675,  685,  686-89,  690-717,  723-24,  727,  732,  739,  740- 

41,  743;   10:402,  406,  409,  419,  428,  432,  435,  436-37,  439,  442-43,  449, 

453-54,  461 
Iroquois  Congress  (Sept.,  1763),  10:800-801,  S28-55,  856,  862,  877 
Iroquois  Council  (1755)  at  (See  Iroquois,  Fort  Johnson  Conference  (1755)) 
Iroquois  meetings  (Jan. -March,  1757),  2:884 

(April,  1757),  2:885;  9:693-96,  697-98 

(June,  1757),  2:715,  716 

(July,  1757),  2:886 

(Sept.,  1757),  9:831-53 

(March,  1758),  9:879-88 

(June,  1758),  2:843-44 

(Feb.,  1759),  3:19,  20,  28-29;  10:88-89,  90,  95,  96,  98-99,  104,  106 

(Feb.,  1761),  13:205-206 

(March,  1761),  10:236-42 

(Jan.,  1762),  10:356-71 
Johnson  (John)   residence,  11:236« 
Johnson  (Warren)  visit  (1760-61),  13:185-92 
in  Johnson  will,  12:1065-66,  1074 
journal,  see  Indian  Affairs,  journal  of  transactions 
living  room,  photograph,  1:251 
Lutheran  church  meetings  (1761),  13:210 
memorial  tablet,  photograph,  1:231 
Missisauga  peace  treaty  (1764),  4:544,  551 
Mohawk  conferences: 

(1750),  9:60-61 

(May,  1756),  9:451,  453,  463-70 

(1758),  10:11-13,  60-61;  13:104-108 

(1760),  3:201 

(1761),  3:409-10,  428-29;  10:223-26 

(1763),  4:65-66;  10:622 
Montour  visit  (1761),  3:329-30 
Montreal  expedition  and,  3:249,  250 
Oneida  conference  (May,  1756),  9:455-57 

(Dec.  1758),  10:65-76 

(1762),  10:480-83,  488 
Onondaga  Council  (1758)  adjournment  to,  2:851,  852 
Oquaga  conference   (1757),  2:729,  736;  9:703-13,  714-16 
photograph,  1:197;  5:150;  9: frontispiece 
plans  for,  1:197,  19S,  240 


Sir  William  Johnson  Papers 

provisions  receipt  (1756),  9:554 

Road  Act  (1770)  and,  7:596 

schoolteacher,  6:682 

Seneca  meeting  (1758),  9:961-63 

Seneca    Treaty    (1764),   4:383,   3S6-87,   389,   401-402,   407,   409,   414,   418, 
425,  447 

Shawnee-Nanticoke-Mahican  meeting  (April,  1757),  9:676-78,  685,  690,  693, 
700,  710,  718 

sledges  for  (176S),  13:477 

smith  for,  2:832;  9:829,  895,  901 

staircase,  photograph,  1:225 

Susquehanna  Indian  conference  (Feb.  1756),  9:393-94 

view  (1759)  of,  drawn  by  Guy  Johnson,  1:261 

Wraxall's  company  at,  2:560-61 

See  also  Johnson  Hall;  Johnstown 
Johnson  Creek,  13:269n 
Johnson  Hall : 

Abenaki  conference  (July,  1768),  12:569-71 

Adems  daybook  of  expenditures  (1768-73),  13:532-616 

Allen  and  Izard  visit  (1765),  11:802 

bedrooms,  13:656-57 

blockhouse,  photograph,  4:534,  622 

bouwmaster's  house,  13:309,  314,  659 

Bradstreet  troops  return  to,  11:500-508,  537,  543 

builder's  agreement  with  Fuller,  13:2S.'] 

builder's  charges,  13:315-17 

builder's  journal  (May,  1763),  13:307-15 

burning  reported,  8:541,  584 

butler's  room,  13:658 

Caghnawaga  conference  (July,  1765),  11:872-76,  917  19 

Caghnawaga  conference  (July,  1771),  13:503-505 

Canadian  Indian  conferences  (July- Am;.,  1770),  12:837-47 

Cayuga  conference  (Feb.,  1770),  12:777-80 

cellar,  13:282,  311,  651,  659 

Cherokee  deputation  (1767),  6:7,  32,  69n;  12:340,  345,  393-96,  406,  431-32, 

deputy  journey  homeward,  12:688-89 
Cherokee-Iroquois  peace  conference   (March,  1768),  6:135;  12:451-52,  456- 

58,  464,  467-68,  469,  470-71,  472,  4  7:: 
Chippewa  conference    (July,   1768),   6:281-82,   283,   307,   314,  326,   333-34; 

12:558-63,  645 
Chippewa  OH.-iwa    conference    (June,    1765),    4:755?i,    756,    774,    777.    778; 

11:761,  769-72,  779-84,  797 
Chippewa  prisoner  stop  (1767)  at,  12:364 
coacli  house,  13:307,  649-70 
completion,  4:260,  267;  13:303 
"Council  Chamber,"  photograph,  4:638 
Croghan  visit  (1768),  12:474,  518 
Delaware-Shawnee  conference  |  177.".),  8:822,  837,  890 
Delaware-Shawnee  Min <;o  conference   (Nov.,  1768),  12:632-35 
Delaware-Shawnee-Mingo  peace  conferences   (1765),  11:702    705    710    761 

762,  sci  ;  13:334,  ::7x 
Dyer  and  Woodbridge  visit  (1763),  4:66,  70,  74,  76 
fortification,  13  :3  L3fl 
furniture   bequests,  12:1065 
Gale  (Benjamin)  visit  (1768),  12:610 
garret,  13:657  58 
Gilliland  visit  (  1763),  10:885 
Gordon  visits   (1765),  13:374-76 
grist  mill,  13:3]  I 

guards  for,  4:201,  255,  396;  10:8fi.S,  ill.",,  021  25,  <)"s 
hall,  13:282-83,  655 


Johnson  Hall, 

Harmense  patent  (Clifton  Park)  land  lot  drawing  at,  13:483-85 

historical  tablet,  photograph,  4:812 

Indian  Council,  painted  by  E.  L.  Henry,  12  -.frontispiece 

Indian  council  fire  at,  10:676;  11:595,  596;  12:274,  574,  1047 

Indian  provisions  (1763),  10:625,  654,  658-59 

Indian  provisions  (1774),  13:647-49 

inventory  (1774),  13:647-65 

Iroquois-Caghnawaga  conferences  (Sept.,  1763),  4:200,  205-206,  208; 

10:828-55,  862,  877 
Iroquois  conference  (Sept.  1762),  10:500-508,  509-18 
Iroquois  conference  (May,  1763)  on  Amherst  policies,  10:674-84 
Iroquois  conferences  (1763)   on  Newkirk  murderers,  10:623-25,  626-36,  649- 

51,  679 
Iroquois  conference   (December,  1763),  4:272,  273-74,  287,  294;  10:943-44, 

957-72,  973-74,  989;  11:21,  24 
Iroquois  conference  (Jan.  1764),  11:24-35 
Iroquois  conference  (June,  1764),  11:233-37 
Iroquois  conference  (Jan.,  1767),  12:258-61 
Iroquois  conference  (July,  1771),  12:911-12 
Iroquois  Congress    (April,  1762),  proceedings,  3:690-717,  723-24,  727,  732, 

739,  740-41,  742-43;  10:436-37,  442-43,  449,  453-54,  461 
Iroquois    Congress    (March,    1764)    on   Seneca   peace,   11:105-106,    107-108, 

111-12,  113,  114-15 

Articles  of,  11:151-57,  290,  291-92,  293,  295-98,  312 

Proceedings,  11:134-61 

ratification  at  Niagara  Congress  (July,  1764),  11:313-24,  327-28 
Iroquois  Congress  (July,  1774),  12:1107,"  1112-13,  1116,  1121-22;  13:640-41, 

671,  673 
kitchen,  13:658-59 
lobby,  13:657 

McLeod  visit  (1767),  12:266 

Mingo  conference  (Jan.,  1774),  12:1044-61,  1091-94,  1114 
missionary  for,  13:417 

Missisauga- Abenaki  conference  (July,  1770),  12:830-35 
Missisauga  conference  (Aug.,  1768),  12:590-93,  647 
Missisauga  conference  (Sept.,  1764),  11:354-56 
Mohawk  conferences  (May,  1764),  11:205 
Mohawk  conference  (Sept.,  1764),  11:358-61 
Mohawk  conference  (April,  1768),  12:644 
Mohawk   conferences    (1773),   8:936-37,    943,    949,   954-68,   976-77,   979-80, 

Mohawk  conferences  (1774),  8:1095,  1105-1107,  1120-21 
Mohawk  Kayaderosseras  settlement  conference  (Aug.,  1768),  6:308    309-10 

327,  355,  395,  458;  12:572-78,  588,  646,  756 
Moore  conference  with  Oquagas  and  Mohawks  (1769),  12:688 
Moore  visit  (1766),  12:185 
Moore  visit  (1768),  6:342-46,  398-404 
Mount  Joy,  13:662-65 

Munsee  conference  (Nov.  1764),  11:476-78 
nursery,  13:656 

Oneida-Tuscarora-Nanticoke  conference   (Feb.,  1764),  11:80-85 

Onondaga  conference  (Sept.,  1764),  11:356-58 

Onondaga  conference  (Nov.  1764),  11:478-82 

Onondaga  Council  (1763)  Connecticut  message,  10:663-69 

Oquaga  conference  (Feb/ 1764),  11:33,  37-43,  45-50 

parlors,  13:652-54,  655-56 

photograph  (1907),  4:4,  110,  364,  856;  5:92 

plan  for  dimensions  and  design,  13:282-83,  285-86 

rebel  plunder  (1776),  13:732 

repairs  (1765),  4:760 

roof,  13:282-83 


Sir  Williain  Johnson  Papers 

Saint  Patrick's  Lodge  institution  in,  room,  photograph,  6:2 

Seneca  conference  (August,  1762!),  10:490-1)1 

Seneca  peace  (1761)  delegations,  11:106,  107 

shay  (chaise)  house,  13:307,  311,  314 

sketch,  7:30 

sledges  for,  13:476 

smith  shop,  13:661 

staircase,  photograph,  4:706 

stonehouses,  13:651-52 

study,  13:650-51 

Susquehanna  Indian  Congress  (Feb.,  1764),  11:59-67 

Wharton  (Samuel)  visit  (1768),  12:511 

White   (Henry)   visit,  12:978 

Wyaloosing-Chugnut  Indian  conference  (March,  1764),  11:88-96 
Johnson's  Harbor,  13:269n, 
Johnston,  lieut.  of  the  Platoons,  10:906,  919 
Johnston,  (Newport  lawyer),  6:80-81,  87-88 

Johnston,  Augustus,  4:163 
Johnston,  J.,  col,  3:77,  84,  106,  110,  112,  119 
Johnston,  John,  commissary,  3:105 
Johnston  (Johnson),  John  (Indian  captain  and  Seneca  smith)  : 

accounts,  5:15,  564;  7:32,  338,  381,  382,  409,  702 

Achsinnessink  orders,  11:94% 

Bradstreet  expedition,  4:437;  11:369,  524-25,  537 
examination  of,  4:549-50;   11:472 

in  Canajoharie  patent,  3:634;  10:248 

Oanestio  expedition  and,  4:324,  336,  344-45,  352,  392-94,  427;  11:74-76,  86-88 

Cayuga  post  (1769), 12:742 

on  Fox  chief  recruited  (1764),  4:423 

Iroquois  conference  (1767)  on  boundary  line,  12:288-89 

Kirkland  and,  8:1176 

lieutenancy,  3:287 

McLeod  and,  7:795ji 

marriage  of,  6:739-40 

Misshanamokana  post  request,  6:25-26 

on  Missisaugas,  8:286-87 

Montour  accounts  and,  4:712;  11:689 

Montour  Niagara  journey  (1764),  11:181,  185,  197-98 

Onondagas  and,  4:633 

on  Oswego  meeting  (1762),  3:818,  821 

Philadelphia  vacation  (1766),  12:42-43 

on  Seneca  payment  of  indemnities  for  murders  (1773),  8:1175-76 

on  Seneca  shelter  (1762)   of  murderers,  3:973-74,  980;  10:562-64,  582,  595, 

on  Seneca  trade,  7:1045-46,  1139-40 

Seneca  visitors'  passes  (1774),  8:1172 

on  threat  of  general  Indian  war  (1771),  8:141-42 

on  transportation  of  provisions,  4  :740 
Johnston,  John,  col,  death  (1759),  13:116 
Johnston,  Ijauchlan,  3:990re 
Johnston,  Robert,  ens.: 

horse  loan,  5:280-81 

Rogers  Michilimaekinac  command  and,  6:466;  12:161-62,  198-09 

Rogers  plot  (1768)  and,  12:439-40,  443-45,  449,  613,  614,'  651 
Johnston,  William  ('deputy  paymaster  general),  2:674-75 

in  Canajoharie  patent,  3:634;  10:1!  IS 
Johnston,  William,  ensign,  3:287 
Johnston,  William  (justice),  5:483-84 
Johnston,  William  (millwright),  7:1003 

Johnston,  William  (smith),  7:207-208,  79S;  12:483-86,  716-17,  765 
Johnstone,  Gov.  George,  5:493-94;  7:1156;  8:50 



J  ohnstown, 

attack  threat  (1760),  3:233 

Barton  procurement  of  tradesmen  for,  4:866,  875-76;   5:402,  532-33 
carpenter  (1767)  for,  5:546 
carpentry  bill  (1770),  7:339 
Catholicism  in,  8:1195ft 

church   (Saint  John's  Episcopal),  6:13,  28,  293,  745;   7:1160;  8:357,  360, 
488,  927;  12:S93,  982 
bell  for,  5:157,  158,  195,  211,  232 
choirboys,  8:323 
photograph,  8:  frontispiece,  926 

proposal  to  combine  with  Mohawk  mission,  7:213,  248-49,  250,  265,  282 
Oole  settlement,  7:268-69 

companies  forming  after  Continental  Congress,  8:1207,  1210 
Cottgrave  ambitions  for,  8:322-23,  425,  488 
courthouse,  'photograph,  8:710  (See  also  Tryon  County) 
Davis  application  to  settle  in,  7:143-44,  305-306 
glebe,  10:250 
growth    of,    4:719,    SS5;    5:413,    436,    532-33;    6:330-31;    8:706;    12:884, 

hatter  in,  8:375-76,  683-84,  699 

Iroquois  conference   (Sept.,  1774)  with  Guy  Johnson,  13:680-81 
jail,  photograph,  8:708  (See  also  Tryon  County) 
Johnson's  grave,  photograph,,  8:1196 
justice  of  the  peace  for,  8:323,  637 
manor  proposal,  6:682;  12:699-70 
markets  and  fairs,  8:907;  12:699,  982 
mechanics  for,  4:866;  5:533 
mills  prohibited  in,  4:866 

minister  for,  5:413-15,  428,  436,  466,  477,  728,  779,  781,  800,  821-22,  838-39, 
843,  845;  6:11-12,  26,  67,  74,  78,  190-92,  293,  329-31,  456,  6S5,  711,  745; 
7:115,  588;  8:1,  522,  549 

Mosley  appointed  (1772),  8:584,  602,  623,  887 
Mosley  retirement,  8 :  1069,  1119 
Seabury  refusal,  7:212-13,  291 
plans  for, '3: 827,  914;  4:697;  5:413-14;  10:560;  11:648-49 
portrait  painter  in,  13:xiii 
potash  manufacture  at,  7:395-96 
Preston  settled  at,  7:311-12 
roads  for,  8:357,  360 
saddler  for,  8:754,  781 
school  for,  5:403;  6:13,  28,  191,  710;  7:145,  169,  290,  693;  8:322-23,  488, 

927,  1156 
schoolteacher  beaten  by  townswomen,  7:892 
surveyor  for,  5:533 
tanner  and  currier,  8:715 
tavern,  12:933,  961ft,  1063n 
township  rights,  12:699 
as  Tryon  County  seat,  8:x,  237,  263,  311,  316,  328-29,  332,  357,  360,  385-86, 

413,  436,  477,  492,  543,  823;  12:933,  958 
woolen  manufacture  project,  5:791-92,  847 
See  also  Johnson  Hall 
Johny  (Karistowano — Onondnga),  10:182;  13:178 
Joilliet,  ,  11:827 

Joliette,  F.,  4:822-23 

Jonathan  (alias  Martin  .  .  .  white  prisoner),  10:165,  166,  167-69,  171 
Jonathan  (Delaware),  9:729,  782 

Jonathan  (Kayenquiragoa — Canajoharie),  10:364-68,  900,  927-29 
Jonathan  (Mahican),  9:791 
Jonathan  (Mohawk),  1:784;  3:165 
Jonathan,  Philip,  4:374 

Joncaire   Chabert,   Daniel,   Sieur   de   Chabert   et   Clausonne    (Jean   Cour,   John 
Cure,  Jean  Ceur)  : 


Sir  William  Johnson  Papers 

Amherst  present  disbursement  and,  10:189 

autograph,  6:xii 

brother  at  Fort  Duquesne  (1758),  10:38?i 

capture  plans  (1748),  1:78-79,  174-75 

capture  plans  (1755),  13:78 

Carleton  and,  5:548,  572;  12:325-27,  329-31 

in  Detroit  (1768),  6:416-21 

duplicity  of,  5:850;  6:146,  250,  263,  307;  12:386-87,  522-23,  527,  544 

forbidden  to  trade,  4:791,  801;  5:575;  11:870 

Geneseo  Council  (1758),  9:946,  956 

grand-daughter,  7 :  682 

Indian  hopes  at  American  return  (1765),  11:963 

Iroquois  and,  1:149,  153,  314-15;  9:557,  558 

Muskingum  visit  (1764),  11:403-404 

in  Niagara  capitulation,  10:124;  13:114 

Niagara  losses  indemnity,  5:32,  35,  92-93,  96,  99,  177-79;  12:329 

Niagara  residence  (French  period),  13:228,  240 

Niagara  settlements  (1761),  10:265 

Niagara  trip  (1767),  5:542,  548 

Niagara  trip  (1769),  6:751 

Ohio  expedition  (1749),  9:41,  62-63 

Perthuis  and,  5:177-79,  196 

return  to  France  (1761),  3:546,  644 

Montreal  residence,  4:575,  782 

Sandusky  trade  request  (1768),  6:429-31 

Senecas  and,  1:131,  138,  300,  303;  2:325,  388-89,  665,  668,  671,  680-81,  700: 
9:584,  585-86 

Ohio  trading  post  promise,  9:75 

proposal  to  make  war  on  the  English   (1761),  3:456,  460,  696;  8:1144, 
12:230,  233 
Joncaire,  Philippe  Thomas  de,  1:914-15 
Joncaire-Clauzonne,  ,2:665ft. 

Jones,  overseer  application,  4:647,  737;  11:574 
Jones,  Dr.,  3:654,  680;  8:327 
Jones,  Abraham,  4:181,  438;  5:422;  8:680 
Jones,  David  (speaker  of  New  York  Assembly),  1:306,  308;  4:94 

Crown  Point  forces  gift  of  sheep  and  cheese,  2:161,  167;  13:57-58 

demission  of,  3:612 
Jones,  Rev.  David,  8:618-20,  1159,  1178 
Jones,  Isaac  (mayor  of  Philadelphia),  6:290 
Jones,  Isaac  (son  of  Abraham  Jones,  gunsmith),  4:181 
Jones,  James,  3:151 
Jones,  James,  lieut.,  9:237 
Jones,  Samuel,  5:598 
Jones,  Samuel,  lieut.,  1:877 
Jones,  Thomas,  5:53-54 
Jones,  Thomas  (McDougall  trial),  7:483w 
Jones,  Tom,  2:713 
Jones,  Valentine,  lieut.  col.,  5:635n;  13:431,  489,  624 

Huron  dispute  (1773),  8:866;  13:623,  717-18 

Indian  threats  of  uprising  (1768)  and,  13:466-67 

Rogers  and,  6:753,  754-55;  12:613 
Jonquii'ie,  Pierre  Jacques  de  TafTanc],  Marquis  de  La,  1:239,  241n 

Iroquois  invitation  to  Canada  (1755),  9:161 

on  prisoner  exchange,  1:241-42,  255;  9:47  19,  57,  64,  65 

on  slaves  in  refuge,  9:69 
Jordan,  John,  3:90 
Jordin,  rapt.,  1:100 
Josant,  Jacob,  7:666 
Joseph  (Indian),  2:396;  6:96 
Joseph  (Canajoharie),  10:800,  896,  900 
on  Maybe  land  frauds,  11:555-56 



Joseph  (Canajoharie), 

on  royal  appeal  in  Mohawk  land  claims,  11:984-85 
Joseph    ( Teyoghsaghrogo — Canajoharie),  on  Montreal  expedition,  10:181; 

Joseph  (Tiyonquaroony — Canajoharie),  10:181;  13:176 
Joseph  (Feifer,  Canasadaga),  10:393,  398,  399 
Joseph  (Mohawk  sachem),  3:157;  9:19;  12:390;  13:217-18 

on  Montreal  expedition,  10:180;  13:174 
Joseph  (Mohawk  exhibited  in  London),  4:753;  11:754,  772 
Joseph   (Canadaighse — Mohawk),  on  Montreal  expedition,  10:180;   13:174 
Joseph  ("native  New  York  Indian")  land  deed  (1754)  to  George  II,  11:945-48 
Joseph  (Canaghsadirho — Oneida),  10:181;  13:176 
Joseph   (Oquaga),  9:806 
Joseph  (Attrewaghti — Schoharie),  11:34 

on  Montreal  expedition,  10:181;  13:177 
Joseph  (Kaneiya — Schoharie),  on  Montreal  expedition,  10:181;  13:177 
Joseph   (Stockbridge  Indian),  8:6 
Joseph  (Thayendanegea),  see  Brant,  Joseph 
Joseph  (vessel),  1:259,  374,  376 
Josephson,  Manuel,  2:615 
Josette,  ,  1:898 

Joshua  (Nanticoke),  9:729 
Joshua,  Betty,  4:154;  11:433 
Joshua,  Elizabeth,  5 :  153 
Joshua,  Sarah,  5:153 
Joutes,  John,  7:439 
Juba  (slave),  12:1070 
Judges,  see  Justices 
Juery,  Han  (Oneida),  4:165 
Joseph  Cordon  de  Villiers,  sieur  de,  2:816n 
Jumonville,  Joseph  Coulon  de  Villiers,  sieur  de,  2:816?i 

assassination  of,  9:172m 
Juniata,  Pennsylvania,  4:751-52;  9:755-56;  11:747 
"Junius,"  7:39*8,  401?i 

appeals  to  the  King  and,  4:613 

councilmen  as,  10:442 

dedimus  potestatein  and,  12:824-25 

Dutch,  3:341 

Five  Pound  Act  and,  4:262 

German  Flats  complaints  of  maladministration  (1772),  8:509-10 

Herchheimer  refusal  of  commission  (1772),  8:444-45,  468 

Johnson  as  justice  of  the  peace,  7:869;  12:790 

Kinderhook  election  (1772),  8:449,  455,  462 

Kinderhook  malpractice  (1754),  9:136-37 

Lyne  on  fees  of,  1:45 

magistrate  appointments,  6:672-73,  692-93,  752;  7:11,  380,  639-40;  12:224 
New  York  jurisdiction  of,  5:441 

Massachusetts  Chief  Justice  (1774),  8:1071 

New  Jersey  judge  praised  for  execution  of  white  murderer,  13:417-18 

New  York  chief  justices,  3:945n;  4:10»,  33n,  454;  5:515 

New  York  Justice  of  the  Peace  appointments  (1761),  10:234 

New  York  Justice  of  the  Peace  appointments  (1762),  3:604,  60S-609,  617, 
621-22,  624-25,  647-48,  651-52,  653,  655,  659,  666,  668,  669,  680,  750-51  ; 
10:467,  565,  572,  610-11 

justice  of  the  peace  appointments  (1770),  7:360-61,  467,  569,  644,  730; 
12:753,  766,  768-69,  771,  780-81,  782,  783-85,  789,  790,  792-93,  795-96 

salaries  of  circuit  court,  8:710 

Scioto  Resident  Commission  of  the  Peace,  12:943 

Tryon  County  commissions,  8:369,  383,  396,  432,  478,  614 

Tryon  County  election  of  magistrates,  8:455-56 

Tryon  County  circuit  court,  12:984-85 
Kaashuta  (Seneca),  see  Kayashoton  (Seneca  chief) 


Sir  William  Johnson  Papers 

Kadaraiquee,  see  Cadaracqui 
Kadaheha  (Cayuga),  10:184 
Kndirehoakta  (Oneida),  12:629 
Kaghneghtago,  see  Brant,  "Young  Brant" 
Kaghneghtago,  Caghnawaga  chief,  10:372-74 
Kaghniagarodo  (Onondaga  sachem),  11:709 
Kaghnighsyengo   (Onondaga),  10:184 
Kaghraquatha  (Tuscarora),  10:184 
Kaghswangaroro  (Tuscarora),  10:184 
Kaghradodea  (Cayuga),  see  English  Man,  The 
Kaghraandota  (Seneca  rendezvous,  1763),  10:869,  894 
Kaghswoughdioony  (Mohawk),  10:181 
Kaghwanho  (Mohawk),  10:180;   13:174 
Kaherodo  (Cayuga),  10:962 
Kahiuenta  (Onondaga  woman),  13:151,  154 
Kain,  (Kane),  John,  8:41-42,  91-92 
Kaingseraragarat   (Cayuga  chief),  12:628 
Kakadora  (Onondaga),  10:830,  932-34 
Kakukdoden,  see  Groote  Junge 
Kaller,  Jacob,  3:342 
Kalm,  Peter,  1:228;  2:x 
on  Albany  stay,  1:304-306 
on  Fort  St.  Frederic,  l:695n 
gratitude  to  Johnson,  1:295-96 
letter,  photograph,  1:297 

on  lobelia  in  the  cure  of  venereal  disease,  5:760;  6:30-31;  12:610-11 
on  Niagara  trade  competition  with  Oswego,  9:68 
Kamis,  William,  7:687 

Kanadacta  (Onondaga  Indian),  3:445,  447;  13:224,  226 
Kanadagawya   (Mohawk),  see  Canadagaia 
Kanadarusseras,  see  Kayaderosseras 
Kanadasaga,  see  Canadasaga 
Kanadiohora  (Chenussio  chief),  3:706;  12:363 
Kanadiorha  (Canadiorha,  Nickus  Kanadyora — Canajoharie  sacliem),  see  Brant 

Nicholas  Canadiorha 
Kanadisorha  (Seneca),  10:634 
Kanadvora  (Oquaga  chief),  11:50;  12:864 

mother's  death,  10:846 
Kanaegi  (Seneca  chief),  10:903;  12:1053,  1059 
Kanaghquiesa  (Oneida  chief),  see  Canaghquiesa 
Kanaghragait  (Seneca  chief),  see  White  Mingo 
Kanaghyagey,  see  Canajageya  (Onondaga  sachem) 
Kanagiagaia  (Onondaga  sachem),  see  Canajageya 
Kanahokeayat  (Onondaga),  10:182;  13:178 
Kanajiawana,  12:340 

Kanasowaga   (Ganaghsawaghta),  fortification,  11:160,  181-82 
Kanatsyahoha  (Onondaga),  10:]84;  13:178 
Kanawagon   (Conewago — Seneca  town)  : 

indemnities  for  murdered  Frenchmen,  8:1106   1107 
Joncaire  land  at,  12:387 
Ottawa   messages   (1763).  10:065-66 
Pennsylvanian  murders  (1756)  reported,  2:426-27 
Western  Indian  Seneca  Council   (1758),  2:796;  9:^71 
Kanawav  Creeks   (Big  and  Little),  See  Kanliawa  River 
Kanayesty  (Seneca),  10:182 
Kane,  Jolin,  see  Kain,  John 
Kane,  William,  7:686;  13:496-97 
Kaneahake  (Onondaga),  10:182;  13:178 
Kanessaron   (Ganessaron — Oquaga),  11:159,  160 
Kaidiawa   River: 

Bouquet  expedition  (1764)  and,  4:612 
Cressap  murders  on,  12:1095-96 



Kanhawa  Biver, 

Indian  boundary  line  and,  6:212,  407,  408,  757;  7:16,  65,  m,  113,  119,  160; 
12:494,  709,  1099 

trade  on,  4:624;  11:497,  516,  544 

Virginia-Shawnee  battle  (1774)  at,  13:695,  698-99,  701 
Kanestio,  see  Canestio 

Kanias  (Seneca),  10:519,  903;  12:1053,  1059 
Kaniertae  (Chenussio,  son  of  Joneaire),  11:619 
Kanigut  (Tuscarora  chief),  12:624-25,  628 
Kankaghto,  destruction  of,  11:132 
Kanodock  (Onondaga)  : 

death  of,  10:889,  893,  894,  901 

at  Johnson  Hall  Congress  (Sept.,  1762),  10:513,  518 

on  Montreal  expedition,  10:184 

Oswego  visit  (1748),  1:137 

"replacement"  of,  11:32,  110 
Kanuas  (Seneca),  10:182 
Kanuskagos,  see  Chenussios 
Kanzas  Indians,  10 :  819 
Kaokia,  see  Cahokia 
Kap,  George,  3:634 
Karaghiagigo   (Onondaga  chief)  : 

brother  of,  12:332,  389-90,  393,  864 

death  of,  12:364-65,  369,  371,  389-90 

illness,  11:206 

on  Mohawk  land  claims,  4:81;  10:650-51 

murder  of  Indians  under,  12:115,  123,  125-26 

on  Newkirk  murders,  10:649-50 

Onondaga  famine  (1767),  12:286-87 

Oswegatchie  scalping  party,  13:147 

son  of,  12:389-90 

Sononquiris'  condolence  ceremony  and,  12:303 

Southern  war  party  (1757),  9:635?r 
Karaghianaghquas  (Seneca  chief),  3:460;  13:128,  129,  131,  235 
Karaghiiagey  (Canaseraga  Seneca),  10:945 
Karaghyadirha  (Seneca  town),  12:387,  762;  13:667 

Delawares  sheltered  (1764-65)  in,  11:180-81,  722 

Iroquois  deputies  to  the  Shawnees  (1772),  8:408 

Pontiac  and,  11:515 

smallpox  threat  (1765),  11:553 
Karandowana  (Seneca  chief),  12:693-94 
Karayaga,  see  Canajageya  (Onondaga  sachem) 
Karhagoghrono  Indians,  4:789 
Kariwhagharron,  Isaack,  10:643,  645 
Karman  (Kerman,  Kennan),  Michael,  6:7S9;  7:216 
Karman  &  Walter,  6:788;  7:216 
Karne  (Carren),  Johannes,  7:352,  1085-86 
Karondawago   (Tuscarora),  10:184 
1\ a ronghiyage  (Canaseraga) ,  10 :  182 ;  13 :  176 
Karraghiagigo  (Onondaga  chief),  see  Karaghiagigo 
Kas,  Hansjerie,  1:363 
Kaskaskia : 

Baugh  command  (1766),  5:381;  13:399 

Croghan  conference  (Sept.,  1766),  5:369 

Crown  purchase  proposal,  5:324 

English  occupation,  6:195;  8:593;  11:788-89 

French  Indian  migration  from,  13:410 

location,  12:932 

war  belts  (1767)  in,  5:751 
Kaskaskias,  6:390;  7:16;  8:842;  12:1049,  1050-51 

Croghan  conference  (Aug.-Sept.,  1766),  5:369;  12:176,  264;  13:407-10,  414 

French-Spanish  intrigues  (1768),  12:601-602 
Kass,  ,  murder  (1769),  12:737;  13:520 


Sir  William  Johnson  Papers 

Kass,  George,  9:874;  12:819 

Amherst  and,  3:34(5;  10:246,  275 
horse  sold  (1771)  by,  7:106S 

settlement  in  line  of  French  march  (1757),  9:85S,  862 
Kats  Kilns,  sec  Catskill 

Kaunaundasageah  (Kaunaudasage),  see  Canadasaga 
Kaun  au  Wau  Koharie,  see  Canowaroghare 
Kaweghnagey,  Brant,  1:405 
Kayaderosseras  patent : 

boundaries  of,  3:426,  642;  4:614,  708;  5:104-105,  282,  745;   6:x,  223 

deed  of  1704,  12:567,  573,  574 

deed  inconsistencies,  11:886-87,  924-25,  94S-50;  12:233,  534,  537 

Gage  on  legal  efforts  to  redress  injustices  of,  12:367-68,  379,  415 

history  of,  4:360 

Colden    and,    4:541-42,    565,    577,    614-15,    681,    693-95,    711-12,    767,    787; 

future  claims  of  infants,  5:282-83,  550 
Glen  and,  8:15 

Hansen  patent  and,  6:352-53,  621 
Indian  Affairs  policies  and,  1:432;  3:665,  682,  726;  4:208,  239,  465,  653-54, 

6S4,  735-36,  739,  742,  747-49;  5:739,  744;  6:32;  9:148,  166 
Johnson  conference  with  Mohawks  (1767),  5:562,  630,  699-700,  732 
Johnson  (John),  and,  5:477 
Kempe  and,  4:422,  431,  702,  744,  817-19,  838,  862-64;  5:219 

exposition  of  legal  aspects,  5:281-85,  363;  11:866-67,  S86-S9,  923-27 
Kingsborougli  patent  nnd,  4:267 
Leake  purchase  offer  (1762),  3:645 ;  10:397 

litigation  costs,  4:668-69,  700-701,  702,  703,  709;  11:652,  742-43 
McDonald  lot,  8:420,  427-28 
Mohawk  protests  against   settlement,  4:541,   542,  577,   584,   742;    10:225; 

11:359-61,  367,  379-SO,  381-82,  387,  554-55,  605-607,  625-26,  650-51,  663, 

678-79,  688,  714,  748;  12:93-94 

royal  appeal  for  redress,  4:576,  652-54,  665,  684;  12:249,  260,  533 
Moore  and,  5:416;  6:92,  228,  268-70,  276-77,  284,  308,  309-10,  342-46,  398- 

404;  12:551,  565 
New  York  Act  on  land  division  and,  5:678-79 
New  York  Colony  Council  on,  4:654,  655,  681-85,  693-95;  5:567 
patent  (1708),  photograph,  6:178 
patent-holders'   proposal   to   surrender  western   part,   4:792.   707,    845,   850, 

862;   5:105,  214,  285,  540,  549;  6:39-41,  83,  173-74;   11:821,  825,  852, 

864-66,  923-24;  12:126-27,  321,  533-34,  537 
proposal  to  vacate  patent,  4:551,  56.1,  576,  609,  681-82,  696.  699,  701,  702, 

749,  767,  818-19;  11:367,  380,  381-82.  387,  787,  78S,  vss-sjl;  12:534 

New  York  Assembly  refusal  (1765),  11:712-13 
Sacondaga  patent  and,  12:193,  259,  260,  262-63 
settlement  conferences  (1768),  G:r,  222-23,  228,  273-74,  276;  12:367-68,  379, 

415,  516,  527,  529-43,  565-67 

Johnson   Ball    (August),  6:308,  .109-10,  327,  355,  395,  458;   12:572-78. 
588,  646,  756 
survey,  6:715;  12:534-35,  537-38,  551,  565.  566  67,  573,  576 
Watts  on,  4:858,  862;  5:647;  6:178-79,  325 
Wetherhead  laud  purchase  and,  5:237,  245  16,  281,  284,  268-70 
Kayandagaron,  se<    Kindarunty 

Kayashofon     (Kayoshota,    Kayastoto,    Keyashuta,     Kaashuta— Mingo    Seneca 
chief)  : 

at  Bouquet.  Muskingum  conferences  (1764),  11:448-50,   152-54,   156,   161,467 

at  Bouquet  Tuscarrowas  conferences  (1764),  11:439  10,   Ml,   146  17 

Cherokee  murder  |  1774)  on  Little  Beaver  Creek,  12:1090  91 

children's  death   (1773),  12:1053,  1055 

Cresap  murders  (1774)  nnd,  12:1098-99,  Mil  15 

at  Cropdian  Fort  Pitt  conference  |  May,  1765),  11:724,  72''.,  729-31    737 

embassies  (1773-74)  for  Johnson  and  the  Iroquois,  8:1012,  1016,  1032,  1057, 




108(5,  1093,  1094,  1105;  12:1034,  1044-52,  1055-60,  1089,  1091-94,  1114; 
13:  (540,  641,  666,  671,  681-82,  686 

on  Fort  Pitt  liquor  trade  (1774),  12:1094 

Johnson  Hall  conference  (Jan.,  1774),  12:1044-61,  1114 
report  to  McKee  on,  12:1091-94 

New  York  visit  (1772),  8:625,  631,  643;  12:994 

Ohio  settlements  and,  8:615-16,  641,  678-79,  834-35 

Phyn  employment  (1767)  of,  5:681 

presents,  12:1016 

Seneca  land  sales  and,  5:242 

Seneca  threat  to  the  English  (1761),  3:451,  484n,  488,  491-92,  493,  696-97; 
10:347;  13:233,  236,  254,  255 

Shawnee  implication  of  Mingoes  in  trader  warning   (1773),  12:1033,  1034, 
1039,  1046-47 

Shawnee  punishment  proposal  (1774),  12:1054,  1056-57;  13:640 

Shawnee  threats  (1774)  to,  13:667,  677,  681-82,  686 

Wyandotte  prisoner  return  (1764),  4:607 
Kayastoto,  see  Kayaslioton  (Mingo  Seneca  chief) 
Kayendarungo   (Oquaga),  11:49 
Kayendarunghqua  (Seneca  chief),  4:736«;  ll:748n 
Kayenkighsa  village,  7:955 
Kayenquego  (Ohenussio),  13:221 
Kayenquerego  (Niagara  chief),  10:893 
Kayingwauranto  (Indian),  8:1175 
Kearn,  John,  7:865 
Keckhoa  (Onondaga),  10:182;  13:178 
Keen,  ,  capt.,  13:101,  102 

Kees,  John,  lieut.,  4:373-74,  399 
Keewahal  al  Arie  (Mahican),  12:497-99 
Kehanamazo   (Indian),  11:696 
Kehewenum  (Delaware  chief),  11:723 
Keightighqua   (Corn  Cob,  Cornstalk,  Tawname  Buck — Shawnee  chief),  7:689; 

11:461,  465;  12:602 

trader  warning  (1773),  12:1032-33 
Keikman,  ,  13:221 

Keisar's  Stone  House,  2:810 
Keissnauch  (Shawnee  chief)  : 

at  Bouquet  conferences  (1764),  11:439,  447 

at  Fort  Pitt  Croghan  conferences  (1760),  3:208,  210 

at  Fort  Pitt  Croghan  conference  (1765),  11:723 

presents,  5:248 

prisoner  return  (17(54),  11:450-51 

Shawnee  hostage  escape  (1764),  11:484 
Keith,  William,  6:559 
Keiuser  (Cryzer,  Keyser,  Kreuser),  C,  7:723-30;  8:64-66,  145,  150;  13:304n 

trade  venture  (1771),  8:271,  280,  304-305,  306,  324-25,  354-56,  378-80 
(1773),  8:841;   12:1028 
Keller,  ,  horse  of,  13 :  632 

Keller,  Caspar,  4:311 
Keller,  Jacob,  4:112 
Kellet,  Roger,  lieut.,  3 :  70n,  82 
Kelley,  ,1:29 

Kelley,  James,  1:195,  196;  9:193 
Kelliaan,  ,  1:369 

Kellogg,  Aaron,  7:414;  13:639 
Kellogg,  Joseph,  1:405,  737-38,  739 
Kellogg,  Rev.  Martin,  1:234,  357-58;  9:93 
Kelly,   (Pownall  protege).  1:582-83 

Kelly,  ,  capt.,  6:234,  619,  620;  7:561,  562,  644,  649 

Kelly,  ,  lieut.,  Tenth  Regiment,  8:788,  795 

Kelly,  Barnabas,  12:1071n 
Kelly,  John: 


Sir  William  Johnson  Papers 

Johnson  (Guy)  land  grant  and,  11:121 

Johnson  (Warren)  visit  (1760),  13:184 

Wetherhead  marriage  to  daughter  of,  5:515,  565 
Kelly,  John,  clerkship  applicant,  4:642;  5:220,  224,  273 
Kellv,  William,  6:296;  13:90,  125 

accounts  (1758-59),  2:782-83;  3:8,  148,  156,  163,  178 

Bolderson  packet-boat  and,  3:290 

books  forwarded  by,  3 :  926 

Colden  partnership  dissolved  (1756),  2:463 

Cosby  lands  and,  3:608,  645 

on  Declaration  of  War  against  France,  2:504-506 

Gilliland  and,  4:123;  10:673 

invitation  to  Johnson  (1768),  6:266-67 

on  Johnson's  baronetcy,  2:462 

New  York  trade  agency  and,  7:925-26,  989 

orders  (1756),  2:473,  523 

on  "ready  money  trade,"  7:733-36,  851,  988-89,  990-92 

renewal  of  correspondence  (1767),  5:835;  6:14 

on  runaway  slave,  3:573,  588 

on  scarcity  of  merchandise,  2:466-67,  521 

on  taking  of  the  Manillas,  4:120 

wampum  order  to,  2:835 

on  West  Indian  expedition,  3:20 

See  also  Colden  and  Kelly 
Kelman,  Philip,  8:334 
Kemble  (Kimble),  Samuel,  capt.,  6:485;  7:190,  202,  208,  227-28,  1042 

shipwreck  in  Little  Egg  Harbour,  7:713,  718,  731 
Kempe,  John  Tabor: 

autograph,  4:a;v 

on  Canajoharie  claim  inquiry,  4:107-108,  117;  5:219 

clerk  recommended  by,  4:533;  11:346-47 

Cockburn  and,  8:516 

on  colonial  unrest,  6:561 

Cox  trade  loss  reimbursement  (1769),  12:702 

Deputy  Agent  recommended  by,  5:515 

on  ejectment  recourse,  3:880,  930,  946 

English  visit  (1767-1768),  5:706-707,  722-23,  739,  740,  763-64;  6:97-98,  219 

on  Tndian  legal  recourse,  11:950-51 

Johnson's  land  purchases  (1769),  6:649 

Kayaderosseras  patent  and,  4:422,  431,  701,  702,  744,  817-19,  838,  862-64; 
5:219,  281-85,  363;  11:742-43,  866-67,  886-89,  924-25,  948-51;  12:93-94, 

on  Klock  refusal  of  Canajoharie  release,  6:616,  635;  8:545-46;  12:365,  698 

on  Klock  trial,  3:907;  4:108-109,  112-15,  117-18,  669;  5:219,  740:  6:743- 
44;  10:457-58.  487-88,  541-42,  574-75,  641-43 

land  claims  of  wife's  family,  6:572-74 

land  purchases,  5:218-19,  453,  559;  7:499;  12:93 

Mohawk  claims  and,  7:122-25,  145,  164-66,  201-202;   12:232-33 

legal  fees,  4:66S-C,9,  700-701,  702;  5:219;  6:154;  7:560;  11:742-43 

liquor  trade  and,  3:976;  4:3,  23-24,  41,  45-46 

marriage  (1766),  12:03 

Marsh  lawsuit  (170.",  64)  and,  13:323 

Maybe  case,  4:850;  11:920-27,  950  51 

Ousterhout  trespass  suit  (1770)  bond,  13:496-97 

Roberts  and,  7:4S0,  915,  1014;   12:^sl' 

Schermerhorn  case,  5:45.". 

Sons  of  Liberty  an.].  12:L'K2-83 

on  Wappinger  claim  hearing,  5:515,  525;  10:495:  12:282 

Wetherhead  and,  5:564;  6:141  ;  7:304 
Kempe,  William,  l:523n,  70s 
Kendal,  Peter,  1:868 
Kendarondy,  see  Kindarunty 



Kendrick  (Mohawk),  9:645 

Kenedy,  Richard,  11:113 

Kenerick,  ,  3:889,  898 

Keney,  Enoch,  1:870 

Kenier,  ,  2:309 

Kennaday,  ,  3:290,  628 

Kennan,  Michael,  see  Karman,  Michael 

Kennebec  (Kinnebeek)  River,  1:434,  448;  4:812;  11:856 

Kennebeck  Treaty,  2:123 

Kennedy,  ,  trader  accompanying  Maisonville,  8:899,  905,  913 

Kennedy,  lieut.,  2:632,  633,  636;  9:362;  13:88 

Kennedy,  Archibald,  1:332,  532,  540,  558;  2:515,  565 

on  Indian  Affairs,  2:392 

on  Johnson's  baronetcy,  2:430 

New  York  Councilman,  1:452,  454,  463,  544,  558 

telescope  of,  1:586,  619;  2:392 
Kennedy,  Archibald,  Jr.,  capt. : 

Stamp  Act  and,  5:103 
Kennedy,  Quinton,  capt.,  3:128,  623;  9:494n,  644 

West  Indies  expedition,  3:594,  625,  684 
Kennedy,  William,  merchant,  3:348;  4:49 

accounts,  3:154,  169,  373;  8:454;  10:292 

chaise  delivery,  3:833,  869 

Claus  dealings  with,  3:360,  377,  381;  10:260 

horsemen's  tents  delivery  (1761),  3:421 
Kennedy's  Island  (Bedlow's  Island),  1:849 
Kentaign,  (Detroit  Frenchman),  10:986;  13:318,  320 

Kente,  see  Quinte 
Kentucky,  8:889n 
Kenunetion  Indians,  9:283 
Kenzego   (Kensago),  1:207,  223 
Keough,  see  Koch 
Keppel,  maj.  gen.,  3:881 

Keppel,  Augustus,  admiral,  1:626,  792 

Keppel,  George,  see  Albemarle,  George  Keppel,  third  Earl  of 
Kerlerec,  see  Billouart  de  Kelerec 
Kerr,  Dr.,  1:18,  26 
Kerr,  Robert  J.,  13  :xii 
Kessedy,  Edward,  7 :  990 
Kesslaer,  Jacob,  11:933-37 
Kettle  Creek.  12:963;  13:245 

Keyashuta  (Mingo  chief)  see  Kayashoton  (Seneca  chief) 
Kewaykishgum  (Ottawa  chief),  ll:273n 
Keyes,  Solomon,  capt.,  9:235 
Keyenqugto  (Seneca  chief ),  12:941-42 
Keyinatitchtha  (Shawnee  chief),  11:461 
Keylappame  (Delaware  chief),  11:456,  457 
Keysar,  Michael,  3:609,  650,  651,  737 
Keyssar,  John,  3:179 
Khotin,  7:285n 

Kiaenggwacauchdoone  (Seneca  chief),  11:591 
Kickapoos : 

Cherokee  hostilities  (1769),  12:689 

Croghan  captured   (1765)   by,  4:762«,  823-24.  825,  828,  830,  847;   11:837, 
839,  841,  845-46,  854-55,  872,  877,  884,  893,  904 

Shawnee  resentment  for  murdered  deputies,  5:201,  216;  12:8    40   48-49, 
79,  100-101  '         '  '       '  ' 

Croghan  conference  (July,  1765),  11:847-50 

Croghan  conference  (Aug.-Sept.,  1766),  13:414 

at  Detroit  Council  (1761),  3:475 

Fort  Chartres  scalpings,  8:178,  278,  337;  12:602-603 

Fort  Chartres  threat  (1770),  7:525;  12:813 


Sir  William  Johnson  Papers 

Fort  Chartres  threat  (1772),  8:551 

Hutehins  visit  (1762),  10:526-27,  528,  545 

Illinois  Indians  and,  8:225,  251,  661 

Iroquois  and,  8:225,  233 

peace  offers  (1765),  11:846,  847-50,  877,  900 

in  Miami  Confederacy,  4:245;  13:434n,  439m. 

numbers   (1771),  12:931 

Ottawa  Council  (1762),  10:534 

Pontiac  war  belts  (1765),  11:745 

Pottawatomies  and,  5:618;  6:729,  730 

prisoners  (1771),  8:278,  343,  453 

Scioto  Council  (1772)  and,  8:586 

Shawnee  Fort  Chartres  conference  (1772),  8:661 

Villiers  message  (1763),  10:S19-21 

warrior  numbers  (1773),  8:894,  896 

Western  Indian  conspiracy  (1771)  and,  8:7,  260 
Kiekhowa  (Onondaga),  7:981 
Kidney,  Mrs.  ,  8:352 

Kikiki,  6:121 

Kikiuskin  (Delaware),  3:208,  210 
Kilby,  Christopher,  2:505;  5:564;  6:164 
Killbuck  (Bemineo — Delaware  chief)  : 

Bouquet  and,  11:436,  482,  484 

Bradstreet  expedition  and,  11:650 

at  Chippewa  conference  (Johnson  Hall,  June,  1765),  11:782-83 

Croghan  expedition  (1765)  and,  11:628 

deputy  to  the  Peace  Treaty  (1765),  4:607,  649,  650,  664,  786;  11:459,  482, 
592,  593,  616,  617,  624-26,  661-62,  682,  768-69,  783,  831 

at  Fort  Stanwix  Congress  (1768),  12:628 

Negro  purchased  by  Stanwix,  6:113-14 

presents,  5:255,  256,  259;  13:261 

Squash  Cutter  interview,  11:657-58,  661 
Killingworth,  Connecticut,  4:456,  496;  11:255;  12:610 
Killmor,  Peter,  2:731 
Killmor,  William,  2:731 
Rimber,  E.,  cited,  3:ar 
Kimble,  Samuel,  see  Kemble,  Samuel 
Kincade,  Eleonor,  11:486 

Kindarundy   (Onondaga),  on  Montreal  expedition,  10:182;   13:178 
Kindaruntv   (Kavandegare — Oneida  sachem)  : 

Canadian  embassy  (1751),  9:80-81 

death  of  (1758),  10:32,  37,  39,  67,  69,  70,  74,  76 

at  Fort  Johnson  Iroquois  Congress  (1756),  9:361,  381 

Oswegatchie  mission  (1757),  9:832 

reinstatement  as  sachem  (1758),  9:884 
Kindarunty  (Blue  Cheeks— Chenussio)  : 

Croghan  and,  10:433 

death  (1762)  of,  3:914,  924;  10:559 

English  attack  plot  (1761),  3:630;  10:402 

at  Lancaster  Treaty  (1762),  3:874 

Southern  war  party  (1762),  3:693,  698,  732-33 
Kinder-hook,  1:109,  150,  170,  184,  253;  4:642;  6:210 

Claverack  Manor  and,  6:./-,  670,  678-80,  702  703;  7:23-24    101    ]p;  is    ^qq. 
67,  302-303,  326,  329-30,  368  69,  393  94  ;  12:319 
Assembly  on,  7:356,  359-61 
Dunmore  and,  8:84-85,  95-96;  12:905-906 
election  of  magistrates  (1772)  and,  8:449,  455,  462 
Johnson  exposition,  8:100-102 

district  division  (1772),  8:449-50,  589-90 

fortification  of,  1:920;  9:163 

Indian  lands,  2:372;  9:212;  10:599-601 

justice  of  the  peace  (1754),  9:136 




militia  recommendations  for  new  regiment  (1770),  7:418-19,  421-23,  445-47, 
448-52,  605-606,  643,  672-73,  674,  677-79,  709;  12:807 

patent  map,  7:360 

Eoad  Act  (1770)  and,  7:596 

town  meeting  place,  7:533 
King,  Yockem  Albright,  see  Gienke,  Jochim  Albrecht 
King,  (carpenter),  13:308-14passim 

King-  (New  England  man),  1:53 
King,  ensign,  3:474 

King,  eapt.,  1:436,  531;  2:87,  195 
King,  Thomas  (Tagaderiaghsera,  Oneida  chief,  Oquaga  resident)  : 

Bradstreet  expedition,  4:629;  11:369-72,  374,  402,  472,  504,  506-50S 

Canestio  expedition  (1764)  and,  4:336,  393 

Cherokees  and,  6:694;  9:957-60 

condolence  for  Johnson's  father,  10:771 

Conestoga  lands  and,  5:702 

Croghan  expedition  (1765),  11:537,  660 

Croghan  visit  (1770),  7:34 

death  of,  3:205n;  8:247-48,  318-19,  405,  441;  12:916n,  944,  999,  1019 

Delawares  captured  by,  4:365,  369;  11:108-109 

Easton  Council   (1758)   Iroquois  deed  and,  3:168;   10:44,  48 

Forbes  expedition  to  Port  Duquesne,  3:168 

Fort  Pitt  Conference  (1770),  7:1117,  1121,  1153;  8:35,  46 

Hardenbergh  patent  and,  6:761 

Harper  offers  (1767)  for  Oquaga  lands,  12:261,  331 

at  Harris  Ferry-Lancaster  meeting  (1757),  9:729,  737-38,  745,  746,  758 

illness  (1764),  11:181 

at  Iroquois-Cherokee  peace  treaty  (1768),  12:458 

at  Iroquois  Congress  (Fort  Johnson,  Sept.  1763),  10:847-51,  852-53 

at  Johnson  Hall  meeting  (Oct.  1763),  10:S96-97,  899-900 

at  Lancaster  Treaty  (1762),  10:533,  537-38,  552-53 

Merckel  board,  7:1044 

mission  for  the  Iroquois  (1771),  8:247,  259,  260,  261,  262,  278,  31S-19,  343, 
349,  405-408,  418,  441;  12:890,  916,  917 

on  Montreal  expedition,  10:182;  13:177 

at  Niagara  Congress  (1764),  11 :  317 

on  Oneida  threats  to  Johnson  (1763),  10:772 

at  Oquaga  conference  (Fort  Johnson,  May  1762),  10:443 

at  Oquaga  conference  (Johnson  Hall,  Feb.  1764),  11:38 

Pontiac  and,  4:552-54,  650 

recruitment  bv,  2:632;  9:806 

Scioto  Council  (1771)  and,  8:160,  190,  202,  220 

Scioto  message  (1768),  12:547 

at  Susquehanna  Indian  Congress  (Johnson  Hall,  Feb.  1764),  11:59-60,  61-63 

Susquehanna  settlement  and,  3:705,  940;  4:66;  10:665 

trade  and,  10:71 

Winslow  mistreatmont  (1757)  of,  9:704-705,  707-708 
Kingekoss,  1:253 
King  George's  War  (1744-1748),  1:25-219;  9:3-35 

Boston  expedition  against  Cape  Breton,  1:28,  30,  32,  33,  36,  39,  41,  52-53, 
57,  92,  209,  448;  9:4 

Crown  Point  expedition  (See  Crown  Point,  expedition   (1748)  against) 

Indian  provisions  (1747-50),  1:88,  90-92,  108-10,  278-79,  280-81,  899 

Iroquois  and,  1:54,  55,  59-65,  67-68,  73-81,  105-107,  164,  325,  327,  908-909 

Lake  Sacrament  expedition  proposal,  1:110,  112-15 

Mohawk  Council    (1748),  1:900-903 

Mohawks  ambushed  by  Caghnawagas,  1:146-51;  9:6 

neutrality  efforts  in,  1:86-88,  113 

Peace : 

Cessation  of  Arms  (1748),  1:178,  179,  181,  183-84,  185-86;  9:33-34 
expenses  of  Flags  of  Truce,  1:211-12,  313-14 
Preliminary  Articles  of,  1:209,  248 


Sir  William  Johnson  Papers 

Proclamation  of,  1:225,  226,  238;  13:10 

prisoners : 

English,  1:60-61,  Gin,  78,  80,  82-83,  87,  91-92,  94-96,  98,  125,  133,  137, 

138,  143,  174-75,  176,  339;  13:9,  145,  148,  153,  154,  156 
of  the  French,  1:162,  163,  167-68,  169,  174,  297,  395,  902 
exchange  of,  1:186-92,  207,  211-12,  213-15,  223-24,  226,  231-36,  241-42, 
247,  251-52,  254-56,  283-85,  905-906;   9:33-34,  36,  39,  41-42,  44,  45, 
46,  47-50,  59-60,  64-65,  74 

Schenectady  battle  (1748),  1 :  173-74 
King  of  Prussia  (vessel),  7:262;  8:5 

Claus  farm,  3:396;   4:540 

glebe,  10:250 

Johnson  will  and,  12:1066 

Kayaderosseras  and,  4:267 

Revolutionary  company  formation  in,  8:1207,  1210 

Road  Bill,  7:596 
Kingsbury,  (Kinsbury)  ,  maj.,  2:250,  334 

King's  College,  see  New  York  City,  King's  College 
King's  County,  New  York,  12:984 
King's  County,  Rhode  Island,  3:125 

Kingsland,  8:1010,  1202-1203;  12:1066n.  See  also  Canajoharie  patent 
Kingsley,  Jonathan,  1:868 
Kingston,  James  George  (artist),  13:xii 
Kingston,  Massachusetts,  10:887 
Kingston,  New  York: 

conference  with  Esopus  Indians,  1:15-16 

Corporation  petition  to  Johnson,  2:418-19 

Delaware  Conference,  3:566-69,  591 
Kingston,  Ontario,  l:288n;  10: In 
Kingstown,  Jamaica,  1:13 
Kingwaurauto  (Seneca),  7:1139,  1140 
Kinion,  Enoch,  4:757 

Kinisshikapoo   (Chippewa  chief),  11:772,  780-81 
Kinkead,  Crownidge,  7:326 
Kinne,  Rev.  Aaron,  12:145n 
Kinneer,  James,  oapt.,  maj.,  1:673,  750;  2:309n 
Kinor,  ,  7:731 

Kinsale  (ship),  1:41 

Kiokam  (Indian),  confession  of,  8:795-97 
Kiocuskcum  (Ottawa  chief),  11:273 
Kipimisaming,  (Delaware),  3:541-44 
Kipp,  George,  3:634;   10:248 
Kipp,  Stephen,  3:634;  10:248 
Kirkland  (Kirtland,  Krisland,  Thrisland),  Rev.  Samuel,  S:ix,  300,  744;  11:619 

almanac  request,  5:32 

autograph,  7  :xii 

baptismal  services  refused,  8:105 

at  Bradstreet  troop  return,  11:506 

Delaware  prisoner  exchange  and,  4:649 

German  Flats  trade  and,  8:629 

as  interpreter,  4:772 

on  Johnson  (Jacob)  behavior,  12:750 

Johnson  Hall  christenings  and,  5:391 

Johnson  Hall  visit    (1765),  13:331// 

New  England  Company  (Boston  Commissioners)  and,  8:229  31    232  282-83- 
12:912-13,  91S-19,  928,  929 

Niagara  mission  proposal,  5:149 

Oneida  influence  (1775),  8:1203 

Oneida  mission,  12:. IDS  99,  721-22,  748 

Oneida  petition  translation  (1770),  13:501 

Oneida  proposal  to  capture,  6:771  7."> 



Kirkland,  Eev.  Samuel, 
Onulisoekluh  and,  5:26 
portrait,  6:774 

Seneca  hostage  return  (1765),  4  :651 ;  11:591;  13:334 
Seneca  mission,  4:813;  8:1176;  12:26-27;  13:334 
Southern  Indian  schools  and,  5:343 
on  unfeeling  behavior  of  Indians,  4 :  768 
Wheelock  school  location  proposals,  12 :  145,  300 

Wheelock's  training  of,  3:557,  569;  4:572,  598,  701,  734;  10:344,  469-70; 
11:653,  741,  801 
Kirkman,  (London  politician),  8:203 

Kirkpatrick,  Rev.,  10:273 

Kirtland,  Rev.  Samuel,  see  Kirkland,  Rev.  Samuel 
Kisinoutha,  see  Keissnauch  (Shawnee  chief) 
Kiskuskees  (Delaware-Shawnee  village),  11:212 
Kissam,  Benjamin: 

Kayaderosseras  patent  and,  4:797,  845;  5:104-106,  214,  363,  549,  550,  562, 
630,  678-79;  6:83,  92,  173-74,  274;  11:852,  864n;  12:321 
Kitchener  (slave),  10:248 
Kitopum    (Delaware   chief),   at   Croghan   Fort  Pitt   conference    (May,   1765), 

Kittaning,  Pennsylvania : 

Armstrong  destruction  of,  5:616;  10:964«, 
Delaware  settlement,  2:443,  445;  9:740 

Pennsylvania  boundary   and,   6:211,   556;    7:65,   179;    8:852,   860,   882-84; 
12:493,  502,  520 
Kittaning  Falls,  10:692,  720 
Kittatinny  Mountains: 

in  Pennsylvania  deed  of  release  (1758),  10:44,  45,  47 

Walking'Purchase  and,  3:767,  809,  810,  813,  814,  815,  816,  817,  818,  839,  843 
Kittery  Point,  Maine,  l:437w 
Kitts,  Jacob,  3:357 

Kitts,  (Kitz),  Johannes  (Hance),  3:357;  12:1070;  13:514 
Kitty  (prisoner),  11:489 
Kiyogas,  see  Cayugas 
Klauw,  Francis,*4:298 
Klauw,  George,  4:297,  7:454 
Klebsattel,  Andreas,  2:486,  690;  11:933-37 
Klein  (Klyne),  Michael: 

gunsmith  accounts,  7:611-21,  626,  1004-13;  12:762,  921,  1121 
land  purchases,  13:377 
Klein  (Clin),  Philip  Heinrich,  3:220,  634;  6:771;  10:248;  12:819 
Kline,  John,  8:655 
Kling,  Johan  Ludwig,  8:334 
Klock  (Clock),  ,  8:1079 

Klock,  Adam,  7:723 
Klock  (Clock),  Annatie,  1:188 
Klock  (Clock),  Conrad,  4:312,  574;  5:565 
Klock  (Clock),  George  (Ury)  : 
accounts,  4:233-34,  622,  633 
Canajoharie  land  purchases: 

(1754),  1:421,  427-28,  438;  3:424 

Canajoharie  grant  to  Johnson  and,  3:296,  35S,  595-96,  615,  633;  5:237-38 
evidence  of  illegal  methods,  3:584-85,  602,  603-604,  606,  607,  610,  619-20, 
624,  641,  647,  648,  649-50,  652-53,  655,  943;  4:24,  42,  50-61,  78-80, 
84,  140-46,  196,  311-13;  6:224,  743-44;   10:619-22;  13:274-75 
sales  attempts  (1761),  10:216-17,  219-20,  227-29,  233,  336-39,  350 
sales  attempts  (1762),  10:365-67,  371-72,  442 
Indian  massacre  alarm  (1767),  12:333 
Indian  meeting  with   Johnson    (March   1763)    to   protest,   4:46,   50-61; 

Indian  migration  threat  (1766),  12:137,  167-68,  169 
Indian  refusal   (1761)   to  deal  with,  3:296ft 


Sir  William  Johnson  Papers 

license  (1761),  3:307-308,  312-14,  315,  328,  358,  419-20,  558,  573 
Livingston  patent  and,  3:339,  340-41,  352,  356,  364-65 
Livingston   patent   release   refusal,    5:492,   575;    6:616,   635;    8:686-87, 
702-70:;,  714,   1192-93,  1201;   10:927-29,  941;   11:611;   12:137,  365, 
Livingston  patent  tenant  ejectments,  3:562,  584-85,  645,  648,  649,  737- 
38,  739,  745,  880,  916,  945-46;   4:115-17;   5:219;   10:337,  457,  487, 
717;   12:93 
Magin  patent  and,  3:315,  374,  417,  424,  596,  617 
Mohawk  protests,  4:176-77;  8:938;  10:650-51 
Nelles  patent,  4:657;  5:311;  8:545-49 

purchase  attempts  (1766),  5:315;  12:139,  169,  183-84,  301 
trial  for  fraud,  3:650-51,  665-66,  672-74,  680,  726,  737-38,  739,  945;  4:3, 
24,  25,   29,  38,  42,  46,  108,   112-15,   117-18,   121,   131,   176-77,   669; 
5:219,   740;    6:224,  284,   743-44;   10:457-58,  487-88,  541-42,  571-75, 
641-43,  724,  756-57,  828,  897,  898-99;  12:496-97,  698,  702 
Canajoharie  sachems  on,  4:165-66,  596-97;  5:469;  12:137,  139 
Canajoharies    sent    to   England    (1764),   4:316-17,    325,    353;    8:935,    938, 

1008-1009;  11:36,  473,  522,  523 
Canajoharies  taken  to  England  (1773)  by,  8:935-36,  938,  951,  970-71,  1008- 

1009,  1060,  1116,  1160,  1192-93 
Duncan  suit,  4:845;  5:395,  515 

Duncan  survey  of  Canajoharie  grant  (1763)  and,  4:233-34,  633 
Hasenclever  and,  5:384 
Indian  councils  called  by,  12:184 
Johnson  Hall  Indian  friends  of,  10:900-901 

Johnson's  land  purchases  and,  3:289,  307-308,  312-14,  420;  4:573 
Lappius  and,  4:281;   10:799-800 
lumber  sales,  7:666 
Oneida  land  purchase,  5:400:  12:245 

petitions,  3:636;  4:276-77,  311-13;  6:284,  402-403;  12:333,  345-46 
soldier-Indian  intrigues  of,  10:338,  365 
son  of,  4:194 

wampum  messages  of,  8:1009 
Klock,  George,  Jr.,  4:194,  312,  596-97,  615;  11:473,  522,  523 

Canajoharie  survey,  8:545-46,  548 
Klock,  Ilanjoost,  see  Klock,  Johan  Jost 
Klock,  Hendrick,  2:835 
Klock,  Jacob: 

affidavits  against  brother  George,  3:943;  4:112,  145,  146;  10:621-22 
on  attempt  to  fine  George  Klock's  son,  4:194 
at  Canajoharie  meeting  (1763),  4:50,  61 
on  Cobus  Maybe,  4:645 
company  of,  4:175,  195;  7:455 
justice  appointment  lists,  3:622,  750;  12:768,  783 
liquor  supplied  (1762)  to  Indians,  13:275 
Markell-Barelett   dispute,  6:448-49 
petition  to  governor  (1767),  12:345 
Schuyler  mistreatment  of  Canajoharies  and,  5:56-58 
on  scouts,  4:192 

Tryon  County  General  Committee  (1775)  and,  8:1203,  1204,  1207 
as  witness  of  Indian  declaration  upholding  Livingston  patent,  3:963 
Klock,  Jacob  G.,  4:145 
Klock,  Johan  Jost  (TTanjoost)  : 

affidavits  againsl   brother  George,  3:606;  4:112,  145    146-  10:621-22 
Tryon  County  General  Committee,  8:1207 
Klock  and  Nellus  patent,  12:1066 
Klyne,  see  Klein 
Knafe,  Hance,  3:157 
Knafe,  Jacob,  Jr.,  3:357 
Knafe,  John,  3:357 
Kneckerbackcr,  Harmen,  capt.,  5:363 



Kneeland,  Ebenezer,  7:170 

Kneller,  Henry,  7:930-32,  948,  950-51,  952,  958,  960;  13:62-4 
Kniekabecker,  (of  Scliaghticoke),  12:811 

Knickerbacker,  Joliannis,  12:784 
Knight,  Giles,  3:799,  846 
Kniskern,  Johannes,  8:466-67 
Knockepot,  Robert,  10:930 
Knowles,  capt.,  3:644 

Knowles,  Sir  Charles,  admiral,  1:52,  116,  118,  119;  2:451 
biographical  sketch,  119n 

Knox,  capt.  (skipper),  1:37,  250-51,  302 

Knox,  Jean,  11:490 

Knox,  John,  4:280 

Knox,   John,   capt.,   Historical  Journal   of   the   Campaigns  in  America,  6:733 

Knox,  John,  trader,  Oswegatchie  trade  pass  (1761),  13:273 

Knox,  John,  Schenectady  petition  (1771),  13:503 

Knox,  Joseph,  4:299,  353;  11:19 

Knox,  Mary,  11:490 

Knox,  Robert,  11:488 

Knox,  Susana,  11:490 

Knox,  William  (Germaine's  secretary),  13:728,  730 

Knox,  William  (sutler),  13:231 

Koasdaess,  12:323 

Koch  (Kock),  Casper  (Gaspar),  7:343;  12:1000 

Koch  (Cuck,  Kough),  George,  7:892;  8:839 

Koch,  Mathew,  see  Kough,  Mathew 

Koch,  Rudolph,  7:341-43;  12:761,  925 

Koghnot,  John  Everhart.,  3:357 

Koglmot,  John  Everhart,  Jr.,  3:357 

Kokhkewenaunaut,  Benjamin  (Stockbridge  Indian),  4:892 

Massachusetts  land  sales,  10:429-30 

recruitment  of  Stockbridge  Indians  (1764),  11:99-100 
Konoghsoghta  (Canadasaga  chief),  Shaw-nee  appeal,  13:669 
Kool  (Cowl— Cherokee  Indian),  2:846,  849,  858-59 
Koose  (Couse,  Kose),  Frederick,  7:352,  1088 

wheat  orders,  7:661 
Korihonti  (Niagara  chief),  10:893 
Kortz,  Frederick,  capt.,  5:556 
Koskhaho  (Onondaga),  10:182;  13:178 
Koto  (Missisauga),  8:287 
Kough,  George,  see  Koch,  George 
Kough  (Cook),  Mathew,  7:352,  1088-S9;  12:394 
Kouita  Indians,  9:573 
Kowehe,  see  Goweah  (Oneida  chief) 
Kowenhoven,  Fran,  3 :  926 
Koyse,  Thomas,  6:61 
Krausz,  ,  8:333 

Kray,  Joseph,  4:165 
Kreiselin,  Adam,  6:241 
Krems,  ,8:333 

Krems,  Peter,  5:568;  7:214 
Kreuser,  C,  see  Keiuser,  C. 
Kreutz,  George,  7:865 
Kriuuser,  C,  see  Keiuser,  C. 
Kuankikee  River,  12:585 
Kuhn,  Adam  Simon,  5:339,  342 
Kunersdorf,  battle  of,  3:2S4n 
Kyssinauta,  see  Keissnauch  (Shawnee  chief) 
La  Baye,  see  Green  Bay,  Wisconsin 
La  Belle  Riviere,  see  Ohio  River 
Labadee,  ,  Jr.,  10  :  693 


Sir  William  Johnson  Papers 

Labeff,  ,  French  arms  trade,  11:219 

La  Biche,  Fort,  6:52;  13:448 

Labrador,  10:978,  979 

La  Bute,  Pierre  (Peter)  Chesne: 

English  lovalty,  5:703,  730 

at  Niagara-Detroit  Congress  (1761),  3:472,  474,  523;  13:251,  253,  256,  258 

Ottawas  warned  against  English  (1765),  4:673 

at  Pond  murder  confession,  8:795 

Pontiac  and,  5:671-72,  675;  13:318-19 

Rogers  and,  12:480 

salary,  4:708;  5:264,  382,  516,  677,  703;  6:300;  12:642,  643n;  13:389 
La  Chauirgre,  ,  lieut.,  13:115 

La  Chine: 

Claus  visit  (1767),  13:430 

Claus  visit  (1770),  7:896,  958 

Claus  visit  (1773),  12:1026-29;  13:621-22 

location,  10:247;  13:450 

rapids  piloting  privileges,  13:623 
Lac  de  deux  Montagnes,  3 :  240n 

Lackawaxen  (Lechawaesein)  Creek,  6:557;  10:531w,  532 
Lacey,  ,  .tgt.,  3:104 

La  Chauvignerie,  .Marie  de,  see  Paran,  Marie  de  Laehovignerie 
La  Cled,  (house  near  Fort  Chartres),  12:171 

Lacont,  surgeon  duty,  3:76 
La  Conte,  Lewis,  4  :670,  677-79 
La  Come,  Pierre  de  Chapt,  Chevalier  de,  3:134-35 

death  of,  3:050 
La  Come  St.  Luc,  Luc  de  Chap!  de: 

account  (1771),  13:711 

Amherst  present  disbursement  and,  10:189 

Augusta  losses,  3:644,  650,  735,  895,  917-18 

Campbell  management  of  Indian  Affairs  and,  12:1114 

Chew  and,  1:204 

Ghippewas  and,  8:212-13,  501-502 

Claus  draft,  7:186 

on  colonial  administration  of  trade,  6:302-303 

Crown  Point  French  command  (1747),  1:101 

daughter's  marriage,  3:404 

horses  and,  3:321,  348,  355,  375,  380,  820-21;  8:211 

Iroquois  plot  rumors  (1762)  and,  10:422,  423,  424,  425 

Johnson   (Peter)   schooling  and,  12:101.", 

Massy  and,  12:16.". 

Michilimackinac  visit  (17731,8:841;  12:1027 

New  York  visit  (1760),  3:283,  291 

Okeawess  and,  7:947 

Ottawas  and,  3:284;  7:898 

religious  conversion,  8:211 

return  to  France,  3:546;  10:423,  425 

Shawnee  threats  (1774)  and.  13:682 

Ticonderoga  command   (1755),  2:398 

trial  in  Walker  affair.  5:471 

war  belts  (1772-73)  attributed  to,  8:501-502,  551,  561-62,  587,  592;  13:630 
Lacquis,  William  (Indian),  2:452,  453,  ».~l 
La  Dematis,  ,  12:264 

r.n  Duzette,  James,  10:822 
Lafayette,  Indiana,  set  Ouiatonon 
Laffler,  Martin,  12:1072 
La  Fontaine,  ,  2:20,  22 

La  Force  (Ottawa  chief),  12:491,  492 

Michilimackinac  speech  (Aug.,  1768),  6:318-49 

Roberts  and,  5:714-15,  764 
La  Force  (Frenchman,  interpreter),  9:557,  611,  620;  11:932-63;   12:646 



La  Force   (interpreter), 

Albany  escape,  2:746-47,  748;  9:830-31 
Canadian  invitation  (1757),  9:721 
French  information  (1758),  9:907,  915-16 
Missisauga  trade,  4:212;  10:861 
Washington  and,  9:155 
La  Gallette,  Fort,  10:126m;  ll:353n 
Fort  Levis  surrender  (1760),  13:170 
French  fortification,  2:564;  3:121,  133-35,  223-24 
French  troops  at,  2:12,  857;  13:150 
English  deserters  in,  13:133 

English  expedition  plans   (1759)   against,  13:120,  122-24,  124-25,  126,  127, 
129,  133 
Gage  abandonment  of,  3:141;   10:126,  129-30;   13:136-37,  139-40,  141, 

143-44,  145-46,  147,  148,  150,  154-55 
Iroquois  attitudes  toward,  13:133-34,  138,  139,  140-41,  151 
Kass  map,  10:246 

Niagara  expedition  (1759)  and,  3:38,  39,  176 
Niagara  provisions  (1761),  13:268 

scouts   at,   3:963;    10:141-42;    13:127,   132-33,   138,   140-42,   148,   149,   152, 
153,  154,  170 
La  Gallette  (Indian  village),  10:126^;  ll:353?i 
La  Gauterais,  Harpain  de,  see  Gauterais,  Harpain  de  la 
Lagonnier,  ,  4:670-71,  677 

La  Grandeur,  ,  sgt.,